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Responses of woody saplings exposed to chronic mammalian herbivory in an African savanna, D. A. Fornara and Johan T. du Toit; Ecoscience

Effectiveness of Rodents as Local Seed Dispersers of Holm Oak, J. M. Gomez, C. Puerta-Pinero, and Eugene W. Schupp; Oecologia


Response of Carnivores to Existing Highway Culverts and Underpasses: Implications for Road Planning and Mitigation, C. Grilo, John A. Bissonette, and M. Santos-Reis; Biodiversity and Conservation

Sensitivity of Carnivores to Habitat Fragmentation From a Multi-Scale Perspective, C. Grilo, M. Cruz, John A. Bissonette, and M. Santos-Reis; The 23rd Annual Landscape Ecology Symposium, Madison Wisconsin


Parker Mountain Adaptive Resources Management Group, Michael R. Guttery, D. Dahlgren, M. Monsen, and Terry A. Messmer; 2007 Annual Report


Spatio-Temporal Dynamics and Local Hotspots of Initial Recruitment in Vertebrate-Dispersed Trees, A. Hampe, J. L. Garcia-Castano, Eugene W. Schupp, and P. Jordano; Journal of Ecology


Evaluating Genetic Structure Among Resident and Migratory Forms of Bull Trout (Salvelinus confluentus) in Northeast Oregon, K. Homel, Phaedra Budy, Michael E. Pfrender, T. A. Whitesel, and Karen E. Mock; Ecology of Freshwater Fish


Distribution of Ecosystem C and N within Contrasting Vegetation Types in a Semiarid Rangeland in the Great Basin, USA, Toby D. Hooker, Urszula Norton, A. Joshua Leffler, Michael S. Peek, Ronald J. Ryel, and John M. Stark; Biogeochemistry

The Role of Aggressive Behavior in Territorial Disputes in California Sea Lions, D. F. Jacobs, C. J. Hernandez, Julie K. Young, and L. R. Gerber; Journal of Mammalogy


Birds of the Major Mainlnand Rivers of Southeast Alaska, J. A. Johnson, B. A. Andres, and John A. Bissonette; U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station


Quantitative-Genetic Variation in Morphological and Physiological Traits Within a Quaking Aspen (Populus tremuloides) population, Megan K. Kanaga, Ronald J. Ryel, Karen E. Mock, and Michael E. Pfrender; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Plant-Soil Feedbacks: A Meta-Analytical Review, A. Kiesecker, Karen H. Beard, J. M. Stevens, and S. M. Cobbold; Ecology Letters


Long-term Patterns in Mammalian Abundance in Northern Portions of the Great Basin, Frederick F. Knowlton, Rebecca A. Bartel, and L. Charles Stoddart; Journal of mammalogy

Evolution of delayed reproduction inuncertain environments: a life history perspective, David N. Koons, C. J.E. Metcalf, and S. Tuljapurkar; American Naturalist

Does Topping Look Good?, Michael R. Kuhns; Proc. ISA Annual Conf., St. Louis, MO

Growing a Good Tree Root System, Michael R. Kuhns; ArborEssence, UCFC/Utah-ISA Newsletter

2008-present: USU Tree Browser Website, Michael R. Kuhns and L. Holmgren; USU Extension Forestry Website


Decoupling Plant-Growth From Land-Use Legacies in Soil Microbial Communities, Andrew Kulmatiski and Karen H. Beard; Soil Biology and Biochemistry

Tree and Grass Water-Use in a Changing Savannah System, Andrew Kulmatiski and Karen H. Beard; Tree and Grass Water-Use in a Changing Savannah System

Plant-Soil Feedbacks: A Meta-Analytical Review, Andrew Kulmatiski, Karen H. Beard, J. M. Stevens, and S. M. Cobbold; Plant-Soil Feedbacks: A Meta-Analytical Review


Influence of Pocket Gopher Mounds on Nonnative Plant Establishment in a Shrubsteppe Ecosystem, G. P. Kyle, Andrew Kulmatiski, and Karen H. Beard; Western North American Naturalist


Differential Snowpack Accumulation and Water Dynamics in Aspen and Conifer Communities: Implications for Water Yield and Ecosystem Function, Eric LaMalfa and Ronald J. Ryel; Ecosystems

The Use of Molecular Markers in Wild Turkey Management, E. K. Latch; Karen E. Mock; and O. E. Rhodes, Jr.; Wild Turkey Management: Accomplishments, Strategies, and Opportunities


Demography of Perennial Grassland Plants: Survival, Life Expectancy, and Lifespan, William K. Lauenroth and Peter B. Adler; Journal of Ecology


Invasive Forb, Annual grass, and Exotic Shrub Competition with Three Sagebrush-Steppe Growth Forms: Acquisition of a Spring 15N Tracer, Eamonn D. Leonard, Thomas A. Monaco, John M. Stark, and Ronald J. Ryel; Invasive Plant Science and Management


On Testing the Role of Niche Differences in Stabilizing Coexistence, Jonathan M. Levine, Peter B. Adler, and Janneke HilleRisLambers; Functional Ecology


Validation of a new video and telemetry system for remotely monitoring wildlife, Daniel R. MacNulty, G. E. Plumb, and D. W. Smith; Journal of Wildlife Management

Size-related improvements in hunting ability as a cause of Cope‟s Rule in carnivores , Daniel R. MacNulty, D. W. Smith, and L. D. Mech

Stochastic Processes in Biological Modeling, Kezia R. Manlove; St. Olaf College Center for Undergraduate Research

Investigation of a Bayesian Hierarchical Model for Landscape Genetics, Kezia R. Manlove and M. D. Higgs; American Statistical Association Montana Chapter Meeting


Movement Strategies of Seed Predators as Determinants of Plant Recruitment Patterns, Lorenzo Mari, Renato Casagrandi, Marino Gatto, Tal Avgar, and Ran Nathan; The American Naturalist

Effects of Nitrogen Availability and Cheatgrass Competition on the Establishment o Vavilov Siberan Wheatgrass, M. B. Mazzola, K. G. Allcock, J. C. Chambers, R. R. Blank, Eugene W. Schupp, P. S. Doescher, and R. S. Nowak; Rangeland Ecology and Management


Utah Adaptive Resources Management Greater Sage-Grouse Local working Groups 2006-2007 Accomplishment Report., Terry A. Messmer, T. Black, Shandra Nicole Frey, S. Lupis, and R. Hart


Sage-grouse Restoration Project, Terry A. Messmer and R. A. Hart; 2007 Annual Report

Using genetic analyses to infer mountain pine beetle population structure and dispersal patterns in British Columbia and Alberta., Karen E. Mock


Microsatellite Markers for Leatherside Chubs Lepidomeda aliciae and Lepidomeda copei, Karen E. Mock, Lee S. M. Bjerregaard, M. C. Belk, Carol A. Rowe, and J. B. Johnson; Molecular Ecology Resources


Clonal Dynamics in Western North American Aspen (Populus tremuloides), Karen E. Mock, Carol A. Rowe, Melvin Hooten, J. DeWoody, and V. D. Hipkins; Molecular Ecology


Comparison of Eddy Covariance, Chamber, and Gradient Methods of Measuring Soil CO2 Efflux in an Annual Semi-Arid Grass, Bromus tectorum, M. C. Myklebust, Lawrence E. Hipps, and Ronald J. Ryel; Agricultural and Forest Meteorology

Patterns of Genetic Diversity and Divergence in Northern Leopard Frogs (Rana pipiens) in the Glen Canyon and Canyonlands Regions of Southern Utah and Northern Arizona, R. P. O'Donnell and Karen E. Mock

Ecology and Evolution of the Introduced Frog, the Coqui, Eric M. O'Neill and Karen H. Beard; Ecology and Evolution of the Introduced Frog, the Coqui

Color Pattern Polymorphism in Eleutherodactylus coqui: Evidence of Selection in Puerto Rico and Founder Effects in Hawaii, Eric M. O'Neill, Karen H. Beard, Michael E. Pfrender, and Karen E. Mock; Color Pattern Polymorphism in Eleutherodactylus coqui: Evidence of Selection in Puerto Rico and Founder Effects in Hawaii

Seed Pools, Aboveground Vegetation, and Prescribed Fire in the Context of Sagebrush Restoration, K. M. Pekas and Eugene W. Schupp; Seed Pools, Aboveground Vegetation, and Prescribed Fire in the Context of Sagebrush Restoration

Seed Pools, Aboveground Vegetation, and Prescribed Fire in the Context of Sagebrush Restoration, K. M. Pekas and Eugene W. Schupp; Seed Pools, Aboveground Vegetation, and Prescribed Fire in the Context of Sagebrush Restoration

Seed Pools, Aboveground Vegetation, and Prescribed Fire in the Context of Sagebrush Restoration, K. M. Pekas and Eugene W. Schupp; Seed Pools, Aboveground Vegetation, and Prescribed Fire in the Context of Sagebrush Restoration


Isolation of Microsatellite Loci from the Coqui Frog, Eleutherodactylus coqui, Maureen B. Peters, Karen H. Beard, Chris Hagen, Eric M. O'Neill, Karen E. Mock, William C. Pitt, and Travis C. Glenn; Molecular Ecology Resources


Gunnison sage-grouse Conservation in Utah, R. P. Prather, S. Lupis, and Terry A. Messmer; 2007 Annual Report

What About the People? The Importance of Understanding Human Attitudes, Knowledge, and Behavior in Control of Eleutherodactylus coqui, E. A. Price, Mark W. Brunson, and Karen H. Beard; What About the People? The Importance of Understanding Human Attitudes, Knowledge, and Behavior in Control of Eleutherodactylus coqui


Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Territory Use of Male California Sea Lions in the Gulf of California, Mexico, K. Robertson, C. W. Runcorn, Julie K. Young, and L. R. Gerber; Canadian Journal of Zoology

Summary and Abstracts from Sudden Aspen Decline (SAD) Meeting, Paul C. Rogers


Forest Health Monitoring in the Ngangao Forest, Taita Hills, Kenya: A Five Year Assessment of Change, Paul C. Rogers, B. O'Connell, J. Mwang'ombe, S. Madoffe, and G. Hertel; Journal of East African Natural History


Lichen Community Change in Response to Succession in Aspen Forests of the southern Rocky Mountains, Paul C. Rogers and Ronald J. Ryel; Forest Ecology and Management


Functional Differences in Soil Water Pools: a New Perspective on Plant Water Use in Water-Limited Ecosystems, Ronald J. Ryel, Carolyn Y. Ivans, Michael S. Peek, and A. Joshua Leffler; Progress in Botany

Importance of Pre-Classifying River Stretches for Otter Abundance Sampling, T. Sales-Louis, John A. Bissonette, and M. Santos-Reis; Tenth International Otter Colloquium Proceedings

The Context Dependence of Seed Dispersal Effectiveness and Constraints on the Evolution of Specialization, Eugene W. Schupp; The Context Dependence of Seed Dispersal Effectiveness and Constaints on the Evolution of Specialization

Fire, Weed Invasion and Associated Modifications of Plant-Animal Interactions: Examples from the Great Basin, Eugene W. Schupp, J. M. Ostoja, and R. Klinger; Fire, Weed Invasion and Associated Modifications of Plant-Animal Interactions: Examples from the Great Basin

An Invasive Frog, Eleutherodactylus coqui, Increases New Leaf Production and Leaf Litter Decomposition Rates Through Nutrient Cycling in Hawaii, H. Sin, Karen H. Beard, and W. C. Pitt; Biological Invasions

The influence of oestrous swellings on the grooming behavior of chimpanzees of the Budongo Forest, Uganda, K. Slater, E. Cameron, T. Turner, and Johan T. du Toit; Behaviour


Greater sage-grouse ecology and response to natural gas development in northeastern Utah, L. S. Smith and Terry A. Messmer; 2007 Annual Report


Greater sage-grouse ecology in western Box Elder County, Utah, Eric T. Thacker, Terry A. Messmer, and T. A. Black; 2007 Annual Report


Aerially Applied Citric Acid Reduces an Invasive Frog, N. C. Tuttle, Karen H. Beard, and R. Al-Chokhachy; Wildlife Research

Inventory-basedsensitivity analysis of the Large Tree Diameter Growth Submodel of the Southern Variant ofthe FVS, Giorgio Vacchiano, John D. Shaw, R. Justin DeRose, and James N. Long; Third Forest VegetationSimulator Conference

A density management diagram for Scots pine(Pinus sylvestris L.): a tool for assessing the forest’s protective effect, G. Vacchiano, R. Motta, James N. Long, and J. D. Shaw; Forest Ecology and Management

Effects of brush addition, tree clearing and nutrient addition on boma-glade development, Kari E. Veblen; Effects of brush addition, tree clearing and nutrient addition on boma-glade development


Season- and herbivore-dependent competition and facilitation in a semi-aridsavanna, Kari E. Veblen; Ecology

The ecology of abandoned cattle corrals in Laikipia, Kenya, Kari E. Veblen; The ecology of abandoned cattle corrals in Laikipia, Kenya

Response of one-year-old planted native grasses to controlled burns, Kari E. Veblen, K. A. Holmes, and T. P. Young; Ecological Restoration

Cattle and wildlife effects on persistence of a successional savanna landscape mosaic, Kari E. Veblen and T. P. Young; Cattle and wildlife effects on persistence of a successional savanna landscape mosaic


Translocation stress and faecal glucocorticoid metabolite levels in free-ranging African savanna elephants, J. J. Viljoen, A. Ganswindt, Johan T. du Toit, and W. R. Langbauer; South African Journal of Wildlife Research


Measurement of concentrations of faecal glucocorticoid metabolites in free-ranging African elephants within the Kruger National Park, J. J. Viljoen, A. Ganswindt, R. Palme, H. C. Reynecke, Johan T. du Toit, and W. R. Langbauer; Koedoe: African Protected Area Conservation and Science

Developing Riparian Bird Habitat Association Models and Management Guidelines, H. White, John A. Bissonette, and Frank P. Howe; Fourth International Partner's In Flight Conference, McAllen, TX


Long-distance dispersal of a female cougar in a basin and range landscape, Michael L. Wolfe, David C. Stoner, Wendy R. Rieth, McLain B. Mecham, and Ann Neville; Journal of Wildlife Management

Fires in northern Mexico: top-down or bottom-up control?, Larissa L. Yocom Kent; School of Forestry Seminar Series

Fire- climate interactions in Northern Mexico, Larissa L. Yocom Kent, Peter Z. Fule, P. M. Brown, D. A. Falk, J. Villanueva-Diaz, and E. Cornejo-Oviedo; University of Arizona

Fire- climate interactions in Northern Mexico, Larissa L. Yocom Kent, Peter Z. Fule, P. M. Brown, D. A. Falk, J. Villanueva-Diaz, and E. Cornejo-Oviedo; Association for Fire Ecology

Saving Saiga - The World's Most Northern Antelope, Julie K. Young; Copel Magazine

Mongolian Saiga Calves Captured and Collared, Julie K. Young, B. Buuveibaatar, A. E. Fine, B. Lhagvasuren, and J. Berger; Saiga News


The Influence of Social Composition on Reproductive Behavior of Territorial Male California Sea Lions, Julie K. Young and L. R. Gerber; Aquatic Mammals


Does Spatial Structure Persist Despite Resource and Population Changes? Effects of Experimental Manipulations on Coyotes, Julie K. Young, Selma N. Glasscock, and John A. Shivik; Journal of Mammalogy

The Influence of Food Abundance and Distribution on Coyote Space Use and Diet, Julie K. Young, S. Glasscock, and J. A. Shivik; Journal of Mammalogy


Determinants of Agonistic Interactions in California Sea Lions, Julie K. Young, M. Gonzalez-Suarez, and L. R. Gerber; Behaviour



A Niche for Neutrality, Peter B. Adler, Janneke HilleRisLambers, and Jonathan M. Levine; Ecology Letters


Contrasting Relationships between Precipitation and Species Richness in Space and Time, Peter B. Adler and Jonathan M. Levine; Oikos


Long-Term Mapped Quadrats from Kansas Prairie: A Unique Source of Demographic Information for Herbaceous Plants, Peter B. Adler, William R. Tyburczy, and William K. Lauenroth; Ecology


Linking Traits of Foraging Animals to Spatial Patterns ofPlants: Social and Solitary Ants Generate Opposing Patterns of Surviving Seeds, Tal Avgar, Itamar Giladi, and Ran Nathan; Ecology Letters


Evidence of fungi in spruce roots from which fungi could not be cultured, Fred A. Baker and W J. McManus; Root and Butt Rots of Forest Trees: 12th International Conference on Root and Butt Rots

Can An Invasive Frog Influence Ecosystem Processes?, Karen H. Beard; Can An Invasive Frog Influence Ecosystem Processes?


Diet of the Invasive Frog, Eleutherodactylus coqui, in Hawaii, Karen H. Beard; Copeia

Mechanisms and Consequences of Coqui Frog Invasions in Hawaii, Karen H. Beard; Mechanisms and Consequences of Coqui Frog Invasions in Hawaii

Disturbance Contingent Plant-Soil Feedback: The Passenger Takes the Wheel, Karen H. Beard and Andrew Kulmatiski; Disturbance Contingent Plant-Soil Feedback: The Passenger Takes the Wheel

Genetic Architecture of Differences in Fitness Traits among Geographically Separated Dendroctonus ponderosae populations, B. Bentz, Michael E. Pfrender, Ryan R. Bracewell, and Karen E. Mock; USDA Forest Service Proceedings

Research on Population Estimates and Movements of the Mongolian Saiga, J. Berger, K. Berger, Julie K. Young, and B. Buuveibaatar; Saiga News


Canopy Photosynthesis Modeling, Wolfgang Beyschlag and Ronald J. Ryel; Functional Plant Ecology


Plant Physiological Ecology: An Essential Link for Integrating across Disciplines and Scales in Plant Ecology, Wolfram Beyschlag and Ronald J. Ryel; Flora - Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants

Landscape Permeability in Roaded Landscapes: the Role of Allometrically Spaced Wildlife Crossings, John A. Bissonette; Brigham Young University

Resource Acquisition and Animal Response in Dynamic Landscapes: Keeping the Books, John A. Bissonette; Temporal Dimensions of Landscape Ecology: Wildlife Responses to Variable Resources

Short Course in Landscape Ecology, John A. Bissonette; Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg

Mule Deer Mortalities in SE Idaho, John A. Bissonette and Patricia C. Cramer; The Symposium on Big-Game Highway Mortality, Idaho State University

North American Decision Guidelines For Mitigating Roads for Wildlife, John A. Bissonette and Patricia C. Cramer; ICOET Meeting, Little Rock, AR


Temporal Dimensions of Landscape Ecology : Wildlife Responses to Variable Resources, John A. Bissonette and Ilse Storch

Factors affecting juvenile survival in African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) in Kruger National Park, South Africa, U. K. Buettner, H. T. Davies-Mostert, Johan T. du Toit, and M. G.L. Mills; Journal of Zoology