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Using Disciplinary Literacies to Enhance Adolescents' Engineering Design Activity, Amy Wilson-Lopez, Emma Smith, and Daniel L. Householder; Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy


Reading Together: A successful reading fluency internvetion, Chase Young, Kathleen A. J. Mohr, and Timothy Rasinkski; Literary Research and Instruction


Reading Together: A successful reading fluency internvetion, Chase Young, Kathleen A. J. Mohr, and Timothy Rasinkski; Literary Research and Instruction

Citizenship Education in China Under Discourses of Nationalism, Cosmopolitanism, Neoliberalism and Confucianism, J. Zhu and Steve P. Camicia; Citizenship Education: Global Perspectives, Local Practices


Early Childhood Social Studies: A National Study of Challenges and Promising Practices, I. Berson and Steve P. Camicia; Research on the Status of Social Studies: Views From the Field

Integrating science and language instruction for English language learners in secondary schools, Sarah K. Braden; Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Doctoral Forum

Overlap and incongruity in the best practices identified by middle school English Language Learners (ELLs) and their science teachers, Sarah K. Braden and Beth A. Wassell; 8th International Conference on Language Teacher Education

What’s missing from the SIOP Model? Insights from middle school ELLs in science classes, Sarah K. Braden, Beth A. Wassell, Kathryn Scantlebury, and J. Park; 2013 Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA)

Studying Utah’s teacher education: A descriptive narrative of bridges in teacher education in an age of accountability, M Burbank, J. Bennion, Sarah K. Clark, L. Moulding, and R. Sudweeks; Impact Journal

Is There a Place for Mindfulness in Higher Education, Deborah A. Byrnes; Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching

Review of the Book "Citizenship and Citizenship Education in a Global Age: Politics, Policies, and Practices in China," by W. Law, Steve P. Camicia; Frontiers of Education in China


Fostering Preservice Teachers’ Sense of Historical Agency through the Use of Nonfiction Graphic Novels, J. Spencer Clark and Steve P. Camicia; The Journal of Social Studies Research


Using text structures of information books to teach writing in the primary grades, Sarah K. Clark, Cindy D'On Jones, and D. Ray Reutzel; Early Childhood Education Journal


An Examination of the Influences of a Teacher Preparation Program on Beginning Teachers' Reading Instruction, Sarah K. Clark, Cindy D'On Jones, D. Ray Reutzel, and Lindi Andreasen; Literacy Research and Instruction

Agency as Relational Ethics: Preservice Teachers Understanding of Historical Actors in Nonfiction Graphic Novels, S. Clark and Steve P. Camicia; San Francisco, CA

Content Analysis of Theory and Research in Social Education and the Social Studies 2008-2012, S. Clark, Steve P. Camicia, J. Zhu, H. Lee, M. Di Stefano, and S. Speicher; Baltimore


Reading to write: Leveraging text structure models in children’s information books to teach writing to young children., S. K. Clark, Cindy D'On Jones, and D. Ray Reutzel; Early Childhood Education Journal

Common Core State Standards (CCSS): New Directions for enhancing young children’s oral language development, S. Gillam and D. Ray Reutzel; Common Core State Standards: Impact on Literacy Instruction


Strengthening grade 3-5 students’ foundational knowledge of rational numbers, Thomas L. Good, Marcy B. Wood, Darrell Sabers, Amy M. Olson, Alyson Leah Lavigne, Huaping Sun, and Crystal Kalinec-Craig; Teachers College Record

Skills-focused small group literacy instruction with first graders: An inquiry and insights, Cindy D'On Jones and Brooke M. Henriksen; Journal of Reading Education

The Struggle With Impoverished Ideas of Who We Could Be: Surfacing Gendered Tropes Through Iconographic Media Forms, Peterson J. J., Steve P. Camicia, and D. S. Brooks; The Struggle With Impoverished Ideas of Who We Could Be: Surfacing Gendered Tropes Through Iconographic Media Forms

Hidden knowing of working-class transnational Mexican families in schools: Bridge-building, Nepantlera knowers, G. Sue Kasun; American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Francisco, CA

The continuum of the comfortable: Reponses of U.S. schools toward transnational families, G. Sue Kasun; American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Francisco, CA

Food for thought: A framework for social justice in social studies education, L. King and G. Sue Kasun; Focus on Middle Schools

Breakthroughs and struggles of beginning, mid-career, and veteran teachers, Alyson Leah Lavigne and A. R. Bozack; Northeastern Educational Research Association 2013 Conference

Teacher and student evaluation: Moving beyond the failure of school reform, Alyson Leah Lavigne and Thomas L. Good

Engineering Encounters: Catch Me If You Can!, Kimberly H. Lott, M. Wallin, D. Roghaar, and T. Price; Science and Children

Funds of knowledge and literacies in Latino/a youths' community-based engineering design work, J. A. Mejia, I. Hasbún, D. L. Householder, and C. Hailey; Literacy Research Association

Twitter in the Classroom: A Comparative Case Study, M. Miller-Foster, Kortney Sherbine, and D. Miller; North American Colleges & Teachers of Agriculture Conference

Hidden predictors of achievement: The equalizing effect of virtual manipulatives for mathematics instruction, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, Kerry Jordan, J. Baker, A. Westenskow, K. Rodzon, K. Anderson, and Jessica F. Shumway; Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA)

Hidden Predictors of Achievement: The Equalizing Effects of Virtual Manipulatives for Mathematics Instruction, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, Kerry Jordan, J. Baker, A. Westenskow, K. Rodzon, K. Anderson, and Jessica F. Shumway; Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA)


A study comparing virtual manipulatives with other instructional treatments in third- and fourth-grade classrooms, P. Moyer-Packenham, J. Baker, A. Westenskow, K. Anderson, Jessica F. Shumway, K. Rodzon, Kerry Jordan, and The Virtual Manipulatives Research Group at Utah State University; Journal of Education

Cross-cultural relationships: Fostering belonging and achievement of Latino students in U.S. schools, Tammy Oberg De La Garza, A. Roberts, and Alyson Leah Lavigne; 2013 annual meeting of the World Education Research Association

Handbook of Research Based Practice in Early Education, D. Ray Reutzel

Implementation of the common core standards and the practitioner: Pitfalls and possibilities, D. Ray Reutzel; Quality reading instruction in the age of common core standards


Explicit instruction in core reading programs, D. Ray Reutzel, A. Child, C.D. Jones, and Sarah K. Clark; Elementary School Journal

The Essentials of Teaching Children to Read: What Every Teacher Should Know! Third Edition, D. Ray Reutzel and R. B. Cooter

Designing and Managing Effective Early Childhood Classroom Environments, D. Ray Reutzel and Cindy D'On Jones; Handbook of research-based practices in early childhood education

Care and culture: Supporting Latino success through teacher-student relationships, A. Roberts, Alyson Leah Lavigne, and Tammy Oberg De La Garza; the Society for Psychological Anthropology 2013 Annual Meeting

“Step up and be parents!”, science teachers' expectations for family involvement for Latino/a ELL middle school students, Kathryn Scantlebury, Beth A. Wassell, and Sarah K. Braden; 2013 Annual meeting of the National Association for Reasearch on Science Teaching (NARST)


Becoming-Belieber: Girls' Passionate Encounters with Bieber Culture, Kortney Sherbine; Bank Street Occasional Paper Series

Uncertainty and the [non]Beliebers: A Consideration of Nomadology in Qualitative Research, Kortney Sherbine; 9th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry


Building bridges to spatial reasoning, Jessica F. Shumway; Teaching Children Mathematics

Building Partnerships: A Collaborative Lesson-Study Experience in a Preservice Mathematics Methods Course, Jessica F. Shumway, A. Bostwick, K. Anderson, and S. Tucker; Seventeenth Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators

Building Students’ Math Foundations: Number Sense, Jessica F. Shumway, C. Ermer, J. Kelley, and C. Webb; K-6 Teachers, Utah Council of Teachers of Mathematics (UCTM) Conference

Manipulatives, Models, and Symbols: The Role of Representations in Building Students’ Number Sense, Jessica F. Shumway, J. Kyriopolous, and M. Granados; Presentation for K-5 Teachers, 91st Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)


Attracting Diverse Students to a Magnet School: Risking Aspirations or Swallowing One’s Beliefs, Amanda Taggart and Alan R. Shoho; Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership


A Synthesis of Academic Interventions for Incarcerated Adolescents, Jade Wexler, Nicole Pyle, Andrea Flower, Jacob L. Williams, and Heather Cole; Review of Educational Research


A Synthesis of Peer-Mediated Academic Interventions for Secondary Struggling Learners, Jade Wexler, Deborah K. Reed, Nicole Pyle, Marisa Mitchell, and Erin E. Barton; Journal of Learning Disabilities

Producing multi-representational texts in mathematics: Writing and representing as tools for reasoning and persuading., A. R. Wilson and Amy Wilson-Lopez; Annual conference of the International Reading Association


Actional-operational modes in earth science and implications for fundamental science literacy instruction, Amy Wilson-Lopez; Science Education


A typology of actional-operational modes in earth science and implications for fundamental science literacy instruction, Amy Wilson-Lopez; Science Eduction


A Typology of Actional-Operational Modes in Earth Science and Implications for Science Literacy Instruction, Amy Wilson-Lopez; Science Education

Children's design thinking while reading engineering texts, Amy Wilson-Lopez; Literacy Research Association

Discipline-specific forms of transmediation in middle school instruction and assessment, Amy Wilson-Lopez and M. Boatright; Literacy Research Association

High school students’ cognitive activity while solving authentic problems through engineering design processes, Amy Wilson-Lopez, Daniel L. Householder, and Emma Smith; Conference Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education

High school students’ cognitive activity while solving authentic problems through engineering design processes., Amy Wilson-Lopez, Daniel L. Householder, and Emma Smith; 2013 ASEE Annual Conference

Hidden in plain sight: Discipline-specific assumptions in instructional images., Amy Wilson-Lopez and M. Landon-Hays; 2013 Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association


Funds of Knowledge and Literacies in Latino/a Youths' Community-Based Engineering Design Work, Amy Wilson-Lopez, Joel Alejandro Mejia, Indhira María Hasbún, Daniel L. Householder, and Chris Hailey; Literacy Research Association

Fundamental literacies required of adolescents’ engineering designs: A multiple case study, Amy Wilson-Lopez, Emma Smith, and Daniel L. Householder; 2013 Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association



Making Sense of integer Arithmetic: The Effect of Using Virtual Manipulatives on Students' Representational Fluency, J. Bolyard and Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham; Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching

A Content-Based Instruction (CBI) approach to redesigning an undergraduate English as a Second Language (ESL) integrated skills course, Sarah K. Braden; Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Doctoral Forum

Influence of Task-Values on Attention Allocation and Conceptual Change, Suzanne H. Broughton and M. L. Johnson

Food for Thought: Pre-Service Teachers' Knowledge, Emotions, and Attitudes Toward Genetically Modified Foods, Suzanne H. Broughton and Louis S. Nadelson

Climate Change, Genetically Modified Foods, Airport Body Scanners: Investigating Students' Emotions Related to Science Topics, Suzanne H. Broughton, R. Pekrum, and G. M. Sinatra


"Pluto Has Been a Planet My Whole Life!” Emotions, Attitudes, and Conceptual Change in Elementary Students Learning about Pluto’s Reclassification, Suzanne H. Broughton, G.M. Sinatra, and E.M. Nussbaum; Research in Science Education, Online First


Teaching Anxieties Revealed: Pre-Service Elementary Teachers’ Reflections on their Mathematics Teaching Experiences, A. Brown, A. Westenskow, and Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham; Teaching Education

Mindfulness, Meditation, and Collective Resonance: Creating an Agenda for Future Educational Research, Deborah A. Byrnes; Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association


An ethics of recognition in global and teacher education: Looking through queer and postcolonial Lenses, Steve P. Camicia; International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning

An ethics of recognition in global and teacher education: Looking through queer and postcolonial Lenses, Steve P. Camicia

Curriculum development collaboration between colonizer and colonized: Contradictions and possibilities for democratic education, Steve P. Camicia; Ethics and international curriculum work: The challenges of culture and context

Learning to listen and listening to learn: Bonding in/difference across academic activisms., Steve P. Camicia


Synthesizing Multicultural, Global, and Civic Perspectives in the Elementary School Curriculum and Educational Research, Steve P. Camicia and J. Zhu


Synthesizing Multicultural, Global, and Civic Perspectives in the Elementary School Curriculum and Educational Research, Steve P. Camicia and Juanjuan Zhu; The Qualitative Report


Taking A Closer Look: Teaching Students to Be Metacognitive, Sarah K. Clark; Utah Journal of Reading and Literacy

Voices from the Training Ground: Examining Pre-Service Teacher Self-Efficacy to Teach Young Children to Read, Sarah K. Clark; Voices from the Training Ground: Examining Pre-Service Teacher Self-Efficacy to Teach Young Children to Read

Read Aloud Experiences and the Reading Attitude of Sixth Graders, Sarah K. Clark and L. Andreasen; Read Aloud Experiences and the Reading Attitude of Sixth Graders


Through the Eyes of the Novice Teacher: Perceptions of Mentoring Support, Sarah K. Clark and D. Byrnes; Teacher Development

Measuring Pre-Service Teacher Self Efficacy Beliefs Across Programs: How Do Teacher Preparation Programs Compare?, Sarah K. Clark and L. Moulding; Journal of International Society of Teacher Education

The Complexities of Conducting Longitudinal Teacher Education Research, Sarah K. Clark and L. Moulding; The Complexities of Conducting Longitudinal Teacher Education Research


An Examination of Preservice Partnerships During a Reading Methods Course: Do They Increase Perceptions of Ability?, Sarah K. Clark and Sylvia Read; Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education


Community College Student Success Programs: A Synthesis, Critique, and Research Agenda, Gloria Crisp and Amanda Taggart; Community College Journal of Research and Practice


Research on Distance Programs for Teachers & Administrators, Laura Slack Foley; Annual Meeting of the Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association, Park City, UT

Effects of sustained teacher professional development on the classroom science instruction of elementary school teachers, N. Hauck and Kimberly H. Lott; Annual International Conference of the Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE)

A Model for Examining the Criteria Used by Pre-Service Elementary Teachers in Their Evaluation of Technology for Mathematics Teaching, Christopher J. Johnston and Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham; Educational Technology, Teacher Knowledge, and Classroom Impact: A Research Handbook on Frameworks and Approaches


Enhancing alphabet knowledge instruction: Research implications and practical strategies for early childhood educators, Cindy D'On Jones, Sarah K. Clark, and D. Ray Reutzel; Early Childhood Education Journal


Enhanced alphabet knowledge instruction: Exploring a change of frequency, focus, and distributed cycles of review, Cindy D'On Jones and D. Ray Reutzel; Reading Psychology: An International Journal

A personal postcolonial excavation: A call to re-historying the researcher, G. Sue Kasun; American Educational Studies Association (AESA), Seattle, WA


Dreaming in Context: Micro- and Structural Transformations in an age of Standardized Testing, G. Sue Kasun

How do you know? Anzaldúa’s conocimiento as a framework for understanding immigrant students’ ways of knowing, G. Sue Kasun; American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference, Vancouver, Canada

I cannot erase myself’: Persistence of transnational Mexican-origin families ways of knowing, G. Sue Kasun; American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference, Vancouver, Canada

In receipt of a gift: Complexities of being received into and transferring Xicana sacred spaces in research community and with transnational participants, G. Sue Kasun; American Anthropological Association (AAA), San Francisco, CA

Unlocking the Door to Accreditation: Using Technology and Key Assessments for Program Evaluation and Data-driven Decision-making in Teacher Education, J. Laney, L. Dixon-Krauss, M. Harris, Kathleen A. J. Mohr, K. King, and T. Sutton

Exploring the implications of high-stakes teacher evaluation on schools, teachers, and students, Alyson Leah Lavigne; High-Stakes Teacher Evaluation: High Cost -- Big Losses Conference

Understanding teacher retention: Exploring beginning and veteran teachers, Alyson Leah Lavigne; 2012 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association

Advancing literacy and math through scientific inquiry, Kimberly H. Lott; Research Catalyst Grant, Utah State University

FIRE UP the Inquiry. Lose the routine, tweak your “cookbook lab,” and reach a level of open inquiry with these strategies used during a unit on hea, Kimberly H. Lott; A Year of Inquiry: A Collection for Elementary Educators

Testing the learning progression of scientific modeling: Can first graders use scientific modeling to explain the states of matter?, Kimberly H. Lott; Annual International Conference of the Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE)

The effects on elementary teachers' views of scientific inquiry and beliefs about teaching science, Kimberly H. Lott; Annual International Conference of the Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE)

Changes matter! Addressing misconceptions students have about physical and chemical changes , Kimberly H. Lott and A. Jensen; Science and Children