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“Is a mealworm really a worm?” Introducing science notebooks to novice writers, Kimberly H. Lott and S. Read; Science and Children
Is a Mealworm Really a Worm?: Promoting Better Writing and Concept formation in Science Notebooks, Kimberly H. Lott and Sylvia Read; Science and Children
Modeling the States of Matter in a First-Grade Classroom, Kimberly H. Lott and Lynn Wallin; Science Activities: Classroom Projects and Curriculum Ideas
Surveying Grade-level Affinity: Analysis of Preservice Teachers’ Grade-level Preferences and Perceived Instructional Readiness, T. Martin and Kathleen A. J. Mohr
Multicultural School Climate Inventory., S. Marx and Deborah A. Byrnes; Current Issues in Education.
Comprehension Principles: Basic Premises, Kathleen A. J. Mohr
Effective and Efficient: An Argument for Stacked Literacy Instruction and Assessment, Kathleen A. J. Mohr
Engaging the Reading Brain during Comprehension Lessons, Kathleen A. J. Mohr
It’s a Thinking Thing: Planning Comprehension Lessons with English Language Learners in Mind, Kathleen A. J. Mohr
It’s Not Scribble-Scrabble: Perceptions of Writing Among Second Grade ELLs in an Exemplary School, Kathleen A. J. Mohr
Perceptions of Writing Among Second Graders in an Exemplary School: Gender and Language Issues, Kathleen A. J. Mohr
Something to Talk About: Stacking Recommended Practices for Accelerated Literacy Development Among English Language Learners, Kathleen A. J. Mohr and E. S. Mohr
Learning Mathematics with Technology: The Influence of Virtual Manipulatives on Different Achievement Groups, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham and Jennifer Suh; Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching
Examining Pictorial Models and Virtual Manipulatives for Third-Grade Fraction Instruction, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, Lori A. Ulmer, and Katie L. Anderson; Journal of Interactive Online Learning
Processes and Pathways: How Do Mathematics and Science Partnerships Measure and Promote Growth in Teacher Content Knowledge?, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham and A. Westenskow; School Science and Mathematics
Do teachers effectively communicate care for Latino students?, Tammy Oberg De La Garza, Alyson Leah Lavigne, and A. Roberts; 2012 annual conference of the Illinois Association of Teacher Educators
She wanted to Be Julie Andrews- He was supposed to be Steve McQueen: Using iconic media form(s) to situate gender as learned., J. J. Peterson and Steve P. Camicia
Revealing, reinterpreting, rewriting mujeres, C. L. Preuss and Cinthya M. Saavedra; American Educational Research Association annual meeting, Vancouver, Canada
Teacher Decision Points in Self-Reflection: Conducting Teacher Action Research as Transformative Practice, L. G. Putney, Suzanne H. Broughton, and B. D. Campbell
Analyzing Discourse of Teacher Self-Reflection: Teacher Action Research as Transformative Practice, L. G. Putney, Suzanne H. Broughton, B. D. Campbell, and G. Marchant
Treatment integrity and treatment effects vary for the Corrective Reading Decoding program when implemented with middle school students with reading difficulties, Nicole Pyle; Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention
Remediating reading difficulties in a response to intervention model with secondary students, Nicole Pyle and Sharon Vaughn; Psychology in the Schools
Common Core State Standards in Language Arts K-12: A Gap Analysis of What Will Publishers, Schools, and Teachers Will Need to Know and do to Respond , D. Ray Reutzel
Developing the Information Text Structure Survey (ITS2): A Teacher’s Tool for Rating Information Text Features and Structures, D. Ray Reutzel
Hey teacher, when you say fluency, what do you mean: Developing fluency and meta-fluency in elementary classrooms, D. Ray Reutzel; Fluency Instruction: Research-Based Best Practices
Hey teacher, when you say fluency, what do you mean: Developing fluency and meta-fluency in elementary classrooms, D. Ray Reutzel; Fluency Instruction: Research-Based Best Practices
Mentoring ALER Writers, D. Ray Reutzel
Mentoring ALER Writers, D. Ray Reutzel
Mississippi Response to Intervention Literacy Supplement Guide, D. Ray Reutzel
Motivation Transforms Literacy Beliefs and Practices, D. Ray Reutzel
Reading Tea Leaves: Future Perspectives on Reading and Reading Education, D. Ray Reutzel
Research into Practice: A Quest for Effective Literacy Pedagogy, D. Ray Reutzel
Teaching text structure to improve young students’ knowledge acquisition and comprehension: A content analysis of information texts, D. Ray Reutzel
The current state of literacy education: An annual update of politics, policies, and practices affecting teachers and teaching, D. Ray Reutzel
The current state of literacy education: An annual update of politics, policies, and practices affecting teachers and teaching, D. Ray Reutzel
Teaching Children to Read: The Teacher Makes the Difference. Sixth Edition, D. Ray Reutzel and R. B. Cooter
Teaching Text Structure to Improve Young Students' Knowledge Acquisition and Comprehension, D. Ray Reutzel, Cindy D'On Jones, and Sarah K. Clark; Teaching Text Structre to Improve Young Students' Knowledge Acquisition and Comprehension
Teaching Text Structure to Improve Young Students' Knowledge Acquisition and Comprehension: A Content Analysis of Information Trade Books, D. Ray Reutzel, Cindy D'On Jones, and Sarah K. Clark; Teaching Text Structure to Improve Young Students' Knowledge Acquisition and Comprehension: A Content Analysis of Information Trade Books
Using Information Text in the Elementary Grades: Teaching Text Strutures in Trade Books, Core Reading Programs, and Content Area Text Books to Improve Knowledge Acquisition and Comprehension, D. Ray Reutzel, Cindy D'On Jones, and Sarah K. Clark; Using Information Text in the Elementary Grades: Teaching Text Structures in Trade Books, Core Reading Programs, and Content Area Text Books to Improve Knowledge Acquisition and Comprehension
Exploring a guided, silent reading intervention: Effects on struggling third-grade readers’ achievement, D. Ray Reutzel, Y. Petscher, and A. N. Spichtig; the journal of educational research
Care and culture: Supporting Latino success through teacher-student relationships, A. Roberts, Alyson Leah Lavigne, and Tammy Oberg De La Garza; 2012 annual conference of the Mid-western American Educational Research Association
Crossing boundaries: Testimonios and personal narratives of Language, space and nation, Cinthya M. Saavedra, R. Parent, and M. Whitaker; American Educational Research Association annual meeting, Vancouver, Canada
Chicana and Black feminisms: Testimonios of theory,identity and multiculturalism, Cinthya M. Saavedra and M. S. Perez; Equity & Excellence in Education
Connecting transnationalism to the classroom and to theories of immigrant student adaptation, P. Sanches and G. Sue Kasun; The Berkeley Review of Education
Assembling Fanaticism: Examining Interactions of Belieberism, Kortney Sherbine; 8th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry
Becoming Poptropica: The Emergences of Speedy Raptor and the Gang, Kortney Sherbine; 20th International Reconceptualizing Early Childhood Education Conference
Fostering Place Value Understandings Through Number Sense Routines, Jessica F. Shumway; Presentation for K-5 Teachers, 90th Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
Number Sense Routines: Building Numerical Literacy Every Day, Jessica F. Shumway; SDE National Conference on Singapore Math Strategies
A comparative study of college students’ achievement motivation in three cultures, H. Sun, A. Olson, Alyson Leah Lavigne, L. Claessens, and D. Hernandez; 2012 annual convention of the American Psychological Association
Exploring Adult Development Frameworks: Self-Study and Inquiry Outcomes for Developing Leaders and Building Student Success, Susan A. Turner; Exploring Adult Development Frameworks: Self-Study and Inquiry Outcomes for Developing Leaders and Building Student Success
Transitions: Narratives of Transitional Experiences of Non-Traditional Female Students Upon Return to the University, Susan A. Turner; Transitions: Narratives of Transitional Experiences of Non-Traditional Female Students Upon Return to the University
Dropout Prevention and the Model-Minority Stereotype: Reflections from an Asian American High School Dropout, Jade Wexler and Nicole Pyle; The Urban Review
Disciplinary literacy, disciplining identity: Possibilities and constraints for identity instantiation across content areas., Amy Wilson-Lopez; Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association
Exploring images in secondary humanities instruction: Invitations to take a stance., Amy Wilson-Lopez; Annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association
Expressing identity through multimodal digital artifacts., Amy Wilson-Lopez; Seventh International Conference of the Dialogical Self
How changes in representation can affect meaning, Amy Wilson-Lopez; SAGE handbook of digital dissertations and theses
Incorporating Engineering Design Challenges into STEM Courses, Amy Wilson-Lopez
Resemiotizations in adolescents’ engineering texts., Amy Wilson-Lopez; Annual meeting of the American Reading Forum
Science literacy instruction on what and for what?: Multimodal literacies in the earth science classroom., Amy Wilson-Lopez; Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association
Supporting scientific inquiry through literacy instruction., Amy Wilson-Lopez; Annual conference of the International Reading Association
‘Reading’ actional-operational texts that move, dissolve, break, and ooze: A categorization of actional-operational texts in earth science and implications for comprehension instruction., Amy Wilson-Lopez and M. D. Boatright; Annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association
"From the Koran and Family Guy": The expression of identities in English Language Learners' digital podcasts, Amy Wilson-Lopez, K. Chavez, and P. L. Anders; Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy
A Situated Look at High School Students' Approaches to Authentic Engineering Design Challeneges, Amy Wilson-Lopez and Daniel L. Householder
Collectively Transformative Pedagogy: Igniting the Dream Through Mentoring, J. Wink, L. G. Putney, Suzanne H. Broughton, and B. D. Campbell
The curriculum as cultures in conflict: Exploring monocultural and multicultural ideologies through the case of bilingual education, J. Zhu and Steve P. Camicia; Working Papers in Literacy, Culture, and Language Education
Comprehension strategy instruction for multimodal texts in science, D. E. Alvermann and Amy Wilson-Lopez; Theory into Practice
Action Research as a Self-Reflection Tool to Improve Classroom Practices, Suzanne H. Barta
An introduction to using lesson plans: Finding ways to be creative, Sarah K. Braden; Conference on Endangered Languages and Cultures of Native America (CELCNA)
Indigenous Knowledges and the Story of the Bean, B. M. J. Brayboy and Emma Maughan; Education for a Multicultural Society
Texts in the Science Classroom: Integrating Reading and Inquiry-Based Science Learning, Suzanne H. Broughton
Emotions and Misconceptions About Hot Topics in Science, Suzanne H. Broughton, R. Pekrum, and G. M. Sinatra
Developing Collective Classroom Efficacy: The Teacher’s Role as Community Organizer, Suzanne H. Broughton and L. Putney; Journal of Teacher Education
Epistemic Affordances and Constraints of Epistemic Development Through a Vygotskian Lens, Suzanne H. Broughton and L. G. Putney
Elementary Pre-Service Teachers: Can They Experience Mathematics Teaching Anxiety Without Having Mathematics Anxiety?, A. B. Brown, A. Westenskow, and Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham; Issues in the Undergraduate Mathematics Preparation of School Teachers: The Journal
Emotional Intelligence and Teaching in Higher Education, Deborah A. Byrnes; Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching
Teacher They Called Me A ______!, Deborah A. Byrnes; 2011 Equity in Action Conference
“Teacher, they called me a _______!" Confronting prejudice and discrimination in the classroom (3rd Ed.)., Deborah A. Byrnes
Academia 101: A panel discussion about dissertation writing, job hunting, and life on the tenure track., S. Cabell, J. S. Curwood, E. M. Hughes, and Amy Wilson-Lopez; Annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association
Democratic education and curriculum development between the colonizer and the colonized: Complexities, contradictions, challenges, and possibilities of global alliances, Steve P. Camicia and A. Bayon
What type of global community and citizenship? Tangled discourses of neoliberalism and critical democracy in curriculum and its reform, Steve P. Camicia and B. Franklin; Globalisation, Societies and Education
What Type of Global Community and Citizenship? Tangled Discourses of Neoliberalism and Critical Democracy in Curriculum and Its Reform, Steve P. Camicia and Barry M. Franklin; Globalisation, Societies and Education
Engaging Public Issues through Dialogue Journals: Preservice Teachers and Elementary Students Read and Respond, Steve P. Camicia and Sylvia Read; The Reading Teacher
Citizenship education under discourses of nationalism, globalization, and cosmopolitanism: Illustrations from China and the United States, Steve P. Camicia and J. Zhu; Frontiers of Education in China
Empowerment or disempowerment: Civic education in China and the United States under discourses of globalization, Steve P. Camicia and J. Zhu
Empowerment or disempowerment: Civic education in China and the United States under discourses of globalization, Steve P. Camicia and J. Zhu
Using metaphors to investigate the personal frameworks of pre-service science teachers as they experience a science in society course, Todd Campbell; Research in Science and Technological Education
Scientific inquiry in the genetics laboratory: Biologists and university science teacher educators collaborating to increase engagements in science processes., Todd Campbell, P. G. Wolf, J. P. Der, E. Packenham, and N. Abd-Hamid; Journal of College Science Teaching
Model based inquiry in the high school physics classroom: An exploratory study of implementation and outcomes., Todd Campbell, D. Zhang, and D. Neilson; Journal of Science Education and Technology
Voices from the Training Ground: Examining Pre-Service Teacher Self-Efficacy to Teach Young Children to Read, Sarah K. Clark; Voices from the Training Ground: Examining Pre-Service Teacher Self-Efficacy to Teach Young Children to Read
Self-Efficacy, Confidence Judgements, and Accuracy in Conceptual Change Learning, J. Cordova, Suzanne H. Broughton, and G. M. Sinatra
Self-Efficacy, Prior Knowledge, and Confidence in Prior Knowledge on Conceptual Change Learning, J. R. Cordova, G. M. Sinatra, and Suzanne H. Broughton
Exploring K-3 Teachers' Implementation of Comprehension Strategy Instruction (CSI) Using Expectancy-Value Theory, Laura Slack Foley; Literacy Research and Instruction
Paraprofessionals-to-Teacher: Toward Better Practice in Teacher Certification Programs, Laura Slack Foley
Addressing the Shortage of Certified Teachers Through Distance Education in a Paraeducator-to-Teacher Program, Laura Slack Foley and P. Hollen; Addressing the Shortage of Certified Teachers Through Distance Education in a Paraeducator-to-Teacher Program
Critical civic literacy and the building of community for a globalized world, B. Franklin and Steve P. Camicia; Critical Civic Literacy: A Reader
The Effects of Tier II Literacy Instruction in Sixth Grade: Toward the Development of a Response toIntervention Model in Middle School, A. W. Graves, R. Brandon, L. Duesbery, A. S. McIntosh, and Nicole Pyle; Learning Disability Quarterly
Two Studies of TierII Literacy Development: Throwing Sixth Graders a Lifeline, A. W. Graves, L. Duesbery, Nicole Pyle, R. Brandon, and A. McIntosh; The Elementary SchoolJournal
A comprehensive model for examining pre-service teachers’ knowledge of technology tools for mathematical learning: The T-MATH framework, C. J. Johnston and Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham; Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of the Mathematics Education into the 21st Century Project – MEC 21: On Turning Dreams into Reality. Transformations and Paradigm Shifts in Mathematics Education
An investigation of writing instruction and English learners’ acquisition of early reading skill, Cindy D'On Jones; Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers Yearbook