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Cougar Movements in a Fragmented Landscape: Effects of Behavior, Humans, and Prey, David C. Stoner and Thomas C. Edwards Jr.; California Connectivity Forum
Climate Effects on Ungulate Abundance Migration, and Habitat Selction on the Colorado Plateau, David C. Stoner, Thomas C. Edwards Jr., Kirsten E. Ironside, David J. Mattson, Jyoteshwar Nagol, and Joseph O. Sexton; NASA Biodiversity and Ecological Forecasting Team Meeting
Predation-Forage Trade-offs in Anthropogenic Landscapes: Behavioral Response of Cougar to Human Activities, David C. Stoner and Michael L. Wolfe; Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society
Estimating carnivoran diets using a combination of carcass observations and scats from GPS clusters, C. J. Tambling, S. D. Laurence, S. E. Bellan, E. Z. Cameron, Johan T. du Toit, and W. M. Getz; Journal of Zoology
Lessons on the Relationship Between Livestock Husbandry and Biodeversity from the Kenya Long-Term Exclosure Experiment (KLEE), Kari E. Veblen; Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice
Savanna glade hotspots: plant community development and synergy with large herbivores, Kari E. Veblen; Journal of Arid Environments
Compuestos Secundarios en Plantas, Endoparásitos y Automedicación en Ruminates, Juan J. Villalba; Ethnoveterinary Symposium
Funciones Fundamentales de los Compuestos Secundarios: Mejorando la Salud de Suelos, Plantas, Herbívoros y Personas a Través de la Biodiversidad Bioquímica Vegetal, Juan J. Villalba; VI National Meeting on Silvopastoral Systems
Linking Plant Chemistry and Herbivore Health, Juan J. Villalba; NCERA 214 Sheep Research Meeting
Una Explicacion Functional del Comportamiento Ingestive de Ruminates, Juan J. Villalba; Ranching Technical Meetings
Using New Knowledge on Grazing Behavior to Control Medusahead in the Western US, Juan J. Villalba; Principal Investigator Meeting. Society for Range Management Meetings. 65th Annual Meeting
Using new Knowledge on Grazing Behavior to Manage Weeds and Health in Ruminants, Juan J. Villalba; USU Extension Video Cast Seminar Series
Eating a High Fiber Diet During Pregnancy Increases Intake and Digestibility of a High Fiber Diet by Offspring in Cattle, Randy D. Wiedmeier, J. J. Villalba, A. Summers, and Frederick D. Provenza; Animal Feed Science and Technology
Climate and density-dependent drivers of recruitment in plains bison, Michael L. Wolfe; Journal of Mammalogy
Human and climate influences on frequent fire in a high-elevation tropical forest, Larissa L. Yocom Kent and Peter Z. Fule; Journal of Applied Ecology
Climate and land-use drivers of historical fires in northern Mexico, Larissa L. Yocom Kent, Peter Z. Fule, D. A. Falk, P. M. Brown, J. Villanueva-Diaz, J. Cerano, E. Cornejo-Oviedo, and C. Cortes Montano; Association for Fire Ecology International Congress
Climate and land-use drivers of historical fires in northern Mexico, Larissa L. Yocom Kent, Peter Z. Fule, D. A. Falk, P. M. Brown, J. Villanueva-Diaz, J. Cerano, E. Cornejo-Oviedo, and C. Cortes Montano; Association for Fire Ecology regional meeting, Santa Fe
Effectiveness of Theobromine and Caffeine Mixtures in Coyote Lure Operative Devices as a Predacide: A Simulated Field Study, Julie K. Young; Sheep and Goat Research Journal
Use of a deslorelin implant to induce estrus in coyotes (Canis latrans), Julie K. Young, B. W. Christensen, C. S. Asa, and C. Wang; Reproduction in Domestic Animals
Estimates of Energy and Prey Requirements of Wolverines, Julie K. Young, Brian Hudgens, and David K. Garcelon; Northwest Science
What Do We Know? A Literature Review of the Eastern Coyote, Julie K. Young, Lauren L. Mastro, Eric M. Gese, and John A. Shvik; Proceedings of the 14th WDM Conference
Modeling Connectivity of Black Bears in a Desert Sky Island Archipelago, T. Atwood, Julie K. Young, J. Beckmann, Stewart W. Breck, J. Fike, O. Rhodes, and K. Bristow; Biological Conservation
Pathways for positive cattle-wildlife interactions in semi-arid rangelands, D. J. Augustine, Kari E. Veblen, J. R. Goheen, C. Riginos, and T. P. Young; Conserving Wildlife in African Landscapes: Kenya’s Ewaso Ecosystem
Hair of the Dog: Obtaining Samples From Coyotes and Wolves Noninvasively, D. E. Ausband, Julie K. Young, B. Fannin, M. S. Mitchell, J. L. Stenglein, and J. A. Shivik; Wildlife Society Bulletin
Linking Rates of Diffusion and Consumption in Relationto Resources, Tal Avgar, Daniel Kuefler, and John M. Fryxell; The American Naturalist
Interactions Between Mild Protein Unbalance and Taste Preference in Young Ruminants, A. Bach, Juan J. Villalba, and Ignacio R. Ipharraguerre; American Society of Animal Science, American Dairy Science Association 2011 Annual Meetings
Interactions Between Nutrient Supply and Dietary Flavors on Diet Selection by Lambs, A. Bach, Juan J. Villalba, and Ignacio R. Ipharraguerre; American Society of Animal Science, American Dairy Science Association 2011 Annual Meetings
Global Change at Local Scales: Examples From Invasions and Climate Change, Karen H. Beard; Global Change at Local Scales: Examples From Invasions and Climate Change
Invasive Species Management: The Coqui Frog Invasion in Hawaii: Impacts and Management, Karen H. Beard, Ryan T. Choi, H. Sin, and W. C. Pitt; Invasive Species Management: The Coqui Frog Invasive in Hawaii: Impacts and Management
Fewer Larger Precipitation Events Increase Infiltration and Root Growth But Not Aboveground Production of Trees or Grasses in a Subtropical Savanna, Karen H. Beard and Andrew Kulmatiski; Fewer Larger Precipitation Events Increase Infiltration and Root Growth But Not Aboveground Production of Trees or Grasses in a Subtropical Savanna
Biology and Impacts of Pacific Island Invasive Species: 8. Eleutherodactylus planirostris, the Greenhouse Frog (Anura: Eleutherodactylidae), Karen H. Beard, Christina A. Olson, and William C. Pitt; Pacific Science
Walnuts in the Home Orchard, Taun Beddes, Marison Murray, Michael R. Kuhns, and Jerry Godspeed
Hazelnuts in the Home Orchard, Taun Beddes, Steve Renquist, Michael R. Kuhns, and Michael Pace
Genetic architecture and phenotypic plasticity of thermally-regulated traits in an eruptive species, Dendroctonus ponderosae, B. J. Bentz, Ryan R. Bracewell, Karen E. Mock, and Michael E. Pfrender; Evolutionary Ecology
Landscape Ecology and Genetics Short Course, John A. Bissonette; University of Lisbon, Portugal
Cryptic Postzygotic Isolation in an Eruptive Species of Bark Beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae), Ryan R. Bracewell, Michael E. Pfrender, Karen E. Mock, and Barbara J. Bentz; Evolution
Effects of Large-Scale Removal of Coyotes on Pronghorn and Mule Deer Productivity and Abundance, Dylan E. Brown and Michael R. Conover; The Journal of Wildlife Management
Palatability - more than a metter of taste, Elizabeth A. Burritt; Utah State University Extension
Understanding and Using Livestock Behavior, Elizabeth A. Burritt; Proceedings of the 2011 Cattleman's College, Department of Animal Sciences, University of Arizona,
What Makes an Animal Choose a Forage, Elizabeth A. Burritt and Frederick D. Provenza; Proceedings of the 2011 Cattlemen's College, Department of Animal Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Disease, Population viability, and recovery of endangered Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep, Maya L. Cahn, Mary M. Conner, Oswald J. Schmitz, Thomas R. Stephenson, John D. Wehausen, and Heather E. Johnson; Journal of Wildlife Management
Drivers of age-specificsurvival in a long-lived seabird: contributions of observed and hidden sources ofheterogeneity, E. Cam, David N. Koons, J. Y. Monnat, S. Pavard, and Lise M. Aubry; Journal of Animal Ecology
Factors Influencing the Ecology of Greater Sage-Grouse on the Bear Lake Valley, Utah- Idaho Current Research Progress and Future Research Plans, C. Cardinal and Terry A. Messmer
Cereal Type in Diet and Housing System Influences on Growth Performance and Carcass Yield in Two Japanese Quail Genotypes, D. Cardoso, AZM Salem, Frederick D. Provenza, R. Rojo, L. M. Camacho, and D. G. Satterlee; Animal Feed Science and Technology
Alimentary Diversity in Early Life and Food Neophobia in Sheep, Francisco Catanese, Juan J. Villalba, and Roberto A. Distel; First Joint Meeting American Society of Animal Science - Argentinean Association of Animal Production
A locus-wide approach to assessing variation in the avian MHC: the B-locus of the wild turkey, L. D. Chaves, G. M. Faile, J. A. Hendrickson, Karen E. Mock, and K. M. Reed; Heredity
Population Growth and Movements of Canada Geese in New Haven, Connecticut During a 25-Year History, Michael R. Conover; Waterbirds
Compensatory versusadditive mortality in lesser snow geese: implications for population control, E. G. Cooch, R. F. Rockwell, David N. Koons, and Lise M. Aubry; 12th North American Arctic Goose Conference
Modeling Effects of Environmental Change on Wolf Population Dynamics, Trait Evolution, and Life History, Tim Coulson, Daniel R. MacNulty, Daniel R. Stahler, Bridgett vonHoldt, Robert K. Wayne, and Douglas W. Smith; Science
Climate Influences the Demography of Three Dominant Sagebrush Steppe Plants, Harmony Dalgleish, David N. Koons, Melvin Hooten, Corey Moffet, and Peter B. Adler; Ecology
Spruce Health in Utah Landscapes, R. S. Davis and Michael R. Kuhns
Combining dendrochronology data and thedisturbance index to assess Engelmann spruce mortality caused by a spruce beetle outbreak insouthern Utah, USA, R. Justin DeRose, James N. Long, and R. Douglas Ramsey; Remote Sensing of Environment
Validation Results: Utah and Western Sierra Variants of the Forest Vegetation Simulator, R. Justin DeRose, John D. Shaw, and James N. Long
Coexisting with cattle, Johan T. du Toit; Science
Anthro Mountain Greater Sage- grouse Population, O. Duvuvuei and Terry A. Messmer
Stand development and population dynamics of curlleafmountain mahogany (Cercocarpus ledifolius Nutt.) woodlands in Utah’s Bear River Mountains, S. A. Ex, R. Justin DeRose, and James N. Long; Western Journal of Applied Forestry
Effects of Condensed Tannins on Sheep Supplementation, H. T. Fernández, Francisco Catanese, G. Puthod, Roberto A. Distel, and Juan J. Villalba; First Joint Meeting American Society of Animal Science - Argentinean Association of Animal Production
Human Disturbance Influences Reproductive Success and Growth Rate in California Sea Lions (Zalophus californianus), S. S. French, M. Gonzalez-Suarez, Julie K. Young, and L. R. Gerber; PLoS ONE
Greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) habitat selection and use patterns in response to vegetation management practices in Western Box Elder County, Utah, S. Graham and Terry A. Messmer
Assessment of Human-Coyote Conflicts: City and County of Broomfield, Colorado, Stan Grant, Julie K. Young, and Seth Riley
Time constraints intemperate-breeding species: influence of growing season length on reproductivestrategies, K. E.B. Gurney, R. G. Clark, S. M. Slattery, N. V. Smith-Downey, J. Walker, S. E. Stephens, M. Petrula, R. M. Corcoran, K. H. Martin, K. A. DeGroot, R. W. Brook, A. D. Afton, K. Cutting, J. M. Warren, M. Fournier, and David N. Koons; Ecography
Effects of prescribed fires on young valley oak trees at a research restoration site in the Central Valley of California, K. A. Holmes, Kari E. Veblen, T. P. Young, and A. M. Berry; Restoration Ecology
Effects of boom-bust nesting success on common eider population dynamics: Inferences from a long-term study in La Pérouse Bay, Manitoba, Canada, David T. Iles, David N. Koons, and R. F. Rockwell; 4th International Sea Duck Conference
Preference for Condensed Tannins by Sheep in Response to Challenge Infection with Haemonchus Contortus, J. Juhnke, James Miller, Frederick D. Provenza, Jeffery O. Hall, and Juan J. Villalba; American Society of Animal Science, American Dairy Science Association 2011 Annual Meetings
Resource Availability and Invasive Coqui Frog (Eleutherodactylus coqui) Density in Hawaii, Emily A. Kalnicky, Karen H. Beard, and Mark W. Brunson; Resource Availability and Invasive Coqui Frog (Eleutherodactylus coqui) Density in Hawaii
Microhabitat Selection for Nesting and Brood-Rearing by the Greater Sage-Grouse in Xeric Big Sagebrush, Christopher P. Kirol, Jeffrey L. Beck, Jonathan B. Dinkins, and Michael R. Conover; Condor
The implications of metapopulationdynamics for the management of mid-continent lesser snow geese, David N. Koons, R. F. Rockwell, and Lise M. Aubry; 12th North American Arctic Goose Conference
Rotifer Population Spread in Relation to Food, Densityand Predation Risk in an Experimental System, Daniel Kuefler, Tal Avgar, and John M. Fryxell; Journal of Animal Ecology
A Word From Our President…ANREP Website Review, Michael R. Kuhns; ArborEssence, UCFC/Utah-ISA Newsletter
Natural Resources Extension Programs and Impacts: Forest & Range Management, Michael R. Kuhns
Natural Resources Extension Programs and Impacts: Natural Resources and Business, Michael R. Kuhns
Natural Resources Extension Programs and Impacts: Natural Resources Education, Michael R. Kuhns
Natural Resources Extension Programs and Impacts: Sustainable Living, Michael R. Kuhns
Natural Resources Extension Programs and Impacts: Water Issues, Michael R. Kuhns
Natural Resources Extension Programs and Impacts: Wildfire Safety, Michael R. Kuhns
Natural Resources Extension Programs and Impacts: Wildlife and Fisheries, Michael R. Kuhns
Planting Trees for Energy Efficiency, Michael R. Kuhns
Restoring the West, Michael R. Kuhns; Southern Utah Biomass Newsletter
Selecting Firewise Plants, Michael R. Kuhns
Should You Remove Root Ball Packing Materials at Planting Time?, Michael R. Kuhns; ArborEssence, UCFC/Utah-ISA Newsletter
They Are Supposed to be Evergreen - Not Brown!, Michael R. Kuhns; ArborEssence, UCFC/Utah-ISA Newsletter
Long-Term Plant Growth Legacies Overshadow Short-Term Plant Growth, Andrew Kulmatiski and Karen H. Beard; Soil Biology and Biochemistry
Testing Predictions of a Three-Species Plant-Soil Feedback Model, Andrew Kulmatiski and Karen H. Beard; Testing Predictions of a Three-Species Plant-Soil Feedback Model
Savanna Structure With Climate Change: Results from a Precipitation Manipulation Experiment, Andrew Kulmatiski, Karen H. Beard, and M. Mazzacavallo; Savanna Structure With Climate Change: Results From a Precipitation Manipulation Experiment
Testing Predictions of a Three-Species Plant-Soil Feedback Model, Andrew Kulmatiski, J. Heavilin, and Karen H. Beard; Journal of Ecology
Male and female aggression: lessons from sex, rank, age, and injury in olive baboons, Holly A. MacCormic, Daniel R. MacNulty, Anna L. Bosacker, Clarence Lehman, Andrea Bailey, D. Anthony Collins, and Craig Packer; Behavioral Ecology
Nonlinear effects of group size on the success of wolves hunting elk, Daniel R. MacNulty, Douglas W. Smith, L. David Mech, John A. Vucetich, and Craig Packer; Behavioral Ecology
EAGLES Manual, Kezia R. Manlove, Daniel Weiss, and Jennifer Sheldon
Integrating harvest & habitat management for North American waterfowl: a prototype for northern pintail, B. J. Mattsson, M. C. Runge, J. H. Devries, G. S. Boomer, J. M. Eadie, D. A. Haukos, J. P. Fleskes, David N. Koons, W. E. Thogmartin, and R. G. Clark; TWS 18th Annual Conference
Effects of Resource Availability and Propagule Supply on Native Species Recruitment in Sagebrush Ecosystem Invaded by Bromus tectorum, M. B. Mazzola, J. C. Chambers, R. R. Blank, D. A. Pyke, Eugene W. Schupp, K. G. Allcock, P. S. Doescher, and R. S. Nowak; Biological Invasion
Protocols for Investigating the Effects of Tall Structure on Sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus), Terry A. Messmer
Utah Adaptive Resources Management Greater Sage- Grouse Local working Groups 2010-2011 Accomplishment Report, Terry A. Messmer, T. Black, Shandra Nicole Frey, S. Lupis, and R. Hart
Cougar Prey Composition and Predation Rate in Central-Utah, D. Mitchell, Michael L. Wolfe, and David C. Stoner; 10th Mountain Lion Workshop
Proceedings- Threats to Shrubland Ecosystem Integrity, Thomas A. Monaco, Eugene W. Schupp, R. L. Pendleton, S. G. Kitchen, and P. K. Palacios; Threats to Shrubland Ecosystem Integrity
Timing of seasonal migration in mule deer: effects of climate, plant phenology, andlife-history characteristics, Kevin L. Monteith, Vernon C. Bleich, Thomas R. Stephenson, Becky M. Pierce, Mary M. Conner, Robert W. Klaver, and R. Terry Bowyer; Ecological Society of America
November 2010 Freeze Injured Tender Trees, M. Murray and Michael R. Kuhns; Utah Pests News, Summer 2011
Clinal Variation in Calls of Native and Introduced Populations of Eleutherodactylus coqui, Eric M. O'Neill and Karen H. Beard; Copeia
Global Patterns of Leaf Mechanical Properties, Yusuke Onoda, Mark Westoby, Peter B. Adler, Amy M.F. Choong, Fiona J. Clissold, Johannes H.C. Cornelissen, Sandra Díaz, Nathaniel J. Dominy, Alison Elgart, Lucas Enrico, Paul V.A. Fine Fine, Jerome J. Howard, Adel Jalili, Kaoru Kitajima, Hiroko Kurokawa, Clare McArthur, Peter W. Lucas, Lars Markesteijn, Natalia Pérez-Harguindeguy, Lourens Poorter, Lora Richards, Louis S. Santiago, Enio E. Sosinski Jr., Sunshine A. Van Bael, David I. Warton, Ian J. Wright, S. Joseph Wright, and Nayuta Yamashita; Ecology Letters
Past and present impacts of habitat degradation by lesser snow geese on avian communities along the Hudson Bay lowlands, S. L. Peterson, R. F. Rockwell, and David N. Koons; 12th North American Arctic Goose Conference
Effects ofGnRH Immunization on Reproduction and Behavior in Female Rocky Mountain Elk (Cervus elaphusnelsoni), Jenny G. Powers, Dan L. Baker, Tracy L. Davis, Mary M. Conner, Anneke H. Lothridge, and Terry M. Nett; Biology of Reproduction