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Effectiveness of Highway Crosswalk Structures at Reducing Deer-Vehicle Collisions, M. E. Lehnert and John A. Bissonette; Wildlife Society Bulletin
Do Road Crossing Structures for Ungulates Reduce Mortality: Simulation Modeling Results From Utah, USA, M. E. Lehnert, John A. Bissonette, and J. W. Haefner; Influence of Human Disturbance on Wildlife: Impact of Infrastructures, Game Management and Land Use in Open Landscapes Symposium at the International Union of Game Biologists XXIII Congress at Ecole National Veterinaire de Lyon in Lyon France
Book review: Natural Management of Woods - Continuous Cover Forestry, James N. Long; Forest Ecology and Management
Range Expansion of White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginanus) Into Urban and Agricultural Areas of Utah, M. F. McClure, John A. Bissonette, Michael R. Conover, and D. D. Austin; Great Basin Naturalist
A Scale-Dependent Approach for Studying Wildlife Habitat Relationships, M. F. McClure, John A. Bissonette, M. E. Ritchie, and Michael R. Conover; The Wildlife Society Fourth Annual Conference, Snowmass Villiage CO
A landowner's guide to common North American predators of upland nesting birds, T. A. Messmer, Michael R. Conover, Raymond Dueser, and P. W. Klimack; Publication No. 13
Managing wetlands and adjacent uplands for waterfowl. Ecology and management of grazing by large herbivores., Terry A. Messmer
Growth and Survival of Colorado Squawfish in the Upper Colorado River, D. B. Osmundson, Ronald J. Ryel, and T. E. Mourning; Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
Seed Dispersal and Seedling Establishment of Pinon and Juniper Species Within the Pinon-Juniper Woodland, Eugene W. Schupp, J. Chambers, and S. B. Vander Wall; Seed Dispersal and Seedling Establishment of Pinon and Juniper Species Within the Pinon-Juniper Woodland
Microhabitat Patterns of Seed Dispersal and Seedling Recruitment of Utah Juniper (Juniperus Osteosperma), Eugene W. Schupp, M. Fuentes, and J. M. Gomez; Microhabitat Patterns of Seed Dispersal and Seedling Recruitment of Utah Juniper (Juniperus Osteosperma)
Dispersal of Juniperus Occidentalis (Western Juniper) Seeds by Mammals on Juniper Mountain, Southeastern Oregon, Eugene W. Schupp, J. M. Gomez, J. E. Jimenez, and M. Fuentes; Great Basin Naturalist
Lagomorphs and the Dispersal of Seeds Into Communities Dominated by Exotic Annual Weeds, Eugene W. Schupp, H. J. Heaton, and J. M. Gomez; Great Basin Naturalist
Ectomycorrhizal associations of northern red oak (Quercus rubra) seedlings along an environmental gradient, Terry L. Sharik and Minyi Zhou; Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Ectomycorrhizal colonization of Quercus rubra seedlings in response to vegetation removals in oak and pine stands, Terry L. Sharik, minyi zhou, Martin F. Jurgensen, and Dana L. Richter; Forest Ecology and Management
Volume 3: Magnoliophyta: Magnoliidae and Hamamelidae, Leila M. Shultz; Flora of North America, North of Mexico
The Effects of Saline Drinking Water on Canada Goose Gosling Survival, Growth, and Feather Development, D. S. Stolley and John A. Bissonette; Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Albuquerque NM
Coarse Woody Debris as a Function of Age, Stand Structure, and Disturbance in Boreal Newfoundland, B. J. Sturtevant, John A. Bissonette, James N. Long, and D. W. Roberts; Ecological Applications
Stand Structure on Microtine Abundance in Newfoundland: Implications for Marten, B. R. Sturtevant and John A. Bissonette; Martes: Taxonomy, Ecology, Techniques, and Management
Annual Foraging Pattern of the Leaf-Cutting Ant Atta colombica (L.) in a Semideciduous Rain Forest in Panama, Rainer Wirth, Ronald J. Ryel, Wolfram Beyschlag, and Bert Hölldobler; Journal of Tropical Ecology
Management of lodgepole pine stand density toreduce susceptibility to mountain pine beetle attack, J. A. Anhold, Michael J. Jenkins, and James N. Long; West. J. Appl. For.
Genetic Variation Within and Among Mats of the Reindeer-lichen, Cladina subtenuis (des abb.), Karen H. Beard and P. T. DePriest; Lichenologist
Experimental Studies on the Competitive Balance between Two Central European Roadside Grasses with Different Growth Forms: 2. Controlled Experiments on the Influence of Soil Depth, Salinity and Allelopathy on Competitive Ability, W. Beyschlag, Ronald J. Ryel, I. Ullmann, and J. Eckstein; Botanica Acta
Arches, the Hot Hand, and Belief Systems in Wildlife Ecology, John A. Bissonette; Universität München (Lehrbereich für Wildbiologie und Wildtiermanagement), Munich Germany
Linking Temporal With Spatial Scales in Wildlife Research, John A. Bissonette; Transactions of the 61st North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference
Scale-Sensitive Properties Influence Marten Demographics, John A. Bissonette; Lecture at the University of Arizona, Tucson Arizona
Bighorn Sheep Response to Ephemeral Habitat Fragmentation, John A. Bissonette and M. J. Steinkamp; Great Basin Naturalist
Nonindustrial Private Forest Owners and Ecosystem Management: Can They Work Together?, Mark W. Brunson, D. T. Yarrow, S. D. Roberts, D. C. Guynn, and Michael R. Kuhns; Journal of Forestry
Seasonal Variation in the Metabolism and Insulation of the American Marten (Martes americana), S. J. Cooper, William A. Adair, and John A. Bissonette; Physiological Ecology Meeting, Bishop, CA
African Savannas, Johan T. du Toit; Impacts, Adaptions, and Mitigation of Climate Change: Scientific-Technical Analyses
Changes in Photon Flux Can Induce Stomatal Patchiness, J. Eckstein, W. Beyschlag, K. A. Mott, and Ronald J. Ryel; Plant, Cell and Environment
Influence of Sampling Time of Day on the Level of Solute Accumulation in Two Eastern Cottonwood (Populus deltoides Bartr.) Clones, G. M. Gebre, J. R. Brandle, and Michael R. Kuhns; Proc. 14th No. Am. Forest Biol. Wkshp.
Linkages between silviculture and ecology: an analysis of densitymanagement diagrams, S. B. Jack and James N. Long; For. Ecol. & Management
Control of Iron Chlorosis in Ornamental and Crop Plants, R. Koenig and Michael R. Kuhns
Bighorn Sheep and Livestock, P. R. Krausman, R. Valdez, and John A. Bissonette; Rangeland Wildlife Society for Range Management
Ensuring Effective Involvement in Urban Forestry, Michael R. Kuhns; Seeds of Change, TreeUtah Newsletter
How To Landscape Design and Maintenance Practices can Help Save Homes and Lives in Fire-Prone Areas, Michael R. Kuhns; Western Landscapes Plus
Iron Injections in Spring: One Approach to Easing the Effects of Iron Chlorosis in Valuable Landscape Trees, Michael R. Kuhns; Western Landscapes Plus
Utah's Private Forest Land Characteristics, Michael R. Kuhns; Utah Forest Legacy Program Assessment of Need
Utah's Private Forest Land Characteristics, Michael R. Kuhns; Stewardship of Utah's Forests, A Report of the Utah Forest Practices Task Force
Educational Needs and Expectations of Forest Landowners in Two Regions of the United States, Michael R. Kuhns, Mark W. Brunson, and S. D. Roberts; Proc. Extension Working Party of Intl. Union of Forestry Res. Org. Symp.
Mule Deer Highway Mortality in Northeastern Utah: Causes Patterns, and a New Mitigative Technique, M. Lehnert and John A. Bissonette; Proceedings of the Transportation-Related Wildlife Mortality Seminar (Florida Department of Transportation), Orlando FL
Do Experimental Crossing Structures Reduce Deer-Vehicle Collisions?, M. E. Lehnert and John A. Bissonette; The Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Logan UT
Effectiveness of an Experimental Crossing Structure at Reducing Deer-Vehicle Collisions Near Park City, Utah, M. E. Lehnert and John A. Bissonette; The 19th Annual Meeting of the Southeast Deer Study Group, Orlando FL
Mule Deer-Highway Mortality in Northeastern Utah: Causes, Patterns, and a New Mitigative Technique, M. E. Lehnert, L. A. Romin, and John A. Bissonette; Trends in Addressing Transportation Related Wildlife Mortality, Proceedings of the Transportation Related Wildlife Mortality Seminar, Florida Department of Transportation Publications
A technique for the control of stocking in two-storied stands, James N. Long; West. J. Appl. For.
T.W. Daniel Experimental Forest, James N. Long; USDA For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep.
Velley Deer in Cache County: A Search for Management Solutions, M. McClure and John A. Bissonette; The Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Logan UT
Assessing Subspecies Status: A Holistic Approach to Evaluating the Yuma Puma, D. E. McIvor and John A. Bissonette; The Fifth Mountain Lion Workshop, San Diego CA
Assessing Subspecies Status: A Holistic Evaluation of the Yuma Mountain Lion, D. E. McIvor, John A. Bissonette, and G. S. Drew; Proceedings of the Fifth Mountain Lion Workshop, San Diego CA
A citizen's guide to wetland and stream permitting in Utah, Terry A. Messmer
Wildlife of Utah Centennial Coloring Book, Terry A. Messmer and S. A. Majors
Selection of Foraging Habitat by Mourning Doves: a Structural Approach, W. D. Ostrand, John A. Bissonette, and Michael R. Conover; Journal of Field Ornithology
Familiarity and Novelty in Animal Diets: Implications for Management, Frederick D. Provenza; Proc. Aust. Soc. Anim. Prod. I996
Disturbance Ecology and Forest Management: A Review of the Literature, Paul C. Rogers
Deer-Vehicle Collisions: Nationwide Status of State Monitoring Activities and Efforts, L. A. Romin and John A. Bissonette; Wildlife Society Bulletin
Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Highway Mortality of Mule Deer on Newly Constructed Roads at Jordanelle Reservoir, Utah, L. A. Romin and John A. Bissonette; Great Basin Naturalist
The Effects of Habitat Patchiness on Patterns of Seed Dispersal and Survival of Cercocarpus ledifolius (Rosaceae), S. Russell and Eugene W. Schupp; The Effects of Habitat Patchiness on Patterns of Seed Dispersal and Survival of Cercocarpus ledifolius (Rosaceae)
Experimental Studies on the Competitive Balance between Two Central European Roadside Grasses with Different Growth Forms: 1. Field Experiments on the Effects of Mowing and Maximum Leaf Temperatures on Competitive Ability, Ronald J. Ryel, W. Beyschlag, B. Heindl, I. Ullmann, and M. Klein; Botanica Acta
Temporal Dynamics of Soil Spatial Heterogeneity in Sagebrush-Wheatgrass Steppe during a Growing Season, Ronald J. Ryel, Martyn M. Caldwell, and J. H. Manwaring; Plant and Soil
Dispersal of Utah Juniper (Juniperus osteosperma) Seeds by Lagomorphs, Eugene W. Schupp, M. Fuentes, and J. M. Gomez; Proceedings Vth International Rangeland Congress
Litterfall, Nitrogen and Phosphorus Inputs at Various Levels of Canopy Removal in Oak and Pine Stands in Northern Lower Michigan, Terry L. Sharik, Choosig Kim, and Martin F. Jurgensen; American Midland Naturalist
Effects of nitrogen availability on northern red oak seedling growth in oak and pine stands in northern Lower Michigan, Terry L. Sharik, Choosig Kim, Martin F. Jurgensen, David S. Buckley, and Richard E. Dickson; Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of Forest Structure in Western Newfoundland: Silvicultural Implications for Marten Habitat Management, B. J. Sturtevant, John A. Bissonette, and James N. Long; Forest Ecology and Management
Relative Density Index as a Tool For Examining Forest Habitat Relationships: An Example Using the Newfoundland Meadow Vole, B. R. Sturtevant and John A. Bissonette; The 81st Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Providence, RI
Strategies for Maintenance and Repair of Biotic Community Diversity on Rangelands, Neil E. West; Biodiversity in managed landscapes: theory and practice
A Semester in Tanzania, Julie K. Young; Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism, Sciences Lunch Seminars, Texas A&M University
An Individual-based Habitat Model for the Newfoundland Marten, William A. Adair and John A. Bissonette; The Second International Martes Symposium, University of Alberta, Edmonton Alberta, Canada
Habitat Suitability Index Model Development, William A. Adair and John A. Bissonette; Proceedings of the Wildlife Forestry Modeling Workshop, Prepared for the Western Newfoundland Model Forest Management Group
Individual-Based Modeling as a Forest Management Tool: The Newfoundland Marten as a Case Study, William A. Adair and John A. Bissonette; Special Session 4 Conservation Potpourri, 60th North American Wildlife & Natural Resources Conference, Minneapolis MN
Individual-Based Models as a Forest Management Tool: The Newfoundland Marten as a Case Study, William A. Adair and John A. Bissonette; Transactions of the 60th North American Wildlife & Natural Resources Conference
American Marten Habitat Choice: Scaled Multiple Hypotheses Provide Some Answers, John A. Bissonette; Agenda & Abstracts, Greater Yellowstone Predators: Ecology and Conservation in a Changing Landscape, National Park Service, Yellowstone National Park, WY
American Marten Habitat Choice: Scaled Multiple Hypotheses Provide Some Answers, John A. Bissonette; The Third Biennial Conference on the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem: Greater Yellowstone Predators: Ecology and Conservation in a Changing Landscape
Landscape Ecology: Concepts That Resource Managers Need to Know, John A. Bissonette; Applied Biodiversity Conservatoin Workshop, Bureau of Land Management, Riverside, CA
Scale Issues, Emergent Properties, and Transmutability of Data, John A. Bissonette; A Primer in Landscape Ecology Held at the Second Annual Meeting of the Wildlife Society, Portland OR
Martes Populations as Indicators of Habitat Spatial Patterns: The Need For a Multiscale Approach, John A. Bissonette and S. Broekhuizen; Landscape Approaches in Mammalian Ecology and Conservation
Franklin Basin (UT, ID) Wolverine Survey, John A. Bissonette, L. J. Christiansen, and N. H. Smith; Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Linking Landscape and Smaller Scale Responses: A Multiscale Model, John A. Bissonette and C. D. Hargis; Integrating People and Wildlife for a Sustainable Future
Mourning Dove Population Decline in Utah: Habitat and Disease Influences, John A. Bissonette, W. D. Ostrand, and Michael R. Conover; Utah Division of Wildland Resources Report, Salt Lake City, UT
GIS Management of Telemetry Data, John A. Bissonette, S. S. Sherburne, and R. Douglas Ramsey; Integrating People and Wildlife for a Sustainable Future
Influence of Land Ownership Patterns on MIPF Attitudes Toward Ecosystem Management, Mark W. Brunson, S. D. Roberts, and Michael R. Kuhns; Proc. Of Who Owns America? Land and Resource Tenure Issues in a Changing Environment
Bats: Wildlife Damage Management Series, V Depaepe, Terry A. Messmer, Michael R. Conover, and B. B. Blackwell
Habitat Requirements of American Marten (Martes americana) in Newfoundland: Influences of Predation Risk, G. S. Drew and John A. Bissonette; Final Report to World Wildlife Fund-Canada, Toronto, Ontario
Africa Maligned, Johan T. du Toit; Natural History
Determinants of the composition and distribution of wildlife communities in southern Africa, Johan T. du Toit; Ambio
Sexual segregation in kudu: sex differences in competitive ability, predation risk, or nutritional needs?, Johan T. du Toit; South African Journal of Wildlife Research
National Recovery Plan for the Newfoundland Marten, O. Forsey, John A. Bissonette, J. Brazil, K. Curnew, J. Lemon, L. Mayo, I. Thompson, L. Bateman, and L. O'Driscoll; Recovery of Nationally Endangered Wildlife
Spatio-Temporal Variability in the Seed Dispersal of Juniperus Osteosperma, M. Fuentes, Eugene W. Schupp, and J. M. Gomez; Spatio-Termperal Variability in the Seed Dispersal of Juniperus osteosperma
The Effect of Forest Fragmentation on American Marten Populations and Prey Availability, C. D. Hargis and John A. Bissonette; Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Scientific Report
The Influence of Forest Fragmentation and Prey Availability on American Marten Populations: A Multi-Scale Analysis, C. D. Hargis and John A. Bissonette; The Second International Martes Symposium, University of Alberta, Edmonton Alberta, Canada
Behavior of Landscape Metrics Within Simulated Random Maps and Anthropogenic Landscapes, C. D. Hargis, John A. Bissonette, and J. L. David; A Primer in Landscape Ecology Held at the Second Annual Meeting of the Wildlife Society, Portland OR
The Effectiveness of Various Landscape Measures in Differentiating Landscape Pattern, C. D. Hargis, John A. Bissonette, and J. L. David; The Tenth Annual U.S. Landscape Ecology Symposium, University of Minnesota
Canyon Maple: A Tree for the Interior West, Michael R. Kuhns; Tree Leaves, ISA Rocky Mountain Chapter Publ.
Clearing up a Misconception about Honeylocusts, Michael R. Kuhns; Western Landscapes Plus
Understanding Urban Ecosystems, Michael R. Kuhns; American Forests
Young Perennials and Old Spruces, Michael R. Kuhns; Western Landscapes Plus
Effective Community Involvement in Urban Forestry Programs, Michael R. Kuhns, G. Ferenz, and D. J. Blahna; 7th National Urban Forest Conference
Selecting and Planting Landscape Trees, Michael R. Kuhns and L. A. Rupp
A density management diagram for teak plantations ofKerala in peninsular India. For. Ecol. and Management, B. M. Kumar, James N. Long, and P. Kumar; For. Ecol. And Management
Book review: Defining Sustainable Forests, James N. Long; Restoration Ecology
Using stand density index to regulate stocking in uneven-aged stands, James N. Long; Uneven-aged management: opportunities, constraints and methodologies