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A Proposal to Make Grain Storage Financially Feasible, David L. Garrett
Three Essays on the Economic Impact of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy in the United States, Rachna Gollamudi
Determining Profitability Strategies for Various Retained Ownership Enterprises in Utah, Matthew H. Hirschi
The Potential for Growth in Foreign Direct Investment in the Horticultural Sector of Armenia, Mikayel Khachatryan
An Investigation of Potential Marketing Strategies for Entry into the Shiitake Mushroom Industry in Utah, Imran Khan
Natural Resource Curse in Nepal with Emphasis on Deforestation and Violence, Abhinav Pathak
Three Essays on Environmental- and Spatial-Based Valuation of Urban Land and Housing, Lu Liu
An Examination of Integrated Rural Tourism Development in the Goris Region of Armenia, Luke Alan Petersen
Sustainable Energy Crops: An Analysis of Ethanol Production from Cassava in Thailand, Aerwadee Ubolsook
Defining and Meeting the Demand For Agricultural Machinery in China: A Case Study of John Deere, Garrett W. Davis
Structural Shifts in Agricultural Markets Caused by Government Mandates: Ethanol and the Renewable Fuels Standard, John Christian Olson
Feasibility Analysis of Seed Production for Use in Re-seeding Land Burned in Wildfires in the Great Basin Region of the United States, Benjamin Jay Young
Effects of Exchange Rate Changes on Sugar and Rice Trade of the Dominican Republic, Gertrudys Brito
The Impact of Twelve-Mile Canyon Mudslides on Downstream Water Users in Sanpete County, Utah, Danny L. Boore
The Effect of Utah Population Growth on Conversion of Agricultural Land to Residential Land, Suzanne Shoshana Dyner
Analysis of the Costs and Returns of Pasturing Irrigated Alfalfa for Beef Production in Utah in 1983, Irvin R. Bowen
An Economic Analysis of Food Policy in the Ivory Coast, Yao Prao Felix
Alfalfa Production as Related to Irrigation Scheduling: An Economic Perspective, Craig L. Israelsen
A Linear Programming Analysis of Several Determinants of Profit on a Simulated Northern Utah Dairy Farm, Jay Dee Atwood
Locoweed Poisoning in Cattle: An Overview of the Economic Problems Associated with Grazing these Ranges, John E. Barnard
A Study of Drought Effects on Livestock Feeds and Products in the Western United States, Robert E. Blakeslee
An Economic Analysis of Farm Flock Sheep Production in Utah, Ken Beck
Location Value of Milk, Martin K. Beutler
An Economic Analysis of the Akkar Plain Project, E. Douglas Chard
The Economic Impact of Potential Changes in Federal Grazing Policies on Ranchers in Wayne County, Utah, Kib Elden Jacobson
An Interregional Study of Kenya's Livestock Sector Using Linear Programming, Zakayo Joseph Mwangi
Economic Impacts of Public Grazing Reductions in the Livestock Industry with Emphasis on Utah, DeeVon Bailey
The 160-Acre Limitation and Economies of Size: A Case Study in the Uintah Basin, Thomas C. Hatch
An Agricultural Model for the Central and Sacaba Valleys in Cochabamba, Bolivia, Carlos A. Ibañez-Meier
An Analysis of Farm Land Use Changes Related to Inheritance Taxes, Estate Planning, and Sale for Retirement in Selected Utah Counties during 1971-1975, Randall Nolan Parker
Interregional Competition in Markets Facing Utah Livestock and Poultry Producers, Terrell O. Sorensen
An Analysis of Land Use Transfers, Agricultural Production, and Rural Zoning Requirements in Selected Utah Counties, 1974 Through 1976, Eldon James White
An Economic Analysis of Sprinkling for Bloom Delay and Freeze Protection of Apples in Farmington, Utah, Jay Val Anderson
Projected Employment and Population Impacts of Oil Shale Development in Uintah County, Utah, Muin S. Kakish
Water Allocation for Future Development in the Uintah Basin, David W. Mills
Consumer Profile Differences Among Utah and Idaho Boaters, Thomas D. Singleton
An Interregional Competition Study of Utah Agriculture Using the Linear Programming Technique, Douglas Lee Andersen
Investigation of Factors Contributing to the Declining Range Sheep Industry in Utah, Jerry W. Boehme
Development of Agricultural Cooperatives in Thailand, Wirote Manopimoke
The Effect of Combination Companies on Electricity Rate Structures in the United States, Wirote Manopimoke
Economics of Land Use Planning: A Case Study of Annexation in Heber Valley, Utah, Lyle C. Summers
Intraregional Efficiency of Production Decisions and Interregional Efficiency of Input Use in Bolivian Agriculture, Stephen C. Hammond
Economic Feasibility of Controlling Big Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) on State and Private Rangelands in Utah, Stan D. Hinckley
Economics of Land Use Planning--Utah Recreational Subdivisions, 1962-72, Donald William (Sandy) Mac Pherson
Consumer Surplus and Economic Rent Estimates of Recreation Value: An Empirical and Theoretical Comparison, Eric R. Meale
Spatial Impact of Factor Payments: A Case Study of Turkey Production and Processing in Utah, Chesley T. Blackham
Cost of Wholesale Milk Distribution in Utah Urban Markets, 1972, Frederick William Palmer
The Impact of Access Roads on Spontaneous Colonization Chane-Piray Area Department of Santa Cruz Bolivia, Thomas C. Royden
Economic (Linear Programming) Model of the Farming Region Served by the D.M.D.A. Irrigation Company, Delta, Utah, Francisco Zarzalejo
Economic and Agronomic Analysis of Silage and Grain Corn Production in 15 Counties of Utah 1972, Juan Zenteno
Irrigation and Non-Irrigation Alternatives for Reducing Sugar Cane Transportation Costs in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, Lee M. Bailey
A Study of Supply and Demand for Elementary School Teachers in Venezula, Evilexis Betancourt
An Economic Analysis of Inter-County Variation in Residence Patterns of Farm Families in Utah, Kansas, California, Iowa, and Texas 1964, Leroy V. Clifford
Present Livestock Feed Balance, Projected Feed Requirement and Potential for the State of Utah, Roberto Savelli C.
An Evaluation of the Competitive Position of Utah Livestock Production to Other Livestock Producing Areas, Kenneth H. Gray
Optimal Allocation of Irrigation Water: The Sevier River Basin, Harold H. Hiskey
Impact on Rural Incomes of Improved Water Management Practices in Milagro County, Ecuador, Phillip H. Lloyd
Economic Efficiency of Grazing Systems, Muhammad Nazir
A Method of Estimating Minimum Dairy Farm Sizes for Specific Income Levels, K. Dale Russell
Import Substitution Potentials and Marketing Policies for Forest Products in Iran, M. A. Salimi-Manshadi
An Evaluation of the Farm Machinery Market in Utah, Paul J. Stuart
Factors Affecting Quality and Location Values for Resident Deer Hunting in Utah, Jim C. Wrigley
Linear Programming as a Decision Tool in Cheese Manufacturing Plants, Mark S. Huber
An Economic Analysis of the Cisco Fisheries of Bear Lake, Utah and Idaho, John E. Keith
Estimating Agricultural Production Functions from Experimental Data for Different Crops in Relation to Irrigation, Fertilization and Soil Management in Northern Utah, Subramaniuam Swami Nathan
Economic Impact of Meeting Environmental Standards on Utah Cattle Feeders, P. Parry Olson
A Study of Factor Input Services in Cache County, Utah, 1969, Terry N. Peterson
Economic Rent Values for Pheasant Hunting in Utah, Braulio Rodriguez V.
Market Structure Analysis of Fertilizer Distribution in Utah, John C. Welty
Estimated Response of Sugar Beet Production to Possible Changes in Relative Profitability, Utah, 1969, Darwin C. Allred
An Empirical Analysis of Demand Interrelationships: An Application to Selected Agricultural Commodities in Venezuela, Hector Luis Mata Brito
An Economic Analysis of the Predator Problem in the Range-Sheep Industry in Utah, David Murray Curle
A Comparison of the Utah Cattle Slaughter Market with the California Cattle Carcass Market, M. Lloyd Davies
An Application of Statistical Decision Theory to Farm Management in Sevier County, Utah, Suwaphot Lakawathana
An Economic Analysis of Range Improvements on Saddle Creek Allotment and Curlew National Grasslands--With Special Consideration on the Effects of Improvements on Wildlife Management, Jerry Russell Meyers
An Analysis of the Competitive Position of Cattle Finishing in Utah and Selected Western States, 1969, Stephen L. Olsen
Changes in the Market Structure of the Grocery Retailing Industry of Four Selected Utah Retail Selling Areas, 1960-1969, Michael H. Salsibury
Production and Marketing of Sheep on the Bolivian Altiplano: An Economic Analysis, Robert Scott Sly
The Public and Private Business Profile of Cache County, Reed E. Williams
An Economic Analysis of Selected Livestock Enterprises in Relation to the Available Feed Supplies, Utah, 1968, Ronald Jay Woolf
Economies of Size of Cattle Ranches and Wheat Farms and a Comparison of Management Alternatives for Marginal Cropland in Utah, John P. Workman
An Analysis of Forest Service Grazing Statistics and a Case Study of Public Grazing in Rich County, Utah, Barton F. Bailey
Determining Market Areas for Livestock Grazing, Robert G. Williams
The Consumption and Use of Dairy Products and Their Substitutes in Metropolitan Salt Lake City, Jerry Lee Calley
The Secondary Benefits of Irrigation Water: An Economic Appraisal, Erik Bruce Godfrey
Consumer Attitudes Affecting the Use of Fluid Milk Products in Metropolitan Salt Lake City, Wayne N. Monson
Estimated Supply Response of Sugar Beet Production to Changes in Profitableness, Box Elder and Cache Counties, Utah, 1967, Brent W. Spaulding
Financial Operations of the Agricultural Credit Corporation in Jordan, Nureddin A. Taqieddin
Transfer of Farm Real Estate in Utah, 1961-1964, Howard Rasmus Thomas
Patterns of Dairy Farm Exit and Growth in the Great Basin Milk Marketing Area January 1, 1960-June 1, 1965, R. Carlyle Bradshaw
Simulation as a Technique for Evaluating Water in Competing Uses, Dennis Norman DeTray
Factors Influencing Meat Consumption in the Home, Cache and Box Elder Counties, Utah, 1965-1966, William Duane Evans
Irrigation Water Values in Cache County, Utah, Marlyn Fife
The Impact of European Economic Integration on Israel's Export of Oranges in 1970, Moshe Gottlieb
An Investigation of Methods for Estimating Marginal Values of Irrigation Water, Richard L. Johnson
Economic Analysis of an Iranian Water Development: The Sefeed Rood Project, Malek M. Mohtadi
Cost and Net Return From the Milking Enterprise on Selected D.H.I.A. Farms in Northern Utah, 1965, Charles J. Palmer