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Seasonal shifts in the foraging patterns of African browsing ungulates, Johan T. du Toit; Herbivore Nutrition Research: Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores, July 1987, Brisbane
Variation in coyote diets associated with season and successional changes in vegetation, Frederick F. Knowlton, William F. Andelt, John G. Kie, and Kean Cardwell; Journal of Wildlife Management
Retention of Physiological Marks by Coyotes Ingesting Baits Containing Iophenoxic Acid, Mirex, and Rhodamine B, Frederick F. Knowlton, Peter J. Savarie, Craig E. Wahlgren, and David J. Hayes; Special Technical Publication 974
American wigeon, F. B. Lee, Terry A. Messmer, R. Crawford, R. Stromstad, and D. Jorde
Blue-winged teal, F. B. Lee, Terry A. Messmer, R. Crawford, R. Stromstad, and D. Jorde
Bufflehead, F. B. Lee, Terry A. Messmer, R. Crawford, R. Stromstad, and D. Jorde
Canada geese, F. B. Lee, Terry A. Messmer, R. Crawford, R. Stromstad, and D. Jorde
Canvasback, F. B. Lee, Terry A. Messmer, R. Crawford, R. Stromstad, and D. Jorde
Common goldeneye, F. B. Lee, Terry A. Messmer, R. Crawford, R. Stromstad, and D. Jorde
Gadwall, F. B. Lee, Terry A. Messmer, R. Crawford, R. Stromstad, and D. Jorde
Green-winged teal, F. B. Lee, Terry A. Messmer, R. Crawford, R. Stromstad, and D. Jorde
Hooded merganser, F. B. Lee, Terry A. Messmer, R. Crawford, R. Stromstad, and D. Jorde
Lesser scaup, F. B. Lee, Terry A. Messmer, R. Crawford, R. Stromstad, and D. Jorde
Lesser snow geese, F. B. Lee, Terry A. Messmer, R. Crawford, R. Stromstad, and D. Jorde
Mallard, F. B. Lee, Terry A. Messmer, R. Crawford, R. Stromstad, and D. Jorde
Northern shoveler, F. B. Lee, Terry A. Messmer, R. Crawford, R. Stromstad, and D. Jorde
Redhead, F. B. Lee, Terry A. Messmer, R. Crawford, R. Stromstad, and D. Jorde
Ring-necked duck, F. B. Lee, Terry A. Messmer, R. Crawford, R. Stromstad, and D. Jorde
Ruddy duck, F. B. Lee, Terry A. Messmer, R. Crawford, R. Stromstad, and D. Jorde
White-fronted geese, F. B. Lee, Terry A. Messmer, R. Crawford, R. Stromstad, and D. Jorde
Wood duck, F. B. Lee, Terry A. Messmer, R. Crawford, R. Stromstad, and D. Jorde
Pintail, R. B. Lee, Terry A. Messmer, R. Crawford, R. Stromstad, and D. Jorde
Proceedings of the North Dakota Wetlands Workshops, Terry A. Messmer
Tree squirrels, Terry A. Messmer
Beaver, Terry A. Messmer, R. Seabloom, R. Crawford, K. Kriel, and R. Stromstad
Muskrat, Terry A. Messmer, R. Seabloom, R. Crawford, K. Kriel, and R. Stromstad
Bighorn, Terry A. Messmer, S. Williams, R. Crawford, R. Seabloom, and R. Stromstad
Elk, Terry A. Messmer, S. Williams, R. Crawford, R. Seabloom, and R. Stromstad
Moose, Terry A. Messmer, S. Williams, R. Crawford, R. Seabloom, and R. Stromstad
Mule deer, Terry A. Messmer, S. Williams, R. Crawford, R. Seabloom, and R. Stromstad
Pronghorn, Terry A. Messmer, S. Williams, R. Crawford, R. Seabloom, and R. Stromstad
White-tailed deer, Terry A. Messmer, S. Williams, R. Crawford, R. Seabloom, and R. Stromstad
Flora of the Orange Cliffs of Utah, Leila M. Shultz; The Great Basin Naturalist
Development and longevity of ephemeral and perennial leaves on Artemisia tridentata Nutt. ssp. wyomingensis, Leila M. Shultz and Richard F. Miller; Western North American Naturalist
Water Relations and Leaf Morphology of Juniperus occidentalis in the Northern Great Basin, Leila M. Shultz and Richard F. Miller; Forest Science
Flora of Western Utah—Early Cenozoic to the Present, Leila M. Shultz and John S. Shultz; Cenozoic Geology of Western Utah: Sites for Precious Metal and Hydrocarbon Accumulations,
Elk hiding and thermal cover guidelines in the context oflodgepole pine stand density, F. W. Smith and James N. Long; West J. Appl. For.
Marten Use of Clearcuts and Residual Stands in Western Newfoundland, J. E. Snyder and John A. Bissonette; Canadian Journal of Zoology
Activity Patterns of Common Loons in Maine, P. I.V. Strong and John A. Bissonette; Cornell University Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca NY
Effects of Nest Site Loss on Common Loons, P. I.V. Strong and John A. Bissonette; Canadian Field-Naturalist
Reuse of Nesting and Nursery Areas by Common Loons, P. I.V. Strong, John A. Bissonette, and J. S. Fair; Journal of Wildlife Management
Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) monoterpenoid concentrations as factors in diet selection by free-grazing sheep, Wilson Kimuti A. Yabann, Elizabeth A. Burritt, and John C. Malechek; Symposium on Plant-Herbivore Interactions
The Peccaries, John A. Bissonette; Journal of Mammalogy
A field experiment demonstrating the influence of seabird guano on intertidal primary production., A. L. Bosman, Johan T. du Toit, P. A.R. Branch, and G. M. Branch; Science
Drift of Larval Fishes in the Upper Colorado River, J. G. Carter, V. A. Lamarra, and Ronald J. Ryel; Journal of Freshwater Ecology
The validity of constant stress and elastic instability principles ofstem formation in Pinus contorta and Trifolium pratense, T. J. Dean and James N. Long; Annals of Botany
Variation in sapwood area -- leaf area relations within two stands oflodgepole pine, T. J. Dean and James N. Long; For. Sci.
The Dynamic Landscape Approach to Habitat Management, Raymond Dueser, H H. Shugart Jr., and E F. Connor; Wilderness and Natural Areas in the Eastern United States: A Management Challenge
The History of Occurrence of Red Fox in Maine: Presettlement to 1984, M. Halpin and John A. Bissonette; University of Maine Agricultural Experiment Station, Orono
Bobcat Habitat Use and Home Range Size in Relation to Prey Density, J. A. Litvaitis, J. A. Sherburne, and John A. Bissonette; Journal of Wildlife Management
Fire management: the challenge of protection and use, James N. Long; Symp. Proc.
Sapwood area of Pinus contorta stands as a function of mean sizeand density, James N. Long and T. J. Dean; Oecologia
A simplified procedure for measuring tree heights, James N. Long and P. Mohai; West. J. Appl. For.
Silviculture in the Rocky Mountains: thepast 30 years and the next 30 years, James N. Long, F. W. Smith, R. Bassett, and J. P. Olson; J. For.
A lodgepole pine density management diagram, J. B. McCarter and James N. Long; West. J. Appl. For.
Tips on granting permission to hunt, Terry A. Messmer
Bats, Terry A. Messmer and E. Cleary
Skunks, Terry A. Messmer and E. Cleary
Snakes, Terry A. Messmer and E. Cleary
Woodpeckers, Terry A. Messmer and E. Cleary
Homemade nest for Giant Canada Geese, Terry A. Messmer, F. B. Lee, and M. Johnson
Homemade nest sites for Mallards, Terry A. Messmer, F. B. Lee, and M. Johnson
Azteca Protection of Cecropia: Benefits to Juvenile Trees, Eugene W. Schupp; Oecologia
A Case of Brood Mixing by Common Loons, P. I.V. Strong, John A. Bissonette, and R. Souza; Wilson Bulletin
Relationships of the Error Associated with Ocular Estimation and Actual Total Cover, Neil E. West; Journal of Range Management
Life History Characteristics and Their Relationship to Peccary Population Density, John A. Bissonette; Proceedings of the Peccary Workshop, Arizona Chapter of the Wildlife Society and Arizona Game and Fish Department
Peccary Social Behavior: Key to Density Determinations, John A. Bissonette; Utah State University, Logan UT
Big Bend National Park Biosphere Reserve: A History of Scientific Study - Volume I: A Narrative Description of Scientific Study, John A. Bissonette and John W. Ault III; U.S. Man and the Biosphere Program U.S. MAB Report No. 10
Big Bend National Park Biosphere Reserve: A History of Scientific Study, John A. Bissonette and J. W. Ault III; U.S. Man and Biosphere Report
Big Bend National Park Biosphere Reserve: A History of Scientific Study, John A. Bissonette and J. W. Ault III; Maine Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit Publication
Comparison of laboratory methods for the prediction of in vitro dry matter digestibility in three maturing grasses, Elizabeth A. Burritt, Alan S. Bittner, Joseph C. Street, and Melvin J. Anderson; Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Fisheries Habitat Dynamics in the Upper Colorado River, J. G. Carter, R. A. Valdez, and Ronald J. Ryel; Journal of Freshwater Ecology
Response of self-thinning to artificially reduced levels of leaf areain monocultures of Trifolium pratense, T. J. Dean and James N. Long; Annals of Botany
Nutrition and burrowing energetics of the Cape mole-rat Georychus capensis, Johan T. du Toit, J. U.M. Jarvis, and G. N. Louw; Oecologia
Early Consequences of Seed Dispersal for a Neotropical Tree (Virola Surinamensis), H. F. Howe, Eugene W. Schupp, and L. C. Westley; Ecology
Coyote Vulnerability to Several Management Techniques, Frederick F. Knowlton, Lamer A. Windberg, and Cram E. Wahlgren; Great Plains Wildlife Damage Control Workshop Proceedings. Paper 172.
A Comparison of Methods Used to Examine Snowshoe Hare Habitat Use, J. A. Litvaitis, J. A. Sherburne, and John A. Bissonette; Journal of Wildlife Management
Influence of Understory Characteristics on Snowshoe Hare Habitat Use and Density, J. A. Litvaitis, J. A. Sherburne, and John A. Bissonette; Journal of Wildlife Management
A practical approach to density management, James N. Long; Forestry Chronicle
Density management diagrams: a practical approach, James N. Long and J. B. McCarter; A Regional Technical Conference
Crownvetch : a possible problem weed in Utah, Leila M. Shultz; Utah Science
Penstemon pinorum (Scrophulariaceae), a new species from Utah, Leila M. Shultz and John S. Shultz; Brittonia
A new Haplopappus (Asteraceae: Astereae) from Nevada, Leila M. Shultz and Arnold Tiehm; Brittonia
Management Considerations for Common Loons in Maine, P. I.V. Strong and John A. Bissonette; Maine Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit Publication
Recovery of Sagebrush-Grass Vegetation Following Wildfire, Neil E. West and M. A. Hassan; Journal of Range Management
Estimating Components of Plant Community Diversity on Mined Lands, Neil E. West, Thomas J. Hatton, and Susan L. Durham; Bridging the Gap Between Science, Regulation, and the Surface Mining Operation
Estimating Components of Plant Community Diversity on Mined Lands, Neil E. West, Thomas J. Hatton, and Susan L. Durham; Proceedings. Second Annual Meeting. Bridging the gap between science, regulation, and the surface mining operation.
Towards Reducing Pecan Losses to Blue Jays in Oklahoma, G. Batcheller, John A. Bissonette, and M. W. Smith; Wildlife Society Bulletin
Density Dependence In Deer: How Northern Extremes Influence Mortailty, John A. Bissonette; University of Arizona, Tucson AZ
Bibliography, Summary, and Recommendations for Scientific Research at Big Bend National Park Biosphere Reserve, Texas, John A. Bissonette and J. W. Ault III; Report to the National Park Service
Seasonal Food Habits of Coyotes in Maine With Reference to Deer, John A. Bissonette and F. DiBello; 1984 Meeting of the Northeast Deer Technical Committee, Greenville, ME
Coyote Predation of Whitetails in Winter Deer Yarding Areas, John A. Bissonette and M. Miller; 1984 Meeting of the Northeast Deer Technical Committee, Greenville, ME
Making Room For Loons on New England's Golden Ponds, John A. Bissonette and P. I.V. Strong; National Audubon Society Northeastern Regional Conference, Bowdoin College, ME
Correlations of Phenolic Acids and Xylose Content of Cell Wall with In Vitro Dry Matter Digestibility of Three Maturing Grasses, Elizabeth A. Burritt, A. S. Bittner, J. C. Street, and M. J. Anderson; Journal of Dairy Science
Maine Statewide Loon Survey-1984, F. J. DiBello and John A. Bissonette; Unpublished Report for the Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildland Research Unit and Maine Audubon Society
A comparison of stand structure and fire history in two blackoak woodlands in Northwestern Indiana., N. R. Henderson and James N. Long; Bot. Gaz.
Second Year Results of Roundup Applications in the Virginia Piedmont for Pine Release, Michael R. Kuhns and P. M. Minogue
The relation between size and density in developing stands: Adescription and possible mechanism, James N. Long and F. W. Smith; For. Ecol. & Management
Pine Release from Hardwood Competition with Three Rates of Glyphosate, P. M. Minogue, Michael R. Kuhns, and B. Zutter; Southern Weed Sci. Soc.
Temperature-Related Responses in North-Central Oklahoma White-Tailed Deer, R. A. Ockenfels and John A. Bissonette; Deer in the Southwest: A Workshop, School of Renewable Natural Resources, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ