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Long-Term Orientation and Tax Avoidance Regulations, Katarzyna Bilicka, Danjue Clancey-Shang, and Yaxuan Qi; Journal of Risk and Financial Management


Dynamic Optimization With Timing Risk, Erin Cottle Hunt and Frank N. Caliendo; Mathematics


Conveniently Pessimistic: Manipulating Beliefs to Excuse Selfishness in Charitable Giving, Zeeshan Samad; Frontiers in Behavioral Economics


On the Virginia School of Antitrust: Competition Policy, Law & Economics and Public Choice, William F. Shughart II; Public Choice


Antitrust Agonistes, William F. Shughart II; Law & Economics Center at George Mason University Scalia Law School Research Paper Series No. 22-014



Are Financing Constraints Binding for Investment? Evidence From a Natural Experiment, Katarzyna Anna Bilicka; Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization


Profit Shifting and Corruption, Katarzyna Anna Bilicka and André Seidel; International Tax and Public Finance


Comovement in the Cryptocurrency Market, Benjamin M. Blau, Todd Griffith, and Ryan J. Whitby; Economics Bulletin

The Broken Bridge of Public Finance: Majority Rule, Earmarked Taxes and Social Engineering, William F. Shughart II and Josh T. Smith; Public Choice

Institutional Change and the Importance of Understanding Shared Mental Models, William F. Shughart II, Diana W. Thomas, and Michael D. Thomas; Kyklos


The Naked Emperor: Politics Without Romance in The Calculus of Consent, William F. Shughart II and Arthur R. Wardle; The Independent Review



Smoothing, Discounting, and Demand for Intra-Household Control for Recipients of Conditional Cash Transfers, Diego Aycinena, Szabolcs Blazsek, Lucas Rentschler, and Betzy Sandoval; Journal of Applied Economics


Comparing UK Tax Returns of Foreign Multinationals to Matched Domestic Firms, Katarzyna Anna Bilicka; American Economic Review


The Introduction of Bitcoin Futures: An Examination of Volatility and Potential Spillover Effects, Benjamin M. Blau and Ryan J. Whitby; Economics Bulletin

Interest Groups and Regulatory Capture, William F. Shughart II and Diana W. Thomas; The Oxford Handbook of Public Choice



Discounting and Digit Ratio: Low 2D:4D Predicts Patience for a Sample of Females, Diego Aycinena and Lucas Rentschler; Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience

Plastic Pollution: Bans vs. Recycling Solutions, Katie Colton, Camille Harmer, Brian Isom, and William F. Shughart II; Independent Institute Briefing


Export Competitiveness of Central and Eastern Europe Since the Enlargement of the EU, John Gilbert and Eva Muchová; International Review of Economics and Finance


Is Uber a Substitute or Complement for Public Transit?, Jonathan D. Hall, Craig Palsson, and Joseph Price; Journal of Urban Economics

The Theory and Practice of Selective Consumption Taxation, Adam J. Hoffer and William F. Shughart II; For Your Own Good: Taxes, Paternalism, and Fiscal Discrimination in the Twenty-First Century


Gordon Tullock's Critique of the Common Law, William F. Shughart II; The Independent Review

Selective Consumption Taxes in Historical Perspective, William F. Shughart II; For Your Own Good: Taxes, Paternalism, and Fiscal Discrimination in the Twenty-First Century


Bounded Rationality and the Choice of Jury Selection Procedures, Martin Van der Linden; The Journal of Law and Economics



Range-based volatility, expected stock returns, and the low volatility anomaly, Benjamin M. Blau and Ryan J. Whitby; PLoS ONE


The impact of grade ceilings on student grades and course evaluations: evidence from a policy change, Devon Haskell Gorry; Economics of Education Review


The Influence of Height on Academic Outcomes, Devon Haskell Gorry; Economics of Education Review


Regulation and the cost of childcare, Devon Haskell Gorry and Diana W. Thomas; Applied Economics

Political Party Impacts on Direct Democracy: the 2015 Greek Austerity Referendum, Megan E. Hansen, William F. Shughart II, and Ryan M. Yonk; Atlantic Economic Journal

Income-Expenditure Elasticities of Less-Healthy Consumption Goods, Adam Hoffer, Rejeana Gvillo, William F. Shughart II, and Michael Thomas; Journal of Entrepeneurship and Public Policy



Equivalent Representations of Non-Exponential Discounting Models, James A. Feigenbaum; Journal of Mathematical Economics


Experience and Worker Flows, Aspen Gorry; Quantitative Economics


Heterogenous effects of sports participation on education and labor market outcomes, Devon Haskell Gorry; Education Economics

The Effects of Influenza Vaccination on Serious Health Events, Devon Haskell Gorry

The Effects of Retirement on Health and Well-Being: The Case of England, Devon Haskell Gorry

Corruption and Voter Turnout: A Spatial Econometric Approach, Donald J. Lacombe, R. Morris Coats, William F. Shughart II, and Gökhan Karahan; The Journal of Regional Analysis & Policy

Richard Vedder and the Future of Higher Education Reform, Jayme S. Lemke and William F. Shughart II; Cato Journal

Market Price, William F. Shughart II and Christopher R. Thomas; The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management

On the Extraordinary Scholarly Life and Times of Gordon Tullock, William F. Shughart II and Robert D. Tollison; Constitutional Policy Economy

Quasi-Rent, Christopher R. Thomas and William F. Shughart II; The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management



Hyperbolic Memory Discounting and the Political Business Cycle, T. Scott Findley; European Journal of Political Economy

Does Retirement Improve Health and Life Satisfaction, Devon Haskell Gorry

The Impact of Grade Ceilings on Student Grades and Course Evaluations: Evidence from a Policy Change, Devon Haskell Gorry


Numerical simulations of competition in quantities, Devon Haskell Gorry and John Gilbert; Internation Review of Economics Education

Regressive Effects: Causes and Consequences of Selective Consumption Taxation, Adam J. Hoffer, William F. Shughart II, Rejeana Gvillo, and Michael D. Thomas; Mercatus Working Paper Series


A framework for non-drastic innovation with product differentiation, Jeremy Jay Jackson and Jason Smith; Economics Bulletin

Competition Policy in Public Choice Perspective, Fred McChesney, William F. Shughart II, and Michael Reksulak; The Oxford Handbook of International Antitrust Economics

Teaching Public Choice at the Master's Level, William F. Shughart II; Journal of Economics and Finance Education

Intellectual Property Rights, Public Choice, Networks, and the New Age of Informal IP Regimes, William F. Shughart II and Diana W. Thomas; Supreme Court Economic Review

The Economic Case for Lifting the Crude Oil Exports Ban, Margo Thorning and William F. Shughart II; American Center for Capital Formation Working Paper


The Economic Impact of Tax Policy Incentives: An Analysis of the Gulf Opportunity Zone Act of 2005, Randall B. Bunker and William F. Shughart II; Advances in Taxation


Sin Taxes and Sindustry: Revenue, Paternalism, and Political Interest, Adam J. Hoffer, William F. Shughart II, and Michael D. Thomas; The Independent Review

Supplying Private Goods and Collective Goods at Public Choice, William F. Shughart II; Secrets of Economics Editors

What Did Economists Do? Euvoluntary, Voluntary, and Coercive Institutions for Collective Action, William F. Shughart II and Diana W. Thomas; Southern Economic Journal


Sin Taxes: Size, Growth, and Creation of the Sindustry, Adam J. Hoffer, William F. Shughart II, and Michael D. Thomas; Mercatus Working Paper Series


Risk Sharing and Prudence Review for a Regulated Electric Utility: Some Thoughts, J. Robert Malko; The Electricity Journal

An Economic Exam for Energy Utilities, J. Robert Malko and William J. Evans; The Journal Entry

James Buchanan and Gordon Tullock: A Half-Century On, William F. Shughart II; Public Choice, Past and Present: The Legacy of James Buchanan and Gordon Tullock, Studies in Public Choice 28

The Elgar Companion to Public Choice, Second Edition, William F. Shughart II

The Oxford Handbook of Managerial Economics, William F. Shughart II

Individual Choice and Collective Choice: An Overview, William F. Shughart II, Michael Reksulak, and Laura Razzolini; The Elgar Companion to Public Choice, Second Edition

Managerial Economics: Introduction and Overview, William F. Shughart II and Christopher R. Thomas; The Oxford Handbook of Managerial Economics


Antitrust Enforcement in the Obama Adminstration's First Term: A Regulatory Approach, William F. Shughart II and Diana W. Thomas; Policy Analysis


Corporate Lobbying, Political Connections, and the Bailout of Banks, Diana W. Thomas, Benjamin M. Blau, and Tyler Brough; Journal of Banking and Finance

The Regulation of Electric Utilities and Prudence Review: Legal and Economic Relationships, Dani Wills and J. Robert Malko

Stackelberg on the Danube: Games in the Anticommons, Yong J. Yoon and William F. Shughart II; Public Finance and Public Choice


Used and Useful Principle: Still Relevant in Utah, Vicki M. Baldwin and J. Robert Malko; The Utah Bar Journal


The USA Patriot Act’s Differential Impact on Large and Small Banks: Evidence from California’s High-Risk Money Laundering and Related Financial Crime Areas, William F. Shughart II and Burak Dolar; Journal of Banking Regulation


Corruption and Voter Turnout: Evidence from the US States, William F. Shughart II, Monica Escaleras, and Peter T. Calcagno; Public Finance Review


What Should Government Do? Problems of Social Cost, Externalities and all That, William F. Shughart II and Michael Reksulak; Public Choice


The Temple Recommend: A Solution to the Free-Rider Problem, Austin J. Bowles and Tyler J. Bowles; The Temple Recommend: A Solution to the Free-Rider Problem


Precautionary Saving or Denied Dissaving, James A. Feigenbaum; Economic Modeling


Optimal Irrational Behavior, James A. Feigenbaum, Frank N. Caliendo, and Emin Gahramanov; Journalof Economic Behavior and Organizations

The Effect of Menarche on Education: Explaining Black-White Differences, Devon Haskell Gorry; Annual Meeting of the Institute for Educational Sciences

Some Financial and Economic Issues and Models Concerning the Regulation of Electric Utilities , J. Robert Malko


Prudence Review and Traditional Revenue Requirement Regulation: Some Thoughts, J. Robert Malko and Vicki M. Baldwin; The Electricity Journal

Applying A Framework For Ring Fencing An Electric Utility: Some Issues and Challenges , J. Robert Malko, Howard Lubow, and Ryan Pfaff


Selecting a Capital Structure for a Regulated Electric Utility: Some Issues and Directions, J. Robert Malko and Robert Skinner; The Electricity Journal

Political Arithmetic: New Evidence on the ‘Small-State Bias’ in Federal Spending, Michelle B. Matthews, William F. Shughart II, and Taylor P. Stevenson; Public Finance and Public Choice

Identifying Business Risks for New Ventures Creation in Uganda, Paul Rossiter, Landon Essig, and J. Robert Malko

Antitrust Policy, William F. Shughart II; Governing America: Major Policies and Decisions of Federal, State, and Local Governments from 1789 to the Present, Vol. I

Checks and Balances at the OK Corral: Restraining Leviathan, William F. Shughart II; Constitutional Mythologies: New Perspectives on Controlling the State

Disaster Relief as Bad Public Policy, William F. Shughart II; The Independent Review


Enforcement of the USA Patriot Act’s Anti-Money Laundering Provisions: Have Regulators Followed a Risk-Based Approach?, William F. Shughart II; Global Finance Journal

Terrorism in Rational Choice Perspective, William F. Shughart II; The Handbook on the Political Economy of War


The New Deal and Modern Memory, William F. Shughart II; Southern Economic Journal


Of Rebates and Drawbacks: The Standard Oil (N.J.) Company and the Railroads, William F. Shughart II and Michael Reksulak; Review of Industrial Organization


Pricing Strategies for Municipal Water Services, Justin Allred and J. Robert Malko

Economic Update, Tyler J. Bowles; Economic Update

The Effects of Economic Stagnation in an Activist Government in the context of a Multiracial Society, Tyler J. Bowles; The Effects of Economic Stagnation in an Activist Government in the Contet of a Multiracial Society


An Empirical Basis for Allocating Enterprise and Personal Goodwill, Tyler J. Bowles and Ryan Bosworth; Business Valuation Review


Optimal Irrational Behavior in Continuous Time, James A. Feigenbaum and Frank N. Caliendo; Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control

New Developments in Computable General Equilibrium Analysis for Trade Policy, John Gilbert

Constellation Energy/EFD Nuclear Joint Venture , J. Robert Malko, Ryan Pfaff, and Howard Lubow


Constellation/EDF Nuclear Joint Venture: Regulatory Issues and SubsequenctResolutions, Ryan Pfaff, Howard Lubow, and J. Robert Malko; The Electricity Journal

The Economics of Geographical Ward Boundaries in the LDS Church, Daniel Robertson and Tyler J. Bowles; The Economics of Geographical Ward Boundaries in the LDS Church

Applying the Fama-French Model to Regulated Energy Utilities: Some Challenges and Issues, paul rossiter, Craig Maughan, and J. Robert Malko

Cost Inflation in Intercollegiate Athletics: And Some Modest Proposals for Controlling It, William F. Shughart II; Doing More with Less: Making Colleges Work Better

Microsoft, William F. Shughart II; Culture Wars: An Encyclopedia of Issues, Voices, and Viewpoints

Tobacco Settlements, William F. Shughart II; Culture Wars: An Encyclopedia of Issues, Voices, and Viewpoints


On Ethnic Conflict and the Origins of Transnational Terrorism, William F. Shughart II and Atin Basuchoudhary; Defence and Peace Economics