
Volume 1, Issue 1 (2007) Spring 2007

In the News


In the News
M. R. Conover and R. M. Vail

Research Articles/Notes


Successful Use of Neck Snares to Live-Capture Red Foxes
S. Nicole Frey, Michael R. Conover, and Gary Cook


Using Predator Exclosures to Protect Ground Nests from Red Fox
Ben C. West, Terry A. Messmer, and Dominic C. Bachman


Comparison of Sampling Strategies to Estimate Abundance of Double-Crested Cormorants in Western Mississippi
Aaron T. Pearse, Brian S. Dorr, Stephen J. Dinsmore, and Richard M. Kaminski


Deer–Human Conflict and Hunter Access in an Exurban Landscape
Daniel J. Storm, Clayton K. Nielsen, Eric M. Schauber, and Alan Woolf


20,25-Diazacholesterol as an Oral Contraceptive for Black-Tailed Prairie Dog Population Management
Paul B. Nash, Carol A. Furcolow, Kimberly S. Bynum, Christi A. Yoder, Lowell A. Miller, and John J. Johnston


Land-Use Pattern, Urbanization, and Deer–Vehicle Collisions in Alabama
Anwar Hussain, James B. Armstrong, David B. Brown, and John Hogland


Comparison of 2 Vegetation-Height Management Practices for Wildlife Control at Airports
Thomas W. Seamans, Scott C. Barras, Glen E. Bernhardt, Bradley F. Blackwell, and Jonathon D. Cepek


Use of Snares to Live-Capture Beavers
Lance B. McNew Jr., Clayton K. Nielsen, and Craig K. Bloomquist
