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Mountain Lions: Terrifying, Tremendous, or Simply Tenacious?, David C. Stoner; High Desert Museum of Natural History
Mule Deer Productivity Tracks Phenological Variability Over a Climatological Gradient, David C. Stoner, Joseph O. Sexton, Jyoteshwar Nagol, Heather H. Bernales, and Thomas C. Edwards Jr.; National Conference of The Wildlife Society
Ecosystem Responses to Plant Phenology Across Scales and Trophic Levels, David C. Stoner, Joseph O. Sexton, Jyoteshwar Nagol, Kirsten E. Ironside, David M. Choate, Kathleen M. Longshore, and Thomas C. Edwards Jr.; American Geophysical Union
Ecosystem Responses to Plant Phenology Across Scales and Trophic Levels, David C. Stoner, Joseph O. Sexton, Jyoteshwar Nagol, Kirsten E. Ironside, David M. Choate, Kathleen M. Longshore, and Thomas C. Edwards Jr.; American Geophysical Union
Weather, Plants, and Large Mammals: Satellite Observation of Vegetation Phenology Inform Wildlife Management in the Southwest, David C. Stoner, Joseph O. Sexton, A. Sims, Heather H. Bernales, J. Shannon, Kent R. Hersey, Jyoteshwar Nagol, David J. Mattson, Kirsten E. Ironside, Kathleen M. Longshore, David M. Choate, and Thomas C. Edwards Jr.; Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society
Characterizing DemographicParameters Across Environmental Gradients: A Case Study With Ontario Moose, Garrett M. Street, Tal Avgar, Arthur R. Rodgers, and John M. Fryxell; Ecosphere
Habitat Selection Following Recent Disturbance: Model Transferability WithImplications for Management and Conservation of Moose (Alces Alces), Garrett M. Street, Lucas M. Vander Vennen, Tal Avgar, Anna Mosser, Morgan L. Anderson, Arthur R. Rodgers, and John M. Fryxell; Canadian Journal of Zoology
Using Life History Trade-Offs to Understand Core-Transient Structuring of a Small Mammal Community, Sarah R. Supp, David N. Koons, and S.K. Morgan Ernest; Ecosphere
Watersheds as a tool to study terrestrial ecosystem process, Helga Van Miegroet; Environmental Science and Resource Management seminarseries
Contrasting Effects of Different Mammalian Herbivores on Sagebrush Plant Communities, Kari E. Veblen, Kyle Nehring, Chris McGlone, and Mark Ritchie; PLOS ONE
Experiences in Utero and Early in Life Influence Feeding Behavior in Ruminants, Juan J. Villalba; Argentinean Society of Animal Production Annual Meetings
Influence of Supplements on Intake of Medusahead by Sheep and Interaction Between Alkaloids and Tannins on Sheep Foraging Behavior, Juan J. Villalba; NCERA 214 Sheep Research Meeting
Primary Roles for Plant Secondary Compounds: Enhancing the Health and Nutrition of Herbivores Through Plant Biochemical Diversity, Juan J. Villalba; The American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America and Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting.
Influence of High-Energy Supplements, Silica and Individual Variation on Medusahead Intake and Preference by Sheep, Juan J. Villalba and Elizabeth A. Burritt; 68th Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management
Forage Choice in Pasturelands: Influence on Cattle Foraging Behavior and Performance, Juan J. Villalba, R. Cabassu, and S. A. Gunter; Journal of Animal Science
Understanding and Manipulating Diet Choice in Grazing Animals, Juan J. Villalba, Frederick D. Provenza, Francisco Catanese, and Roberto A. Distel; Animal Production Science
Understanding Diet Selection in Temperate Biodiverse Pasture Systems, Juan J. Villalba, Kathy J. Soder, and Emilio A. Laca; Rangeland Ecology & Management
A Combined Tracer/Evapotranspiration Model Approach Estimates Plant Water Uptake in Native and Non-Native Shrub-Steppe Communities, Clemence P. Warren, Andrew Kulmatiski, and Karen H. Beard; Journal of Arid Environments
If Long-Term Resistance to a Spruce Beetle Epidemic is Futile, Can Silvicultural Treatments Increase Resilience in Spruce-Fir Forests in the Central Rocky Mountains?, Marcella A. Windmuller-Campione and James N. Long; Forests
Evaluation of Harvest Indices for Monitoring Cougar Survival and Abundance, Michael L. Wolfe, Eric M. Gese, Patricia A. Terletzky, David C. Stoner, and Lise M. Aubry; Journal of Wildlife Management
Climate change and fire in the Southwest, Larissa L. Yocom Kent; Southwest Fire Science Consortium
Climate change and fire in the Southwest. Working Papers in Southwestern Ponderosa Pine Forest Restoration #34, Larissa L. Yocom Kent; Northern Arizona University
Fire Science and Art Series, Larissa L. Yocom Kent; Flagstaff Festival of Science and Fires of Change art exhibition
Wildfire as Fuel Treatment: Effects on Subsequent Fire Size in the Southwest, Larissa L. Yocom Kent; Association for Fire Ecology International Congress
Do rules of thumb measure up? Characteristics of fire-scarred trees and samples, Larissa L. Yocom Kent and Peter Z. Fule; Tree-Ring Research
Historical high-severity fire patches in mixed-conifer forests, Larissa L. Yocom Kent, Peter Z. Fule, W. A. Bunn, and E. G. Gdula; Association for Fire Ecology International Congress
Interactions of fuel treatments, wildfire severity, and carbon dynamics, Larissa L. Yocom Kent, Kristin L. Shive, Barbara A. Strom, Carolyn H. Sieg, Molly E. Hunter, Camille S. Stevens-Rumann, and Peter Z. Fule; Forest Ecology and Management
Identification of Diet Supplements for Elk Management, Hope Braithwaite, Timothy M. Bateman, Juan J. Villalba, Kari E. Veblen, and Eric T. Thacker; Utah Wildlife Society Annual Meeting
Identification of Diet Supplements for Elk Management, Hope Braithwaite, Timothy M. Bateman, Juan J. Villalba, Kari E. Veblen, and Eric T. Thacker; USU Undergraduate Student Showcase
Soil water retention curves for the major soil types of the Kruger National Park, Robert Buitenwerf, Andrew Kulmatiski, and Steven I. Higgins; Koedoe
Benefits of Exposing Animals to Poor-Quality Foods Early in Life, Beth Burritt
Nutritional value and toxins in various noxious weeds, Elizabeth A. Burritt and Rae Ann Hart; USU Extension
Should ranchers value sagebrush? Why we need sagebrush, Elizabeth A. Burritt, Thomas A. Monaco, and Eric T. Thacker; Utah State University Extension
Feedlot Performance and Profitability of Cattle Fed Either a Mixed Ration or Allowed to Select Their Diet, Elizabeth A. Burritt and S. Paisley; University of Wyoming, Agricultural Experiment Station, Field Days Bulletin
Aspen Intake and Preference by Sheep: Implications for Herbivory and Aspen Decline, Elizabeth A. Burritt and Juan J. Villalba; Utah Section of the Society for Range Management 2014 Meeting
Variation in Fitness Components and Demographic Heterogeneity in Female Kittiwakes: Effects and Effect Sizes Revisited, Emmanuelle Cam, Matthieu Authier, W Link, Lise M. Aubry, and J Y. Monnat; Joint 2014 Annual Meeting British Ecological Society and Société Française d’Ecologie
Hacia un Mejore Entendimiento del Comportamieto de Pastoreo para Optimizar la Expresión de Preferencias Condicionadas por Forrajes de Baja Calidad, Francisco Catanese, Roberto A. Distel, and Juan J. Villalba; Second Joint Meeting American Society Animal Science-Argentinean Association for Animal Production and XXXIX Chilean Congress of Animal Production
Towards a Better Understanding of Foraging Behavior to Boost the Expression of Conditioned Preferences for Low-Quality Foods, Francisco Catanese, Juan J. Villalba, and Roberto A. Distel; The American Dairy Science Association (ADSA), the American Society of Animal Science (ASAS), and the Canadian Society of Animal Science (CSAS) 2014 Joint Annual Meeting
Effects of Climatic Variation and Reproductive Trade-offs Vary by Measure of Reproductive Effort in Greater Sage-Grouse, Danny Caudill, Michael R. Guttery, Brent Bibles, Terry A. Messmer, Gretchen Caudill, Erin Leone, David K. Dahlgren, and Renee Chi; Ecososphere
Conserving biodiversity: the tropical challenge, Mark William Chynoweth and Çağan H. Şekercioğlu; Trends in Ecology and Evolution
Understanding Plant Secondary Compounds in Grazing Systems; Above and Below Ground, Andrea K. Clemensen, Jennifer R. Reeve, and Juan J. Villalba; Society for Range Management 67th International Meeting
Citizen science reveals widespread negative effects of roads on amphibian distributions, Bradley J. Cosentino, David M. Marsh, Kara S. Jones, Joseph J. Apodaca, Christopher Bates, Jessica Beach, Karen H. Beard, Kelsie Becklin, Jane Margaret Bell, Christopher Crockett, George Fawson, Jennifer Fjelsted, Elizabeth A. Forys, Kristen S. Genet, Melanie Grover, Jaimie Holmes, Katherine Indeck, Nancy E. Karraker, Eran S. Kilpatrick, Tom A. Langen, Stephen G. Mugel, Alessandro Molina, James R. Vonesh, Ryan J. Weaver, and Anisha Willey; Biological Conservation
Density-dependent intraspecific aggression regulates survival in northern Yellowstone wolves (Canis lupus), Sarah Cubaynew, Daniel R. MacNulty, Daniel R. Stahler, Kira A. Quimby, Douglas W. Smith, and Tim Coulson; Journal of Animal Ecology
Resistance and resilience: a conceptual framework forsilviculture, R. Justin DeRose and James N. Long; Forest Science
Greater Sage-Grouse Response to Season-Long and Prescribed Grazing., Seth J. Dettenmaier and Terry A. Messmer
Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus Urophasianus) Hen Survival: Effects of Raptors, Anthropogenic and Landscape Features, and Hen Behavior, Jonathan B. Dinkins, Michael R. Conover, Christopher P. Kirol, Jeffrey L. Beck, and Shandra Nicole Frey; Canadian Journal of Zoology
Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus Urophasianus) Select Habitat Based on Avian Predators, Landscape Composition, and Anthropogenic Features, Jonathan B. Dinkins, Michael R. Conover, Christopher P. Kirol, Jeffrey L. Beck, and Shandra Nicole Frey; Condor
Una Manera Novedosa de Incentivar el Consumo de Forrajes de Baja Palatabilidad en Rumiantes. Implicancias de la Manipulación de la Experiencia Temprana, Roberto A. Distel, Francisco Catanese, and Juan J. Villalba; Second Joint Meeting American Society Animal Science-Argentinean Association for Animal Production and XXXIX Chilean Congress of Animal Production
Elephant-mediated ecosystem processes in Kalahari-sand woodlands, Johan T. du Toit, S. R. Moe, and C. Skarpe; Elephants and Savanna Woodland Ecosystems: A Study from Chobe National Park, Botswana
Generalities in grazing and browsing ecology: using across-guild comparisons to control contingencies, Johan T. du Toit and H. Olff; Oecologia
Elephants and heterogeneity in savanna landscapes, Johan T. du Toit, C. Skarpe, and S. R. Moe; Elephants and Savanna Woodland Ecosystems: A Study from Chobe National Park, Botswana
Preference by Sheep for Endophyte-Infected Tall Fescue Grown Adjacent to or at a Distance from Alfalfa, M. A. Friend, Frederick D. Provenza, and Juan J. Villalba; Animal
Does the Nutritional Context Enhance Intake of and Preference for Medusahead by Sheep?, T. Hamilton, Elizabeth A. Burritt, and Juan J. Villalba; Society for Range Management 67th International Meeting
Interactions between megaherbivores and microherbivores: elephant browsing reduces host plant quality for caterpillars, H. Hrabar and Johan T. du Toit; Ecosphere
A social–ecological systems approach to non-native species: Habituation and its effect on management of coqui frogs in Hawaii, Emily A. Kalnicky, Mark W. Brunson, and Karen H. Beard; Biological Conservation
Factors Influencing Reproductive Success of Ferruginous Hawks in the Uintah Basin, Utah, Heather L. Keough, Michael R. Conover, and Anthony J. Roberts; Journal of Raptor Research
Effects of exploitation on an overabundant species: the lesser snow goose predicament, David N. Koons; Journal of Animal Ecology
Most soil trophic guilds increase plant growth: a meta-analytical review, Andrew Kulmatiski, Andrew Anderson-Smith, Karen H. Beard, Stephen Doucette-Riise, Michael Mazzacavallo, Nicole E. Nolan, Ricardo A. Ramirez, and John R. Stevens; Oikos
Land classification in the interior western UnitedStates: a critical assessment of the habitat type concept, A. Kusbach, James N. Long, and J. D. Shaw; Applied Vegetation Science
Vegetation geo-climaticzonation in the Rocky Mountains, northern Utah, USA, A. Kusbach, Helga Van Miegroet, Janis Boettinger, and James N. Long; Journal of Mountain Science
A comprehensive framework of forest stand property-densityrelationships: perspectives for plant population ecology and forest management, James N. Long and G. Vacchiano; Annals of Forest Science
Influence of Group Size on the Success of Wolves Hunting Bison, Daniel R. MacNulty, Aimee G. Tallian, Daniel R. Stahler, and Douglas W. Smith; PLoS ONE
Contact Networks and Mortality Patterns Suggest Pneumonia-causing Pathogens Persist in Wild Bighorn Sheep, Kezia R. Manlove; The Wildlife Society
Using Contact Networks and Mortality Patterns to Estimate Epidemiological Process Parameters, Kezia R. Manlove; Joint Statistical Meetings, Boston
Hells Canyon Intensive Lamb Pneumonia Outbreak Monitoring, Kezia R. Manlove and E. F. Cassirer
Costs and Benefits of Group Living With Disease: A Case Study of Pneumonia in Bighorn Lambs (Ovis canadensis), Kezia R. Manlove, E. Frances Cassirer, Paul C. Cross, Raina K. Plowright, and Peter J. Hudson; Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
Accomplishment Report for Utah's Adaptive Resource Management Greater Sage-grouse Local Working Groups, Terry A. Messmer, L. Belton, D. Dahlgren, Shandra Nicole Frey, and Rae Ann Hart
Impala as controllers of elephant-driven change within a savanna ecosystem, S. R. Moe, L. Rutina, H. Hytteborn, and Johan T. du Toit; Elephants and Savanna Woodland Ecosystems: A Study from Chobe National Park, Botswana
Life-history characteristics of mule deer: effects of nutrition in a variableenvironment, Kevin L. Monteith, Vernon C. Bleich, Thomas R. Stephenson, Becky M. Pierce, Mary M. Conner, John G. Kie, and R. Terry Bowyer; Wildlife Monographs
Effect of a High-Energy Supplement on Medusahead-Infested Rangeland use by Sheep, Juan J. Montes-Sánchez and Juan J. Villalba; Society for Range Management 67th International Meeting
Geographical Distribution: Eleutherodactylus Planirostris (Greenhouse Frog)., Christina A. Olson, Arvin C. Diesmos, and Karen H. Beard; Herpetological Review
Rangeland Restoration: A Method to Mitigate Lupine-Induced Crooked Calf Syndrome on the Channeled Scablands of Eastern Washington, Kip E. Panter, Clinton A. Stonecipher, B. Waldron, T. Platt, and Juan J. Villalba; Society for Range Management 67th International Meeting
In defense of fences, M. Pfeifer, C. Packer, A. C. Burton, S. T. Garnett, A. J. Loveridge, Daniel R. MacNulty, and P. J. Platts; Science
Grazing Tall Larkspur Ranges: A Livestock Producer's Decision-making Handbook, James A. Pfister, Dale R. Gardner, Daniel Cook, Ben T. Green, Kevin D. Welch, and Elizabeth A. Burritt; USU ExtensionNR/RangeManagement/2014-03pr
Influence of Drinking Water with Quebracho Tannin on Intake of Endophyte-Infected Tall Rescue by Cattle, Frederick D. Provenza, Tiffany L. Jensen, and Juan J. Villalba; Animal Feed Science and Technology
Organic Farming, Soil Health and Food Crop Quality: Considering Possible Linkages, Jennifer R. Reeve, Amaya Atucha, Cynthia A. Cambardella, Patrick M. Carr, Donald R. Davis, Kathleen Delate, L. Hogland, J. Grossman, K. Jacobsen, and Juan J. Villalba; Soil Science Society of America
Breeding Origins of Northern Shovelers (Anas Clypeata) Wintering on the Great Salt Lake, Utah, Anthony J. Roberts and Michael R. Conover; The Wilson Journal of Ornithology
Diet and Body Mass of Ducks in the Presence of Commercial Harvest of Brine Shrimp Cysts in the Great Salt Lake, Utah, Anthony J. Roberts and Michael R. Conover; The Journal of Wildlife Management
Role of Benthic Substrate in Waterfowl Distribution on Great Salt Lake, Anthony J. Roberts and Michael R. Conover; Waterbirds
Factors Influencing Mortality of Eared Grebes (Podiceps Nigricollis) During a Mass Downing, Anthony J. Roberts, Michael R. Conover, and Jonathan L. Fusaro; Wilson Journal of Ornithology
Quaking Aspen in the Residential-Wildland Interface: Elk Herbivory Hinders Forest Conservation, Paul C. Rogers, Allison Jones, James C. Catlin, James Shuler, Arthur Morris, and Michael R. Kuhns; Natural Areas Journal
A Functional Framework for Improved Management of Western North American Aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.), Paul C. Rogers, Simon M. Landhausser, Bradley D. Pinno, and Ronald J. Ryel; Forest Science
Effects of Pinyon Juniper Removal on Greater Sage-grouse (Centrocercus Urophasianus) Habitat-use and Vital Rates in Northwestern Utah., C. Sandford and Terry A. Messmer
Using sterilization to change predation rates of wildcoyotes: A test case involving pronghorn fawns, Renee G. Seidler, Eric M. Gese, and Mary M. Conner; Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Geomorphic Landforms and Plant Community Structure and Dominance In the Central Desert Region of Baja California, México, Leila M. Shultz, Phillip W. Rundel, M. Rasoul Sharifi, Erik T. Nilsen, Gail A. Baker, and Ross A. Virginia; Madrono
The Chobe elephants: one species, two niches, S. Stokke and Johan T. du Toit; Elephants and Savanna Woodland Ecosystems: A Study from Chobe National Park, Botswana
Cattle Consumption of Medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae) on the Channel Scablands of Eastern washington, Clinton A. Stonecipher, Kip E. Panter, and Juan J. Villalba; Society for Range Management 67th International Meeting
Mountain Lions: Terrifying, Tremendous, or Simply Tenacious?, David C. Stoner; Swaner EcoPreserve
Ecological Responses to Climate Across Trophic Levels: Plants, Prey, and Predators in the Intermountain West, David C. Stoner and Thomas C. Edwards Jr.; Utah State University, Wildland Resources Department Seminar
Mule Deer Reproduction Across a Latitudinal Gradient: Plant Phenology, Precipitation, and Parturition Dates, David C. Stoner, Thomas C. Edwards Jr., Heather H. Bernales, Joseph O. Sexton, and Jyoteshwar Nagol; Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society
Grazing, tiling and canopy effects on carbon dioxide fluxes in a Spanish dehesa, Carla Uribe, Rosa Inclán, L. Hernando, Mercedes Román Dobarco, M. A. Clavero, Sonia Roig, and Helga Van Miegroet; Agroforestry Systems
Monitoring of livestock grazing effects on Bureau of Land Management land, Kari E. Veblen
Forum: Learning to Graze Medusahead, Juan J. Villalba; Society for Range Management 67th International Meeting
Homeostasis in living organisms and the case of self-medication in herbivores, Juan J. Villalba; Animal Behaviour and Welfare Seminar
Influence of Parasitic Loads on Selection of Novel Feeds and Pastures by Lambs, Juan J. Villalba; NCERA 214 Sheep Research Meeting
Learning and Diet Selection in Herbivores: From the Central Idea to Landscape Management, Juan J. Villalba; Ontario Agricultural College Alumni Foundation
Plant-Herbivore Interactions, Juan J. Villalba; The Graham Centre, Charles Sturt University
Primary Roles for Plant Secondary Compounds: Enhancing the Health of Soils, Plants, Herbivores and People through Plant Biochemical Diversity, Juan J. Villalba; Chalres Sturt University Seminar Series
The Psychobiology of Feeding Behavior and its Cultural Inflection, Juan J. Villalba; The American Dairy Science Association (ADSA), the American Society of Animal Science (ASAS), and the Canadian Society of Animal Science (CSAS) 2014 Joint Annual Meeting
The Role of Plant Biochemical Diversity on Animal Nutrition, Health and Welfare, Juan J. Villalba; Utah State University - Plant, Soils & Climate Seminar Series