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Text in the Science Classroom: Promoting Engagement to Facilitate Conceptual Change, Suzanne H. Broughton and G. M. Sinatra; Bringing Reading Researchers to Life: Essays in Honor of Isabelle Beck
The Influence of Emotions in Beliefs, Attitudes, and Conceptual Change, Suzanne H. Broughton and G. M. Sinatra
The Nature of the Refutation Text Effect: An Investigation of Attention Allocation, Suzanne H. Broughton, G.M. Sinatra, and R.E. Reynolds; Journal of Educational Research
Getting students to actively follow the news., Deborah A. Byrnes; Social studies and diversity teacher education: What we do and why we do it.
What Impact do Culturally Competent Teachers have on the Social Inclusiveness of Their Students?, Deborah A. Byrnes; American Educational Research Association
Deliberation of controversial public school curriculum: Developing processes and outcomes that increase legitimacy and social justice, Steve P. Camicia; Journal of Public Deliberation
Globalization and the intents of a cosmopolitan curriculum, Steve P. Camicia
Learning How to Respond to Current Events: Partner Journals between U.S. Preservice Teachers and Children, Steve P. Camicia and D. Dobson; Teaching and Teacher Education
Learning how to respond to current events: Partner journals between U.S. preservice teachers and children, Steve P. Camicia and D. Dobson; Teaching and Teacher Education
Curriculum reform in a globalised world: The discourses of cosmopolitanism and community, Steve P. Camicia and B. Franklin; London Review of Education
Power, positionality, and democratic epistemology in curriculum design and implementation of democratic education, Steve P. Camicia and A. Miner
Human rights and recognition in the social studies curriculum, Steve P. Camicia and A. Osler
Synthesizing multicultural, global, and civic perspectives in the elementary school curriculum and educational research, Steve P. Camicia and J. Zhu
Development of instruments to assess teacher and student perceptions of inquiry experiences in science classrooms., Todd Campbell, N. Abd-Hamid, and H. Chapman; Journal of Science Teacher Education
Triad dynamics: Investigating the importance of social forces, positions, and storylines, Todd Campbell and K. Lott; Teaching Education
Exploring Science Teachers' Attitudes and Knowledge About Environmental Education in Three International Teaching Communities., Todd Campbell, W. Medina-Jerez, I. Erdogan, and D. Zhang; International Journal of Environmental and Science Education
Classroom Instructions Observed From the Perspectives of Current Reform in Science Education: Comparisons Between Korean and U.S. Classrooms., Todd Campbell, P. S. Oh, M. Shin, and D. Zhang; Journal of Science Mathematics and Technology Education
Learning with web tools, simulations, and other technologies in science classrooms., Todd Campbell, S. Wang, H Hsu, A. Duffy, and P. Wolf; Journal of Science Education and Technology
A Comparative Analysis of Elementary Education Teacher Self-Efficacy: Making the Transition from Teacher Training to the First Year of Teaching, Sarah K. Clark; A Comparative Analysis of Elementary Education Teacher Self-Efficacy: Making the Transition from Teacher Training to the First Year of Teaching
Building and Maintaining Teacher Efficacy and Confidence: What Teacher Preparation Programs Can Do, Sarah K. Clark; Building and Maintaining Teacher Efficacy and Confidence: What Teacher Preparation Programs Can Do
Case in Point: Are Teacher Candidate Acceptance Policies Effective?, Sarah K. Clark; Case in Point: Are Teacher Candidate Acceptance Policies Effective?
Making the Review of Assigned Reading Meaningful, Sarah K. Clark; The Teaching Professor
Preservice and Novice Teachers in Utah: Fourth Year Data Presentation, Sarah K. Clark; Preservice and Novice Teachers in Utah: Fourth Year Data Presentation
Preservice and Novice Teachers in Utah: Third Year Data Presentation, Sarah K. Clark; Preservice and Novice Teachers in Utah: Third Year Data Presentation
Pre-Service Teacher and Elementary Student Partnerships During a Reading Methods Course: Does it Make a Difference?, Sarah K. Clark; Pre-Service Teacher and Elementary Student Partnerships During a Reading Methods Course: Does It Make a Difference?
Putting It To the Test: Examining the Use of Standardized Test Scores to Select Teacher Candidates Into Teacher Preparation Programs, Sarah K. Clark; The World Federation of Associations of Teacher Education
Self-Efficacy, Confidence In Prior Knowledge, and Conceptual Change, J. Cordova, Suzanne H. Broughton, and G. M. Sinatra
The student action coding sheet (SACS): An instrument for illuminating the shifts toward student-centered science classrooms, I. Erdogan, Todd Campbell, and N. Abd-Hamid; International Journal of Science Education
Low-Tech Course Management: Using Discussion Boards, Blogs, and Journals in Blackboard, Virginia N. Exton; Low-Tech Course Management: Using Discussion Boards, Blogs, and Journals in Blackboard
Blending Developmental and Literacy Theory: An Historical Overview, R. Falconer and Martha Taylor Dever; Envisioning Literacy Education as a Developmental Science: Frameworks, Theories, Models, and Methodological Rationales
Critical conversations: Tensions and opportunities of the dialogical classroom, B. Fecho, N. D. Collier, E. E. G. Friese, and Amy Wilson-Lopez; English Education
Exploring K-3 Teachers' Implementation of Comprehension Strategy Instruction (CSI), Laura Slack Foley; Exploring K-3 Teachers' Implementation of Comprehension Strategy Instruction (CSI)
Successes and Barriers to the Implementation of Comprehension Strategy Instruction (CSI), Laura Slack Foley and C. Jones; Successes and Barriers to the Implementation of Comprehension Strategy Instruction (CSI)
Curriculum, Community, and Urban School Reform, Barry M. Franklin
Issues of teacher performance stability are not new: Limitations and possibilities, Thomas L. Good and Alyson Leah Lavigne; Education Policy Analysis Archives
Revisiting silent reading in 2020 and beyond, E. H. Hiebert and D. Ray Reutzel; Revisiting Silent Reading: New Directions for Teachers and Researchers
Revisiting Silent Reading: New Directions for Teachers and Researchers, E. H. Hiebert and D. Ray Reutzel
Balancing the Curriculum in the English Language Arts: Exploring the Components of Effective Teaching and Learning, G. Hruby, Sylvia Read, and M. Landon-Hays; Handbook of Research on Teaching in the English Language Arts
Islamic American Giftedness, Scott L. Hunsaker and F. A. K. Al-Lawati; Encyclopedia of Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent
Correlates of Teacher Practices Influencing Student Outcomes in Reading Instruction for Advanced Readers, Scott L. Hunsaker, A. Nielsen, and B. Bartlett
Comparing two methods of writing instruction: Effects on kindergarten students’ reading skills, Cindy D'On Jones, D. Ray Reutzel, and J. Fargo; The Journal of Educational Research
An Activist Mentor’s struggles around difference in an urban education cohort, G. Sue Kasun; American Educational Studies Association (AESA) Conference, Denver, CO
Community and academic rigor in a different kind of classroom, G. Sue Kasun; American Educational Studies Association (AESA) Conference, Denver, CO
Innovative strategies to enhance ESOL family and community involvement in the education of ELLs, G. Sue Kasun; TESOL Pre-Convention Institute Boston, MA
Stuck in-between: Activist mentoring of pre-service teachers as a liminal process, G. Sue Kasun; Abriendo Brecha Conference on Scholarship, Activism, and Social Justice, Austin, TX
Tracking in mathematics: A reliance on the ‘sixth sense, G. Sue Kasun; American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference,Denver CO
Transnational researchers: Interpreting and reframing globalization’s impact on education,” Harvard Graduate School of Education’s Graduate Student Conference, March 2010, with Juan Carrillo and Claudia Cervantes-Soon, Boston, MA, G. Sue Kasun; Harvard Graduate School of Education’s Graduate Student Conference, Boston, MA
Social policy, educational opportunity, and classroompractice: A co-regulation approach to research on student motivation and achievement, Alyson Leah Lavigne and M. McCaslin; Advances in motivation and achievement
Beliefs as buffers of the first year of teaching: Does context matter?, Alyson Leah Lavigne, M. McCaslin, and Thomas L. Good; 2010 annual meeting of the Arizona Educational Research Organization
Using Internet Technologies for Collecting and Analyzing Focus Group Data, Kimberly H. Lott and Todd Campbell; ssociation for the Education of Teachers in Science
Best Practices for Teaching Science to English Language Learners, Kathleen A. J. Mohr
Children’s Choices: What We Know about What Kids Want, Kathleen A. J. Mohr
Fiction and Nonfiction Favorites for English Language Learners, Kathleen A. J. Mohr
Preservice Teachers’ Readiness Beliefs about Culturally Responsive Instruction, Kathleen A. J. Mohr
Using Graphic Organizers to Support Comprehension in an Online Literacy Course, Kathleen A. J. Mohr
What goes around, comes around: A conversation with Gary Shaffer, Kathleen A. J. Mohr; College Reading Association legacy: A celebration of 50 years of literacy leadership
Paths to culturally responsive instruction: Preservice teachers’ readiness beliefs, Kathleen A. J. Mohr, F. Lane, and A. Sarker; National Reading Conference Yearbook
Using the Teacher Disposition Index to Assess Preservice Teachers’ Orientation to Teaching, Kathleen A. J. Mohr, H. Ponce, and L. Dixon-Krauss
Developing the Beginning Reader Brain: What to Know, What to Do, Kathleen A. J. Mohr and R. Putman
The Reading Brain: Research-based Questions and Related Classroom Practices, Kathleen A. J. Mohr, R. Putman, C. Young, L. Slay, and R. Shearer
Evaluating Teacher Preparation Programs Across Institutions, L. Moulding and Sarah K. Clark; Evaluating Teacher Preparation Programs Across Institutions
Teaching Mathematics with Virtual Manipulatives, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham
Model-based inquiry in physics: A buoyant force module., D. Neilson, Todd Campbell, and B. Allred; The Science Teacher
Assessing English Language Learners Oral and Silent Reading, G. Ockey and D. Ray Reutzel; Revisiting Silent Reading: New Directions for Teachers and Researchers
Educación y Nación al Sur de la Frontera, Patricio Ortiz; Education Revew
The challenges of immigration reform: The impact on English language learners, J. Osterling and G. Sue Kasun; Bilingual Basics
Developing Teacher Efficacy throughReflective Practice: A Vygotskian Perspective, L. Putney and Suzanne H. Broughton; Critical Issues in Teacher Education
Fostering Knowledge Development Through Discursive Practices: A Cross-Case Study of the Reciprocal Relationships in Group Interactional Spaces, L. G. Putney, Suzanne H. Broughton, and A. Rosboro
Project GOAL Advisor Training, Nicole Pyle, L. Sayre, and J. Wexler; Project GOAL Advisor Training
Becoming a Mentor for Project GOAL, Nicole Pyle, J. Wexler, T. Brewton, and L. Sayre; Becoming a Mentor for Project GOAL
A Model for Scaffolding Writing Instruction: IMSCI, Sylvia Read; The Reading Teacher
Advocating for literacy in a climate of political division, D. Ray Reutzel; Journal of Reading Educators
Affecting changes in classrooms that work: Learning Centers, D. Ray Reutzel
Conducting Experimental and Quasi-experimental design studies in Schools and Classrooms, D. Ray Reutzel
History of Mentoring at ALER: Advise from the Experts, D. Ray Reutzel
Investigating the reliability and validity of the CORE phonics survey, D. Ray Reutzel
Investigating the reliability and validity of the CORE phonics survey, D. Ray Reutzel
Investigating the reliability and validity of the CORE phonics survey, D. Ray Reutzel
Investigating the reliability and validity of the CORE phonics survey, D. Ray Reutzel
Policies, Politics, and Teacher Effectiveness: Looking Back, Moving Forward, D. Ray Reutzel
Presidential Address: So what’s in a word: The power of words in our lives, D. Ray Reutzel; Mentoring Literacy Professionals: Continuing the spirit of CRA/ALER after 50 years, Thirty-first Yearbook of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers/ Former College Reading Association Yearbook
Silent Reading Revisited: Changing Perspectives on Silent Reading, D. Ray Reutzel
Students Who Can and Will Read: Exploring the Complexities of Elementary Reading Motivation, D. Ray Reutzel
The Role of Teacher Content and Content-Pedagogy Knowledge in Student Achievement: A Tale of Teacher Quality, D. Ray Reutzel
Using Information Books to Teach Reading, D. Ray Reutzel
Using Information Books to Teach Reading, D. Ray Reutzel
Assessing and creating effective preschool literacy classroom environments, D. Ray Reutzel and Cindy D'On Jones; Promoting early reading: Research, resources, and best practics
Scaffolded Silent Reading, D. Ray Reutzel, Cindy D'On Jones, and T. Newman; Revisiting Silent Reading: New Directions for Teachers and Researchers
Scaffolded SilentReading (ScSR): Improving the conditions of silent reading practice inclassrooms, D. Ray Reutzel, Cindy D'On Jones, and T. L. Newman; Revisiting silent reading: New directions for teachers and researchers
Transnational childhoods: Bodies that challenge boundaries, C. Saavedra and Steve P. Camicia; Diversity, Multiplicity and Childhoods
Transnational Childhoods: Immigration and Bodies That Challenge Boundaries, C. Saavedra and Steve P. Camicia; Diversity, Multiplicity and Childhoods
Chicana feminist and transnational childhoods., Cinthya M. Saavedra; Reconceptualizing Early Childhood Education, Dalton State College, Dalton Georgia.
Redesigning research through testimonios: Children acting upon the world, Cinthya M. Saavedra; International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign
(Un)reading (im)migrant children: Centering transnational bodies and literacies, Cinthya M. Saavedra; Nationals Association of Chicana/Chicano Studies, Seattle, Washington
Transnational childhoods: Immigration and bodies that challenge boundaries, Cinthya M. Saavedra and S. P. Camicia; Childhoods: A Handbook
The Poptropica Writing Project: A New Design, Kortney Sherbine; Pennsylvania State University-Lehigh Valley's Diverse Literacy Conference
Building Number Sense Through Counting Routines, Jessica F. Shumway; Presentation for K-5 Teachers, Utah Council of Teachers of Mathematics (UCTM) Conference
Responsive Routines for Early Number Sense, Jessica F. Shumway; Presentation for K-3 Teachers, 88th Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
Self-Efficacy, Emotions, and Conceptual Change, G. M. Sinatra, J. R. Cordova, Suzanne H. Broughton, and G. Taasoobshirazi
A Crack in the Night, M. Skinner, Kimberly H. Lott, and M. Longhurst; A Crack in the Night