The Plan B paper is usually a review of literature with conclusions drawn after conceptualizing an area of inquiry, planning a systematic search, and analyzing and critiquing the acquired information. The summary and conclusions developed should enhance knowledge in the discipline. These papers and reports follow the same format specifications as theses and dissertations and are expected to reflect equivalent scholarship standards, even though they may be less intensive and not demand the originality of a Plan A thesis.
Some programs may not require a Plan A thesis or Plan B paper, but instead require a capstone report. Such reports may be found in this series.
Students requesting changes to thesis/dissertation:
Upon final deposit in the Institutional Repository (IR), a thesis/dissertation becomes part of the student’s official academic record. No changes may be made to the thesis or dissertation after it has been approved by the School of Graduate Studies.
A student may submit a request to include an addendum to the completed document. This requires the support of the thesis/dissertation chair and written approval from the Vice Provost for Graduate Studies. The author must submit a written request to the School of Graduate Studies including the proposed addendum and a letter of support from the dissertation chair. The School of Graduate Studies will forward the addendum and approval to the Library, and the addendum will be added to the record in the IR.
Students submitting a Plan B or other report:
Please go to All Graduate Reports and Creative Projects, Fall 2023 to Present and click on "Submit Research."
Suspense Radio Series, Gothic Literature, and the American Family, Kelly Kirkham
Calculating the Cohomology of a Lie Algebra Using Maple and the Serre Hochschild Spectral Sequence, Jacob Kullberg
The Immediate Influence of Whole Body Vibration on Proprioceptive Precision, Sean Madill
Design and Motion Media for Modern Theatre, Patrick W. Mathis
A Framework for Assessing Natural Lands and Finding Common Ground in the Bear River Range, Scott McComb
Motor Affordance for Grasping a Safety Handle, Doug W. McDannald
The Advanced Mesospheric Temperature Mapper: Remote Sensing of the Nighttime OH Layer During the DEEPWAVE Campaign, Pattilyn McLaughlin
A Return to the Cash Conversion Cycle and Corporate Returns, Madyson McPherson
Assessing Variation in Air Quality Perception: A Case Study in Utah, Karen Jayne Mendenhall
Validation of 16 Degree Arced Labyrinth Weir Coefficients, Megan Gordon Montgomery
The Successful Foreign Language Classroom: Affect, Empathy, and Engagement, Emily Mower
The Free Cash Flow and Corporate Returns, Sen Na
Thermal and Stress Analysis of NASA X-57 Maxwell Battery Pack, Bhumika Nautiyal
Teaching a Second Language: Communication, Culture, and Collaboration, DiannylÃn Núñez de Paulino
The Effect of Self-Selected Music on Back Squat Performance, Becka Owens
Breaking Traditions: Teaching EFL in the Dominican Republic, Farlin Paulino
An Examination of Entrainment in Typically Developing Children, Kiersten A. Pope
Synthetic, Julia L. Prince
Performance of the VIDYA Indicator Using Bootstrap, Lucas Priskos
Stories Behind the Berlin Wall: Lesson Modules, Nicholas Redmon
Opportunities and Challenges Involved with a Large-Scale Private Enterprise Focused on Improving Food Security in Semi-Arid Regions of Ethiopia, Anthony Richards
Design Survey of Laminated Composite I-Beam, Mrinmoy Saha
Constraints of Haunted Heritage Tourism in Logan, Utah, Kylie Schroeder
A Non-Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics Study of the Effects of Helium Bubbles on the Thermal Conductivity of ZrC, Tate Shorthill
Luminous, Antra Sinha
A Comparison of R, SAS, and Python Implementations of Random Forests, Breckell Soifua
Supporting English Language Learners Through Collaboration, Compassion, and Engagement, Lora Ann Stead
Lobbying Legislation and Cumulative Abnormal Returns, Brenan Stewart
Financial Outcomes from Selection of Insurance Intervals, Shana Anderson Stewart
Inter-Laminar Fracture of 3D-Printed Plastics - Development of Methods, Christopher Stolinski
A Qualitative Study on Perceptions of Parents and Their Young Adults with Disabilities Regarding Postsecondary Education, Kelli Summers
Dayananda Saraswati and the Colonial Machines: Vedic Reformation, European Science, and Modernity in Colonial India, David Tauber
A Review of Open Access to Evidence Based Medicine for Athletic Trainers, Emily F. Teson
A Systematic Review of Language Therapy in Pediatric Brain Tumor Survivors, Ari Watt
Anticipation of Subsequent Days, Christopher Watt
Determinants and Mechanisms of National Identity Shift in Tanzania, Alexander C. Wendt
Insider trading and the STOCK Act Amendment, Josh Wilson
Two Cases of Intellectual Continuity Between Mental Philosophy and Psychology: William James and Charles Grandison Finney, Zachary Zschaechner
The Effects of Economic Policy Uncertainty on Common Stock and American Depository Receipts, Bradley David Zynda II
New Perspectives for Teaching French in Iraq: Principles and Practices, Marwan Ahmed
I Heard But Didn't Hear Analyzing Women's Narrative Devices in Difficult Family Stories, Deanna Allred
Same Revolution, Different Outcome: Why Did the Syrian Regime Survive the Arab Spring?, Adam Alrowaiti
Analysis of Existing Soccer Conditioning Data, Conner Andrews
Community Supported Agriculture at Indian Creek Nature Center's Sugar Grove Farm: Sustainable Farming for Iowa, Erin Anzalone
Remembering as Resurrection: Transgenerational Trauma and Memory in J.K. Rowlings Harry Potter Series, Erika Beckstrand
Mountain Bike Use on the Tahoe Rim Trail: An Analysis of Management Practices in Restricted Use Areas, Christopher M. Binder
Statistical Methods for Assessing Individual Oocyte Viability Through Gene Expression Profiles, Michael O. Bishop
The Impact of the 2016 Election on the Financial Performance of Major Healthcare Companies, Joshua T. Blotter
Seasonal Resource Selection and Habitat Treatment Use by a Fringe Population of Greater Sage-Grouse, Rhett Boswell
Reliability of the Wingate Anaerobic Test with Ice Hockey Players on the Velotron Cycle Ergometer, Ryan F. Bringhurst, Dale R. Wagner, and Sarah Schwartz
An Examination of the Short Term Reversal Premium, Timothy Burgess
The Efficiency of Liquidity Resiliency, Nathan Burton
The Politics of Proselytizing: Europe After 1848 and the Development of Mormon Pre-Millennialism, Jacob G. Bury
Demand Side Management in Smart Grid using Big Data Analytics, Sidhant Chatterjee
Evaluating Decline: An Assessment of Variables Correlated with Shrinking Rural Communities, Aubrey Christensen
Inventory, Assessment and Preliminary Management Planning for Utah's Sovereign Land along the Bear River, Matthew Coombs
Combining Intake and IEP meetings: Evaluation of the Effects of Interagency Collaboration between Vocational Rehabilitation and Special Educators, Katrina Cummings
Financial Development and the Liquidity of Cross-Listed Stocks; The Case of ADR's, Jed DeCamp
Evaluation of Long-term Effects of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury on Visual Motor Control of NCAA Division I Football Athletes, Kathryn DeLost
Measuring the Adaptive Response to Drought, Kyle Eagar
Application: Solving for a Local Companys Optimal Storage Strategy, Dakota Ferrin
A Romantic Comedy of Boats and Gardens: Selected Projects in Scenic Design and Technical Direction, Trevor Flocco
Effectively Teaching a Second Language: Principles and Practices, Alexander Gatica
Experiences and Perceptions of Human Vulnerability to Climate Change in Calakmul, Mexico, Lisa Green
Analysis of Graduation, Dropout Rates and Trends for Students with Disabilities in Full-Time Online Schools, John Gutman
The Use of Metacognitive Verbs by a Student with ASD: Marking Perspective in Conversational Discourse During Narrative Intervention, Mary Ann Hammon Stenquist
Implementing the Heston Option Pricing Model in Object-Oriented Cython, Brandon Hardin
Business Development and Entrepreneurship on the Navajo Reservation, Sierra Hoffer
Healthcare Sector Stock Returns and the Election of Donald J. Trump, Cordell Hull
A Journey of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning, I-Chiao Hung
The Effects of Training on Parent Knowledge and Expectations of Student Postschool Outcomes, Robert Hunsaker
Dynamics of War: Culture, Society, Environment, and Pedagogy, Breanne Jacobsen
Nature & Nation: The Civilian Conservation Corps in Zion and Bryce Canyon National Parks, Valerie Jacobson
It's Good Business: Regulation Models in the 1911 Closure of Butte Montanas Red Light District, Anne Marie Johnson
Quantitative Easing: Money Supply and the Commodity Prices of Oil, Gold, and Wheat, Aaron Kasteler
The Historical and Familial Context of Benjamin Franklin Riter, 1859-1925, Ian Keller
Reliabilty Analysis Of Unbraced Top Chord Sections Of Open Web Steel Joists Used In Standing Seam Roof Systems, Colton Kilmer
Image Segmentation Using De-Textured Images, Yaswanth Kodavali
Effective Strategies for Foreign Language Teaching: A Focus on Russian, Marina Krutikova
Pitch Perception in Preschool-Age Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, Megan Lambert
Iteration, Nick Lammay
Aftermath of An Almost: Exploring the Dialectics of Voice, McKenzie Livingston
Debt/Equity Ratio and Asset Pricing Analysis, Nicholas Lyle
The Effect of Video Training to Improve the Accuracy of University Supervisors In-Class Observations, Julia Lyman
Prediction of Stress Increase in Unbonded Tendons using Sparse Principal Component Analysis, Eric Mckinney
Visualization and 3D printing of a 3D Solar Tracker Model using Mayavi and POV-Ray, Aditya Mehra
Increasing Commerce Competitiveness: Case Study on Solving Issues in the Fruit Supply Chain in the Dominican Republic, which Limit Exports, and Self-Reliance, Maria G. Mera Rivas
What Does It Take to Learn a Language? Strategies for Teaching ESL and Japanese, Andrew Mikesell
Gambling with Momentum: How Gambling Cultures Shape Financial Markets, Daniel Mosman
Efficient And Flexible Continuous Integration Infrastructure to Improve Software Development Process, Daehyeok Mun
Comparison of Land and Aquatic Loaded Countermovement Jump Landings in Female NCAA Division I Collegiate Athletes, Samantha L. Nielson