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Teaching book and print concepts to beginning readers, D. Ray Reutzel

Teaching book and print concepts to beginning readers, D. Ray Reutzel

Teaching book and print concepts to beginning readers, D. Ray Reutzel

Teaching book and print concepts to beginning readers, D. Ray Reutzel

Teaching kindergartners print concepts, D. Ray Reutzel

Whole language theory: What it implies for classroom practice, D. Ray Reutzel


Teaching Reading Skills for Mastery, D. Ray Reutzel and R. B. Cooter; Academic Therapy


The Instructional Cohesion of Reading Lessons in Seven Basal Reading Series, D. Ray Reutzel and D. Daines; Reading Psychology


The Text-Relatedness of Seven Basal Reading Series. Reading Research and Instruction, D. Ray Reutzel and D. Daines; Reading Research and Instruction

Looking in Whole Language Classrooms, D. Ray Reutzel and P. M. Hollingsworth; Tennessee Reading Teacher

Looking in Whole Language Classrooms, D. Ray Reutzel and P. M. Hollingsworth; Tennessee Reading Teacher

The Whole Language Approach to Literacy Education: What It Is and What It Isn't, D. Ray Reutzel and P. M. Hollingsworth; The Journal of Children and Youth

Teaching Beginning Readers Main Idea Comprehension Using Dictated Texts: A Modified Replication of Baumann's Direct Instruction Paradigm, D. Ray Reutzel, P. M. Hollingsworth, and D. Daines; Researcher: 1987 Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association Distinguished Paper


Primary children's ratings of the stressfulness of experiences, K. Yamamoto and Deborah A. Byrnes; Journal of Research in Childhood Education


Effects of School Readiness & Retention Policies, Deborah A. Byrnes; American Educational Research Association Annual meeting

Prejudice and Teacher Education Students, Deborah A. Byrnes; American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education

Prejudice: Views of children and teachers in a homogeneous rural school, Deborah A. Byrnes and M Jones; ERIC Publication

Religious prejudice and democracy: Conflict in the classroom, Deborah A. Byrnes and G Kiger; Issues in Education

Views on grade repetition, Deborah A. Byrnes and K. Yamamoto; Journal of Research & Development in Education

A developmental investigation of children's story structure awareness in dictated language experience stories, D. Ray Reutzel

Characteristics of an effective reading lesson: Guidelines for reading supervisors, D. Ray Reutzel

Clozing in on Comprehension: The Cloze Story Map, D. Ray Reutzel; The Reading Teacher


Investigating a Synthesized Comprehension Instructional Strategy: The Cloze Story Map, D. Ray Reutzel; The Journal of Educational Research

The Reading Basal: A Sentence-Combining Composing Book?, D. Ray Reutzel; The Reading Teacher

The text-relatedness of reading lessons in seven basal series, D. Ray Reutzel

Writing with the basal: A sentence-combining approach to comprehension, D. Ray Reutzel

Writing with the basal: Using sentence combining, D. Ray Reutzel

Adolescents' Reading Interests and Prior Knowledge: Are They Really Related?, D. Ray Reutzel and J. P. Mitchell; Reading Improvement


Academic retention: An inside look, Deborah A. Byrnes; Education

Cipher in the classroom, Deborah A. Byrnes; Childhood Education

Concerns and Hopes of Children: A Round Table, Deborah A. Byrnes; Association for Childhood Education International

Education Against Prejudice: What Schools Can Do, Deborah A. Byrnes; National Association for the Education of Young Children Annual Conference

Legal, Ethical, and Evaluative Issues in Prejudice-Reduction Activities, Deborah A. Byrnes; National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in Higher Education

Becoming a nation of readers: A shared concern for literacy, D. Ray Reutzel

Improving classroom questioning: Implications from the research, D. Ray Reutzel

Investigating a synthesized comprehension instructional strategy: The Cloze story map, D. Ray Reutzel

Nontraditional practicum experiences for pre-service teachers: A futuristic alternative, D. Ray Reutzel

Reconciling Schema Theory with the Basal Reading Lesson, D. Ray Reutzel; The Reading Teacher

Story Mapping Improves Comprehension, D. Ray Reutzel; The Reading Teacher

The basal reader and the DRA: What's wrong with IT?, D. Ray Reutzel

Writing with basals: A sentence-combining approach to comprehension, D. Ray Reutzel

Asking Questions about Stories: What Reading Teachers Should Know. Contemporary Issues in Reading, D. Ray Reutzel and J. P. Mitchell; Contemporary Issues in Reading


Experiences of Significance: Configurations of Life in Childhood, Deborah A. Byrnes; American Orthopsychiatric Association Convention


Forgotten children in our classrooms: Development and characteristics, Deborah A. Byrnes; Elementary School Journal

Repeating the Grade: Perspectives of the Involved, Deborah A. Byrnes; Association for Childhood Education International


Social isolates and the teacher, Deborah A. Byrnes; The Educational Forum

The Development and Expression of Prejudice in Children, Deborah A. Byrnes; National Association for the Education of Young Children Conference

A new approach to comprehension: The cloze story map, D. Ray Reutzel

A new approach to comprehension: The cloze story map, D. Ray Reutzel

Pre-service teachers' reading abilities in perspective: The impact of competency testing, D. Ray Reutzel


Story Mapping: An Alternative Path to Comprehension., D. Ray Reutzel; Reading World

Teaching content reading with the newspaper, D. Ray Reutzel

The Effectiveness of Using Adjunct Story Frames to Improve Children's Comprehension, D. Ray Reutzel; Reading Improvement

Using the cloze story map: A new approach to monitoring comprehension, D. Ray Reutzel

Writing with the basal: A sentence-combining approach to comprehension, D. Ray Reutzel

Writing with the basal: A sentence-combining approach to comprehension, D. Ray Reutzel

Texas Pre-service Teacher Reading Abilities and the Potential Impact of Texas Competency Testing of Basic Reading Skills, D. Ray Reutzel and W. Swindle; Teacher Education and Practice


Classroom social status, ethnicity, and ratings of stressful events, K. Yamamoto and Deborah A. Byrnes; Journal of Educational Research



Color associations of children, Deborah A. Byrnes; The Journal of Psychology

Life skills in solitude and silence in the school, Deborah A. Byrnes; Education

The Clinical and Educational Ramifications of Academic Retention, Deborah A. Byrnes; American Orthopsychiatric Association Convention

Invisible children: A descriptive study of social isolates, Deborah A. Byrnes and K. Yamamoto; Journal of Research and Development in Education

Activating comprehension with the basal, D. Ray Reutzel

A Reading Model for Teaching Arithmetic Story Problem Solving, D. Ray Reutzel; The Reading Teacher

Getting the whole story from the problem, D. Ray Reutzel

Helping children solve arithmetic story problems: Dimensions of reading, D. Ray Reutzel

Interviewing: How to Hire a Good Classroom Teacher of Reading, D. Ray Reutzel; The Reading Teacher

Reading Education: Recipe or Research? , D. Ray Reutzel; Teaching Center Perspectives

Reversing the basal lesson: The RDRA, D. Ray Reutzel

Solving arithmetic story problems using reading strategies, D. Ray Reutzel

The influence of prior knowledge and adjunct story frames on children's comprehension, D. Ray Reutzel

Writing with the basal: A sentence-combining approach to comprehension, D. Ray Reutzel

Writing with the basal: A sentence-combining approach to comprehension, D. Ray Reutzel

Administrators’ Ten Commandments for Reading Teachers, D. Ray Reutzel and S. Cutshall; News for Administrators / Reading Today


Children Under Stress, Deborah A. Byrnes; Association of Teacher Educators


Hard battles ahead: A note on the future perspectives of minority children, Deborah A. Byrnes; Psychology in the Schools

Seeing the invisible children: An explorer's journey, Deborah A. Byrnes; Philosophy and Social Sciences

The Invisible Children: The Family and School Contexts, Deborah A. Byrnes; American Orthopsychiatric Association Convention

Solving arithmetic story problems, D. Ray Reutzel


Some reflections on empathy, Deborah A. Byrnes and K. Yamamoto; The School Counselor

Review of The Ecology of Human Development-Experiments by Nature and Design, by Urie Bronfenbrenner, B. Hardcastle, Deborah A. Byrnes, A. Bartlett, P. Denton, and P. R. Walsh; The Educational Forum

Using semantic mapping with verbal arithmetic problems, D. Ray Reutzel