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Influential Individuals can Promote Prosocial Practices in Heterogeneous Societies: A Mathematical and Agent-Based Model, Stefani A. Crabtree, Colin D. Wren, Avinash Dixit, and Simon A. Levin; PNAS Nexus


Utah Farmers Market Manager Handbook, Gwen Crist


Body Length Determines Flow Refuging for Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Behind Wing Dams, Terry R. Dial, Laura A. Collins, James C. Liao, and Bret W. Tobalske; Journal of Experimental Biology


Reconstructing Long-Term, High-Resolution Groundwater Storage Changes in the Songhua River Basin Using Supplemented GRACE and GRACE-FO Data, Chuanqi Liu, Zhijie Zhang, Chi Xu, and Wanchang Zhang; Remote Sensing


Integrating Moral Norms and Stewardship Identity Into the Theory of Planned Behavior to Understand Altruistic Conservation Behavior Among Hunters in Southwestern Utah (USA), Jacob C. Richards, Zachary D. Miller, Russell Norvell, and Jordan W. Smith; Human Dimensions of Wildlife


2023 Utah Farmers Market Data, Chandler Rosenberg, Steven Price, and Roslynn McCann


Utah Outdoor Recreation Asset Database: Purpose, Structure, and Development, Jordan W. Smith


Supply, Demand, and Fiscal Sustainability of Outdoor Recreation in Utah, Jordan W. Smith and Chris Monz


Impacts of Climatic Fluctuations and Vegetation Greening on Regional Hydrological Processes: A Case Study in the Xiaoxinganling Mountains–Sanjiang Plain Region, Northeastern China, Chi Xu, Zhijie Zhang, Zhenghui Fu, Shenqing Xiong, Hao Chen, Wanchang Zhang, Shuhang Wang, Donghui Zhang, Heng Lu, and Xia Jiang; Remote Sensing



Addressing Barriers to Proactive Restoration of At-Risk Sagebrush Communities: A Causal Layered Analysis, Carmen Calzado-Martinez, Mark W. Brunson, Sofia Koutzoukis, Jacobo Baggio, and Kari E. Veblen; Restoration Ecology


A Neural-Network-Based Landscape Search Engine: LSE Wisconsin, Matthew Haffner, Matthew DeWitte, Papia F. Rozario, and Gustavo A. Ovando-Montejo; Applied Sciences


Allocation of U.S. Biomass Production to Food, Feed, Fiber, Fuel and Exports, Christopher L. Lant, Suman Paudel, Kaeli Mueller, Grace Larson, Gustavo A. Ovando-Montejo, and Jennifer E. Givens; Land


Characteristics of Anglers and Angling Preferences in Utah: Results From the 2021-2022 Utah Angler Survey, Jordan Smith, Chase C. Lamborn, Will Rempel, and Zachary D. Miller


Collaborative Development of Utah's Outdoor Recreation Strategic Plan: Process and Findings From 14 Regional Workshops, Jordan W. Smith, Jake Powell, Casey Trout, Nate Trauntvein, Rachel Hall, and Wayne Freimund


Insights Into the Characteristics of Outdoor Recreationists in Utah From a Statewide Survey, Jordan W. Smith, Nate Trauntvein, and Casey Trout


An Overview of State Funding for Outdoor Recreation and Tourism in Utah, Jordan W. Smith and Casey Trout


Outdoor Recreation Across the Western United States: A Comparative Analysis Focused on State Agencies, Policies, Programs, and Resources, Casey Trout and Jordan W. Smith


Strategies to Secure Water for Great Salt Lake, Lisa W. Welsh, Joanna Endter-Wada, and Karin M. Kettenring; The Water Report



Orange County Parks Trail Use Designation Pilot Project, Christopher Monz and Noah Creany


An Assessment of the Location of the Bears Ears National Monument Cultural Center, Jordan W. Smith, Eunjung Yang, and Anna B. Miller



Coupled Ecological and Management Connectivity Across Administrative Boundaries in Undeveloped Landscapes, Clare E. Aslan, Mark W. Brunson, Benjamin A. Sikes, Rebecca S. Epanchin-Niell, Samuel Veloz, David M. Theobald, and Brett G. Dickson; Ecosphere


Improving Communication of Uncertainty and Risk of High-Impact Weather through Innovative Forecaster Workshops, Brian A. Colle, Rosemary Auld, Kenneth Johnson, Christine O'Connell, Temis G. Taylor, and Joshua Rice; Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society


Estimating Trail Use and Visitor Spatial Distribution Using Mobile Device Data: An Example From the Nature Reserve of Orange County, California USA, Noah E. Creany, Christopher A. Monz, Ashley D'Antonio, Abigail Sisneros-Kidd, Emily J. Wilkins, Jordan Nesbitt, and Milan Mitrovich; Environmental Challenges


Water MAPS ~ Water Management Analysis and Planning Software, Joanna Endter-Wada, Chris Garrard, and Ellie Leydsman McGinty


Backcountry Visitor Experience and Social Science Indicators for Glacier Bay National Park, Gabriella R. Furr, Chase C. Lamborn, Abigail Sisneros-Kidd, Christopher Monz, and Shannon T. Wesstrom


Life Paths to Leading Systems-Level Change: Higher Education’s Pitfalls and Potential, Roslynn Brain McCann, Kaitlyn Spangler, and Andrew Millison; Sustainability and Climate Change


Management Innovations for Resilient Public Rangelands: Adoption Constraints and Considerations for Interagency Diffusion, Gwendŵr R. Meredith, Mark W. Brunson, and Stuart P. Hardegree; Rangeland Ecology & Management


Cross-Boundary Weed Management in Protected Area-Centered Ecosystems: How Can it Work and What Makes it Harder to Achieve?, Natalie Otto and Mark W. Brunson; Invasive Plant Science and Management


Getting Lead Off the Landscape: A Theory and Data-Driven Approach to Increase Non-Lead Ammunition Use Among Hunters in the California Condor Range of Utah (USA), Jacob C. Richards and Jordan W. Smith


Social and Cultural Dynamics of Non-Native Invasive Species, John Schelhas, Janice Alexander, Mark W. Brunson, Tommy Cabe, Alycia Crall, Michael J. Dockry, Marla R. Emery, Susan J. Frankel, Nina Hapner, Caleb R. Hickman, Rebecca Jordan, Michael J. LaVoie, Zhao Ma, Joe Starinchak, and Jelena Vukomanovic; Invasive Species in Forests and Rangelands of the United States


Compounding Hazards and Intersecting Vulnerabilities: Experiences and Responses to Extreme Heat During COVID-19, Olga V. Wilhelmi, Peter D. Howe, Mary H. Hayden, and Cassandra R. O'Lenick; Environmental Research Letters



Impacts on Climate Change on Multiple Use Management of Bureau of Land Management Land in the Intermountain West, USA, Elaine M. Brice, Brett A. Miller, Hongchao Zhang, Kirsten Goldstein, Scott N. Zimmer, Guenchik J. Grosklos, Patrick Belmont, Courtney G. Flint, Jennifer E. Givens, Peter B. Adler, Mark W. Brunson, and Jordan W. Smith; Ecosphere


Engaging Faculty in Preparing Students for Non-Academic Environmental Careers, Carmen R. Cid and Mark W. Brunson; Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment


Climate Change and Angling Behavior on the North Shore of Lake Superior, Adam Hestetune, Paul Mark Jakus, Christopher Monz, and Jordan Smith; Fisheries Research


Gestational Age at Birth and Risk of Developmental Delay: The Upstate KIDS Study, Kimberly A. Hochstedler, Griffith Bell, Hyojun Park, Akhgar Ghassabian, Erin M. Bell, Rajeshwari Sundaram, Katherine L. Grantz, and Edwina H. Yeung; American Journal of Perinatology


Contested Dam Development in Iran: A Case Study of the Exercise of State Power over Local People, Elham Hoominfar and Claudia Radel; Sustainability


Cooperative Extension and Sustainability Outreach: Programmatic Successes, Administrative Support, and Areas for Improvement, Roslynn Brain McCann, Mark Apel, Clark Dove, Ramona Madhosingh-Hector, Jennison Kipp Searcy, and David Kay; Journal of Extension


The Emergence of “Fat Bikes” in the USA: Trends, Potential Consequences and Management Implications, Christopher Monz and Andrew Kulmatiski; Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism


Water Availability for Cannabis in Northern California: Intersections of Climate, Policy, and Public Discourse, Betsy Morgan, Kaitlyn Spangler, Jacob Stuivenvolt Allen, Christina N. Morrisett, Mark W. Brunson, Shih-Yu Simon Wang, and Nancy Huntly; Water


Pan-Arctic Analysis of Cultural Ecosystem Services Using Social Media and Automated Content Analysis, Claire A. Runge, Vera Helene Hausner, Remi M. Daigle, and Christopher Monz; Environmental Research Communications


Using Disaster Outcomes to Validate Components of Social Vulnerability to Floods: Flood Deaths and Property Damage across the USA, Beth Tellman, Cody Schank, Bessie Schwarz, Peter D. Howe, and Alex de Sherbinin; Sustainability



Drones as a Tool to Monitor Human Impacts and Vegetation Changes in Parks and Protected Areas, Francisco Javier Ancin-Murguzur, Lorena Munoz, Christopher Monz, and Vera H. Hausner; Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation


The Slow Displacement of Smallholder Farming Families: Land, Hunger, and Labor Migration in Nicaragua and Guatemala, Lindsey Carte, Birgit Schmook, Claudia Radel, and Richard Johnson; Land


Outreach in Archaeology with Agent-Based Modeling: Part 3 of 3, Stefani Crabtree, Kathryn Harris, Benjamin Davies, and Iza Romanowska; Advances in Archaeological Practice


Combining Geographic Information Systems and Agent-Based Models in Archaeology: Part 2 of 3, Benjamin Davies, Iza Romanowska, Kathryn Harris, and Stefani Crabtree; Advances in Archaeological Practice


Paving the Way: A Plan for Tackling Urban Forestry Challenges and Gaining Public Support, Lauren Nicole Dupéy, Megan Dettenmaier, Michael R. Kuhns, Darren McAvoy, and Mark W. Brunson; Journal of Extension


Utah State Capitol Grounds Landscape Water Use Assessment, Joanna Endter-Wada, Diana T. Glenn, Chris Garrard, Ellie Leydsman McGinty, Kelly Kopp, and Jennie Hoover


‘‘Can You Take the Heat?’’ Heat-Induced Health Symptoms Are Associated with Protective Behaviors, Emily D. Esplin, Jennifer R. Marlon, Anthony Leiserowitz, and Peter D. Howe; Weather, Climate, and Society


How Will Climate Change Shape Climate Opinion?, Peter D. Howe, Jennifer R. Marlon, Matto Mildenberger, and Brittany S. Shield; Environmental Research Letters


Public Perceptions of the Health Risks of Extreme Heat Across US States, Counties, and Neighborhoods, Peter D. Howe, Jennifer R. Marlon, Xinran Wang, and Anthony Leiserowitz; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences


Dynamics of Utah's Agricultural Landscapes in Response to Urbanization: A Comparison Between Irrigated and Non-Irrigated Agricultural Lands, Enjie Li, Joanna Endter-Wada, and Shujuan Li; Applied Geography


Using Mobile Device Data to Estimate Visitation in Parks and Protected Areas: An Example from the Nature Reserve of Orange County, California, Christopher Monz, Milan Mitrovich, Ashley D'Antonio, and Abigail Sisneros-Kidd; Journal of Park and Recreation Administration


Advantages and Limitations of Using Mobile Apps for Protected Area Monitoring and Management, Lorena Muñoz, Vera Helene Hausner, and Christopher Monz; Society and Natural Resources


The (In)Visible Health Risks of Climate Change, Luke Parry, Claudia Radel, Susana B. Adamo, Nigel Clark, Miriam Counterman, Nadia Flores-Yeffal, Diego Pons, Paty Romero-Lankao, and Jason Vargo; Social Science & Medicine


Modeling Visitor Use on High Elevation Mountain Trails: An Example from Longs Peak in Rocky Mountain National Park, USA, David Pettebone, Ashley D'Antonio, Abigail Sisneros-Kidd, and Christopher Monz; Journal of Mountain Science


Grand Expectations: Understanding Visitor Motivations and Outcome Interference in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, William L. Rice, B. Derrick Taff, Peter Newman, Zachary D. Miller, Ashley D'Antonio, Jenna T. Baker, Christopher Monz, Jennifer N. Newton, and Katherine Y. Zipp; Journal of Park and Recreation Administration


Why Weightlifters Grunt: A Classroom Exercise That Introduces Students to Evolution, H. Charles Romesburg; The American Biology Teacher


The Formation of State Offices of Outdoor Recreation and an Analysis of Their Ability to Partner with Federal Land Management Agencies, Brooke Sausser, Christopher Monz, Travis Dorsch, and Jordan Smith; Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism


Nature-Based Tourism, Resource Dependence, and Resilience of Arctic Communities: Framing Complex Issues in a Changing Environment, Abigail Sisneros-Kidd, Christopher Monz, Vera Helene Hausner, Jennifer Schmidt, and Douglas Clark; Journal of Sustainable Toursim


Extension-Based Community Engagement Project Contributions to Landscape Architecture Core Competencies and Professional Values, Ole Sleipness, Jake Powell, David Anderson, David Evans, Roslynn McCann, and Shuolei Chen; NACTA Journal


Attendance Trends Threaten Future Operations of America’s State Park Systems, Jordan Smith, Emily J. Wilkins, and Yu-Fai Leung; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences



Efficient Sampling for Ecosystem Service Supply Assessment at a Landscape Scale, Franfisco Javier Ancin-Murguzer, Lorena Muñoz, Christopher Monz, Per Fauchald, and Vera Helene Hausner; Ecosystems and People


Biodiverse cities: the nursery industry, homeowners, and neighborhood differences drive urban tree composition, Meghan L. Avolio, Diane E. Pataki, Tara L. E. Trammell, and Joanna Endter-Wada; Ecological Monographs


Managing Ecological Disturbances: Learning and the Structure of Social-Ecological Networks, Jacopo A. Baggio and Vicken Hillis; Environmental Modelling & Software


Analyzing Stakeholders’ Workshop Dialogue for Evidence of Social Learning, Amanda L. Bentley Brymer, J. D. Wulfhorst, and Mark W. Brunson; Ecology and Society


Bonding and Bridging Forms of Social Capital in Wildlife Tourism Microentrepreneurship: An Application of Social Network Analysis, K. C. Birendra, Duarte B. Morals, Erin Seekamp, Jordan Smith, and M. Nils Peterson; Sustainability


Rescaling Drought Mitigation in Rural Sri Lanka, Emily Burchfield, Nicholas E. Williams, and Amanda Carrico; Regional Environmental Change


The Influence of Political Ideology and Socioeconomic Vulnerability on Perceived Health Risks of Heat Waves in the Context of Climate Change, Matthew J. Cutler, Jennifer R. Marlon, Peter D. Howe, and Anthony Leiserowitz; Weather, Climate, and Society


The Implications of Group Norms for Adaptation in Collectively Managed Agricultural Systems: Evidence From Sri Lankan Paddy Farmers, Arielle Tozier de la Poterie, Emily Burchfield, and Amanda R. Carrico; Ecology and Society


Social Dimensions of Urban Flood Experience, Exposure, and Concern, Rebecca L. Hale, Courtney Flint, Douglas B. Jackson-Smith, and Joanna Endter-Wada; Journal of the American Water Resources Association


A Systematic Review of the Psychological, Social, and Educational Outcomes Associated With Participation in Wildland Recreational Activities, W. Hunter Holland, Robert B. Powell, Jennifer Marie Thomsen, and Christopher Monz; Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership


Modeling Geographic Variation in Household Disaster Preparedness across U.S. States and Metropolitan Areas, Peter D. Howe; The Professional Geographer


Modeling Landowner Interactions and Development Patterns at the Urban Fringe, Jennifer Koch, Monica A. Dorning, Derek B. Van Berkel, Scott M. Beck, Georgina M. Sanchez, Ashwin Shashidharan, Lindsey S. Smart, Qiang Zhang, Jordan Smith, and Ross K. Meentemeyer; Landscape and Urban Planning


Role of Site Management in Influencing Visitor Use Along Trails in Multiple Alpine Protected Areas in Norway, Kazuhisa Kuba, Christopher Monz, Bård-Jørgen Bårdsen, and Vera Helene Hausner; Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism


The Uneven Influence of Climate Trends and Agricultural Policies on Maize Production in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, Sofia Mardero, Bridgit Schmook, Jorge Omar Lopez-Martinez, Lizette Cicero, Claudia Radel, and Zachary Christman; Land


Introducing and Evaluating a Knowledge Transfer Approach to Support Problem Solving in and Around Protected Areas, Brady J. Mattsson, Marie Fischborn, Mark W. Brunson, and Harald Vacik; AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment


If I Can Find a Parking Spot: A Stated Choice Approach to Grand Teton National Park Visitors’ Transportation Preferences, Jennifer N. Newton, Peter Newman, B. Derrick Taff, Yau-Huo Shr, Christopher Monz, and Ashley D'Antonio; Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism


A Systematic Review of the Physical and Mental Health Benefits of Wildand Recreation, Jennifer Marie Thomsen, Robert B. Powell, and Christopher Monz; Journal of Park and Recreation Administration


Weather and Air Quality Drive the Winter Use of Utah’s Big and Little Cottonwood Canyons, Hongchao Zhang and Jordan Smith; Sustainability


Assessing potential drivers of Social- Ecological system robustness: networks, institutional design principles and agent based modelling, Jacopo A. Baggio

Constraints in identifying and analyzing social-ecological networks: data and common currencies, Jacopo A. Baggio; 2017 Resilience Conference

Managing common pool resources: learning, design principles, and scale mismatches, Jacopo A. Baggio

Managing ecological disturbances: Learning and the structure of social- ecological networks, Jacopo A. Baggio; II Conference of the Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society (PECS)

Using networks and agent based modelling to analyze social-ecological systems, Jacopo A. Baggio

Individual cognitive abilities and group adaptabilty to changing social and environmental conditions, Jacopo A. Baggio, Jacob Freeman, Thomas R. Coyle, Samantha Nabity, Tam Nguyen, K. Elpers, and T. Hancock; II Conference of the Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society (PECS)

Identifying drivers of Socio-Ecological System's resilience: integrating networks and agent based modelling, Jacopo A. Baggio and Vicken Hillis

Modelling the management of networked landscapes: the importance of learning and strategy diversity, Jacopo A. Baggio, S. Valury, and Michael Schoon; 2017 International Association for the Study of the Commons Conference


Mitigating Projected Impacts of Climate Change and Building Resiliency through Permaculture: a Community ‘Bee Inspired Gardens’ Movement in the Desert Southwest, USA, Roslynn Brain, Jeffrey Adams, and Jeremy Lynch; The Sustainable City XII


Assessment of USDA-NRCS Rangeland Conservation Programs: Recommendation for an Evidence-Based Conservation Platform, David D. Briske, Brandon T. Bestelmeyer, Joel R. Brown, Mark W. Brunson, Thomas L. Thurow, and John Tanaka; Ecological Applications

Using R-INLA to understand institutional moderators of drought, Emily Burchfield; useR! Conference


Can Ecosystem Services Make Conservation Normal and Commonplace?, Kai M. A. Chan, Paige Olmsted, Nathan Bennett, Sarah Klain, and Elizabeth A. Williams; Conservation for the Anthropocene Ocean


Foundations of Translational Ecology, Carolyn AF Enquist, Stephen T. Jackson, Gregg M. Garfin, Frank W. Davis, Leah R. Gerber, Jeremy A. Littell, Jennifer L. Tank, Adam J. Terando, Tamara U. Wall, Benjamin Halpern, J. Kevin Hiers, Toni Kyn Morelli, Elizabeth McNie, Nathan L. Stephenson, Matthew A. Williamson, Connie A. Woodhouse, Laurie Yung, Mark W. Brunson, Kimberly R. Hall, Lauren M. Hallett, Dawn M. Lawson, Max A. Mortiz, Koren Nydick, Amber Pairis, Andrea J. Ray, Claudia Regan, Hugh D. Safford, Mark W. Schwartz, and M. Rebecca Shaw; Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment


An Evaluation of U.S. National Wildlife Refuge Planning for Off-Road Vehicle Use, Robert L. Fischman, Vicky J. Meretsky, Katie Freeman, Alexi Lamm, Leah Missik, and Scott Salmon; Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management


Acoustic Environments Matter: Synergistic Benefits to Humans and Ecological Communities, Clinton D. Francis, Peter Newman, B. Derrick Taff, Crow White, Christopher Monz, Mitchell Levenhagen, Alissa R. Petrelli, Lauren C. Abbott, Jennifer N. Newton, Shan Burson, Caren B. Cooper, Kurt M. Fistrup, Christopher J.W. McClure, Daniel Mennitt, Michael Giamellaro, and Jesse R. Barber; Journal of Environmental Management


Wildland Recreation Disturbance: Broad‐Scale Spatial Analysis and Management, Kevin J. Gutzwiller, Ashley D'Antonio, and Christopher Monz; Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment


Using Agent-Based Models to Compare Behavioral Theories on Experimental Data: Application for Irrigation Games, Marco A. Janssen and Jacopo A. Baggio; Journal of Environmental Psychology

Bird Killer, Industrial Intruder or Clean Energy? Preceiving Risks to Ecosystem Services Due to an Offshore Wind Farm, Sarah Klain; Visualization in Science and Education

Will Communities "Open­up" to Offshore Wind? Lessons Learned From New England Islands, Sarah Klain; Social Geographies of Wind Energy Development; American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting


Relational Values Resonate Broadly and Differently Than Intrinsic or Instrumental Values, or the New Ecological Paradigm, Sarah Klain, Paige Olmsted, Kai M. A. Chan, and Terre Satterfield; PLoS ONE


Will Communities “open-up” to Offshore Wind? Lessons Learned From New England Islands in the United States, Sarah Klain, Terre Satterfield, Suzanne MacDonald, Nicholas Battista, and Kai M. A. Chan; Energy Research & Social Science