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Making a difference in the public and policy-making arena, F. Falk-Ross, M. W. Matthews, M. B. Sampson, B. J. Fox, J. Lewis, M. Mraz, J. Reedish, and D. Ray Reutzel; Building Bridges to Literacy, Twenty-Seventh College Reading Association Yearbook

Exploring Teacher Use of Comprehension Strategy Instruction During Guided Reading, Laura Slack Foley; Exploring Teacher Use of Comprehension Strategy Instruction During Guided Reading

Exploring Teacher Use of Comprehension Strategy Instruction During Guided Reading, Laura Slack Foley; Exploring Teacher Use of Comprehension Strategy Instruction During Guided Reading


Outcomes of Creativity Programs, Scott L. Hunsaker; Gifted Child Quarterly

Science and Technology, Kimberly H. Lott; Girls in Research project

Teaching Science with Technology for Grades K-8, R. L. McNall, S. Brown, and Kimberly H. Lott; Annual International Conference of the National Association of Research in Science Teaching (NARST)

Guided Writing With English Language Learners, Kathleen A. J. Mohr

Instructional anchors for English language learners: Lessons learned, lessons shared, Kathleen A. J. Mohr; Thresholds

Standing at the Door: What are the Best Literacy Practices for English Language Learners?, Kathleen A. J. Mohr

Belonging and Believing: Cultural Diversity in the Classroom Environment, Kathleen A. J. Mohr and P. Robles-Goodwin

Teaching and Learning in a Successful Urban School: An Optimistic Perspective, Kathleen A. J. Mohr, R. W. Wilhelm, and P. J. Robles-Goodwin


Using Virtual Manipulatives to Investigate Patterns and Generate Rules in Algebra, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham; Teaching Children Mathematics

Young Children's Use of Virtual Manipulatives and Other Forms of Mathematical Representations, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, D. Niezgoda, and J. Stanley; Technology-Supported Mathematics Learning Environments: Sixty-Seventh Yearbook

Conceptual Frameworks and Personal Epistemology in High School Students, Louis S. Nadelson, Suzanne H. Broughton, and G. M. Sinatra


Hickory Dickory Dock: Navigating through Data Analysis, D. A. Niezgoda and Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham; Teaching Children Mathematics


First- and Second-Graders Writing Information Text, Sylvia Read; The Reading Teacher


Nonlinear Nonfiction Writing and the I-Chart: Scaffolding for Success, Sylvia Read; 2005 College Reading Association Yearbook

Review of: Vocabulary Instruction: Research to Practice, Sylvia Read; Education Review: A Journal of Book Reviews


The Writing Moment, or, a Little Writing Theory Can Make All the Difference, Sylvia Read; Arizona English Bulletin


Third Graders Learn about Fractions Using Virtual Manipulatives: A Classroom study, Kelly Reimer and Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham; Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching

An evaluation of two approaches for teaching reading comprehension strategies in the primary years using science information texts, D. Ray Reutzel

Collaborative field-based research in education: Reflections on the experience, D. Ray Reutzel; The Leader

Developing Fluency in Classroom Settings: Practice, Practice, Practice – But Where is the Instruction?, D. Ray Reutzel

Hot Tips for Writing for IRA Journals and Newspaper, D. Ray Reutzel

Hot Tips for Writing for IRA Journals and Newspaper, D. Ray Reutzel

Impacting Politics, Policies, and Legislation: Advocating for Literacy, D. Ray Reutzel

Literacy: The understandings, the misunderstandings, and what we can do about it, D. Ray Reutzel

Stepping Forward Together: Voicing the Concerns of Teacher Educators through Practical Applications and Collaborative Actions, D. Ray Reutzel

Teachers identifying and teaching the features of beginning reading text, D. Ray Reutzel

The Reading Teacher: A Writer’s Peer Conference, D. Ray Reutzel

The Reading Teacher: A Writer’s Peer Conference, D. Ray Reutzel

The Reading Teacher: Reviewing Manuscripts, D. Ray Reutzel

The Reading Teacher: Reviewing Manuscripts, D. Ray Reutzel

Tuning Children into Language with Read Aloud, D. Ray Reutzel

Utah Reading First: Reading Institute for Presenters and Participants, 2-3, Overview, Fluency, and Comprehension Modules, D. Ray Reutzel

Utah Reading First: Reading Institute for Presenters and Participants, K-1, Overview, Fluency, and Comprehension Modules, D. Ray Reutzel

Words to Go: Parents and First-Graders Making Words at Home, D. Ray Reutzel

The Essentials of Teaching Children to Read: What Every Teacher Should Know! , D. Ray Reutzel and R. B. Cooter


An evaluation of two approaches for teaching reading comprehension strategies in the primary years using science information texts., D. Ray Reutzel, J. A. Smith, and P. C. Fawson; Early Childhood Research Quarterly

Fronteras y Barreras: Una Investigacion de los Desafios Educativos Para el Nino Mexicano Immigrante, P. J. Robles-Goodwin and Kathleen A. J. Mohr

An Investigation Into the Effective Teaching Practices and Perceptions of Latino Parents Regarding Their Educational Experiences, P. J. Robles-Goodwin, R. W. Wilhelm, and Kathleen A. J. Mohr

Revolutionary postmodern Mestizaje and childhood studies: Merging possibilities, Cinthya M. Saavedra; 13th Annual Reconceptualizing Early Childhood Education, Theory and Practice, Madison, Wisconsin

The body and educational research: Thoughts from Chicana feminist scholarship, Cinthya M. Saavedra; American Education Research Association (AERA) Annual meeting, Montreal, Canada

Early Literacy Instruction: A Comprehensive Framework for Teaching Reading and Writing, K-3, J. Smith and Sylvia Read

Technology Supported Mathematics Environments: Telecollaboration in a Secondary Statistics Classroom, J. Staley, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, and M. C. Lynch; The Australian Mathematics Teacher


Examining Technology Uses in the Classroom: Developing Fraction Sense Using Virtual Manipulative Concept Tutorials, Jennifer Suh, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, and H. J. Heo; The Journal of Interactive Online Learning

Technology uses in the mathematics classroom: Understanding fractions using virtual manipulative concept tutorials, J. Suh and Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham; Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education

Practicing What We Preach III: Learner Centered Teaching Strategies in College Classrooms, J. H. White, Kathleen A. J. Mohr, and M. B. Allen

Engaging Latino Learners: A Re-examination of English-Only Immersion, R. W. Wilhelm, Kathleen A. J. Mohr, and P. J. Robles-Goodwin

Boys in English: Empowering males in the language arts classroom, Amy Wilson-Lopez; Utah English Journal

Case study of a middle school reader attending a separate reading class, Amy Wilson-Lopez; Annual meeting of the National Reading Conference

Strategies for teaching informational texts in the English classroom, Amy Wilson-Lopez; Annual meeting of the Utah Council of Teachers of English


Exploring the use of clinical interviews in teacher development, R. Ambrose, C. Nicol, S. Crespo, V. Jacobs, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, and H. Haydar; Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education

Ensuring Candidates Professional Resiliency Through Change Program Constructs, D. Bernshausen, Kathleen A. J. Mohr, C. Wickstrom, F. Van Tassel, and Ryel Watkins

Strategies for Preventing, Detecting, and Dealing with Plagiarism, A. Blackstock and Virginia N. Exton; Strategies for Preventing, Detecting, and Dealing with Plagiarism

Review of Black Students. Middle Class Teachers, Deborah A. Byrnes; Childhood Education

Selecting teachers with emotional intelligence, Deborah A. Byrnes; 4th Annual Emotional Intelligence Conference

What does the NCSS conference program tell us about priorities related to academic freedom, ethics, and equity, Deborah A. Byrnes

Docudramas, human rights, and civic engagement, Deborah A. Byrnes and B. D'sa; Civic Learning in Teacher Education: International Perspectives on Education for Democracy in the Preparation of Teachers

Diabetes Based Science Education in Tribal Schools, Marilyn M. Cuch; Bureau of Indian Affairs Educators' Summer Conference

Theory into Action, Marilyn M. Cuch; National Indian Education Association Conference

Reconceptualizing language advocacy: Weaving a postmodern mestizaje image of language., E. Demas and Cinthya M. Saavedra; Decolonizing research in cross-cultural contexts: Critical personal narratives

Native Teachers for Native Peoples, Virginia N. Exton; Native Teachers for Native Peoples

Impacting literacy politics, policies, and legislation: Moving from inactive idlers and reactive regretters to proactive professionals, F. Falk-Ross, M. W. Matthews, M. B. Sampson, B. J. Fox, J. Lewis, M. Mraz, J. Reedish, and D. Ray Reutzel; Celebrating the Power of Literacy, Twenty-Sixth College Reading Association Yearbook

Guiding Comprehension During Book Shares, Laura Slack Foley; Guiding Comprehension During Book Shares

Small Group Reading and Comprehension of Text, Laura Slack Foley; Small Group Reading and Comprehension of Text

DIBELS Assessment in the Classroom: Informing Response to Interventions, Laura Slack Foley and M. Luck; DIBELS Assessment in the Classroom: Informing Response to Interventions

Impacting Student Confidence: The Effects of Using Virtual Manipulatives and Increasing Fraction Understanding, H. J. Heo, J. Suh, and Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham; The Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics

Inspiring Vistas, Inspiring Minds, Scott L. Hunsaker; Promise and Progress

Creativity and Giftedness: Published Instrument Uses and Abuses, Scott L. Hunsaker and C. M. Callahan; Essential Readings in Gifted Education: Creativity and Giftedness

High Ability Readers and the Achievement Gap, Scott L. Hunsaker, C. J. Parke, and J. G. Bramble; Understanding Our Gifted


Picnicking with Fractions, Sarah Kosbob and Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham; Teaching Children Mathematics


The Mathematical Candy Store: Weight Matters, Elizabeth Mailley and Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham; Teaching Children Mathematics

Developing and Organizing Content for SIG and Council Publications, K. Mohktari, Kathleen A. J. Mohr, and M. Spor

Building Vocabulary and Increasing Comprehension Among English Language Learners, Kathleen A. J. Mohr


English as an accelerated language: A call to action for reading teachers, Kathleen A. J. Mohr; The Reading Teacher

Listening to the Voices of English Language Learners Via Poetry, Kathleen A. J. Mohr

Making English and Accelerated Language: Ideas for Classroom Teachers, Kathleen A. J. Mohr

A Remainder of One: Exploring Partitive Division, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham; Exploring Mathematics Through Literature: Articles and Lessons for Prekindergarten Through Grade 8

Five Questions Principals Should Ask About Their Math Programs: Making Students Mathematically Proficient Requires Major Shifts in the Thinking and Training of Principals and Teachers, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham; Principals

The Interview Assignment: Evaluating a Teacher Candidate's Knowledge of Mathematics Content, Questioning, and Assessment, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham; The Work of Mathematics Teacher Education: Exchanging Ideas for Effective Practice


Controlling Choice: Teachers, Students, and Manipulatives in Mathematics Classrooms, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham and M. Gail Jones; School Science and Mathematics


Inchworm and a Half: Developing Fraction and Measurement Concepts Using Mathematical Representations, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham and Elizabeth Mailley; Teaching Children Mathematics

Guided Reading Workshop, S. O'Neil and Jessica F. Shumway; Presentation for Elementary Teachers, Texas Council of Teachers of English Language Arts Convention

Guided Reading Workshop, S. O'Neil, Jessica F. Shumway, and S. Kaynes; TAIR Conference


Young Children as Researchers: A Close Look at the Reading Process, Sylvia Read; International Journal of Learning

Beat the odds! Hot tips for writing for IRA’s journals and newspaper, D. Ray Reutzel

Developing fluency in classroom settings: Practice, practice, practice – Where is the instruction?, D. Ray Reutzel

Inactive idlers, reactive regreters, or proactive professionals? Ways to impact politics, policies, and legislation, D. Ray Reutzel

Making a difference in the public and policy making arena: Proactive partnership, research and writing, D. Ray Reutzel

Reading comprehension strategy instruction: Mosaic of thought or tapestry of transaction, D. Ray Reutzel

Re-conceptualizing phonics instruction: favorite constructivist approaches, D. Ray Reutzel

The expert study revisited: comparing the results with other national report recommendations for struggling readers and writers, D. Ray Reutzel

The Reading Teacher: A writer’s peer conference, D. Ray Reutzel

The Reading Teacher: Reviewing Manuscripts, D. Ray Reutzel

Words to go: Parent and first-graders making words at home, D. Ray Reutzel

Instructor's Manual to Accompany Teaching Children to Read: Putting the Pieces Together, Fourth Edition, D. Ray Reutzel and R. B. Cooter

Teaching Children to Read: Putting the Pieces Together. Fourth Edition, D. Ray Reutzel and R. B. Cooter


Accelerating Struggling Readers’ Progress: A Comparative Analysis of “Expert Opinion” and Research Recommendations, D. Ray Reutzel and J. A. Smith; Reading and Writing Quarterly


Mr. Greenthumb's Garden, Jennifer R. Sweda, Lori A. Knotts, and Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham; Teaching Children Mathematics