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Concluding Remarks, Martes in Managed Landscapes, John A. Bissonette; III International Martes Symposium, Corner Brook, Newfoundland, Canada

Dead on the Road: Mitigative Models to Address Deer Highway Mortality, John A. Bissonette; Wildlife and Highways: Seeking Solutions to an Ecological and Socio-Economic Dilemma, 7th Annual Conference TWS, Nashville TN

Dead on the Road: Mule Deer in a Hostile Environment, John A. Bissonette; 2000 National Convention Mule Deer Foundation, Salt Lake City UT

Ecosystem Health and Surface Transportation: Reducing the Virtual Footprint, John A. Bissonette; National Academy of Science National Research Council) for the Ecosystem Health Panel: Research Priorities for the Transportation Environment, Washington D. C.

Habitat Requirements of Martes, John A. Bissonette; 3rd International Martes Symposium, Corner Brook, Newfoundland

Effectiveness of Earthen Return Ramps in Reducing Big Game Highway Mortality in Utah, John A. Bissonette and M. Hammer; USGS Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Utah State University, Logan, Utah

Lanes of Destruction: Effectiveness of Highway Right-of-Way Escape Structures for Mule Deer, John A. Bissonette, M. E. Lehnert, and M. Harrison; Wildlife and Highways: Seeking Solutions to an Ecological and Socio-Economic Dilemma, 7th Annual Conference TWS, Nashville TN

The Cooperative Research Unit Program and Wildlife Education: Historic Development, Future Challenges, John A. Bissonette, C. S. Loftin, D. M. Leslie Jr., L. A. Nordstrom, and W. J. Fleming; Wildlife Society Bulletin

Desert Tortoise Reproduction & Survivorship: The Influence of Female Size and Abiotic Factors on Fecundity, C. D. Bjurlin and John A. Bissonette; Annual Meeting ESA, Snowbird Utah

Desert Tortoise Suvivorship: Absence of Evidence Does Not Mean Evidence of Absence, C. D. Bjurlin, John A. Bissonette, and T. L. Cutler; 65th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference, Rosemont IL

Influence of Pine Plantations on Native Shrub Soils, Sierra Nevada, Spain, Janis Boettinger, J. M. Gomez, J. Castro, R. Zamora, and Eugene W. Schupp; Influence of Pine Plantations on Native Shrub Soils, Sierra Nevada, Spain

Opinion letter: “Mythtaken”, Johan T. du Toit and T. Wassenaar; New Scientist


Modelling Age- and Density-Related Gas Exchange of Picea abies Canopies in the Fichtelgebirge, Germany, Eva Falge, John D. Tennhunen, Ronald J. Ryel, Martina Alsheimer, and Barbara Köstner; Annals of Forest Science


CAMPFIRE experiences in Zimbabwe, W. Getz, L. Fortmann, Johan T. du Toit, and R. Martin; Science

Model Comparisons for Evaluating Competitive Relationships in Mixed-Density Plots, L. D. Humphrey and Eugene W. Schupp; Model Comparisons for Evaluating Competitive Relationships in Mixed-Density Plots


Determinants of Seed Dispersal Effectiveness: The Quantity Component and Patterns of Seed Rain for Prunus Mahaleb, P. Jordano and Eugene W. Schupp; Ecological Monographs


Efficacy of guard llamas to reduce canine predation on domestic sheep, Frederick F. Knowlton and Laurie E. Meadows; Wildlife Society Bulletin


Evaluation of tranquilizer trap devices (TTDs) for foothold traps used to capture gray wolves, Frederick F. Knowlton and Duane P. Sahr; Wildlife Society Bulletin


First record of brown-headed cowbird egg in a lesser scaup nest, David N. Koons; Wilson Bulletin

Lesser scaup breeding ecology in the Canadian Parklands: a comparison to the past, David N. Koons and J. J. Rotella; 2nd North American Duck Symposium

Christmas Tree Selection Tips, Michael R. Kuhns; Hilltop Times, Hill Air Force Base

Create a Forest for Your Trees?, Michael R. Kuhns; Seeds of Change, TreeUtah Newsletter

Planting Trees? Dig Big!, Michael R. Kuhns; Seeds of Change, TreeUtah Newsletter

Swamp White Oak (Quercus Bicolor): A Tree for Utah, Michael R. Kuhns; Utah Chapter ISA Newsletter

Selecting and Planting Landscape Trees, Michael R. Kuhns and L. A. Rupp

Restructuring the forest: goshawks and the restoration ofSouthwestern ponderosa pine, James N. Long and F. W. Smith; J. For.

Nitrogen Immobilization for the Restoration of Cheatgrass-Infested Range, R. Luster and Eugene W. Schupp; Nitrogen Immobilization for the Restoration of Cheatgrass-Infested Range


Starlings. Wildlife Damage Management Series, J. A. Lynch and Terry A. Messmer

Hunting success of gray wolves in Yellowstone National Park , Daniel R. MacNulty, L. D. Mech, and D. W. Smith

Pursuit-deterrence signals in wolf- elk interactions , Daniel R. MacNulty, L. D. Mech, and D. W. Smith


San Juan County Gunnison Sage-grouse Conservation Revised Plan, Terry A. Messmer

Longitudinal Variation in Riverine Trophic Structure: Linkage between Flow, Sediment and Biota, D. B. Osmundson, Ronald J. Ryel, V. Lamarra, and J. Pitlick; Ecological Society of America

Don't Top It! A Guide to Proper Pruning Methods, M. Pace and Michael R. Kuhns

Integration of Learning and Metabolic Signals into a Theory of Dietary Choice and Food Intake, Frederick D. Provenza and J. M. Forbes; Ruminant Physiology: Digestion, Metabolism, Growth and Reproduction

The use of space and prey by cheetahs in Matusadona National Park, Zimbabwe, G. K. Purchase and Johan T. du Toit; South African Journal of Wildlife Research


Gap Dynamics, Ronald J. Ryel and Wolfram Beyschlag; Leaf Development and Canopy Growth

Process, Scale, and Wildland Repair: a Framework, Eugene W. Schupp; Ecology

Dissemination Limitation and the Origin and Maintenance of Species-Rich Tropical Forests, Eugene W. Schupp, T. Milleron, and S. E. Russo; Dissemination Limitation and the Origin and Maintenance of Species-Rich Tropical Forests


Using Geographic Information Systems in Floristic Studies, Leila M. Shultz; Floristics in the New Millennium: Proceedings of the Flora of the Southwest US Symposium


Animal-Distribution Modeling in Gap Analysis: An Evolving Science, D. K. Skelly, Karen H. Beard, and N. J. Hengarten; Conservation Biology


Sex and age related differences in the dry season feeding patterns of elephants in Chobe National Park, Botswana., S. Stokke and Johan T. du Toit; Ecography

Site Fidelity of Territorial Male Guanacos: Homebodies or Hustlers?, Julie K. Young and W. L. Franklin; Department of Animal Ecology Seminar Series

Development of a Bird Avoidance Model for Naval Air Facility, El Centro, CA, E. J. Zakrajsek, John A. Bissonette, and T. Cutler; Second Joint Annual Meeting of the Bird Strike Committee USA/Bird Strike Committee Canada, Minneapolis MN



Influence of Environmental Factors and Sheep Grazing on an Andean Grassland, Peter B. Adler and Juan Manuel Morales; Journal of Range Management

Health of Idaho’s Forests: A Summary of Conditions, Issues and Implications, D. Atkins, J. Byler, L. Livingston, Paul C. Rogers, and B. Bennett

Soil changes after land clearing for buffelgrass Cenchrus ciliaris L. establishment in Mexico., Roger E. Banner; Soil changes after land clearing for buffelgrass Cenchrus ciliaris L. establishment in Mexico.


Soil Physicochemical Changes Following Buffelgrass Establishment in Mexico, Roger E. Banner, Fernando Ibarra-Flores, Jerry R. Cox, Martha Martin-Rivera, Todd A. Crowl, Brien E. Norton, and Raymond W. Miller; Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation


Spittlebug and Buffelgrass Responses to Summer Fires in Mexico, Roger E. Banner, Martha Martin, Jerry R. Cox, F. Ibarra, Diana G. Alston, and John C. Malchck; Journal of Range Management

The Effectiveness of Predicting Breeding Bird Distributions Using Probabilistic Models, Karen H. Beard, N. Hengarten, and D. K. Skelly; Conservation Biology

Collared Peccary Pecari Tajacu, John A. Bissonette; The Smithsonian Book of North American Mammals

Connecting Pattern and Process at Larger Scales, John A. Bissonette; Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research, Lincoln, New Zealand

Do At-Grade Highway Crossing Structures Reduce Big Game Mortailities?, John A. Bissonette; The Utah Transportation Research Advisory Council Workshop, University of Utah, Salt Lake City UT

Habitat Pattern and Ecological Processes: The Need For a Conceptual Foundation, John A. Bissonette; International Association for Landsscape Ecology 5th World Congress, Snowmass Village CO

Larger-Scale Ecology: What is the Conceptual Framework?, John A. Bissonette; Grimsö Wildlife Research Station, Department of Conservation Biology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Riddarhyttan Sweden


Small Sample Size Problems in Wildlife Ecology: a Contingent Analytical Approach, John A. Bissonette; Wildlife Biology

Summary Remarks: Indigenous Wildlife Management, John A. Bissonette; Indigenous Wildlife Management: Old Ways, New Ways, Held at the 12th Annual Meeting of the Australasian Wildlife Management Society, Darwin, Australia

The Mismatch Between Pattern and Process: Lessons From Ignoring Theory, John A. Bissonette; The Second International Wildlife Management Congress, Gödöllö Hungary

Thinking Differently at Larger Scales: The Essence of Escher-Almost, John A. Bissonette; 12th Annual Meeting of the Australasian Wildlife Management Society, Darwin Australia

Limitations on Canada Goose Production at Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge, John A. Bissonette, D. S. Stolley, John A. Bissonette, and J. A. Kadlec; Great Basin Naturalist

A Look at the Reproductive Ecology of the Desert Tortoise at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, C. Bjurlin and John A. Bissonette; 24th Annual Symposium of the Desert Tortoise Council, St. George UT

Following the Lifecycle of the Desert Tortoise: Telemetry, Radiography, and Thread-Trailers, C. Bjurlin and John A. Bissonette; 64th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference, San Francisco CA

Urban Forestry Professionals: Who Are We?, H. A. Bragg, Michael R. Kuhns, and D. J. Blahna; Proc. Soc. Am. Foresters Natl. Convention


Practical Field Methods of Estimating Canopy Cover, PAR, and LAI in Michigan Oak and Pine Stands, David S. Buckley, J. G. Isebrands, and Terry L. Sharik; Northern Journal of Applied Forestry

Seed Dispersal and Seedling Establishment of Pinon and Juniper Species Within the Pinon-Juniper Woodland, J. C. Chambers, Eugene W. Schupp, and S. B. Vander Wall; Proceedings: Ecology and Management of Pinyon-Juniper Communities Within the Interior West


Seed and Seedling Ecology of Pinon and Juniper Species in the Pygmy Woodlands of Western North America, J. C. Chambers, S. B. Vander Wall, and Eugene W. Schupp; Botanical Review


Converting Tree Diameter at Root Collar (DRC) to Diameter at Breast Height (DBH), D. Chojnacky and Paul C. Rogers; Western Journal of Applied Forestry


Methods in Historical Ecology: A Case Study of Tintic Valley, Utah, Jeffrey A. Creque, Neil E. West, and James P. Dobrowolski; Ecology and Management of Pinyon-Juniper Communities Within the Interior West


Ecological sustainability is fundamental tomanaging the national forests and grasslands, V. H. Dale, J. Agee, James N. Long, and B. Noon; Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America

Utah's Forest Landowner Education Program, L. Dennis-Perez and Michael R. Kuhns; Soc. Am. Foresters Natl. Convention


Mammal research in southern Africa: present patterns and future priorities, Johan T. du Toit and L. S. Broomhall; South African Journal of Wildlife Research

Biodiversity in African savannas: functional significance and implications for animal production, Johan T. du Toit and D. H.M. Cumming; Proceedings of the 18th International Grassland Congress


Functional significance of ungulate diversity in African savannas and the ecological implications of the spread of pastoralism, Johan T. du Toit and D. H.M. Cumming; Biodiversity and Conservation

Sustaining natural and human capital: villagers and scientists, W. M. Getz, L. Fortmann, D. Cumming, Johan T. du Toit, J. Hilty, R. Martin, M. Murphree, N. Owen-Smith, A. M. Starfield, and M. I. Westphal; Science


The Influence of Forest Fragmentation and Landscape Pattern on American Marten, C. D. Hargis, John A. Bissonette, and D. L. Turner; Journal of Applied Ecology

Utah NRCS Salinity Program Review and Evaluation, R. W. Hill and Terry A. Messmer; Final Report


Coexistence between people and elephants in African savannas, R. E. Hoare and Johan T. du Toit; Conservation Biology

Effects of Bromus tectorum on Seedling and Second-Year Elymus elymoides Plants, L. D. Humphrey and Eugene W. Schupp; Effects of Bromus tectorum on Seedling and Second-Year Elymus elymoides Plants

Temporal Patterns of Seedling Emergence and Early Survival of Great Basin Perennial Plant Species, L. D. Humphrey and Eugene W. Schupp; Great Basin Naturalist

Successional History of a Curlleaf Mountain Mahogany Stand: a Hypothesis, I. Ibanez, Eugene W. Schupp, and Janis Boettinger; Proceedings: Shrubland Ecotones

Sustaining the people’s lands: recommendations for stewardship of the national forests and grasslands into the next century, K. N. Johnson, J. Agee, R. Beschta, V. Dale, L. Hardesty, James N. Long, L. Nielsen, B. Noon, R. Sedjo, M. Shannon, R. Trosper, C. Wilkinson, and J. Wondolleck; Rangelands

Sustaining the people’s lands:recommendations for stewardship of the national forests and grasslands into the next century, K. N. Johnson, J. Agee, R. Beschta, V. Dale, L. Hardesty, James N. Long, L. Nielsen, B. Noon, R. Sedjo, M. Shannon, R. Trosper, C. Wilkinson, and J. Wondolleck; J. For.

Economics of Living Snow Fences in the Intermountain West, A. R. Kelson, R. J. Lilieholm, and Michael R. Kuhns; Journal of Applied Forestry

Behavioral Reduction of Infection Risk in a Larval Amphibian, J. M. Kiesecker, D. K. Skelly, Karen H. Beard, and E. Presser; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences


Response of coyotes to avian distress calls : testing the startle-predator and predator-attraction hypotheses, Frederick F. Knowlton, Michael R. Conover, and Kristi K. Wise; Behaviour


Coyote depredation control: an interface between biology and management, Frederick F. Knowlton, Eric M. Gese, and Michael M. Jaeger; Journal of Range Management

Are Native Trees Always the Best Choices?, Michael R. Kuhns; Seeds of Change, TreeUtah Newsletter

Are Small Trees Always Appropriate as Street Trees?, Michael R. Kuhns; Seeds of Change, TreeUtah Newsletter

Check Freshness Before Buying Holiday Tree, Michael R. Kuhns; Hilltop Times, Hill Air Force Base

Western Spruce Budworm in Utah: Identification, Management, and Control, Michael R. Kuhns and M. Pace

Fractal Analysis of Animal Movements: A Revisited Methodology and New Insights, M. McClure, John A. Bissonette, M. Ritchie, and M. Conover; International Association for Landsscape Ecology 5th World Congress, Snowmass Village CO

Behaviors and Population Characteristics of Mule Deer Using Urban Winter Ranges: Are Urban Habitats Ecological Traps?, M. F. McClure, John A. Bissonette, and Michael R. Conover; Presented at the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Deer and Elk Workshop, Salt Lake City UT

City Deer Versus Country Deer: Impacts of Urbanization on Mule Deer, M. F. McClure, Michael R. Conover, and John A. Bissonette; Fair Chase

A Utah Landowner's Guide to Managing Trespass, Terry A. Messmer

Parker Mountain Adaptive Resource Management Plan, Terry A. Messmer

San Juan County Gunnison Sage Grouse Conservation Plan, Terry A. Messmer


Utah 4-H Wildlife Habitat Evaluation Manual, Terry A. Messmer

The effect of temporary signing on reducing deer-vehicle collisions during seasonal migrations, Terry A. Messmer, C. W. Hendricks, and P. W. Klimack

FHM Lichen Community Results from Wyoming, 1997: A Preliminary Summary, P. Neitlich, L. Hasselback, S. Szewczak, and Paul C. Rogers

Foraging on the Edge of Chaos, Frederick D. Provenza and Karen L. Launchbaugh; Grazing Behavior of Livestock and Wildlife

The Physics of Foraging, Frederick D. Provenza, J. J. Villalba, and M. Augner; Proceedings of the XVIII International Grassland Congress