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What Makes an Animal Choose a Forage, Elizabeth A. Burritt and Frederick D. Provenza; Proceedings of the 2002 Western Alfalfa Symposium, Reno NV


Diet of free-ranging domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) in rural Zimbabwe: implications for wild scavengers on the periphery of wildlife reserves, J. R.A. Butler and Johan T. du Toit; Animal Conservation

Efficient Irrigation of Woody Landscape Plants, T. A. Cerny and Michael R. Kuhns

Selection and Culture of Landscape Plants in Utah: A Guide for Southwestern and Central Utah, T. A. Cerny, L. A. Rupp, C. R. Reid, and Michael R. Kuhns

Urban Forestry, Envision Utah Forestry Committee; Envision Utah

An evaluation of the uniform stress hypothesis based on stem geometry in select NorthAmerican conifers, T. J. Dean, S. D. Roberts, D. W. Gilmore, D. A. Maguire, James N. Long, K. L. O'Hara, and R. S. Seymour; Trees - Structure and Function


Book review: Making Parks Work: Strategies for Preserving Tropical Nature, Johan T. du Toit; Trends in Ecology and Evolution

Sustainable wildlife utilization in Africa: a contest between scientific understanding and human nature, Johan T. du Toit; The Psychology of Sustainable Development


Wildlife harvesting guidelines for community-based wildlife management: a southern African perspective., Johan T. du Toit; Biodiversity and Conservation

Developing a Volunteer Workforce to Strengthen Urban Forestry Programs in Weber County, J. L. Goodspeed and Michael R. Kuhns; Western Region County Agents Professional Improvement Conference

Life Histories of Some Perennial Grasses in Semiarid Environments, L. D. Humphrey and Eugene W. Schupp; Life Histories of Some Perennial Grasses in Semiarid Environments


Seedling Survival From Local and Commercially Obtained Seeds on Two Semiarid Sites, L. D. Humphrey and Eugene W. Schupp; Restoration Ecology


Effects of Litter, Soil Surface Conditions, and Microhabitat on Cercocarpus ledifolius Nutt. Seedling Emergence and Establishment, I. Ibanez and Eugene W. Schupp; Journal of Arid Environments


Great Salt Lake Watershed, Robert J. Johnson and R. Douglas Ramsey

The conservation status of South African ungulates, M. Keith, M. H. Knight, G. H. Castley, Johan T. du Toit, and A. S. van Jaarsveld; The State of South Africa's Species


Development of a bait and baiting system for the delivery of oral rabies vaccine to free-ranging African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus), D. L. Knobel, Johan T. du Toit, and J. Bingham; Journal of Wildlife Diseases


Disposition of fluid from Livestock Protection Collars following coyote attacks on collared goats, Frederick F. Knowlton and Steven M. Ebbert; International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation


Reproduction in captive wild-caught coyotes (Canis latrans), Frederick F. Knowlton, Jeffrey S. Green, and William C. Pitt; Journal of Mammalogy


Long Distance Movements of Black-Tailed Jackrabbits, Frederick F. Knowlton, Graham W. Smith, and L. Charles Stoddart; Journal of Wildlife Management


Disease investigation in free-ranging Kafue lechwe (Kobus leche kafuensis) on the Kafue Flats in Zambia, N. D. Kock, G. Kampamba, S. Mukaratirwa, and Johan T. du Toit; The Veterinary Record

Transient demographic analysis of 6 vertebrates: initial conditions and life history explain near-term dynamics, David N. Koons, B. Zinner, J. B. Grand, and R. F. Rockwell; Fourth Conference on Statistics In Ecology And Environmental Monitoring: “Population Dynamics: The Interface Between Models and Data”

Here's How to: Design a Windbreak, Michael R. Kuhns; Soc. Amer. Forestry Source

Here's How to: Plant Trees for Energy Conservation, Michael R. Kuhns; Soc. Amer. Foresters for Foretry Source

Remove Root Ball Packing Materials to Help Trees Survive and Thrive, Michael R. Kuhns; Seeds of Change, TreeUtah Newsletter

Watering Trees in a Drought, Michael R. Kuhns; Seeds of Change, TreeUtah Newsletter


Involvement of Women and Minorities in the urban Forestry Profession, Michael R. Kuhns, H. A. Bragg, and D. J. Blahna; Journal of Arboriculture

Adapting the Master Gardener Concept for Urban/Community Forestry, Michael R. Kuhns, J. Goodspeed, S. Rasmussen, C. Carlson, and S. Josiah; 3rd Natural Resource Extension Professionals Conference


Carbon Acquisition and Water Use in Northern Utah Juniperus osteosperma (Utah Juniper) Population, A. Joshua Leffler, Ronald J. Ryel, Larry Hipps, Sasha Ivans, and Martyn M. Caldwell; Tree Physiology

Behavior of wolves hunting elk and bison in Yellowstone National Park , Daniel R. MacNulty

Community-based conservation programs in Utah: Annual Report, Terry A. Messmer and J. Flory


Genetic Variation across the Historical Range of the Wild Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo), Karen E. Mock, T. C. Theimer, O. E. Rhodes Jr., D. L. Greenberg, and P. Keim; Molecular Ecology


Flow-Sediment-Biota Relations: Implications for River Regulation Effects on Native Fish Abundance, D. B. Osmundson, Ronald J. Ryel, V. L. Lamarra, and J. Pitlick; Ecological Applications


Using Forest Health Monitoring to Assess Aspen Forest Cover Change in the Southern Rockies Ecoregion, Paul C. Rogers; Forest Ecology and Management

Selection and Culture of Landscape Plants in Utah: A Guide for High Mountain Valleys, L. Rupp, W. A. Varga, T. A. Cerny, C. R. Reid, and Michael R. Kuhns


Hydraulic Redistribution in a Stand of Artemisia tridentata: Evaluation of Benefits to Transpiration Assessed With a Simulation Model, Ronald J. Ryel, Martyn M. Caldwell, C. K. Yoder, D. Or, and A. Joshua Leffler; Oecologia

Prunus Mahaleb Regeneration: Does the Balance Between Interference and Facilitation Depend on the Environment?, Eugene W. Schupp, Janis Boettinger, and P. Jordano; Prunus Mahaleb Regeneration: Does the Balance Between Interference and Facilitation Depend on the Environment?

Dissemination Limitation and the Origin and Maintenance of Species- Rich Tropical Forests, Eugene W. Schupp, T. Milleron, and S. E. Russo; Seed Dispersal and Frugivory: Ecology, Evolution and Conservation

FVS lessons on the web: A Resource for users and instructors, J. D. Shaw and James N. Long; Second Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS) Conference

Seed dispersal by chacma baboons and syntopic ungulates in southern African savannas, K. Slater and Johan T. du Toit; South African Journal of Wildlife Research


Sexual segregation in habitat use by elephants in Chobe National Park, Botswana, S. Stokke and Johan T. du Toit; African Journal of Ecology

Indigenous Knowledge Informing Management of Tropical Forests: The Link Between Rhythms in Plant Secondary Chemistry and Lunar Cycles, K. A. Vogt, Karen H. Beard, S. Hammann, J. L. O'Hara, D. J. Vogt, F. N. Scatena, and B. A. Parry; Ambio


Global Survey of Tropical Biological Field Stations: Tropical Biological Field Stations Play a Central Role in Scientific Research and Education; They Are at the Forefront of Efforts to Understand and Protect Global Ecosystems, Stephen Whitesell, Robert J. Lilieholm, and Terry L. Sharik; BioScience


Development of a Bird-Avoidance Model for Naval Air Facility El Centro, California, E. J. Zakrajsek and John A. Bissonette; USGS Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Utah State University, Logan, Utah


Quantifying the Effects of Spatial Configuration on Habitat Quality: A Case Study With the Endangered Newfoundland Marten (Martes americana atrata), William A. Adair and John A. Bissonette; Annual Meeting ESA, Madison WI

Spatially Explicit Models and Landscape Planning: A Case Study With the Endangered Newfoundland Marten (Martes americana atrata), William A. Adair and John A. Bissonette; International Association for Landscape Ecology, Phoenix AZ


The Effect of Grazing on the Spatial Heterogeneity of Vegetation, Peter B. Adler, D. A. Raff, and W. K. Lauenroth; Oecologia

Mule Deer Movement Dynamics and Roads: A Crippled Hierarchy, John A. Bissonette; UT Chapter TWS/AFS Annual Meeting, St. George UT

Scaling Roads and Wildlife: The Cinderella Principle, John A. Bissonette; 25th International Union of Game Biologists Congress, Lemesos Cyprus

The Fragmentation of Nature and the Nature of Fragmentation, John A. Bissonette; 6th Annual Meeting of the Portugese Ecological Society, Lisbon, Portugal

Wildlife of the Northern Rockies, John A. Bissonette; American International School of Lisbon, Sintra, Portugal

Predation and Survival During Early Life History Stages of the Desert Tortoise in the South-Central Mojave Desert, C. Bjurlin and John A. Bissonette; Desert Tortoise Council Annual Symposium, Tucson AZ

The Impact of Predator Communities on Early Life History Stage Survival of the Desert Tortoise at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms, California, C. D. Bjurlin and John A. Bissonette; USGS Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Utah State University, Logan, Utah

Soil Acidification Following Burning of Pine Plantations, Seirra Nevada, Spain, Janis Boettinger, J. M. Gomez, J. Castro, R. Zamora, and Eugene W. Schupp; Soil Acidification Following Burning of Pine Plantations, Seirra Nevada, Spain


Mechanisms of Positive Biodiversity-Production Relationships: Insights Provided by δ13C Analysis in Experimental Mediterranean Grassland Plots, Maria C. Caldeira, Ronald J. Ryel, John H. Lawton, and Joao S. Periera; Ecology Letters

Giraffe and okapi, Johan T. du Toit; The New Encyclopedia of Mammals

Análisis de correspondencia para agrupar características funcionales en comunidades vegetales, R. P. Hernández, James N. Long, and L. M. Shultz

Competition and Facilitation During the Establishment of Perennial Grasses, L. D. Humphrey and Eugene W. Schupp; Competition and Facilitation During the Establishment of Perennial Grasses

Seedbanks of Bromus tectorum-dominated Communities in the Great Basin, L. D. Humphrey and Eugene W. Schupp; Western North American Naturalist


Positive and Negative Interactions Between Environmental Conditions Affecting Cercocarpus ledifolius Seedling Survival, I. Ibanez and Eugene W. Schupp; Oecologia

Even-toed ungulates, C. Janis and Johan T. du Toit; The New Encyclopedia of Mammals

Hoofed mammals, C. Janis and Johan T. du Toit; The New Encyclopedia of Mammals


Exclusionary methods to reduce predation on ground nesting birds and their nests, J. E. Jimenz, Michael R. Conover, and Terry A. Messmer; Publication No. 21


Differential responses of coyotes to novel stimuli in familiar and unfamiliar settings, Frederick F. Knowlton and Charles E. Harris; Canadian Journal of Zoology


Using iophenoxic acid injections of prey to identify mammals that feed on them, Frederick F. Knowlton and Stanley Olmstead; Wildlife Society Bulletin


Coyote responses to changing jackrabbit abundance affect sheep predation, Frederick F. Knowlton, L. Charles Stoddart, and Richard E. Griffiths; Journal of Range Management


Pulp cavity-tooth width ratios from known-age and wild-caught coyotes determined by radiography, Frederick F. Knowlton and Susan L. Whittemore; Wildlife Society Bulletin

Wyoming Forest Health Report: A Baseline Assessment, 1995-1998, L. Koch, Paul C. Rogers, M. Frank, L. Spiegel, and D. Atkins

Lesser scaup breeding ecology in the Canadian Parklands, David N. Koons and J. J. Rotella; Institute of Wetland and Waterfowl Research Symposium

Be a Good Tree Care Consumer, Michael R. Kuhns; Seeds of Change, TreeUtah Newsletter

Magnolias for Utah, Michael R. Kuhns; Seeds of Change, TreeUtah Newsletter

Research Notes: More Wood from Sustainable Forests, Michael R. Kuhns; Utah Forest News

Results from Nationwide Study of Urban Forestry Professionals, Michael R. Kuhns; SAF Urban and Community Forestry Spring/Summer Resource Letter

Evaluating Nitrogen Immobilization for the Restoration of Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.) Infested Rangeland, R. Luster and Eugene W. Schupp; Evaluating Nitrogen Immobilization for the Restoration of Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.) Infested Rangeland

Factors influencing the outcome of wolf-elk encounters , Daniel R. MacNulty, L. D. Mech, and D. W. Smith


Grizzly Bear, Ursus arctos, usurps Bison, Bison bison, captured by Wolves, Canis lupus, in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, Daniel R. MacNulty, N. Varley, and D. W. Smith; Canadian Field-Naturalist

Urban Deer Investigations: Ecological Research for Management Solutions, M. F. McClure, John A. Bissonette, and Michael R. Conover; USGS Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Utah State University, Logan, Utah

Connections: A master wetlands education Plan for the Greater Great Salt Lake Ecosystem, A. McElrone and Terry A. Messmer; Publication Number 20


Winter severity and wolf predation on a formerly wolf-free elk herd, L. D. Mech, D. W. Smith, K. M. Murphy, and Daniel R. MacNulty; Journal of Wildlife Management

A Utah Wetland Conservation Strategy, Terry A. Messmer


Verifying the Origins of a Reintroduced Population of Gould’s Wild Turkey, Karen E. Mock, Tad C. Theimer, Brian F. Wakeling, Olin E. Rhodes Jr., David L. Greenberg, and Paul Keim; Journal of Wildlife Management

Conservation of Genetic Diversity within and among Subspecies of Wild Turkey, Karen E. Mock, T. C. Theimer, and D. L. Greenberg; Making Tracks 2000: The Eighth National Wild Turkey Symposium

Understanding Herbivore Responses to Anti-Quality Factors in Forages, Frederick D. Provenza and Jen Ropp; Anti-Qaulity Factors in Rangeland and Pastureland Forages

Forest Health Monitoring in the Interior West: A Baseline Summary of Forest Issues, 1996-1999, Paul C. Rogers, D. Atkins, M. Frank, and D. Parker


Penumbral and Foliage Distribution Effects on Pinus sylvestris Canopy Gas Exchange, Ronald J. Ryel, E. Falge, U. Joss, R. Geyer, and J. D. Tenhunen; Theoretical and Applied Climatology


Age-related decline in forest growth: an emergent property, F. W. Smith and James N. Long; Forest Ecology and Management


Modelling of Fluxes in a Spruce Forest Catchment of the Fichtelgebirge, J. D. Tenhunen, E. Falge, Ronald J. Ryel, B. Manderscheid, K. Peters, B. Ostendorf, U. Joss, and G. Lischeid; Ecosystem Approaches to Landscape Management in Central Europe

Conservation Biology, Contemporary, K. A. Vogt, O. O. Schmitz, Karen H. Beard, J. L. O'Hara, and M. Booth; Encyclopedia of Biodiversity. Vol. 1


Structural and Functional Variability within the Canopy and its Relevance for Carbon Gain and Stress Avoidance, Christiane Werner, Ronald J. Ryel, Otilla Correia, and Wolfram Beyschlag; Acta Oecologica


Effects of Photoinhibition on Whole-Plant Carbon Gain Assessed with a Photosynthesis Model, C. Werner, Ronald J. Ryel, O. Correia, and W. Beyschlag; Plant, Cell and Environment


Spatial and Temporal Variability of Canopy Structure in a Tropical Moist Forest, Rainer Wirth, Bettina Weber, and Ronald J. Ryel; Acta Oecologica

Vertical zonation of browse quality in tree canopies exposed to a size-structured guild of African browsing ungulates, A. P. Woolnough and Johan T. du Toit; Oecologia

Nocturnal Bird-Avoidance Modeling With Mobile-Marine Radar, E. J. Zakrajsek and John A. Bissonette; Bird Strike Committee Conference, Calgary, Alberta


Forecasting American Marten Habitat Dynamics in Western Newfoundland: A Matter of Finding the Right Crystal Ball, William A. Adair and John A. Bissonette; III International Martes Symposium, Corner Brook, Newfoundland, Canada

American Marten Den and Resting-Site Characteristics in Western Newfoundland, William A. Adair, John A. Bissonette, and B. Hearn; III International Martes Symposium, Corner Brook, Newfoundland, Canada


Livestock Exclusion Increases the Spatial Heterogeneity of Vegetation in Colorado Shortgrass Steppe, Peter B. Adler and W. K. Lauenroth; Applied Vegetation Science


Regeneration Ecology of Chrysopogon aucheri and Cymbopogon jwarancusa in Upland Balochistan: III. Effects of Precipitation and Seedbed Microhabitat on Seedling Recruitment, S. Ahmad, C. A. Call, and Eugene W. Schupp; Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences

Regeneration Ecology of Chrysopogon aucheri and Cymbopogon jwarancusa in Upland Balochistan: I. Morphology, Viability and Movement of Seeds (spikelets), S. Ahmad, C. A. Call, and Eugene W. Schupp; Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences


Regeneration Ecology of Chrysopogon aucheri and Cymbopogon jwarancusa in Upland Balochistan: I. Morphology, Viability and Movement of Seeds (spikelets), S. Ahmad, C. A. Call, and Eugene W. Schupp; Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences


Dwarf Mistletoes Affecting Pines and Firs of Wyoming, Fred A. Baker and Gary D. Franc; University of Wyoming, Cooperative Extension Service, B-1083


Non-Invasive Measurements of Leaf Epidermal Transmittance of UV Radiation Using Chlorophyll Fluorescence: Field and Laboratory Studies, Paul W. Barnes, Peter S. Searles, Carlos L. Ballaré, Ronald J. Ryel, and Martyn M. Caldwell; Physiologia Plantarum