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Improving the Quality of Staff/Participant Interaction in an Acquired Brain Injury Organization, James L. Soldner, J. M. Guercio, M. R. Dixon, A. Gaston, S. Parker-Singler, and J. Dake; Improving the Quality of Staff/Participant Interaction in an Acquired Brain Injury Organization
The Effects of Extinction, Noncontingent Reinforcement, and Differential Reinforcementof Other Behavior as Control Procedures for Contingent Reinforcement, R. H. Thompson, B. A. Iwata, G. P. Hanley, C. L. Dozier, and A. Samaha; Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
Elements of Direct Instruction, C. Watkins and Timothy A. Slocum; Journal of Direct Instruction
Comparison of Two Approaches for Identifying Job Preferences among Persons with Disabilities Using Video CD-ROM, D. A. Ellerd, Robert L. Morgan, and Charles L. Salzberg; Education and Training in Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities
Practical Issues in School Mental Health: Referral Procedures, Negotiating Special Education, and Confidentiality, S. W. Evans, J. L. Sapia, J. L. Axelrod, and Nancy K. Glomb; Providing Mental Health Services to Youth Where They Are: School- and Community Based Approaches
A Qualitative Analysis of the Benefits and Limitations of Using Two-way Conferencing Technology to Supervise Preservice Teachers in Remote Locations, K. B. Falconer and Benjamin Lignugaris / Kraft; Teacher Education and Special Education
Paraprofessionals - An Invaluable and Indispensible Resource, D. E. Forbush and Robert L. Morgan; Utah Special Educator
Reinforcer Identification in Children with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, Thomas S. Higbee; 20th Annual Conference of the California Association for Behavior Analysis, San Francisco, CA
The Effects of InterpolatedReinforcement on Resistance to Extinction in Children Diagnosed with Autism: APreliminary Investigation, Thomas S. Higbee, J. E. Carr, and M. R. Patel; Research in Developmental Disabilities
Book Reviews: The University in Transformation: Global Perspectives on the Futures of the University AND Higher Education in Transition: The Challenges of the New Millennium, Benjamin Lignugaris / Kraft and D. H. Stenhoff; Teacher Education and Special Education
Effective Training for Paraprofessionals, Marilyn Likins Ph.D.; Impact
Paraprofessionals: Key Members of Instructional Teams, Marilyn Likins Ph.D.; Utah Special Educator
Human b Behavior Under Concurrent Schedules of Negative Reinforcement, G. J. Madden, C. Arnold, James L. Soldner, L. Klein, and A. Wegener; Human b Behavior Under Concurrent Schedules of Negative Reinforcement
Animal Preferences Between Equivalent Unit Prices, G. J. Madden and James L. Soldner; Animal Preferences Between Equivalent Unit Prices
Real Versus Hypothetical Rewards, G. J. Madden, A. Wegener, and James L. Soldner; Real Versus Hypothetical Rewards
What is Required of Us? Rethinking Ethical Conduct in the Practice and Profession of Vocational Rehabilitation, D. J. Miller and Michael J. Millington; Rehabilitation Services: An Introduction for the Human Services Professional
The Effects of Text Structure Discrimination Training on the Writing Performance of Students with Learning Disabilities, T. Miller and Benjamin Lignugaris / Kraft; Journal of Behavioral Education
For Some Youth In Transition, Job Placement Is Spelled “YES!”, Robert L. Morgan, D. A. Ellerd, and B. Morgan; Utah Special Educator
Opinions of Disability Service Directors on Faculty Training: The Need, Content, Issues, Formats, Media and Activities, Charles L. Salzberg, L. Peterson, C. Debrand, Rebecca J. Blair, Anna C. Carsey, and Alexis S. Johnson; Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability
Tutoring for Students with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Effects of Reading Performance at Home and School, A. Samaha; Behavioral Parenting Abstracts
ClinicalSupervision in Public Rehabilitation Counseling Settings, Jared C. Schultz, J. N. Ososkie, J. H. Fried, R. E. Nelson, and A. N. Bardos; Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin
From the Editor, Timothy A. Slocum; Journal of Direct Instruction
Pigeon Preferences Between Equivalent Unit Prices: Predictions of the Microeconomic Theory of Unit Price, James L. Soldner and G. J. Madden; Pigeon Preferences Between Equivalent Unit Prices: Predictions of the Microeconomic Theory of Unit Price
The Situational Influences of Liking and Attraction in a Classroom Setting, James L. Soldner and C. R. Raschick; The Situational Influences of Liking and Attraction in a Classroom Setting
Interdisciplinary and Interagency Collaboration in Personnel Preparation, V. Stayton, Barbara J. Fiechtl, S. Rule, D. Raschke, and C. Kliewer; DEC Personnel Preparation in Early Childhood Special Education: Implementing the DEC Recommended Practices
Delay Discounting of Real and Hypothetical Rewards: New Data and Lingering Concerns, A. Wegener, B. Raiff, James L. Soldner, and G. J. Madden; Delay Discounting of Real and Hypothetical Rewards: New Data and Lingering Concerns
Special Education Teacher Attrition: How Many AreLeaving? Where Are They Going?, D. Anderson, R. Menlove, and Charles L. Salzberg; Researcher
Core Curriculum, A. Cox, P. Lalinde, Judith Holt, L. Steffian, and D. T. Helm; Core Curriculum Interdisciplinary Training Guide
Current Research in the Assessment and Treatment of Problem Behaviors, Thomas S. Higbee; 19th Annual Conference of the California Association for Behavior Analysis, Redondo Beach, CA
Practice into Research: Hearing Concerns for Adults with Developmental Disabilities, Judith Holt, K. Curtis, J. Young, and J. Morgan; CPD News
Participatory Action Research Model Proves Effective in Interdisciplinary Training, Judith Holt, J. Morgan, R. Roberts, and D. Judd; CPD News
The Association Between a Home Reading Program and Young Children’s Early Reading Skill, Benjamin Lignugaris / Kraft, P. Findlay, J. Major, G. Gilberts, and A. Hofmeister; Journal of Direct Instruction
Writing Better Goals and Short-Term Objectives or Benchmarks, Benjamin Lignugaris / Kraft, N. Marchand-Martella, and R. Marchand-Martella; Teaching Exceptional Children
IDEA Partnerships: Paraprofessional Initiative, Marilyn Likins Ph.D.
Project FORUM--NASDE, Marilyn Likins Ph.D.; QTA – A Brief Analysis of a Critical Issue in Special Education
Education Level and Successful Outcome in Rehabilitation Counseling, A. Lott, A. Guarino, and Michael J. Millington; Rehabilitation Psychology
When to Praise: A Lesson Taught by Tara and Anthony, Robert L. Morgan; ParaGraph
Utah State University Undergraduate Program in Special Education, J. Pemberton, Benjamin Lignugaris / Kraft, and Charles L. Salzberg; Distance Education Applications in Special Education
Rural Rehabilitation: A Modern Perspective, Jared C. Schultz; Rehabilitation Education
Introducing the Journal of Direct, Timothy A. Slocum and Nancy Merchand-Martella; Journal of Direct Instruction
Disability, Society, and the Individual, Julie F. Smart; Disability, Society, and the Individual
The Role of Women in Rehabilitation Education, Julie F. Smart; Rehabilitation Education
Pigeon Preferences Between Equivalent Unit Prices: Predictions of the Microeconomic Theory of Unit Price, James L. Soldner and G. J. Madden; Pigeon Preferences Between Equivalent Unit Prices: Predictions of the Microeconomic Theory of Unit Price
Evaluation of a Brief Multiple-StimulusPreference Assessment in a Naturalistic Context, J. E. Carr, A. C. Nicholson, and Thomas S. Higbee; Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
Further Evaluation of the Multiple-Stimulus Preference Assessment, Thomas S. Higbee, J. E. Carr, and C. D. Harrison; Research in Developmental Disabilities
An Examination of the "Interpolation-of-reinforcement" Effect in Young Children with Autism, Thomas S. Higbee, J. E. Carr, and M. R. Patel; Annual Meeting of the California Association for Behavior Analysis, San Francisco, CA
Continuous Reinforcement Following Periods of Intermittent Reinforcement Decreases Resistance to Extinction, Thomas S. Higbee, J. E. Carr, and M. R. Patel; Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis
Helping Youth Succeed: Strengthening Family Ties, T. R. Lee and Tami W. Pyfer; Helping Youth Succeed: Strengthening Family Ties
Validity and the Employment Expectation Questionnaire-Beta Version: Do Attitudes Mediate Outcomes?, Michael J. Millington, S. Leierer, and M. Abadie; Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin
Tinker, Tailor, Seller, Sailor: Assisting Youth to Select Preferred Job Placements Using Video and CD ROM, Robert L. Morgan, D. A. Ellerd, and B. P. Gerity; Utah Special Educator
That’s the Job I Want! How Technology Helps Young People in Transition, Robert L. Morgan, D. A. Ellerd, B. P. Gerity, and R. J. Blair; Teaching Exceptional Children
A Survey of Community Employment Placements: Where are Youth and Adults with Disabilities Working?, Robert L. Morgan, D. A. Ellerd, and K. Jensen; Career Development for Exceptional Individuals
Using Video and CD-ROM Technology in a Job Preference Inventory for Youth with Severe Disabilities, Robert L. Morgan, B. P. Gerity, and D. A. Ellerd; Journal of Special Education Technology
Accommodating Students with Disabilities in Higher Education, L. D. Peterson and Charles L. Salzberg; CPD News
The ASD Project: Accommodating Students with Disabilities Higher Education, Charles L. Salzberg, L. D. Peterson, and C. Debrand; CPD News
Get 'Em on Task--A Computer Signaling Program to Teach Attending and Self-Management Skills, R. B. Althouse, W. R. Jenson, Marilyn Likins Ph.D., and D. M. Morgan; Get 'Em on Task--A Computer Signaling Program to Teach Attending and Self-Management Skills
The Role of Work in Life Care Planning, T. Blackwell, Michael J. Millington, and D. Gugliemo; Work
The Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation Announces the Development of a Consumer-Driven Job Preference Program Using a Motion Video, CD ROM System, D. Ellerd and Robert L. Morgan; CPD News
Collaborative Teaching Series, by Kathleen C. Harris and Marcia Smith, Nancy K. Glomb; Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultaton
Instructor's Resources: Educating Exceptional Children (Ninth Edition), Nancy K. Glomb; Instructor's Resources: Educating Exceptional Children
Incorporating New Technology and Techniques in theTreatment of Young Children with Autism, Thomas S. Higbee; Autism: Behavior-Analytic Perspectives
Further Evaluation of the Multiple Stimulus Preference Assessment, Thomas S. Higbee, J. E. Carr, and C. D. Harrison; Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Chicago, IL
Further Evaluation of the Multiple Stimulus Preference Assessment, Thomas S. Higbee, J. E. Carr, and C. D. Harrison; Annual Meeting of the California Association for Behavior Analysis, San Francisco, CA
The Effects of Pictorial VersusTangible Stimuli in Stimulus Preference Assessments, Thomas S. Higbee, J. E. Carr, and C. D. Harrison; Research in Developmental Disabilities
Functional Assessment and Intervention Program (FAIP), W. R. Jenson, Marilyn Likins Ph.D., R. B. Althouse, D. M. Morgan, and H. K. Reavis; Functional Assessment and Intervention Program (FAIP)
Supervision of Paraeducators: Is This Really in My Job Description?, Marilyn Likins Ph.D. and Robert L. Morgan; Utah Special Educator
Helping Youth Succeed, Tami W. Pyfer, T. R. Lee, and Glen O. Jenson; Helping Youth Succeed
Update on H.I.V. Infection: Biomedical, Psychosocial, and Disability Management Issues, C. Reid, S. Leierer, and Michael J. Millington; Work
Tips on Planning Center Time Activities for Preschool Classrooms, R. Santos, Benjamin Lignugaris / Kraft, and J. Akers; Young Exceptional Children
The Effects of Direct Questions on Preschool Children’s Responses to Indirect Requests, R. M. Santos and Benjamin Lignugaris / Kraft; Journal of Behavioral Education
The Changing Role of Employment Support Staff, Jared C. Schultz; Rehab Network
An Integrative Model for Supervision in Rehabilitation, Jared C. Schultz, B. A. Copple, and J. N. Ososkie; Rehabilitation Education
Utilizing Brief Therapy Principles in Rehabilitation Counseling, Jared C. Schultz and J. N. Ososkie; Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling
The Importance of Student Participation in Direct Instruction Research, Timothy A. Slocum and Benjamin Lignugaris / Kraft; Effective School Practices
Book Review of Parker and Szymanski's Rehabilitation Counseling: Basics and Beyond, Julie F. Smart; Rehabilitation Education
Editorial Introduction and Overview: Distance Education in Graduate Rehabilitation Programs, Julie F. Smart; Rehabilitation Education
Issues in Rehabilitation Distance Education, Julie F. Smart; Rehabilitation Education
Work Safety Skills: A Neglected CurricularArea, M. Agran, J. Swaner, and Kimberly H. Snow; CDEI
Current Behavioral Assessment and Intervention Research at University of Nevada-Reno, J. E. Carr, M. R. Patel, D. A. Wilder, Thomas S. Higbee, C. L. Dozier, C. Kim, B. Gaunt, and C. D. Harrison; 11th Annual Convention of the Behavior Analysis Society of Illinois, Springfield, IL
Opening Doors: Enabling Students with Severe Disabilities to Identify Career Preferences, D. A. Ellerd and Robert L. Morgan; Utah Special Educator
Behavior Measurement in Home-Based Early Intervention: More is not Always Better, P. M. Ghezzi and Thomas S. Higbee; 24th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Orlando, FL
Promoting Collaboration in a Rural Middle School through an IHE/SchoolPartnership, Nancy K. Glomb and K. Swenson; Monograph: IDEA '97: Strengthening Personnel Development in Your State
Difficulties in the Functional Assessment and Treatment of Stripping in an Adult Male with Profound Mental Retardation and Blindness, Thomas S. Higbee, J. E. Carr, and C. B. Harrison; 16th Annual Convention of the Northern California Association for Behavior Analysis, Oakland, CA
The Effects of Pictorial Versus Tangible Stimuli in Stimulus Preference Assessments, Thomas S. Higbee, J. E. Carr, and C. B. Harrison; 16th Annual Convention of the Northern California Association for Behavior Analysis, Oakland, CA
The Effects of Pictorial Versus Tangible Stimuli in Stimulus Preference Assessments, Thomas S. Higbee, J. E. Carr, and C. B. Harrison; 24th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Orlando, FL
Towards Establishing Criteria for Evaluating Stimulus Preference Assessments, Thomas S. Higbee, J. E. Carr, and C. D. Harrison; 18th Annual Meeting of the Florida Association for Behavior Analysis, Daytona Beach, FL
Reinforcer Identification in Infants, Thomas S. Higbee and M. Pelaez-Nogueras; Behavioral Development
Assessing and Classifying Studentswith Behavioral Disorders: Some Tips for Improving Practice, Marilyn Likins Ph.D. and D. M. Morgan; Utah Special Educator
The Constructs and Practices of Job Placement, Michael J. Millington, R. Butterworth, S. Fesko, and H. McCarthy; Rehabilitation Counseling: Basics and Beyond
Employment Expectation Profiles as a Differential Measure of Employment-Relevant Attitudes Towards People with Disabilities, Michael J. Millington, D. Rosenthal, and A. Lott; Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling
Planning Strategy in Disability Management, Michael J. Millington and D. R. Strauser; Work
Support for Instructors and Learners in Education via Distance Technologies, S. Rule, J. Pemberton, Julie F. Smart, and C. Rowland; Monograph of CSPD Conference in Leadership and Change
Employment Expectations as a Differential Indicator of Attitudes Toward People with Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus, P. D. Rumrill, Michael J. Millington, J. M. Webb, and B. G. Cook; Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation
Multicultural Rehabilitation Education: Issues of Implementation, Julie F. Smart; Rehabilitation Education
Teaching Writing in Graduate Rehabilitation Programs, Julie F. Smart; Rehabilitation Education
Classroom Management and Instruction Competencies for Preparing Elementary and Special Education Teachers, F. H. Gilberts and Benjamin Lignugaris / Kraft; Teaching and Teacher Education
Keeping Everyone on the Same Page: Using Common Case Studies Across Programs, Nancy K. Glomb; Conference of the Council for Exceptional Children
Difficulties in the Functional Assessment and Treatment of Stripping in an Adult Male with Profound Mental Retardation and Blindness, Thomas S. Higbee, D. A. Wilder, W. L. William, and R. Draper; 23rd Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Chicago, IL
If It Takes Two to Tango, Then Why Not Teach Both Partners to Dance? Collaboration Instruction for All Educators, P. J. Hudson and Nancy K. Glomb; Journal of Learning Disabilities
Integrating Effective Teaching Literature with Literature on Instruction in the Natural Environment, Benjamin Lignugaris / Kraft and A. Santos; Exceptionality