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The Differences Between Rewilding and Restoring an Ecologically Degraded Landscape, Johan T. du Toit and Nathalie Pettorelli; Journal of Applied Ecology
Species Diversity Associated with Foundation Species in Temperate and Tropical Forests, Aaron M. Ellison, Hannah L. Buckley, Bradley S. Case, Dairon Cardenas, Álvaro J. Duque, James A. Lutz, Jonathan A. Myers, David A. Orwig, and Jess K. Zimmerman; Forests
Amphibians of Santa Teresa, Brazil: The Hotspot Further Evaluated, Rodrigo Barbosa Ferreira, Alexander Tamanini Mônico, Emanuel Teixeira da Silva, Fernanda Cristina Ferreira Lirio, Cássio Zocca, Marcio Marques Mageski, João Filipe Riva Tonini, Karen H. Beard, Charles Duca, and Thiago Silva-Soares; ZooKeys
Antipredator Mechanisms of Post-Metamorphic Anurans: A Global Database and Classification System, Rodrigo B. Ferreira, Ricardo Lourenço-de-Moraes, Cássio Zocca, Charles Duca, Karen H. Beard, and Edmund D. Brodie Jr.; Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
Multidecadal Climate Variability and the Florescence of Fremont Societies in Eastern Utah, Judson Byrd Finley, Erick Robinson, R. Justin DeRose, and Elizabeth Hora; American Antiquity
Greenhouse- and Field-Measured Plant-Soil Feedbacks Are Not Correlated, Leslie Forero, Josephine Grenzer, Johannes Heinze, Conrad Schittko, and Andrew Kulmatiski; Frontiers in Environmental Science
A Residential Camp’s Impact on Youths’ Leadership Skills and Natural Resource Knowledge, Shandra Nicole Frey and Vernon Parent; Journal of Youth Development
Detecting Tree Mortality with Landsat-Derived Spectral Indices: Improving Ecological Accuracy by Examining Uncertainty, Tucker J. Furniss, Van R. Kane, Andrew J. Larson, and James A. Lutz; Remote Sensing of Environment
Injury Scores and Spatial Responses of Wolves Following Capture: Cable Restraints Versus Foothold Traps, Eric M. Gese, Patricia A. Terletzky, John D. Erb, Kevin C. Fuller, Jeffery P. Grabarkewitz, John P. Hart, Carolin Humpal, Barry A. Sampson, and Julie K. Young; Wildlife Society Bulletin
Using WebGIS to Develop a Spatial Bibliography for Organizing, Mapping, and Disseminating Research Information: A Case Study of Quaking Aspen, Ryan G. Howell, Steven L. Petersen, Christopher S. Balzotti, Paul C. Rogers, Mark W. Jackson, and Anne E. Hedrich; Rangelands
Ecological Consequences of Anomalies in Atmospheric Moisture and Snowpack, Aaron N. Johnston, Jason E. Bruggeman, Aidan T. Beers, Erik A. Beever, Roger G. Christophersen, and Jason I. Ransom; Ecology
Genetic Structure of Mycoplasma Ovipneumoniae Informs Pathogen Spillover Dynamics Between Domestic and Wild Caprinae in the Western United States, Pauline L. Kamath, Kezia Manlove, E. Frances Cassirer, Paul C. Cross, and Thomas E. Besser; Scientific Reports
The Tail Wagging the Dog: Positive Attitude Towards Livestock Guarding Dogs Do Not Mitigate Pastoralists’ Opinions of Wolves or Grizzly Bears, Daniel Kinka and Julie K. Young; Palgrave Communications
Ectoparasite Burden Influences the Denning Behavior of a Small Desert Carnivore, Bryan M. Kluever, David T. Iles, and Eric M. Gese; Ecosphere
Group Effects of a Non-Native Plant Invasion on Rodent Abundance, Bryan M. Kluever, Trinity N. Smith, and Eric M. Gese; Ecosphere
The Effects of Electric Power Lines on the Breeding Ecology of Greater Sage-Grouse, Michel T. Kohl, Terry A. Messmer, Benjamin A. Crabb, Michael R. Guttery, David K. Dahlgren, Randy T. Larsen, Shandra Nicole Frey, Sherry Liguori, and Rick J. Baxter; PLoS ONE
Plant-Soil Feedbacks Predict Native but Not Non-Native Plant Community Composition: A 7-Year Common-Garden Experiment, Andrew Kulmatiski; Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Hydrologic Niches Explain Species Coexistence and Abundance in a Shrub-Steppe System, Andrew Kulmatiski, Peter B. Adler, and Karen M. Foley; Journal of Ecology
Chronosequence and Direct Observation Approaches Reveal Complementary Community Dynamics in a Novel Ecosystem, Andrew Kulmatiski and Karen H. Beard; PLoS ONE
Gas Production Kinetics and in vitro Degradability of Tannin-Containing Legumes, Alfalfa and Their Mixtures., Sebastian Lagrange, S. Lobón, and Juan J. Villalba; Animal Feed Science and Technology
Tannin-Containing Legumes and Forage Diversity Influence Foraging Behavior, Diet Digestibility, and Nitrogen Excretion by Lambs, Sebastian Lagrange and Juan J. Villalba; Journal of Animal Science
Cloud Cover and Delayed Herbivory Relative to Timing of Spring Onset Interact to Dampen Climate Change Impacts on Net Ecosystem Exchange in a Coastal Alaskan Wetland, A. Joshua Leffler, Karen H. Beard, Katharine C. Kelsey, Ryan T. Choi, Joel A. Schmutz, and Jeffrey M. Welker; Environmental Research Letters
Estimating Historical Forest Density From Land‐Survey Data: A Response to Baker and Williams (2018), Carrie R. Levine, Charles V. Cogbill, Brandon M. Collins, Andrew J. Larson, James A. Lutz, Malcolm P. North, Christina M. Restaino, Hugh D. Safford, Scott L. Stephens, and John J. Battles; Ecological Applications
Functional Traits Explain Amphibian Distribution in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, Ricardo Lourenço-de-Moraes, Felipe S. Campos, Rodrigo B. Ferreira, Karen H. Beard, Mirco Solé, Gustavo A. Llorente, and Rogério P. Bastos; Journal of Biogeography
Back to the Future: Conserving Functional and Phylogenetic Diversity in the Amphibian-Climate Refuges, Ricardo Lourenço-de-Moraes, Felipe S. Campos, Rodrigo B. Ferreira, Mirco Solé, Karen H. Beard, and Rogério P. Bastos; Biodiversity and Conservation
Individual Variation and Ecotypic Niches in Simulations of the Impact of Climatic Volatility, George P. Malanson, R. Justin DeRose, and Matthew F. Bekker; Ecological Modelling
Home Range and Habitat Use of West Virginia Canis Latrans (Coyote), Lauren L. Mastro, Dana J. Morin, and Eric M. Gese; Northeastern Naturalist
Soil and Vegetation Survey of Antelope Pasture, Curlew Grazing Allotment, Oneida County, ID, Merran Owen, Kari E. Veblen, Thomas A. Monaco, and Janis Boettinger
Epidemic Spruce Beetle Outbreak Changes Drivers of Engelmann Spruce Regeneration, Jessika M. Pettit, Julia I. Burton, R. Justin DeRose, James N. Long, and Steve L. Voelker; Ecosphere
DNA Persistence in Predator Saliva from Multiple Species and Methods for Optimal Recovery from Depredated Carcasses, Antoinette J. Piaggio, Susan A. Shriner, Julie K. Young, Doreen L. Griffin, Peggy Callahan, Darren J. Wostenberg, Eric M. Gese, and Matthew W. Hopken; Journal of Mammalogy
Is Grassfed Meat and Dairy Better for Human and Environmental Health?, Frederick D. Provenza, Scott L. Kronberg, and Pablo Gregorini; Frontiers in Nutrition
Potential for Post-Fire Recovery of Greater Sage-Grouse Habitat, Corinna Riginos, Thomas A. Monaco, Kari E. Veblen, Kevin Gunnell, Eric Thacker, David K. Dahlgren, and Terry Messmer; Ecosphere
Soil Net Nitrogen Mineralisation Across Global Grasslands, A. C. Risch, S. Zimmermann, R. Ochoa-Hueso, M. Schütz, B. Frey, J. L. Firn, P. A. Fay, F. Hagedorn, E. T. Borer, E. W. Seabloom, W. S. Harpole, J. M. H. Knops, R. L. McCulley, A. A. D. Broadbent, C. J. Stevens, M. L. Silveira, Peter B. Adler, and et al.; Nature Communications
Environmental Differences between Migratory and Resident Ungulates—Predicting Movement Strategies in Rocky Mountain Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus) with Remotely Sensed Plant Phenology, Snow, and Land Cover, Benjamin Robb, Qiongyu Huang, Joseph O. Sexton, David C. Stoner, and Peter Leimgruber; Remote Sensing
A Global View of Aspen: Conservation Science for Widespread Keystone Systems, Paul C. Rogers, Bradley D. Pinno, Jan Šebesta, Benedicte R. Albrectsen, Guoqing Li, Natalya Ivanova, Dominik Kulakowski, Antonín Kusbach, Timo Kuuluvainen, Simon M. Landhäusser, Hongyan Liu, Tor Myking, Pertti Pulkkinen, and Zhongming Wen; Global Ecology and Conservation
Past Management Spurs Differential Plant Communities within a Giant Single-Clone Aspen Forest, Paul C. Rogers and Jan Šebesta; Forests
Estimability of Migration Survival Rates from Integrated Breeding and Winter Capture–Recapture Data, Clark S. Rushing; Ecology and Evolution
Modeling Spatially and Temporally Complex Range Dynamics When Detection is Imperfect, Clark S. Rushing, J. Andrew Royle, David J. Zilkowski, and Keith L. Pardieck; Scientific Reports
Determining the Sensitivity of Grassland Area Burned to Climate Variation in Xilingol, China, With an Autoregressive Distributed Lag Approach, Ali Hassan Shabbir, Jiquan Zhang, Xingpeng Liu, James A. Lutz, Carlos Valencia, and James D. Johnston; International Journal of Wildland Fire
Climate Change, Snow Mold and the Bromus tectorum Invasion: Mixed Evidence for Release from Cold Weather Pathogens, Danielle M. Smull, Nicole Pendleton, Andrew R. Kleinhesselink, and Peter B. Adler; AoB Plants
Consequences of Intraspecific Variation in Seed Dispersal for Plant Demography, Communities, Evolution and Global Change, Rebecca S. Snell, Noelle G. Beckman, Evan Fricke, Bette A. Loiselle, Carolina S. Carvalho, Landon R. Jones, Nathanael I. Lichti, Nicky Lustenhouwer, Sebastian J. Schreiber, Christopher Strickland, Lauren L. Sullivan, Brittany R. Cavazos, Itamar Giladi, Alan Hastings, Kimberly M. Holbrook, Eelke Jongejans, Oleg Kogan, Flavia Montaño-Centellas, Javiera Rudolph, Haldre S. Rogers, Rafal Zwolak, and Eugene W. Schupp; AoB PLANTS
Medusahead: A Potential Livestock Forage on Rangelands?, C. Spackman, Kip E. Panter, Clinton A. Stonecipher, and Juan J. Villalba; 72nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management
Recoupling Fire and Grazing Reduces Wildland Fuel Loads on Rangelands, Heath D. Starns, Samuel D. Fuhlendorf, R. Dwayne Elmore, Dirac Twidwell, Eric T. Thacker, Torre J. Hovick, and Barney Luttbeg; Ecosphere
Monitoring Rangelands in the Space Age: What Satellite Imagery Can Do for Rancher, Land Manager, and Decision Makers, David C. Stoner, Thomas C. Edwards Jr., and Joseph O. Sexton; All Land, All Hands
Effects of Bark Beetle Attacks on Forest Snowpack and Avalanche Formation – Implications for Protection Forest Management, Michaela Teich, Andrew D. Giunta, Pascal Hagenmuller, Peter Bebi, Martin Schneebeli, and Michael J. Jenkins; Forest Ecology and Management
Unclogging the Pipeline: Advancement to Full Professor in Academic STEM, Helga Van Miegroet, Christy Glass, Ronda R. Callister, and Kimberly Sullivan; Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal
Thresholds Are in the Eye of the Beholder: Plants and Wildlife Respond Differently to Short‐Term Cattle Corrals, Kari E. Veblen and Lauren M. Porensky; Ecological Applications
Pasture Chemoscapes and Their Ecological Services, Juan J. Villalba, Karen A. Beauchemin, Pablo Gregorini, and Jennifer W. MacAdam; Translational Animal Science
A Case for Eustress in Grazing Animals, Juan J. Villalba and Xavier Manteca; Frontiers in Veterinary Science
Seedling Emergence Patterns of Six Restoration Species in Soils From Two Big Sagebrush Plant Communities, Lacey E. Wilder, Kari E. Veblen, Eugene W. Schupp, and Thomas A. Monaco; Western North American Naturalist
Climatization-Negligent Attribution of Great Salt Lake Desiccation: A Comment on Meng (2019), Michael L. Wine, Sarah E. Null, R. Justin DeRose, and Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh; Climate
Mind the Gap: Experimental Tests to Improve Efficacy of Fladry for Nonlethal Management of Coyotes, Julie K. Young, John P. Draper, and Stewart Breck; Wildlife Society Bulletin
Space Use and Movement of Urban Bobcats, Julie K. Young, Julie M. Golla, John P. Draper, Derek Broman, Terry Blankenship, and Richard Heilbrun; Animals
Interactions with Humans Shape Coyote Responses to Hazing, Julie K. Young, Edd Hammill, and Stewart W. Breck; Scientific Reports
Persistence and Conspecific Observations Improve Problem-Solving Abilities of Coyotes, Julie K. Young, Laura Touzot, and Stacey P. Brummer; PLoS ONE
Weak Interspecific Interactions in a Sagebrush Steppe? Conflicting Evidence from Observations and Experiments, Peter B. Adler, Andrew R. Kleinhesselink, Giles Hooker, Joshua B. Taylor, Brittany J. Teller, and Stephen P. Ellner; Ecology
Competition and Coexistence in Plant Communities: Intraspecific Competition is Stronger Than Interspecific Competition, Peter B. Adler, Danielle Smull, Karen H. Beard, Ryan T. Choi, Tucker J. Furniss, Andrew Kulmatiski, Joan M. Meiners, Andrew T. Tredennick, and Kari E. Veblen; Ecology Letters
When Tree Rings Go Global: Challenges and Opportunities for Retro- and Prospective Insight, Flurin Babst, Paul Bodesheim, Noah Charney, Andrew D. Friend, Martin P. Girardin, Stefan Klesse, David J.P. Moore, Kristina Seftigen, Jesper Björklund, Olivier Bouriaud, Andria Dawson, R. Justin DeRose, Michael C. Dietze, Annemarie H. Eckes, Brian Enquist, and et al.; Quaternary Science Reviews
The Importance of Small Fire Refugia in the Central Sierra Nevada, California, USA, Erika M. Blomdahl, Crystal A. Kolden, Arjan J.H. Meddens, and James A. Lutz; Forest Ecology and Management
In Vitro Digestibility and Fermentation Kinetics of Six Irrigated Forage Hays in the US Intermountain West, A. I. Bolletta, Juan J. Villalba, X. Dai, and Jennifer W. MacAdam; The American Society of Animal Science (ASAS) and the Canadian Society of Animal Science (CSAS) Joint Annual Meeting
Anthropogenic Food Subsidy to a Commensal Carnivore: The Value and Supply of Human Faeces in the Diet of Free-Ranging Dogs, James R. A. Butler, Wendy Y. Brown, and Johan T. du Toit; Animals
Direct effects of warming increase woody plant abundance in a subarctic wetland, Lindsay G. Carlson, Karen H. Beard, and Peter B. Adler; Ecology and Evolution
Waterfall Formation at a Desert River-Reservoir Delta Isolates Endangered Fishes, Charles N. Cathcart, Casey A. Pennock, Christopher A. Cheek, Mark C. McKinstry, Peter D. MacKinnon, Mary M. Conner, and Keith B. Gido; River Research and Applications
Age-Specific Estimates Indicate Potential Deleterious Capture Effects and Low Survival of Stocked Juvenile Colorado Pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus lucius), Scott R. Clark, Mary M. Conner, Scott L. Durst, and Nathan R. Franssen; North American Journal of Fisheries Management
Susceptibility of Spring-flowering Garden Plants to Herbivory by Mule Deer, Michael R. Conover, Kristin B. Hulvey, Megan L. Monroe, and Collin B. Fitzgerald; Wildlife Society Bulletin
Are Killer Bees Good for Coffee? The Contribution of a Paper's Title and Other Factors to Its Future Citations, Mark J. Costello, Karen H. Beard, Richard B. Primack, Vincent Devictor, and Amanda E. Bates; Biological Conservation
Increased Intake and Preference for Tannin-Rich Sainfoin (Onobrychis Viciifolia) Pellets by Both Parasitized and Non-Parasitized Lambs After a Period of Conditioning, Morgane Costes-Thiré, Juan J. Villalba, Hervé Hoste, and Cécile Ginane; Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Winter Feeding of Elk in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and its Effects on Disease Dynamics, Gavin C. Cotterill, Paul C. Cross, Erik K. Cole, Rebecca K. Fuda, Jared D. Rogerson, Brandon M. Scurlock, and Johan T. du Toit; Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
Hidden Cost of Disease in a Free-Ranging Ungulate: Brucellosis Reduces Mid-Winter Pregnancy in Elk, Gavin C. Cotterill, Paul C. Cross, Arthur D. Middleton, Jared D. Rogerson, Brandon M. Scurlock, and Johan T. du Toit; Ecology and Evolution
Upland Bare Ground and Riparian Vegetative Cover Under Strategic Grazing Management, Continuous Stocking, and Multiyear Rest in New Mexico Mid-grass Prairie, Rick Danvir, Gregg Simonds, Eric Sant, Eric T. Thacker, Randy Larsen, Tony Svejcar, R. Douglas Ramsey, Frederick D. Provenza, and Chad Boyd; Rangelands
It's Time to Listen: There is Much to be Learned from the Sounds of Tropical Ecosystems, Jessica L. Deichmann, Orlando Acevedo-Charry, Leah Barclay, Zuzana Burivalova, Marconi Campos-Cerqueira, Fernando d'Horta, Edward T. Game, Benjamin L. Gottesman, Patrick J. Hart, Ammie K. Kalan, Simon Linke, Leandro Do Nascimento, Bryan Pijanowski, Erica Staaterman, and T. Mitchell Aide; Biotropica
How Behavior of Nontarget Species Affects Perceived Accuracy of Scat Detection Dog Surveys, Karen E. DeMatteo, Linsey W. Blake, Julie K. Young, and Barbara Davenport; Scientific Reports
Iterative Near-Term Ecological Forecasting: Needs, Opportunities, And Challenges, Michael C. Dietze, Andrew Fox, Lindsay M. Beck-Johnson, Julio L. Betancourt, Melvin Hooten, Catherine S. Jarnevich, Timothy H. Keitt, Melissa A. Kenney, Christine M. Laney, Laurel G. Larsen, Henry W. Leoscher, Claire K. Lunch, Bryan C. Pijanowski, James T. Randerson, Emily K. Read, Andrew T. Tredennick, Rodrigo Vargas, Kathleen C. Weathers, and Ethan P. White; Perspective
Use of Unpalatable Forages by Ruminants: The Influence of Experience with the Biophysical and Social Environment, Roberto A. Distel and Juan J. Villalba; Animals
Repurposing environmental DNA samples—detecting the western pearlshell (Margaritifera falcata) as a proof of concept, Joseph C. Dysthe, Torrey Rodgers, Thomas W. Franklin, Kellie J. Carim, Michael K. Young, Kevin S. McKelvey, Karen E. Mock, and Michael J. Schwartz; Ecology and Evolution
Seasonal Changes in Feed Intake, Diet Digestibility and Diet Composition by Lactating and Non-Lactating Goats Browsing in a Semi-Arid Rangeland of Argentina, Ángela Vanina Egea, María L. Bakker, Liliana I. Allgretti, Sebastián A. Paez, Diego J. Grilli, Juan C. Guevara, and Juan J. Villalba; Grass and Forage Science
Low Offspring Survival in Mountain Pine Beetle Infesting the Resistant Great Basin Bristlecone Pine Supports the Preference-Performance Hypothesis, Erika L. Eidson, Karen E. Mock, and Barbara J. Bentz; PLoS ONE
Is Doping of Cognitive Performance an Anti‐Herbivore Adaptation? Alkaloids Inhibiting Acetylcholinesterase as a Case, Maciej J. Ejsmond and Frederick D. Provenza; Ecosphere
An Expanded Modern Coexistence Theory for Empirical Applications, Stephen P. Ellner, Robin E. Snyder, Peter B. Adler, and Giles J. Hooker; Ecology Letters
Gymnosperms on the EDGE, Félix Forest, Justin Moat, Elisabeth Baloch, Neil A. Brummitt, Steve P. Bachman, Steffi Ickert-Bond, Peter M. Hollingsworth, Aaron Liston, Damon P. Little, Sarah Mathews, Hardeep Rai, Catarina Rydin, Dennis W. Stevenson, Philip Thomas, and Sven Buerki; Scientific Reports
Relative Abilities of Young Sheep and Goats to Self-Medicate with Tannin-Rich Sainfoin When Infected with Gastrointestinal Nematodes, E. Gaudin, Morgane Costes-Thiré, Juan J. Villalba, Hervé Hoste, V. Gerfault, and Cécile Ginane; Animal
Short-Term Regeneration Dynamics of Wyoming Big Sagebrush at Two Sites in Northern Utah, Sara J. Germain, Rebecca K. Mann, Thomas A. Monaco, and Kari E. Veblen; Western North American Naturalist
Influence of Behavioral State, Sex, and Season on Resource Selection by Jaguars (Panthera onca): Always on the Prowl?, Eric M. Gese, Patricia A. Terletzky, Sandra M. C. Calvalcanti, and Christopher M. U. Neale; Ecosphere
Cross-Fostering as a Conservation Tool to Augment Endangered Carnivore Populations, Eric M. Gese, William T. Waddell, Patricia A. Terletzky, Chris F. Lucash, Scott R. McLellan, and Susan K. Behrns; Journal of Mammalogy
A Landscape-Level Assessment of Whitebark Pine Regeneration in the Rocky Mountains, USA, Sara A. Goeking, Deborah K. Izlar, and Thomas C. Edwards Jr.; Forest Science
Diumal Patterns of Urination and Drinking by Grazing Ruminants: A Development in a Mechanistic Model of a Grazing Ruminant, MINDY, P. Gregorini, Frederick D. Provenza, Juan J. Villalba, and P. C. Beukes; The Journal of Agricultural Science
Dynamics of Forage Ingestion, Oral Processing and Digesta Outflow From the Rumen: A Development in a Mechanistic Model of a Grazing Ruminant, MINDY, P. Gregorini, Frederick D. Provenza, Juan J. Villalba, P. C. Beukes, and M. J. Forbes; The Journal of Agricultural Science
Increased Soil Frost Versus Summer Drought as Drivers of Plant Biomass Responses To Reduced Precipitation: Results from A Globally-Coordinated Field Experiment, Hugh A.L. Henry, Mehdi Abedi, Concepcion L. Alados, Karen H. Beard, Lauchlan H. Fraser, Anke Jentsch, Juergen Kreyling, Andrew Kulmatiski, Eric G. Lamb, Wei Sun, Mathew R. Vankoughnett, Susanna Venn, Christiane Werner, Ilka Beil, Irmgard Blindow, Sven Dahlke, Maren Dubbert, Alexandra Effinger, Heath W. Garris, Maite Gartzia, Tobias Gebauer, Mohammed A.S. Arfin Khan, Andrey V. Malyshev, Charles Nock, Janelle P. Paulson, Yolanda Pueyo, Holly J. Stover, and Xuechen Yang
Improved Prediction of Stream Flow Based on Updating Land Cover Maps with Remotely Sensed Forest Change Detection, Alexander J. Hernandez, Sean P. Healey, Hongsheng Huang, and R. Douglas Ramsey; Forests
Relationships Among Invasive Coqui Frogs, the Small Indian Mongoose and Rat Species in Hawaii, Shane A. Hill
Site Conditions Determine a Key Native Plant’s Contribution to Invasion Resistance in Grasslands, Kristin B. Hulvey and Brittany J. Teller; Ecology
Phenological Mismatch in Coastal Western Alaska May Increase Summer Season Greenhouse Gas Uptake, Katharine C. Kelsey, A. Joshua Leffler, Karen H. Beard, Ryan T. Choi, Joel A. Schmutz, and Jeffery M. Welker; Environmental Research Letters
The Response of Big Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) to Interannual Climate Variation Changes Across Its Range, Andrew R. Kleinhesselink and Peter B. Adler; Ecology
Sampling Bias Overestimates Climate Change Impacts on Forest Growth in the Southwestern United States, Stefan Klesse, R. Justin DeRose, Christopher H. Guiterman, Ann M. Lynch, Christopher D. O’Connor, John D. Shaw, and Margaret E.K. Evans; Nature Communications
Change in Dominance Determines Herbivore Effects on Plant Biodiversity, Sally E. Koerner, Melinda D. Smith, Deron E. Burkepile, Niall P. Hanan, Meghan L. Avolio, Scott L. Collins, Alan K. Knapp, Nathan P. Lemoine, Elisabeth J. Forrestel, Stephanie Eby, Dave I. Thompson, Gerardo A. Aguado-Santacruz, John P. Anderson, T. Michael Anderson, Ayana Angassa, Sumanta Bagchi, Elisabeth S. Bakker, Gary Bastin, Lauren E. Baur, Karen H. Beard, Erik A. Beever, Patrick J. Bohlen, Elizabeth H. Boughton, Don Canestro, Ariela Cesa, Enrique Chaneton, Jimin Cheng, Carla M. D'Antonio, Claire Deleglise, Fadiala Dembélé, Josh Dorrough, David J. Eldridge, Barbara Fernandez-Going, Silvia Fernández-Lugo, Lauchlan H. Fraser, Bill Freedman, Gonzalo García-Salgado, Jacob R. Goheen, Liang Guo, Sean Husheer, Moussa Karembé, Johannes M. H. Knops, Tineke Kraaij, Andrew Kulmatiski, Minna-Maarit Kytöviita, Felipe Lezama, Gregory Loucougaray, Alejandro Loydi, Dan G. Milchunas, Suzanne J. Milton, John W. Morgan, Claire Moxham, Kyle C. Nehring, Han Olff, Todd M. Palmer, Salvador Rebollo, Corinna Riginos, Anita C. Risch, Marta Rueda, Mahesh Sankaran, Takehiro Sasaki, Kathryn A. Shoenecker, Nick L. Shultz, Martin Schütz, Angelika Schwabe, Frances Siebert, Christian Smit, Karen A. Stahlheber, Christian Storm, Dustin J. Strong, Jishuai Su, Yadugiri V. Tiruvaimozhi, Claudia Tyler, James Val, Martijn L. Vandegehuchte, Kari E. Veblen, Lance T. Vermeire, David Ward, Jianshuang Wu, Truman P. Young, Qiang Yu, and Tamara Jane Zelikova; Nature Ecology & Evolution
Diel Predator Activity Drives a Dynamic Landscape of Fear, Michel T. Kohl, Daniel R. Stahler, Matthew C. Metz, James D. Forester, Matthew J. Kauffman, Nathan Varley, P. J. White, Douglas W. Smith, and Daniel R. MacNulty; Ecological Monographs
Community-Level Plant–Soil Feedbacks Explain Landscape Distribution of Native and Non-Native Plants, Andrew Kulmatiski; Ecology and Evolution
Methane Emissions by Cattle Grazing Tannin-Containing Legumes, S. P. Lagrange, R. D. Guevara-Ballesteros, K. Beauchemin, and Jennifer W. MacAdam; The American Society of Animal Science (ASAS) and the Canadian Society of Animal Science (CSAS) Joint Annual Meeting
Tamm Review: Seedling-Based Ecology, Management, and Restoration in Aspen (Populus tremuloides), Simon M. Landhäusser, Bradley D. Pinno, and Karen E. Mock; Forest Ecology and Management