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The IRIS Center: Efficacy of Online Interactive Modules for Pre-Service Training of Teachers, D. D. Smith, S. R. Robb, Nicole Block, and L. Mayne; The IRIS Center: Efficacy of Online Interactive Modules for Pre-Service Training of Teachers

The application of dual coding theory in multi-representational virtual mathematics environments, J. M. Suh and Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham; Proceedings of the 31st annual conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME)


Developing Students' Representational Fluency Using Virtual and Physical Algebra Balances, Jennifer Suth and Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham; Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching

A teacher researcher's look at the transferability of reading strategies to content area reading classes, Amy Wilson-Lopez; Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy

Bridging literacies: Connecting the word and the image, Amy Wilson-Lopez; Annual meeting of the Georgia Council of Teachers of English

Case study of a middle school reader attending a separate reading class, Amy Wilson-Lopez; Annual meeting of the College Reading Association

Case study of a middle school reader attending a separate reading class, Amy Wilson-Lopez; Annual convention of the International Reading Association

Email as multimodal space, Amy Wilson-Lopez; Annual meeting of the National Reading Conference

Grass dancing, identity, and literacy: A case study of one Navajo and Paiute middle school student, Amy Wilson-Lopez; Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English Annual Mid-winter Research Conference

Intersecting masculinities and literacies: Mapping points of connection in the English classroom, Amy Wilson-Lopez; Annual convention of the National Council of Teachers of English

Literacy by any other name: A case study highlighting the problems and promise of using the ‘L word’ in professional development for content area teachers, Amy Wilson-Lopez; Annual meeting of the American Reading Forum

Mapping routes between words, images, and video: Combining multimodal literacies in the classroom, Amy Wilson-Lopez; Annual convention of the National Council of Teachers of English

Mixed messages in adolescent novels: The relationship between gender, images, and words in bestselling YA books, Amy Wilson-Lopez; Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English Annual Mid-winter Research Conference

Reading the image, Amy Wilson-Lopez; Annual meeting of the Georgia Reading Association

Teaming for quality literacy instruction, Amy Wilson-Lopez; Annual meeting of the Georgia Middle School Association

The remaking of a middle school reader, Amy Wilson-Lopez; Annual meeting of the National Reading Conference

Understanding readers’ understandings from a New Literacies perspective, Amy Wilson-Lopez; Annual meeting of the American Reading Forum

Reading and writing multimodal e-texts: An analysis of adolescent electronic communications and implications for classroom instruction, Amy Wilson-Lopez and E. Daigle; Annual meeting of the College Reading Association


The 2007 Orbis Pictus Award Winner and Other Outstanding Nonfiction Books, S. Wilson, C. Avery, K. Ford, M. Hancock, Sylvia Read, E. C. Stephens, and T. A. Young; Language Arts


Thinking through the Text: Facilitating Comprehension and Comprehension Instruction, M. B. Allen and Kathleen A. J. Mohr

An Ethnographic Inquiry Approach to Learning About People with Disabilities: A Study in Progress Conducted by Secondary Peer Tutors of Students with Disabilities, Nicole Block; An Ethnographic Inquiry Approach to Learning About People with Disabilities: A Study in Progress Conducted by Secondary Peer Tutors of Students with Disabilities

Disability Awareness: Who's Different? You or Them?, Nicole Block; Disability Awareness: Who's Different? You or Them?


The impact of virtual manipulatives on student achievement in integer addition and subtraction, J. Bolyard and Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham; Proceedings of the 28th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education

Using Item Analysis to Measure Student Outcomes, Suzanne H. Broughton

The Influence of the Selective Attention Strategy: Measuring the Effects of Refutation Text in Conceptual Change, Suzanne H. Broughton, G. M. Sinatra, and R. E. Reynolds

Sexual Diversity Issues in Schools, Deborah A. Byrnes; Utah NAME and Educators for Diversity Conference


Evolution and online instruction: Using a grounded metaphor to explore the advantageous and less advantageous characteristics of online instruction, Todd Campbell; Bulletin of Science, Technology, and Society


qualitative investigation of the factors influencing the implementation of reform efforts in science education., Todd Campbell; Improving Schools


Reassessing Possible Naturalized Ideology Regarding Science, Education, and Religion., Todd Campbell; Science Education Review


The distant exploration of wolves: Using technology to explore student questions about wolves, Todd Campbell; Journal of College Science Teaching

Course-based Performance Assessments, S. Castle, L. Groth, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, and S. Burns; Assessing Teacher Performance: Performance-based Assessment in Teacher Education


Advocating for Young Children: A Preservice Teacher Education Project, Martha Taylor Dever; Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education


Examining the Reliability of Running Records: Attaining Generalizable Results, P. C. Fawson, B. Ludlow, D. Ray Reutzel, R. Sudweeks, and J. A. Smith; the journal of educational research

What works for instructing English language learners?, G. Sue Kasun; The Journal of the Virginia Writing Project

Inservice Elementary Teachers’ Conceptions of Materials, States of Matter and the Properties of Object, Kimberly H. Lott; Annual International Conference of the Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE)

Inservice Middle School Teachers’ Conceptions Related to the Properties and Changes of Properties of Matter, Kimberly H. Lott; Annual Conference of the International Consortium for Research in Science and Mathematics Education

Inservice Elementary and Middle School Teachers’ Conceptions of Selected Life Science Concept, R. L. McNall and Kimberly H. Lott; Annual International Conference of the National Association of Research in Science Teaching (NARST)

Publishing in Professional Journals, J. P. Mitchel and D. Ray Reutzel; Beating the Odds: Getting Published in the Field of Literacy


Children’s choices for recreational reading: A three-part investigation of selection preferences, rationales, and processes, Kathleen A. J. Mohr; Journal of Literacy Research

Improving Educational Levels Among Diverse Populations: An Analysis of Recommended Practices, Kathleen A. J. Mohr

Issues in Middle and Secondary Education, Focus Group Leader, Unraveling Teaching Education Issues: Increasing Our Knowledge and Addressing Our Options for Securing/Strengthening Teacher Education Programs, Kathleen A. J. Mohr

Research News to Use: Nonfiction books overwhelming choice of first graders, Kathleen A. J. Mohr; Reading Today

Thinking Through the Text: Planning and Implementing Effective Comprehension, Kathleen A. J. Mohr

Preservice Teachers’ Readiness to Teach Reading Comprehension., Kathleen A. J. Mohr and M. B. Allen

Organizing and Managing Language Arts Teaching: Classroom Environments, Grouping Practices, Exemplary Instruction, L. M. Morrow, D. Ray Reutzel, and H. Casey; Handbook of Classroom Management: Research, Practice, & Contemporary Issues

Children's Literature Links Boxes, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham; Learning Mathematics in Elementary and Middle Schools


Representations of mathematics teacher quality in a national program, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, J. Bolyard, H. Oh, P. Kridler, and G. Salking; Proceedings of the 28th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education


Representations of Teacher Quality, Quantity, and Diversity in a National Mathematics and Science Program, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, Johnna J. Bolyard, Hana Oh, Patricia Kridler, and Gwenanne Salkind; Journal of Educational Research & Policy Studies


Code RED (remediation and enrichment days): The complex journey of a school and university partnership's process to increase mathematics achievement, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, K. Dockery, S. Jamieson, and J. Ross; Action in Teacher Education


Integrating Coursework and Field Placements: The Impact on Preservice Elementary Mathematics Teachers' Connections to Teaching, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham and Jenefer Husman; Teacher Education Quarterly

Critical Features of Classroom Collective Efficacy: A Telling Case of Two Elementary Classrooms, L. G. Putney, Suzanne H. Broughton, and B. D. Campbell


Tapping into Students' Motivation: Lessons from Adolescents' Blogs, Sylvia Read; Voices from the Middle

Advocating for Literacy in Time of Political Division, D. Ray Reutzel

Called to Teach: Advocating for Literacy in a Time of Political Division, D. Ray Reutzel

Developing Comprehension: Stepping Stones to Fluent Reading, K-3), D. Ray Reutzel

Developing the literacy instruction knowledge scale (LIKS) for measuring teacher knowledge of reading and writing instruction in grades 1-3, D. Ray Reutzel

Hey teacher, when you say fluency, what do you mean: Developing fluency and meta-fluency in elementary classrooms, D. Ray Reutzel; Fluency Instruction: Research-Based Best Practices

Hey teacher, when you say fluency, what do you mean: Developing fluency and meta-fluency in elementary classrooms, D. Ray Reutzel; Fluency Instruction: Research-Based Best Practices

Hot Tips for Writing for IRA Journals and Newspaper, D. Ray Reutzel

Hot Tips for Writing for IRA Journals and Newspaper, D. Ray Reutzel

How Do Legislative Issues Impact My Position and My Classroom?, D. Ray Reutzel

Literacy Education: Sifting out the Politics, Policies, and What’s Been Happening?, D. Ray Reutzel

Literacy Education: Sifting out the Politics, Policies, and What’s Been Happening?, D. Ray Reutzel

Research-Based Literacy Instruction for Grades 4-6, Overview, Fluency, and Comprehension Modules, D. Ray Reutzel

The Reading Teacher: A Writer’s Peer Conference, D. Ray Reutzel

The Reading Teacher: A Writer’s Peer Conference, D. Ray Reutzel

The Reading Teacher: Reviewing Manuscripts, D. Ray Reutzel

The Reading Teacher: Reviewing Manuscripts, D. Ray Reutzel

Three variations on a theme: Comparing Multiple Strategy Comprehension Instruction in Grade 2, Using Information Trade Books, D. Ray Reutzel

La biblioteca de aula: Formas de potenciar su valor educativo, D. Ray Reutzel and P. C. Fawson


Words to Go: Evaluating a First-Grade Parent Involvement Program for “Making” Words at Home., D. Ray Reutzel, P. C. Fawson, and J. A. Smith; Reading Research & Instruction

IRIS Center for Faculty Enhancement, A. Skylar, Nicole Block, and V. Kennedy; IRIS Center for Faculty Enhancement

IRIS II Scaling-Up Meeting, D. D. Smith, S. R. Robb, N. Tyler, Nicole Block, and L. Mayne; IRIS II Scaling-Up Meeting

The IRIS Center: Overview of IRIS Materials, D. D. Smith, N. Tyler, and Nicole Block; The IRIS Center: Overview of IRIS Materials


Activities That Really Measure Up, L. Smith, D. R. Sterling, and Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham; Science and Children


A Penny's Worth of Principles and Standards Using Scientific Notation, J. W. Staley, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, and D. R. Sterling; Centroid

A decision for independence: Teaching students to read social studies texts in an integrated social studies and language arts unit on the American Revolution, Amy Wilson-Lopez; Annual meeting of the Utah Middle Level Association

The ‘compleat’ adolescent male: Honoring boys to promote excellence in their writing, Amy Wilson-Lopez; Annual convention of the National Council of Teachers of English

What about our boys?, Amy Wilson-Lopez; Impact: A Journal for Secondary School Leaders


The 2006 Orbis Pictus Award Winner and Other Outstanding Nonfiction Books, S. Wilson, C. Avery, K. Ford, M. Hancock, B. Y. Louie, Sylvia Read, and E. C. Stephens; Language Arts



Kindergarten Time: Kindergarten Teachers' Considerations When Setting Instructional Priorities, Julie Baker and Martha T. Dever; Teacher Development

Drive-by English: Teaching College English to High School Students Via Interactive TV, A. Blackstock and Virginia N. Exton; Teaching English in the Two-Year College


"Drive-by English": Teaching College English to High School Students Via Interactive TV, Alan Blackstock and Virginia Norris Exton; Teaching English in the Two-Year College

Critical Theory and Practice in Today's Classrooms, Nicole Block; Critical Theory and Practice in Today's Classrooms

Successful Modifications, Accommodations, and Adaptations for Students with Disabilities in the General Classroom, Nicole Block; Successful Modifications, Accommodations, and Adaptations for Students with Disabilities in the General Classroom


An Interactive Model to Foster Family Literacy, L. Burningham and Martha Taylor Dever; Young Children

Obfuscation, Evasion, and Puffery: Ethics and Our Role as Evaluators in the Social Studies, Deborah A. Byrnes; National Council of the Social Studies/CUFA

Sexual diversity issues in schools, Deborah A. Byrnes; Anti-bias teaching in a diverse society

Teaching Social Studies Courses On-Line: Lessons Learned by Teacher Educators, Deborah A. Byrnes; National Council of the Social Studies/CUFA

Coming soon from ACEI: Common bonds: Anti-bias teaching in a diverse society (3rd Ed.), Deborah A. Byrnes and G Kiger; Childhood Education

Common bonds: Anti-bias teaching in a diverse society (3rd Ed.). , Deborah A. Byrnes and G Kiger

Positioning deliberative curricula within global and multicultural education: An analysis of two immigration curricula, Steve P. Camicia


A look at student action in the science classroom, Todd Campbell; Science Education International


Forensic science in the elementary classroom., Todd Campbell and B. Worst; Networks: An Online Journal for Teacher Research

Arrow to the Sun: How to Build Your Own Solar-powered Fan, Marilyn M. Cuch; NASA Minority Pre-service Teachers Conference

Decolonization of Health, Marilyn M. Cuch; 15th Annual Conference of the American Indian and Alaska Native Professors Conference

Diabetes Based Science Education in Tribal Schools, Marilyn M. Cuch; American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference on Indigenous Youth Health

Diabetes Based Science Education in Tribal Schools: Partnerships in Kansas, Marilyn M. Cuch; First Annual Kansas Minority Health Conference

High-Stakes to Low Stakes, Martha Taylor Dever; On the Frontline: Advocating Effectively for Your Classroom, Your School, Your Profession


Using Picture Books as a Vehicle to Teach Young Children about Social Justice, Martha Taylor Dever, B. Sorenson, and J. Brodrick; Social Studies and the Young Learner