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IRIS Expert Training, D. Peterson, T. Pyfer, Kimberly H. Snow, and C. Salzberg; IRIS Expert Training

Rehabilitation Administration Literature: 30+ Years of Role and Function, T. F. Riggar, W. Crimando, P. N. Dunlap, and James L. Soldner; Monograph of the National Clearinghouse of Rehabilitation Training Materials

Increasing math rigor by implementing the concrete-representational-abstract approach, S. Robertson and Jessica H. Hunt; Florida Council of Teachers of Mathematics (FCTM)


Bully Prevention in Positive Behavior Support, Scott W. Ross, R. H. Horner, and B. Stiller; Bully Prevention in Positive Behavior Support


PEERs on Campus: What Works After 18, S. Rule, Robert L. Morgan, Charles L. Salzberg, E. Horrocks, and C. Bartlett; Utah Special Educator

An Examination of Factors Contributing to Public Rehabilitation Counselors’ Involvement in Job Placement and Development Activities, Jared C. Schultz; Journal of Rehabilitation

The Tripartite Model of Supervision for Rehabilitation Counselors, Jared C. Schultz; Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling

Advancing the Profession's Identity: Turning Vision into Reality: 8th Annual National Rehabilitation Educators Conference, Jared C. Schultz, L. Holloway, and C. Wagner-Williams; Rehabilitation Education

The National Clearinghouse of Rehabilitation Training Materials: Resources and Partnerships in Rehabilitation Training, Jared C. Schultz and Michael J. Millington; Journal of Rehabilitation Administration

Addressing CORE Standards in Rehabilitation Research Instruction, Jared C. Schultz and M. O'Brien; Rehabilitation Education

Implications for Leader‐ Member Exchange (LMX) in Multicultural Rehabilitation Organizations, James L. Small, D. Patel, and P. N. Dunlap; Implications for Leader‐ Member Exchange (LMX) in Multicultural Rehabilitation Organizations

Disability, Society, and the Individual, Julie F. Smart; Disability, Society, and the Individual


The Effects of Choice on Assignment Completion and Percent Correct by a High School Student with a Learning Disability, D. Stenhoff, B. J. Davey, and Benjamin Lignugaris / Kraft; Education and Treatment of Children

Using Noncontingent Reinforcement (NCR) to Decrease Inappropriate Classroom Behavior in Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, R. D. Waller and Thomas S. Higbee; 26th Annual Western Regional Conference on Behavior Analsysis of the California Association for Behavior Analysis


Noncontingent Reinforcement as Treatment forTub-Standing in a Toddler, R. D. Ward and Thomas S. Higbee; Education and Treatment of Children


Identification of Olfactory Stimuli as Reinforcers in Individuals with Autism: APreliminary Investigation, D. A. Wilder, J. Schadler, Thomas S. Higbee, L. K. Haymes, V. Bajagic, and M. Register; Behavioral Interventions



Online Mathematics Methods Course Evaluation: Student Outcomes, Generalization and Pupil Performance, M. Alexander, Benjamin Lignugaris / Kraft, and D. Forbush; Teacher Education and Special Education

Accommodations for Licensure and Certification Examinations, M. E. Blair and Charles L. Salzberg; Journal of Disability Policy Studies

Assessment and Treatment of Chronic Rumination and Vomiting, Sarah E. Bloom and B. A. Iwata; Assessment and Treatment of Chronic Rumination and Vomiting

Evaluation of Trial-Based Approach to Functional Analysis, Sarah E. Bloom, B. A. Iwata, J. N. Fritz, E. M. Roscoe, and A. Carreau; Evaluation of a Trial-Based Approach to Functional Analysis

Evaluating Features of Behavioral Treatments in the Nonhuman Animal Laboratory, J. C. Borrero, T. R. Vollmer, A. Samaha, K. Sloman, and M. Francisco; Behavior Analyst Today

Antecedent Versus Consequent Events as Predictors of Problem Behavior, E. M. Camp, B. A. Iwata, J. L. Hammond, and Sarah E. Bloom; Antecedent Versus Consequent Events as Predictors of Problem Behavior

The Built-Environment, Evacuations, and Individualswith Disabilities: A Guiding Framework for Disaster Preparation and Emergency Response, K. M. Christensen, M. R. Blair, and Judith Holt; Journal of Disability Policy

The Relationship Between theDesign of the Built Environment and the Ability to Egress of Individuals with Disabilities, K. M. Christensen, S. D. Collins, Judith Holt, and C. N. Phillips; Review of Disability Studies


Contriving motivating operations to evoke mands for information in preschoolers with autism, K. Endicott and Thomas S. Higbee; Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders

The Changing Face of Rural in the Nine Nations of North America, M. S. Fishbaugh, T. R. Berkley, B. Collins, K. Miller, J. Sebastian, J. Zacharakis, J. Canty, Nancy K. Glomb, and D. Forbush; Conference of the American Council on Rural Special Education (ACRES)

Empirical Identification of Precursors to Problem Behavior, J. N. Fritz, B. A. Iwata, Sarah E. Bloom, J. L. Hammond, and C. M. Dempsey; Empirical Identification of Precursors to Problem Behavior

Empirical Identification of Precursors to Problem Behavior, J. N. Fritz, B. A. Iwata, Sarah E. Bloom, J. L. Hammond, and C. M. Dempsey; Empirical Identification of Precursors to Problem Behavior

Behavioral Intervention Strategies for Students with Autism, Thomas S. Higbee; Utah Council for Children with Behavior Disorders Conference

Building School District Capacity for the Provision of Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention for Student with Autism, Thomas S. Higbee; 25th Annual Western Regional Conference on Behavior Analysis of the California Association for Behavior Analysis. San Francisco, CA

Current Behavioral Research and Practice in Autism, Thomas S. Higbee; 33rd Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis. San Diego, CA

Current Behavioral Research on Assessment and Treatment in Autism, Thomas S. Higbee; 25th Annual Western Regional Conference on Behavior Analysis of the California Association for Behavior Analysis. San Francisco, CA

Using Noncontingent Reinforcement to Decrease in Appropriate Classroom Behavior of Adolescents with Emotional/Behavioral Disorders, Thomas S. Higbee; Nevada Association for Behavior Analysis Conference. Reno NV


Facilitating Consumer Partnerships in State Policy and Program Design, Judith Holt, Darrell L. Jones, Richard E. Petty, Suzanne Crisp, Helen Roth, and Sara Galantowicz

An Evaluation of a Stimulus Preference Assessment of Auditory Stimuli for Adolescents with Developmental Disabilities, E. Horrocks and Thomas S. Higbee; 33rd Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis. San Diego, CA


The Relation Between Task Demands and Student Behavior Problems During Reading Instruction: A Case Study, M. Jones, Benjamin Lignugaris / Kraft, and S. M. Petersen; Preventing School Failure

Outcome Discrepancies in Rehabilitation Counseling, S. M. LeBlanc and Julie F. Smart; Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling


Exploring the Roles of the Paraeducator in Instruction, Robert L. Morgan; Paraeducators in Schools: Strengthening the Educational Team


Self-Determined Employment Preference for Youth in Transition from School to Work in Rural Areas, Robert L. Morgan and R. B. Morgan; Rural Special Education Quarterly


Recruiting New Teachers: A Project to Promote Teaching Careers, Robert L. Morgan, Darcie L. Peterson, and E. Horrocks; Utah Special Educator

A Component Analysis of a Multi-component Treatment Package for Food Selectivity, B. Penrod, M. D. Wallace, m. McClannahan, B. M. Holland, K. A. Reagon, A. M. Betz, and Thomas S. Higbee; 33rd Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis. San Diego, CA

Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Student Teaching Handbook, Darcie L. Peterson; Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Student Teaching Handbook


Using Video InstructionProcedures with and without Embedded Text to Teach Object Labeling to Preschoolerswith Autism: A Preliminary Investigation, K. A. Reagon, Thomas S. Higbee, and K. Endicott; Journal of Special Education Technology

Using Script Fading Procedures to Teach Preschoolers with Autism to Initiate Play in a Free Operant Setting, K. A. Reagon, Thomas S. Higbee, and T. D. Spencer; 33rd Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis. San Diego, CA

Teacher Outcomes of School-Wide Positive BehaviorSupport, Scott W. Ross and R. H. Horner; Teaching Exceptional Children Plus

IRIS 101: Enhancing Online Module Use to Improve Pre-Service Preparation Outcomes, C. Salzburg, Kimberly H. Snow, T. Pyfer, and D. Peterson; IRIS 101: Enhancing Online Module Use to Improve Pre-Service Preparation Outcomes

Addressing National Concerns through Supervision: The Role of theRehabilitation Agency Supervisor, Jared C. Schultz; Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling

Establishing Rehabilitation ResearchPriorities for the National Council on Rehabilitation Education, Jared C. Schultz, L. C. Koch, and L. G. Kontosh; Rehabilitation Education

A Microeconomic Model of the Personnel Shortage in Rehabilitation, Jared C. Schultz and Michael J. Millington; Rehabilitation Education

The Promise of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), Julie F. Smart; The Psychological and Social Impact of Illness and Disability

Models of Disability: Implications for the Counseling Profession, Julie F. Smart and D. W. Smart; The Psychological and Social Impact of Illness and Disability

Course Idea Exchange-Instructional Strategies for Introductory Special Education Courses, Kimberly H. Snow, T. Pyfer, and D. Peterson; Course Idea Exchange-Instructional Strategies for Introductory Special Education Courses


A Review of the Effects of Peer Tutoring on Students with Mild Disabilities in Secondary Settings, D. Stenhoff and Benjamin Lignugaris / Kraft; Exceptional Children



Video-Case Instruction for Teachers of Students with Problem Behaviors in General and Special Education Classrooms, D. Anderson and Benjamin Lignugaris / Kraft; Journal of Special Education Technology

Teaching Cooperative Play to Students with Autism Using a Joint Activity Schedule, A. Betz, K. A. Reagon, and Thomas S. Higbee; 24th Annual Western Regional Conference on Behavior Analysis of the California Association for Behavior Analysis. San Francisco, CA

Teaching Preschool-aged Children with Autism to Engage in Peer Play Using Group Photographic Activity Schedules and Script Fading Procedures, A. Betz, K. A. Reagon, and Thomas S. Higbee; 32nd Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis. Atlanta, GA

Proyecto Prevencion and Utah Latinos with Disabilities, M. E. Blair, J. C. Vazquez, and Judith Holt

Evaluation of Trial-Based Approach to Functional Analysis, Sarah E. Bloom, B. A. Iwata, J. N. Fritz, E. M. Roscoe, and A. Carreau; Evaluation of a Trial-Based Approach to Functional Analysis


Correspondence between Video CD-ROM and Community-Based Job Preferences for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities, D. A. Ellerd, Robert L. Morgan, and Charles L. Salzberg; Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities

Contriving Motivating Operations to Teach Children with Autism to Mand for Information, K. Endicott and Thomas S. Higbee; 24th Annual Western Regional Conference on Behavior Analysis of the California Association for Behavior Analysis. San Francisco, CA

Teaching Children with Autism to Mand for Information by Contriving Motivating operations, K. Endicott and Thomas S. Higbee; 32nd Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis. Atlanta, GA


Project IMPACT*NET: A Distance Inservice Model to Increase Classroom Skills of Paraeducators and Their Supervising Teachers, D. E. Forbush and Robert L. Morgan; Online Instruction for Distance Education Delivery: Preparing Special Educators in and for Rural Areas


The Learning Leaders Mentoring Program for Children With ADHD and Learning Disabilities, Nancy K. Glomb, L. D. Buckley, E. D. Minscoff, and S. Y. Pender; Preventing School Failure

NCLB, Contingencies, and Utah’s Alternate Assessment, K. D. Hager, Timothy A. Slocum, and R. Detrich; Journal of Evidence Based Practices for Schools

Building School District Capacity for the Provision of Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention for Students with Autism, Thomas S. Higbee; 24th Annual Western Regional Conference on Behavior Analysis of the California Association for Behavior Analysis. San Francisco, CA

Current Research Focusing on Children Diagnosed with ADHD, Thomas S. Higbee; 32nd Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis. Atlanta, GA

Current Research Focusing on Children Diagnosed with ADHD, Thomas S. Higbee; 24th Annual Western Regional Conference on Behavior Analysis of the California Association for Behavior Analysis. San Francisco, CA

Building School District Capacity for Educating Children with Autism, Thomas S. Higbee, K. A. Reagon, and D. Griffin; Annual Conference of the Council for Exceptional Children. Salt Lake City, UT

Work Ability and PAR: A Guide for Implementing Full Participation in Complex Systems Change Initiatives, Judith Holt, C. Chambless, and H. Christensen; Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation

Employment Personal Assistance Services (EPAS): An Innovative Medicaid Work Incentive, Judith Holt, C. Chambless, and M. Hammond; Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation


Analysis and Interpretation of Findings Using Multiple Regression Techniques, W. T. Hoyt, S. Leierer, and Michael J. Millington; Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin

Dancing triangles and their areas, Jessica H. Hunt; Online Journal for School Mathematics (ON-MATH)

RehabilitationResearch in the 21st Century: Concerns and Potential Solutions, L. C. Koch, Jared C. Schultz, L. G. Kontosh, and L. M. Conyers; Rehabilitation Education


Promoting Positive Behavior: What Works and What Doesn’t, Marilyn Likins Ph.D. and D. Andrews; Paraeducators in Schools: Strengthening the Educational Team

USU’s Alternative Teacher Preparation Programs--One Answer to Utah’s Teacher Shortage, Marilyn Likins Ph.D. and Cindy Myers; Utah Special Educator

Teaching Functional Behavior Assessment Skills to Undergraduate Preservice Teachers, Robert L. Morgan; Utah Special Educator


I Can Search for Jobs on the Internet! A Web Site That Helps Youth in Transition Identify Preferred Employment, Robert L. Morgan, R. B. Morgan, D. Despain, and E. Vasquez; Teaching Exceptional Children


Teaching Functionally Equivalent Replacement Behaviors to Students with Problem Behavior: What? How? Why?, Robert L. Morgan and E. Vasquez; The Utah Special Educator

Podcasting: Using the Technology of the Millennial Student, D. Peterson and Kimberly H. Snow; Podcasting: Using the Technology of the Millennial Student

Parents' Use of Script Fading Procedures to Teach Conversation to Children with Autism, K. A. Reagon and Thomas S. Higbee; 32nd Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis. Atlanta, GA

Training Parents to Use Scripts and Script Fading Procedures: Teaching Children with Autism to Engage in Conversational Language in the Home, K. A. Reagon and Thomas S. Higbee; Annual Western Regional Conference on Behavior Analysis of the California Association for Behavior Analysis. San Francisco, CA


Teaching Pretend Play Skills toa Student with Autism Using Video Modeling with a Sibling as Model and Play Partner, K. A. Reagon, Thomas S. Higbee, and K. Endicott; Education and Treatment of Children

Technology-MediatedConsultation to Assist Rural Students: A Case Study, S. Rule, Charles L. Salzberg, Thomas S. Higbee, R. Menlove, and J. Smith; Rural Special Education Quarterly

Implementing Clinical Supervision in Rehabilitation Agencies, Jared C. Schultz; Directions in Rehabilitation Counseling

Challenging the Biomedical Model of Disability, Julie F. Smart; Advances in Medical Psychotherapy and Psychodiagnosis

Mexican American Culture and Disability, Julie F. Smart; Encyclopedia of Special Education

Models of Disability: Implications for the CounselingProfession, Julie F. Smart and D. W. Smart; Journal of Counseling and Development

Some Implications of Complex Contingencies for Applied Behavior Analysis, T. A. Vollmer and A. Samaha; European Journal of Behavior Analysis


Classroom-BasedFunctional Analysis and Intervention for Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disorders, G. L. Wright-Gallo, Thomas S. Higbee, K. A. Reagon, and B. J. Davey; Education and Treatment of Children


Assessment of Preference for Olfactory Stimuli in Individuals with Prader-Wili Syndrome, Sarah E. Bloom, B. A. Iwata, E. M. Camp, and N. U. Rolider; Assessment of Preference for Olfactory Stimuli in Individuals with Prader-Wili Syndrome

Assessment of Preference for Olfactory Stimuli in Individuals with Prader-Wili Syndrome, Sarah E. Bloom, B. A. Iwata, E. M. Camp, and N. U. Rolider; Assessment of Preference for Olfactory Stimuli in Individuals with Prader-Wili Syndrome

Scientifically Based Research and Students with Severe Disabilities: Where Do Educators Find Evidence-Based Practices?, S. Collins and Charles L. Salzberg; Rural Special Education Quarterly


A Practical Approach to Functional Behavioral Assessment in a Public (State Supported) School: Successes and Limitations, B. J. Davey and Benjamin Lignugaris / Kraft; Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties

What Works for Teachers: Contemporary Approaches to Data Collection, B. Davey and Robert L. Morgan; Utah Special Educator

A Validated Curriculum to Provide Training to Faculty RegardingStudents with Disabilities in Higher Education, C. C. Debrand and Charles L. Salzberg; Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability

Impulsivity,Self‐Control,andDelayDiscountinginPersonswithAcquiredBrainInjury, M. R. Dixon, E. Jacobs, S. Sanders, J. M. Guercio, James L. Soldner, S. Parker-Singler, A. Robinson, S. Small, and J. Dillen; Behavioral Interventions

EnhancingStaffPerformanceMeasuresinanAcquiredBrainInjurySetting:CombatingtheHabituationtoOrganizationalBehaviorInterventions, J. M. Guercio, M. R. Dixon, James L. Soldner, Z. Shoemaker, K. Zlomke, S. Root, and S. Small; Behavioral Interventions

Using Alternate Assessment to Improve Educational Outcomes, K. D. Hager and Timothy A. Slocum; Rural Special Education Quarterly


Effects of a Dependent Group Contingency on the Verbal Interactions of Middle School Students with Emotional Disturbance, S. Hansen and Benjamin Lignugaris / Kraft; Journal of Behavioral Disorders


Non-Contingent Access toPreferred Sensory Stimuli as a Treatment for Automatically Reinforced Stereotypy, Thomas S. Higbee, S. Chang, and K. Endicott; Behavioral Interventions