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Performance of Economically Disadvantaged Students Placed in Gifted Programs through the Research-Based Assessment Plan, Scott L. Hunsaker, M. M. Frasier, E. Frank, V. Finley, and P. Klekotka
Family Influences on the Achievement of Economically Disadvantaged Students: Implications for Gifted Identification and Programming, Scott L. Hunsaker, M. M. Frasier, L. L. King, B. Watts-Warren, B. Cramond, and S. Krisel
Improving middle-level teachers' attitudes toward language diversity, M L. Manning, Deborah A. Byrnes, and G Kiger; Current Issues in Middle Level Education
Enhancing the Questioning Strategies of Preservice Teachers, Kathleen A. J. Mohr
Teacher's Facilitation of Students' Recreational Reading Selections, Kathleen A. J. Mohr
Variations in a Theme: Using LEA to Promote Second Language Acquisition, Kathleen A. J. Mohr
Teacher facilitation of students' recreational reading choices, Kathleen A. J. Mohr and W. M. Linek; Perspectives on literacy research and practice
What those hiring new teachers consider in initial evaluation of applicants for a teaching position, J A. Monson, B Lignugaris Kraft, Deborah A. Byrnes, and K Johnson; Researcher
A year with first-graders: Reality therapy for an education professor, D. Ray Reutzel
Balanced literacy and other hot topics about literacy, D. Ray Reutzel
Balanced reading: Instruction, materials, and conceptual framework, D. Ray Reutzel
Bundling literature units with technology: CD ROM technology for supporting legends, myths, and fables, D. Ray Reutzel
Conversations about restructuring a teacher education program, D. Ray Reutzel
Developing literacy: A whole child view, D. Ray Reutzel
Finger-Point Reading and Beyond: Learning About Print Strategies (LAPS), D. Ray Reutzel; Reading Horizons
How mothers deviate from printed text during book sharing with children, D. Ray Reutzel
Issues in reading instruction: U.S. legislators' perceptions and knowledge, D. Ray Reutzel
Parents and reading: Making the potential a reality, D. Ray Reutzel
Reading incentives: The effect of incentive paths on third grader's decisions about reading, D. Ray Reutzel
Reflections on teaching reading in first grade: A university professor learns from kids, D. Ray Reutzel
Remembering first-grade: Lessons from the classroom, D. Ray Reutzel
Something old, Something new: Oral reading practice in the new basal readers, D. Ray Reutzel
The Ecological Psychology of Classroom Environments: Evaluating the Literacy Learning Potential of Classrooms, D. Ray Reutzel
The four characteristics of good readers: Constructing literacy instruction, D. Ray Reutzel
Three scaffolding behaviors mothers use while reading to children, D. Ray Reutzel
Issues in Reading Instruction: The Views and Information Sources of State-Level Textbook Adoption Committee Members, D. Ray Reutzel, P. M. Hollingsworth, and P. M. Sudweeks; Reading Research and Instruction
Look What They've Done to Real Children's Books in the New Basal Readers, D. Ray Reutzel and N. Larsen; Language Arts
Dialogical Books: Connecting Content, Conversation, & Composition, D. Ray Reutzel, C. M. Larson, and B. Sabey; The Reading Teacher
Preservice Teacher Preparation in Meeting the Needs of Gifted and Other Academically Diverse Students, Carol A. Tomlinson, Carolyn M. Callahan, Tonya R. Moon, Ellen M. Tomchin, Mary Landrum, Marcia Imbeau, Scott L. Hunsaker, and Nancy Eiss
The Use of Published Instruments in the Identification of Gifted Students, L. B. Abeel, C. M. Callahan, and Scott L. Hunsaker
Anti-Bias Teaching, Deborah A. Byrnes; Third Annual Prejudice Reduction Workshop, Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center at Rider College
Language Diversity and Later Childhood, Deborah A. Byrnes; Later Childhood Special Session, Association for Childhood Education International
What's the Point? A Look at Holiday Themes, Deborah A. Byrnes; Association for Childhood Education International Study Conference
Language attitudes of teachers scale, Deborah A. Byrnes and G Kiger; Educational and Psychological Measurement
Parent and student views of multiage classrooms, Deborah A. Byrnes, T Shuster, and M Jones; Journal of Research in Childhood Education
Multiage Classrooms: A New Way to Learn Math, Martha Taylor Dever, Randy Zila, and Noel N. Mansano; Principal
Comprehending Metaphor: Using a Salient Characteristic Analysis Technique (SCAT), P. C. Fawson and D. Ray Reutzel; Reading Horizons
Adjustments to Traditional Procedures for Identifying Underserved Students: Successes and Failures, Scott L. Hunsaker; Exceptional Children
Creativity as a Characteristic of Giftedness: Teachers See It, Then They Don't, Scott L. Hunsaker; Roeper Review
Gifted Experts' Assertions about the Use of Multiple Criteria, Scott L. Hunsaker; GSG Newsletter
Review of Understanding Those Who Create, Scott L. Hunsaker; Gifted Child Quarterly
Voluntary Reading Choices: The Strategies Employed by Intermediate Students, W. M. Linek, Kathleen A. J. Mohr, and T. Rasinski
Making a PLACE for foreign students in class, Kathleen A. J. Mohr; Education Digest
The Role of Intermediate Students' Selections of Recreational Reading Materials, Kathleen A. J. Mohr, W. M. Linek, and T. Rasinski
What is Missing in This Picture? Teachers' Facilitation of Students' Recreational Reading Selections., Kathleen A. J. Mohr, W. M. Linek, and T. Rasinski
“What do you plan to read next?": Aspects of Teachers' Facilitation of Students' Reading Selections, T. Rasinski, Kathleen A. J. Mohr, and W. M. Linek
A year with first-graders: Reality therapy for an education professor, D. Ray Reutzel
Balanced literacy: Insights into language learning, D. Ray Reutzel
Literacy Research Paper Vol. 3: Developing Literacy - A Whole Child View, D. Ray Reutzel
Making meta-cognitive decisions: How and why mothers scaffold book language for young children, D. Ray Reutzel
Reporting and evaluating instructional research for publication in Reading Research Quarterly, D. Ray Reutzel
Restructuring elementary school teacher preparation at BYU, D. Ray Reutzel
The art of book selection, D. Ray Reutzel
Where do we go from here: Looking into balanced literacy programs, D. Ray Reutzel
Teaching content reading strategies for at-risk, intermediate-aged readers, D. Ray Reutzel and R. B. Cooter; Teaching Reading to High Risk Learners
Institutional Productivity Ratings Based on Publications in Eight Reading Journals: 1983-1991, D. Ray Reutzel and P. M. Hollingsworth; Reading Improvement
Oral Reading Instruction: The Impact upon Student Reading Development, D. Ray Reutzel, P. M. Hollingsworth, and J. L. Eldredge; Reading Research Quarterly
Preservice teachers' learning processes: A descriptive analysis of the impact of varied experiences with portfolios, M. B. Seaborg, Kathleen A. J. Mohr, and T. Fowler; Multidimensional aspects of literacy research, theory, and practice
Practices of Preservice Teachers Related to Gifted and Other Academically Diverse Learners, C. A. Tomlinson, E. M. Tomchin, C. M. Callahan, C. M. Adams, P. Pizzat-Tinnin, C. M. Cunningham, B. Moore, L. Lutz, C. Roberson, N. Eiss, M. Landrum, Scott L. Hunsaker, and M. Imbeau; Gifted Child Quarterly
Laboratory School Innovations: Multi-Age Classrooms, Deborah A. Byrnes; National Association for the Education of Young Children
Parent Perspectives of Multi-Age Classrooms, Deborah A. Byrnes; Association for Childhood Education International
Teacher Attitudes About Language Differences, Deborah A. Byrnes; Association for Childhood Education International Study Conference
The Development of the Scale for the Evaluation of Gifted Identification Instruments (SEGII), C. M. Callahan, A. C. Lundberg, and Scott L. Hunsaker; Gifted Child Quarterly
This is NOT Like that Martin Luther King Guy, Martha Taylor Dever; Young Children
Review of Excellence and Equality: A Qualitatively Different Perspective on Gifted and Talented Education, Scott L. Hunsaker; Journal for the Education of the Gifted
Review of Learning Styles Inventory, Scott L. Hunsaker; Journal of Behavioral Education
The Menasha Joint School District Gifted Program: Matching Identification and Curriculum, Scott L. Hunsaker; Contexts for Promise: Noteworth Practices and Innovations in the Identification of Gifted Students
Evaluation of Gifted Programs: Current Practices, Scott L. Hunsaker and C. M. Callahan; Journal for the Education of the Gifted
Exploring Preservice Teachers' Beliefs and Change Processes During a Literacy Methods Course Without Field Experience, W. M. Linek and Kathleen A. J. Mohr
Lessons to be Learned: An Analysis of the Categorization of Conflict in Recent Newbery Award Books, Kathleen A. J. Mohr
Metamessages and problem-solving perspectives in children's literature, Kathleen A. J. Mohr; Reading Horizons
Teachers and the language environment: Making a PLACE for international students in the college classroom, Kathleen A. J. Mohr; Contemporary Education
Balanced language programs: The wave of the future, D. Ray Reutzel
Developmental Literacy Framework, D. Ray Reutzel
Issues in reading instruction: Implications for policy of three National survey studies, D. Ray Reutzel
Literacy: Learning from children to guide practice, D. Ray Reutzel
Effects of Fluency Training on Second Grade Students' Reading Comprehension, D. Ray Reutzel and P. M. Hollingsworth; The Journal of Educational Research
Generating reciprocal inferences procedure: An effective strategy for teaching inferential comprehension, D. Ray Reutzel and P. M. Hollingsworth; The Journal of Reading
Generating reciprocal inferences procedure: An effective strategy for teaching inferential comprehension, D. Ray Reutzel and P. M. Hollingsworth; The Journal of Reading
Can We Talk?: Doctoral Students Discuss Their Professional Development, J. H. White, M. B. Seaborg, Kathleen A. J. Mohr, J. Bahney, K. Mayo, and K. Fowler
Addressing race, ethnicity, and culture in the classroom, Deborah A. Byrnes; Common bonds: Anti-bias teaching in a diverse society
Addressing Racial, Ethnic, and Language Differences in the Classroom, Deborah A. Byrnes; Association for Childhood Education International
Learning the language: What to do when a student doesn't speak your language, Deborah A. Byrnes; Creative Classroom
Prejudice Prevention Programs, Deborah A. Byrnes; National Institute Against Prejudice and Violence
Setting Up a Primary Level Multi-Age Classroom, Deborah A. Byrnes; National Association for the Education of Young Children
Teaching children religious tolerance, Deborah A. Byrnes; Social Studies and the Young Learner
Language diversity in the classroom, Deborah A. Byrnes and D Cortez; Common bonds: Anti-bias teaching in a diverse society
Common bonds: Anti-bias teaching in a diverse society., Deborah A. Byrnes and G Kiger
Notes on the use and abuse of prejudice-reduction simulations: A reply to Williams and Giles, Deborah A. Byrnes and G Kiger; Simulations and Games
Prejudice reduction simulations: Ethics, evaluations, and theory into practice, Deborah A. Byrnes and G Kiger; Simulations and Games
Social factors and responses to racial discrimination, Deborah A. Byrnes and G Kiger; Journal of Psychology
To Accelerate or Not To Accelerate: Evaluation Holds the Answer, C. M. Callahan and Scott L. Hunsaker; Gifted Child Today
Toward an Ethnographic Perspective on Creativity Research, Scott L. Hunsaker; Journal of Creative Behavior
Breaking the Letter a Week Tradition: Conveying the Alphabetic Principle to Young Children, D. Ray Reutzel; Childhood Education
Examining oral reading instruction: Theoretical complexities, D. Ray Reutzel
Integrating literature, language arts and science instruction: Teacher practices and concerns, D. Ray Reutzel
Investigating children's book selection strategies: A research study, D. Ray Reutzel
Motivating students' unconstrained reading: Challenging assumptions of elementary school reading incentive programs, D. Ray Reutzel
Oral reading instruction: The effect of three approaches on reading growth, D. Ray Reutzel