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Phonics, Phonemic Awareness, and the Alphabetic Principle: How Do These Fit into a Balanced Reading Program?, D. Ray Reutzel

Reading Environmental Print: Discriminating Young Readers’ Responses, D. Ray Reutzel

Revisiting Efforts to Reach Common Ground in Beliefs About Literacy: Is Consensus Possible or Useful?, D. Ray Reutzel

Global Literacy Connections: Stepping into the Future, D. Ray Reutzel and P. C. Fawson; Think


The Art of Children's Book Selection: A Labyrinth Unexplored, D. Ray Reutzel and K. Gali; Reading Psychology

Prior Knowledge and Content Related Attitude: Immediate Effects on Reading Comprehension, D. Ray Reutzel and P. M. Hollingsworth; Researcher

A Canonical Analysis Exploring the Relationship among Prior Knowledge, Reading Achievement, and Elementary-Aged Readers' Ability to Infer Causal Cohesive Ties in Text, D. Ray Reutzel and B. Morgan; Journal of Applied Educational Research


Developing Print Awareness: The Effect of Three Instructional Approaches on Kindergartners' Print Awareness, Reading Readiness, and Word Reading, D. Ray Reutzel, L. Oda, and B. Moore; Journal of Reading Behavior

More than a Requirement: Transforming Graduate Students’ Attitudes Toward Educational Research, B. Zheng and Kathleen A. J. Mohr


Early Literacy: Effects of a First Grade Writing Program on Reading and Writing Skills, M. B. Allen and Kathleen A. J. Mohr

Addressing Affective Qualities in the Selection of Candidates for Teacher Education Programs, Deborah A. Byrnes; Association of Teacher Educators

Human Relations Skills and Teacher Education, Deborah A. Byrnes; National Council for the Social Studies

Special Session: Common Bonds, Deborah A. Byrnes; Association for Childhood Education International


Teachers’ attitudes about language diversity, Deborah A. Byrnes, G Kiger, and M L. Manning; Teaching and Teacher Education

Professional Development and American Indian Education, Marilyn M. Cuch; National Holme's Group Gateway Conference


Giving Thanks: Curricular Opportunities for Expanding Young Children's Cultural Awareness, Martha Taylor Dever and J. Barta; Social Studies and the Young Learner

Review of Creativity and Affect, Scott L. Hunsaker; Roeper Review


An Analysis of Teacher Nominations and Student Performance in Gifted Programs, Scott L. Hunsaker, V. S. Findley, and E. L. Frank; Gifted Child Quarterly

Inventions books: ESL extensions and connections, Kathleen A. J. Mohr; The Mailbox Bookbag


Seth's story: The tale of a self-determined retention, Kathleen A. J. Mohr; Infancy through Early Adolescence

Time out for travel books: ESL extensions and connections, Kathleen A. J. Mohr; The Mailbox Bookbag

A school of education taking center stage: Establishing a center of pedagogy at Brigham Young University., D. Ray Reutzel

Balancing the elements of instruction: Bringing it together in a school day, D. Ray Reutzel

Balancing the elements of instruction: Controversial issues, D. Ray Reutzel

Creating and sustaining a balanced reading program: Promises and possibilities, D. Ray Reutzel

Creating and sustaining a balanced reading program: Promises and possibilities, D. Ray Reutzel

Creating and sustaining a balanced reading program: Promises and possibilities, D. Ray Reutzel

Creating and sustaining a balanced reading program: Promises and possibilities, D. Ray Reutzel

Creating and sustaining a balanced reading program: Promises and possibilities, D. Ray Reutzel

Developing Language and Literacy in an Integrated Curriculum, D. Ray Reutzel; Integrated Curriculum in Developmentally Appropriate Classrooms: Matching Educational Practice to the Way Children Think and Learn

Finding voice in collaborative settings: The effects of modified task roles on satisfaction and productivity outcome in an intermediate grade learning environment, D. Ray Reutzel

Implementing the elements of a balanced reading program, D. Ray Reutzel

Looking into language development across the modes of language, D. Ray Reutzel

Reading incentives: Examining the path to rewards, D. Ray Reutzel

The place of phonics in a balanced reading program, D. Ray Reutzel

The place of phonics in a balanced reading program, D. Ray Reutzel

The place of phonics in a balanced reading program, D. Ray Reutzel

The place of phonics in a balanced reading program, D. Ray Reutzel

The place of phonics in a balanced reading program, D. Ray Reutzel

Writing for publication in Reading Research and Instruction: Editor's Session, D. Ray Reutzel


Finding Voice in Collaborative Settings: The Effects of Modified Task Roles on Satisfaction and Productivity Outcomes in an Intermediate-grade Learning Environment, L. Williams, D. Ray Reutzel, and B. Wilcox; The Journal of Educational Research

Children's Play and Interaction with Objects, P. M. Wishon and Martha Taylor Dever; Early Childhood Connections


Holiday Curriculum: Attitudes, Beliefs, and Practices of Teachers, Deborah A. Byrnes; Association for Childhood Education International

Innovations in Early Childhood Education, Deborah A. Byrnes; A group presentation for the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development

Professional Development Schools, Deborah A. Byrnes; National Council for the Social Studies Conference

Common bonds: Anti-bias teaching in a diverse society , Deborah A. Byrnes and G Kiger


Social psychological correlates of teachers' language attitudes, Deborah A. Byrnes, G Kiger, and M L. Manning; Journal of Applied Social Psychology


Remember to Include Art and Crafts in your Integrated Curriculum, Martha Taylor Dever and E. R. Jared; Young Children


Comparing the Effectiveness of Two Oral Reading Practices: Round-robin Reading and the Shared Book Experience, J. L. Eldredge, D. Ray Reutzel, and P. M. Hollingsworth; Journal of Literacy Research

EMPOWER: A framework for teaching and learning with text in high school and college classrooms, W. M. Linek, M. B. Sampson, M. Sampson, Kathleen A. J. Mohr, and L. Botha; Reading Horizons


Scaffolding Books for Children: Mother's Metacognitive Decisions, L. E. Martin and D. Ray Reutzel; Reading Psychology

Enhancing Questioning Strategies, Kathleen A. J. Mohr

Family and relative books: ESL extensions and connections, Kathleen A. J. Mohr; The Mailbox Bookbag

Teacher books: ESL extensions and connections, Kathleen A. J. Mohr; The Mailbox Bookbag

Teacher Talk: A Summary of Field Research, Kathleen A. J. Mohr

Under Construction: Building a Framework for Literacy Communities in Primary Classrooms, Kathleen A. J. Mohr

Using LEA to promote second language acquisition, Kathleen A. J. Mohr; Language Experience Forum

Vocabulary Activities for Concept Development from an LEA for ESL Perspective, Kathleen A. J. Mohr

Retrospectus Ad Arboris: A Doctoral Cohort Group Revisits its Roots, Kathleen A. J. Mohr, J. Baney, M. Durkin, T. Fowler, K. Mayo, and M. B. Seaborg

A Balanced Reading Approach, D. Ray Reutzel; How to Become a Better Reading Teacher: Strategies for Assessment and Intervention

A Balanced Reading Approach, D. Ray Reutzel; Guide to Balanced Reading: K-2, Making It Work for You! Scholastic Professional Books

A discussion regarding CRA's professional journal: Reading Research and Instruction, D. Ray Reutzel

Controversial pathways to literacy: Early, present, future, D. Ray Reutzel

Creating and sustaining a balanced reading program: Promises and possibilities, D. Ray Reutzel

Developing At-Risk Readers' Oral reading Fluency, D. Ray Reutzel; How to Become a Better Reading Teacher: Strategies for Assessment and Intervention

Developing literacy: A whole-child view, D. Ray Reutzel; Putting Research to Work

Learning from practice: Reflections and strategies from teaching, D. Ray Reutzel

Reading incentive programs: The effect of four incentive paths on third-grade decisions about reading, D. Ray Reutzel

Reading incentive programs: The effect of four incentive paths on third-grade decisions about reading, D. Ray Reutzel

Return to the classroom: Reality therapy for a teacher education professor, D. Ray Reutzel

Return to the classroom: Reflections, D. Ray Reutzel

Scholarly writing and publishing, D. Ray Reutzel

Scholastic Literacy Place 1996® , D. Ray Reutzel

Scholastic Literacy Place 1996® - A school literacy program composed of 36 school reading teacher's editions, children's reading anthologies, assessment tools, and staff development for public and private schools. , D. Ray Reutzel

The art of children's book selections: A labyrinth unexplored, D. Ray Reutzel

The art of children's book selections: A labyrinth unexplored, D. Ray Reutzel

The art of children's book selections: A labyrinth unexplored, D. Ray Reutzel

The art of children's book selections: A labyrinth unexplored, D. Ray Reutzel

What is the impact of CD-ROM technology on instruction?, D. Ray Reutzel

Instructor's Manual to Accompany Teaching Children to Read: From Basals to Books, Second Edition, D. Ray Reutzel and R. B. Cooter

Teaching Children to Read: From Basals to Books. Second Edition, D. Ray Reutzel and R. B. Cooter


Issues in Reading Instruction: U.S. State Legislator's Perceptions and Knowledge, D. Ray Reutzel, S. Cox, and M. P. Hollingsworth; Reading Research and Instruction

A Balanced Reading Approach: Spotlight on Theory, D. Ray Reutzel and J. Melnor; A Staff Development Guide to Balanced Reading: Grades K-2

A Balanced Reading Approach: Spotlight on Theory, D. Ray Reutzel and J. Melnor; A Staff Development Guide to Balanced Reading: Grades 3-6


Teacher Beliefs and Children's Concepts About Reading: Are They Related?, D. Ray Reutzel and B. Sabey; Reading Research and Instruction

An Environmental Impact Statement: Designing Supportive Literacy Classrooms for Young Children, D. Ray Reutzel and M. Wolfersberger; Reading Horizons


Resistance to Diversity, Deborah A. Byrnes; National Council for the Social Studies Conference

Resistance to Diversity, Deborah A. Byrnes

Teacher, they called me a !" Confronting prejudice and discrimination in the classroom, Deborah A. Byrnes


Instruments Used in the Identification of Gifted and Talented Students, Carolyn M. Callahan, Scott L. Hunsaker, Cheryll M. Adams, Sara D. Moore, and Lori C. Bland


Instruments and Evaluation Designs Used in Gifted Programs, Carolyn M. Callahan, Carol A. Tomlinson, Scott L. Hunsaker, Lori C. Bland, and Tonya Moon

American Indian Science and Engineering, Marilyn M. Cuch; Kansans of Color Conference

Multicultural Education, Marilyn M. Cuch


Play as a Context for Literacy Learning: A Qualitative Analysis, Martha T. Dever and Philip M. Wishon; Early Child Development and Care


Educators' Perceptions of Barriers to the Identification of Gifted Children from Economically Disadvantaged and Limited English Proficient Backgrounds, Mary M. Frasier, Scott L. Hunsaker, J. Lee, Vernon S. Finley, Elaine Frank, J. H. Garcia, and D. Martin


Core Attributes of Giftedness: A Foundation for Recognizing the Gifted Potential of Minority and Economically Disadvantaged Students, Mary M. Frasier, Scott L. Hunsaker, J. Lee, S. Mitchell, B. Cramond, S. Krisel, J. H. Garcia, D. Martin, E. Frank, and V. S. Finley


An Exploratory Study of the Effectiveness of the Staff Development Model and the Research-Based Assessment Plan in Improving the Identification of Gifted Economically Disadvantaged Students, Mary M. Frasier, Scott L. Hunsaker, Jongyeun Lee, Vernon S. Finley, Jaime H. Garcia, Darlene Martin, and Elaine Frank

A Curriculum Planning Tool: The Learning Spiral, D. E. Hobbs, Martha Taylor Dever, and M. Tadlock; Transescense


The Gifted Metaphor from the Perspective of Traditional Civilizations, Scott L. Hunsaker; Journal for the Education of the Gifted


Creativity and Giftedness: Published Instrument Uses and Abuses, Scott L. Hunsaker and C. M. Callahan; Gifted Child Quarterly