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Accelerating Struggling Readers’ Progress: A Comparative Analysis of “Expert Opinion” and Research Recommendations: An Update, Cindy D'On Jones, D. Ray Reutzel, and J. A. Smith; Reading Researchers in Search of Common Ground: The Expert Study Revisited, Second Edition
A focus on struggling readers: A comparative analysis of expert opinion and empirical research recommendation, Cindy D'On Jones, D. Ray Reutzel, and J. A. Smith; Reading researchers in search of common ground
Drawing upon transnational students’ strengths in the multicultural classroom: Shifting the focus beyond immigration, G. Sue Kasun; National Association of Multicultural Education (NAME) Conference, Chicago, IL
Living with the liminal: Unwieldy unknowns of facilitating an urban education cohort, G. Sue Kasun; American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference, New Orleans, LA
More than just English Language Learners: Focusing on ELL’s transnational lenses, G. Sue Kasun; International TESOL Conference, New Orleans, LA
National ESL standards: Educational practice of questioning what lies beneath, G. Sue Kasun; International TESOL Conference, New Orleans, LA
Polluted postcolonialism of a white West Virginian, or, a transversal gaze toward transnationalism, G. Sue Kasun; American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference, New Orleans, LA
Structured spaces of play in a Southwestern U.S. urban elementary classroom: Dialectics of community and academic rigor, G. Sue Kasun; American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference, New Orleans, LA
Weaving transnational and subaltern knowledges: A global taxonomy for education in the global era, G. Sue Kasun; American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference, New Orleans, LA
Bridging students’ achievement through environmental service: The Austin Youth River Watch 2009-2010 Report, G. Sue Kasun and R. Villalobos
FIRE UP the Inquiry. Lose the routine, tweak your “cookbook lab,” and reach a level of open inquiry with these strategies used during a unit on heat , Kimberly H. Lott; Science and Children
Learning to Teach by Learning to Learn: A Model for Teaching an ElementaryScience Methods Course, Kimberly H. Lott; Annual International Conference of the Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE)
Elementary CORE Academy: Possible impacts on elementaryteachers and student, Kimberly H. Lott and M. Longhurst; Annual International Conference of the Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE)
Developing Oral Language With Picture Books, Kathleen A. J. Mohr
Que Sigue?, Kathleen A. J. Mohr
Effective and efficient: Maximizing literacy assessment and instruction, Kathleen A. J. Mohr, K. Dixon, and C. Young; Literacy research, practice, and evaluation, Volume 1: Utilizing informative assessments toward effective literacy practices
Evaluating Teacher Preparation Programs Across Institutions, L. Moulding and Sarah K. Clark; Evaluating Teacher Preparation Programs Across Institutions
Common Features of Professional Development Activities for Mathematics and Science Teachers, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, J. J. Bolyard, J. Oh, and N. I. Cerar; Professional Development in Education
School Mathematics Research on Virtual Manipulatives: A Collaborative Team Approach, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, Kerry Jordan, D. Ng, K. Anderson, J. Baker, K. Rodzon, Jessica F. Shumway, and A. Westenskow; School Science and Mathematics Association Convention
Learning Mathematics with Technology: The Influence of Virtual Manipulatives on Different Achievement Groups, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham and J. M. Suh; Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching
An initial examination of effect sizes for virtual manipulatives and other instructional treatments, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham and A. Westenskow; Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of the Mathematics Education into the 21st Century Project – MEC 21: On Turning Dreams into Reality. Transformations and Paradigm Shifts in Mathematics Education
Teacher educators’ discourse moves in supporting preservice elementary mathematics teachers’ learning, D. Ng, Jessica F. Shumway, and M. Chedister; Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME-NA)
Do patterns of content literacy discourse shape us or do we choose them based on our fit?, R. Oldreive, Amy Wilson-Lopez, C. D. Bertelsen, and C. Neitzel; Annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association
Postcolonial and feminist critiques of Deleuzian perspectives., M. S. Perez and Cinthya M. Saavedra; Reconceptualizing Early Childhood Education, London.
Inclusion of letter knowledge, phonemic awareness, the alphabetic principle,and oral language is supported for early reading intervention for kindergarteners withlanguage difficulties, Nicole Pyle; Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention
Dropout Prevention Practices, Nicole Pyle and J. Wexler; Dropout prevention practices
Project GOAL Daily Implementation Fidelity Measure: Part I, Nicole Pyle and J. Wexler; Project GOAL Daily Implementation Fidelity Measure: Part I
Project GOAL Daily Implementation Fidelity Measure: Part II, Nicole Pyle and J. Wexler; Project GOAL Daily Implementation Fidelity Measure: Part II
Preventing Students With Disabilities From Dropping Out, Nicole Pyle and Jade Wexler; Intervention in School and Clinic
Reading Fluency, T. V. Rasinski, D. Ray Reutzel, D. Chard, and Sylvia Linan-Thompson; Handbook of Reading Research, Vol. IV
ALER Action: Taking a Proactive Stance in the Politics of Education, D. Ray Reutzel
Common Core State Standards in Language Arts K-12: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, D. Ray Reutzel
Common Core State Standards in Language Arts, K-12: What will Publishers, Schools and Teachers Need to Know and Do to Respond?, D. Ray Reutzel
Converging Global and National Forces: Connecting the Dots Behind the Common Core State Standards, D. Ray Reutzel
Mentoring ALER Writers, D. Ray Reutzel
Mentoring ALER Writers, D. Ray Reutzel
Mississippi Comprehensive Literacy Model, D. Ray Reutzel
Organizing Effective Literacy Instruction: Differentiating Instruction to Meet the Needs of All Literacy Learners, D. Ray Reutzel; Best Practices for Literacy Instruction, 4th Edition
Organizing Effective Literacy Instruction: Differentiating Instruction to Meet the Needs of All Literacy Learners, D. Ray Reutzel; Best Practices for Literacy Instruction, 4th Edition
Research on Motivation to Read: Classroom Implications, D. Ray Reutzel
Teaching text structure to Improve young Students’ Knowledge Acquisition and Comprehension: A Discourse Analysis of Children’s Information Books, D. Ray Reutzel
The current state of literacy education: An annual update of politics, policies, and practices affecting teachers and teaching, D. Ray Reutzel
The current state of literacy education: An annual update of politics, policies, and practices affecting teachers and teaching, D. Ray Reutzel
Using Digital Technologies to Enhance Read Alouds for Young Children, D. Ray Reutzel
Writing Instruction for Beginning Readers, D. Ray Reutzel
Organizing the Classroom for Effective Literacy Instruction: A Survival Guide, D. Ray Reutzel and Sarah K. Clark; The Reading Teacher
Organizing literacy classrooms for effective instruction: A survival guide, D. Ray Reutzel and S. K. Clark; The Reading Teacher
Strategies for Reading Assessment and Instruction: Helping Every Child Succeed, Fourth Edition, D. Ray Reutzel and R. B. Cooter
Conceptually and Methodologically Vexing Issues in Teacher Knowledge Assessment, D. Ray Reutzel, J. Dole, Sylvia Read, P. Fawson, K. Herman, Cindy D'On Jones, R. Sudweeks, and J. Fargo; Reading & Writing Quarterly
Using Information Trade Books in the Primary Grades: Teaching Text Structures to Improve Young Learner's Knowledge Acquisition and Comprehension, D. Ray Reutzel, C. Jones, Sarah K. Clark, and A. Child; Using Information Trade Books in the Primary Grades: Teaching Text Structures to Improve Young Learner's Knowledge Acquisition and Comprehension
Teaching Text Structure to Improve Young Students' Knowledge Acquisition and Comprehension: A Content Analysis of Information Trade Books, D. Ray Reutzel, Cindy D'On Jones, and Sarah K. Clark; Teaching Text Structure to Improve Young Students' Knowledge Acquisition and Comprehension: A Content Analysis of Information Trade Books
Borderlands, Spiritualism and Quantum physics, Cinthya M. Saavedra; The University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
De-Academizing Early Childhood Education, Cinthya M. Saavedra; University of Texas-San Antonio Women’s History Month
De-academizing early childhood research: Wanderings from aChicana/Latina feminist Researcher., Cinthya M. Saavedra; Journal of Latinos and Education
Language and literacies in the borderlands: Children acting upon theworld through testimonios., Cinthya M. Saavedra; Language Arts
(Un)learning and decolonial possibilities in teacher education: A testimonio of a Chicana/Latina profe, Cinthya M. Saavedra; National Association of Chicana/Chicano Studies, Pasadena, California
Project GOAL: GOAL Session Curriculum, L. Sayre, J. Wexler, and Nicole Pyle; Project GOAL: GOAL Session Curriculum
Becoming Beliebers: A Deleuzoguattarian Examination of the Assemblages of Bieber Culture, Kortney Sherbine; 19th International Reconceptualizing Early Childhood Education Conference
Building Number Sense Through Counting Routines, Jessica F. Shumway; Presentation for K-5 Teachers, 89th Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
Fostering Place Value Understandings Through Number Sense Routines, Jessica F. Shumway; K-5 Teachers, Utah Council of Teachers of Mathematics (UCTM) Conference
Number sense routines: Building numerical literacy every day in grades K - 3, Jessica F. Shumway
Bridging Comprehension and Conceptual Change in Science Education: The Promise of Refutational Text, G. M. Sinatra and Suzanne H. Broughton; Reading Research Quarterly
Understanding the Refutation Text Effect in Conceptual Change Research: Multiple Perspectives, G. M. Sinatra and Suzanne H. Broughton
Teaching grammer and writing: A beginning teacher's dilemma, P. Smagorinsky, Amy Wilson-Lopez, and C. Moore; English Education
Reading Comprehension Interventions for Middle School Students with LD: A Synthesis of 30 Years of Research, M. Solis, S. Cuillo, and Nicole Pyle; Reading Comprehension Interventions for Middle School Students with LD: A Synthesis of 30 Years of Research
Reading Comprehension Interventions for Middle School Students with LD: A Synthesis of 30 Years of Research, M. Solis, S. Cuillo, and Nicole Pyle; Reading Comprehension Interventions for Middle School Students with LD: A Synthesis of 30 Years of Research
Reading Comprehension Interventions for Middle School Students with learning Disabilities: A Synthesis of 30 Years of Research, M. Solis, S. Cuillo, S. Vaughn, Nicole Pyle, B. Hassaram, and A. Leroux; Journal of Special Education
Reading Comprehension Interventions for Middle School Students With Learning Disabilities: A Synthesis of 30 Years of Research, Michael Solis, Stephen Ciullo, Sharon Vaughn, Nicole Pyle, Bindiya Hassaram, and Audrey Leroux; Journal of Learning Disabilities
A More Diverse Circle of Friends., J. A. Thompson and Deborah A. Byrnes; Multicultural Perspectives,
A Self-Study of Technological Transition: Instructional Impacts of Shifting a Distance Course Delivery System, Susan A. Turner; Journal of Educators On-line
A Self-Study of Virtual Teaching: Making the Leap from Distance Face-to-Face to Wimba Technology, Susan A. Turner; Journal of Educators On-Line
Developing Leaders: Going to the Source to Identify Best-Practice for Public and Higher Education Leadership Development, Susan A. Turner; Developing Leaders: Going to the Source to Identify Best-Practice for Public and Higher Education Leadership Development
Teaching Research to Teachers: A Self-Study of Course Design, Student Outcomes, and Instructor Learning, Susan A. Turner; Teaching Research to Teachers: A Self-Study of Course Design, Student Outcomes, and Instructor Learning
Response to Intervention (RTI) with Secondary Students, S. Vaughn and Nicole Pyle; Response to Intervention (RTI) with Secondary Students
Response to Intervention (RTI) with Secondary Students with Reading Difficulties, S. Vaughn and Nicole Pyle; Response to Intervention (RTI) with Secondary Students with Reading Difficulties
Canine Conjectures: Using Data for Proportional Reasoning, A. Westenskow and Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham; Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School
Preventing School Dropout With Secondary Students, J. Wexler, Nicole Pyle, and A. Fall; Preventing School Dropout With Secondary Students
Project GOAL Implementation in Secondary Schools: Training for State Directors of Communities in Schools, J. Wexler, Nicole Pyle, and L. Sayre; Project GOAL Implementation in Secondary Schools: Training for State Directors of Communities in Schools
Preventing School Dropout with Secondary Students, J. Wexler, S. Vaughn, G. Roberts, and Nicole Pyle; Preventing School Dropout with Secondary Students
Preventing School Dropout With Secondary Students, J. Wexler, S. Vaughn, G. Roberts, Nicole Pyle, A. Fall, J. Williams, and L. Sayre; Preventing School Dropout With Secondary Students
Preventing School Dropout With Secondary Students, J. Wexler, S. Vaughn, G. Roberts, Nicole Pyle, A. Fall, J. Williams, and L. Sayre; Preventing School Dropout With Secondary Students
Preventing School Dropout with Secondary Students: The Implementation of an Individualized Reading Intervention and Dropout Prevention Intervention, J. Wexler, S. Vaughn, G. Roberts, Nicole Pyle, J. Williams, and A. Fall; Preventing School Dropout with Secondary Students: The Implementation of an Individualized Reading Intervention and Dropout Prevention Intervention
A social semiotics framework for conceptualizing content area literacies, Amy Wilson-Lopez; Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy
Assessment as transmediation: Students reading and representing across disciplines., Amy Wilson-Lopez; Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association
Professional development in writing across the curriculum in science and mathematics., Amy Wilson-Lopez; Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association
Re-membering and re-presenting: Semiotic transformations required in middle schools., Amy Wilson-Lopez; Annual meeting of the American Reading Forum
Teaching as Text Designing in the Content Areas: An Examination of Secondary Teachers' Texts and Principles for Design, Amy Wilson-Lopez
Middle school teachers’ discipline specific use of images., Amy Wilson-Lopez and M. D. Boatright; Annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association
One adolescent's construction of native identity in school: "Speaking with dance and not in words and writing", Amy Wilson-Lopez and M. D. Boatright; Research in the Teaching of English
Critical literacy and numeracy in science and mathematics., Amy Wilson-Lopez and A. R. Wilson; Annual conference of the International Reading Association
Does instructional alignment matter: Effects on struggling second-grade readers' achievement, C. Wonder-McDowell, D. Ray Reutzel, and J. A. Smith; The Elementary School Journal
An Exploration of the Potential Impact of the Integrated Experiential Learning Curriculum in Beijing, China, D. Zhang and Todd Campbell; International Journal of Science Education
The psychometric evaluation of a three-dimension elementary science attitude survey, D. Zhang and Todd Campbell; Journal of Science Teacher Education-Elementary Science Education
College English as a foreign language: Teachers' perceptions of inservice professional development in China, J. Zhu and Steve P. Camicia
Health is Life in Balance: Student and Communities Explore Healthy Lifestyles in a Culturally Based Curriculum, L. Aho, J. Ackerman, S. Bointy, Marilyn M. Cuch, M. Hindelang, M. Pinnow, and S. Turnbull; Pimatisiwin: A Journal of Indigenous Community Health
Comprehension strategy instruction for multimodal texts in science., D. E. Alvermann and Amy Wilson-Lopez; Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association
When Numbers Dance for Mathematics Students: Culturally Responsive Mathematics Instruction for Native Youth, J. Barta, Marilyn M. Cuch, and V. Exton; Voices of Native American Educators
One University Geographically Dispersed: Utah State University Regional Campus and Distance Education and New Opportunities for Students, J. Barta and Laura Slack Foley; Distance Learning
Strengthening Portfolios Through Persuasive Writing, A. Blackstock, Virginia N. Exton, and Nate Straight; Strengthening Portfolios Through Persuasive Writing