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Practices of Preservice Teachers Related to Gifted and Other Academically Diverse Learners, C. A. Tomlinson, E. M. Tomchin, C. M. Callahan, C. M. Adams, P. Pizzat-Tinnin, C. M. Cunningham, B. Moore, L. Lutz, C. Roberson, N. Eiss, M. Landrum, Scott L. Hunsaker, and M. Imbeau; Essential Readings in Gifted Education: Differentiation for Gifted Education

Practicing What We Preach: Learner-Centered Teaching Strategies in College Classrooms, J. H. White, M. B. Allen, and Kathleen A. J. Mohr

Barriers or Frontiers: A Bi-national Investigation of Spanish-speaking Immigrant Students’ School Experiences, R. W. Wilhelm, G. Contreras, and Kathleen A. J. Mohr

Aca y Alla: Una Investigacion binacional de los desafios educativos pare el nino mexicano migrante, R. W. Wilhelm, Kathleen A. J. Mohr, p. J. Robles-Goodwin, L. Sanudo, C. Martin, and V. Ponce

Teaching to the Potential: An Investigation of Teacher Practice to Engage Latino Learners, W. R. Wilhelm, Kathleen A. J. Mohr, P. J. Robles-Goodwin, D. French, and K. Norris

‘The person no one understood’: Addressing homosexuality in the classroom., Amy Wilson-Lopez; Utah English Journal


Windows to the world, Amy Wilson-Lopez; Voices from the Middle


Using disciplinary literacies to enhance adolescents’ engineering design activity, Amy Wilson-Lopez, Emma Smith, and Daniel L. Householder; Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy


Developing and Validating the Classroom Literacy Environmental Profile (CLEP): A Tool for Examining the “Print Richness” of Early Childhood and Elementary Classrooms., M. E. Wolfersberger, D. Ray Reutzel, R. Sudweeks, and P. C. Fawson; Journal of Literacy Research


What Does Inclusion Look Like in Secondary Schools?, Nicole Block; What Does Inclusion Look Like in Secondary Schools?

Investigations in Algebra with Virtual Manipulatives, Johnna J. Bolyard and Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham; ON-Math, Online Journal of School Mathematics


Sustained Silent Reading: Exploring the Value of Literature Discussion with Three Non-Engaged Readers, G. Bryan, C. Fawson, and D. Ray Reutzel; Reading Research and Instruction

Combating Discrimination and Bias in the College Classroom, Deborah A. Byrnes; Utah State University Graduate Teaching Assistants Workshop

Docudramas, human rights, and civic engagement, Deborah A. Byrnes; R. Freeman Butts Institute on Civic Learning in Teacher Education

Grading with backbone and heart, Deborah A. Byrnes; International Social Studies Forum

Review of The Moral Dimensions of Teaching: Language, Power, and Culture in Classroom Interaction, Deborah A. Byrnes; Childhood Education

Using Electronic Technology to Deliver an Instructional Leadership Ed.D, Deborah A. Byrnes; American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Annual Meeting

Using film to engage students in discourse on human rights, Deborah A. Byrnes; National Council of Social Studies


Evaluating the use of group interviews to select students into teacher-education programs, Deborah A. Byrnes, G Kiger, and Z Shechtman; Journal of Teacher Education

FISH! Philosophy, Marilyn M. Cuch; Support Service Staff Organization


Implementing Developmentally Appropriate Practices in a Developmentally Inappropriate Climate: Assessment Practices in Kindergarten, Martha Taylor Dever, R. Falconer, and Cami Kessnick; Dimensions of Early Childhood


Building the University/Public School Partnership: A Workshop for Mentor Teachers, Martha T. Dever, Karen D. Hager, and Keith Klein; The Teacher Educator


When good intentions are not enough: A response to increasing diversity in an early childhood setting, R Falconer and Deborah A. Byrnes; Journal of Research in Childhood Education

Plans for NAGC Conference in Salt Lake City Begin, Scott L. Hunsaker; Promise and Progress


Evaluation of a statewide science inservice and outreach program: Teacher and student outcomes, Kimberly H. Lott; Journal of Science Education and Technology

Partners in Distance Learning: College English for High School Seniors, L. Meeks, A. Blackstock, and Virginia N. Exton; Partners in Distance Learning: College English for High School Seniors


Children’s choices; A comparison of book preferences between Hispanic and non-Hispanic first graders, Kathleen A. J. Mohr; Reading Psychology

Guided Writing for English Language Learners—A Demonstration, Kathleen A. J. Mohr

Guided Writing for English Language Learners—A Demonstration, Kathleen A. J. Mohr

Guided Writing for English Language Learners—A Demonstration, Kathleen A. J. Mohr

Guided Writing for English Language Learners—A Demonstration, Kathleen A. J. Mohr

Guided Writing with English Language Learners, Kathleen A. J. Mohr

“It Gets Messy!”: Doing Research in Public Schools, Kathleen A. J. Mohr

“I want this book!”: First graders’ preferences for expository text., Kathleen A. J. Mohr; The College Reading Association Yearbook

Text Selection Processes of First Graders; Do Variations Exist?, Kathleen A. J. Mohr

Feeling prepared: Preservice and inservice teachers’ perceptions of readiness to teach language arts., Kathleen A. J. Mohr, G. W. Hess, B. Xheng, and R. Morrow; Teacher Education and Practice

Sharing the challenge: Using threaded discussion groups to build teacher resiliency, Kathleen A. J. Mohr, C. Wickstrom, D. Bernshausen, L. Patterson, and J. Mathis; International Electronic Journal for Leadership in Learning


Classify and Capture: Using Venn Diagrams and Tangrams to Develop Abilities in Mathematical Reasoning and Proof, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham and Johnna J. Bolyard; Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School

Young children’s use of virtual manipulatives to explore patterns, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham and D. Niezgoda; Proceedings of the 6th International Conference Technology in Mathematics Teaching

Visual Adaptations for a Communication Survey, Nicole Pyle, A. Rossitto, and M. Reiss Franklin; Visual adaptations for a communication survey

Can K-3 Reading Reform Make a Difference? Examining the Utah Reading Excellence Act, D. Ray Reutzel

Developing And Validating The Classroom Literacy Environmental Profile (CLEP): A Tool For Examining The "Print Richness" Of Elementary Classrooms, D. Ray Reutzel

Fluency: What is it? How to assess it? How to develop it!, D. Ray Reutzel

Impacting Politics, Policies and Legislation: Inactive Idlers, Reactive Regretters, or Proactive Professionals?, D. Ray Reutzel

Knowing is growing: Helping young children gain content knowledge through the application of multiple reading comprehension strategies, D. Ray Reutzel

Organizing Effective Literacy Instruction: Grouping Strategies and Instructional Routines, D. Ray Reutzel; Best Practices for Literacy Instruction, 2nd Edition

Puerto Rico's Early Reading First Project: Early Lessons Learned, D. Ray Reutzel

Teaching reading comprehension strategies using information texts: A comparison of the effects of explicit single strategy and multiple transactional strategy instruction on young children’s content knowledge acquisition, reading engagement, and reading development, D. Ray Reutzel

The Reading Teacher: A Writer’s Peer Conference, D. Ray Reutzel

The Reading Teacher: A Writer’s Peer Conference, D. Ray Reutzel

The Reading Teacher: Reviewing Manuscripts, D. Ray Reutzel

The Reading Teacher: Reviewing Manuscripts, D. Ray Reutzel

Writing for The Reading Teacher, D. Ray Reutzel

You've Got To Read This Book! Recommendations For Our Recreational Reading, D. Ray Reutzel

Strategies for Reading Assessment and Instruction: Helping Every Child Succeed, Second Edition, D. Ray Reutzel and R. B. Cooter

Changing the Face of Reading Instruction: Recommendations of Six National Reading Reports, D. Ray Reutzel and P. C. Fawson; Reading Horizons


Reading Environmental Print: The Role of Concepts of Print in Discriminating Young Readers’ Responses, D. Ray Reutzel, J. R. young, P. C. Fawson, T. G. Morrison, and B. Wilcox; Reading Psychology


Junior Architects: Designing Your Dream Clubhouse Using Measurement and Geometry, Jennifer Suh, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, and Donna R. Sterling; Teaching Children Mathematics

Voy a leer: Strategies for English language learners, Amy Wilson-Lopez; Utah English Journal



Muhr and Mawhajib: Islamic Women's Use of Gifts in Community Problem-Solving, F. Al-Lawati and Scott L. Hunsaker; Roeper Review

Station Teaching, Nicole Block; Station Teaching

Grading Practices for Teacher Educators, Deborah A. Byrnes; Annual Association of Teacher Educators Meeting

Road scholars: Using student travel as a resource, Deborah A. Byrnes; Social Studies and the Young Learner

Corn: The "Amaizing" Thematic Unit, Marilyn M. Cuch


Using Family LiteracyBbags to Enhance Parental Involvement, Martha Taylor Dever and D. C. Burts; Dimensions of Early Childhood


An Evaluation of Family Literacy Bags as a Vehicle for Parent Involvement, Martha Taylor Dever and Diane C. Burts; Early Child Development and Care

Off the Grid: Serving the Needs of Non-Tradtional ESL Students, Virginia N. Exton; Off the Grid: Serving the Needs of Non-Traditional ESL Students

Balanced Literacy: A school-University Partnership to Improve Young Readers’ Achievement and Engagement, P. C. Fawson and D. Ray Reutzel; Journal of Balanced Reading Instruction: Special Issue

Moon books, K. Hannaway and Kathleen A. J. Mohr; The Mailbox Bookbag

Success stories, K. Hannaway and Kathleen A. J. Mohr; The Mailbox Bookbag

Opportunities and Challenges for the Gifted Reader: The World-Class Reader Model, Scott L. Hunsaker; Gifted and Talented

Opportunities at Parting, Scott L. Hunsaker; Promise and Progress

Integrated Elementary Education Internship at Auburn University, M. Kamen and Kimberly H. Lott; Annual International Conference of the Association for the Education of Teachers in Science (AETS)

Evaluation of a Statewide Science Inservice and Outreach Program, Kimberly H. Lott; Annual International Conference of the National Association of Research in Science Teaching (NARST)

Web-based learning: Telecollaboration models to enhance mathematics instruction, M. C. Lynch, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, D. Frye, and J. M. Suh; Proceedings of the International Conference on the Humanistic Renaissance in Mathematics Education

Building Blocks for Accelerating English Language Learners, Kathleen A. J. Mohr

Exploring English: Vocabulary Instruction Can Make a Meaningful Difference, Kathleen A. J. Mohr

“I Want This Book!”: First Graders’ Rationales for Preferring Expository Texts, Kathleen A. J. Mohr


Planning for productive college-level work: Using the Course Assignment Framework, Kathleen A. J. Mohr; The Community College Journal of Research and Practice

Spanish Speakers Becoming English Writers, Kathleen A. J. Mohr

The Gift of Literacy: Accelerating ESL Students’ Progres, Kathleen A. J. Mohr

Using Guided Writing as a Summer School Intervention to Accelerate Literacy Among English Language Learners, Kathleen A. J. Mohr

Growing up books, Kathleen A. J. Mohr and K. Hannaway; The Mailbox Bookbag

Meet the author: Julius Lester, Kathleen A. J. Mohr and K. Hannaway; The Mailbox Bookbag


Exploring Representation in the Middle Grades: Investigations in Geometry with Virtual Manipulatives, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham and J. J. Bolyard; The Australian Mathematics Teacher

Virtual Manipulatives...Continuing the Discussion, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, J. J. Bolyard, and M. A. Spikell; Teaching Children Mathematics


What are Virtual Manipulatives?, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, Johnna J. Bolyard, and Mark A. Spikell; Teaching Children Mathematics


Learning to Question: Categories of Questioning Used by Preservice Teachers During Diagnostic Mathematics Interviews, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham and Elizabeth Milewicz; Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education


Learning to Question: Categories of Questioning Used by Preservice Teachers During Diagnostic Mathematics Interviews, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham and Elizabeth Milewicz; Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education

Is Goldilocks Smarter Than the Average Bear: What Children Do When Independently Selecting Books?, D. Ray Reutzel

Many Faces of “Official” Literacy Discourse and Who is Officiating? The Role of Media, Government Agencies, Legislators, and Literacy Professionals, D. Ray Reutzel

On balanced reading (reprint), D. Ray Reutzel; Journal of Balanced Reading Instruction: Special Issue

Overcoming comprehension challenges: Assisting struggling students to eliminate comprehension difficulties, D. Ray Reutzel

Personal Critiques: Coaching Prospective Writers, D. Ray Reutzel

Personal Critiques: Coaching Prospective Writers, D. Ray Reutzel

Reading environmental print: Discriminating young reader’s responses, D. Ray Reutzel

Setting a Clear Course for Action in Early Literacy Instruction, D. Ray Reutzel

Setting a clear course for action: Successful readers and effective instructional programs., D. Ray Reutzel

What the research says about reading instruction: Negotiating a state-wide change in reading instruction, D. Ray Reutzel

Hitting the Wall: Helping Struggling Readers Comprehend, D. Ray Reutzel, K. Camperell, and J. A. Smith; Improving Reading Comprehension: Rethinking research, theory, and classroom practice