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Characterization of Black Walnut Genotypes for Resistance to Thousand Cankers Disease, Frost Hardiness and Other Desirable Horticultural Traits, J. Elisa Lauritzen
Fern Genomes Elucidate Land Plant Evolution and Cyanobacterial Symbioses, Fay-Wei Li, Paul Brouwer, Lorenzo Carretero-Paulet, Shifeng Cheng, Jan de Vries, Pierre-Marc Delaux, Ariana Eily, Nils Koppers, Li-Yaung Kuo, Zheng Li, Mathew Simenc, Ian Small, Eric Wafula, Stephany Angarita, Michael S. Barker, Andrea Bräutigam, Claude dePamphilis, Sven Gould, Prashant S. Hosmani, Yao-Moan Huang, Bruno Huettel, Yoichiro Kato, Xin Liu, Steven Maere, Rose McDowell, Lukas A. Mueller, Klaas G. J. Nierop, Stefan A. Rensing, Tanner A. Robison, Carl J. Rothfels, Erin M. Sigel, Yue Song, Prakash R. Timilsena, Yves Van de Peer, Hongli Wang, Per K. I. Wilhelmsson, Paul G. Wolf, Xun Xu, Joshua P. Der, Henriette Schluepmann, Gane K.-S. Wong, and Kathleen M. Pryer; Nature Plants
Motor Affordance for Grasping a Safety Handle, Douglas W. McDannald, Manhoud Mansour, Garrett Rydalch, and David A.E. Bolton; Neuroscience Letters
Phenology of a Southern Population of Mountain Pine Beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae), Anne Elise McManis
Developmental Parameters of a Southern Mountain Pine Beetle (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Population Reveal Potential Source of Latitudinal Differences in Generation Time, Anne E. McManis, James A. Powell, and Barbara J. Bentz; The Canadian Entomologist
Target Sequence Capture of Nuclear-Encoded Genes for Phylogenetic Analysis in Ferns, Paul G. Wolf, Tanner A. Robison, Matthew G. Johnson, Michael A. Sundue, Weston L. Testo, and Carl J. Rothfels; Applications in Plant Sciences
Understanding the Mechanisms of Insecticide Resistance in Phlebotomus papatasi and Lutzoymia longipalpis Sand Flies (Diptera: Psychodidae: Phlebotominae), David Denlinger
Genetic Differentiation of Two Species of Buckwheat (Eriogonum), Jenessa Blotter Lemon
Molecular and Physiological Mechanisms of Toxin Resistance in Toad-Eating Snakes, Shabnam Mohammadi
The Role of the Fatty Acid Signaling Pathway in Dietary-Induced Obesity, Melissa N. Nelson
The Biogeography and Nesting Biology of Anthophora, with a Revision and Phylogeny of the Anthophora (Micranthophora), Michael C. Orr
Understanding the Biology of Clover Root Curculio and Improving Their Management Using Biofumigation in Alfalfa, Steven J. Price
Interactions Between Plant Water-Stress and Neonicotinoid Insecticides on Spider Mite Infestations in Corn, Alice Ruckert
Natural and Anthropogenic Effects on Life History Characteristics in the Side-Blotched Lizard (Uta stansburiana), Geoffrey David Stuart Smith
Seasonal Development of the Biological Control Agent of Dalmatian Toadflax, Mecinus janthiniformis (Curculionidae: Coleoptera), in Utah: Phenology, Overwintering Success, and Mortality, Samantha A. Willden
Using Silkworms as a Host to Spin Spider Silk-Like Fibers, Xiaoli Zhang
Spider Aggregate Glue Sequence Characterization and Expression, Kyle Berg
Stable Isotopes and the Ecology and Physiology of Reptiles, Andrew M. Durso
The Role of GPR84 in Medium-Chain Saturated Fatty Acid Taste Transduction, Yan Liu
Biodiversity, Community Dynamics, and Novel Foraging Behaviors of a Rich Native Bee Fauna Across Habitats at Pinnacles National Park, California, Joan M. Meiners
Anthropogenic and Natural Stressors and Their Effect on Immunity, Reproduction, and the Stress Response, Lorin A. Neuman-Lee
Hybridization, Population Genetic Structure and Gene Expression in the Genus Boechera, Martin Peter Schilling
Salt and the Rough-Skinned Newt (Taricha granulosa): Evolutionary Investigations of Local Adaptation to an Anthropogenic and Natural Stressor, Gareth Rowland Hopkins
Aqueous Solvation Method for Recombinant Spider Silk Proteins, Justin A. Jones
Scalable Bio-Production of High Value Products in Bacteria, Yukie Kawasaki
Virulence Evolution of Fungal Pathogens in Social and Solitary Bees with an Emphasis on Multiple Infections, Ellen G. Klinger
Biogeography, Population Genetics, and Community Structure of North American Bumble Bees, Jonathan Berenguer Koch
A Comparison of Antlions, Bees, Darkling Beetles and Velvet Ants Across Sand Dune and Non-Sand Dune Habitats at Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, Nicole F. Boehme
The Role of TRPM5 in Dietary Fat Preference, Intake, and Body Composition, Dulce M. Minaya
Nitrogen Cycling in the Rhizosphere of Cheatgrass and Crested Wheatgrass: Contributions of Root Exudates and Senescence, Kendalynn A. Morris
Investigations of CHO 1-15 and Silk Gland Cell Line Development, Susan Kathleen Robinson
Molecular Systematics, Historical Biogeography, and Evolution of Spider Wasps (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae), Juanita Rodriguez
Macroinvertebrate-Driven Nutrient Recycling in Four Large Rivers, Matt A. Schroer
Systematics and Behavioral Evolution of Spider Wasps (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae), Cecilia Waichert Monteiro
Evaluating Process- and Constraint-Based Approaches for Modeling Macroecological Patterns, Xiao Xiao
The Functional Role of CD36 Involved in Fatty Acid Transduction, Han Xu
A Data-Intensive Assessment of the Species Abundance Distribution, Elita Baldridge
Causes and Consequences of Local Variability in Aroga Websteri Clarke Abundance Over Space and Time, Virginia L.J. Bolshakova
Kisspeptins - Expression, Purification, and Biological Assays, Mathew Puthayathu Kurian
Constraints on Patterns of Abundance and Aggregation in Biological Systems, Kenneth J. Locey
Fatty Acid Induced Insulin Resistance in the Brain, Hyoung Il Oh
Novel Aminoglycosides: Bioactive Properties and Mechanism of Action, Sanjib K. Shrestha
Presence and Function of Tetrodotoxin in Terrestrial Vertebrates and Invertebrates, Amber N. Stokes
Local and Regional Drivers of Biodiversity: From Life-History Traits to System-Level Properties, Sarah R. Supp
Self-Limitation as an Explanation for Species' Relative Abundances and the Long-Term Persistence of Rare Species, Glenda Marie Yenni
The Role of Fine-Scale Habitat Associations in Structuring Spider Assemblages: Determinants of Spatial Patterns in Community Composition, Stephanie M. Cobbold
Clark's Nutcracker Seed Harvest Patterns in Glacier National Park and a Novel Method for Monitoring Whitebark Pine Cones, Monika E. Maier
Biochemical Characterization of SAC9, a Putative Phosphoinositide Phosphatase in Arabidopsis thaliana, and Its Role in Cellular Abnormalities, Almut H. Vollmer
Systematics of Multillidae (Hymenoptera) With Special Emphasis on Dasymutilla and Their Allies, Kevin A. Williams
Behavioral Responses of Willow Flycatchers, Empidonax traillii, to a Heterogeneous Environment, Amanda V. Bakian
The Role of Phosphoinositide Signaling in Breast Cancer Metastasis Suppressor 1-Mediated Metastasis Suppression of Human Breast Carcinoma Cells, Sitaram Harihar
Effect of Voluntary Exercise and Diet on the Unfolded Protein Response in the Brain of Mice, Yu Ho Kim
The Decline and Conservation Status of North American Bumble Bees, Jonathan B. Koch
The Decline and Conservation Status of North American Bumble Bees, Jonathan Berenguer Koch
The Biogeography of Marbled Godwit (Limosa fedoa) Populations in North America, Bridget E. Olson
Community Level Effects of Vegetation Architecture and Prey Availability: A Study of Ground-dwelling Arthropods in a Shrub-Steppe Ecosystem, Mary E. Pendergast
Natural History and Breeding System of Maguire Primrose, Jacob B. Davidson
Genomic Perspectives on Evolution in Bracken Fern, Joshua P. Der
Effects of Pluronics on a Beneficial Soil Microbe Pseudomonas putida Strain KT2440, Priyanka Gajjar
Host Signaling Response to Adhesion of Bifidobacterium infantis, Reed N. Gann
The Effect of In-Line Lakes on Dissolved Organic Matter Dynamics in Mountain Streams, Keli J. Goodman
Development of a Laboratory Based System for Selecting Insect Pathogenic Fungi with Greatest Potential for Success in the Field, Chad Alton Keyser
Plastic and Genetic Determination of Population, Community, and Ecosystem Properties in Freshwater Environments, Leigh C. Latta IV
Asymmetric Interspecific Competition Between Specialist Herbivores That Feed on Tamarisk in Western Colorado, Nina P. Louden
Reproductive Ecology of Astragalus filipes, a Great Basin Restoration Legume, Kristal M. Watrous
Historical Biogeography of Velvet Ants (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae) in the North American Deserts and Arid Lands, Joseph S. Wilson
Comparative Ecology of Narrowly Sympatric Horned Lizards Under Variable Climatic Conditions, Kevin V. Young
Targeting Fatty Acid-Activated Pathways in the Somatosensory System, Tian Yu
The Regulation of Epithelial Sodium Channels in Mammalian Taste Receptor Cells, Arian F. Baquero Gonzalez
The Bioactive Properties of Syringomycin E-Rhamnolipid Mixtures and Syringopeptins, Mekki F. Bensaci
Speciation, Species Concepts, and Biogeography Illustrated by a Buckwheat Complex (Eriogonum corymbosum), Mark W. Ellis
Patch-Scale Effects of an Invasive Ecosystem Engineer on the Structure and Function of a Eutrophic Stream, Samuel J. Hochhalter
Consequences of Vegetation Change on the Dynamics of Labile Organic Matter and Soil Nitrogen Cycling in a Semiarid Ecosystem, Toby D. Hooker
Mechanisms of Induced Cell Death in Bluetongue Virus Challenged Human Cell Lines, Justin Darrel Hoopes
Ecological Effects of Genotypic Diversity on Community and Ecosystem Function, Megan K. Kanaga
Linking Space Use and Behavior in Clark's Nutcracker: An Explanation for Seasonal Variation in Space Use, Teresa J. Lorenz
Evolutionary Consequences of the Introduction of Eleutherodactylus Coqui to Hawaii, Eric Michael O'Neill
Targeting Fat-Sensitive Pathways In Enteroendocrine Cells Using Nanoparticle-Mediated Drug Delivery, Bhavik P. Shah
The Genetics of Colonization in Two Amphibian Species After the 1980 Eruption of Mount St. Helens, Kristin Ann Bakkegard
Sex-Biased Predation on Taricha by a Novel Predator in Annadel State Park, Amber Noelle Brouillette
Diets of Ladybird Beetles (Coleoptera: coccinellidae) in Utah Alfalfa Fields, Lynette Nicole Davidson
Garter Snake (Thamnophis) Natural History: Food Habits and Interspecific Aggression, Michael J. Edgehouse
Evolutionary Genetics of Tetrodotoxin (TTX) Resistance in Snakes: Tracking a Feeding Adaptation from Populations Through Clades, Chris R. Feldman
Aminoglycosides and Syringomycin E as Fungicides Against Fusarium graminearum in Head Blight Disease, Yukie Kawasaki
Phenotypic Plasticity and the Post-Modern Synthesis: Integrating Evo-Devo and Quantitative Genetics in Theoretical and Empirical Studies, Alison G. Scoville
Movement Behavior and Habitat Selection of the Endangered June Sucker (Chasmistes liorus) in Utah Lake, Utah, Kris A. Buelow
Nest Location and Nest Recognition in Two Solitary Bee Species Osmia lignaria Say and Megachile rotundata (F.) (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae), Christelle Guédot