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American Marten: A Case for Landscape Management, John A. Bissonette, R. J. Fredrickson, and B. J. Tucker; Transactions of the 54th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference
Body size, population metabolism, and habitat specialization among large African herbivores, Johan T. du Toit and N. Owen-Smith; American Naturalist
Spatial Relationships Between Coyotes and Red Foxes in Eastern Maine, D. J. Harrison, John A. Bissonette, and J. A. Sherburne; Journal of Wildlife Management
Arbor Day. A Nebraska creation, Michael R. Kuhns
Windbreak Valuation, Michael R. Kuhns; Soc. Am. Foresters Natl. Convention
Why Plant Field Windbreaks in the Conservation Reserve Program?, Michael R. Kuhns and G. M. Kuhns
Relationships between size and density in mixed-species populations, B. M. Kumar, S. D. Bhardwaj, and James N. Long; Indian J. Ecol.
American Toad, Terry A. Messmer
Great Plains Toad, Terry A. Messmer
North Dakota 4-H Wildlife Habitat Evaluation Program Manual, Terry A. Messmer
Project Wild's Wildlife of North Dakota Centennial Coloring Book, Terry A. Messmer
American goldfinch, Terry A. Messmer and F. B. Lee
Bald eagle, Terry A. Messmer and F. B. Lee
Blue jay, Terry A. Messmer and F. B. Lee
Brown creeper, Terry A. Messmer and F. B. Lee
Burrowing owl, Terry A. Messmer and F. B. Lee
Cedar waxwing, Terry A. Messmer and F. B. Lee
Common redpoll, Terry A. Messmer and F. B. Lee
Dakota toad, Terry A. Messmer and F. B. Lee
Dark-eyed junco, Terry A. Messmer and F. B. Lee
Golden eagle, Terry A. Messmer and F. B. Lee
Homemade nest sites for North Dakota Songbirds, Terry A. Messmer and F. B. Lee
Pine siskin, Terry A. Messmer and F. B. Lee
Purple finch, Terry A. Messmer and F. B. Lee
Red crossbill, Terry A. Messmer and F. B. Lee
Turkey vulture, Terry A. Messmer and F. B. Lee
Wood Frog, Terry A. Messmer and F. B. Lee
Homemade nest sites for cavity nesting waterfowl, Terry A. Messmer, F. B. Lee, and M. Johnson
Ferruginous hawk, Terry A. Messmer, F. B. Lee, and B. Murphy
Long-eared owl, Terry A. Messmer, F. B. Lee, and B. Murphy
Prairie falcon, Terry A. Messmer, F. B. Lee, and B. Murphy
Red-tailed hawk, Terry A. Messmer, F. B. Lee, and B. Murphy
Short-eared owl, Terry A. Messmer, F. B. Lee, and B. Murphy
Swainsons hawk, Terry A. Messmer, F. B. Lee, and B. Murphy
Snowy owl, Terry A. Messmer, F. B. Lee, R. Potter, and D. Potter
Bull snake, Terry A. Messmer, F. B. Lee, and T Rich
Painted turtles, Terry A. Messmer, F. B. Lee, and T Rich
Plains garter snake, Terry A. Messmer, F. B. Lee, and T Rich
Racer, Terry A. Messmer, F. B. Lee, and T Rich
Red-sided garter, Terry A. Messmer, F. B. Lee, and T Rich
Smooth green snake, Terry A. Messmer, F. B. Lee, and T Rich
Smooth soft-shelled turtles, Terry A. Messmer, F. B. Lee, and T Rich
Snapping turtles, Terry A. Messmer, F. B. Lee, and T Rich
Western hognose snake, Terry A. Messmer, F. B. Lee, and T Rich
Northern saw-whet owl, Terry A. Messmer, F. B. Lee, and D. Svingen
Hare and Rabbits, Terry A. Messmer and K. Sedivec
Phylogeny, Lifeform, and Habitat-Dependence of Ant-Defended Plants in a Panamanian Forest, Eugene W. Schupp and D. H. Feener; Phylogeny, Lifeform, and Habitat-Dependence of an Defended Plants in a Panamanian Forest
Differential Predation of Welfia georgii Seeds in Treefall Gaps and the Forest Understory, Eugene W. Schupp and E. J. Frost; Biotropica
Arrival and Survival in Tropical Treefall Gaps, Eugene W. Schupp, H. F. Howe, C. K. Augspurger, and D. J. Levey; Ecology
The influence of canopy structure on stemwood production andgrowth efficiency of Pinus contorta var. latifolia, F. W. Smith and James N. Long; J. Appl. Ecol.
Common Loons, Gavia immer, Nesting in Dead Water Streams, P. I.V. Strong and John A. Bissonette; Canadian Field-Naturalist
Feeding and Chick Rearing Areas of Common Loons, P. I.V. Strong and John A. Bissonette; Journal of Wildlife Management
American Wildlife Management at the Crossroads, Frederic H. Wagner; Wildlife Society Bulletin
Grazers, Past and Present, Frederic H. Wagner; Tasks for vegetation science
Windbreak Maintenance and Renovation, J. S. Wilson and Michael R. Kuhns; Great Plains Ag. Council Publ., Proceedings Windbreak Renovation Workshop
Iron Chlorosis of Trees and Shrubs, D. S. Wysong, M. O. Harrell, D. H. Steinegger, and Michael R. Kuhns
Book Review: Forest Tree Diseases of the Prairie Provinces by Y. Hiratsuka (1987), Fred A. Baker
Influence of stand density on log quality of lodgepole pine, L. A. Ballard and James N. Long; Can. J. For. Res.
Peer Review: Some Suggestions From Other Disciplines, John A. Bissonette; Wildlife Society Bulletin
The Effects of Forest Harvesting on Marten and Small Mammals in Western Newfoundland, John A. Bissonette, R. J. Fredrickson, and B. J. Tucker; Report Prepared for the Newfoundland and Labrador Wildlife Division and Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Ltd.
Effect of Drying Method on the Nutritive Composition of Esophageal Fistula Forage Samples: Influence of Maturity, Elizabeth A. Burritt, J. A. Pfister, and John C. Malechek; Journal of Range Management
Bias in leaf area - sapwood area ratios and its impacton growth analysis in Pinus contorta, T. J. Dean, James N. Long, and F. W. Smith; Trees
Habitat Structure, Forest Composition and Landscape Dimensions as Components of Habitat Suitability for the Delmarva Fox Squirrel, Raymond Dueser, James L. Dooley Jr., and Gary J. Taylor; Management of amphibians, reptiles, and small mammals in North America: Proceedings of the symposium
Influence of Snow Depth on Prey Availability and Habitat Use by Red Fox, M. Halpin and John A. Bissonette; Canadian Journal of Zoology
Modern Field Windbreak Designs for the Great Plains, G. M. Kuhns and Michael R. Kuhns; Soc. Am. Foresters Natl. Convention
Firewood for Home Heating, Michael R. Kuhns
Allocation of 14C-labelled Photosynthate in Loblolly Pine Seedlings as Affected by Moisture Stress, Michael R. Kuhns and D. H. Gjerstad; Proc. 10th No. Am. Forest Biol. Wkshp.
Distribution of 14C-labeled Photosynthate in Loblolly Pine (Pinustaeda) Seedlings as Affected by Season and Time After Exposure, Michael R. Kuhns, D. H. Gjerstad, Michael R. Kuhns, and D. H. Gjerstad; Can. J. Forest Res.
Heating With Wood I. Pspecies Charactseristics and Volumes, Michael R. Kuhns and T. L. Schmidt
Christmas Tree Selection and Care, Michael R. Kuhns and R. D. Schnieder
Growing Shrubs from Seed, R. J. Lodes and Michael R. Kuhns
Density management diagrams: their construction and use in timber stand management, James N. Long; Intermountain Research Station, Gen. Tech. Rep.
Silviculture: shaping future forests, James N. Long; Utah Science
A modified density management diagram for coastalDouglas-fir, James N. Long, J. B. McCarter, and S. B. Jack; West. J. Appl. For.
Pocket Gophers, Terry A. Messmer
American Kestrel, Terry A. Messmer and F. B. Lee
American robin, Terry A. Messmer and F. B. Lee
Black-capped chickadee, Terry A. Messmer and F. B. Lee
Homemade nest sites for bluebirds, Terry A. Messmer and F. B. Lee
House wren, Terry A. Messmer and F. B. Lee
Mourning dove, Terry A. Messmer and F. B. Lee
Northern flicker, Terry A. Messmer and F. B. Lee
Nuthatches, Terry A. Messmer and F. B. Lee
Pileated woodpecker, Terry A. Messmer and F. B. Lee
Purple martin, Terry A. Messmer and F. B. Lee
Screech owl, Terry A. Messmer and F. B. Lee
Tree swallow, Terry A. Messmer and F. B. Lee
Woodpeckers, Terry A. Messmer and F. B. Lee
Aboveground production in cleared and thinnedstands of semiarid tropical woodland, Brazil, W. H. Schacht, James N. Long, and John C. Malechek; For. Ecol. & Management
Factors Affecting Postdispersal Seed Survival in a Tropical Forest, Eugene W. Schupp; Oecologia
Seed and Early Seedling Predation in the Forest Understory and in Treefall Gaps, Eugene W. Schupp; Oikos
Ecological Implications of Living in Desert Riparian Habitats: Beaver, P. I.V. Strong and John A. Bissonette; The Second Symposium on Resources of the Chihuahuan Desert Region: U.S. and Mexico, Number 17 Chihuahuan Desert Research Institute, Alpine, TX
Territorial Activity of Common Loons on Multiple Pair Lakes, P. I.V. Strong and John A. Bissonette; Papers From the 1987 Conference on Common Loon Research and Management, North American Loon Fund Miscellaneous Publications, Meredith, NH
Deer Mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus, In Insular Newfoundland, B. J. Tucker, John A. Bissonette, and J. F. Brazil; Canadian Field-Naturalist
Differential Establishment of Pinyon and Juniper Following Fire, Neil E. West; American Midland Naturalist
Plant Synecology in the Service of Rangeland Management, Neil E. West; Vegetation science applications for rangeland analysis and management Handbook of vegetation science Volume 14, 1988, pp 11-27
Autecology and Population Biology of Dyers Woad (Isatis tinctoria), Neil E. West, Kassim O. Farah, and Ann F. Tanaka; Weed Science
Strategy for technology transfer to crop/livestock-production systems in selected regions of Morocco, Roger E. Banner, P Bartel, C W. Gay, and D L. Nolte; Farming Systems Research Paper Series
Landscape Change and its Effect on Endangered Pine Marten: Paradigms From Newfoundland, John A. Bissonette; Distinguished Lecture Series, University of Arizona, Tucson
Changes in Concentrations of Tannins, Total Phenolics, Crude Protein, and in vitro Digestibility of Browse Due to Mastication and Insalivation by Cattle, Elizabeth A. Burritt, John C. Malechek, and Frederick D. Provenza; Journal of Range Management