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Effects of Pornography on Relationships, Naomi Brower
Create Better Health Curriculum, Casey Coombs and Jaqueline Neid
Tips to Encourage a Healthy Body Image in Your Child, Megan Jensen, Mateja R. Savoie-Roskos, Jaqueline Neid-Avila, and Brittany Bingeman
Creaciones en la Cocina Curriculum, Celina Wille
Evidence-Based Alternative Pain Management Techniques for Chronic Pain, Alise Williams Condie, Ashley Yaugher, Kira Swensen, and Maren Wright Voss
Freezer Meal Planning, Darlene Christensen
Marinating Meat Safely, Darlene Christensen
Mini Purse, Darlene Christensen, Debra Proctor, and Ronda Olsen
Preparing Your Holiday Turkey Safely, Darlene Christensen
Preserving Zucchini, Darlene Christensen
Reducing the Spread of Infection: Hand Washing, Darlene Christensen
Why Electric Pressure Cookers Are Not Pressure Canners, Cathy Merrill, Karin E. Allen, Susan Haws, Teresa Hunsaker, Patricia Mathis, Paige Wray, and Ellen Serfustini
Anxiety and Depression: Can Diet Help?, Megan Jensen, Mateja R. Savoie-Roskos, Ashley Yaugher, and Sandy Sulzer
Baby-Led Weaning: An Approach to Introducing Solid Foods to Infants, Lydia Bangerter, Mateja R. Savoie-Roskos, and Casey Coombs
Buying a Home Freeze-Dryer: What to Know Before You Go, Brian Nummer, Chris Jessen, Cathy Merrill, Paige Wray, and Callahan K. Ward
Exercise Tips for Chronic Pain Management, Hayley Loos, Sandra H. Sulzer, and Kandice Atisme
Fluoride: From Birth to Adolescence, Ben Clark, Lydia Bangerter, Mateja R. Savoie-Roskos, Casey Coombs, and Carrie Durward
Four Key Considerations when Choosing a Financial Professional, Amanda H. Christensen
Leadership Keys: Unlocking Doors to Success, Cindy Nelson
Mindfulness for Chronic Pain Management, Maren Wright Voss, Kandice Atisme, Ashley Yaugher, and Sandra H. Sulzer
Overcoming Feeding Difficulties in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Hali Obray, Mateja R. Savoie-Roskos, April Litchford, Casey Coombs, and Carrie Durward
Preserve the Harvest: Peaches, Ann Henderson
Profile of an E-Commerce Seller, Paul Hill and Laurel Farrer
Profile of a Sales Representative, Paul Hill and Laurel Farrer
Profile of a Social Media Manager, Paul Hill and Laurel Farrer
Profile of a Virtual Assistant, Paul Hill and Laurel Farrer
Profile of a Web Developer, Paul Hill and Laurel Farrer
Selling Creative Products Online, Paul Hill, Emy Swadley, Michael Isom, and Kenadie Terry
Substance Use Disorder Stigma: What It Is and How You Can Prevent It, Kandice Atisme, Reshma Arrington, Ashley Yaugher, and Mateja Savoie-Roskos
Technoference Strategies: Managing Family Screen Time, Brandon McDaniel and David G. Schramm
Using Google Expeditions to Introduce Virtual Reality, Elizabeth Davis and Andrea Schmutz
What Is Financial Health?, Amanda H. Christensen
Your Financial Wellness Wheel, Amanda H. Christensen and Elizabeth Vance
An Apple a Day? Eat More Fruits and Vegetables, Cindy Nelson and Makendra Goff
Benefits of Family Mealtime, Cindy Nelson and Makendra Goff
Body Image in Adolescence, Jaqueline Neid-Avila and Brittany Bingeman
Create Family Meals Curriculum, Carolyn Washburn, Melanie Jewkes, Jaqueline Neid, and Teresa Hunsaker
Create Farm Fresh Food Curriculum, Casey Coombs
Create MyPlate Youth Curriculum, Gaelynn Peterson, Sharmi Crowther, and Suzanne Prevedel
Dairy in Your Child's Diet, Richelle Hudson, Mateja R. Savoie-Roskos, and Carrie Durward
Dating in Later Life, Jennifer Viveros and David Schramm
Ensuring Adequate Vitamin D Intake Among Infants and Children, Alicia Kunzler, Mateja R. Savoie-Roskos, and Carrie Durward
Finding Peace by Staying Present, Jennifer Viveros and David G. Schramm
Fresh and Easy: How to Make Pureed Baby Food, Shayla Shearer, Mateja R. Savoie-Roskos, and Carrie Durward
Get Educated: Understanding Federal Student Loans, Wynell Pettett and Marilyn Albertson
Good Ideas for Better Health, Jennifer Viveros and David G. Schramm
Helpful Hints for Parents of Picky Eaters, Chelsea Feller, Mateja R. Savoie-Roskos, and Carrie Durward
Hidden Vegetables, Chelsea Feller and Carrie Durward
Higher Education: How Parents Can Support Their Children, Celina G. Wille
How to Nourish Mom and Baby Alike: Nutrition During Pregnancy, Marianne Olsen, Mateja R. Savoie-Roskos, and Carrie Durward
La Educacion Superior: Como los Padres Pueden Apoyar a sus Hijos, Celina Wille
Learning to Listen to Hunger and Fullness Cues, Brittany Bingeman and Jaqueline Neid-Avila
Nutritional Needs Among High School Athletes, Andy Mitchell, Mateja R. Savoie-Roskos, Natalie Norris, and Carrie Durward
Operating Your AI Personal Assistant, Paul Hill, Michael Isom, Emy Swadley, and Kenadie Terry
Pros and Cons of Online Dating in Later Life, Jennifer Viveros and David G. Schramm
Six Approaches to Becoming More Optimistic Today, Jennifer Viveros and David G. Schramm
Strategies for Dealing with Life's Difficulties, Jennifer Viveros and David G. Schramm
Stress vs. Anxiety: Understanding the Difference, Jennifer Viveros and David G. Schramm
Supporting Others Coping with Infertility, Jennifer Viveros and David G. Schramm
Tips to Strengthen Relationships Today, Jennifer Viveros and David G. Schramm
Using the Convenient Slow Cooker Safely, Susan Haws
Why Stress Management Strategies Work, Jennifer Viveros and David G. Schramm
A Healthy Brain: Use It or Lose It!, Elizabeth B. Fauth and Maria C. Norton
Are My Memory Changes Normal?, Maria Norton and Elizabeth B. Fauth
Building a Better Marriage, Kailee Hansen and David G. Schramm
Dementia Risk: Is It Nature or Nurture?, Maria C. Norton, Elizabeth B. Fauth, and Jessica Weyerman
Healthy Beginnings - Infant and Toddler Feeding, Chelsea Feller and Carrie Durward
Helping Children Identify and Cope with Emotions, Elizabeth Davis and Naomi Brower
Keys for Strong Commitment in Marriage, Kailee Hansen and David G. Schramm
Making Lifestyle Choices to Reduce Late-Life Depression Risk, Maria C. Norton, Elizabeth B. Fauth, and Jessica Weyerman
Making Media Work for Your Marriage, Elizabeth Davis and Naomi Brower
Marriage Principles from a National Extension Model, Kailee Hansen and David G. Schramm
Maximizing the Quality of Life for Persons with Dementia, Elizabeth B. Fauth, Maria C. Norton, and Jessica Weyerman
Mindful Eating: Benefits, Challenges, and Strategies, Cindy Nelson and Shannon Cromwell
Pretreatments to Prevent Darkening of Fruits Prior to Canning or Dehydrating, Carolyn Washburn and Christie Jensen
Technology Tips and Traps in Your Relationship, Kailee Hansen and David G. Schramm
The Leadership Puzzle, Putting the Pieces Together, Cindy Nelson
Three Steps for a Happier Life, Kailee Hansen and David G. Schramm
Tips for Tackling Stress, Kailee Hansen and David G. Schramm
Benefits of Exercise on Mind Function, Cindy Nelson and Shannon Cromwell
Emergency Cash Stash, Adrie Roberts
Is Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia the Same Thing? Clarifying Types and Symptoms of Dementia, Elizabeth B. Fauth, Maria C. Norton, and Jessica J. Weyerman
Late-Life Depression, Maria C. Norton and Elizabeth B. Fauth
Psychological Stress Among Risks for Alzheimer's Disease, Maria C. Norton and Elizabeth B. Fauth
Easy Steps to Reduce Your Energy Bill, Blake Thomas, Brett Tingley, and Roslynn Brian
Biking as an Alternative Mode of Transportation, Roslynn Brian and Jared Stapp
Building a Quality Child Care Business, Susan Haws and Angela Wood
Designing Your Home for Maximum Natural Lighting, USU Extension
Freestores: What, Why & How, Thomas Derr and Roslynn Brian
From Time to Quality Time: Making Every Moment Count, Naomi Brower and Joe Wallace
Helping Children Understand and Manage Anger, Shannon Cromwell and Naomi Brower
Recycling in Utah: Paper, Rebecca Mills and Craig Pearson
Choosing Digital Camera Lenses, Ron Patterson and Stephen Sagers
Cleaning Up After a Fire Disaster, Carolyn Washburn and Christine Jensen
Effective Communication Skills: "I" Messages and Beyond, Jana Darrington and Naomi Brower
Effective Communication Skills: Resolving Conflicts, Naomi Brower and Jana Darrington
Film Speed or the ISO, Stephen Sagers and Ron Patterson
Healthy Conflict Management, Naomi Brower
I'm Not Stressed: Effective Stress Coping Techniques, Naomi Weeks and Kimberly Stanley
Making the Most of Marriage Therapy, Jana Darrington, Naomi Brower, and Eric Walker
Preparing Children for a Healthy Marriage, Naomi Brower and Daryl Zadok Budd
Real, Fast, Feedback: A Guide to Using Survey Websites, Paul Hill
Reuse: Creating a Next Life for Common Items, Roslynn Brian and Hayley Waldbillig
Sewing Technique: Box Pleat, Sandra Bradshaw
Sewing Technique: Circular Ruffle, Jen Giddens, Lindsey Shirley, Chanae Weller, and Sarah Geer
Sewing Technique: Lapped Zipper, Jen Giddens, Sarah Geer, Lindsey Shirley, and Chanae Weller
Sewing Technique: Straight Ruffle, Jen Giddens, Sarah Geer, Lindsey Shirley, and Chanae Weller
Shutter Speed in Digital Photography, Stephen Sagers and Ron Patterson
A Heritage Tourism Overview, Jascha Zeitlin
Backup, Access and Share Your Files from Anywhere, Anytime, Paul Hill
Charity Pillowcases, Debra Proctor and Susan Haws
Have Fun! The Importance of Play in Couple Relationships, Naomi Brower
Homemade Laundry Detergents, Chanae Weller, Lindsey Shirley, and Carolyn Washburn
Indoor Photography, Stephen Sagers and Ron Patterson
Photo Composition, Stephen Sagers and Ron Patterson
Planning a Program Evaluation: An Introduction for County Agents, Mitch Vaterlaus
Qualitative Program Evaluation Methods, Mitch Vaterlaus
Refund Anticipation Loan, Ann House
Relationship Education, 2011, Linda Skogrand
Sewing Glossary, Sarah Geer and Lindsey Shirley
Sewing Skills Quiet Book, Debra Proctor and Susan Haws
Sewing Technique: Centered Zipper, Sarah Geer, Jen Giddens, Chanae Weller, and Lindsey Shirley
Sewing Technique: Flat-Felled Seam, Jen Giddens, Sarah Geer, Lindsey Shirley, and Chanae Weller
Sewing Technique: Hand-Worked Keyhole Buttonhole, Jen Giddens, Sarah Geer, Lindsey Shirley, and Chanae Weller
Spring Clean Your Financial House, Ann House
An Introduction to Natural Fibers, USU Extension
CFL and LED Bulbs: Lighting for the Future, Carolyn Washburn and Lou Mueller
Clothing Care Symbols, Lindsey Shirley and Sarah Geer
Coping with the Loss of a Child, Naomi Weeks and Kimber Peart
Dry Cleaning, Lindsey Shirley and Chanae Weller
Elements of Design, Joanne Roueche and Lindsey Shirley
History of Photography, Stephen Sagers and Ron Patterson
How Advertisers Mess with Our Minds and Wallets, Ann House
Mechanics of a Digital Camera, Stephen Sagers and Ron Patterson
Relationship Education, 2010, Linda Skogrand
Sandwich Generation, Linda Skogrand and Katie Henderson
The Death Experience: Helping Parents Understand Childhood Grief, Naomi Weeks and Kimber Peart
Tips to Taper Energy Costs in the Kitchen, Lou Mueller
Upholstery for Beginners, Jen Giddens
Weighted Pincushion and Thread Bag, Susan Haws
Balancing the Budget, Fitting It All In, Melanie Jewkes
Charity Fraud, Ann House
Christmas Loom Stocking, Christine Jensen and Debra Proctor
Credit Scores - More Important Now Than Ever, M. J. Bouck, Ann House, and Al Bingham
Dropped Waist Skirt with Ruffles, Ronda Olsen, Karen Biers, and Debra Proctor
Easy Hot Pad, Ronda Olsen, Debra Proctor, and Susan Haws
Easy Table Runner, Christine E. Jensen, Debra Proctor, Ronda Olsen, and Karen Biers
Fleece Blanket with Half Hitch Knots, Susan Haws and Debra Proctor
Honey, I'm Home: Strengthening Your Marriage Ten Minutes at a Time, Eric Walker and Naomi Weeks
Level 1An - Holes and Ridges Knitted Dishcloth - 103, Debra Proctor
Level 1B - Fleece Tied Pillow - 204, Ronda Olsen, Debra Proctor, and Karen Biers
Recording Proper Outdoor Lighting, Stephen Sagers and Ron Patterson
Teaching Children Money Management, Melanie Jewkes
Three Methods of Continuous Band Prairie Points, Debra Proctor and Ronda Olsen
Wise Charitable Giving, Ann House and Janet Andersen
Baby Rail Blues, Debra Proctor and Deonn Stott
Food Stores, Not Grocery Stores, Teresa Hunsaker
Half Square Triangles, Debra Proctor, Deonn Stott, and Ronda Olsen
Integrating the Latino Population in Extension and Community Youth Programs, Kathleen Riggs
Level 1A - Basic Sewing Supplies - 101, Debra Proctor, Ronda Olsen, and Karen Biers
Straight Grain Quilt Borders, Debra Proctor and Ronda Olsen
Business Opportunities: Selecting a Franchise, Karen Biers
Controlando el Estres en Familias Ensambladas, Linda Skogrand and Rachel Arrington
Creando Rituales en Familias Ensambladas, Scot Allgood and Rachel Crook
Creating Rituals in Stepfamilies, Scot Allgood and Rachel Crook
Desarrollando Fortalezas en la Familia Ensamblada, Linda Skogrand, Rachel Arrington, and Brian Higginbotham
Developing Strengths in Stepfamilies, Linda Skogrand, Rachel Arrington, and Brian Higginbotham
Estraetegias Utiles para Tratar con Ex Parejas en un Segundo Matrimonio, Scot Allgood and Linda Skogrand
Helpful Strategies to Deal with Ex-partners in Remarriages, Scot Allgood and Brian Higginbotham
Level 1A - Four Square Pillow - 103, Ronda Olsen, Karen Biers, and Debra Proctor
Level 1A - Youth Elastic Waist Skirt without a Pattern - 104, Ronda Olsen, Karen Biers, and Debra Proctor
Level 3 - Mitered Corner Blanket - 401, Ronda Olsen, Karen Biers, and Debra Proctor
Managing Stress in Stepfamilies, Linda Skogrand and Rachel Arrington
Level 1A - Designer Pillowcase - 102, Ronda Olsen and Debra Proctor
Level 1An - Diagonal Knit Dishcloth - 101, Debra Proctor
Level 1An - Double Yarn Knit Slippers - 102, Debra Proctor and Kristine Saunders
Level 1B - Reversible 14" Tied Pillow - 201, Debra Proctor and Karen Biers
Level 1B - Reversible 16" Tied Pillow - 202, Ronda Olsen, Debra Proctor, and Karen Biers
Level 1B - Reversible 18" Tied Pillow - 203, Ronda Olsen, Debra Proctor, and Karen Biers
Level 2 - Fleece Stocking Hat - 301, Debra Proctor, Ronda Olsen, and Karen Biers
Marital Transitions and the Sandwich Generation: The Implications of Divorce and Remarriage, Brian Higginbotham and Katie Henderson
Retaining 4-H Volunteers by Effectively Delegating 4-H Program Responsibilities, Deb Jones
Recognition of 4-H Volunteers, Deb Jones
Computer Assisted Literacy for Non-English Speakers, Jean Alder, Frederick M. Berthrong, and Hector Mendiola
Basic Crochet Slipper, Debra Proctor
Carpet or Upholstery, USU Extension
Chalkboard with Pocket Placemat, Debra Proctor and Kami Williams
Considerations for Knit fabrics, USU Extension
Creating a Well-Constructed Machine Stitch, USU Extension
Crockery Cookery, USU Extension
Cuffed Knit Slippers, Debra Proctor
Dinner to the Rescue!, Teresa Hunsaker
Do It Yourself with Mixes, USU Extension
Fleece Facts, USU Extension
From Fiber to Fabric: Acetate, Kate Black
From Fiber to Fabric: Acrylic, Kate Black
From Fiber to Fabric: Cotton, Kate Black
From Fiber to Fabric: Linen, Kate Black
From Fiber to Fabric: Silk, Kate Black
From Fiber to Fabric: Wool, Kate Black
Kiwi - Key to Nutrition!, USU Extension
Knitted Nesting Pincushion, Debra Proctor
Make Your Own Knitting Needles, Debra Proctor
Making a House a Home - Clean & Organized, USU Extension
No-Sugar Solution, USU Extension
No-Sugar Solution - continued, USU Extension
Panel Quilt with Prairie Points, Debra Proctor and Kami Williams
Principles of Design, Elizabeth Hale and Lindsey Shirley
Processing Times, USU Extension
Processing Times - Food Preservation, USU Extension
Relaciones Latinas de Parejas Fuertes, Linda Skogrand
Sewing Machine: Threading the Bernina 1008 Machine, Kate Black
Sewing Machine: Threading the Bernina B330 Machine, Kate Black
Sewing Technique: Attaching Garment Fasteners, Kate Black
Sewing Technique: Backstitch (hand), Sandra Bradshaw
Sewing Technique: Basting Stitch, Shanna Haws
Sewing Technique: Blind Machine Hem, Shanna Haws
Sewing Technique: Buttons, Sandra Bradshaw
Sewing Technique: Casing, Shanna Haws
Sewing Technique: Darts, Sandra Bradshaw
Sewing Technique: French Seam, Sarah Geer
Sewing Technique: Invisible Zipper, Sandra Bradshaw
Sewing Technique: Knife Pleats, Sandra Bradshaw
Single Crochet Double Hot Pad, Debra Proctor
The 4-H Crocheting Handbook, Susan Haws and Debra Proctor
The 4-H Knitting Handbook, Debra Proctor and Susan Haws
Getting Ready, Leona Hawks