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Observation of Direct Instruction Teaching Behaviors: Determining a Representative Sample of Time for Supervision, N. E. Marchand-Martella, R. Martella, and Benjamin Lignugaris / Kraft; International Journal of Special Education
Reliability of Observations Done by Cooperating Teacher Supervisors in a Direct Instruction Practicum, N. Marchand-Martella and Benjamin Lignugaris / Kraft; Effective School Practices
Perception of Screening and Hiring Factors of the Employment Expectations Questionnaire, Michael J. Millington and C. Reid; Journal of Job Placement
Employment Expectations in Rehabilitation Counseling: Factors of Employment Selection, Michael J. Millington, C. Reid, and S. Leierer; Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin
Advancing Skills of Developmental Specialists, Robert L. Morgan; Advancing Skills of Developmental Specialists
Delivering Feedback on Teaching Performance to Improve Student Instruction: Looking for Methods in Hopes of Avoiding Madness, Robert L. Morgan; Effective School Practices
Training Program for Paraprofessionals is Used Nationwide, Robert L. Morgan; CPD News
Regulating the Use of Behavioral Procedures in Schools: A Five-Year Follow-Up Survey of State Department Standards, Robert L. Morgan, T. Loosli, and S. Striefel; Journal of Special Education
Supported Employment Specialists Assist in Developing a Staff Training Program, Robert L. Morgan and Tracy Woolstenhulme; Utah AAMR
A Voluntary Approach to Collaborative Teacher Preparation: A Dual Major Program at Utah State University, Charles L. Salzberg, Benjamin Lignugaris / Kraft, and J. Monson; Teacher Education in Transition: Collaborative Programs to Prepare General and Special Educators
Integrating Research on Effective Instruction With Instruction in the Natural Environment for Young Children With Disabilities, A. Santos and Benjamin Lignugaris / Kraft; Exceptionality
DSM-IV and Culturally Sensitive Diagnosis: Some Observations for Counselors, D. W. Smart and Julie F. Smart; Journal of Counseling and Development
Culturally Sensitive Informed Choice in RehabilitationCounseling, Julie F. Smart and D. W. Smart; Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling
Disability Issues in Translation/Interpretation, Julie F. Smart and D. W. Smart; American Translators Association Scholarly Monograph Series
Introduction, Julie F. Smart and D. W. Smart; Hatherleigh Guide to Vocational Career Counseling
The Racial/Ethnic Demography of Disability, Julie F. Smart and D. W. Smart; Journal of Rehabilitation
Vocational Evaluation of Hispanic Clients, Julie F. Smart and D. W. Smart; Vocational Assessment: Evaluation for People with Disabilities
Vocational Evaluation of Hispanic Clients with Disabilities, Julie F. Smart and D. W. Smart; Hatherleigh Guide to Vocational and Career Counseling
Professional Practice: Placement, R. Stensrud, Michael J. Millington, and D. Gilbride; Rehabilitation Counseling: Profession & Practice
A Comparison ofNoncontingent Reinforcement, Other Competing Stimulation, and Liquid Rescheduling for the Treatment of Rumination, D. A. Wilder, R. Draper, W. L. Williams, and Thomas S. Higbee; Behavioral Interventions
An Even Simpler Method of Toilet Training, D. A. Wilder, Thomas S. Higbee, W. L. Williams, and A. Nachtwey; 15th Annual Conference of the Northern California Association for Behavior Analysis, Oakland, CA
A SimplifiedMethod of Toilet Training Adults in Residential Settings, D. A. Wilder, Thomas S. Higbee, W. L. Williams, and A. Nachtwey; Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry
Inclusion and Community-Based Instruction, M. Agran, Kimberly H. Snow, and J. Swaner; Inclusion and Community-Based Instruction
Teaching Pairs of Preschoolers with Disabilities to Seek Adult Assistance in Response to Simulated Injuries: Acquisition and Promotion of Observational Learning, A. M. Christensen, Benjamin Lignugaris / Kraft, and B. Fiechtl; Education and Treatment of Children
Functional Analysis and Intervention in a Case of Rumination, R. Draper, D. A. Wilder, W. L. Williams, and Thomas S. Higbee; 22nd Annual Conference of the California Association for Behavior Analysis, San Francisco, CA
Functional Analysis and Intervention in a Case of Severe Aggression, C. A. Empey, D. A. Wilder, Thomas S. Higbee, W. L. Williams, and M. Bennett; 22nd Annual Conference of the California Association for Behavior Analysis, San Francisco, CA
School Reform: Gunnison Valley Elementary School and ASAP, G. H. Gilberts, Timothy A. Slocum, and E. Jensen; Theories and Practices in Supervision and Curriculum
Do Social Skills Programs Accommodate Cultural Diversity?: A Review of Secondary Curricula, Nancy K. Glomb; 74th Annual Conference of the Council for Exceptional Children
Dealing with Staff Tardiness: the Effects of Certain vs. Uncertain Consequences, Thomas S. Higbee, D. A. Wilder, and W. L. Williams; 22nd Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, San Francisco, CA
Transition: A Transition Guide for AOCAP Grantees, Judith Holt, K. Norris, and B. Reynolds; National Agent Orange Training and Technical Assistance Program
Rates and Patterns of Quiz Completion in a PSI Course in Introductory Psychology, H. I. Huang, Thomas S. Higbee, M. C. Clayton, and P. M. Ghezzi; 22nd Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, San Francisco, CA
Paraeducators: Where We Have Been and Where We Are Going, Marilyn Likins Ph.D. and R. Schelbe; Utah Special Educator
Employers and Job Development: The Business Perspective, Michael J. Millington, K. K. Asner, D. C. Linkowski, and J. Der-Stepanian; Work and Disability
A Socially Desirable Response to the Politically Incorrect Use of Disability Labels, Michael J. Millington and S. J. Leierer; Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin
A Preliminary Investigation of the Role of Differential Complexity and Response Style in Measuring Attitudes Towards People with Disabilities, Michael J. Millington, D. Strohmer, C. Reid, and D. Spengler; Rehabilitation Psychology
Enhancing Skills of Paraeducators: A Training Program Available to Utah School Districts, Robert L. Morgan; The Utah Special Educator
Enhancing Academic Achievement of At-Risk College Students, D. M. Sayrs, Thomas S. Higbee, C. A. Empey, S. W. Bijou, S. C. Hayes, and I. J. Hayes; 22nd Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, San Francisco, CA
Scholarship Reconsidered: A Direction for Rehabilitation, D. W. Smart and Julie F. Smart; Rehabilitation Education
College of Education Multicultural Curriculum Resource Directory, Julie F. Smart and J. Barta; College of Education Multicultural Curriculum Resource Directory
The Rehabilitation of Hispanics: Topics of Interest to Educators, Julie F. Smart and D. W. Smart; Rehabilitation Education
Vocational Evaluation/Assessment of Hispanics with Disabilities, Julie F. Smart and D. W. Smart; Hatherleigh Guide to Treating Substance Abuse, Part II
Using a Cumulative Programming Strategy for Initial Language Instruction: A Case Study, M. Tso and Benjamin Lignugaris / Kraft; Effective School Practices
Inclusion and Community-Based Instruction: Are They Conflicts or Compliments?, M. Agran and Kimberly H. Snow; Inclusion and Community-Based Instruction: Are They Conflicts or Compliments?
Cooperative Teaching: Rebuilding the Schoolhouse for all Students, by Jeanne Bauwensand Jack J. Hourcade, Nancy K. Glomb; Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultaton
Child with Disabilities= Family with Disabilities: Fact or Fiction?, Thomas S. Higbee, M. Shalala, and M. K. Godfrey; Statewide Pre-school and Early Intervention Conference. Salt Lake City, UT
Needs Sensing Activities Report, Judith Holt and D. Deere; Arkansas State Independent Living Council, AR Rehabilitation Services
AOCAP Service Coordination: Conceptual Framework, Outcomes and Policy Implications, Judith Holt, K. Norris, C. Liles, and M. Swanson; The Legacy of Vietnam Veterans And Their Families: Survivors Of War- Catalysts For Change
Employer Perspectives on Vocational Evaluation, Michael J. Millington; The Seventh National Forum on Issues in Vocational Assessment
A Contextual-Stage Model for Employment Selection, Michael J. Millington, E. M. Szymanski, and S. Johnston-Rodriguez; Journal of Job Placement
What Those Hiring New Teachers Consider in Initial Evaluation of Applicants for a Teaching Position, J. Monson, Benjamin Lignugaris / Kraft, D. A. Byrnes, and K. Johnson; Researcher
Distance Learners: Utah Paraeducators Participate in Two-Way InteractiveTraining, Robert L. Morgan; New Directions
Training for Supported Employment Specialists and Their Supervisors: Identifying Important Training Topics, Robert L. Morgan, N. Ames, R. Feng, and M. Taylor; Education and Training in Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities
"Tuesday Night Live:" Training Utah Paraeducators via Distance Education, Robert L. Morgan, Marilyn Likins Ph.D., and E. K. McConaughy; Utah Special Educator
How Does Utah's LRBI Policy Compare with State Department Behavioral Intervention Standards Across the United States?, Robert L. Morgan, T. Loosli, and Marilyn Likins Ph.D.; Utah Special Educator
SUPER Teachers: New Grant Award Targets Supervision Skills for Teachers, Robert L. Morgan and Charles L. Salzberg; CPD News
Transition from School to Employment: What Rehabilitation Professionals Consider Important for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities, Robert L. Morgan, Charles L. Salzberg, S. C. Moore, and C. A. McSweyn; Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling
Transfer Among Phonological Tasks in Kindergarten: Essential Instructional Content, R. E. O'Connor, J. R. Jenkins, and Timothy A. Slocum; Journal of Educational Psychology
Preparing Teachers to Work with Paraeducators: A Review of theLiterature, Charles L. Salzberg and J. Morgan; Teacher Education and Special Education
Review of Research and Theory on theRelation Between Oral Reading Rate and Reading Comprehension, Timothy A. Slocum, L. Street, and G. Gilberts; Journal of Behavioral Education
An Overview of a "Multicultural Issues in Rehabilitation" Course via Satellite, Julie F. Smart and G. M. Eldredge; Proceedings of the National Association of Multicultural Rehabilitation Concerns
Acculturative Stress of Hispanics: Loss and Challenge, Julie F. Smart and D. W. Smart; Journal of Counseling and Development
Acculturative Stress: The Experience of the HispanicImmigrant, Julie F. Smart and D. W. Smart; Counseling Psychologist
Issues in Vocational Evaluation of Hispanics with Disabilities, Julie F. Smart and D. W. Smart; Directions in Rehabilitation Counseling
Response to Leal-Idrogo's “Further Thoughts”, Julie F. Smart and D. W. Smart; Journal of Rehabilitation
The Use of Translators/Interpreters in Rehabilitation, Julie F. Smart and D. W. Smart; Journal of Rehabilitation
Representation of Individuals with Disabilities in Children's Literature: What is the Literature Telling Us?, Kimberly H. Snow; Representation of Individuals with Disabilities in Children's Literature: What is the Literature Telling Us?
The Paradoxical Nature of Disability Services: Illustrations from Supported Employment and Implications for Rehabilitation Counseling, E. M. Szymanski, S. Johnston-Rodriguez, Michael J. Millington, B. H. Rodriguez, and J. Lagergren; Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling
It's Dangerous Out There: Work, Home, and Community Safety Skills for Individual with Disabilities, M. Agran and Kimberly H. Snow; It's Dangerous Out There: Work, Home, and Community Safety Skills for Individual with Disabilities
ADA and the Goose that Lays Golden Eggs, C. Arokiasamy and Michael J. Millington; Rehabilitation Education
The Many Stakeholders in Return to Work, C. Arokiasamy and Michael J. Millington; NeuroRehabilitation
Strategies for Instruction in Natural Environments (SINE), Marlene Deer, C. Rowland, and S. Rule
A Distance Education Model for Rehabilitation Education, G. M. Eldredge, G. Gerard, and Julie F. Smart; Rehabilitation Administration
Families of Children with Mental Retardation, Thomas S. Higbee and M. K. Godfrey; Annual Regional Conference of the American Assocation on Mental Retardation. Snowbird, UT
SMH.PAL: An Expert System for Identifying Treatment Procedures for Students with Severe Disabilities, A. Hofmeister, R. B. Althouse, Marilyn Likins Ph.D., D. Morgan, W. R. Jenson, E. Rollins, and Joseph M. Ferrara; Exceptional Children
The Role of Peer Coaching in Teacher Education Programs, P. Hudson, S. Miller, Charles L. Salzberg, and Robert L. Morgan; Teacher Education and Special Education
A Review of Research on Picture Orientation Skills: Implications for Training Individuals with Mental Retardation, G. L. McCuller, Benjamin Lignugaris / Kraft, Charles L. Salzberg, M. S. Exum, and B. Phelps; Behaviorology
The Effect of the Label of Mental Retardation on Employer Concerns and Selection, Michael J. Millington, E. M. Szymanski, and C. Hanley-Maxwell; Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin
Enhancing Competencies of Supported Employment Specialists: Development of a Video-Assisted Training Program, Robert L. Morgan, R. Feng, and Charles L. Salzberg; Exceptional News
Effects of Peer Coaching on the Acquisition of Direct Instruction Skills with Low-Performing Preservice Teachers, Robert L. Morgan, R. Menlove, Charles L. Salzberg, and P. Hudson; Journal of Special Education
Reconceptualizing Support Systems for Persons with Challenging Behaviors, H. Parette, Judith Holt, and T. Smith; Psychological Reports
Bridging the Schism between Behavioral and Cognitive Analyses, Timothy A. Slocum and Earl C. Butterfield; The Behavior Analyst
Rehabilitation of Hispanics: Implications for Training and Education, Julie F. Smart and D. W. Smart; Rehabilitation Education
The Rehabilitation of Hispanics Experiencing AcculturativeStress: Implications for Practice, Julie F. Smart and D. W. Smart; Journal of Rehabilitation
The Shortage of Special Education Faculty: Toward a Better Understanding, D. D. Smith and Charles L. Salzberg; Teacher Education and Special Education
Monitoring Student Progress in General Education Classrooms, J. Brey and Nancy K. Glomb; Utah Special Educator
Integrating Precision Teaching and Direct Instruction, E. A. Desjardins and Timothy A. Slocum; Journal of Precision Teaching
Utah State University’s Videodisk Paraeducator Curriculum Project, G. W. Gassman, Robert L. Morgan, Charles L. Salzberg, and G. Gilberts; Utah Special Educator
Using Content Enhancements to Improve the Performance of Adolescents with Learning Disabilities in Content Classes, P. Hudson, Benjamin Lignugaris / Kraft, and T. L. Miller; Learning Disabilities Research and Practice
Evaluation of Preservice Teachers' Interactive Teaching Skills in a Direct Instruction Practicum Using Student Teachers as Supervisors, Benjamin Lignugaris / Kraft and N. Marchand-Martella; Teacher Education and Special Education
Video-Assisted Program for Paraeducators, Robert L. Morgan, G. W. Gassman, and Charles L. Salzberg; Exceptional News
“Whaddaya Mean It’s in my Job Description?” Identifying and Teaching Skills to Paraeducators, Robert L. Morgan, G. W. Gassman, Charles L. Salzberg, and J. Jardine; Utah Special Educator
Teaching Phonological Awareness to Young Children with Learning Disabilities, R. E. O'Connor, J. R. Jenkins, N. Leicester, and Timothy A. Slocum; Exceptional Children
Preparation of Early Intervention Personnel in a Rural State, S. Rule, Barbara J. Fiechtl, and L. Huntington; Rural Special Education Quarterly
Transfer Among Phonological Manipulation Skills, Timothy A. Slocum; Journal of Educational Psychology
Level of Acculturation of Mexican Americans with Disabilities andAcceptance of Disabilities, Julie F. Smart; Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin
Acculturation, Biculturalism, and the Rehabilitation of Mexican Americans, Julie F. Smart and D. W. Smart; Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling
The Rehabilitation of Hispanics with Disabilities:Sociocultural Constraints, Julie F. Smart and D. W. Smart; Rehabilitation Education
Vocational Evaluation of Hispanics with Disabilities: Issues and Implications, Julie F. Smart and D. W. Smart; Vocational Evaluation and Work Adjustment Bulletin
A Proposal for an Undergraduate General Education Course on Disability Issues, Julie F. Smart, D. W. Smart, and G. M. Eldredge; Rehabilitation Education
Enhancing Independence in Supported Employment: Natural Supports in Business and Industry, C. Hanley-Maxwell and Michael J. Millington; Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation