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Learning and Diet Selection in Ruminants: Central Idea and Applications, Juan J. Villalba; Universidad Auntonoma de Barcelona

Linking Plant Chemistry and Herbivore Health, Juan J. Villalba; The 4th Annual Inter-Mountain Dairy Sheep Association Meeting

Respuesta a la Interacción de Alcaloides, Taninos y Saponinas en la Dieta de los Animales, Juan J. Villalba; IV Meetings on Animal Nutrition "Dr. Salomón Molerés"

The Dynamic Relationship Between Flavors, Nutrients and Plant Secondary Compounds on Foraging Decisions By Herbivores, Juan J. Villalba; Second International Grazing Behaviour Workshop

Meeting Horticulture Clientele Interests in an Urban Setting: A Needs Assessment for Reduced Pesticide and Pollinator Education in the Greater Salt Lake Area, K. Wagner and Michael R. Kuhns; J. National Assn. County Ag. Agents


Survival of Juvenile Ferruginous Hawks in Utah, Johanna M. Ward and Michael R. Conover; Journal of Raptor Research


Dispersal behaviour of a polygynous carnivore: do cougars Puma concolor follow source-sink predictions?, Michael L. Wolfe, David C. Stoner, Clint Mecham, McLain B. Mecham, Susan L. Durham, and David M. Choate; Wildlife Biology


De facto refugia, ecological traps and the biogeography of anthropogenic cougar mortality in Utah, Michael L. Wolfe, David C. Stoner, Wendy R. Rieth, Kevin D. Bunnell, Susan L. Durham, and Lisa L. Stoner; Diversity and Distribution

Fuel treatment longevity: a summary of the science. Working Papers in Southwestern Ponderosa Pine Forest Restoration #27, Larissa L. Yocom Kent; Northern Arizona University

Historical mixed-severity fire in high-elevation conifer forest, Larissa L. Yocom Kent, Peter Z. Fule, W. A. Bunn, and E. Gdula; Conference of Science and Management on the Colorado Plateau

Historical mixed-severity fire in high-elevation conifer forest, Larissa L. Yocom Kent, Peter Z. Fule, W. A. Bunn, and E. Gdula; AmeriDendro Conference


Fine-scale factors influence fire regimes in mixed-conifer forests on three high mountains in Mexico, Larissa L. Yocom Kent, Peter Z. Fule `, Donald A. Falk, Celia Garcia-Dominguez, Eladio Cornejo-Oviedo, Peter M. Brown, Jose Villanueva-Diaz, Julian Cerano, and Citlali Corte Montano; International Journal of Wildland Fire


Factors affecting survival and cause-specific mortality of saiga calves in Mongolia, Julie K. Young, Bayarbaatar Buuveibaatar, Joel J. Berger, and Amanda E. Fine; Journal of Mammalogy


Changes in grouping patterns of saiga antelope in relation to intrinsic and environmental factors in Mongolia, Julie K. Young, B Buuveibaatar, T. K. Fuller, A. E. Fine, B. Chimeddorj, and J. Berger; Journal of Zoology


Anthropogenic and physiologically induced stress responses in captive coyotes, Julie K. Young, Christopher J. Schell, Elizabeth V. Lonsdorf, and Rachel M. Santymire; Journal of Mammalogy



Environmental and Individual Drivers ofAnimal Movement Patterns Across a Wide Geographical Gradient, Tal Avgar, Anna A. Mosser, Glen S. Brown, and John M. Fryxell; Journal of Animal Ecology


Introduction, Establishment, and Spread: 50 Years of Invasion Ecology Since Elton, Karen H. Beard and Andrew Kulmatiski; Ecology

The Two-Layer Hypothesis is Dead: Long Live the Two-Layer Hypothesis, Karen H. Beard, Andrew Kulmatiski, and M. Mazzacacallo; The Two-Layer Hypothesis is Dead: Long Live the Two-Layer Hypothesis

Founder Effects Haven't Quieted Them Down: The Coqui Frog Invasion in Hawaii. Insights From Invasions: Using Exotic Amphibians and Reptiles to Study Ecological and Evolutionary Processes, Karen H. Beard and Eric M. O'Neill; Founder Effects Haven't Quieted Them Down: the Coqui Frog Invasion in Hawaii. Insights From Invasions: Using Exotic Amphibians and Reptiles to Study Ecological and Evolutionary Processes

Chapter 26: Caribbean Tree Frog (Eleutherodactylus coqui), Karen H. Beard and W. C. Pitt; Handbook of Global Freshwater Invasive Species


The Glass is Half-Full: Overestimating the Quality of a Novel Environment is Advantageous, Oded Berger-Tal and Tal Avgar; PLoS ONE

Drivers of Landscape Change, John A. Bissonette; Fubright, University of Lisbon

Landscape Ecology Workshop, John A. Bissonette; Fubright, University of Lisbon

Landscape Metrics: Understanding Larger Scale Measurement, John A. Bissonette; Fubright, University of Lisbon

New Developments in Fragmentation Research: Partitioning Habitat Loss From Habitat Configuration, John A. Bissonette; University of Lisbon, Portugal

Roaded Landscapes: foundation Concepts and Practical Approaches, John A. Bissonette; Open University of Cyprus

Understanding the Natural World: Why You Cannot Believe What You See, Hear, or Read, John A. Bissonette; Instituto Camões, Rua Rodrigues Sampaio, 113, Lisbon

Visualizing Landscape Pattern: Changing Views, Scale Sensitivity and Landscape Connectivity, John A. Bissonette; Open University of Cyprus


Early experience can change the structure of the body, Elizabeth A. Burritt; Utah State University Extension


Exposing animals to grain with mom improves intake of grain at weaning and feedlot performance, Elizabeth A. Burritt; Utah State University Extension

How livestock learn about foods and location, Elizabeth A. Burritt; Utah State University Extension


Mineral nutrition: are animals nutritionally wise?, Elizabeth A. Burritt; Utah State University Extension


Preparing Animals for Moving Days, Elizabeth A. Burritt; Utah State University Extension


Structure, quality, and skills interact to influence forage intake, Elizabeth A. Burritt; Utah State University Extension


Training livestock to leave streams and use uplands, Elizabeth A. Burritt; Utah State University Extension


Why animals die from eating poisonous plants, Elizabeth A. Burritt; Utah State University Extension


Using low-moisture blocks in improve livestock distribution and reduce winter feed costs, Elizabeth A. Burritt and Derek Bailey; Utah State University Extension


Flushing Ewes Improves the Number of Offspring in a Commercial Range Management Operation, Elizabeth A. Burritt, L. McNeal, R. Miller, and F. Villar; Journal of the National Association of County Agricultural Agents


Carbohydrate reserves: what you learned may be wrong, Elizabeth A. Burritt and Chad Reid; Utah State University Extension


Diet mixing : increasing intake of unpalatable plants, Elizabeth A. Burritt and juan Villalba; Utah State University Extension


Factors Influencing the Ecology of Greater Sage-Grouse Inhabiting the Bear Lake Plateau and Valley, Idaho-Utah, C. Cardinal and Terry A. Messmer

Early Experience with Diverse Foods Increases Intake of Non-Familiar Flavors and Feeds in Sheep, Francisco Catanese, Roberto A. Distel, Frederick D. Provenza, and Juan J. Villalba; Journal of Animal Science

Predicting the Distribution Potential of an Invasive Puerto Rican Frog (Eleutherodactylus Coqui) in Hawaii Using Remote Sensing Data, Ryan T. Choi and Karen H. Beard; Biological Invasions


Delayed Nesting by Female Canada Geese (Branta Canadensis): Benefits and Costs, Michael R. Conover; Auk


Demography, Vital Rates, Habitat-Use, and Seasonal Movements of Greater Sage-Grouse in the Ruby Pipeline HUC 8 Watershed: Phase 1, A. Cook, B. Wing, T. Black, and Terry A. Messmer

Exploring the Combined Effects of Dietary Tannins and Saponins on Sheep Infected with Haemonchus Contortus, G. Copani, Jeffery O. Hall, James Miller, A. Priolo, and Juan J. Villalba; American Society of Animal Science, American Dairy Science Association 2012 Annual Meetings


Drought-driven disturbance history characterizes a southernRocky Mountain subalpine forest, R. Justin DeRose and James N. Long; Canadian Journal of Forest Research

Factors influencing the spatial and temporal dynamics ofEngelmann spruce mortality during a spruce beetle outbreak on the Markagunt Plateau, Utah, R. Justin DeRose and James N. Long; Forest Science


Leaf Area and Structural Changes after Thinning in Even-Aged Picea rubens and Abies balsamea Stands in Maine, USA, R. Justin DeRose and Robert S. Seymour; International Journal of Forestry Research


Greater Sage-Grouse Response to Season- Long and Prescribed Grazing, Seth J. Dettenmaier, T. Black, and Terry A. Messmer


Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus Urophasianus) Select Nest Sites and Brood Sites Away From Avian Predators, Jonathan B. Dinkins, Michael R. Conover, Chrostopher P. Kirol, and Jeffrey L. Beck; Auk


Establishment of introduced reptiles increases with the presence and richness of native congeners, Rodrigo Barbosa Ferreira, Karen H. Beard, Stephen L. Peterson, Sharon A. Poessel, and Colin M. Callahan; Amphibia-Reptilia


Weak Polygyny in California Sea Lions and the Potential for Alternative Mating Strategies, Ramona Flatz, Manuela González-Suárez, Julie K. Young, Claudi J. Herandez-Camacho, Aaron J. Immel, and Leah R. Gerber; PLoS ONE


Animal Migration: Catching the Wave, John M. Fryxell and Tal Avgar; Nature


Testing a pyroclimatic hypothesis on the Mexico-United States border, Peter Z. Fule, Larissa L. Yocom Kent, Citlali Cortes Montano, Donald A. Falk, Julian Cerano, and Jose Villanueva-Diaz; Ecology


Designing a monitoring plan, Eric M. Gese, Hilary S. Cooley, and Frederick F. Knowlton; Carnivore Ecology and Management: A Handbook of Techniques

Natural Products, Dietary Choices and Human Health, N. J. Gibson and Juan J. Villalba; 26th National Conference on Undergraduate Research

Correlation Between Cougar (Puma concolor) Age and Skull Size, S. Glover, D. Mitchell, David C. Stoner, and F. Howe; The Wildlife Society - Western Student Conclave

Power analysis and trend detection for water quality monitoring data: An application for the Greater Yellowstone Inventory and Monitoring Network, Kathryn M. Irvine, Kezia R. Manlove, and Cynthia Hollimon; Natural Resource Report


Breeding-Site Selection by Ferruginous Hawks Within Utah’s Uintah Basin, Heather L. Keough and Michael R. Conover; Journal of Raptor Research

Genetic diversity, reproductive mode, and dispersal differ between the cryptic invader, Phragmites australis, and its native conspecific, K. M. Kettenring and Karen E. Mock; Biological Invasions

Climate and density-dependent drivers of reproductive success in plains bison, David N. Koons, P Terletzky, P. B. Adler, Michael L. Wolfe, Dustin H. Ranglack, Frank P. Howe, K. Hersey, W. Paskett, and Johan T. du Toit; Utah TWS Annual Meeting

Basic Tree Pruning Cut, Michael R. Kuhns

Pruning Multi-Stemmed Trees, Michael R. Kuhns

Pruning Shrubs, Michael R. Kuhns

Pruning Tools, Michael R. Kuhns

Tree Value Fact Sheet has Been Updated, Michael R. Kuhns; ArborEssence, UFC/Utah-ISA Newsletter

Tree Browser Mobile - Not Just for the Desktop Anymore, Michael R. Kuhns and R. Holloway; UACAA 2012 Summer Meeting Proceedings


Root Niche Partitioning among Grasses, Saplings, and Trees Measured Using a Tracer Technique, Andrew Kulmatiski and Karen H. Beard; Oecologia

Plant-Soil Feedbacks Provide an Additional Explanation for Diversity-Productivity Relationships, Andrew Kulmatiski, Karen H. Beard, and J. Heavilin; Plant-Soil Feedbacks Provide an Additional Explanation for Diversity-Productivity Relationships


Plant-Soil Feedbacks Provide an Alternative Explanation for Diversity-Productivity Relationships, Andrew Kulmatiski, Karen H. Beard, and Justin Heavilin; Proceedings of the Royal Society B


Diagnostic species and fidelityconcept in vegetation classification in the Rocky Mountains, northern Utah, USA, A. Kusbach, James N. Long, Helga Van Miegroet, and L. M. Shultz; Botany

What makes a range of silvicultural alternatives reasonable?, James N. Long and J. A. Kurtzman; Western Journal of Applied Forestry


Changing perspectives on regeneration ecology and genetic diversity in western quaking aspen: implications for silviculture, James N. Long and Karen E. Mock; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


A density management diagram for even-aged Sierra Nevadamixed-conifer stands, James N. Long and J. D. Shaw; Western Journal of Applied Forestry

Model Selection in Ecology: an on-going Debate, Kezia R. Manlove; EcoLunch, USGS Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center

Infection and Immunity in a Bighorn Sheep Metapopulation: Dynamics of Pneumonia, Kezia R. Manlove, R. K. Plowright, and E. F. Cassirer; The Wildlife Society Montana Chapter Meeting

A modeling framework forintegrated harvest and habitat management of North American waterfowl: case-study ofnorthern pintail metapopulation dynamics, B. J. Mattsson, M. C. Runge, J. G. Devries, G. S. Boomer, J. M. Eadie, D. A. Haukos, J. P. Fleskes, David N. Koons, W. E. Thogmartin, and R. G. Clark; Ecological Modelling


Linking old-growth forest composition, structure, fire history, climate and land-use in the mountains of northern México, Citlali Cortes Montano, Peter Z. Fule, Donald A. Falk, Jose Villanueva-Diaz, and Larissa L. Yocom Kent; Ecosphere

Using siliviculture to influencecarbon sequestration in southern Appalachian spruce-fir forests, P. M. Moore, R. Justin DeRose, James N. Long, and Helga Van Miegroet; Forests


Multi-stage Novice Defensive Driver Training Program: Does It Create Overconfidence?, Jessica Mueller, Laura Stanley, and Kezia R. Manlove; Open Journal of Safety Science and Technology


Two frogs or one? A multi-marker approach to assessing the distinctiveness of genetic lineages in the northern leopard frog, R. P. O'Donnell and Karen E. Mock; Conservation Genetics


Diet of the Invasive Greenhouse Frog in Hawaii, C. A. Olson and Karen H. Beard; Copeia


Detection Probability of Two Introduced Frogs in Hawaii: Implications for Assessing Non-Native Species Distributions, C. A. Olson, Karen H. Beard, David N. Koons, and W. C. Pitt; Ecology

A Smartphone Application for Tracking Wildlife-Vehicle Collisions, Daniel D. Olson, John A. Bissonette, and M. R. Schwender; Annual Meeting of the Wildlife Society, Hawaii


Cast Adrift on an Island: Introduced Populations Experience an Altered Balance Between Selection and Drift, Eric M. O'Neill and Karen H. Beard; Biology Letters


A robust-design analysis toestimate American black bear population parameters in Utah, Jordan C. Pederson, Kevin D. Bunnell, Mary M. Conner, and Craig R. McLaughlin; Ursus


Demographic response to perturbations: the role of compensatory density dependence in a North American duck under variable harvest regulations and changing habitat, Guillaume Peron, Christopher A. Nicolai, and David N. Koons; Journal of Animal Ecology


Management of Invasive Coqui Frog Populations in Hawaii, William C. Pitt; Outlooks on Pest Management


Biotic Acceptance in Introduced Amphibians and Reptiles in Europe and North America, S. A. Poessel, Karen H. Beard, C. M. Callahan, Rodrigo Barbosa Ferreira, and E. T. Cologgi; Global Ecology and Biogeography


Grasses and browsers reinforce landscape heterogeneity by excluding trees from ecosystem hotspots, L. M. Porensky and Kari E. Veblen; Oecologia


Passive transfer of maternal GnRH antibodies does not affect reproductive developmentin elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni) calves, J. G. Powers, D. L. Baker, M. G. Ackerman, J. E. Bruemmer, T. R. Spraker, Mary M. Conner, and T. M. Nett; Theriogenology

Spatial genetic structure of the mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) outbreak in western Canada: historical patterns and contemporary dispersal, N. Samarasekera, N. Bartell, S. Lindgren, J. Cooke, C. Davis, P. James, D. Coltman, Karen E. Mock, and B. Murray; Molecular Ecology

Patterns of Understory Growth During the First Three Years Followinng Prescribed Burn, Eugene W. Schupp; Patterns of Understory Growth During the First Three Years Followinng Prescribed Burn

The Interplay Between Place-Based Research and Ecological Theory, Eugene W. Schupp; Ecology


Artemisia L., Leila M. Shultz; The Jepson Manual Vascular Plants of California, Thoroughly Revised and Expanded


A New Species of Artemisia (Asteraceae: Anthemideae) from Sichuan, China, Leila M. Shultz and David E. Boufford; Harvard Papers in Botany


Fidelity and diagnostic species concepts in vegetation classification in the Rocky Mountains, northern Utah, USA, Leila M. Shultz, Antonin Kusbach, James N. Long, and Helga Van Miegroet; Botany

Cougar Behavior and Movements Patterns Along the Urban-Willand Interface, David C. Stoner; Utah Conservation Corps

Cougar Behavior, Management, and Predator-Prey Relationships, David C. Stoner; Berryman Institute Speaker Series