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Chasing the Green Wave: Satellite Monitoring of Seasonal Wildlife migrations, Joseph O. Sexton, Q. Huang, B. Robb, P. Leimgruber, David C. Stoner, and Jyoteshwar Nagol; University of Maryland / Smithsonian Institution Seed Grant Program


Different Prey Resources Suggest Little Competition Between Non-Native Frogs and Insectivorous Birds Despite Isotopic Niche Overlap, Robyn L. Smith, Karen H. Beard, and Aaron B. Shiels; Biological Invasions

Grazing Rotations on Restored Land as a New Tool for Medusahead Control, C. Spackman, Kip E. Panter, Clinton A. Stonecipher, and Juan J. Villalba; Sagebrush Ecosystem Conservation: All Lands, All Hands Joint Conference of the Great Basin Consortium and a WAFWA- Sponsored Sagebrush Science and Management Meeting


Revegetation on Medusahead-Invaded Rangelands in the Channeled Scablands of Eastern Washington, Clinton A. Stonecipher, Kip E. Panter, Kevin B. Jensen, Craig W. Rigby, and Juan J. Villalba; Rangeland Ecology & Management


Effect of Protein Supplementation of Forage Utilization by Cattle in Annual Grass-Dominated Rangelands in the Channeled Scablands of Eastern Washington, Clinton A. Stonecipher, Kip E. Panter, and Juan J. Villalba; Journal of Animal Science

Mule Deer Abundance, Cougar Home Range, and Predator-Prey Density Across a Productivity Gradient, David C. Stoner, Thomas C. Edwards Jr., Joseph O. Sexton, David M. Choate, A. Sims, Heather H. Bernales, L. McFarlane, Kent R. Hersey, J. Shannon, Jyoteshwar Nagol, Kirsten E. Ironside, and Kathleen M. Longshore; Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society

Coupling Mammalian Demography to Climate Through Satellite Time-Series of Plant Phenology, David C. Stoner, Joseph O. Sexton, Heather H. Bernales, Jyoteshwar Nagol, David M. Choate, Kirsten E. Ironside, Kathleen M. Longshore, and Thomas C. Edwards Jr.; American Geophysical Union


Ungulate Reproductive Parameters Track Satellite Observations of Plant Phenology across Latitude and Climatological Regimes, David C. Stoner, Joseph O. Sexton, Jyoteshwar Nagol, Heather H. Bernales, and Thomas C. Edwards Jr.; Plos One

Spatial Responses to Climate Across Trophic Levels: Modeling Plants, Prey, and Predators in the Western United States, David C. Stoner, Joseph O. Sexton, Jyoteshwar Nagol, Kirsten E. Ironside, David M. Choate, Kathleen M. Longshore, David J. Mattson, and Thomas C. Edwards Jr.; NASA Biodiversity and Ecological Forecasting Team Meeting


ComparingResource Selection and Demographic Models for Predicting Animal Density, Garrett M. Street, Arthur R. Rodgers, Tal Avgar, Lucas M. Vander Vennen, and John M. Fryxell; Journal of Wildlife Management


Statistical Treatment for the Wet Bias in Tree-Ring Chronologies: A Case Study from the Interior West, USA, Yan Sun, Matthew F. Bekker, R. Justin DeRose, Roger Kjelgren, and Shih-Yu (Simon) Wang; Environmental and Ecological Statistics


Does the presence of oil and gas infrastructure potentially increase risk of harvest in northern bobwhite?, Evan P. Tanner, R. Dwayne Elmore, Craig A. Davis, Samuel D. Fuhlendorf, David K. Dahlgren, Eric T. Thacker, and Jeremy P. Orange; Wildlife Biology


Threatened and Invasive Reptiles Are Not Two Sides of the Same Coin, Reid Tingley, Peter J. Mahoney, Andrew M. Durso, Aimee G. Tallian, Alejandra Moran-Ordonez, and Karen H. Beard; Global Ecology and Biogeography


Fully-Sampled Phylogenies for Squamates Reveal Evolutionary Patterns in Extinction Risk, Joao Filipe Riva Tonini, Karen H. Beard, Rodrigo Barbosa Ferreira, Walter Jetz, and R. Alexander Pyron; Biological Conservation


Do we need demographic data to forecast plant population dynamics?, Andrew T. Tredennick; Methods in Ecology and Evolution


Forecasting climate change impacts on plant populations over large spatial extents, Andrew T. Tredennick, Melvin Hooten, Cameron L. Aldridge, Collin G. Homer, Andrew R. Kleinhesselink, and Peter B. Adler; Ecosphere

Gender Equality deserves the attention of our societies, Helga Van Miegroet; CSA News

Carbon cycling in lodgepole pine forests after mountain pine beetle outbreaks, Helga Van Miegroet and Hansen; International Congress of Entomology


Are Cattle Surrogate Wildlife? Savanna Plant Community Composition Explained by Total Herbivory more than Herbivore Type, Kari E. Veblen, Lauren M. Porensky, Corinna Riginos, and Truman P. Young; Ecological Applications

Adaptive Toolbox for Medusahead Control: An Integration of Novel and Traditional Approaches, Juan J. Villalba; Utah Section of the Society for Range Management

Grazing as a Tool to Control Medusahead: Does it Work? Sagebrush Ecosystem Conservation: all Lands, all Hands, Juan J. Villalba; Joint Conference of the Great Basin Consortium and a WAFWA-Sponsored Sagebrush Science and Management Meeting

Phytochemicals in Animal Health; Diet Selection and Trade-Offs Between Costs and Benefits, Juan J. Villalba; Nutrition Society Meeting


Phytochemicals in Animal Health; diet selection and trade-offs between costs and benefits, Juan J. Villalba, Morgane Costes-Thire, and Cecile Ginane; Proceedings of the Nutrition Society


Temporal Foraging Patterns of Nonnative Frogs (Eleutherodactylus Coqui) in Hawaii, Arthur C. Wallis, Robyn L. Smith, and Karen H. Beard; Journal of Herpetology


Limber Pine (Pinus flexilis James), a Flexible Generalist of Forest Communities in the Intermountain West, Marcella A. Windmuller-Campione and James N. Long; PLoS ONE


Modifying M-44s to reduce risk of activation by swift fox, Julie K. Young; Wildlife Society Bulletin



Is anthropogenic cougar mortality compensated by changes in natural mortality in Utah? Insight from long-term studies, Lise M. Aubry, Michael L. Wolfe, David N. Koons, David C. Stoner, Patricia Terletsky, Eric M. Gese, and David M. Choate; Biological Conservation

How (Not) to Test Demographic Heterogeneity With the Neutral Theory of Life Histories, Matthieu Authier, Lise M. Aubry, and Emmanuelle Cam; Evolution et Diversite Biologique


Space-Use Behavior ofWoodland Caribou Based on a Cognitive Movement Model, Tal Avgar, James A. Baker, Glen S. Brown, Jevon S. Hagens, Andrew M. Kittle, Erin E. Mallon, Madeleine T. McGreer, Anna Mosser, Steven G. Newmaster, Brent R. Patterson, Douglas E. B. Reid, Arthur R. Rodgers, Jennifer Shuter, Garrett M. Street, Ian D. Thompson, Merritt J. Turetsky, Philip A. Wiebe, and John M. Fryxell; Journal of Animal Ecology


Integrated Step Selection Analysis: Bridgingthe Gap Between Resource Selection and Animal Movement, Tal Avgar, Jonathan R. Potts, Mark A. Lewis, and Mark S. Boyce; Methods in Ecology and Evolution


Recolonizing wolves and mesopredator suppression of coyotes:impacts on pronghorn population dynamics, Kim Murray Berger and Mary M. Conner; Ecological Applications

The relationship between tree above and belowground C inputs and cutin and suberin presence in soil, Antra Boča, J. Hatten, and Helga Van Miegroet; 5th international symposium on soil organic matter

Influence of Shelterbelts on Success and Density of Waterfowl Nests Within the Prairie Pothole Region of North America, Jennifer S. Borgo and Michael R. Conover; Waterbirds

Spatio-Temporal Patterns in the Depredation of Waterfowl Nests in the Prairie Potholes Region, USA, Jennifer S. Borgo and Michael R. Conover; Waterbirds

Identification of Diet Supplements for Elk Management, Hope Braithwaite, Timothy M. Bateman, Juan J. Villalba, Kari E. Veblen, and Eric T. Thacker; 68th Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management


An occupancy-based quantification ofthe highly imperiled status of desert fishes of the southwestern United States, Phaedra Budy, Mary M. Conner, Nira L. Salant, and William W. Macfarlane; Conservation Biology

Aspen Intake and Preference by Sheep: Implications for Herbivory and Aspen Decline, Elizabeth A. Burritt, S. B. St. Clair, and Juan J. Villalba; 68th Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management


Wolf diet in an agricultural landscape of north-eastern Turkey, Claudia Capitani, Mark William Chynoweth, Josip Kusak, Emrah Çoban, and Çağan H. Şekercioğlu; Mammalia


Thermal Patterns Constrain Diurnal Behavior of a Ground-Dwelling Bird, J. Matthew Carroll, Craig A. Davis, R. Dwayne Elmore, Samuel D. Fuhlendorf, and Eric T. Thacker; Ecosphere

Linking Soil Quality to Human Nutrition: The Organic Farming Connection, Patrick M. Carr, Jennifer R. Reeve, Amaya Atucha, Lori A. Hoagland, and Juan J. Villalba; The American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America and Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting.


Expression of Conditioned Preference for Low-Quality Food in Sheep is Modulated by Foraging Costs, Francisco Catanese, Roberto A. Distel, and Juan J. Villalba; Animal

Free Availability of High-Energy Foods led to Energy Over-Ingestion in Choice-Fed Broilers, Francisco Catanese, Héctor Rodriguez Ganduglia, Juan J. Villalba, and Roberto A. Distel; Animal Science Journal


Fire history in a pine forest in Sierra de Manantlán, Jalisco, Mexico, Julian Cerano-Paredes, Jose Villanueva-Diaz, Rosalinda Cervantes-Martinez, Peter Fule, Larissa L. Yocom Kent, Gerardo Esquivel-Arriaga, and Enrique Jardel-Pelaez; Bosque

Camera Trapping for Conservation in Eastern Turkey, Mark William Chynoweth; TGIF Fusion talk

Conservation and Ecology of Gray Wolves in Eastern Turkey, Mark William Chynoweth; TGIF Fusion talk

Landscape Conservation of Large Carnivores in Eastern Turkey, Mark William Chynoweth

Human-wildlife conflict in eastern Turkey: gaining perspective from community surveys, Mark William Chynoweth, Çağatay Altin, Emrah Çoban, and Çağan H. Şekercioğlu; Environment and Sustainability Research Symposium

Human-wildlife conflict in eastern Turkey: gaining perspective from community surveys, Mark William Chynoweth, Çağatay Altin, Emrah Çoban, and Çağan H. Şekercioğlu; 27th International Congress for Conservation Biology


Conservation of a new breeding population of Caucasian lynx (Lynx lynx dinniki) in eastern Turkey, Mark William Chynoweth, Emrah Çoban, and Çağan H. Şekercioğlu; Turkish Journal of Zoology


Home Range Use and Movement Patterns of Non-Native Feral Goats in a Tropical Island Montane Dry Landscape, Mark William Chynoweth, Christopher A. Lepczyk, Creighton M. Litton, Steven C. Hess, James R. Kellner, and Susan Cordell; PLoS ONE


Comparison of tributarysurvival estimates of steelhead using Cormack-Jolly-Seber and Barker models: implications forsampling effort and designs, Mary M. Conner, Stephen N. Bennett, W. Carl Saunders, and Nicolaas Bouwes; Transactions of the American Fisheries Society

Consequences of Hunter Harvest, Winter Weather, and Increasing Population Size on Survival of Non-Migratory Canada Geese in Connecticut, Michael R. Conover, Jonathan B. Dinkins, and Rebekah E. Ruzicka; The Journal of Wildlife Management


Evaluating Vital Rate Contributions to Greater Sage-grouse Population Dynamics to Inform Conservation, David K. Dahlgren; Ecosphere


What does a Sage-grouse Eat?, David K. Dahlgren, Eric T. Thacker, and Terry A. Messmer; USU Extension Fact Sheet

Dendrochronological network of mountain pine (Pinus hartwegii Lindl.) for dendroclimatic studies in northeastern and central Mexico, Jose Villanueva Daz, Julian Cerano Paredes, Lorenzo Vazquez Selem, David W. Stahle, Peter Z. Fule, Larissa L. Yocom Kent, Osvaldo Franco Ramos, and Jose Ariel Ruiz Corral; Investigaciones Geográficas, Boletín del Instituto de Geografía


Annual Report- Greater Sage-grouse Response to Season-long and Prescribed Grazing (NRCS conservation Practice 528) on Paired Ecological Sites, Seth J. Dettenmaier and Terry A. Messmer


Four centuries of reconstructed hydroclimatic variability for Northwestern Chihuahua, Mexico, based on tree rings, Jose Villanueva Diaz, Julian Cerano Paredes, Peter Z. Fule, Citlali Cortes Montano, Lorenzo Vazquez Selem, Larissa L. Yocom, and Jose Ariel Ruiz-Corral; DOAJ

Ogano-mineral interactions promote greater soil organic carbon storage under aspen in semi-arid montane forests from Utah, Mercedes Román Dobarco, Helga Van Miegroet, and A. Jacobson; 5th international symposium on soil organic matter


Cost-distance analysis of mesopredators as a tool for avian habitat restoration on a naturally fragmented landscape, Raymond Dueser, John H. Porter, and Nancy D. Moncrief; Journal of Wildlife Management

Productivity of Mule Deer Tracks Phenological Variability over a Latitudinal Gradient, Thomas C. Edwards Jr., David C. Stoner, Joseph O. Sexton, Heather H. Bernales, and Jyoteshwar Nagol; Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society


Comparative Evolutionary Diversity and Phylogenetic Structure Across Multiple Forest Dynamics Plots: A Mega-Phylogeny Approach, D. L. Erickson, F. A. Jones, N. G. Swenson, N. Pei, N. Bourg, W. Chen, S. J. Davies, X. Ge, Z. Hao, R. W. Howe, C. L. Huang, A. Larson, S. Lum, James A. Lutz, K. Ma, M. Meegaskumbura, X. Mi, and J. D. Parker; Frontiers in Genetics


Diet of the Nonnative Greenhouse Frog (Eleutherodactylus planirostris) in Maui, Hawaii, Rodrigo Barbosa Ferreira, Karen H. Beard, Ryan T. Choi, and William C. Pitt; Journal of Herpetology


The First Bromeligenous Species of Dendropsophus (Anura: Hylidae) from Brazil's Atlantic Forest, Rodrigo Barbosa Ferreira, Julián Faivovich, Karen H. Beard, and José P. Pombal Jr; PLoS ONE


2015 Annual Research Report: Greater Sage-grouse Habitat Use Patterns and Vital Rates in the Morgan-Summit Sage-grouse Management Area: Conservation Implications for Managers, B. Flack and Terry A. Messmer


Environmental Drivers of Deadwood Dynamics in Woodlands and Forests, M. Garbarino, R. Marzano, J. D. Shaw, and James N. Long; Ecosphere


Using the "placeholder" concept to reduce genetic introgression of an endangered carnivore, Eric M. Gese and Patricia A. Terletzky; Biological Conservation


Mountain Pine Beetles Use Volatile Cues to Locate Host Limber Pine and Avoid Non-Host Great Basin Bristlecone Pine, Curtis A. Gray, Justin B. Runyon, Michael J. Jenkins, and Andrew D. Giunta; PLOS ONE

Modelling Preference and Diet Selection Patterns by Grazing Ruminants: A Development in a Mechanistic Model of a Grazing Dairy Cow, MINDY, Pablo Gregorini, Juan J. Villalba, Frederick D. Provenza, P. C. Beukes, and J. M. Forbes; Animal Production Science


Predation Threat Alters Composition and Functioning of Bromeliad Ecosystems, Edd Hammill, Trisha B. Atwood, and Diane S. Srivastava; Ecosystems

Carbon dynamics in central U.S. Rockies lodgepole pine type following mountain pine beetle outbreaks., E. Matthew Hansen, Michael C. Amacher, Helga Van Miegroet, James N. Long, and Michael G. Ryan; Forest Science


Grass-Shrub Associations over a Precipitation Gradient and Their Implications for Restoration in the Great Basin, USA, Maike F. Holthuijzen and Kari E. Veblen; PLoS ONE


Naturalization of almond trees (Prunus dulcis) in semi-arid regions of the Western Mediterranean., Pablo Homet-Gutierrez, Eugene W. Schupp, and José M. Gómez; Journal of Arid Environments


Predicting Greater Prairie-Chicken Lek Site Suitability to Inform Conservation Actions, Torre J. Hovick, David K. Dahlgren, Monica Papes, R. Dwayne Elmore, and James C. Pitman; PLOS One


Wolves Adapt Territory Size,Not Pack Size to Local Habitat Quality, Andrew M. Kittle, Morgan Anderson, Tal Avgar, James A. Baker, Glen S. Brown, Jevon S. Hagens, Ed Iwachewski, Scott Moffatt, Anna Mosser, Brent R. Patterson, Douglas E. B. Reid, Arthur R. Rodgers, Jennifer Shuter, Garrett M. Street, Ian D. Thompson, Lucas M. Vander Vennen, and John M. Fryxell; Journal of Animal Ecology


Beneficial Effects of Temperate Forage Legumes that Contain Condensed Tannins, Jennifer W. MacAdam and Juan J. Villalba; Agriculture

Evaluating Aerial Coyote Removal Risk: Spatial Implications for Mule Deer, Peter J. Mahoney, Julie K. Young, and David C. Stoner; National Conference of The Wildlife Society

Epidemiological Approaches for Understanding Pneumonia in Bighorn Sheep, Kezia R. Manlove; The Wildlife Society

Past Innovations, Current Conundrums and Future Directions for Models at the Math / EPI Interface, Kezia R. Manlove; Montana State University Applied Math Seminar Series

Pneumonia and Bighorn Recruitment, Kezia R. Manlove; MT Chapter of The Wild Sheep Foundation

The Relative Impacts of Invasion and Persistence of a Chronic Pathogen on Bighorn Sheep Demography, Age Structure and Population Growth Rate, Kezia R. Manlove; Ecological Society of America

The Tail's Tale: Can Macroparasite Aggregation Models Resolve Questions About Microparasite Persistence?, Kezia R. Manlove; Ecological Society of America

Hells Canyon Intensive Lamb Pneumonia Outbreak Monitoring, Kezia R. Manlove and E. F. Cassirer

Missouri Breaks Intensive Lamb Monitoring Report, Kezia R. Manlove and E. F. Cassirer


A Quantitative Approach to Assessing the Efficacy of Occupant Protection Programs: A Case Study from Montana, Kezia R. Manlove, Laura Stanley, and Alyssa Peck; Accident Analysis & Prevention


Can Cattle Be Used to Control Sericea Lespedeza?, Gregory K. Mantz, Juan J. Villalba, and Frederick D. Provenza; Rangelands


Modelling water uptake provides a new perspective on grass and tree coexistence, Michael G. Mazzacavallo and Andrew Kulmatiski; PLoS ONE


Selection for Forage and Avoidance of Risk by Woodland Caribou (Rangifer Tarandus Caribou) at Coarse andLocal Scales, Madeleine T. McGreer, Erin E. Mallon, Lucas M. Vander Vennen, Philip A. Wiebe, James A. Baker, Glen S. Brown, Tal Avgar, Jevon Hagens, Andrew M. Kittle, Anna Mosser, Garrett M. Street, Doug E. B. Reid, Arthur R. Rodgers, Jennifer Shuter, Ian D. Thompson, and et al.; Ecosphere


Accomplishment Report for Utah's Adaptive Resource Management Greater Sage-grouse Local Working Groups, Terry A. Messmer, L. Belton, D. Dahlgren, Shandra Nicole Frey, and Rae Ann Hart


Long-Term Landscape Changes in a Subalpine Spruce-Fir forest in Central Utah, USA, Jesse L. Morris, R. Justin DeRose, and Andrea R. Brunelle; Forest Ecosystems


Contrasting Mechanisms of Recovery from Defoliation in Two Intermountain-Native Bunchgrasses, Jayanti Ray Mukherjee, Thomas A. Jones, Peter B. Adler, and Thomas A. Monaco; Rangeland Ecology and Management


Long-term plant responses to climate are moderated by biophysical attributes in a North American desert, S M. Munson, R H. Webb, D C. Housman, Kari E. Veblen, K E. Nussear, E A. Beever, K B. Hartney, M N. Miriti, S L. Phillips, R E. Fulton, and N G. Tallent; Journal of Ecology


How Does Variation in Winter Weather Affect Deer-Vehicle Collision Rates, Daniel D. Olson, John A. Bissonette, Patricia C. Cramer, Patrick J. Jackson, Kevin D. Bunnell, and Daniel C. Coster; Wildlife Biology


Effect of Dietary Protein Level and Quebracho Tannin on Consumption of Pine Needles (Pinus Ponderosa) by Beef Cows, James Alan Pfister, Juan J. Villalba, and Dale R. Gardner; The Professional Animal Scientist

Value of Plant Diversity for Diet Mixing and Sequencing in Herbivores, Frederick D. Provenza, Juan J. Villalba, Randy D. Wiedmeier, Tiffanny D. Lyman, Jake M. Owens, Larry D. Lisonbee, Andrea K. Clemensen, Kevin D. Welch, Dale R. Gardner, and Stephen T. Lee; Rangelands


Genetic Analysis of the Henry Mountains Bison Herd, Dustin H. Ranglack, Lauren K. Dobson, Johan T. Du Toit, and James Derr; PLoS ONE

Competition on the range: science vs, perception in a bison-cattle conflict in the western USA, Dustin H. Ranglack and Johan T. du Toit; Journal of Applied Ecology


Transition From Sagebrush Steppe to Annual Grass (Bromus tectorum): Influence on Belowground Carbon and Nitrogen, Benjamin M. Rau, Dale W. Johnson, Robert R. Blank, Annmarrie Lucchesi, Todd G. Caldwell, and Eugene W. Schupp; Rangeland Ecology and Management


Lichen Monitoring Delineates Biodiversity on a Great Barrier Reef Coral Cay, Paul C. Rogers, Roderick W. Rogers, Anne Hedrich, and Patrick T. Moss; Forests


2015 Annual Report: Effects of Pinyon Juniper Removal on Greater Sage-grouse (Centrocercus Urophasianus) Habitat-use and Vital Ranges in Northwestern Utah, C. Sanford and Terry A. Messmer

Modeling the Relationship Between Mule Deer Population Dynamics and Primary Productivity, Steven A. Sims, David C. Stoner, Heather H. Bernales, Kent R. Hersey, Jyoteshwar Nagol, Joseph O. Sexton, and Thomas C. Edwards Jr.; Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society