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The Value of Native Plants and Local Production in an Era of Global Agriculture, Oren Shelef, Peter J. Weisberg, and Frederick D. Provenza; Frontiers in Plant Science
Estimating Utilization Distributions From Fitted Step-SelectionFunctions, Johannes Signer, John Fieberg, and Tal Avgar; Ecosphere
Modelling and Forecasting Mule Deer Survival in Utah: A Look at Reducing uncertainty in Forecasts using Adaptive Techniques, A. Sims, David C. Stoner, Kent R. Hersey, Heather H. Bernales, Jyoteshwar Nagol, Joseph O. Sexton, and Thomas C. Edwards Jr.; 12th Western States and Provinces, Deer and Elk Worshop
Phenology largely explains taller grass at successful nests in greater sage-grouse, Joseph T. Smith, Jason D. Tack, Kevin Doherty, Brady W. Allred, Jeremy D. Maestas, Lorelle I. Berkeley, Seth J. Dettenmaier, Terry A. Messmer, and David E. Naugle; Ecology and Evolution
Invasive coqui frogs are associated with greater abundances of nonnative birds in Hawaii, USA, Robyn L. Smith, Karen H. Beard, and David N. Koons; Condor
Glyphosate Application and Cattle Grazing: An Integrated Approach to Control Medusahead, C. Spackman, Kip E. Panter, Clinton A. Stonecipher, and Juan J. Villalba; 70th Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management
Environmental Impacts from Cattle Consuming Tannin-Containing Hays, E. K. Stewart, K. Beauchemin, Jennifer W. MacAdam, and Juan J. Villalba; The American Society of Animal Science (ASAS) and the Canadian Society of Animal Science (CSAS) Joint Annual Meeting
Predation as a Force of Nature, David C. Stoner; Western Wildlife Conservancy
Mule Deer Abundance, Cougar Home Range, and Predator-Prey Density Across a climatic Gradient in the Intermountain West, David C. Stoner, Joseph O. Sexton, David M. Choate, Heather H. Bernales, Jyoteshwar Nagol, Kirsten E. Ironside, Kathleen M. Longshore, and Thomas C. Edwards Jr.; 12th Mountain Lion Workshop
Monitoring Mule Deer-Cougar Interactions across Bellwether Units, David C. Stoner, Julie K. Young, Joseph O. Sexton, and Thomas C. Edwards Jr.; Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society
Energy- and Protein-Based Supplements Improve Decadent Sagebrush use by Elk, J. Taylor, Kari E. Veblen, Eric T. Thacker, and Juan J. Villalba; 70th Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management
The relationship between species richness and ecosystem variability is shaped by the mechanism of coexistence, Andrew T. Tredennick, Peter B. Adler, and Frederick R. Adler; Ecology Letters
Why so slow: Gender gap in the advancement to highest ranks in academic STEM, Helga Van Miegroet, R. Callister, K. Sullivan, and C. Glass; Annual Meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association
From Matthew to Mathilda effect: Gender and awards in academic STEM, Helga Van Miegroet and C. Glass; Annual Meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association
Antioxidants, Diet Selection and the Control of Internal Parasites in Sheep, Juan J. Villalba; NCERA 214 Sheep Research Meeting
Foraging Behavior as a Tool to Improve Animal Productivity and Welfare, Juan J. Villalba; Agricultural Fair of the State, Xmatkuil, Merida
Legume-Finished Beef: Achieving Current Production with Greater Environmental, Economic and Social Sustainability, Juan J. Villalba; USDA-AFRI Joint Animal Nutrition, Growth and Lactation and Food Security Project Directors' Meeting
Psychobiology of Ingestive Behavior of Herbivores, Juan J. Villalba; X Latin American Conference of Specialists on Small Ruminants and South-American Camelids
Psychobiology of Ingestive Behavior of Herbivores, Juan J. Villalba; Revista Argentina de Producción Animal
Ruminants as architects for the Management of Natural Landscapes: An Adaptive Look to Climate Change, Juan J. Villalba; National Institute of Agricultural Research
Tannin-Containing Legumes in Pasturelands and Their Ecological Services, Juan J. Villalba; USDA-NIFA Bioeconomy and Agroecosystem Project Directors' Meeting
The Psychobiology of Diet Selection in Ruminants: From Pens to Landscapes, Juan J. Villalba; Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan, Mexico
Climate drives fire synchrony but local factors control fire regime change in northern Mexico, Larissa L. Yocom Kent, Peter Z. Fule, J. Brown, E. Cerano, E. Cornejo-Oviedo, C. Cortés Montaño, S. A. Drury, D. A. Falk, J. Meunier, H. M. Poulos, C. N. Skinner, S. L. Stephens, and J. Villanueva-Diaz; Ecosphere
Historical high-severity fire patches in mixed-conifer forests, Larissa L. Yocom Kent, Peter Z. Fule, Windy A. Bunn, and Eric G. Gdula; Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Previous fires and roads limit wildfire growth in Arizona and New Mexico, Larissa L. Yocom Kent, J. Jenness, Peter Z. Fule, and A. Thode; Conference of Science and Management on the Colorado Plateau
Tree growth response to climate varies across a monsoon precipitation gradient, Larissa L. Yocom Kent, K. Ogle, Y. Liu, P. Szejner, R. K. Monson, and D. Peltier; Conference of Science and Management on the Colorado Plateau
Tree growth response to climate varies across a monsoon precipitation gradient, Larissa L. Yocom Kent, K. Ogle, Y. Liu, P. Szejner, R. K. Monson, and D. Peltier; Ecological Society of America
Investigation of techniques to measure cortisol and testosterone concentrations in coyote hair, Julie K. Young, Christopher J. Schell, Elizabeth V. Lonsdorf, Jill M. Mateo, and Rachel M. Santymire; Zoo Biology
Demographic Approaches to Wildlife Conservation and Management Dilemmas, Lise M. Aubry; UDWR-USU Brown Bag Luncheon Seminar
Responses to Climate Change in the Wild: Learning From Indicator Species, Lise M. Aubry; Climate Change Workshop for Teachers at Utah's Hogle Zoo
Can Low-Severity Fire Reverse Compositional Change in Montane Forests of the Sierra Nevada, California, USA?, Kendall M. L. Becker and James A. Lutz; Ecosphere
Defense traits in the long-lived Great Basin bristlecone pine and resistance to the native herbivore mountain pine beetle, Barbara J. Bentz, Sharon Hood, E. Matthew Hansen, James C. Vandygriff, and Karen E. Mock; New Phytologist
Differences between aspen and conifer soil organic carbon pools explained by carbon fluxes, Antra Boča and Helga Van Miegroet; Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting
Identification of Elk Preferences for Different Diet Supplements, Hope Braithwaite, Timothy M. Bateman, Kari E. Veblen, Eric T. Thacker, and Juan J. Villalba; Wildlife Society Bulletin
The Conundrum of Heterogeneity in Life History Studies, Emmanuelle Cam, Lise M. Aubry, and Matthieu Authier; Trends in Ecology & Evolution
Evidence for Strain-Specific Immunity to Pneumonia in Bighorn Sheep, E. Frances Cassirer, Kezia R. Manlove, Raina K. Plowright, and Thomas E. Besser; The Journal of Wildlife Management
How the Foraging Decisions of a Small Ruminant are Influenced by Past Feeding Experiences with Low-Quality Food, Francisco Catanese, Roberto A. Distel, P. Fernández, and Juan J. Villalba; Behavioural Processes
The Physiological Consequences of Ingesting a Toxic Plant (Diplotaxis Tenuifolia) Influence Subsequent Foraging Decisions by Sheep (Ovis Aries), Francisco Catanese, P. Fernández, Juan J. Villalba, and Roberto A. Distel; Physiology & Behavior
The Physiological Consequences of Ingesting a Toxic Plant (Diplotaxis Tenuifolia) and Medicinal Supplements Influence Subsequent Foraging Decisions by Sheep, Francisco Catanese, Juan J. Villalba, and Roberto A. Distel; The American Dairy Science Association (ADSA), the American Society of Animal Science (ASAS), and the Canadian Society of Animal Science (CSAS) 2016 Joint Annual Meeting
Conservation and Ecology of Gray Wolves in Eastern Turkey, Mark William Chynoweth; INSPIRE Lecture Series
Human-wildlife conflict as a barrier to large carnivore management and conservation in Turkey, Mark William Chynoweth, Çağatay Altin, Emrah Çoban, and Çağan H. Şekercioğlu; Environment and Sustainability Research Symposium
Human-wildlife conflict as a barrier to large carnivore management and conservation in Turkey, Mark William Chynoweth, Emrah Çoban, Çağatay Altin, and Çağan H. Şekercioğlu; Turkish Journal of Zoology
Large Carnivore Overabundance and Novel Mammal Community Structure in a Human Dominated Ecosystem, Mark William Chynoweth, Emrah Çoban, and Çağan H. Şekercioğlu
Large Carnivore Overabundance and Novel Mammal Community Structure in a Human Dominated Ecosystem, Mark William Chynoweth, Emrah Çoban, and Çağan H. Şekercioğlu
Evaluating impacts using a BACI design, ratios, and a Bayesian approach with a focus on restoration, Mary M. Conner, W. Carl Saunders, Nicolaas Bouwes, and Chris Jordan; Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
Predators, predator removal, and sage-grouse: a review, Michael R. Conover and Anthony J. Roberts; Wildlife Management
Remote sensing for restoration planning: how the big picture can inform stakeholders, Susan Cordell, Erin J. Questad, Gregory P. Asner, James R. Kellner, Kealoha M. Kinney, Jarrod M. Thaxton, Amanda Uowolo, Sam Brooks, and Mark William Chynoweth; Restoration Ecology
Field Work Ethics in Biological Research: Viewpoint of Biological Conservation Editors, Mark J. Costello, Karen H. Beard, Richard T. Corlett, Graeme S. Cumming, Vincent Devictor, Rafael Loyola, Bea Maas, Abraham J. Miller-Rushing, Robin Pakeman, and Richard B. Primack; Biological Conservation
Increased Intake of Tannin-Rich Sainfoin (Onobrychis Viciifolia) Pellets by Parasitized and Non-Parasitized Sheep After a Period of Conditioning, Morgane Costes-Thiré, Juan J. Villalba, and Cécile Ginane; The American Dairy Science Association (ADSA), the American Society of Animal Science (ASAS), and the Canadian Society of Animal Science (CSAS) 2016 Joint Annual Meeting
Movement behavior and habitat selection of Eurasian brown bears in a human-dominated landscape in eastern Turkey, G. Cozzi, Mark William Chynoweth, J. Kusak, A. Çoban, A. Ozgul, and Çağan H. Şekercioğlu; 24th International Conference on Bear Research and Management
Anthropogenic food resources foster the coexistence of distinct life history strategies: year round-sedentary and migratory brown bears, G. Cozzi, Mark William Chynoweth, J. Kusak, E. Çoban, A. Çoban, A. Ozgul, and Ç. H. Şekercioğlu; Journal of Zoology
Dendrochronology of Utah Juniper (Juniperus osteosperma (Torr.) Little), R. Justin DeRose, Matthew F. Bekker, Roger Kjelgren, Brendan M. Buckley, James H. Speer, and Eric B. Allen; Tree-Ring Research
Building the Forest Inventory and Analysis Tree-Ring Data Set, R. Justin DeRose, John D. Shaw, and James N. Long; Journal of Forestry
Effects of Common Raven and Coyote Removal and Temporal Variation in Climate on Greater Sage-Grouse Nesting Success, Jonathan B. Dinkins, Michael R. Conover, Christopher P. Kirol, Jeffrey L. Beck, and Shandra Nicole Frey; Biological Conservation
Microhabitat Conditions in Wyoming’s Sage-Grouse Core Areas: Effects on Nest Site Selection and Success, Jonathan B. Dinkins, Kurt T. Smith, Jeffrey L. Beck, Christopher P. Kirol, Aaron C. Pratt, and Michael R. Conover; PLoS ONE
Diet Mixing and Condensed Tannins Help Explain Foraging Preferences by Creole Goats Facing the Physical and Chemical Diversity of Native Woody Plants in the Central Monte Desert (Argentina), Ángela Vanina Egea, Liliana I. Allegretti, Sebastian Paez Lama, Diego J. Grilli, Mercedes Fucili, Juan C. Guevara, and Juan J. Villalba; Animal Feed Science and Technology
How to Quantify the Temporal Storage Effect Using Simulations Instead of Math, Stephen P. Ellner, Robin E. Snyder, and Peter B. Adler; Ecology Letters
Breeding Guilds Determine Frog Response to Edge Effects in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest, Rodrigo Barbosa Ferreira, Karen H. Beard, and Martha L. Crump; PLoS ONE
Frogs Associations With Bromeliads in an Abandoned Cacao Plantation in Northeastern Brazil, Rodrigo Barbosa Ferreira, Ricardo Lourenço-de-Moraes, Rogerio Luiz Teixeira, and Karen H. Beard; Northwestern Journal of Zoology
Disturbance Agents and Their Associated Effects on the Health of Interior Douglas-Fir Forests in the Central Rocky Mountains, Andrew D. Giunta, Michael J. Jenkins, Elizabeth G. Hebertson, and Allen S. Munson; Forests
The Persistence and Characteristics of Chinook Salmon Migrations to the Upper Klamath River Prior to Exclusion by Dams, John B. Hamilton, Dennis W. Rondorf, William R. Tinniswood, Ryan J. Leary, Tim Mayer, Charleen Gavette, and Lynne A. Casal; Oregon Historical Quarterly
Nutrients and Secondary Compounds Influence Trembling Aspen (Populus Tremuloides) Intake by Sheep, K. Y. Heroy, Elizabeth A. Burritt, S. B. St. Clair, and Juan J. Villalba; 69th Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management
Tree Circumference Dynamics in Four Forests Characterized Using Automated Dendrometer Bands, Valentine Herrmann, Sean M. McMahon, Matteo Detto, James A. Lutz, Chia-Hao Chang-Yang, and Kristina J. Anderson-Teixeira; PLoS ONE
Geolocator tracking of Great Reed-Warblers (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) identifies key regions for migratory wetland specialists in the Middle East and sub-Saharan East Africa, Joshua J. Horns, Evam Buechley, Mark William Chynoweth, Lale Aktay, Emrah Çoban, Mehmet Sli Kırpık, Jordan M. Herman, Yakup Şaşmaz, and Çağan H. Şekercioğlu; The Condor
Unobserved Heterogeneity in Vital Rates Creates a Diversity of Life History ‘Complexes’ in an Antarctic Seabird Population, S Jenouvrier, Lise M. Aubry, and H Caswell; Evolutionary Demography Meeting
Interactions among climate, topography and herbivory control greenhouse gas (CO2, CH4 and N2O) fluxes in a subarctic coastal wetland, Kathy C. Kelsey, A. Joshua Leffler, Karen H. Beard, Joel A. Schmutz, Ryan T. Choi, and J. M. Welker; Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences
Spatial response of coyotes to removal of water availability at anthropogenic water sites, Bryan M. Kluever and Eric M. Gese; Journal of Arid Environments
Influence of Free Water Availability on a Desert Carnivore and Herbivore, Bryan M. Kluever, Eric M. Gese, and Stephen Dempsey; Current Zoology
A life-history perspective on the demographic drivers of structured population dynamics in changing environments, David N. Koons, David T. Iles, Michael Schaub, and Hal Caswell; Ecology Letters
Using plant-soil feedbacks to predict plant biomass in diverse communities, Andrew Kulmatiski, Karen H. Beard, Josephine Grenzer, Leslie E. Forero, and Justin Heavilin; Ecology
Using Plant-Soil Feedbacks to Predict Plant Biomass in Diverse Communities, Andrew Kulmatiski, Karen H. Beard, Josephine Grenzer, Leslie E. Forero, and Justin Heavilin; Ecology
Predictive Modeling of Ecological Patterns Along Llinear-Feature Networks, Andrew Ladle, Tal Avgar, Matthew Wheatley, and Mark S. Boyce; Methods in Ecology and Evolution
Influence of Forage Diversity on Feeding Behavior and Diet Digestibility in Lambs, S. P. Lagrange and Juan J. Villalba; The American Dairy Science Association (ADSA), the American Society of Animal Science (ASAS), and the Canadian Society of Animal Science (CSAS) 2016 Joint Annual Meeting
Human-wildlife Conflicts – the Natural Resource Issue of the 21st Century, B. Leopold and Michael R. Conover; Fair Chase
Bromeliad Selection of Phyllodytes Luteolus (Anura, Hylidae): The Influence of Plant Structure and Water Quality Factors, Marcio M. Mageski, Rodrigo Barbosa Ferreira, Karen H. Beard, Larissa C. Costa, Paulo R. Jesus, Cinthia C. Medeiros, and Paulo D. Ferreira; Journal of Herpetology
Uncovering behavioural states from animal activity and site fidelity patterns, Peter J. Mahoney and Julie K. Young; Methods in Ecology and Evolution
A Critical Role for Disease Persistence in Population Viability Assessments of Bighorn Sheep, Kezia R. Manlove; The Wildlife Society
Persistent Pneumonia Drives Long-Term Bighorn Population Dynamics in Hells Canyon, Kezia R. Manlove; Northern Wild Sheep and Goat Council Biennial Meeting
Seeking Common Ground for Wildlife Disease Management, Kezia R. Manlove; The Wildlife Society
Disease Introduction Is Associated With a Phase Transition in Bighorn Sheep Demographics, Kezia R. Manlove, E. Frances Cassirer, Paul C. Cross, Raina K. Plowright, and Peter J. Hudson; Ecology
“One Health” or Three? Publication Silos Among the One Health Disciplines, Kezia R. Manlove, Josephine G. Walker, Meggan E. Craft, Kathryn P. Huyvaert, Maxwell B. Joseph, Ryan S. Miller, Pauline Nol, Kelly A. Patyk, Daniel O'Brien, Daniel P. Walsh, and Paul C. Cross; PLoS Biology
Heterologous Vaccination and Checkpoint Blockade Synergize to Induce Antileukemia Immunity, Luke S. Manlove, Jason M. Schenkel, Kezia R. Manlove, Kristen E. Pauken, Richard T. Williams, Vaiva Vezys, and Michael A. Farrar; The Journal of Immunology
Effects of Road and Land Use on Frog Distributions Across Spatial Scales and Regions in the Eastern and Central United States, David M. Marsh, Bradley J. Cosentino, Kara S. Jones, Joseph J. Apodaca, Karen H. Beard, Jane Margaret Bell, Christine Bozarth, Derrick Carper, Julie F. Charbonnier, Andreia Dantas, Elizabeth A. Forys, Miran Foster, Jaquelyn General, Kristen S. Genet, Macie Hanneken, Kyle R. Hess, Shane A. Hill, Faisal Iqbal, Nancy E. Karraker, Eran S. Kilpatrick, Tom A. Langen, James Langford, Kathryn Lauer, Alison J. McCarthy, Joseph Neale, Saumya Patel, Austin Patton, Cherie Southwick, Nathaniel Stearrett, Nicholas Steijn, Mohammed Tasleem, Jospeh M. Taylor, and James R. Vonesh; Diversity and Distributions
Fermentation Kinetics of Medusahead and Particle Size Reduction Contribute to Explain its Low Intake and Palatability, Juan J. Montes-Sánchez and Juan J. Villalba; 69th Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management
Influence of Early Experience and Forage Availability on Medusahead Intake by Sheep, Juan J. Montes-Sánchez and Juan J. Villalba; 69th Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management
Influence of Experience and Availability of Different Forages on Medusahead Weed Intake by Sheep, Juan J. Montes-Sánchez and Juan J. Villalba; Sagebrush Ecosystem Conservation: All Lands, All Hands Joint Conference of the Great Basin Consortium and a WAFWA- Sponsored Sagebrush Science and Management Meeting
Managing Bark Beetle Impacts on Ecosystems and Society: Priority Questions to Motivate Future Research, Jesse L. Morris, Stuart Cottrell, Christopher J. Fettig, Winslow D. Hansen, Rosemary L. Sherriff, Vachel A. Carter, Jennifer L. Clear, Jessica Clement, R. Justin DeRose, Jeffrey A. Hicke, Philip E. Higuera, Katherine M. Mattor, Alistair W. R. Seddon, Heikki T. Seppä, John D. Stednick, and Steven J. Seybold; Journal of Applied Ecology
Evaluating the Efficacy of Brood Flush Counts: A Case Study in Two Quail Species, Jeremy P. Orange, Craig A. Davis, R. Dwayne Elmore, Evan P. Turner, Smauel D. Fuhlendorf, and Eric T. Thacker; Western North American Naturalist
Effectiveness of the Toxicant DRC-1339 in Reducing Populations of Common Ravens in Wyoming, Luke W. Peebles and Michael R. Conover; Wildlife Society Bulletin
Protein Supplementation and Herbage Allowance for Pregnant Ewes Grazing Low-Qualilty Pasture, Cesar Henrique Espirito Candal Poli, B. M. Paulino, A. B. Moraes, Z. M. S. Castilhos, F. C. A. Silva, N. M. Fajardo, C. M. Pimentel, D. B. David, E. B. Azevedo, and Juan J. Villalba; The American Dairy Science Association (ADSA), the American Society of Animal Science (ASAS), and the Canadian Society of Animal Science (CSAS) 2016 Joint Annual Meeting
Food Restrictions in Ewes During Different Pregnancy Periods Affects Milk Production and Lamb Growth, Cesar Henrique Espirito Candal Poli, L. A. Sphor, Alda Lúcia Gomes Monteiro, J. F. Tontini, Carolina Bremm, P. C. F. Carvalho, and Juan J. Villalba; The American Dairy Science Association (ADSA), the American Society of Animal Science (ASAS), and the Canadian Society of Animal Science (CSAS) 2016 Joint Annual Meeting
Characterizing Wildlife Behavioural Responses to Roads Using Integrated Step Selection Analysis, Christina M. Prokopenko, Mark S. Boyce, and Tal Avgar; Journal of Applied Ecology
Extent-Dependent Habitat Selection in a MigratoryLarge Herbivore: Road Avoidance Across Scales, Christina M. Prokopenko, Mark S. Boyce, and Tal Avgar; Landscape Ecology
Forest Restoration Using Variable Density Thinning: Lessons from Douglas-Fir Stands in Western Oregon, Klaus J. Puettmann, Adrian Ares, Julia I. Burton, and Erich Kyle Dodson; Forests
Recreational Harvest and Incident-Response Protocols Reduce Human-Carnivore Conflicts in an Anthropogenic Landscape, Jarod D. Raithel, Melissa J. Reynolds-Hogland, David N. Koons, Patrick C. Carr, and Lise M. Aubry; Journal of Applied Ecology
Chapter Six - Organic Farming, Soil Health and Food Quality: Considering Possible Linkages, Jennifer R. Reeve, Lori A. Hoagland, Juan J. Villalba, Patrick M. Carr, Amaya Atucha, Cynthia A. Cambardella, Donald R. Davis, and Kathleen Delate; Advances in Agronomy
Nutrient Recycling by Eared Grebes in the Great Salt Lake, Anthony J. Roberts and Michael R. Conover; Western North American Naturalist
Environmental Influences on Wintering Duck Abundance at Great Salt Lake, Utah, Anthony J. Roberts, Michael R. Conover, and Josh L. Vest; Western North American Naturalist
Quaking Aspen in Utah: Integrating Recent Science with Management, Paul C. Rogers and Samuel B. St. Clair; Rangelands
Olfactory attractants and parity affect prenatal androgens and territoriality of coyote breeding pairs, Christopher J. Schell, Julie K. Young, Elizabeth V. Lonsdorf, Jill M. Mateo, and Rachel M. Santymire; Physiology and Behavior