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School to Work: How Personnel in Two Systems Help Youth in Transition, S. Pi and Trenton J. Landon; 6th Annual VR Summit Conference
MCTI – Plainwell Career Readiness Center Satisfaction Survey Report (FY 2013), S. Pi, J. Park, and Trenton J. Landon; Project Excellence
Promising Employment Focused Transition Practices, S. Pi, C. Wright, M. Alsamana, and Trenton J. Landon; Michigan Re:Con Conference
An Evaluation of an E-Learning Training Course to Train Instructors to Implement Discrete-trial Teaching, J. S. Pollard, Thomas S. Higbee, J. Akers, and M. T. Brodhead; 39th Annual Conference of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, Minneapolis, MN
Electronic Mentoring of Novice Teachers in Special Education, S. Powel and Jessica H. Hunt; Council for Exceptional Children- Teacher Education Division
Using math stations for common sense inclusiveness, J. A. Andreasen and Jessica H. Hunt; Teaching Children Mathematics
The Use of Activity Schedules to Promote Social and On-task Behavior During a Game of Hide and Seek, M. T. Brodhead, Thomas S. Higbee, and J. S. Pollard; 30th Annual Western Regional Conference of the California Association for Behavior Analysis, Garden Grove, CA
The Use of Activity Schedules to Promote Social and On-task Behavior in Children with Autism During a Game of Hide-and-Seek, M. T. Brodhead, Thomas S. Higbee, and J. S. Pollard; 38th Annual Conference of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, Seattle, WA
Design experiments in special education tiered research, B. Bryant, D. P. Bryant, and Jessica H. Hunt; Council for Learning Disabilities
The Effects of Video Modeling on Staff Implementation of the Picture Exchange Communication System Phase 1 in a Group Home for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities, S. D. Collins, Charles L. Salzberg, Thomas S. Higbee, J. A. Hermansen, R. K. Knighton, and T. J. White; 38th Annual Conference of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, Seattle, WA
Using Video Models to Train Direct Support Staff Working with Adults with Intellectual Disabilities to Implement Phase 2 of the Picture Exchange Communication System, S. D. Collins, Charles L. Salzberg, Thomas S. Higbee, and J. L. Hunter; 38th Annual Conference of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, Seattle, WA
Remote student teacher observation at University of Kentucky, Karen D. Hager, Constance M. Baird, and Amy D. Spiggs; Rural Special Education Quarterly
Current Directions in Functional Behavior Assessment and Intervention, Thomas S. Higbee; Annual Norwegian Association for Behavior Analysis Conference, Storefjell, Norway
Innovations in Teaching Social Behavior to Children with Autism, Thomas S. Higbee; 38th Annual Conference of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, Seattle, WA
Issues and Considerations in Staff Training of Autism Interventions, Thomas S. Higbee; 30th Annual Western Regional Conference of the California Association for Behavior Analysis, Garden Grove, CA
Planejamento e implementação de componentes essências para o tratamento de pessoas com autismo. (Planning and Implementation of Essential Treatment Components for Individuals with Autism), Thomas S. Higbee; Brazilian 1st National Autism Conference, Recife, Brazil
Promoting Independence in Young Children with Autism and Related Disorders Using Photographic Activity Schedules, Thomas S. Higbee; Annual Norwegian Association for Behavior Analysis Conference, Storefjell, Norway
Reinforcer Identification for Individuals with Autism and Related Disorders, Thomas S. Higbee; Escola Sao Paulo de Ciencia Avancada: Autismo (Sao Paulo School for Advanced Science: Autism) Conference. Sao Carlos, SP, Brazil
Strategies for Promoting Response Variability in the Verbal Behavior of Young Children with Autism, Thomas S. Higbee; Annual Norwegian Association for Behavior Analysis Conference, Storefjell, Norway
Strategies for Promoting Response Variability in the Verbal Behavior of Young Children with Autism, Thomas S. Higbee; Annual Conference of the Nevada Association for Behavior Analysis, Reno, NV
Strategies for Promoting Spontaneous Language in Children with Autism and Related Disorders, Thomas S. Higbee; Escola Sao Paulo de Ciencia Avancada: Autismo (Sao Paulo School for Advanced Science: Autism) Conference. Sao Carlos, SP, Brazil
Teaching Social Behavior to Children with Autism, Thomas S. Higbee; 30th Annual Western Regional Conference of the California Association for Behavior Analysis, Garden Grove, CA
Using Photographic Activity Schedules to Promote Independence in Children with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, Thomas S. Higbee; Escola Sao Paulo de Ciencia Avancada: Autismo (Sao Paulo School for Advanced Science: Autism) Conference. Sao Carlos, SP, Brazil
Fraction Instruction: Content and Instructional Considerations for Diverse Learners, Jessica H. Hunt; Effective Practices Conference, Utah State University
Multiplicative thinking and strategy usage after tier two intervention: A student with mathematics learning disability, Jessica H. Hunt; North American Chapter of the International Society for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
Multiplicative Thinking and Strategy Usage After Tier Two Intervention: A Student with Mathematics Learning Disability, Jessica H. Hunt; Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
Teacher-infused supports in Tier 3 Mathematics Lessons: Implications for Change in Teacher Preparation, Jessica H. Hunt; Council for Exceptional Children- Teacher Education Division
Effects of a Plyometric Training Program for 3 Children With Neurofibromatosis Type 1, Barbara A. Johnson, Charles L. Salzberg, and David A. Stevenson; Pediatric Physical Therapy
Reinforcer Variation: A Narrative Review, A. A. Keyl-Austin and Thomas S. Higbee; Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention
Evaluating the Effects of Reinforcer Choice and Reinforcer Variation on Response Rates of Children with Autism, A. A. Keyl-Austin, Thomas S. Higbee, M. A. Boyle, and M. T. Brodhead; 30th Annual Western Regional Conference of the California Association for Behavior Analysis, Garden Grove, CA
Somewhere on the Long and Winding Road: The Transition Specialist Master’s Program at Utah State University, Scott Kupferman, Tim Riesen, and Robert L. Morgan; The Utah Special Educator
Assessment of Job Preferences of Young Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: Are Preferences Consistent Over Time?, Robert L. Morgan and Katherine A. Crowell; Vocational Evaluation and Work Adjustment
FAQ: Postsecondary Education Options for Young Adults with Significant Disabilities, Robert L. Morgan, S. Kupferman, and J. Sheen; The Essential Educator
Towards a Multi-Modal, Ecological Approach to Increase Employment for Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Robert L. Morgan and Jared C. Schultz; Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling
Rehabilitation Professionals’ Perspectives on Transition Services and Collaboration, Kathleen Marie Oertle, John S. Trach, and Anthony J. Plotner; National Council on Rehabilitation Education (NCRE) conference
Comparing Results of Systematic Reviews: Parallel Reviews of Research on Repeated Reading, Breda V. O'Keeffe, Timothy A. Slocum, Cheryl Burlingame, Katie Snyder, and Kaitlin Bundock; Education and Treatment of Children
Supervisor Self-Efficacy and the Supervisory Working Alliance, B. Phillips, Jared C. Schultz, and V. A. Thielsen; Journal of Rehabilitation Administration
Script Fading to Promote Unscripted Bids for Joint Attention in Children with Autsim, Joy S. Pollard, A. M. Betz, and Thomas S. Higbee; Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
Teacher Well-Being and the Implementation of School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports, Scott W. Ross, Natalie Romer, and Robert H. Horner; Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions
Getting More From Social Skills, Christian Sabey and Scott W. Ross; The Utah Special Educator
Assessing the Effects of Extinction and Antecedent Interventions on Mand Variability in Preschool Children with Autism, Tyra P. Sellers, Thomas S. Higbee, and K. N. Kelley; 38th Annual Conference of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, Seattle, WA
The Application of Script Fading and Extinction Procedures to Increase Response Variability and Novel Mand Frames in Young Children with Autism, Tyra P. Sellers, Thomas S. Higbee, K. Snyder, and K. N. Kelley; 30th Annual Western Regional Conference of the California Association for Behavior Analysis, Garden Grove, CA
Evaluating the Validity of Systematic Reviews to Identify Empirically Supported Treatments, Timothy A. Slocum, Ronnie Detrich, and Trina D. Spencer; Education and Treatment of Children
Best Available Evidence: Three Complementary Approaches, Timothy A. Slocum, Trina D. Spencer, and Ronnie Detrich; Education and Treatment of Children
Preliminary Investigation of a Video-Based Stimulus Preference Assessment, Katie Snyder, Thomas S. Higbee, and Elizabeth Dayton; Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
Evidence-based Practice: A Framework for Making Effective Decisions, Tina D. Spencer, Ronnie Detrich, and Timothy A. Slocum; Education and Treatment of Children
Using Transfer of Stimulus Control Technology to Promote Generalization and Spontaneity of Language, Trina D. Spencer and Thomas S. Higbee; Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities
Designing Effective Instructional and Behavior Supports for Students with Autism, Monica Kathleen Strickland-Cohen and Sarah E. Pinkelman; Northwest Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports conference
The Evaluation of Synchronous Online Tutoring for Students At-Risk of reading Failure, E. Vasquez and Timothy A. Slocum; Exceptional Children
Creating inclusive environments through accessible curriculum: Universal design for learning, J. A. Andreasen and Jessica H. Hunt; National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
Spanish Phonological Awareness: Dimensionality and Sequence of Development During the Preschool and Kindergarten Years, Jason L. Anthony, Jeffrey M. Williams, Lillian K. Durán, Sandra Laing Gillam, Lan Liang, Rachel Aghara, Paul R. Swank, Mike A. Assel, and Susan H. Landry; Journal of Educational Psychology
A Training Program to Facilitate Caregiver Involvement in School Meetings, Heather Barahona, Shahla Ala'i-Rosales, Sarah E. Pinkelman, S. Driver, and J. Rosales-Ruiz; Association for Behavior Analysis Annual Convention
AnEvaluationofStudent‐OrientedOrganizationalCitizenshipBehaviorinAcademia, M. Barrows, James L. Soldner, and C. Leblanc; AnEvaluationofStudent‐OrientedOrganizationalCitizenshipBehaviorinAcademia
Applications of Trial-Based Functional Analysis, Sarah E. Bloom; Applications of Trial-Based Functional Analysis
Classroom Application of a Trial-Based Functional Analysis, Sarah E. Bloom, Brian A. Iwata, Jennifer N. Fritz, Eileen M. Roscoe, and Abbey B. Carreau; Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
PromotingMulticulturalCompetenciesinEarlyCareerRehabilitationCounselorSupervisors, Q. Boston, S. Vaughn, S. Pitt, James L. Soldner, T. Turner-Whittaker, and S. Robertson; AustralianJournalofRehabilitationCounselling
The Use of Activity Schedules to Promote Social and On-task Behavior During a Game of Hide-and-Seek, M. T. Brodhead, Thomas S. Higbee, J. S. Pollard, and D. Harzheim; Annual Conference of the Nevada Association for Behavior Analysis, Reno, NV
Minimizing the weaknesses and maximizing the strengths of students with disabilities through reasoning and sense-making, L. A. Dieker, P. Maccini, T. Strickland, and Jessica H. Hunt; Making mathematical reasoning and sense making a reality for all
Effects of Varied Levels of Treatment Integrity on Appropriate Toy Manipulation in Children with Autism, Nicole C. Groskreutz, Mark P. Groskreutz, and Thomas S. Higbee; Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders
Avaliação de Preferência (Preference assessment), Thomas S. Higbee; Annual Conference of the Associação Brasileira de Psicologia e Medicina Comportamental (Brazilian Association of Psychology and Behavioral Medicine), Salvador, Brazil.
Educational Strategies for Children, Thomas S. Higbee; 29th Annual Western Regional Conference of the California Association for Behavior Analysis, Burlingame, CA
Estratégias para a promoção da variabilidade no comportamento verbal de crianças com autism (Strategies for promoting variability in the verbal behavior of children with autism), Thomas S. Higbee; Annual Conference of the Associação Brasileira de Psicologia e Medicina Comportamental (Brazilian Association of Psychology and Behavioral Medicine), Salvador, Brazil.
Preference Assessment Research and Applications, Thomas S. Higbee; 37th Annual Conference of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, Denver, CO
Recent Research in Functional Analysis Methodology, Thomas S. Higbee; 29th Annual Western Regional Conference of the California Association for Behavior Analysis, Burlingame, CA
Increasing Response Variability of Mand Frames with Script Training and Extinction Procedures, Thomas S. Higbee, A. M. Betz, K. N. Kelley, Tyra P. Sellers, and J. S. Pollard; Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
Response competition and stimulus preference in the treatment of automatically reinforced behavior: A comparison, Thomas S. Higbee, Mark P. Groskreutz, and Nicole C. Groskreutz; Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
Verbal Behavior and Communication Training, Thomas S. Higbee and Tyra P. Sellers; International Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders
Effects of In-Service Teacher Training on Correct Implementation of Assessment and Instructional Procedures for Teachers of Students with Profound Multiple Disabilities, Erin Horrocks and Robert L. Morgan; Teacher Education and Special Education
Beyond accommodations: Common sense differentiation and universal design for learning, Jessica H. Hunt; National Council of Teacher of Mathematics (NCTM)
Exploring the effects of ratio based fraction intervention on middle school children identified as having a mathematics learning disability, Jessica H. Hunt; Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
Mathematics knowledge for teaching and mathematics learning disability: Essential content knowledge for special educators, Jessica H. Hunt; Council for Exceptional Education
Teaching fraction equivalency through ratio interpretations: Performance of students with mathematics learning disabilities, Jessica H. Hunt; North American Chapter of the International Society for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
Teaching fraction equivalency through ratios and performance of students with MLD, Jessica H. Hunt; Council for Learning Disabilities
Beyond accommodations: Universal design for learning in mathematics, Jessica H. Hunt and J. A. Anderson; Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School
Classifying three dimensional shapes and making connections, Jessica H. Hunt and E. S. Haciomeroglu; Dimensions
Extending volume, Jessica H. Hunt and E. S. Haciomeroglu; Dimensions
Theoretical factors affecting parental roles in children’s mathematical learning in American and Chinese born mothers, Jessica H. Hunt and B. Hu; The School Community Journal
Teaching ABA in a Non‐ABA Program: Professional Development Series Event, C. E. Jansz, James L. Soldner, C. A. Young, and C. Hoffner-Barthold; Teaching ABA in a Non‐ABA Program: Professional Development Series Event
A Systematic Review: Plyometric Training Programs for Young Children, Barbara A. Johnson, Charles L. Salzberg, and David A. Stevenson; Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Comparison of Video and Teacher Instruction on Tact Acquisition in Early Learners with Autism, K. Kelley, Thomas S. Higbee, and J. S. Pollard; 37th Annual Conference of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, Denver, CO
Comparison of Interactive Video and in Vivo Teacher Instruction on Acquisition and Generalization of Expressive Object Labeling in New Learners with Autism, K. N. Kelley, Thomas S. Higbee, and J. S. Pollard; 29th Annual Western Regional Conference of the California Association for Behavior Analysis, Burlingame, CA
Virtual Tutor Training: Learning to Teach in a Multi-User Virtual Environment, L. L. Mason, T. K. Jeon, P. Blair, and Nancy K. Glomb; International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations (IJGCMS)
Reviving Vocational Evaluation: Teaching, Practice, and Research, M. J. Millington, A. Perkins, and James L. Soldner; Reviving Vocational Evaluation: Teaching, Practice, and Research
Measures of low incidence, preservice teacher instructional performance, R. L. Morgan and Karen D. Hager; 34th Annual TED Conference
Job Matching Assessment: Inter-Rater Reliability of an Instrument Assessing Employment Characteristics of Young Adults with Intellectual Disabilities, Robert L. Morgan; Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation
Correspondence Between Video-Based Preference Assessment and Subsequent Community Job Performance, Robert L. Morgan and E. L. Horrocks; Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities
Targeted Transition Assessment Leading to Job Placement for Young Adults with Disabilities in Rural Areas, Robert L. Morgan and Kristi P. Openshaw; Rural Special Education Quarterly
Placement of Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder into Employment, Robert L. Morgan, Jared C. Schultz, and Joel Johnson; The Utah Special Educator
Transition to Adulthood: Bringing Special Education and Vocational Rehabilitation Together to Assist Youth with Disabilities, Robert L. Morgan, Jared C. Schultz, and Tracy Woolstenhulme; The Utah Special Educator
Collaboration for Successful Transition Outcomes, Kathleen Marie Oertle, John S. Trach, and Anthony J. Plotner; National Council on Rehabilitation Education (NCRE) conference
Transition Collaboration Expectations and Rehabilitation Professionals’ Participation, Kathleen Marie Oertle, John S. Trach, and Anthony J. Plotner; National Council on Rehabilitation Education (NCRE) conference
The Effects of a Fluency Training Package on Paraprofessionals’ Presentation of a Reading Intervention, Breda V. O'Keeffe, Timothy A. Slocum, and Renee Magnusson; Journal of Special Education
Vocational Rehabilitation Participation and Involvement in Transition Services, Anthony J. Plotner, Kathleen Marie Oertle, and John S. Trach; National Council on Rehabilitation Education (NCRE) conference
An Evaluation of Interactive Video and in Vivo Teacher Instruction on Expressive Object Labeling in Children with Autism, J. S. Pollard, Thomas S. Higbee, and K. Kelley; 37th Annual Conference of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, Denver, CO
A Comparison of Interactive Video and in Vivo Teacher Instruction on Acquisition and Generalization of Expressive Object Labeling in Children with Autism, J. S. Pollard, Thomas S. Higbee, and K. N. Kelley; 29th Annual Western Regional Conference of the California Association for Behavior Analysis, Burlingame, CA
Comparison of Video Instruction and in Vivo Teacher Instruction on Acquisition of Expressive object Labeling in Children with Autism, J. S. Pollard, K. N. Kelley, and Thomas S. Higbee; Annual Conference of the Nevada Association for Behavior Analysis, Reno, NV
Construction and Validation of a Supervisor Principle Ethics Scale, Jared C. Schultz; Australian Journal of Rehabilitation Counseling
Wesley Becker: A founding father, Timothy A. Slocum and Nancy Marchand-Martella; Journal of Direct Instruction
Contributions of Applied Behavior Analysis to Evidence‐Based Rehabilitation Practice, James L. Small and Jared C. Schultz; Contributions of Applied Behavior Analysis to Evidence‐Based Rehabilitation Practice
Evaluation of a Video-based Preference Assessment for Preschoolers with Autism, K. Snyder, Thomas S. Higbee, and E. Dayton; 29th Annual Western Regional Conference of the California Association for Behavior Analysis, Burlingame, CA