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Defining Niche Space in Savannas: A Long-Awaited Resolution for the Two-Layer Hypothesis, Andrew Kulmatiski, R.J. T. Verweij, Karen H. Beard, and E. February; Defining Niche Space in Savannas: A Long-Awaited Resolution for the Two-Layer Hypothesis
Neem-Tree Extract as Feed-Additive Against Ticks in Sheep, Serge Y. Landau, Dale R. Gardner, James Alan Pfister, E. Knoppel, D. Kababya, Frederick D. Provenza, C. Peterson, and Juan J. Villalba; American Association of Animal Science Meetings
The Effects of Fire on Avian Communities: Spatio-Temporal Attributes of the Literature 1912-2003, Andreas Leidolf and John A. Bissonette; International Journal of Wildland Fire
Emulating natural disturbance regimes as a basis for forest management: A NorthAmerican view, James N. Long; Forest Ecology and Management
Temporal Variation in Availability of Mediterranean Food Resources: Do Badgers Track Them?, F. Loureiro, John A. Bissonette, D. W. Macdonald, and M. Santos-Reis; Wildlife Biology
There's More to Diet Selection than Protein and Energy: The Role of Secondary Compounds in Animal Grazing Behavior, Tiffanny D. Lyman, Frederick D. Provenza, Juan J. Villalba, and Randall D. Weidmeier; 2009 Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management
Body size and predatory performance in wolves: is bigger better?, Daniel R. MacNulty, D. W. Smith, L. D. Mech, and L. E. Eberly; Journal of Animal Ecology
Predatory senescence in aging wolves, Daniel R. MacNulty, D. W. Smith, J. A. Vucetich, L. D. Mech, D. R. Stahler, and C. Packer; Ecology Letters
Investigation of a Bayesian Hierarchical Model for Landscape Genetics, Kezia R. Manlove
Analysis for the Greater Yellowstone Network, Kezia R. Manlove and K. Irvine
Power Analysis Performance and Interpretation, Kezia R. Manlove and K. Irvine; Greater Yellowstone Network Water Quality Analysts
Power Analysis Tutorial for the Greater Yellowstone Network Watershed, Kezia R. Manlove and K. Irvine
Utah Adaptive Resources Management Greater Sage-Grouse Local working Groups 2008-2009 Accomplishment Report, Terry A. Messmer, T. Black, Shandra Nicole Frey, S. Lupis, and R. Hart
What controls woodland regeneration after elephants have killed the big trees?, S. R. Moe, L. P. Rutina, H. Hytteborn, and Johan T. du Toit; Journal of Applied Ecology
Comparison of Emergence Speed and Sterility in Two Sterile Annual Hybrid Cereal Grasses Developed for Use in Restoration, C. Morris and Eugene W. Schupp; Restoration Ecology
Developing an Approach for Using the Soil Phytolith Record to Infer Vegetation and Disturbance Regime Changes over the Past 200 Years, Lesley R. Morris, Neil E. West, Fred A. Baker, Helga Van Miegroet, and Ronald J. Ryel; Quaternary International
Methods to quantify variable importance: implications for theanalysis of noisy ecological data, Kim Murray and Mary M. Conner; Ecology
Small Trees for Planting Near Power lines, S. Olsen, J. Gunnell, Michael R. Kuhns, and A. Barnhill
Losing Their Balance: Selection in Native and Introduced Populations of the Coqui Frog, Eric M. O'Neill, Karen H. Beard, Michael E. Pfrender, M. M. Peacock, and M. B. Peters; Losing Their Balance: Selection in Native and Introduced Populations of the Coqui Frog
Conversion of Sagebrush Shrublands to Exotic Annual Grasslands Negatively Impacts Rodent Communities, S. M. Ostoja and Eugene W. Schupp; Diversity and Distributions
Ant Assemblages in Intact Big Sagebrush and Converted Cheatgrass-Dominated Habitats in Rush Valley, Tooele County, Utah, USA, S. M. Ostoja, Eugene W. Schupp, and K. J. Sivy; Western North American Naturalist
Influence of Supplemental Legumes that Contain Tannins and Saponins on Intake and Diet Digestibility in Sheep Fed Grasses that Contain Alkaloids, Jake M. Owens, Frederick D. Provenza, Juan J. Villalba, and Randall D. Weidmeier; 2009 Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management
Strong Founder Effects and Low Genetic Diversity in Introduced Populations of Coqui Frogs, M. M. Peacock, Karen H. Beard, Eric M. O'Neill, V. Kirchoff, and M. B. Peters; Molecular Ecology
Possible Consequences of the Copenhagen Climate Change Meeting for Conservation of Animals, N. Pettorelli, T. Katzner, I. J. Gordon, T. Garner, Karen E. Mock, S. Redpath, and M. Gommper; Animal Conservation
Animal Ecology and Foraging Behavior, Frederick D. Provenza and Darrell L. Emmick; Animal Production System for Pasture-Based Livestock Production
Behavior-Based Management of Ecosystems, Frederick D. Provenza and T. G. Papachristou; Behavior-Based Management of Ecosystems
Self-Medication in Domestic Herbivores, Frederick D. Provenza and Juan J. Villalba; Society For Integrative and Comparative Biology 2009 Annual Meeting
Gaps Among Perennial Plants: Spatial Relationships, Root Biomass and Cheatgrass Cover, D. A. Pyke, S. E. Shaff, A. Lindgren, M. D. Reisner, Eugene W. Schupp, J. Burnham, P. S. Doescher, and J. C. Chambers; Gaps Among Perennial Plants: Spatial Relationships, Root Biomass and Cheatgrass Cover
Spatial Patterns and Species Interactions in a Diverse Great Basin (USA) Shrub Community, A. P. Rayburn and Eugene W. Schupp; Spatial Patterns and Species Interactions in a Diverse Great Basin (USA) Shrub Community
Spatial Patterns and Species Interactions in a Diverse Great Basin (USA) Shrub Community, A. P. Rayburn and Eugene W. Schupp; Spatial Patterns and Species Interactions in a Diverse Great Basin (USA) Shrub Community
Don’t Miss the Invasions! A Note on Forest Health Monitoring in the Taita Hills, Kenya, Paul C. Rogers; Journal of East African Natural History
Aspen Succession and Nitrogen Loading: A Case for Epiphytic Lichens as Bioindicators in the Rocky Mountains, USA, Paul C. Rogers, Kori D. Moore, and Ronald J. Ryel; Journal of Vegetation Science
Aspen succession and nitrogen loading: a case for epiphytic lichens as bioindicators in the Rocky Mountains, USA, Paul C. Rogers, Kori D. Moore, and Ronald J. Ryel; Journal of Vegetation Science
Changes in occupancy and breeding probabilities of Lesser Scaup, B. E. Ross and David N. Koons; 2nd Pan-European Duck Symposium
Pretreatment Vegetation Similarities and Differences Among Arid Sagebrush Steppe Treatment Evaluation Project (SageSTEP) Sites, S. E. Schaff, D. A. Pyke, A. Lindgren, J. Burnham, Eugene W. Schupp, J. C. Chambers, and P. S. Doescher; Pretreatment Vegetation Similarities and Differences Among Arid Sagebrush Steppe Treatment Evaluation Project (SageSTEP) Sites
Landscape Factors Affecting Cougar Mortality Patterns: Implications for the Identification of Ecological Trap and De Facto Refugia, David C. Stoner, Michael L. Wolfe, and W. Rieth; International Association for Landscape Ecology
Benefits of Multi-Paddock Grazing Management on Rangelands: Limitations of Experimental Grazing Research and Knowledge Gaps, Richard Teague, Frederick D. Provenza, Brien Norton, Tim Steffens, Matthew Barnes, Mort Kothmann, and Roy Roath; Grasslands: Ecology, Management and Restoration, Schroder
Forestry Camp at the Crossroads: Future Scenarios for Environmental Learning at an Historic University Site, D. Transtrum, G. Nelson, S. McArthur, D. Trauntvein, E. Andrus, A. Chadwick, D. Frazier, S. Hunt, K. Mitchell, C. Wirick, and Paul C. Rogers
Invasive Litter, Not an Invasive Insectivore, Determines Invertebrate Communities in Hawaiian Forests, N. C. Tuttle, Karen H. Beard, and W. C. Pitt; Biological Invasions
FTIR Evidence of Changes in Carbon Associated with Hydrophobicity in Wildfire Affected Soils Treated with Elevated Temperature, Acid Snow Melt, or UV-Light, Helga Van Miegroet, A. R. Jacobsen, and A. J. Anderson; American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2009, abstract #B51F-0363
Cattle and wildlife affect development of old boma sites, Kari E. Veblen; Laikipia Wildlife Forum Newsletter
Cattle drive the development of wildlife hotspots in an East African rangeland, Kari E. Veblen; Cattle drive the development of wildlife hotspots in an East African rangeland
Assessment of livestock grazing effects and land management in sagebrush steppe across the western United States, Kari E. Veblen, D. A. Pyke, C. L. Aldridge, M. L. Casazza, T. Assal, and M. A. Farinha; Assessment of livestock grazing effects and land management in sagebrush steppe across the western United States
A California grasslands alkali specialist, Hemizonia pungenspungens, prefers non-alkali soil, Kari E. Veblen and T. P. Young; Journal of Vegetation Science
Feeding Behavior in Ruminants, Juan J. Villalba; XXXII Annual Argentinean Meeting on Animal Production
Linking Animal Behavior, Plant Chemistry, and Herbivore Health, Juan J. Villalba; University of Catania
Linking Plant Chemistry and Herbivore Health, Juan J. Villalba; Center for Advanced Nutrition (CAN)
Peripheral Senses, Behavior, and Welfare. How do They Interact and Why it Matters Anyway?, Juan J. Villalba; Lucta, S.A.
Post Ingestive Feedback as an Underlying Mechanism for Food Preferences in Ruminants, Juan J. Villalba; Universidad Nacional del Sur
Primary Roles for Secondary Compounds: Enhancing the Health of Soils, Plants, Herbivores and People Through Plant Biochemical Diversity, Juan J. Villalba; USDA-NIFA-NRI Managed Ecosystems Annual Awardee Meeting
Selection of Tannins by Sheep in Response to Gastro-Intestinal Nematode Infections, Juan J. Villalba, Frederick D. Provenza, Jeffery O. Hall, and Larry D. Lisonbee; American Association of Animal Science Meetings
Links Between Ruminant's Feeding Behavior and Their Welfare, Juan J. Villalba, Frederick D. Provenza, and X. Manteca; Xith International Symposium on Ruminant Physiology
Climate Warming in Western North America: Evidence and Environmental Effects, Frederic Wagner
Developing Riparian Bird Habitat Association Models and Management Guidelines in Utah, H. White, John A. Bissonette, and F. Howe; US International Association for Landscape Ecology, 2009 Annual Meeting, Snowbird, UT
Riparian Bird Habitat Association Models and Management Guidelines in Utah, H. White, John A. Bissonette, and F. Howe; Ecological Society of America, 2009 Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM
Relative Importance of Habitat Area and Isolation for Bird Occurrence Patterns in a Naturally Patchy Landscape, T. L. Wilson, E. J. Johnson, and John A. Bissonette; Landscape Ecology
A 15-Year Study of Cougar Exploitation in Utah, Michael L. Wolfe and David C. Stoner; National Conference of The Wildlife Society
A 15-Year Study of Cougar Exploitation in Utah, USA, Michael L. Wolfe and David C. Stoner; International Mammalogical Congress
El clima, cambio climático, e incendios forestales en el norte de México, Larissa L. Yocom Kent; Universidad Autónoma Chapingo
El clima e incendios forestales en el norte de México, Larissa L. Yocom Kent; Universidad de Guadalajara
Effects on El Niño-southern oscillation on fire regime changed over time in northeastern Mexico, Larissa L. Yocom Kent, Peter Z. Fule, P. M. Brown, J. Cerano, J. Villanueva-Diaz, D. A. Falk, and E. Cornejo-Oviedo; Ecological Society of America
Effects on El Niño-southern oscillation on fire regime changed over time in northeastern Mexico, Larissa L. Yocom Kent, Peter Z. Fule, P. M. Brown, J. Cerano, J. Villanueva-Diaz, D. A. Falk, and E. Cornejo-Oviedo; Association for Fire Ecology
Understanding Saiga Ecology for Effective Conservation, Julie K. Young; Humboldt State University
Population Estimates of Mongolian Saiga: Implications for Effective Monitoring and Population Recovery, Julie K. Young, K. M. Murray, S. Stringberg, B. Buuveibaatar, and J. Berger; Oryx
Outcome of Workshop on Population Estimation Methodologies for Mongolian Saigas, Julie K. Young, S. Strindberg, L. Amgalan, B. Buuveibaatar, A. E. Fine, J. Berger, and B. Lhagvasuren; Saiga News
Environmental Variation, Stochastic Extinction, and Competitive Coexistence, Peter B. Adler and John M. Drake; American Naturalist
The Influence of Climate and Species Composition on the Population Dynamics of Ten Prairie Forbs, Peter B. Adler and Janneke HilleRisLambers; Ecology
The Role of Landscape Permeability For Stone Marten Conservation: Patch Occupancy and Road Mortality Risk, F. Ascensao, C. Grilo, John A. Bissonette, and M. Santos-Reis; The 23rd Annual Landscape Ecology Symposium, Madison Wisconsin
How Movement Properties Affect Prey Encounter Rates of Ambush Versus Active Predators: A comment on Scharf et al, Tal Avgar, Nir Horvitz, Luba Broitman, and Ran Nathan; The American Naturalist
Mechanisms Determining Large-Herbivore Distribution, Derek W. Bailey and Frederick D. Provenza; Mechanisms Determining Large-Herbivore Distribution
Diurnal Changes in Epidermal UV Transmittance of Plants in Naturally High UV Environments, Paul W. Barnes, Stephan D. Flint, James R. Slusser, Wel Gao, and Ronald J. Ryel; Physiologia Plantarum
An Invasive Frog Affects Ecosystem Process Through Nutrient Recycling as Opposed to Trophic Cascades, Karen H. Beard; An Invasive Frog Affects Ecosystem Process Through Nutrient Recycling as Opposed to Trophic Cascades
Global Change at Local Scales: Examples From Species Introductions, Karen H. Beard; Global Change at Local Scale: Examples From Species Introductions
Global Change at Local Scales: Examples From Species Introductions and Climate Change, Karen H. Beard; Global Change at Local Scales: Examples From Species Introductions and Climate Change
Global Change at the Local Scale: Examples From Plant and Animal Invasions and Climate Change, Karen H. Beard; Global Change at the Local Scale: Examples From Plant and Animal Invasions and Climate Change
Opening Remarks- Introduction to Research on the Role of Amphibians in Ecosystem Processes, Karen H. Beard; Opening Remarks- Introduction to Research on the Role of Amphibians in Ecosystems Processes
Population Density, Growth Rates, and Diets of Eleutherodactylus coqui at Eight Sites in Hawaii, Karen H. Beard; Population Density, Growth Rates, and Diets of Eleutherodactylus coqui at Eight Sites in Hawaii
Population Density Estimates and Growth Rates of Eleutherodactylus coqui in Hawaii, Karen H. Beard, R. Al-Chokhacky, N. C. Tuttle, and Eric M. O'Neill; Journal of Herpetology
Wildlife and Energy Development: Pronghorn of the Upper Green River Basin - Year 3 Summary, J. P. Beckmann, K. M. Berger, Julie K. Young, and J. Berger; Wildlife Conservation Society Society, Bronx, NY
Migration Bottlenecks, Climate, and the Conservation of Pleistocene Relicts in Central Asia, J. Berger, K. Murray Berger, S. Bergen, B. Bayarbaatar, A. Fine, B. Lkhagvasuren, Julie K. Young, and P. Zahler; The Open Conservation Biology Journal
Protecting Migration Corridors: Challenges and Optimism for Mongolian Saiga, J. Berger, Julie K. Young, and K. Berger; PLoS Biology
Predicting the Invasion Potential of a Puerto Rican Frog in Hawaii Using MODIS Satellite Imagery, S. A. Bisrat, M. A. White, Karen H. Beard, and D. R. Cutler; Predicting the Invasion Potential of a Puerto Rican Frog in Hawaii Using MODIS Satellite Imagery
Habitat Fragmentation and Landscape Change: An Ecological and Conservation Synthesis, John A. Bissonette; Ecological Restoration
Restoring Landscape Permeability to the Roaded Landscape: Finding the Distance, John A. Bissonette; Idaho State University
Resoring Habitat Permeability to Roaded Landscapes With Isometrically-Scaled Wildlife Crossings, John A. Bissonette and William A. Adair; Biological Conservation
Evaluation of the Use and Effectiveness of Wildlife Crossings, John A. Bissonette and Patricia C. Cramer; National Cooperative Highway Research Program, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, National Academy of Science
Assessment of Costs Associated With Deer-Vehicle Collisions: Human Death and Injury, Vehicle Damage, and Deer Loss, John A. Bissonette, C. Kassar, and L. J. Cook; Human Wildlife Conflicts
Increased Abundance of Native and Non-Native Spiders With Habitat Fragmentation, D. T. Bolger, Karen H. Beard, A. Suarez, and T. Case; Diversity and Distributions
Bluebunch Wheatgrass Competition with Invasive Weeds, J. S. Burnham and Eugene W. Schupp; Bluebunch Wheatgrass Competition with Invasive Weeds
Three Deeply Divided Lineages of the Freshwater Mussel Genus Anodonta in Western North America, Jer Pin Chong, Jayne C. Brim-Box, Jeanette K. Howard, David Wolf, Terry L. Myers, and Karen E. Mock; Conservation Genetics
Morphological and Genetic Structuring in the Utah Lake Sucker Complex, D. D. Cole, Karen E. Mock, B. L. Cardall, and T. A. Crowl; Molecular Ecology
Infectious disease in cervids ofNorth America: data, models, and management challenges, Mary M. Conner, Michael Ryan Ebinger, Julie Anne Blanchong, and Paul Chafee Cross; Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
Evaluating coyote management strategiesusing a spatially explicit, individual-based, socially structured population model, Mary M. Conner, Michael Ryan Ebinger, and Frederick F. Knowlton; Ecological Modelling
Greater sage-grouse juvenile survival in Utah, David K. Dahlgren, Terry A. Messmer, and David N. Koons; Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Columbian Sharptailed and Greater Sage-grouse Technical Committee Meeting, Mammoth Lakes, CA
Life history traits and population dynamics: How will prairie plants respond to climate change?, Harmony Dalgleish, P. B. Adler, and David N. Koons; ESA 93rd Meeting
Here's How to Plan and Manage Forest Roads for Water Quality, B. Daniels, Darren McAvoy, Michael R. Kuhns, and R. Gropp; Soc. Amer. Foresters for Forestry Source
Improving longleafpine mortality predictions in the Southern Variant of the Forest Vegetation Simulator, R. Justin DeRose, John D. Shaw, Giorgio Vacchiano, and James N. Long; Third Forest Vegetation SimulatorConference
“Pando” Lives: Molecular Genetic Evidence of a Giant Aspen Clone in Central Utah, Jennifer DeWoody, Carol A. Rowe, Valerie D. Hipkins, and Karen E. Mock; Western North American Naturalist
Browsing-induced effects on leaf litter quality and decomposition in a southern African savanna, D. A. Fornara and Johan T. du Toit; Ecosystems
Community-level interactions between ungulate browsers and woody plants in an African savanna dominated by palatable-spinescent Acacia trees., D. A. Fornara and Johan T. du Toit; Journal of Arid Environments