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The Use and Effectiveness of Wildlife Crossings, Patricia C. Cramer and John A. Bissonette; Natural Resources Law Forum at the Wallace Stegner Center for Land, Resources and the Environment, S.J. Quinney College of Law, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
Transportation Ecology: Current and Future Directions of the Science of Wildlife and Roads, Patricia C. Cramer and John A. Bissonette; Invited Seminar, College of Natural Resources, Utah State University
Wildlife Crossings in North America, Patricia C. Cramer and John A. Bissonette; Transportation Research Board Wildlife and Highways Workshop, Washington D.C.
Wildlife Crossings in North America: The State of the Science and Practice, Patricia C. Cramer and John A. Bissonette; Proceedings of the International Conference on Ecology and Transportation, San Diego, California
Wildlife Passages: How Does Utah Compare to the Rest of North America, Patricia C. Cramer and John A. Bissonette; The Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Moab Utah
Condition of Highway 91 Wildlife Underpasses, Escape ramps, and Fencing in Sardine Canyon, Wellsville Mountains, Utah, Winter 2006, Patricia C. Cramer, S. Rosa, and John A. Bissonette; USGS Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Utah State University, Logan, Utah
A Framework for Predicting Invasive Plants in National Parks: A Proof of Concept Using Verbasum thapsus in Lava Beds National Monument, Thomas C. Edwards Jr., D. R. Cutler, Karen H. Beard, J. C. Gibson, and D. Sarr; A Framework for Predicting Invasive Plants in National Parks: A Proof of Concept Using Verbasum thapsus in Lava Beds National Monument
Livestock grazing and the Utah prairie dog: implications for managing the Awapa, R. D. Elmore and Terry A. Messmer
Public perceptions regarding the Utah prairie dog and it management: Implications for species recovery., R. D. Elmore and Terry A. Messmer
Are giraffes pollinators or flower predators of Acacia nigrescens in Kruger National Park, South Africa?, P. A. Fleming, S. D. Hofmeyr, S. W. Nicolson, and Johan T. du Toit; Journal of Tropical Ecology
Dispersión de Quercus ilex por roedores y arrendajos: onsecuencias emográficas a escala de paisaje, J. M. Gomez, C. Puerta-Pinero, M. L. Huertas Martinez, and Eugene W. Schupp; Dispersión de Quercus ilex por roedores y arrendajos: onsecuencias emográficas a escala de paisaje
The Role of Patch Size and Isolation to Carnivore Relative Abundance in an Oak Woodland Landscape, C. Grilo, M. Cruz, John A. Bissonette, and M. Santos-Reis; Presented at the 1st European congress of Conservation Biology, Eger, Hungary
California oaks and fire: a review and case study, K. A. Holmes, Kari E. Veblen, T. P. Young, and A. M. Berry; Proceedings of the Sixth California Oak Symposium: Today's Challenges, Tomorrow's Opportunities
Competition Between an Invasive Annual Grass, and Mature Individuals of a Perennial Grass Species, L. D. Humphrey and Eugene W. Schupp; Competition Between an Invasive Annual Grass, and Mature Individuals of a Perennial Grass Species
Accuracy of Aerial Telemetry Locations in Mountainous Terrain, Frederick F. Knowlton; Journal of Wildlife Management
Cross-fostering in coyotes: Evaluation of a potential conservation and research tool for canids, Frederick F. Knowlton and Ann M. Kitchen; Biological Conservation
Frailty models go Darwinian: The evolutionary advantage of heterogeneous offspring, David N. Koons, A. Baudisch, S. Pavard, C. J.E. Metcalf, and A. Scheuerlein; 2nd Workshop For Evolutionary demography
Population momentum across vertebrate lifehistories, David N. Koons, J. B. Grand, and J. M. Arnold; Ecological Modelling
A broad look at delayed reproduction in variable environments, David N. Koons and C. J.E. Metcalf; 3rd Workshop for Evolutionary Demography
Live or let die? Fitness consequences of temporal variability in survival and death parameters, David N. Koons, S. Pavard, A. Baudisch, and C. J.E. Metcalf; MPIDR Seminar Series
Population Momentum: Implications for Wildlife Management, David N. Koons, R. F. Rockwell, and J. B. Grand; Journal of Wildlife Management
Lesser scaup population dynamics: what can be learned from available data?, David N. Koons, J. J. Rotella, D. W. Willey, M. Taper, R. G. Clark, S. Slattery, R. W. Brook, R. M. Corcoran, and J. R. Lovvorn; 4th North American Duck Symposium
Lesser Scaup population dynamics: what can belearned from available data?, David N. Koons, J. J. Rotella, D. W. Willey, M. Taper, R. G. Clark, S. Slattery, R. W. Brook, R. M. Corcoran, and J. R. Lovvorn; Avian Conservation and Ecology - Écologie et conservationdes oiseaux
Firewise Landscaping, Michael R. Kuhns
Managing for Large Trees in our Cities, Michael R. Kuhns; Wood notes Quarterly, TreeLink On-line Magazine
The Importance of Large Trees to our Communities and How to Allow for them, Michael R. Kuhns; Proc. 9th European Forum on Urban Forestry - Urban Forestry: Bridging Cultures, Disciplines, Old Attitudes, and New Demands
Understanding Trees and Drought, Michael R. Kuhns; American Nurseryman
Utility Tree Pruning and What People Think About it: Results of a Study in the Western United States, Michael R. Kuhns; Proc. 9th European Forum on Urban Forestry - Urban Forestry: Bridging Cultures, Disciplines, Old Attitudes, and New Demands
Activated Carbon as a Restoration Tool: Potential for Control of Invasive Plants in Abandoned Agricultural Fields, Andrew Kulmatiski and Karen H. Beard; Restoration Ecology
Exotic Plants Shift Water-Use Timing, Andrew Kulmatiski, Karen H. Beard, and J. N. Stark; Exotic Plants Shift Water-Use Timing
Exotic Communities Shift Water-Use Timing, Andrew Kulmatiski, Karen H. Beard, and John M. Stark; Plant and Soil
Soil History as a Primary Control on Plant Invasion in Abandoned Agricultural Fields, Andrew Kulmatiski, Karen H. Beard, and John M. Stark; Journal of Applied Ecology
Project Summary: Phragmites Survey, Andrew Kulmatiski and Karen E. Mock
Pulsed Resources in a Mediterranean Landscape and Their Importance to Eurasian Badgers Conservation, F. Loureiro, John A. Bissonette, D. W. Macdonald, and M. Santos-Reis; Presented at the 1st European congress of Conservation Biology, Eger, Hungary
“Efficacy of an internet camera system for remotely monitoring free-ranging mammals at large spatial and temporal scales”, Daniel R. MacNulty
Bison foraging response to the risk of wolf predation in a spatially heterogeneous winter environment: a preliminary assessment, Daniel R. MacNulty and D. W. Smith
Monitoring the Health of Selected Eastern Arc Forests in Tanzania, S. Madoffe, G. D. Hertel, Paul C. Rogers, B. O'Connell, and R. Killenga; African Journal of Ecology
Utah's Community-Based Conservation Program, Terry A. Messmer, S. Lupis, T. Black, Shandra Nicole Frey, and R. Hart; 2006 Annual Report
Assessing Differences in Mourning Dove Zenaida macroura marginella Nesting Activity After 40 Years, P. M. Meyers, W. D. Ostrand, Michael R. Conover, and John A. Bissonette; Wildlife Biology
Evidence for an Outcrossing Reproductive Strategy Hermaphroditic Heterobranch Gastropod Valvata utahensis (Valvatidae), with Notes on Genetic Differentiation of V. utahensis and V. humeralis, Mark P. Miller, Dana E. Weigel, Karen E. Mock, and Barry Roth; Journal of Moluscan Studies
Patterns of Genetic Structure in the Endangered Aquatic Gastropod Valvata utahensis (Mollusca: Valvatidae) at Small and Large Spatial Scales, Mark P. Miller, Dana Weigel, and Karen E. Mock; Freshwater Biology
Assessment of Genetic Divergence and Diversity in Freshwater Mussels in the John Day and Umatilla Rivers, Karen E. Mock
Development of Microsatellite Markers for Ongoing Assessment of Captive Population Genetic Diversity, Karen E. Mock, B. L. Cardall, and L. S. Bierregaard
Rangewide Molecular Structuring in the Utah Sucker (Catostomus ardens), Karen E. Mock, R. P. Evans, M. Crawford, B. L. Cardall, Susanne U. Jänecke, and Mark P. Miller; Molecular Ecology
Total Seed Densities and Relative Proportions Affect Seed Preferences by Granivorous Rodents, S. M. Ostoja and Eugene W. Schupp; Total Seed Densities and Relative Proportions Affect Seed Preferences by Granivorous Rodents
Root Turnover and Relocation in the Soil Profile in Response to Seasonal Water Variation in a Natural Stand of Utah Juniper (Juniperus osteosperma), Michael S. Peek, A. Joshua Leffler, Larry Hipps, Sasha Ivans, Ronald J. Ryel, and Martyn M. Caldwell; Tree Physiology
Factors affecting Gunnison sage-grouse conservation in Utah, P. R. Prather, S. Lupis, and Terry A. Messmer; 2006 Annual Report
Factors affecting greater sage-grouse habitat use in Utah's West Desert, J. D. Robinson and Terry A. Messmer; Annual Report
Preliminary Results of a Wildlife Mortality Mitigation Strategy on Interstate 15 in Utah, S. Rosa and John A. Bissonette; The Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Moab Utah
Aspen: A Vehicle for Interdisciplinary Research at USU, Ronald J. Ryel; Department of Forest, Range and Wildlife Sciences Seminar Series
Water Relations and Water Yield in Aspen and Conifer Forests, Ronald J. Ryel and E. M. LaMalfa; Restoring the West: Aspen Restoration
Benefit-Based Audience Segmentation: A Tool for Identifying Nonindustrial Private Forest (NIPF) Owner Education Needs, O. Salmon, Mark W. Brunson, and Michael R. Kuhns; Journal of Forestry
Riparian Areas in the Fragmented Landscape of Southern Portugal: Applications for Conservation Planning, M. J. Santos, J. M. Matos, John A. Bissonette, and M. Santos-Reis; Presented at the 1st European congress of Conservation Biology, Eger, Hungary
SageSTEP: Sagebrush Steppe Treatment Evaluation Project, Eugene W. Schupp; SageSTEP: Sagebrush Steppe Treatment Evaluation Project
Rethinking the Faculty Reward System for Department Chairs, Terry L. Sharik, J. Douglas Wellman, and Daniel L. Dustin; Rethinking the Faculty Reward System for Department Chairs
Local calibrationof the forest vegetation simulator using custom inventory data, J. Shaw, G. Vacchiano, R. Justin DeRose, A. Brough, A. Kusbach, and James N. Long; Proceedings: Society ofAmerican Foresters 2006 annual general meeting and convention
Ecology, Biodiversity, Management, and Restoration of Aspen in the Sierra Nevada, W. Shepperd, Paul C. Rogers, D. Burton, and D. Bartos
The Genus Artemisia (Asteraceae : Anthemideae), Leila M. Shultz; Flora of North America
The Genus Picrothamnus (Asteraceae: Anthemideae), Leila M. Shultz; Flora of North America
The Genus Sphaeromeria (Asteraceae : Anthemideae), Leila M. Shultz; Flora of North America
Habitat-correlated Germination and Growth Characteristics in Intermountain Allium (Liliaceae), Leila M. Shultz, Nathan C. Phillips, Daniel T. Drost, Bill Varga, and Susan E. Meyer; HortScience
Coqui Frogs (Eleutherodactylus coqui) Influence Lowland Forest Invertebrates and Ecological Processes, H. Sin, Karen H. Beard, and W. C. Pitt; Coqui Frogs (Eleutherodactylus coqui) Influences Lowland Forest Invertebrates and Ecological Processes
Effects of an Invasive Frog on Invertebrate Community and Ecosystem Processes in Hawaii, H. Sin, Karen H. Beard, and W. C. Pitt; Effects of an Invasive Frog on Invertebrate Community and Ecosystem Processes in Hawaii
Recency, Range Expansion, and Unsorted Lineages: Implications for Interpreting Neutral Genetic Variation in the Sharp-Tailed Grouse (Tympanuchus phasianellus), A. W. Spaulding, Karen E. Mock, M. A. Schroeder, and K. I. Warheit; Molecular Ecology
Soil Organic Quality in Wildland Soils: What Is It and Why Is It Important, Helga Van Miegroet, Janis Boettinger, and Michelle Baker; The ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings (November 12-16, 2006)
Soil Organic Carbons Storage along a Climatic Gradient in Aspen Ecosystems of Northern Utah, Helga Van Miegroet and Mical Woldeselassie; The ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings (November 12-16, 2006)
Footprints on the landscape: former boma sites in an East African savanna, Kari E. Veblen; Footprints on the landscape: former boma sites in an East African savanna
The Ecology of Black Cotton Glades, Kari E. Veblen; The Ecology of Black Cotton Glades
A Comparison of the Species-Time Relationship across Ecosystems and Taxonomic Groups, Ethan P. White, Peter B. Adler, William K. Lauenroth, Richard A. Gill, David Greenberg, Daniel M. Kaufman, Andrew Rassweiler, James A. Rusak, Melinda D. Smith, John R. Steinbeck, Robert B. Waide, and Jin Yao; Oikos
Moving Beyond Area-Density Relationships - A Challenge For Conservation Planning, T. Wilson and John A. Bissonette; 21st Annual Symposium US-IALE, San Diego, CA
A Comparison of Coyote Ecology After 25 Years: 1978 Versus 2003, Julie K. Young, W. F. Andelt, and J. A. Shivik; Canadian Journal of Zoology
Does Home Range Structure Resist Resource & Population Changes?, Julie K. Young, S. Glasscock, and J. A. Shivik; The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting
What Carnivore Biologists Can Learn From Bugs, Birds, and Beavers: A Review of Spatial Theories, Julie K. Young and J. A. Shivik; Canadian Journal of Zoology
The Development of Forage Production and Utilization Gradients around Livestock Watering Points, Peter B. Adler and Sonia A. Hall; Landscape Ecology
Plant Traits and Ecosystem Grazing Effects: Comparison of US Sagebrush Steppe and Patagonian Steppe, Peter B. Adler, Daniel G. Milchunas, Osvaldo E. Sala, Ingrid C. Burke, and William K. Lauenroth; Ecological Applications
Evidence for a General Species-Time-Area Relationship, Peter B. Adler, Ethan P. White, William K. Lauenroth, Dawn M. Kaufman, Andrew Rassweiler, and James A. Rusak; Ecology
Landscape-Scale Genetic Structuring among Populations of the Leopard Frog (Rana pipiens) in the Grand and Glen Canyons, J. Baker and Karen E. Mock
UV-B Radiation: Photomorphogenesis and Plant-Plant Interactions, Paul W. Barnes, James R. Shinkle, Stephan D. Flint, and Ronald J. Ryel; Progress in Botany: Genetics Physiology Systematics Ecology
Effects of Coqui Frogs in Hawaii, Karen H. Beard; Effects of Coqui Frogs in Hawaii
Mechanisms of Invasion: Coquis in Hawaii, Karen H. Beard; Mechanisms of Invasion: Coquis in Hawaii
Infection of an invasive frog Eleutherodactylus coqui by the chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Hawaii, Karen H. Beard and Eric M. O'Neill; Biological Conservation
Potential Consequences of the Coqui Frog Invasion in Hawaii, Karen H. Beard and W. C. Pitt; Potential Consequences of the Coqui Frog Invasion In Hawaii
Potential Consequences of the Coqui Frog Invasion in Hawaii, Karen H. Beard and W. C. Pitt; Diversity and Distributions
Direct Effects of Coqui Frogs (Eleutherodactylus coqui) On Invertebrate Communities in Hawaii, Karen H. Beard and N. C. Tuttle; Direct Effects of Coqui Frogs (Eleutherodactylus coqui) on Invertebrate Communities in Hawaii
Structural and Functional Responses of a Subtropical Forest to 10 Years of Hurricanes and Droughts, Karen H. Beard, K. A. Vogt, D. J. Vogt, F. N. Scatena, A. Covich, T. C. Siccama, R. Sigurdardottier, and T. A. Crowl; Ecological Monographs
Quantifying Ecosystem Controls and Their Contextual Interactionson Nutrient Export From Developing Forest Mesocosms, Karen H. Beard, D. Wang, C. E. Waite, K.L. M. Decker, G. J. Hawley, D. D. DeHayes, J. W. Hughes, and J. R. Cumming; Ecosystems
Life history parameters of an atypical tropical mustellid, the honey badger Mellivora capensis, C. M. Begg, K. S. Begg, Johan T. du Toit, and M. G.L. Mills; Journal of Zoology
Spatial organization of the honey badger Mellivora capensis in the southern Kalahari: factors affecting home range size and movement patterns, C. M. Begg, K. S. Begg, Johan T. du Toit, and M. G.L. Mills; Journal of Zoology
Biodiversity Issues: Is the World Getting Better?, John A. Bissonette; University of Freiburg
Restoring Habitat Networks: The Role of Allometrically-Scaled Wildlife Crossings, John A. Bissonette; Habitat Networks for Large Wildlife and Habitat Fragmentation, 27th Congress of the International Union of Game Biologists, Hannover, Germany
Scaling Wildlife Crossings: Getting the Distance Right, John A. Bissonette; University of Freiburg
Taking the Road Less Traveled: The Importance of Scaling Road Effects Allometrically, John A. Bissonette; Reducing Habitat Fragmentation By Roads: A Comparison of Measures and Scales, INTECOL-ESA 2005 Joint Meeting, Montreal Canada
Thinking Differently at Larger Ecological Scales: Developing a Workable Strategy, John A. Bissonette; Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference of the Australasian Wildlife Management Society, "Old Ways, New Ways; Wildlife Management in Northern Australia"
Time: The Neglected Dimension in Landscape Ecology, John A. Bissonette; Central Science Laboratory, Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs, York, Great Britain
Evaluation of the Use and Effectiveness of Wildlife Crossings, John A. Bissonette and Patricia C. Cramer; Interim Report Prepared for the National Academy of Sciences (Transportation Research Board-National Cooperative Highway Research Program)
Wildlife and Roads: Priorities For Research and Practice, John A. Bissonette and Patricia C. Cramer; The International Conference on Ecology and Transportation (ICOET), San Diego
A Decision Tool For Mitigating Roads for Wildlife: The NCHRP 25-27 Project, John A. Bissonette, Patricia C. Cramer, N. Newhouse, T. Kinley, K. Knap, B. Persaud, C. Lyon, A. Clevenger, S. Jacobson, S. Jacobson, S. Jacobson, S. Jacobson, S. Jacobson, and S. Jacobson; The International Conference on Ecology and Transportation (ICOET), San Diego
Competition Between Bluebunch Wheatgrass, Cheatgrass, and Squarrose Knapweed Under Different Nutrient Regimes, J. Burnham and Eugene W. Schupp; Competition Between Bluebunch Wheatgrass, Cheatgrass, and Squarrose Knapweed Under Different Nutrient Regimes
Social influences on vigilance behaviour in giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis), E. Z. Cameron and Johan T. du Toit; Animal Behaviour
Feeding success of African wild dogs in the Serengeti: the effects of group size and kleptoparasitism, C. Carbone, L. Frame, G. Frame, J. Malcom, J. Fanshawe, C. FitzGibbon, G. Schaller, I. J. Gordon, J. M. Rowcliffe, and Johan T. du Toit; Journal of Zoology