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An Overview of Communication Disorders, Ronald B. Gillam, T P. Marquardt, and F R. Martin; Communication Sciences and Disorders: From Science to Clinical Practice

Communication Sciences and Disorders: From Science to Clinical Practice, Ronald B. Gillam, T P. Marquardt, and F R. Martin; Communication Sciences and Disorders: From Science to Clinical Practice


The Role of Analogies in Learning to Read, Alan G. Kamhi and Sandra Laing Gillam; Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology

Treating Aphasic Language Impairment in the Context of Functional Communication, Lisa H. Milman and A. Holland; Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Waikaloa Beach, Hawaii

Newborn Hearing Screening Update, Karen F. Muñoz; Newborn Hearing Screening Update

Issues involved in implementing a universal newborn hearing screening program: perspectives from two hospitals, Karen F. Muñoz and K. Franzyk; Issues involved in implementing a universal newborn hearing screening program: perspectives from two hospitals

Dynamic Assessment of Children Referred for Speech and Language Evaluations, E D. Pena and Ronald B. Gillam; Dynamic Assessment: Prevailing Models and Applications


Adopting an Integrated Apprenticeship Model in a University Clinic, Ronald B. Gillam; Proceedings from the 1999 Meeting of the Council of Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders: New Horizons


Computer-Assisted Language Intervention Using Fast ForWord: Theoretical and Empirical Issues in Clinical Decision-Making., Ronald B. Gillam; Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools

Phonological Awareness After the Primary Grades, Ronald B. Gillam; Language Learning and Education

Dynamic Assessment of Narrative and Expository Discourse., Ronald B. Gillam, E D. Pena, and L B. Miller; Topics in Language Disorders

Localization of Language in the Bilingual Brain: A Functional MRI Study, N. Mahendra, E. Plante, J. Magloire, Lisa H. Milman, and T. P. Trouard; American Speech Language Hearing Association National Convention, San Fransisco, California

Assessment in Communication Disorders: SomeObservations on Current Issues, T P. Marquardt and Ronald B. Gillam; Language Testing

Amplification Issues for the Hearing Impaired, Karen F. Muñoz; Amplification Issues for the Hearing Impaired

Dynamic assessment of narratives in children from diverse backgrounds, E. Pena, L. Miller, and Ronald B. Gillam; California Speech-Language-Hearing Association Magazine


Evaluation of an InserviceModel to Teach Child Care Providers About Inclusion, L M. Espinosa, Ronald B. Gillam, R F. Busch, and S S. Patterson; Journal of Research in Childhood Education

Memory and Language Impairment in Children and Adults: New Perspectives, Ronald B. Gillam; Memory and Language Impairment in Children and Adults: New Perspecitves

Putting Memory to Work in Language Intervention: Implications for Practitioners, Ronald B. Gillam; Memory and Language Impairment in Children and Adults: New Perspectives

Review of Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals, Third Edition, Ronald B. Gillam; The Thirteenth Mental Measurements Yearbook

Review of Stuttering Severity Instrument (Third Edition), Ronald B. Gillam; The Thirteenth Mental Measurements Yearbook


Information Processing by School-Age Children with Specific Language Impairment: Evidence from a Modality Effect Paradigm, Ronald B. Gillam, N Cowan, and J Marler; Journal of Speech-Language-Hearing Research

Phonological Awareness Training and Short-Term Working Memory: Clinical Implications, Ronald B. Gillam and A Van Kleeck; Memory and Language Impairment in Children and Adults: New Perspectives

Factors Affecting Children's Long Term Memory, J Hudson and Ronald B. Gillam; Memory and Language Impairment in Children and Adults: New Perspectives


A Study of Classroom-Based Phonological Awareness Training for Preschoolers with Speech and/or Language Disorders., A Van Kleeck, Ronald B. Gillam, and T McFadden; American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology

Accessing Long-Term Memory: Metacognitive Strategies and Strategic Action in Adolescents, M L. Wynn-Dancy and Ronald B. Gillam; Memory and Language Impairment in Children and Adults: New Perspectives


Putting Memory to Work in Language Intervention: Implications for Practitioners., Ronald B. Gillam; Topics in Language Disorders


Oral Reading and Story Retelling of Students with Specific Language Impairment., Ronald B. Gillam and R M. Carlile; Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools

Factors Affecting Children's Long-Term Memory, J Hudson and Ronald B. Gillam; Topics in Language Disorders


The Relationship Between Middle-Class Parents' Book-Sharing Discussion and Their Preschoolers' Abstract Language Development., A Van Kleeck, Ronald B. Gillam, L Hamilton, and C McGrath; Journal of Speech, Language, Hearing Research


When is "Watch and See" Warranted? A Response to Paul's 1996 Article, "Clinical Implications of the Natural History of Slow Expressive Language Development"., Anne Van Kleeck, Ronald B. Gillam, and Barbara Davis; American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology

Accessing Long-Term Memory: Metacognitive Strategies and Strategic Action in Adolescents, M L. Wynn-Dancy and Ronald B. Gillam; Topics in Language Disorders


Change is Inevitable: Rethinking the Form and Function of University Speech and Hearing Clinics, Ronald B. Gillam, E Pena, B Davis, and D Granof; Partnerships in Supervision: Innovative and Effective Practices: Proceeding of the 1996 Conference on Clinical Supervision

Phonological Awareness Training and Short-Term Working Memory: Clinical Implications, Ronald B. Gillam and A Van Kleeck; Topics in Language Disorders

Temporal Resolution in Specifically Language Impaired and Age-Matched Children, J R. Helzer, C A. Champlin, and Ronald B. Gillam; Perceptual and Motor Skills


An Examination of the Quality of Narratives Produced by Children with Language Disorders, T U. McFadden and Ronald B. Gillam; Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools


Review of Test of Adolescent/Adult Word Finding, Ronald B. Gillam; The Thirteenth Mental Measurements Yearbook

Review of Test of Oral Structures and Functions, Ronald B. Gillam; The Twelfth Mental Measurements Yearbook

Whole Language Principles at Work in Language Intervention, Ronald B. Gillam; Language Intervention: Beyond the Primary Grades


Sequential Memory in Children With and Without Language Impairment., Ronald B. Gillam, N Cowan, and L. Day; Journal of Speech and Hearing Research

Improving the Narrative Abilities of Children with Language Disorders: Whole Language and Language Skills Approaches, Ronald B. Gillam, T U. McFadden, and A Van Kleeck; Communication Intervention for School-age Children

Clinical Education: A Social Constructivist Perspective, Ronald B. Gillam and E D. Pena; The Supervisors' Forum

Processing Inflectional Verb Morphology in Spanish-Speaking Agrammatic Patients, Lisa H. Milman; Psychology Department, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico

Team Collaboration in the Evaluation of Language in Students Above the Primary Grades, S Patterson and Ronald B. Gillam; Language Intervention: Beyond the Primary Grades


Review of A. Gerber: Language-related learning disabilities: Their nature and treatment, Ronald B. Gillam; Asha

Efficacy Research in University Settings: Supervisory Issues, A Richardson and Ronald B. Gillam; Proceedings of the 1994 International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Supervision: Toward the 21st Century


Review of Bankson Language Test-2, Ronald B. Gillam; The Eleventh Mental Measurements Yearbook

Review of M. L. Cole and J. T. Cole: Effective intervention with the language impaired child (second edition), Ronald B. Gillam; Education and Training in Mental Retardation

Special Needs Children Become Authors: Exploring the Creating/Learning Process, Ronald B. Gillam; Perspectives on whole language: Past, present, potential

Review of Spanish Structured Photographic Expressive Language Test, Ronald B. Gillam and L. Day; The Eleventh Mental Measurements Yearbook


Spoken and Written Language Relationships in Language/Learning Impaired and Normally Achieving School-Age Children., Ronald B. Gillam and J. Johnston; Journal of Speech and Hearing Research


A Personal Paradigm Shift, Ronald B. Gillam; The Whole Language Catalog


Facilitating Changes in Supervisees'Clinical Behaviors: An Experimental Investigation of Supervisory Effectiveness, Ronald B. Gillam, C S. Roussos, and J Anderson; Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders


Toward Practical Research in Supervision, C Strike and Ronald B. Gillam; The Supervisory Process in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology


Problem-Solving in Supervision Research with Single Subject Design, C Strike and Ronald B. Gillam; Clinical Supervision: A coming of age, Proceedings of the National Conference on Supervision



Development of Print Awareness in Language-Disordered Preschoolers., Ronald B. Gillam and J. Johnston; Journal of Speech and Hearing Research