Creative Projects
Equivalent-Area Studies For Sonic Boom Loudness Mitigation on a Commercial Supersonic Aircraft Configuration, Zachary N. Foster
Nonlinear Aerodynamic Corrections to Blade Element Momentum Model with Validation Experiments, Robert S. Merrill
Use of Direct Metal Laser Sintering for Tooling in High Volume Production, Joel W. Hendrickson
A Computational Fluid Dynamics Validation Experiment for Forced and Mixed Convection on a Vertical Heated Plate, Jeff Robert Harris
Aerodynamic Implications of a Bio‐Inspired Rotating Empennage Design for Control of a Fighter Aircraft, Christian R. Bolander
A General Approach to Lifting-Line Theory, Applied to Wings With Sweep, Jackson T. Reid
Analysis of Angles-Only Hybrid Space-Based/Ground-Based Approach for Geosynchronous Orbit Catalog Maintenance, Blythe A. Andrews
Angles-Only Navigation for Autonomous Orbital Rendezvous, David Charles Woffinden
Applications of Relative Motion Models Using Curvilinear Coordinate Frames, Alex C. Perez
A Study of Wings with Constant and Variable Sweep for Aerodynamic Efficiency in Inviscid Flow, Bruno Moorthamers
Asymptotic Multiphysics Modeling of Composite Beams, Qi Wang
A Thermal Energy Storage Tank Model for Solar Heating, Robert Arthur Pate
A Thermomechanical Analysis of an Ultrasonic Bonding Mechanism, Chunbo Zhang
Attitude and Reflection Parameter Estimation of Resident Space Objects Using Ground-Based Photometry, Arun J. Bernard
Augmented State Linear Covariance Applications for Nonlinear Missile Engagements, Jeffrey Scott Clawson
Autonomous Trajectory Planning for Satellite RPO and Safety of Flight Using Convex Optimization, Nicholas G. Ortolano
Benchmark Experiments for Natural Convection in Nuclear Fuel Rod Bundles, Kyle L. Jones
Characteristic of the Dynamics of Disorder in Crystalline and Amorphous Materials, Amir Behbahanian
Characterization of Carbon Nanostructured Composite Film Using Photothermal Measurement Technique, Kurt E. Harris
Cislunar Optimal Robust Trajectory Design With Corrective Maneuvers, Scott J. Kelly
Collective Motion in Pelotons and Fish Schools: Observation and Modeling, Syed Rafid Rahman
Computational Fluid Dynamics Benchmark Validation Experiment of Plenum-to-Plenum Flow Through Vertical Heated Parallel Channels, Austin W. Parker
Control Mapping Methodology for Tailless Morphing-Wing Aircraft, Zachary S. Montgomery
Convexity Applications in Single and Multi-Agent Control, Olli Nikodeemus Jansson
Development, Implementation, and Optimization of a Modern, Subsonic/Supersonic Panel Method, Cory D. Goates
Development of a High-Throughput Methodology for Vibration-Based Fatigue Tests, Brandon Alexander Furman
Development of a Three-Dimensional High-Order Strand-Grids Approach, Oisin Tong
Development of Modular Thermal Control Architecture for Modular Satellites, Quinn Eric Young
Development of the Multiple Use Plug Hybrid for Nanosats (Muphyn) Miniature Thruster, Shannon Dean Eilers
Dislocation Density-Based Finite Element Method Modeling of Ultrasonic Consolidation, Deepankar Pal
Effective Properties of Randomly Oriented Kenaf Short Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composite, Dayakar Naik L.
Electrokinetic Flow in a Nanochannel with an Overlapped Electrical Double Layer, Zhuorui Song
Evaluation of an Incompressible Energy-Vorticity Turbulence Model for Fully Rough Pipe Flow, Doug F. Hunsaker
Evaluation of Flux Correction on Three-Dimensional Strand Grids with an Overset Cartesian Grid, Dalon G. Work
Evaluation of Turbulence Variable Distributions for Incompressible Fully Rough Pipe Flows, Emilie B. Fowler
Exact and Approximate Relaxation Techniques for Computational Guidance, Sheril Avikkal Kunhippurayil
Experimental Validation Data for CFD of Steady and Transient Mixed Convection on a Vertical Flat Plate, Blake W. Lance
Experiment and Simulation on the Dynamics of a Slug of Liquid Oxygen Displaced by a Pulsed Magnetic Field, Jeffrey C. Boulware
Fabrication of Long-Fiber-Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites Using Ultrasonic Consolidation, Yanzhe Yang
Fabrication of Multi-Material Structures Using Ultrasonic Consolidation and Laser-Engineered Net Shaping, John Olorunshola Obielodan
Facilitation of Nanoscale Thermal Transport by Hydrogen Bonds, Lin Zhang
Finite-Time Control Strategies for Rendezvous and Proximity Operations, John Tamotsu Akagi
Fuel Performance Modeling of Reactivity-Initiated Accidents Using the BISON Code, Charles Pearson Folsom
High Efficiency Angles-Only Space-Based Approaches for Geosynchronous Orbit Catalog Maintenance With Sparse Information, Louis M. Tonc
High-Magnification Digital Image Correlation Techniques for Aged Nuclear Fuel Cladding Testing, Robert Scott Hansen
Hybrid Photothermal Technique for Microscale Thermal Conductivity Measurement, Zilong Hua
Impact of Mass and Bond Energy Difference and Interface Defects on Thermal Boundary Conductance, ChangJin Choi
Impacts in Fluids: Forces, Scaling Laws and Bouncing Modes in Projectile Impacts on Water Pools and Droplets, Rafsan Rabbi
Improvement of Ultraviolet Digital Image Correlation (UV-DIC) at Extreme Temperatures, Thinh Quang Thai
Linear Covariance Analysis for Gimbaled Pointing Systems, Randall S. Christensen
Mathematical Modeling of Light Utilization and the Effects of Temperature Cycles on Productivity in a Steady-State Algal Photobioreactor, Peter Edwin Zemke
Molecular Mechanisms and Design of Hydrogen-Bonded Materials for Thermal Applications, Jinlong He
Multidisciplinary Reference Solutions for Performance-Optimized Aircraft Wings with Tailored Aerodynamic Load Distributions, Jeffrey D. Taylor
Nano-Scale Thermal Property Prediction by Molecular Dynamics Simulation with Experimental Validation, Kyle S. Horne
Nonlinear Photothermal Radiometry and Its Applications to Pyrometry and Thermal Property Measurements, Austin Drew Fleming
Numerical Analysis and Spanwise Shape Optimization for Finite Wings of Arbitrary Aspect Ratio, Joshua D. Hodson
Optimal Relative Path Planning for Constrained Stochastic Space Systems, Nathan Bohus Stastny
Practical Optical Survey Strategies for Near Geostationary Orbital Debris, Akhter Mahmud Nafi
Pressure from PIV for an Oscillating Internal Flow, Md Nazmus Sakib
Quantifying the Threshold for Fragmentation of Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Drops, Aditya Parik
Revolution in Autonomous Orbital Navigation (RAON), Rachit Bhatia
Spacecraft Guidance Techniques for Maximizing Mission Success, Shane B. Robinson
Spherically Constrained Relative Motion Trajectory Analysis, Nathaniel T. Woodford
Statistical Methods for Launch Vehicle Guidance, Navigation, and Control (GN&C) System Design and Analysis, Michael Benjamin Rose
Thermal Property Measurement of Thin Fibers by Complementary Methods, Troy Robert Munro
Turbulence Modeling of Strongly Heated Internal Pipe Flow Using Large Eddy Simulation, Michal Hradisky
Uncertainty Quantification and Sensitivity Analysis of Multiphysics Environments for Application in Pressurized Water Reactor Design, Cole David Blakely
Understanding Pyrotechnic Shock Dynamics and Response Attenuation Over Distance, Richard J. Ott
Unsteady Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Validation and Uncertainty Quantification for a Confined Bank of Cylinders Using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV), Brandon M. Wilson
Variational Asymptotic Micromechanics Modeling of Composite Materials, Tian Tang
Water Entry Cavity Dynamics, Nathan B. Speirs
Water Surface Impact and Ricochet of Deformable Elastomeric Spheres, Randy Craig Hurd
A 6-Degree of Freedom Static Thrust Stand Developed for RC-Scale Jet Engines, Spencer Sessions
A Comparison of the Aerodynamic Centers for Panel Code Compressible Corrections and OpenFOAM 5 FOR Mach 0.1 to 0.8, Dustin Weaver
A High-Magnification UV Lens for High-Temperature Optical Strain Measurements, Robert S. Hansen
Airframe and Systems Design, Analysis, and Testing of the Horizon Morphing-Wing Aircraft, Sabrina A. Snow
A Non-Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics Study of the Effects of Helium Bubbles on the Thermal Conductivity of ZrC, Tate Shorthill
Application of Strand-Cartesian Interfaced Solver on Flows Around Various Geometries, Yushi Yanagita
A Validation and Comparison About VABS-IDE and VABS-GUI, Teng Hu
Comparison of Induced and Parasitic Drag on Wings with Minimum Induced Drag, Sarah A. Abdel-Motaleb
Design Survey of Laminated Composite I-Beam, Mrinmoy Saha
Development of a Ripple Rejection Controller for DC Commutated Motors, Spencer M. Atkin
Engineering Model to Calculate Mass Flow Rate of a Two-Phase Saturated Fluid Through An Injector Orifice, Brian J. Solomon
Enhancement of Volumetric Specific Impulse in HTPB/Ammonium Nitrate Mixed Hybrid Rocket Systems, Jacob Ward Forsyth
Flash Lab: A High-Speed Imaging Laboratory, Cody D. Hatch
Heat Transfer Through A Rotating Ball Bearing At Low Angular Velocities, Sarah Isert
In Situ Method of Measuring Atmosphere Neutral Winds with a Rigid Falling Sphere, Joshua F. Martineau
Inter-Laminar Fracture of 3D-Printed Plastics - Development of Methods, Christopher Stolinski
Investigation of Relative Importance of Some Error Sources in Particle Image Velocimetry, Jeff R. Harris
Investigation of the Noise Floor of the Standard PIV Cross-Correlation Algorithm, Kyle L. Jones
Miniature Wire Boom System for Cubsat Application, Keith R. Bradford
Phonon Dispersion and Relaxation Time in Uranium Dioxide, Dallin Parkinson
Power Efficient Restart-Capable Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene-Based Arc Ignition for Hybrid Rocket Motors, Nathan R. Inkley
Pyrolysis of Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Under High Heat Flux Conditions, James R. Wilson
Reconstruction of Attenuated Hybrid Rocket Motor Chamber Pressure Signals Using Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Optimal Deconvolution, Evan M. Zelesnik