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Demographic and Socioeconomic Analyses of the Transgender and Cisgender Populations, Mario Itzel Suárez, G. Marquez-Velarde, and D. Poston; 2019 Southern Deomgraphic Association Annual Meeting
Investigating Factors that Impact Secondary STEM Teacher Retention, Mario Itzel Suárez and Kim B. Wright; American Educational Research Association Annual Conference
Investigating School Climate and School Leadership Factors that Impact Secondary STEM Teacher Retention, Mario Itzel Suárez and Kim B. Wright; Journal for STEM Education Research
A Meta-Analysis on the Effect of Flipped Instruction on K-12 Students' Academic Achievement, Gang Zhu, Mario Itzel Suárez, Christopher G. Thompson, and Z. Peng; American Educational Research Association Annual Conference
Queering Terrorism: A Duoethnographic Journey into the Borderlands, Lobat Asadi and Mario Itzel Suárez; El Mundo Zurdo 2018: The International Conference on the Life and Work of Gloria Anzaldúa
The Brain’s Response to Digital Math Apps: A Pilot Study Examining Children’s Cortical Responses During Touch-Screen Interactions, Joseph Baker, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, Stephen Tucker, Jessica F. Shumway, Kerry Jordan, and Ronald B. Gillam; Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science
The Discursive Field of After Postmodernism in Educational Theory, Steve P. Camicia; Educational Philosophy and Theory
How to Support Maker Teachers in the Classroom: Teacher Perceptions of "Making," Maker-Spaces, and Maker-Teachers, B. Deuermeyer, R. Turner, Mario Itzel Suárez, Samantha M. Meister, Francis Quek, Sharon Lynn Chu, L. Burlbaw, P. J. Larke, and R. Schlegel; American Educational Research Association Annual Conference
Transnational Civic Education and Emergent Bilinguals in a Dual Language Setting, Marialuisa Di Stefano and Steve P. Camicia; Education Sciences
Self-Efficacy Change Associated with a Cognitive Load-Based Intervention in an Undergraduate Biology Course, David F. Feldon, Joana Franco, Jie Chao, James Peugh, and Cathy Maahs-Fladung; Learning and Instruction
Phenomenography as a Foundation for Mixed Models Research, David F. Feldon and Colby Tofel-Grehl; American Behavioral Scientist
Expectation Effects: Pygmalion and the Initial 20 Years of Research1, Thomas L. Good, Natasha Sterzinger, and Alyson L. Lavigne; Educational Research and Evaluation
Be[com]ing a Teacher in Neoliberal Times: Visioning as Resistance in Teacher Education, May Hara and Kortney Sherbine; Policy Futures in Education
Investigating Principal's Time Use, Student Demographics and Teacher Perceptions, J. Keese, Mario Itzel Suárez, and H. C. Waxman; Consortium of State Organizations for Texas Teacher Education
Enhancing Citizenship Learning with International Comparative Research: Analyses of IEA Civic Education Datasets, Ryan T. Knowles, Judith Torney-Purta, and Carolyn Barber; Citizenship Teaching & Learning
Examining Individual- and School-Level Predictors of Principal Adaptation to Teacher Evaluation Reform in the United States: A Two-Year Perspective, Alyson L. Lavigne; Educational Management, Administration & Leadership
Components of place value understanding: Targeting mathematical difficulties when providing interventions. School Science and Mathematics, Beth L. MacDonald, Arla Westenskow, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, and Barbara Child; School Science and Mathematics
How Design Features in Digital Math Games Support Learning and Mathematics Connections, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, Christina W. Lommatsch, Kristy Litster, Jill Ashby, Emma P. Bullock, Allison L. Roxburgh, Jessica F. Shumway, Emily Speed, Benjamin Covington, Christine Hartmann, Jody Clarke-Midura, Joel Skaria, Arla Westenskow, Beth L. MacDonald, Jurgen Symanzik, and Kerry Jordan; Computers in Human Behavior
The Temperature-Sensing Lunchbox, Emily Olsen, Colby Tofel-Grehl, and Douglas Ball; Science Scope
Reading Recovery and Complex Adaptive Systems: Widening Circles for Sustainable Implementation, Marla K. Robertson, Leslie Patterson, Connie Briggs, and Anne Simpson; Journal of Reading Recovery
This is Research, Boy!': Emerging and Be[com]ing with Objects in an Early Childhood Literacy Workshop, Kortney Sherbine; American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting
Track Star + Thing Power: Be[com]ing in the Literacy Workshop, Kortney Sherbine; Journal of Early Childhood Literacy
Conceptualizing Gender Identity Measurement in Education Research of Youth, Mario Itzel Suárez; American Educational Studies Association
Examining Factors that Predict STEM Persistence at a Large, Public Research University, Mario Itzel Suárez; Texas A&M University's Student Research Week 2018
A Brief Exercise in Currere and Bathroom Bills, Mario Itzel Suárez, Ebony Lai Hing, and Patrick Slattery; Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy
Latina/o Students in K-12 Schools: A Synthesis of Empirical Research on Factors Influencing Academic Achievement, Amanda Taggart; Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences
Impacts of Learning Standards and Testing on Gifted Learners in STEM Schools: A Multilevel Analytic Induction, Colby Tofel-Grehl, David F. Feldon, and Carolyn M. Callahan; Roeper Review
The Importance of Integrating Multiliteracies in Teacher Education, Lobat Asadi, E. Stackhouse, Mario Itzel Suárez, W. Zimmer, S. Shields, and Kim B. Wright; Texas Association of Teacher Educators Summer Conference
Towards an understanding of the brain’s response to math apps: An fNIRS investigation of children’s cortical responses to interactions with virtual manipulatives, J. M. Baker, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, S. I. Tucker, Jessica F. Shumway, K. E. Jordan, and R. Gilliam; Technology, Knowledge, and Learning.
The Effects of STEM Summer Camp on Student Interest in STEM Careers, A. Bicer, S. B. Nite, M. M. Capraro, L. R. Barroso, Mario Itzel Suárez, J. Kwon, and D. Rice; Southwestern Educational Research Association Conference
The Effects of Cognitive Behavior Therapy on Students' Mathematics Anxiety, A. Bicer, C. Perihan, S. B. Nite, R. M. Capraro, K. A. Currens, Mario Itzel Suárez, and Y. Lee; Southwestern Educational Research Association Conference
Bill Nye the Science Guy and the discursive construction of a science nerd identity, Sarah K. Braden; 2017 conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics
Democratizing classroom discourse in elementary STEM education, Sarah K. Braden; University of Utah Elementary STEM Endorsement
Managing student participation in phenomenon-based modeling instruction, Sarah K. Braden; University of Utah Elementary STEM Endorsement
The Effects of Dyad Reading and Text Difficulty on Third-Graders' Reading Achievement, Lisa Trottier Brown, Kathleen A. J. Mohr, Bradley R. Wilcox, and Tyson S. Barrett; The Journal of Educational Research
Affordance access matters: Preschool children’s learning progressions while interacting with touch-screen mathematics apps, E. Bullock, Jessica F. Shumway, C. Watts, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, and The Virtual Manipulatives Research Group at Utah State University; Technology, Knowledge, and Learning.
(Re) engaging Policy Process: Valuing and Learning From Youth Voices, Liliana Estella Castrellon, Alyson Leah Lavigne, and Julian Mendez; University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) 2017 annual meeting
Becoming Makers: Examining "Making" Literacy in the Elementary School Science Classroom, Sharon Lynn Chu, Elizabeth Deuermeyer, Rachel Martin, Francis Quek, Alexander Berman, Mario Itzel Suárez, Niloofar Zarei, Beth Nam, and Colin Banigan; IDC ’17: Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Interaction Design and Children
Examining Justice in Social Studies Research, J. Spencer Clark and Steve P. Camicia; Pedagogy & (Im)Possibilities across EducationResearch
Deconstructing White Male Privilege: A Reflection of Egotism, Ambiguity, and Confusion, Matthew J. Etchells, Elizabeth Deuermeyer, Vanessa M. Liles, Samantha M. Meister, and Mario Itzel Suárez; Southwestern Educational Research Association Conference
White Male Privilege: An Intersectional Deconstruction, Matthew J. Etchells, Elizabeth Deuermeyer, Vanessa M. Liles, Samantha M. Meister, Mario Itzel Suárez, and Warren L. Chalklen; Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies
Looking in classrooms, Thomas L. Good and Alyson Leah Lavigne
Currere and Prolepsis: A Literary Analysis, Kristin Kristner Hall, Mario Itzel Suárez, Sungyoon Lee, and Patrick Slattery; Currere Exchange Journal
Reading Moby Dick from the Borderlands, Kristin Kristner Hall, Mario Itzel Suárez, Sungyoon Lee, and Patrick Slattery; American Educational Research Association Annual Conference
Variations of Reasoning in Equal Sharing of Children Who Experience Low Achievement in Mathematics: Competence in Context, Jessica Hunt, Arla Westenskow, and Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham; Education Sciences
Freirean Pedagogy in Beirut’s Migrant Worker Classroom, Shireen Keyl; Pedagogy & (Im)Possibilities across Education Research (PIPER)
Subaltern Pedagogy: A Critical Theorizing of Pedagogical Practices for Marginalized Border-Crossers, Shireen Keyl; The International Journal of Critical Pedagogy
Teacher evaluation in Illinois: School leaders’ perceptions and practices, Alyson Leah Lavigne and Roger Wade Chamberlain; Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability
Citing, being cited, not citing, and not being cited: Citations as intellectual footprints, Alyson Leah Lavigne and Thomas L. Good; Toward a more perfect psychology: Improving trust, accuracy, and transparency in research
Affective Engagement in STEM PBL, R. Lee, Mario Itzel Suárez, C. Caldwell, and D. Rice; Texas A&M University's Student Research Week 2017
Silenced Under the Umbrella: Inclusion and Exclusion of LGBTIQ+ Voices in Practitioner Literature, Samantha M. Meister, Amanda Layne Lindner, and Mario Itzel Suárez; Southwestern Educational Research Association Conference
Engagement Across the Miles: Using Videoconferencing With Small Groups in Synchronous Distance Courses, Amy Piotrowski and Marla K. Robertson; Journal on Empowering Teaching Excellence
Exploring One Preservice Teacher's Emerging Pedagogical Beliefs during an Online Book Club, Marla K. Robertson and Jennifer M. Smith; International Journal of Technology in Teaching and Learning
Be[com]ing with Children: Creating Space for Meaningful Literacy Encounters in Early Childhood, Kortney Sherbine; Session for PreK Teachers
Track Star + Thing Power: Be[com]ing in the Literacy Workshop, Kortney Sherbine; 25th International Reconceptualizing Early Childhood Education Conference
What to Do with Romeo: Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in Early Childhood, Kortney Sherbine; Session for PreK Teachers
You Be the Castle:' Enacting Vivian Paley's Story Acting Curriculum in a University Laboratory Preschool, Kortney Sherbine and V. Hytholt; Massachusettes Reading Association Annual Conference
Conflicting paradigms: Using assessments and interviews to understand students’ number sense, Jessica F. Shumway and K. E. Jordan
Preschool problem solvers: Using Cognitively Guided Instruction to promote mathematical reasoning, Jessica F. Shumway and L. Pace; Teaching Children Mathematics
An exploratory study of a story problem assessment: Understanding children's number sense, Jessica F. Shumway, A. Westenskow, and Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham; International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning
Influence of Online Book Clubs on Pre-Service Teacher Beliefs and Practices, Jennifer M. Smith and Marla K. Robertson; The Reading Professor
A Quantitative Analysis of Same-Sex vs Non Same-Sex Parental Involvement, Mario Itzel Suárez; National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies Tejas FOCO Conference
Same-Sex vs Non Same-Sex Parental Involvement: Results From the 2012 National Household Education Survey Parent and Family Involvement Survey, Mario Itzel Suárez; Queer SIG Pre-Conference
Using Photovoice as Arts-Based Instruction for Grieving: LGBTIQ+ Students and the Pulse Nightclub Shooting, Mario Itzel Suárez, Lobat Asadi, Peter Scaramuzzo, and Patrick Slattery; Curriculum & Pedagogy Annual Conference
Using Photovoice as Arts-Based Instruction for Grieving: LGBTIQ+ Students and the Pulse Nightclub Shooting, Mario Itzel Suárez, Lobat Asadi, Peter Scaramuzzo, and Patrick Slattery; Dept of Teaching, Learning, and Culture Brown Bag Series
We All Have a Pulse: Epigenetics, Proleptic Eschatology, and Creating a Culture of Understanding, Mario Itzel Suárez, Peter Scaramuzzo, Lobat Asadi, and Patrick Slattery; American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies Annual Conference
The Influence of Equitable Treatment on Latina/o High School Students’ College Aspirations, Amanda Taggart and Jaimi Paschal; Journal of Latinos and Education
Comparative analyses of discourse in specialized STEM school classes, Colby Tofel-Grehl, Carolyn M. Callahan, and Louis S. Nadelson; The Journal of Educational Research
Electrifying Engagement in Middle School Science Class: Improving Student Interest Through E-Textiles, Colby Tofel-Grehl, Deborah Fields, Kristin Searle, Cathy Maahs-Fladung, David Feldon, Grace Gu, and Chongning Sun; Journal of Science Education and Technology
Critical Reflections on Teacher Conceptions of Race as Related to the Effectiveness of Science Learning, Colby Tofel-Grehl and Kristin Searle; The Journal of Multicultural Affairs
Kindergarten Children’s Interactions with Touchscreen Mathematics Virtual Manipulatives: An Innovative Mixed Methods Analysis, Stephen I. Tucker, Christina W. Lommatsch, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, Katie L. Anderson-Pence, and Jurgen Symanzik; International Journal of Research in Education and Science
An Iceberg Model for Improving Mathematical Understanding and Mindset or Disposition: An Individualized Summer Intervention Program, Arla Westenskow, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, and Barbara Child; Journal of Education
Reading and Engineering: Elementary Students’ Co-Application of Comprehension Strategies and Engineering Design Processes, Amy Wilson-Lopez, Stacie Gregory, and Victor Larsen
Forms of Science Capital Mobilized in Adolescents’ Engineering Projects, Amy Wilson-Lopez, Christina M. Sias, Allen Smithee, and Indhira María Hasbún; Journal of Research in Science Teaching
Teacher Conceptions, Curriculum Ideologies, and Adaptations to Linear Change in River School District: Implications for Gifted and Talented, William T. Allen Jr. and Scott L. Hunsaker; Journal for the Education of the Gifted
The Influence of Different Virtual Manipulative Types on Student-Led Techno-Mathematical Discourse, Katie Anderson-Pence and Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham; Journal of Computers in Mathmatics and Science Teaching
Contesting the good science student identity in a 9th grade physics class, Sarah K. Braden; 2016 conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics
Who’s the expert? Negotiating expert status while engaging in scientific inquiry, Sarah K. Braden; 37th Annual Ethnography in Education Forum
Supporting language learners in science classrooms: Insights from middle school English language learner students, Sarah K. Braden, Beth A. Wassell, Kathryn Scantlebury, and Alex Grover; Language and Education
Elementary teachers' beliefs and practices relate to literacy-infused mathematics instruction, K. Chavez, P. A. Anders, and Amy Wilson-Lopez; Literacy Research Association
The role of questioning to develop conceptual understanding, M. Chedister and Jessica F. Shumway; Wisconsin Teacher of Mathematics
A Systemic Analysis of Making in Elementary Schools: Understanding Making For Children Through Activity Theory, Sharon Lynn Chu, Genna Angello, Francis Quek, and Mario Itzel Suárez; 2016 IEEE 16th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT)
Communicating care across culture and language: The student-teacher relationship as a site for socialization in public schools, Amy L. Dexter, Alyson Leah Lavigne, and Tammy Oberg De La Garza; Humanity and Society
Reading Moby Dick from the Borderlands, Kristin Kristner Hall, Sungyoon Lee, Mario Itzel Suárez, and Patrick Slattery; Curriculum & Pedagogy Annual Conference
Teaching Text Structure: Examining the Affordances of Children's Informational Texts, Cindy D. Jones, Sarah K. Clark, and D. Ray Reutzel; The Elementary School Journal
Part II - Walking a mile in the wrong shoes: The rationale for helping teachers explore cross-cultural missteps with bilinguals in the classroom, Alyson Leah Lavigne and Tammy Oberg De La Garza; Illinois State Board of Education’s Bilingual Program Directors’ 2016 Annual Meeting
Part I - Walking a mile in the wrong shoes: The rationale for helping teachers explore cross-cultural missteps with bilinguals in the classroom, Alyson Leah Lavigne and Tammy Oberg De La Garza; Illinois State Board of Education’s Bilingual Program Directors’ 2016 Annual Meeting
Teacher evaluation through the eyes of the principal: How the role of experience and school context shape perceptions, Alyson Leah Lavigne, Amy M. Olson, and C. Reina; 2016 Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association
Subitizing games: Assessing preschool children’s number understanding, B. L. MacDonald and Jessica F. Shumway; Teaching Children Mathematics
Using modeled writing to support English-only and English-learner second-grade students, Kathleen A. J. Mohr; The Journal of Educational Research
International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning Mathematics with Virtual Manipulatives, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham; International Journal of Research in Education and Science
Revisiting the Definition of a Virtual Manipulative, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham and Johnna J. Bolyard; Mathematics Education in the Digital Era
Second Graders’ Mathematical Practices for Solving Fraction Tasks, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, Johnna J. Bolyard, and Stephen Isaac Tucker; Investigations in Mathematics Learning
The role of affordances in children’s learning performance and efficiency when using virtual manipulative mathematics touch-screen apps, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, E. Bullock, Jessica F. Shumway, S. I. Tucker, C. Watts, A. Westenskow, K. L. Anderson-Pence, C. Maahs-Fladung, J. Boyer-Thurgood, H. Gulkilik, and K. E. Jordan; Mathematics Education Research Journal
Revisiting the Effects and Affordances of Virtual Manipulatives for Mathematics Learning, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham and Arla Westenskow; Utilizing Virtual and Personal Learning Environments for Optimal Learning
Can We Do It? Developing Students' Identities as Readers and Writers in Today's High-Stakes Classrooms, Marla K. Robertson and Amanda Goss; English in Texas
Complexity, Conceptual Models, and Teacher Decision-Making Research, Marla K. Robertson and Leslie Patterson; Emergence: Complexity & Organization
Visioning as Love and Resistance: Collaborative Reflection on Beliefs and Practice in Teacher Education, Kortney Sherbine and May Hara; American Educational Studies Association Annual Conference
Jumps and Leaps: Number Lines, Number Sense, and Solving Problems, Jessica F. Shumway, J. Kelley, C. Webb, and B. Child; Presentation for K-5 Teachers, 93rd Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
Using open-response fraction items to explore the relationship between instructional modalities and students’ solution strategies., Jessica F. Shumway, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, J. M. Baker, A. Westenskow, K. L. Anderson-Pence, S. I. Tucker, J. Boyer-Thurgood, and K. E. Jordan; International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science, and Technology