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We All Have a Pulse: Epigenetics, Proleptic Eschatology, and Creating a Culture of Understanding, Mario Itzel Suárez, Peter Scaramuzzo, and Patrick Slattery; Curriculum & Pedagogy Annual Conference
Toward a Butlerian Education: Social Justice Education Through Vulnerability, Mario Itzel Suárez and Patrick Slattery; American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies Annual Conference
How Affordances and Constraints of Physical and Virtual Manipulatives Support the Development of Procedural Fluency and Algorithmic Thinking in Mathematics, Jennifer Such and Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham; International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education
The Role of Cultural Discontinuity in the Academic Outcomes of Latina/o High School Students, Amanda Taggart; Education and Urban Society
STEM High Schools Teachers’ Belief Regarding STEM Student Giftedness, Colby Tofel-Grehl and Carolyn M. Callahan; Gifted Child Quarterly
STEM School Discourse Patterns, Colby Tofel-Grehl and Carolyn M. Callahan; Journal of STEM Education
Variations in the Intensity of Specialized Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) High Schools, Colby Tofel-Grehl and Carolyn M. Callahan; Journal of STEM Teacher Education
Zooming in on students’ thinking: How a virtual manipulative app revealed, concealed, and developed students’ number understanding, S. I. Tucker, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, Jessica F. Shumway, and Kerry Jordan; Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom
The Complexity of the Affordance–Ability Relationship When Second-Grade Children Interact with Mathematics Virtual Manipulative Apps, Stephen I. Tucker, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, Arla Westenskow, and Kerry Jordan; Technology, Knowledge and Learning
An Examination of Children’s Learning Progression Shifts While Using Touch Screen Virtual Manipulative Mathematics Apps, Christina M. Watts, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, Stephen Isaac Tucker, Emma P. Bullock, Jessica F. Shumway, Arla Westenskow, Jennifer Boyer-Thurgood, Katie Anderson-Pence, Salif Mahamane, and Kerry Jordan; Computers in Human Behavior
Using an Iceberg Intervention Model to Understand Equivalent Fraction Learning when Students with Mathematical Learning Difficulties use Different Manipulatives, Arla Westenskow and Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham; International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education
Culturally responsive STEM education, Amy Wilson-Lopez; National Science Foundation Discovery Research K-12 PI Meeting
A Social Semiotic Analysis of Instructional Images across Academic Disciplines, Amy Wilson-Lopez and Melanie Landon-Hays; Visual Communication
Latina/o adolescents' funds of knowledge related to engineering, Amy Wilson-Lopez, Joel Alejandro Mejia, Indhira María Hasbún, and G. Sue Kasun; Journal of Engineering Education
Engaging high school students in engineering ethics, Amy Wilson-Lopez and C. Sias; American Educational Research Association
Engineering 2.0: Meeting the Next Generation Science Standards through writing in engineers' notebooks, Amy Wilson-Lopez and C. Sias; International Literacy Association
Reading the designed world: Critical literacy in engineering, Amy Wilson-Lopez and C. Sias; American Educational Research Association
Disciplinary literacy instruction for social transformation in high school engineering classes, Amy Wilson-Lopez and K. Strong; Literacy Research Association
Student facilitation in peer-led literature group discussions, Chase Young and Kathleen A. J. Mohr; The Journal of Classroom Interaction
Student facilitation in peer-led literature group discussions, Chase Young and Kathleen A. J. Mohr; The Journal of Classroom Interaction
Using Virtual Manipulatives to Enchance Collaborative Discourse in Mathematics Instruction, Katie Anderson-Pence and Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham
Using Virtual Manipulatives to Generalize and Justify through Discourse, Katie Anderson-Pence and Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham
Effective teaching with technology: Managing affordances in iPad apps to promote young children’s mathematics learning, Emma P. Bullock, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, Jessica F. Shumway, C. Watts, and B. MacDonald; Paper presented at the Society for Information Technology and TeacherEducation (SITE) Conference
Undergraduate Latina/o Students: A Systematic Review of Research Identifying Factors Contributing to Academic Success Outcomes, Gloria Crisp, Amanda Taggart, and Amaury Nora; Review of Educational Research
National Survey of STEM High Schools' Curricular and Instructional Strategies and Practices, Jennifer Forman, Elizabeth Jean Gubbins, Merzili Villanueva, Cindy Massicotte, Carolyn Callahan, and Colby Tofel-Grehl; NCSSS Journal
Rating Teachers Cheaper, Faster, and Better: Not So Fast, Thomas L. Good and Alyson L. Lavigne; Journal of Teacher Education
Rating Teachers Cheaper, Faster, and Better, Thomas L. Good and Alyson Leah Lavigne; Journal of Teacher Education
Reading Moby Dick from the Borderlands, Kristin Kristner Hall, Sungyoon Lee, Mario Itzel Suárez, and Patrick Slattery; El Mundo Zurdo 2015, Memoria y Conocimiento: International Interdisciplinary Anazaldúan Studies Conference
PERA Early Implementer: A District’s Capacity for Change, Cynthia Kuck, Bright Borkorm, Roger Chamberlain, and Alyson Leah Lavigne; 2015 Illinois Education Research Council’s Focus on Illinois Education Research Symposium
Assessing the assessments, Alyson Leah Lavigne; Illionois Migrant Educators 2015 Statewide Workshop
Observing and evaluating dual language teachers, Alyson Leah Lavigne; 20th Annual Conference of La Cosecha
Using picture books, Alyson Leah Lavigne; Illionois Migrant Educators 2015 Statewide Workshop
Successes and struggles of teaching: Perspectives of beginning, mid-career, and veteran teachers, Alyson Leah Lavigne and Amanda Rabidue Bozack; Journal of Teaching Effectiveness and Student Achievement
Teacher knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, Alyson Leah Lavigne and Yasmin Dalal; Classroom management: An A-to-Z guide
Improving teaching through observation and feedback: Going beyond state and federal mandates, Alyson Leah Lavigne and Thomas L. Good
The practice and evaluation of culturally responsive literacy for English Language Learners in the 21st century, Alyson Leah Lavigne and Tammy Oberg De La Garza; Evaluating Literacy Instruction: Principles and Promising Practices
Towards a Bilingual Illinois: Dual Language Program Development, Erin Mackinney, Alyson Leah Lavigne, and Tammy Oberg De La Garza; 2015 Illinois Education Research Council’s Focus on Illinois Education Research Symposium
Changes in Latino/a adolescents' engineering self-efficacy and perceptions of engineering after addressing authentic engineering design challenges, J. A. Mejia, D. Drake, and Amy Wilson-Lopez; Conference Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education
Latino high school students' funds of knowledge: A sociocultural analysis of engineering design challenges, J. A. Mejia and Amy Wilson-Lopez; American Educational Research Association
Young children’s learning performance and efficiency when using virtual manipulative mathematics iPad apps, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, Jessica F. Shumway, E. Bullock, S. I. Tucker, K. L. Anderson-Pence, A. Westenskow, J. Boyer-Thurgood, C. Maahs-Fladung, J. Symanzik, Salif Mahamane, B. MacDonald, and K. E. Jordan; Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching
Examining Patterns in Second Graders’ Use of Virtual Manipulative Mathematics Apps through Heatmap Analysis, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, Stephen Isaac Tucker, Arla Westenskow, and Jurgen Symanzik; International Journal of Educational Studies in Mathematics
Trust in science and scientists and the acceptance of evolution, Louis S. Nadelson; Evolution: Education and Outreach
Are We Preparing the Next Generation? K-12 Teacher Knowledge and Engagement in Teaching Core STEM Practices, Louis S. Nadelson, Anne Seifert, and J. Kade Hendricks; ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition
Culturally relevant, balanced literacy instruction, Tammy Oberg De La Garza and Alyson Leah Lavigne; 2015 Illinois Migrant Educators Annual Workshop
Exploring culturally relevant literacy practices with Latino students, Tammy Oberg De La Garza and Alyson Leah Lavigne; 2015 Chicago State University Culturally Relevant Instruction Conference
Salsa dancing in gym shoes: Exploring cross-cultural missteps with Latinos in the classroom, Tammy Oberg De La Garza and Alyson Leah Lavigne
Salsa dancing in gym shoes: A critical conversation about students, culture, and education, Tammy Oberg De La Garza, Alyson Leah Lavigne, and Elena Garcia Ansani; The Critical Conversations in Policy and Social Justice
Developing dual language programs for educators, Tammy Oberg De La Garza, Erin Mackinney, and Alyson Leah Lavigne; 20th Annual Conference of La Cosecha
Dual Language Instruction and Achievement: A Need and a Void in the Midwest, Tammy Oberg De La Garza, Erin Mackinney, and Alyson Leah Lavigne; Mid-western Educational Researcher
Existing and emerging dual language programs in Illinois, Tammy Oberg De La Garza, Erin Mackinney, and Alyson Leah Lavigne; 2015 Annual Conference of the Midwestern Educational Research Association
Emerging Childhoods & Immanent Becomings: Considering Difference in One Child's Encounters with Popular Culture, Kortney Sherbine; Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education
"My Four-Year Old Cousin Hit a Half-Court Shot!": Nomadic Becomings and Affective Actants in Early Childhood, Kortney Sherbine; 23rd International Reconceptualizing Early Childhood Education Conference
"Quick, Somebody Tweet That!" Social Networing and Engaging Adult Learners, Kortney Sherbine; Workshop for Secondary Teachers and College Instructors
The Teacher's Chair: Vibrant Materialism in the Literacy Workshop, Kortney Sherbine; Literacy Research Association Annual Conference
Building Number Sense Across the District: Mathematics Professional Development for Elementary Teachers, Jessica F. Shumway and J. Everett; Presentation for School Leaders, 2015 National Title I Conference
Jumps and Leaps: Number Lines, Number Sense, and Solving Problems, Jessica F. Shumway, J. Kelley, C. Webb, and B. Child; K-6 Teachers, Utah Council of Teachers of Mathematics (UCTM) Conference
A Window Into Mathematical Support: How Parents’ Perceptions Change Following Observations of Mathematics Tutoring, Arla Westenskow, Jennifer Boyer-Thurgood, and Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham; Journal of Research in Childhood Education
Information gathering in adolescents' engineering design, Amy Wilson-Lopez, M. Boatright, and J. A. Mejia; Literacy Research Association
Meeting Next Generation Science Standards through literacy instruction on visual texts, Amy Wilson-Lopez and K. Chavez; International Literacy Association
Fostering engineering design thinking through literacy instruction for elementary students, Amy Wilson-Lopez and S. Gregory; American Educational Research Association
Integrating literacy and engineering instruction for young learners, Amy Wilson-Lopez and Stacie Gregory; The Reading Teacher
Integrating compehension strategy instruction with engineering design instruction for elementary students, Amy Wilson-Lopez and V. Larsen; Literacy Research Association
Literacy practices embedded in transnational Latino/a adolescents' engineering design work, Amy Wilson-Lopez and J. A. Mejia; Literacy Research Association
Fundamental literacies in English learners' engineering design work, Amy Wilson-Lopez, C. Sias, and J. A. Mejia; American Educational Research Association
Relationships between visual static models and students’ written solutions to fraction tasks, K. L. Anderson-Pence, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, A. Westenskow, Jessica F. Shumway, and Kerry Jordan; International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning
Stories From the Field: Connecting, Challenging, & Igniting Teachers, C. Beach, M. Falter, E. Bailin, and Kortney Sherbine; National Council of Teachers of English
Kindergartener’s Strategy Development during Combining Tasks on the iPad, J. Boyer-Thurgood, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, Jessica F. Shumway, A. Westenskow, S. Tucker, K. Anderson, and E. Bullock; 12th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education (HICE)
Beginning teachers who stay: Beliefs about student learning, Alyson Leah Lavigne; Teaching and Teacher Education
Exploring the implications of high-stakes teacher evaluation on schools, teachers, and students, Alyson Leah Lavigne; Teachers College Record
Race to the Top in Illinois: Understanding school leaders’ capacity to implement teacher evaluation, Alyson Leah Lavigne; Implementation of Educator Evaluation Systems: Examining Problems of Practice 2014 Conference
Coping with increased demands for teacher evaluation: School leaders’ perceptions of problems and possibility, Alyson Leah Lavigne and Roger Chamberlain; Using Observational and Student Achievement Data to Improve Teaching 2014 Conference
Introduction to high-stakes teacher evaluation: High cost—big losses, Alyson Leah Lavigne, Thomas L. Good, and Ronald W. Marx; Teachers College Record
Funds of knowledge in Hispanic students' communities that enhance engineering design thinking, J. A. Mejia, Amy Wilson-Lopez, and I. Hasbún; Conference Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education
Developing research tools for young children’s interactions with mathematics apps on the iPad, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, K. L. Anderson, Jessica F. Shumway, S. Tucker, A. Westenskow, J. Boyer-Thurgood, E. Bullock, Salif Mahamane, J. Baker, H. Gulkilik, C. Maahs-Fladung, J. Symanzik, and The Virtual Manipulatives Research Group at Utah State University; Proceedings of the 12th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education (HICE),
Predictors of achievement when virtual manipulatives are used for mathematics instruction, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, J. M. Baker, A. Westenskow, K. Anderson-Pence, Jessica F. Shumway, and K. E. Jordan; Journal of Research in Mathematics Education (REDIMAT)
Young children’s learning performance and efficiency when using virtual manipulative mathematics iPad apps, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, Jessica F. Shumway, E. Bullock, S. I. Tucker, K. L. Anderson-Pence, A. Westenskow, J. Boyer-Thurgood, C. Maahs-Fladung, J. Symanzik, Salif Mahamane, B. MacDonald, Kerry Jordan, and The Virtual Manipulatives Research Group at Utah State University; Paper presented at the annual National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Conference, (NCTM)
Children’s Mathematics Interactions with Virtual Manipulatives on iPads, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, Jessica F. Shumway, S. Tucker, J. Boyer-Thurgood, A. Westenskow, J. Hunt, and E. Bullock; National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Research Conference
Young Children’s Mathematics Interactions with Virtual Manipulatives on iPads, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, Jessica F. Shumway, A. Westenskow, S. Tucker, K. Anderson, J. Boyer-Thurgood, and E. Bullock; 12th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education (HICE)
The effects of different virtual manipulatives for second graders' mathematics learning in the touch-screen environment, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, A. Westenskow, Jessica F. Shumway, E. Bullock, S. I. Tucker, K. L. Boyer-Thurgood, C. Maahs-Fladung, J. Symanzik, Salif Mahamane, B. MacDonald, Kerry Jordan, and The Virtual Manipulatives Research Group at Utah State University; Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of the Mathematics Education into the 21st Century Project
Culturally responsive teaching and texts to authentically engage Latino students in mainstream and bilingual classrooms, Tammy Oberg De La Garza and Alyson Leah Lavigne; National Association for Multicultural Education 2014 Conference
Encountering Justin Bieber: A Deleuzoguattarian Disruption of Representations of Young Fans, Kortney Sherbine; Celebrities Studies Conference
Go figure! Number sense routines that build mathematical understanding, Jessica F. Shumway
Playing with Numbers: Developing Flexible Computation Strategies, Jessica F. Shumway; Presentation for PreK-2 Teachers, 92nd Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
Mastery multiplied, Jessica F. Shumway and J. Kyriopolous; Educational Leadership
A Story Problem Assessment: Task-Based Interviews for Understanding Children’s Number Sense, Jessica F. Shumway, A. Westenskow, and Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham; 12th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education (HICE)
Best Practices in Researching Service-Learning at Community Colleges, Amanda Taggart and Gloria Crisp; Service-learning at the American community college: Theoretical and empirical perspectives
Service Learning at Community Colleges: Synthesis, Critique, and Recommendations for Future Research, Amanda Taggart and Gloria Crisp; Journal of College Reading and Learning
National Need for Parity in STEM Education, Colby Tofel-Grehl; Teaching Children Mathematics
STEM High School Communities: Common and Differing Features, Colby Tofel-Grehl and Carolyn M. Callahan; Journal of Advanced Academics
The Nexus of Mathematics, Strategy, and Technology in Second-Graders’ Interactions with an iPad-Based Virtual Manipulative, S. I. Tucker, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, J. M. Boyer-Thurgood, K. L. Anderson, Jessica F. Shumway, A. Westenskow, and E. Bullock; 12th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education (HICE)
Literature supporting investigations of the nexus of mathematics, strategy, and technology in children’s interactions with iPad-based virtual manipulatives, S. I. Tucker, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, J. M. Boyer-Thurgood, K. L. Anderson, Jessica F. Shumway, A. Westenskow, E. Bullock, and The Virtual Manipulatives Research Group at Utah State University; Proceedings of the 12th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education (HICE),
Expanding CBI: Integrating pedagogy and relationships to support science learning, Beth A. Wassell, Sarah K. Braden, and Alex Grover; Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Convention
Cute Drawings? The disconnect between students' pictorial representations and their mathematics responses to fraction questions, A. Westenskow, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, K. L. Anderson-Pence, Jessica F. Shumway, and Kerry Jordan; International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education
Cute Drawings? What Students’ Fractional Representations Reveal About Their Whole Number Bias, A. Westenskow, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, K. L. Anderson-Pence, Jessica F. Shumway, Kerry Jordan, and The Virtual Manipulatives Research Group at Utah State University; Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of the Mathematics Education into the 21st Century Project
From gesture/object to writing/image: Semiotic transformations in adolescents' engineering designs, Amy Wilson-Lopez; American Educational Research Association
Middle School Teachers’ Discipline-Specific Use of Gestures and Implications for Disciplinary Literacy Instruction, Amy Wilson-Lopez; Journal of Literacy Research
Supporting elementary students' engineering design activity through literacy instruction, Amy Wilson-Lopez and S. Gregory; Literacy Research Association
Using reading and writing to support engineering activity in elementary schools, Amy Wilson-Lopez, J. Kyriopoulos, and R. Coulombe; International Reading Association
Exchanges of capital in Latino/a adolescents' engineering designs, Amy Wilson-Lopez, J. A. Mejia, and I. Hasbún; Literacy Research Association
Literacies in engineering: Forms of capital used in immigrant youths' engineering designs, Amy Wilson-Lopez, J. A. Mejia, and I. Hasbún; American Educational Research Association