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Identifying and Describing Road Mortality Hotspots: When is it Necessary to be Spatially Explicit?, Kassar C. and John A. Bissonette; Presentation US-IALE, Syracuse NY

Restoring Permeability in the Roaded Landscape: Priorities for Research, Patricia C. Cramer and John A. Bissonette; International Association of Landscape Ecology Annual Symposium

Wildlife and Roads: the State of the Science and Practice, Patricia C. Cramer and John A. Bissonette; The Rockies Wildlife Crossing Field Course, Payson Arizona

Wildlife Crossings in North America: The State of the Science and Practice, Patricia C. Cramer and John A. Bissonette; The International Conference on Ecology and Transportation (ICOET), San Diego

Community-based conservation programs in Utah: Parker Mountain Annual Report, D. Dahlgren, D. Elmore, and Terry A. Messmer

Timber Sale Contracts, B. Daniels, Darren McAvoy, and Michael R. Kuhns

Sex differences in the foraging ecology of large herbivores, Johan T. du Toit; Sexual Segregation in Vertebrates: Ecology of the Two Sexes

Working within constraints: managing animal production and biodiversity conservation in African savannas, Johan T. du Toit; Pastoral Systems in Marginal Environments


Effects of body size on the diurnal activity budgets of African browsing ruminants, Johan T. du Toit and C. A. Yetman; Oecologia


An Analysis of Soil Respiration Across Northern Hemisphere Temperate Ecosystems, K. A. Hibbard, B. E. Law, M. Reichstien, and J. Sulzman; Biogeochemistry


Dynamics of an introduced population of black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis): Pilanesberg National Park, South Africa, H. Hrabar and Johan T. du Toit; Animal Conservation

Grasshopper herbivory in Bromus tectorum-dominated Annual Grassland and Establishment of Perennial-Plant Seedlings, L. D. Humphrey and Eugene W. Schupp; Grasshopper herbivory in Bromus tectorum-dominated Annual Grassland and Establishment of Perennial-Plant Seedlings


Deer-Vehicle Crash Hotspots in Utah: Data for Effective Mitigation, Chris Kassar and John A. Bissonette


Implementing recovery of the red wolf -- integrating research scientists and managers, Frederick F. Knowlton; Wildlife Society Bulletin


Functional feeding responses of coyotes, Canis latrans, to fluctuating prey abundance in the Curlew Valley, Utah, 1977-1993, Frederick F. Knowlton and Rebecca A. Bartel; Canadian Journal of Zoology


Mammal Abundance Indices in the Northern Portion of the Great Basin, 1962-1993, Frederick F. Knowlton, Rebecca A. Bartel, and L. Charles Stoddart; Ecology


Transient population dynamics:relations to life history and initial population state, David N. Koons, J. B. Grand, B. Zinner, and R. F. Rockwell; Ecological Modelling

Pines for Utah, Michael R. Kuhns; The Garden Patch, Salt Lake Master Gardener Assn. Newsletter

USU Tree Browser: Tree Selection Program for Utah and the Intermountain West, Michael R. Kuhns; CD-ROM-based Tree Selector and Database

Characteristics of Urban Forestry Programs in Utah, Michael R. Kuhns, B. Lee, and D. Reiter; Journal of Arboriculture

Success of Cheatgrass (bromus tectorum) Control and Native Plant Restoration Techniques on Western Rangelands, J. Landmesser, T. Jones, Thomas A. Monaco, R. Nowak, D. Pyke, and Eugene W. Schupp; Success of Cheatgrass (bromus tectorum) Control and Native Plant Restoration Techniques on Western Rangelands


Hydraulic Redistribution through the Root Systems of Senesced Plants, A. Joshua Leffler, Michael S. Peek, Ronald J. Ryel, Carolyn Y. Ivans, and Martyn M. Caldwell; Ecology


The cost efficiency of wild dog Lycaon pictus conservation in South Africa, P. A. Lindsey, R. Alexander, Johan T. du Toit, and M. G.L. Mills; Conservation Biology


Attitudes of ranchers towards African wild dogs Lycaon pictus: conservation implications on private land, P. A. Lindsey, Johan T. du Toit, and M. G.L. Mills; Biological Conservation

The potential contribution of ecotourism to wild dog Lycaon pictus conservation, P. A. Lindsey, Johan T. du Toit, M. G.L. Mills, and R. Alexander; Biological Conservation

A density management diagram for even-aged ponderosa pinestands, James N. Long and J. D. Shaw; Western Journal of Applied Forestry

2005 Utah Gunnison Sage-Grouse Conservation Strategy Assessment, S. Lupis and Terry A. Messmer

Group hunting behavior in wolves: myths and realities , Daniel R. MacNulty

Forest Health Monitoring in the Eastern Arc Mountains of Kenya and Tanzania: A Baseline Report from Select Forest Reserves, S. Madoffe, J. Mwang'ombe, B. O'Connell, Paul C. Rogers, G. Hertel, and J. Mwangi

Sex differences in reproductive strategies affect habitat choice in ungulates, M. B. Main and Johan T. du Toit; Sexual Segregation in Vertebrates: Ecology of the Two Sexes

Migratory Strategies, Fawn Recruitment, and Winter Habitat Use by Urban and Rural Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus), M. F. McClure, John A. Bissonette, and Michael R. Conover; European Journal of Wildlife Research

Effect of Perch Sites on Mourning Dove Nest Distribution, P. Meyers, W. D. Ostrand, M. Conover, and John A. Bissonette; Western North American Naturalist


Patterns of Molecular Diversity in Naturally Occurring and Refugial Populations of the Least Chub, K. E. Mock and M. P. Miller; Transactions of the American Fisheries Society

Molecular Genetic Investigation of Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout and Finespotted Snake River Cutthroat Trout, M. A. Novak, J. L. Kershner, and Karen E. Mock

Evidence for Indirect Effects in Seed Removal by Granivorous Rodents in the Great Basin of Utah, S. M. Ostoja and Eugene W. Schupp; Evidence for Indirect Effects in Seed Removal by Granivorous Rodents in the Great Basin of Utah

Evidence for Indirect Effects in Seed Removal by Granivorous Rodents in the Great Basin of Utah, S. M. Ostoja and Eugene W. Schupp; Evidence for Indirect Effects in Seed Removal by Granivorous Rodents in the Great Basin of Utah


Fine Root Distribution and Persistence Under Field Conditions of Three Co-Occurring Great Basin Species of Different Life form, Michael S. Peek, A. Joshua Leffler, Carolyn Y. Ivans, Ronald J. Ryel, and Martyn M. Caldwell; New Phytologist

How to Teach a Mule Deer to Safely Cross an Interstate Highway: Preliminary Results of a Wildlife Mortality Mitigation Strategy on Interstate 15 in Utah, USA, S. Rosa and John A. Bissonette; The International Conference on Ecology and Transportation (ICOET), San Diego

What is a Suitable Site? Or, Where Does a Seed Really Want to Land?, Eugene W. Schupp; What Is a Suitable Site? Or, Where Does a Seed Really Want to Land?

Dispersión de Quercus ilex por roedores y arrendajos: consecuencias demográficas y genéticas a escala de paisaje (Dispersal of Quercus ilex by rodents and jays: demographic and genetic consequences at the landscape scale), Eugene W. Schupp, J. M. Gomez, and C. Puerta-Pinero; Dispersión de Quercus ilex por roedores y arrendajos: consecuencias demográficas y genéticas a escala de paisaje (Dispersal of Quercus ilex by rodents and jays: demographic and genetic consequences at the landscape scale)

Initial Recruitment of Vertebrate-Dispersed Plants: Dissecting Spatial Patterns Through Time, Eugene W. Schupp, A. Hampe, J. L. Garcia-Castano, and P. Jordano; Initial Recruitment of Vertebrate-Dispersed Plants: Dissecting Spatial Patterns Through Time

Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Seed Rain and Seedling Emergence in Animal-Dispersed Species: Bridging Dispersal and Establishment, Eugene W. Schupp, A. Hampe, J. L. Garcia-Castano, and P. Jordano; Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Seed Rain and Seedling Emergence in Animal-Dispersed Species: Bridging Dispersal and Establishment


Differential success of oak and red maple regeneration in oak and pine stands on intermediate-quality sites in northern Lower Michigan, Terry L. Sharik, Jason P. Hartman, and David S. Buckley; Forest Ecology and Management


New Combinations in Artemisia (Asteraceas : Anthemideae), Leila M. Shultz; SIDA Contributions to Botany


Growth and Water Relations of Littleleaf Linden Trees in Irrigated Buffalograss, J. R. Stewarts, Roger Kjelgren, P. G. Johnson, and Michael R. Kuhns; HortScience

Modeling wildebeest population dynamics: implications of predation and offtake in a closed system., C. J. Tambling and Johan T. du Toit; Journal of Applied Ecology

Direct Effects of Coqui Frogs on Arthropods in Hawaii, N. C. Tuttle and Karen H. Beard; Direct Effects of Coqui Frogs on Arthropods in Hawaii


Breeding biology of a migratory Australian passerine, the golden whistler (Pachycephala pectoralis), Wouter F. D. van Dongen and Larissa L. Yocom Kent; Australian Journal of Zoology

The Effect of Altered Summer Precipitation on CO2 Loss from Forest and Rangeland Soils in Northern Utah, Helga Van Miegroet and Hayley R. Olsen

Glades as landscape features in an African rangeland savanna: vegetation dynamics and large herbivores, Kari E. Veblen; Glades as landscape features in an African rangeland savanna: vegetation dynamics and large herbivores

San Juan County Gunnison Sage-grouse Conservation Plan Annual Report, S. Ward, S. Lupis, and Terry A. Messmer

Supplementation and Sagebrush Habital Specialists in Patchy Mountainous Landscapes, T. L. Wilson, E. J. Johnson, and John A. Bissonette; Presentation US-IALE, Syracuse NY

The Influence of Supplemental Feeding on Coyote Space-Use and Dietary Patterns, Julie K. Young and J. A. Shivik; The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting Presentation


Ranking the Risk of Wildlife Species Hazardous to Military Aircraft, E. J. Zakrajsek and John A. Bissonette; Wildlife Society Bulletin


Vegatation Exclosures: What Can They Tell Us About Long-Term Range Trends, William A. Adair and John A. Bissonette; Final Report to Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, U.S. Foret Service, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Bureau of Land Management


Vegetation Exclosures in Utah: What Can They Tell Us About Long-Term Range Trends?, William A. Adair and John A. Bissonette


Neutral Models Fail to Reproduce Observed Species-Area and Species-Time Relationships in Kansas Grasslands, Peter B. Adler; Ecology


Functional Traits of Graminoids in Semi-Arid Steppes: A Test of Grazing Histories, Peter B. Adler, Daniel G. Milchunas, William K. Lauenroth, Osvaldo E. Sala, and Ingrid C. Burke; Journal of Applied Ecology

Ecological Consequences of the Coqui Invasion, Karen H. Beard; Ecological Consequences of the Coqui Invasion

Ecological Consequences of the Coqui Invasion, Karen H. Beard; Ecological Consequences of the Coqui Invasion

Effects of Coqui Frogs on Nutrient Cycling in Hawaii, Karen H. Beard and W. C. Pitt; Effects of Coqui Frogs on Nutrient Cycling in Hawaii

Scale Sensitive Properties: Differentiating Causality in Landscape Ecology, John A. Bissonette; Landscape Ecology Class, Auburn University

Time: The Forgotten Dimension in Landscape Ecology, John A. Bissonette; Weaver Lecture, Auburn University, Auburn, AL

Survival During Early Life Stages of the Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) in the South-Central Mojave Desert, C. D. Bjurlin and John A. Bissonette; Journal of Herpetology

Forest Carnivores Occurrence, Distribution and Limiting Factors: Canada Lynx and Wolverine Surveys in Utah, K. D. Bunnell, J. J. Shirley, J. T. Flinders, Michael L. Wolfe, and John A. Bissonette; Final Report to Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, U.S. Foret Service, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service


Free-ranging domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) as predators and prey in rural Zimbabwe: competition and disease threats to large wild carnivores, J. R.A. Butler and Johan T. du Toit; Biological Conservation

Community-based conservation programs in Utah: Parker Mountain Annual Report, D. Dahlgren, D. Elmore, and Terry A. Messmer

Anthropogenic factors affecting wild dog (Lycaon pictus) reintroductions: a case study in Zimbabwe, H. Davies and Johan T. du Toit; Oryx


Response to Burke. Conserving tropical biodiversity: the arid end of the scale, Johan T. du Toit; Trends in Ecology and Evolution

Conserving tropical nature: current challenges for ecologists, Johan T. du Toit, B. H. Walker, and B. M. Campbell; Trends in Ecology and Evolution


Serious Complications in Experiments in which UV Doses Are Affected by Using Different Lamp Heights, Stephan D. Flint, Ronald J. Ryel, and Martyn M. Caldwell; Ultraviolet Ground- and Space-based Measurements, Models, and Effects IV

Spatial and Microhabitat Pattern of Tree Recruitment in Three Juniper Woodlands in West-Central Utah, USA, J. M. Gomez, M. Fuentes, and Eugene W. Schupp; Spatial and Microhabitat Pattern of Tree Recruitment in Three Juniper Woodlands in West-Central Utah, USA


Competition and Other Barriers to Establishment of a Native Perennial Grass (Elymus elymoides) in Alien Annual Grass (Bromus tectorum) Communities, L. D. Humphrey and Eugene W. Schupp; Journal of Arid Environments


Bear River Watershed, Robert J. Johnson and R. Douglas Ramsey


Utah's Southwest, Robert J. Johnson and R. Douglas Ramsey

Life history and population momentum: a general principle for population biology, David N. Koons and J. B. Grand; 14th Annual Auburn University Research Forum

Directional Pruning Leaves Utility Clear and Trees Healthy, Michael R. Kuhns; Wood notes Quarterly, TreeLink On-line Magazine

Directional Pruning Leaves Utility Clear and Trees Healthy, Michael R. Kuhns; Western Arborist

Native Trees for Utah Landscapes, Michael R. Kuhns; Seeds of Change, TreeUtah Newsletter

Test Your Tree IQ, Michael R. Kuhns; Seeds of Change, TreeUtah Newsletter

Trees for Lousy Sites, Michael R. Kuhns; ArborEssence, UCFC/Utah-ISA Newsletter

Urban Forestry: Online and On Target, Michael R. Kuhns; 5th Biennieal Conference on Universty Education in Natural Resources

Utah-Grown Christmas Trees, Michael R. Kuhns; Garden Utah

Utah Tree Field Guide, Michael R. Kuhns


Attitudes and Experiences of Women and Minorities in the Urban Forestry/Arboriculture Profession, Michael R. Kuhns, H. A. Bragg, and D. J. Blahna; Journal of Arboriculture

Reducing Sampler Error in Soil Research, Andrew Kulmatiski and Karen H. Beard; Soil Biology and Biochemistry

Soil-Mediated Control on Weed Establishment and Growth, Andrew Kulmatiski, Karen H. Beard, and John M. Stark; Weed Technology


Gas Exchange and Growth Responses of the Desert Shrubs Artemisia tridentata and Chrysothamnus nauseosus to Shallow- Versus Deep-Soil Water in a Glasshouse Experiment, A. Joshua Leffler, Carolyn Y. Ivans, Ronald J. Ryel, and Martyn M. Caldwell; Environmental and Experimental Botany


A Meta-Analysis of Biotic Resistance to Exotic Plant Invasions, Jonathan M. Levine, Peter B. Adler, and Stephanie G. Yelenik; Ecology Letters

Area and prey requirements of wild dogs Lycaon pictus under varying habitat conditions: implications for reintroductions, P. A. Lindsey, Johan T. du Toit, and M. G.L. Mills; South African Journal of Wildlife Research

The distribution and population status of African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) outside protected areas in South Africa., Peter Lindsey, Johan T. du Toit, and M. G.L. Mills; South African Journal of Wildlife Research

Linkages between silviculture and ecology: examinationof several important conceptual models, James N. Long, T. J. Dean, and S. D. Roberts; Forest Ecology and Management

San Juan County Gunnison Sage-grouse Conservation Plan Annual Report, S. Lupis and Terry A. Messmer

Wolves, bears, and bison: a case study in ecological restoration , Daniel R. MacNulty

Cheetah feeding ecology in the Kruger National Park and a comparison across African savanna habitats: is the cheetah only a successful hunter on open grassland plains?, M. G.L. Mills, L. Broomhall, and Johan T. du Toit; Wildlife Biology


Genetic Diversity and Divergence among Freshwater Mussel (Anodonta) Populations in the Bonneville Basin of Utah, Karen E. Mock, Jayne C. Brim-Box, Mark P. Miller, M. E. Downing, and W. R. Hoeh; Molecular Ecology


Assessing Losses of Genetic Diversity Due to Translocation: Long-Term Case Histories in Merriam’s Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo merriami), Karen E. Mock, E. K. Latch, and O. E. Rhodes Jr.; Conservation Genetics

Genetic Analysis of Spawning and Refugium June Sucker Populations, Karen E. Mock, Mark P. Miller, and B. L. Cardall


Large predators and their prey in a southern African savanna: predator body size determines maximum prey size., F.G.T. Radloff and Johan T. du Toit; Journal of Animal Ecology


Evaluating the geographic distribution of plants in Utah from the Atlas of Vascular Plants of Utah, R. Douglas Ramsey and Leila M. Shultz; Western North American Naturalist