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GIS Analysis of Second Order Habitat Selection of a Reintroduced Population of Desert Bighorn Sheep at Capitol Reef National Park, M. J. Machalek, T. L. Steel, John A. Bissonette, and W. G. Workman; The Second Annual Meeting of the Wildlife Society, Portland OR
Reconsidering the Yuma Mountain Lion: Taxonomic and Conservation Status, D. E. McIvor, John A. Bissonette, and G. S. Drew; Conservation Biology
Utah pheasant project manual, Terry A. Messmer and D. A. Mitchell
Utah pheasant project manual workbook, Terry A. Messmer and D. A. Mitchell
Post-Conservation Reserve Program - Fact Sheets, Terry A. Messmer, D. A. Mitchell, and W. Conrad
Trichomoniasis As a Factor in Mourning Dove Population Decline in Fillmore, UT, W. D. Ostrand, John A. Bissonette, and Michael R. Conover; Journal of Wildlife Diseases
Origins of Food Preference in Herbivores, Frederick D. Provenza; Repellents in Wildlife Management: Proceedings of a Symposium
Benefits Associated with Steep Foliage Orientation in Two Tussock Grasses of the American Intermountain West. A Look at Whole-Plant Water-use-Efficiency and Photoinhibition, Ronald J. Ryel and W. Beyschlag; Flora
Seed-Seedling Conflicts, Habitat Choice and Patterns of Plant Recruitment, Eugene W. Schupp; EcoScience
Spatial Patterns of Seed Dispersal and the Unification of Plant Population Ecology, Eugene W. Schupp and M. Fuentes; EcoScience
Dispersal of Utah Juniper (Juniperus osteosperma) Seeds by Lagomorphs, Eugene W. Schupp, M. Fuentes, and J. M. Gomez; Dispersal of Utah Juniper (Juniperus osteosperma) Seeds by Lagomorphs
Canopy cover effects on soil nitrogen mineralization in northern red oak (Quercus rubra) stands in northern Lower Michigan, Terry L. Sharik, Choonsig Kim, and Martin F. Jurgensen; Forest Ecology and Management
Coarse Woody Debris Dynamics and Spatial Heterogeneity Within a Boreal Forest Environment: Implications for Marten Habitat Management, B. R. Sturtevant and John A. Bissonette; The Second Annual Meeting of the Wildlife Society, Portland OR
Habitat Associations of Microtus pennsylvanicus Within Forests of Western Newfoundland as a Factor Influencing Marten Habitat Quality, B. R. Sturtevant and John A. Bissonette; The Second International Martes Symposium, University of Alberta, Edmonton Alberta Canada
Wildlife Policies in the U.S. National Parks, Frederic H. Wagner, Ronald Foresta, R. Bruce Gill, Dale R. McCullough, Michael R. Pelton, William F. Porter, and Hal Salwasser; Wildlife Policies in the U.S. National Parks
Effect of simulated defoliation and plant competition on flowering and seed yield of leafy spurge, Neil E. West, S L. Al-Rowaily, and J W. Walker; Rangelands in a Sustainable Biosphere, Fifth International Rangeland Congress
Plant Species Composition Patterns with Differences in Tree Dominance on a southwestern Utah Pinon-Juniper Site, Neil E. West and Robin J. Tausch; USDA Forest Service, General Technical Report
Effects of Polyacrylamide on Establishment and Growth of Crested Wheatgrass Seedlings and Sagebrush Tubelings, S. L. Al-Rowaily and N. E. West; Proceedings Ecology and Management of Annual Rangelands, USDA Forest Service General Technical Report INT-GTR-313
Forest Mensuration, W. Bechtold, Paul C. Rogers, V. LaBau, and W. McLain; Forest Health Monitoring 1994 Field Methods Guide
Management of Small Populations: Concepts Affecting the Recovery of Endangered Species, G. E. Belovsky, John A. Bissonette, Raymond Dueser, Thomas C. Edwards Jr., C. M. Luecke, M. E. Ritchie, J. B. Slade, and Frederic H. Wagner; Wildlife Society Bulletin
Stomatal Patchiness in Conifers: Experiments with Picea abies (L.) Karst, and Abies alba Mill, Wolfram Beyschlag, Frauke Kresse, Ronald J. Ryel, and Hardy Pfanz; Trees Structure and Function
Shedding of Older Needle Age Classes Does Not Necessarily Reduce Photosynthetic Primary Production of Norway Spruce. Analysis with a 3-Dimensional Canopy Photosynthesis Model, Wolfram Beyschlag, Ronald J. Ryel, and Christian Dietsch; Trees Structure and Function
Photosynthesis of Vascular Plants; Assessing Canopy Photosynthesis by Means of Simulation Models, W. Beyschlag, Ronald J. Ryel, and Martyn M. Caldwell; Ecophysiology of Photosynthesis
Change is the Defining Characteristic of Ecological Systems, John A. Bissonette; Applied Biodiversity Conservatoin Workshop, Bureau of Land Management, Vernal, UT
Analyzing Telemetry Data by a GIS-Based Vector Structure, John A. Bissonette, S. S. Sherburne, and R. Douglas Ramsey; International Journal of Geographical Information Systems
California Bighorn Sheep Response to Ephemeral Habitat Fragmentation by Cattle, John A. Bissonette and M. J. Steinkamp; The First Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society: Excellence in Wildlife Stewardship Through Science and Education, Albuquerque, NM
Diet and conservation status of Cape clawless otters in eastern Zimbabwe, J. R.A. Butler and Johan T. du Toit; South African Journal of Wildlife Research
Winning by a neck, Johan T. du Toit; Africa Environment and Wildlife
Differences in Solute Accumulation and Dehydration Tolerance of Three Populus deltoides, G. M. Gebre, J. R. Brandle, and Michael R. Kuhns; Proc. 13th No. Am. Forest Biol. Wkshp.
Organic Solute Accumulation and Dehydration Tolerance in Three Water-Stressed Populus deltoides Clones, G. M. Gebre, Michael R. Kuhns, and J. R. Brandle; Tree Physiol.
Chapter 8. Wildlife and Protected Areas, D. Grossman, F. Mkanda, D. Mushayavanhu, and Johan T. du Toit; State of the Environment in Southern Africa
Silviculture terminology: with appendix of draft ecosystem management terms, J. A. Helms, D. L. Adams, J. D. Hodges, D. L. Loftis, James N. Long, and R. S. Seymour; Silviculture Working Subgroup, Society of American Foresters
Cheatgrass Dynamics Following Wildfire on a Sagebrush Semidesert Site in Central Utah, Paul E. Hosten and Neil E. West; Proceedings-ecology and management of annual rangelands; 1992 May 18-21; Boise, ID
Raccoons: Wildlife Damage Management Series, C. M. Huxoll, Terry A. Messmer, and Michael R. Conover
Are Native Trees Always the Best Choices?, Michael R. Kuhns; Western Landscapes Plus
Designing a Windbreak, Michael R. Kuhns; Designing a Windbreak
Firewise Landscaping, Michael R. Kuhns
Firewise Landscaping, Michael R. Kuhns; Seeds of Change, TreeUtah and utah Community Forest Council Publ.
Green Side Up: Planting Conservation Trees, Michael R. Kuhns
What is a Native Tree?, Michael R. Kuhns; SAF Urban Forestry Working Group Newsletter
What Tree is That? A Guide to the More Common Trees Found in the Western U.S., Michael R. Kuhns
Looking at Local Priorities, Michael R. Kuhns and D. J. Blahna; Urban Forests
Community Forestry on a Military Base, Michael R. Kuhns and M. W. Blood; Soc. Am. Foresters Natl. Convention
Trees and Conservation: Saving You Money, Michael R. Kuhns and S. Bunker
Trees and Power Lines: Getting the Message Through, Michael R. Kuhns and D. Robins
Assessment of goshawk nest area habitat using standdensity index, R. J. Lilieholm, James N. Long, and S. Patla; Studies in Avian Biology
Utah's Wetland Management Workbook, P. Lock-Dawson, C. Quinn, and Terry A. Messmer
Locating, constructing, and managing islands for nesting waterfowl, J. T. Lokemoen and Terry A. Messmer
Locating, constructing, and managing peninsulas for nesting ducks, J. T. Lokemoen and Terry A. Messmer
The middle and southern Rocky Mountain region, James N. Long; Regional Silviculture of the United States
A Critical Review of the Status of the Yuma Mountain Lion, Felis concolor browni, D. E. McIvor, John A. Bissonette, and G. S. Drew; Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Skunks: Wildlife Damage Management Series, Terry A. Messmer
Partnerships in Progress, U.S. Prairie Pothole Joint Venture Accomplishments 1987-1993, Terry A. Messmer and C. A. Lively
Stream Bank Erosion and Channel Maintenance, M. P. O'Neill and Michael R. Kuhns; Stream Notes
Conservation Partnership - a guide to public-private partnering for natural resource conservation, F. Robertshaw, M. Harvey, L. Molinaro, S. Kufrin, C. Lively, Terry A. Messmer, B. Proctor, H. Stuart, W. Tilt, and J. West
Light Field Heterogeneity among Tussock Grasses: Theoretical Considerations of Light Harvesting and Seedling Establishment in Tussocks and Uniform Tiller Distributions, Ronald J. Ryel, W. Beyschlag, and Martyn M. Caldwell; Oecologia
Pollen and Resource Limitation of Reproducton in the Abundant Tropical Tree Faramea occidentalis, Eugene W. Schupp; Pollen and Resource Limitation of Reproducton in the Abundant Tropical Tree Faramea occidentalis
Propagule Characteristics Associated with Potential Seed Dispersal by Water in a South Carolina Bottomland Community, Eugene W. Schupp and R. Sharitz; Propagule Characteristics Associated with Potential Seed Dispersal by Water in a South Carolina Bottomland Community
Marten Subnivean Access Point Use: Response to Subnivean Prey Levels, S. S. Sherburne and John A. Bissonette; Journal of Wildlife Management
Bighorn Sheep Habitat Assessment of the Greater Dinosaur National Monument Area, P. Y. Sweanor, M. Gudorf, S. Chambers, F. J. Singer, John A. Bissonette, J. Ellenberger, T. L. Johnson, S. Petersburg, R. Schiller, and K. Symonds; National Park Service and National Biological Survey Report, Dinosaur National Monument, Dinosaur, CO
Factorsinfluencing the amount and distribution of leaf area of pine stands, J. M. Vose, P. M. Dougherty, James N. Long, F. W. Smith, H. L. Gholz, and P. J. Curran; Ecol. Bull.
Effects of Climatic Change on the Edaphic Features of Arid and Semiarid Lands of Western North America, Neil E. West; Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation
Effects of Fire on Salt-Desert Shrub Rangelands, Neil E. West; Proceedings-ecology and management of annual rangelands; 1992 May 18-21; Boise, ID
Comparison of Sheep and Goat Preferences for Leafy Spurge, Neil E. West, John W. Walker, Scott L. Kronberg, and Saud L. Al-Rowally; Journal of Range Management
An Energetics-Based Habitat Model for Marten in Newfoundland, William A. Adair and John A. Bissonette; Proceedings of Technical Workshop for the Integration of Research Projects of the Western Newfoundland Model Forest management Corporation
An Energetics-Based Habitat Model for Marten in Newfoundland, William A. Adair and John A. Bissonette; Technical Workshop for the Integration of Research Projects of the Western Newfoundland Model Forest Management Corporation, Corner Brook, Newfoundland Canada
Monitoring the urban forest: Case studies and evaluations, Fred A. Baker; Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
Model for Environmental Education in Natural Resources, Roger E. Banner, Mark G. Francis, and G. Allen Rasmussen; The Journal of Environmental Education
A Simple Algorithm to Calculate Total Interaction Rate, John A. Bissonette; Animal Behavior
Squirrel Middens Influence Marten Use of Subnivean Access Points, John A. Bissonette; American Midland Naturalist
Effects of Habitat Spatial Patterns on Martes Population in Europe and North America: A Multi-Scale Approach, John A. Bissonette and S. M. Broekhuizen; Landscape Approaches in Mammalian Ecology: Effects of Habitat Spatial Configuration, Sixth International Theriological congress, Sydney Australia
Linking Landscape and Smaller Scale Responses: A Multi-Scale Model, John A. Bissonette and C. D. Hargis; The First International Wildlife Management Congress, San Jose, Costa Rica
Martens Key in on Prey Beneath the Snow, John A. Bissonette and S. S. Sherburne; U.S. Forestry and Wildlife Service Research Information Bulletin
Relationship Between Subnivean Access Point Use and Subnivean Prey, John A. Bissonette and S. S. Sherburne; Forest Carnivore Populations and Habitat Symposium, 21st International Union of Game Biologists, Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada
Subnivean Access: The Prey Connection, John A. Bissonette and S. S. Sherburne; Proceedings of the XXI IUGB Congress, International Union of Game Biologists, Halifax, N.S.
GIS Management of Telemetry Data, John A. Bissonette, S. S. Sherburne, and R. Douglas Ramsey; The First International Wildlife Management Congress, San Jose, Costa Rica
Utah Wildlife Conservation Program Directory, Utah Private Lands Initiative Committee
Book review: Biotic Diversity in Southern Africa: Concepts and Conservation, Johan T. du Toit; Oryx
The feeding ecology of a very small ruminant, the steenbok (Raphicerus campestris), Johan T. du Toit; African Journal of Ecology
Effects of Water Stress Preconditioning on Gas Exchange and Water Relations of Populus deltoides Clones, G. M. Gebre and Michael R. Kuhns; Can. J. Forest Res.
Fractal Geometry as a Tool for Quantifying Forest Fragmentation, C. D. Hargis and John A. Bissonette; Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society, St. George UT
A guide to Utah's farmland wildlife predators and their management, P. W. Klimack, Terry A. Messmer, and D. A. Mitchell
City Forests, Michael R. Kuhns
Firewise Landscaping, Michael R. Kuhns; Tree Leaves, ISA Rocky Mountain Chapter Publ.
Identification and Keys: Identifying Trees, Michael R. Kuhns; Nebraskaland Magazine
Landscape Trees and Global Warming, Michael R. Kuhns; Tree Leaves, ISA Rocky Mountain Chapter Publ.
New Tree Planting Method Increases Tree Vigor, Michael R. Kuhns; Great Western Landscapes Plus
Planting Trees for Energy Conservation, Michael R. Kuhns
Summer Key to Nebraska's Trees, Michael R. Kuhns; Nebraskaland Magazine
Trees and Power Lines, Michael R. Kuhns
Trees and Power Lines, Michael R. Kuhns
Dehydration Tolerance of Five Bur Oak (Quercus macrocarpa) Seed Sources from Texas, Nebraska, Minnesota, and New York, Michael R. Kuhns, W. W. Stroup, and G. M. Gebre; Can. J. Forest Res.
Book review: The Silviculture of Trees Used in British Forestry, James N. Long; For. Ecol. & Management
Purple Loosestrife: a beautiful killer is loose in Utah, Terry A. Messmer
The Proceedings of a National Symposium on Endangered Species "Pesticide" Protection Programs, Terry A. Messmer
Utah vertebrate pest damage management product guide, Terry A. Messmer and P. W. Klimack
Utah wildlife conservation directory, Terry A. Messmer and P. W. Klimack
Wildlife Partners Calendar, Terry A. Messmer and C. A. Lively
Causes of Population Decline in Mourning Doves in Utah, W. D. Ostrand and John A. Bissonette; Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society, St. George UT
Canopy stratification and leaf area efficiency: aconceptualization. For. Ecol. and Management, S. D. Roberts, James N. Long, and F. W. Smith; For. Ecol. & Management