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Utah Women and Mental Health, Robbyn T. Scribner, Susan R. Madsen, and Elyse Barnes; Utah Women Stats Research Snapshot


The Women and Leadership Theory Think Tank Report 2015, Julia Storberg-Walker and Susan R. Madsen; Women & Leadership Think Tank Report 2015



Is Eco-Friendly Unmanly? The Green-Feminine Stereotype and Its Effect on Sustainable Consumption, Aaron R. Brough, James E. B. Wilkie, Jingjing Ma, Mathew S. Isaac, and David Gal; Journal of Consumer Research


Is Top 10 Better than Top 9? The Role of Expectations in Consumer Response to Imprecise Rank Claims, Mathew S. Isaac, Aaron R. Brough, and Kent Grayson; Journal of Marketing Research


Female Political Representation: Impact Recommendation Report, Erin Jemison and Susan R. Madsen; Impact Recommendation Reports: Strategies to Strengthen Women's Impact in Utah


Labor Force Participation: Impact Recommendation Report, Erin Jemison and Susan R. Madsen; Impact Recommendation Reports: Strategies to Strengthen Women's Impact in Utah


Latter-Day Sain Women and Leadership: The Influence of Their Religious Worldview, Susan R. Madsen; Journal of Leadership Education


The Status of Women on Utah State Boards & Commissions, Susan R. Madsen and Elizabeth Goryunova; Research and Policy Brief


Poverty Among Utah Women, Susan R. Madsen and Robbyn T. Scribner; Utah Women Stats Research Snapshot


Why Do We Need More Women Leaders in Central and Eastern Europe?, Susan R. Madsen and Tanja Slišković; The Global Women and Leadership Research & Policy Brief Series


Sexual Assault Among Utah Women, Susan R. Madsen, Tiffany Turley, and Robbyn T. Scribner; Utah Women Stats Research Snapshot


The Status of Women and Entrepreneurship in Utah, Susan R. Madsen and Ann Marie Wallace; Research and Policy Brief


The Recycled Self: Consumers' Disposal Decisions of Identity-Linked Products, Remi Trudel, Jennifer J. Argo, and Matthew D. Meng; Journal of Consumer Research


Why Real Estate Agents Should Care About Buyer Usage Intent, Aaron R. Brough and Mathew S. Isaac; Keller Center Research Report

Women in Business Leadership: A Comparative Study of Countries in the Gulf Arab States, Linzi J. Kemp, Susan R. Madsen, and James Davis; International Journal of Cross Cultural Management


Why Do We Need More Women Leaders in Higher Education?, Susan R. Madsen; HERS Research Brief


Why Do We Need More Women Leaders in Utah?, Susan R. Madsen; Research and Policy Brief


Women, Confidence, and Leadership: What Do Utah Women Leaders Think?, Susan R. Madsen, Lyndee Anderson, Matthew Kelly, and Jessica Rodriguez; Research and Policy Brief


Engaging Fans Through Social Media: Implications for Team Identification, Matthew D. Meng, Constantino Stavros, and Kate Westberg; Sport, Business and Management


Trash or Recycle? How Product Distortion Leads to Categorization Error During Disposal, Remi Trudel, Jennifer J. Argo, and Matthew D. Meng; Environment and Behavior



Judging a Part by the Size of Its Whole: The Category Size Bias in Probability Judgments, Mathew S. Isaac and Aaron R. Brough; Journal of Consumer Research


Oman's Labour Force: An Analysis of Gender in Management, Linzi J. Kemp and Susan R. Madsen; Equality, Diversity and Inclusion


The Status of Women in Utah Politics, Susan R. Madsen and D. Candice Backus; Research and Policy Brief


The Status of Women Leaders in Utah Businesses, Susan R. Madsen, D. Candice Backus, and Glaucia Jones; Research and Policy Brief


The Status of Women Leaders in Utah Nonprofits, Susan R. Madsen, D. Candice Backus, Glaucia Jones, and Brian Fischer; Research and Policy Brief


The Status of Women Leaders in Utah Education, Susan R. Madsen, Brian Fischer, and D. Candice Backus; Research and Policy Brief



The Current State of Female Leadership in the United Arab Emirates, Linzi J. Kemp, Susan R. Madsen, and Mohammed El-Saidi; Journal of Global Responsibility


Asilomar Declaration and Call to Action on Women and Leadership, Susan R. Madsen; International Leadership Association


College Enrollment and Graduation: A Utah Women and Education Update, Susan R. Madsen and Heather Bertotti Sarin; Research and Policy Brief


Educational Attainment: A Utah Women and Education Update, Susan R. Madsen and Heather Bertotti Sarin; Research and Policy Brief


Understanding Fan Motivation for Interacting on Social Media, Constantino Stavros, Matthew D. Meng, Kate Westberg, and Francis Farrelly; Sport Management Review



When Opposites Detract: Categorical Reasoning and Subtractive Valuations of Product Combinations, Aaron R. Brough and Alexander Chernev; Journal of Consumer Research


Finding a Home for Products We Love: How Buyer Usage Intent Affects the Pricing of Used Goods, Aaron R. Brough and Mathew S. Isaac; Journal of Marketing

For Sale by Owner for Less than It's Worth, Mathew S. Isaac and Aaron R. Brough; Graziadio Business Review


Women and Leadership in Higher Education: Current Realities, Challenges, and Future Directions, Susan R. Madsen; Advances in Developing Human Resources



Women and Leadership in Higher Education: Learning and Advancement in Leadership Programs, Susan R. Madsen; Advances in Developing Human Resources


Women’s Leadership Development in Higher Education: Conclusion and Implications for HRD, Susan R. Madsen, Karen A. Longman, and Jessica R. Daniels; Advances in Developing Human Resources


The Influence of Religion and Genderon Utah Employee Perceptions of BusinessEthics and Corporate Social Responsibility, Susan R. Madsen, Kenneth Shaw, and Jonathan H. Westover; SquareTwo



Chinese Women Administrators in Higher Education: Developing Leadership Throughout Life, Susan R. Madsen; ALJ in Student Research


The Experiences of UAE Women Leaders in Developing Leadership Early in Life, Susan R. Madsen; Feminist Formations


Transformative Learning: UAE, Women, and Higher Education, Susan R. Madsen and Bradley J. Cook; Journal of Global Responsibility

A Glimpse at Women and Higher Education in Utah, Susan R. Madsen, Cheryl Hanewicz, Susan Thackeray, and David King; SquareTwo



Leadership Development in the United Arab Emirates: The Transformational Learning Experiences of Women, Susan R. Madsen; Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies


Transformational Learning Experiences of Female UAE College Students, Susan R. Madsen; Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues

Forgiveness as a Workplace Intervention: The Literature and a Proposed Framework., Susan R. Madsen, Janice Gygi, Scott C. Hammond, and Suzanne F. Plowman; Journal of Applied and Behavioral Management


Toward an Understanding of the Link Between Work-Family Enrichment and Individual Health, Susan R. Madsen and Misti Stoddard; Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management


Unlearned Lessons From the Past: An Insider's View of Enron's Downfall, Susan R. Madsen and Charles Vance; Corporate Governance



Preparing Faculty and Staff for Change, Susan R. Madsen; Academic Leadership: The Online Journal


The Influence of Value Perspectives on Prior Plans, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover Intentions In Nonprofit Agencies, Susan R. Madsen and Julie Hayden; Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship


Tracking Faculty Research Productivity: Analysis of a Survey Instrument, Susan R. Madsen, Jeffrey E. Hoyt, Scott C. Hammond, and James W. Fenton; International Journal of Applied Management Education and Development


The Influence of Maslow's Humanistic Views on an Employee's Motivation to Learn, Susan R. Madsen and Ian Wilson; Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship


The Development of an Instrument to Address the Negative Perception of Hospitality Jobs: A Pilot Study, Douglas G. Miller and Susan R. Madsen; Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism


Action Learning Unveiled: Finding Depth Through Understanding Related Constructs, Susan R. Madsen; Journal on Excellence in College Teaching


Developing Leadership: Exploring Childhoods of Women University Presidents, Susan R. Madsen; Journal of Educational Administration


Intellectual Capital: Comparison & Contrast, Susan R. Madsen; Performance Improvement Journal

Learning To Lead in Higher Education: Insights Into the Family Backgrounds of Women University Presidents, Susan R. Madsen; The Journal of Women in Educational Leadership


Women University Presidents: Career Paths and Educational Backgrounds, Susan R. Madsen; Academic Leadership: The Online Journal


Advancing Work—Life Integration in Individuals, Organizations, and Communities, Susan R. Madsen and Michael Lane Morris; Advances in Developing Human Resources

The Perceptions and Experiences of Students in a Paperless Accounting Class, Susan R. Madsen, Steve Teeter, Jason Hughes, and Brent Eagar; The Journal of Effective Teaching



Course-Linked Service-Learning in Management Education: Lessons Learned, Susan R. Madsen; Organization Management Journal


Leadership Styles and Philosophies of Women University Presidents, Susan R. Madsen; Advancing Women in Leadership Journal


Work and Family Conflict: Can Home-Based Teleworking Make a Difference?, Susan R. Madsen; International Journal of Organizational Theory and Behavior

Collateral Learning Through Service-Learning: Developing Competent Business Professionals, Susan R. Madsen and Janice Gygi; International Journal of Management Education and Development

Influential Factors in Individual Readiness for Change, Susan R. Madsen, Cameron John, and Duane Miller; Journal of Business and Management


Readiness for Change: Implications on Employees' Relationship with Management, Job Knowledge and Skills, and Job Demands, Susan R. Madsen, Cameron R. John, and Duane Miller; The Journal of Applied Management & Entrepreneurship


Worldviews of Adult Learning in the Workplace Through a Mormonism Lens, Susan R. Madsen, Troy R. Nielson, and Scott C. Hammond; Advances in Developing Human Resources


Academic Service Learning Experiences of Compensation and Benefit Course Students, Susan R. Madsen and Ovilla Turnbull; Journal of Management Education

Beyond the Classroom: Implementing Academic Service-Learning, Susan R. Madsen and Ovilla Turnbull; Journal of Business Inquiry


A Conversation With John H. Zenger: Leadership and Change., Susan R. Madsen and Janice Gygi; The Organization Development Journal


An Interview With John H. Zenger on Extraordinary Leadership, Susan R. Madsen and Janice Gygi; Journal of Leadership and Organization Studies

The Complexification of Work-Family Conflict Theory: A Critical Analysis, Susan R. Madsen and Scott Hammond; Journal of Critical Postmodern Organization Science


“Where Have All the Leaders Gone?”: An Interview With Margaret J. Wheatley on Life-Affirming Leadership, Susan R. Madsen and Scott C. Hammond; Journal of Management Inquiry

Common Factors of High Performance Teams, Susan R. Madsen and Bruce Jackson; Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government

High Performance Teams: What Makes the Difference?, Susan R. Madsen and Bruce H. Jackson; International Journal of Applied Management


Work-Family Conflict and Health: A Study of Workplace, Psychological, and Behavioral Correlates, Susan R. Madsen, Cameron R. John, and Duane Miller; Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management


Readiness for Organizational Change: Do Organizational Commitment and Social Relationships in the Workplace Make a Difference?, Susan R. Madsen, Duane Miller, and Cameron R. John; Human Resource Development Quarterly


Teaching Citizenship Through Service-Learning, Susan R. Madsen and Ovilla Turnbull; Academic Exchange Quarterly



Academic Service Learning in Human Resource Management Education, Susan R. Madsen; Journal of Education for Business

A Scholarly Writing Course for Faculty, Susan R. Madsen; Academic Exchange Quarterly


Corporate Responsibility to Provide Work-Family Programs, Susan R. Madsen; Mountain Plains Journal of Business and Technology


Strategically Increasing Faculty Productivity, Susan R. Madsen, Scott C. Hammond, and James W. Fenton; Academic Exchange Quarterly


Traits, Skills, and Knowledge Required of Successful Human Resource Leaders, Susan R. Madsen and Anita Musto; Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship

Important Knowledge and Competence for Successful Human Resource Leadership, Susan R. Madsen and Anita L. Musto; Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management

Academic Service-Learning in the Human Resource Development Curriculum, Susan R. Madsen and Ovilla Turnbull; The Journal of Business Inquiry



A Model for Individual Change: Exploring its Application to Human Resource Development, Susan R. Madsen; Human Resource Development Review


The Benefits, Challenges, and Implications of Teleworking: A Literature Review, Susan R. Madsen; Journal of Business for Entrepreneurs


The Effects of Home-Based Teleworking on Work-Family Conflict, Susan R. Madsen; Human Resource Development Quarterly

Wellness in the Workplace: Preparing Employees for Change, Susan R. Madsen; Organization Development Journal


Work and Family Conflict: A Review of the Theory and Literature, Susan R. Madsen; Insights for a Changing World


The Development of a Human Resource Curriculum for Institutions Experiencing Rapid Growth, Susan R. Madsen, Anita L. Musto, and Tyler Hall; The Journal of Business Inquiry