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Foliage Orientation and Carbon Gain in Two Tussock Grasses as Assessed with a New Whole-Plant Gas-Exchange Model, Ronald J. Ryel, W. Beyschlag, and Martyn M. Caldwell; Functional Ecology


Quantity, Quality and the Effectiveness of Seed Dispersal by Animals, Eugene W. Schupp; Vegetatio

Seed Size, Light Environment and Seedling Vigor of a Tropical Tree, Eugene W. Schupp; Seed Size, Light Environment and Seedling Vigor of a Tropical Tree

Seed Size, Light Environment and Seedling Vigor of a Tropical Tree, Eugene W. Schupp; Seed Size, Light Environment and Seedling Vigor of a Tropical Tree

Secondary Growth Forest as Potential Marten Habitat in Newfoundland, B. R. Sturtevant and John A. Bissonette; Technical Workshop for the Integration of Research Projects of the Western Newfoundland Model Forest Management Corporation, Corner Brook, Newfoundland Canada

Wetlands of Utah, D. S. Vice and Terry A. Messmer


“Natural” or “Healthy” Ecosystems: Are U.S. National Parks Providing Them?, Frederic H. Wagner and Charles E. Kay; Humans as Components of Ecosystem: Human Effects and the Ecology of Populated Areas


Cattle, brucellosis, and wildlife, C. L. Bagley and Terry A. Messmer


Physiographic Provinces and Surface Geology of Utah, Roger E. Banner; Rangelands


Vegetation Types of Utah, Roger E. Banner; Rangelands


Stomatal Patchiness in Mediterranean Evergreen Sclerophylls. Phenomenology and Consequences for the Interpretation of the Midday Depression in Photosynthesis and Transpiration, Wolfram Beyschlag, Hardy Pfanz, and Ronald J. Ryel; Planta

Experimental and Modeling Studies of Competition for Light in Roadside Grasses, W. Beyschlag, Ronald J. Ryel, and I. Ullmann; Botanica Acta

Emerging Values in Wildlife Management: Predator Management in Utah, John A. Bissonette; Emerging Values of Wildlife, Utah Wilderness Association, Salt Lake City, UT

Landscape Ecology: Fundamental Concepts for Wildlife and Forest Biologists, John A. Bissonette; Silviculture for Non-Silviculturists, Forest Resources Department, Utah State University, Logan

Theory of Landscape Ecology and Ecosystem Management, John A. Bissonette; Wildlife Habitat Managemtnt Short Course, Fish and Wildlife Department, Utah State University, Logan UT

Woody Plant-Mammal Interactions, John P. Bryant, Paul B. Reichardt, Thomas P. Clausen, Frederick D. Provenza, and P. J. Kuropat; Herbivores: Their Interactions with Secondary Plant Metabolites

Condensed Tannins in Plant Defense: A Perspective on Classical Theories, Thomas P. Clausen, Paul B. Reichardt, John P. Bryant, and Frederick D. Provenza; Plant Polyphenols. Synthesis, Properties, Significance


Influence of leaf area and canopy structure on size-density relationsin even-aged lodgepole pine stands, T. J. Dean and James N. Long; For. Ecol. & Management

Conservation and the Role of Reductionism: From Pattern to Process, G. S. Drew and John A. Bissonette; The Sixth Annual Meeting of the Society for Conservation Biology, Virginia Polytechnical Institute, Blacksburg, VA

Habitat Selection of American Marten (Martes americana): Resource Access or Avoidance of Predation Risk, G. S. Drew and John A. Bissonette; Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Honolulu HI

Training Tomorrow's Specialists in Wildlife Damage Management, Raymond Dueser; Fifth Eastern Wildlife Damage Control Conference

Winning by a neck: some trees succeed in life by offering giraffes a meal of flowers, Johan T. du Toit; Natural History

Effects of Water Stress and Drought Preconditioning on Gas Exchange of Populus deltoides Clones, G. M. Gebre and Michael R. Kuhns; Proc. 12th No. Am. Forest Biol. Wkshp.


Forest production and the organization of foliage within crowns andcanopies, S. B. Jack and James N. Long; For. Ecol. & Management

Answer to Unhealthy Livestock and Wildlife May be Blowing in the Wind, Michael R. Kuhns; Utah Farmer-Stockman Supplement

Bur Oak: A Tree for the Rocky Mountain Region, Michael R. Kuhns; Tree Leaves, ISA Rocky Mountain Chapter Publ.

Forest Stewardship: The Sign You Care, Michael R. Kuhns

Trees of Nebraska, Michael R. Kuhns and D. P. Mooter

Growth and yield implications of a "New Forestry" silviculturalsystem, James N. Long and S. D. Roberts; West. J. Appl. For.

Volume increment in Pinus contorta var. latifolia: the influenceof stand development and crown dynamics, James N. Long and F. W. Smith; For. Ecol. And Management

Agriculture plays a role in raising wildlife, Terry A. Messmer

Proper grazing monitoring a necessity, not a luxury, Terry A. Messmer

Talking the key to resolving wildlife/livestock conflicts, Terry A. Messmer


Aboveground biomass accumulation in coppicingwoodland, northeast Brazil, W. H. Schacht, James N. Long, and A. Gobena; For. Ecol. & Management


Training tomorrow's specialists in wildlife damage management, R. H. Schmidt, M. C. Conover, Raymond Dueser, Frederick F. Knowlton, and Terry A. Messmer


Applications of Population Biology: Can We Do It Better?, Eugene W. Schupp; Ecology

Seed-Seedling Conflicts, Habitat Choice and Patterns of Plant Recruitment, Eugene W. Schupp; Seed-Seedling Conflicts, Habitat Choice and Patterns of Plant Recruitment


The Janzen-Connell Model for Tropical Tree Diversity: Population Implications and the Importance of Spatial Scale, Eugene W. Schupp; American Naturalist


Preliminary analysis of ERS-1 SAR for forest ecosystem studies, Terry L. Sharik; Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions

Subnivean Access Point Choice by American Marten (Martes americana): Homeothermic Considerations or Prey Driven?, S. S. Sherburne and John A. Bissonette; Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Honolulu HI

Determinants of stemwood production in coniferous forests: a comparison of Pinus contorta var. latifolia and Abies lasiocarpa, F. W. Smith and James N. Long; The Ecology of Mixed-Species Stands of Trees

A Review of Desert Bighorn Sheep in the San Andres Mountains, New Mexico, R. D. Sparrowe, John A. Bissonette, W. M. Boyce, K. L. Risenhoover, and P. R. Krausman; Wildlife Management Institute Review Team Report for New Mexico Game & Fish and U.S. Forestry and Wildlife Service


Vegetation Differences in Desert Shrublands of Western Utah's Pine Valley Between 1933 and 1989, Neil E. West, Terence P. Yorks, and Kathleen M. Capels; Journal of Range Management



Effects of chiseling and sulfur fertilization on infiltration, soil moisture, and vegetation parameters in the Ait Rbaa perimeter of central Morocco, Roger E. Banner, Mohammed Tigma, and Charles W. Gay; Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation

Core Area Species, Fragmentation, and Landscape Approaches: Appropriate for Refuge Management?, John A. Bissonette; Presentation to the Nongame Wildlife Workshop, Golden, CO

Landscape Perspectives: The Meaning of Chaos Theory and Fractal Geometry to Forest Biologists, John A. Bissonette; Silviculture for Nonsilviculturists, Forest Resources Department, Utah State University, Logan

Regression in Forest Succession Stages and its Implication for Core Sensitive Species: A Global Look at Marten Habitat Futures, John A. Bissonette; Symposium on the Biology and Management of Martens and Fishers at the University of Wyoming, Laramie

American Marten: A Case For Landscape Management, John A. Bissonette, R. J. Fredrickson, and B. J. Tucker; Wildlife and Habitats in Managed Landscapes

Annotated Bibliography for the Spotted Frog (Rana pretiosa), John A. Bissonette and B. C. Larsen; Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit

Translocation Guidelines for the Spotted Frog Rana pretiosa, John A. Bissonette and B. C. Larsen; Report Prepared for the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources and the United States Forestry and Wildlife Service

Interactions between woody plants and browsing mammals mediated by secondary metabolites, J. P. Bryant, Frederick D. Provenza, J. Pastor, Paul B. Reichardt, T. P. Clausen, and Johan T. du Toit; Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics

Conditioned taste aversions: how sick must a ruminant get before it learns about toxicity in foods?, Johan T. du Toit; Applied Animal Behaviour Science

What Tree is That? A Guide to the More Common Trees Found in the Western U.S., National Arbor Day Foundation

Differential Survival of American Marten in Newfoundland, Canada, R. J. Fredrickson and John A. Bissonette; Symposium on the Biology and Management of Martens and Fishers at the University of Wyoming, Laramie

Effects of Water Stress and Preconditioning on Photosynthesis, Stomatal Conductance, and Osmotic Potential of Populus deltoides Clones, G. M. Gebre and Michael R. Kuhns; Proc. Nebr. Acad. Sci.

Seasonal and Clonal Variations in Drought Tolerance of Populus deltoides, G. M. Gebre and Michael R. Kuhns; Can. J. Forest Res.

4-H Tree Identification Manual, Michael R. Kuhns

Nebraska's Champion Tree Program, Michael R. Kuhns

Protecting Young Trees from Wildlife Damage, Michael R. Kuhns


Wildlife and Pesticides - A practical guide to reducing the risk, Terry A. Messmer and G. Dahl

The Contemporary Animal Rights Movement: A Mail Survey of Activists, R. T. Richards, R. S. Krannich, and John A. Bissonette; Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit

Effects of storage, planting date, and shelter on Engelmannspruce containerized seedlings in the Central Rockies, S. D. Roberts and James N. Long; West. J. Appl. For.

Quantity, Quality and the Effectiveness of Seed Dispersal by Animals, Eugene W. Schupp; Quantity, Quality and the Effectiveness of Seed Dispersal by Animals

Phylogeny, Lifeform, and Habitat-Dependence of Ant-Defended Plants in a Panamanian Forest, Eugene W. Schupp and D. H. Feener; Ant-Plant Interactions

Relationships of Red Squirrel Middens to Marten Subnivean Access Points, S. S. Sherburne and John A. Bissonette; Symposium on the Biology and Management of Management of Martens and Fishers at the University of Wyoming, Laramie


Photosynthesis by inflated pods of a desert shrub, Isomeris arborea, Leila M. Shultz; Oecologia

Comparison of leaf area index estimates from treeallometrics and measured light interception, F. W. Smith, D. A. Sampson, and James N. Long; Forest Science


Nutrient Cycling in Soils of Semiarid and Arid Regions, Neil E. West; Semiarid Lands and Deserts: Soil Resource and Reclamation



Plant Competition for Light Analyzed with a Multispecies Canopy Model. III. Influence of Canopy Structure in Mixtures and Monocultures of Wheat and Wild Oat, P. W. Barnes, W. Beyschlag, Ronald J. Ryel, Stephan D. Flint, and Martyn M. Caldwell; Oecologia


Plant Competition for Light Analyzed with a Multispecies Canopy Model. II. Influence of Photosynthetic Characteristics in Mixtures of Wheat and Wild Oat, W. Beyschlag, P. W. Barnes, Ronald J. Ryel, Martyn M. Caldwell, and Stephan D. Flint; Oecologia

Earth Day 1970 and 1990: Implications for the 1990's, John A. Bissonette; Panel Discussion, School of Natural Resources, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Landscape Level Approaches to Solve Endangered Species Problems, John A. Bissonette; Seminar, Biology Department, University of Utah, Salt Lake City

Tree Injuries-Prevention and Care, Mooter P. D. and Michael R. Kuhns

Feeding height stratification among African browsing ruminants, Johan T. du Toit; Ecology

Giraffe feeding on Acacia flowers: predation or pollination?, Johan T. du Toit; Ecology

Home range - body mass relations: a field study on African browsing ruminants, Johan T. du Toit; Oecologia


Regrowth and palatability of Acacia shoots following pruning by African savanna browsers, Johan T. du Toit, J. P. Bryant, and K. Frisby; Ecology

Dehydration Tolerance of Populus deltoides Clones, G. M. Gebre and Michael R. Kuhns; Proc. 11th No. Am. Forest Biol. Wkshp.

Dehydration Tolerance of Populus deltoides Clones, G. M. Gebre and Michael R. Kuhns; Proc. Nebr. Acad. Sci.


Relative vulnerability of coyotes to some capture procedures, Frederick F. Knowlton and Lamar A. Windberg; Wildlife Society Bulletin

Modern Windbreaks, Michael R. Kuhns; Conservation Tillage Proc. No. 9

Seasonal Variation in Short-term Photosynthate Allocation in Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda L.), Michael R. Kuhns and D. H. Gjerstad; Proc. 11th No. Am. Forest Biol. Wkshp.

Assessment of growing stock in uneven-aged stands, James N. Long and T. W. Daniel; West. J. Appl. For.

Canopy development and leaf area efficiency: links between production ecology and density management., James N. Long and F. W. Smith; FRI Bull. No. 151.


Determinants of stemwood production in Pinus contorta var.latifolia forests: the influence of site quality and stand structure, James N. Long and F. W. Smith; J. Appl. Ecol.


Managing for the msot - A landowner's guide for conserving North Dakota's wildlife legacy, Terry A. Messmer


The Wildlife Project Idea Book, Terry A. Messmer


Applicability of Five Diet-Selection Models to Various Foraging Challenges Ruminants Encounter, Frederick D. Provenza and David F. Balph; Ecological Sciences


Plant Competition for Light Analyzed with a Multispecies Canopy Model. I. Model Development and Influence of Enhanced UV-B Conditions on Photosynthesis in Mixed Wheat and Wild Oat Canopies, Ronald J. Ryel, P. W. Barnes, W. Beyschlag, Martyn M. Caldwell, and Stephan D. Flint; Oecologia

Native Wood Fence Posts, T. L. Schmidt and Michael R. Kuhns


Annual Variation in Seedfall, Post-Dispersal Predation and Recruitment of a Neotropical Tree, Eugene W. Schupp; Ecology


In Vitro Propagation of the Endangered Virginia Roundleaf Birch (Betula uber [Ashe] Fern.) Using Dormant Buds, Terry L. Sharik, N. K. Vijayakumar, and Peter P. Feret; 36


Effects of Leaf Resin on Stomatal Behaviour and Gas Exchange of Larrea tridentata, Leila M. Shultz, F. C. Meinzer, C. S. Wisdom, A. Gonzalez-Coloma, and P. W. Rundel; Functional Ecology

Changes in Vegetation and Land Use at Two Townships in Skull Valley, Western Utah, Neil E. West, Steven R. Sparks, and Edith B. Allen; Symposium on cheatgrass invasion, shrub dieoff, and other aspects of shrub biology and management


Landscape Tree Valuation, D. M. Adams, D. P. Mooter, and Michael R. Kuhns


Increasing profits on cattle ranches in Utah, Roger E. Banner; Utah Science

American Marten: A Case For Landscape Management, John A. Bissonette; 54th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Converence, Washington, D.C.

Marten in Newfoundland: A Core Sensitive Species in a Patchy Environment--Or, Can Interior Species Survive Into the 21st Century?, John A. Bissonette; The Noon Seminar Series of the Biology Department, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND

Solving Resource Problems: The Effect of Scale--Or, Does Methodology Help or Hinder?, John A. Bissonette; 11th Glenn Allen Paur Memorial Lecture, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks

The Future of Wildlife Management Agencies in a Changing Society, John A. Bissonette; The Annual Meeting of the Big Game Section of the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, Pack Creek Ranch, Moab, UT