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Something Old is New Again: Teaching Alphabet Letter Names and Sounds to Develop Students Reading and Writing, D. Ray Reutzel

Something Old is New Again: Teaching Alphabet Letter Names and Sounds to Develop Students Reading and Writing, D. Ray Reutzel

So What’s in a Word: The Power of Words in Our Lives, D. Ray Reutzel

So What’s in a Word: The Power of Words in Our Lives, D. Ray Reutzel

The politics, policies, happenings, and considerations in literacy education: An annual update, D. Ray Reutzel

The sixth pillar of effective practice: Reading Motivation, D. Ray Reutzel

Thinking the World Apart: Literacy at a Crossroads, D. Ray Reutzel

Thinking the World Apart: Literacy at a Crossroads, D. Ray Reutzel

What Evidence Says About Teaching Reading Fluency, D. Ray Reutzel

Why We Do It: IRA Members Can and Do Make Government Policy, D. Ray Reutzel

The Essentials of Teaching Children to Read: What Every Teacher Should Know! Second Edition, D. Ray Reutzel and R. B. Cooter

Scaffolded Silent Reading (ScSR): An Alternative to Guided Oral Repeated Reading that Works!, D. Ray Reutzel, Cindy D'On Jones, P. C. Fawson, and J. A. Smith; Essential Readings in Fluency

Managing Language Arts Classrooms to Meet the Needs of Diverse Learners, D. Ray Reutzel, M. L. Morrow, and H. Casey; Handbook of Research, Policy and Practice on Teaching Literacy to Diverse Learners

Using Information Trade Books as Models for Teaching Expository Text Structure to Improve Children’s Reading Comprehension: An Action Research Project, D. Ray Reutzel, S. Read, and P. C. Fawson; Journal of Reading Educators


Using Information Trade Books as Models for Teaching Expository Text Structure to Improve Children's Reading Comprehension: An Action Research Project, D. Ray Reutzel, Sylvia Read, and P. Fawson; Journal of Reading Education

Chicana qualitative research as political challenge to neoliberalsim, Cinthya M. Saavedra; American Educational Research Association annual meeting, San Diego, CA

Review of Racially equitable teaching: Beyond the whiteness of professional development for early childhood educators, Cinthya M. Saavedra; Education Review

Working with young Latina/o children, Cinthya M. Saavedra; Latino Action group in Logan High School

Civic education and immigrant children:generating transnational feminist research possibilities, Cinthya M. Saavedra and Steve P. Camicia; American Educational Research Association annual meeting, San Diego, CA


Weaving transnational feministmethodologies: (Re)examining early childhood linguistic diversity teacher training and research., Cinthya M. Saavedra, S. Chakravarthi, and J. K. Lower; Journal of early childhood research

Math Collaborative: A Journey Through the Complexities of Coaching, Jessica F. Shumway and M. Granados; Presentation for Math Coaches and Teachers, 87th Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)

Early Literacy Instruction: Teaching Reading and Writing in Today's Primary Grades, K-3, J. Smith and Sylvia Read


Intergenerational Differnces: Adult and Teacher Development; Adults as Learners, Susan A. Turner; Intergenertional Differences: Adult and Teacher Development; Adults as Learners


Teaching Research to Teachers: A Self-Study of Course Design, Student Outcomes, and Instructor Learning, Susan A. Turner; Teaching Research to Teachers: A Self-Study of Course Design, Student Outcomes, and Instructor Learning

Integrating technology into science instruction: Science learning, literacy, and the development of 21st century digital literacy, S. Wang, H. Hsu, and Todd Campbell; High-Tech Teaching Success! A Step-by-Step Guide to Using Innovative Technology in Your Classroom

A comparison of the nature of representation in five different academic subjects, Amy Wilson-Lopez; Annual meeting of the National Reading Conference

A study of the implementation of writing across the curriculum in mathematics, Amy Wilson-Lopez; Annual meeting of the National Reading Conference

A study of the typical discipline-specific representations encountered by a sixth-grader in one day of school, Amy Wilson-Lopez; Annual meeting of the American Reading Forum

Case study of a middle school student attending a separate reading class, Amy Wilson-Lopez; Literacy issues during changing times: A call to action

Critical literacies: Teaching multiple, resistant readings of multimedia texts, Amy Wilson-Lopez; Annual conference of the International Reading Association

Critical literacy meets 21st century politics: Reading between the lines of multimedia political texts, Amy Wilson-Lopez; Annual convention of the National Council of Teachers of English

Identity as multimodal palimpsest: A conception of identity construction informed by theories of social semiotics and Mikhail Bakhtin, Amy Wilson-Lopez; Annual meeting of the National Reading Conference

Materiality matters: Theorizing the affordances of writing media in multimodal compositions, Amy Wilson-Lopez; Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association


Review of Forming ethical identities in early childhood play, Amy Wilson-Lopez; Journal of Early Childhood Literacy

A tale of two settings: A story of professional development in content area literacy instruction, Amy Wilson-Lopez and M. D. Boatright; Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association

Investigating professional development on content area literacy instruction, Amy Wilson-Lopez and M. D. Boatright; Annual conference of the International Reading Association

Locating semiotic power in classrooms: Comparing the semiotic potential of teachers’ and students’ discipline-specific texts, Amy Wilson-Lopez and M. D. Boatright; Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association


Comprehension Workshop: Supporting During-Reading Strategies, M. B. Allen and Kathleen A. J. Mohr

We Count Too!: Culturally Responsive Mathematical Professional Development on the Northern Ute Reservation, J. Barta and Marilyn Cuch; NIEA Newsletter

A Study of a Response to Intervention Model for Urban Sixth-Grade: Analyzing Reading, Language, and Learning Differences in Tier 1 and Tier 2, Nicole Block; A study of a response to intervention model for urban sixth-grade: Analyzing reading, language, and learning differences in tier 1 and tier 2

Communication and Collaboration Among Team Members Ensures Successful Inclusion, Nicole Block; Teaching students with special needs in inclusive classrooms

Seminar and Doctoral Student Panel Discussion, Nicole Block; Seminar and Doctoral Student Panel Discussion

Training High School Tutors to Use Effective Instructional Strategies for Successful Inclusion, Nicole Block; Training High School Tutors to Use Effective Instructional Strategies for Successful Inclusion

Training High School Tutors to Use Research-Based Strategies, Nicole Block; Training High School Tutors to Use Research-Based Strategies

What is RTI and it's Requirements?, Nicole Block; What is RTI and it's Requirements?

Responses to Intervention in Sixth Grade: A Middle School and University Partnership, Nicole Block and A. W. Graves; Responses to Intervention in Sixth Grade: A Middle School and University Partnership


A Review of the Literature on Mathematics and Science Teacher Quality, Johnna J. Bolyard and Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham; Peabody Journal of Education

Indigenous Epistemologies and the Neoliberal View of Higher Education, B. M. J. Brayboy, E. Castagno, and Emma Maughan; Structure and Agency in the Neoliberal University

Promoting Conceptual Change Through Increasing Engagement with Text, Suzanne H. Broughton and G. M. Sinatra

Ethical Responses to Evaluation Dilemmas, Deborah A. Byrnes; International Alliance of Teacher Scholars. Lilly West Conference

Fame, Fortune and Emotional Intelligence, Deborah A. Byrnes; Utah Association for Gifted Children Annual Conference

A controversial issue or not: Dueling historical interpretations in the curriculum, Steve P. Camicia

Curriculum controversies: The tipping point of controversial/non- controversial issues, Steve P. Camicia

Deciding what is a controversial issue: A case study of social studies curriculum contention, Steve P. Camicia


Deciding What Is a Controversial Issue: A Case Study of Social Studies Curriculum Controversy, Steve P. Camicia; Theory and Research in Social Education

Review of the Book, How Children Become Moral Selves: Building Character and Promoting Citizenship in Education, Steve P. Camicia; Education Review

Learning how to respond to current events: Partner journals between pre-service teachers and elementary students, Steve P. Camicia and D. Dobson


Lessons Learned from Test Writing, Todd Campbell; The Science Teacher


The capacity of instructional technologists to provide systemic support for science education reform, Todd Campbell; Teacher Development

Science laboratory experiences of high school students across one state in the U.S.: Descriptive research from the classroom., Todd Campbell and C. Bohn; Science Educator

Engaging Students in University Classrooms, Todd Campbell and Kimberly H. Lott; Provost Lecture Series, Utah State University


Triad experiences: The impact of joint professional development forpre- and in- service science teachers on triad dynamics, Todd Campbell and Kimberly H. Lott; Annual International Conference of the Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE)

Another Use for CLASS: Meaningful and Effective Feedback for Student Teachers, Sarah K. Clark; Another Use for CLASS: Meaningful and Effective Feedback for Student Teachers

Capturing the Image of Great Teaching, Sarah K. Clark; Capturing the Image of Great Teaching

Preservice and Novice Teachers in Utah: First Year Data Presentation, Sarah K. Clark; Preservice and Novice Teachers in Utah: First Year Data Presentation

Seeing is Believing: Meaningful and Effective Feedback for Reading Teachers, Sarah K. Clark; Seeing is Believing: Meaningful and Effective Feedback for Student Teachers

Foundations and Change in Early Childhood Education, Martha Taylor Dever and R. Falconer


Student perceptions of teacher support, Alyson Leah Dolan and Mary McCaslin; Teachers College Record


Teacher questioning and interaction patterns in classrooms facilitated with differing levels of constructivist teaching practices., I. Erdogan and Todd Campbell; International Journal of Science Education

Edu-Speak: Keeping Up With the Terminology of Education, Virginia N. Exton; Edu-Speak: Keeping Up With the Terminology of Education

Pulling Together to Improve American Indian Teacher Education, Virginia N. Exton; Pulling Together to Improve American Indian Teache Education


A Qualitative Case Study of Developing Teacher Identity among American Indian Secondary Teachers from the Ute Teacher Training Program, Virginia Norris Exton


Reading Attitudes: The influence of differing the paths to an incentive on third-graders’ recreational and academic reading, P. C. Fawson, D. Ray Reutzel, S. Read, J. A. Smith, and S. A. Moore; Reading Psychology: An International Quarterly

Project Achieve: A Middle School Response-to-Intervention Project for English Learners With and Without Disabilities, A. Graves and Nicole Block; Project Achieve: A Middle School Response-to-Intervention Project for English Learners With and Without Disabilities

A Study of the Reading Progress of English Language Learners With and Without Learning Disabilities in the Sixth Grade: Response to Intervention (RTI) Model vs. Traditional Instruction, A. Graves, A. McIntosh, R. Brandon, L. Duesbery, and N. Block; A Study of the Reading Progress of English Language Learners With and Without Learning Disabilities in the Sixth Grade: Response to Intervention (RTI) Model vs. Traditional Instruction

Marginal Thinking as Metacognition, Scott L. Hunsaker; Meta-Cognition: A Recent Review of Research, Theory, and Perspective


Utah gifted and talented handbook: Grades K-12, Scott L. Hunsaker, K. Erwin, V. Pack, and R. Odoardi

Blogging and burning through the truth in the Middle East, G. Sue Kasun; The Journal of the Virginia Writing Project

Culturally reflective teaching: Journeys to thoughtful practice, G. Sue Kasun; Alternatives to Expulsion, Suspension, & Dropping Out of School Conference, San Antonio, TX


Mathematics Circles: A Structured Approach to Problem Solving, Patricia G. Kridler and Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham; Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School

Middle School Physical Science: Properties and Changes in Properties of Materials, Heat and Temperature , Kimberly H. Lott; New Faculty Grant, Utah State University


Science Excel: An Effective Teacher Recruitment Program for Rural Schools?, Kimberly H. Lott; Annual International Conference of the Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE)


Issues in survey assessments of STS courses, P. Mack, Todd Campbell, and N. Abd-Hamid; Bulletin of Science, Technology, and Society

Can We Have It Both Ways? Keynote Speaker for the Professors of Reading in Teacher Education Programs Special Interest Group, Kathleen A. J. Mohr

Cultural 3Rs: Do We Know What They Are and What They Mean?, Kathleen A. J. Mohr

Success Stories: Supporting the Writing Development of High-school English Language Learners, Kathleen A. J. Mohr and E. S. Mohr

Success Stories: Supporting the Writing Development of High-school English Language Learners. English Language Learner Institute: Teaching and Learning in Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Classrooms: Bringing Theory and Research to Practice, Kathleen A. J. Mohr and E. S. Mohr

To belong and to believe: The school as a culturally diverse environment, Kathleen A. J. Mohr, P. J. Robles-Godwin, and R. W. Wilhelm; Diversidad cultural y educacion: Un vision compartida


The Assessment of Mathematics and Science Teacher Quality, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, Johnna J. Bolyard, Anastasia Kitsantas, and Hana Oh; Peabody Journal of Education


Virtual Manipulatives Used by K-8 Teachers for Mathematics Instruction: Considering Mathematical, Cognitive, and Pedagogical Fidelity, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, Gwenanne Salkind, and Johnna J. Bolyard; Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education

Values and Emotion in Middle-Schooler's Arguments on Current Events, E. M. Nussbaum and Suzanne H. Broughton

The new ‘international education’ movement in U.S. schools: Civic and capital intents, local and global affinities, W. C. Parker and Steve P. Camicia

Limits to Certainty in Exploring Collective Efficacy: Opportunities Available Through Juxtaposition of Primary and Secondary Data Analysis, L. G. Putney and Suzanne H. Broughton


Concept Mapping: Evaluating the Language Arts Methods Course, Sylvia Read; Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning


Do You Want to Know What I Learned? Using Informational Trade Books as Models to Teach Text Structure, Sylvia Read, D. Ray Reutzel, and P. Fawson; Early Childhood Education Journal

Concepts About Print, the Oft Assumed Seldom Taught, D. Ray Reutzel

Connecting Primary Grade Teacher Knowledge to Primary Grade Student Achievement: Developing an Evidence-Based Literacy Instruction Knowledge Scale (LIKS), D. Ray Reutzel

Do your assessments measure up?, D. Ray Reutzel

Effective Reading Comprehension Instruction, D. Ray Reutzel

Establishing a Culture of Literacy: Trends and Issues, D. Ray Reutzel