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Exploring a Cognitive Basis for Learning Spatial Relationships with Augmented Reality, Brett E. Shelton and Nicholas R. Hedley; Technology, Instruction, Cognition and Learning
Collaborative Information Filtering: A Review and an Educational Application, Andrew Walker, Mimi Recker, Kimberly Lawless, and David A. Wiley; International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Education
The value of modularity in instructional design:Implications for improved validity in the evaluation of new techniques in distance learning, K. Yates and David F. Feldon; Association for Educational Communications and Technology AnnualConference
Three pedagogical agent roles: Designing, developing, and validating agent as expert, motivator, and mentors, A L. Baylor and Yanghee Kim; The Annual Conference of ED-Media
Design features for developing pedagogical agents as experts, motivators, and mentors: A validation study, A. L. Baylor and Yanghee Kim; The Annual Conference of Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT)
The role of gender and ethnicity in pedagogical agent perception, A. L. Baylor and Yanghee Kim; E-Learn, the Annual Conference of Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education
Automatic Mapping of Resources to Content Standards, J. Chen, Anne R. Diekama, and E. D. Liddy; National Science Digital Library Annual Meeting
What Do You Mean? Finding Answers to Complex Questions, Anne R. Diekama, O. Yilmazel, J. Chen, S. Harwell, L. He, and E. D. Liddy; AAAI Spring Symposium: New Directions in Question Answering
The benefits of an efficiency metric in the evaluation of task performance, David F. Feldon; 26th Annual Proceedings: Selected Papers Presented at the 2003 National Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology
An agent as a learning companion: What it matters, Yanghee Kim; The Annual Conference of Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT)
Designing agents as learning companions: Its educational value and potential, Yanghee Kim; The Annual Conference of ED-Media
Designing learning companions to achieve greater effectiveness, Yanghee Kim; The Annual Conference of Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT)
Pedagogical agents as learning companions: Its constituents and implications, Yanghee Kim; E-Learn, the Annual Conference of Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education
Things that make pedagogical agents as learning companions effective, Yanghee Kim; E-Learn, the Annual Conference of Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education
The impact of image and voice of pedagogical agents, Yanghee Kim, A. L. Baylor, and G. Reed; E-Learn, the Annual Conference of Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education
The effects of competency and type of interaction of agents as learning companions on agent value, motivation, and learning, Yanghee Kim and E. Shen; The Annual Conference of ED-Media
Development and Evaluation of Digital Library Services: Theory and Practice, Mimi Recker, J. Dorward, and D. Reinke; Developing Digital Libraries for K-12 Education
Supporting ‘Word-of-Mouth’ Social Networks through Collaborative Information Filtering, Mimi Recker and Andrew Walker; Journal of Interactive Learning Research
What Do You Recommend? Implementation and Analyses of Collaborative Information Filtering of Web Resources for Education, Mimi Recker, Andrew Walker, and Kimberly Lawless; Instructional Science
Understanding Educator Perceptions of "Quality" in Digital Libraries, T. Summer, M. Khoo, Mimi Recker, and M. Marlino; Joint Conference on Digital Libraries
Understanding educator perceptions of "quality" in digital libraries, T. Sumner, M. Khoo, and Mimi Recker; Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries
A Qualitative Study of Technology Use in Education: Higher Ed and Secondary Perspectives, Jody Clarke-Midura; Harvard University Graduate School of Education Student Research Conference and International Forum
Gender-equity challenges and opportunities in integrating technology in schools in Namibia; An interactive, multi-media case study for WorldTeach volunteers., Jody Clarke-Midura and E. Patino
Some Experiments with the Dutch Collection, A. P. De Vries and Anne R. Diekama; Cross-Language Evaluation Forum
Translation Events in Dutch Cross-Language Information Retrieval, Anne R. Diekama; Dutch-Belgian Information Retrieval Workshop
Question Answering: CNLP at the TREC-2002 Question Answering Track, Anne R. Diekama, J. Chen, N. McCracken, N. E. Ozgencil, M. D. Taffet, O. Yilmazel, and E. D. Liddy; Text Retrieval Conference
An evaluation model for a digital library services tool, J. Dorward, D. Reinke, and Mimi Recker; Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries
An Evaluation Model for a Digital Library Services Tool, J. Dorward, D. Reinke, and Mimi Recker; Joint Conference on Digital Libraries
What is AECT really about? A content analysis of the convention program over the past five years, M. Driscoll, Yanghee Kim, S. Such, Y. Lee, and H. Gao; The Annual Conference of Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT)
A Concept-First Approach for an Introductory Computer Science Course, Linda P. DuHadway, Stephen W. Clyde, Mimi Recker, and Donald H. Cooley; Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges
Social implications in education for children in foster care, S. Foulk and L. Gubler-Junge; A New Beginning for Partnerships for Children & Families in Los Angeles County
Automatic Metadata Generation & Evaluation, E. D. Liddy, E. Allen, S. Harwell, S. Corieri, O. Yilmazel, N. E. Ozgencil, Anne R. Diekama, N. McCracken, J. Silverstein, and S. Sutton; Special Interest Group for Information Retrieval
Augmented Reality and Education: Current Projects and the Potential for Classroom Learning, Brett E. Shelton; New Horizons for Learning
Technology Adoption as Process: A Case of Integrating an Information-Intensive Website Into a Patient Education Helpline, Brett E. Shelton, Jennifer Turns, and Tracey S. Wagner; Behaviour & Information Technology
Teaching Analytics: A Clustering and Triangulation Study of Digital Library User Data, Beijie Xu and Mimi Recker; Educational Technology & Society Journal
Question-Answering: CNLP at TREC-10 Question Answering Track, J. Chen, Anne R. Diekama, M. D. Taffet, N. McCracken, N. E. Ozgencil, O. Yilmazel, and E. D. Liddy; Text Retrieval Conference
Engendering Technology: Exploring the Gender Gap in Technology Education., Jody Clarke-Midura and E. Patino
Innovative Approaches to Technology in Education: Casting Students in the Role of Designers, Jody Clarke-Midura and E. Patino; Harvard University Graduate School of Education Student Research Conference and International Forum
Genetics in Practice A Template for Interactive Case Studies, Erin Edwards, Andrew Walker, Kathleen Bergeson, John Louviere, Kris Robinson, and J. W. Higgins; Tech Trends
Working from the bottom up: A gentler approach to technology integration in schools, David F. Feldon; Computer Using Educators conference
New Zealand Higher Education in the Age of the Global Virtual University, Cathy Gunn and Mimi Recker; Educational Technology Research and Development
Collaboratively Filtering Learning Objects, Mimi Recker, Andrew Walker, and David A. Wiley; Designing Instruction with Learning Objects
A Non-Authoritative Educational Metadata Ontology for Filtering and Recommending Learning Objects, Mimi Recker and David A. Wiley; Interactive Learning Environments
Cross-Language Information Retrieval using Dutch Query Translation, Anne R. Diekama and W. Hsiao; Cross-Language Evaluation Forum
Question Answering : CNLP at the TREC-9 Question Answering Track, Anne R. Diekama, X. Liu, J. Chen, H. Wang, N. McCracken, O. Yilmazel, and E. D. Liddy; Text Retrieval Conference
Don’t lose out on the educational power of your network!, David F. Feldon; Computer Using Educators conference
Designing to Learn About Complex Systems, Cindy E. Hmelo, Doug L. Holton, and Janet L. Kolodner; Journal of the Learning Sciences
Web-based instruction for improving reading comprehension skills, Yanghee Kim; The Annual Conference of International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL)
Word Sense Disambiguation for Cross-Language Information Retrieval, X. Liu, T. Diamond, and Anne R. Diekama; ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Proceedings of the Workshop on Student Research
An interface for collaborative filtering of educational resources, Mimi Recker, A. Walker, and D. Wiley; Proceedings of the 2000 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Tool Use and the Effect of Action on the Imagination, D. L. Schwartz and Doug L. Holton; Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition
Developmental and Educational Perspectives on Theory Change: To Have and to Hold, or to Have and Hone?, Richard A. Duschl, Gedeon O. Deaak, Kirsten M. Ellenbogen, and Doug L. Holton; Science and Education
The global virtual university: International perspectives, Mimi Recker and C. Gunn; Proceedings of RUFIS '99 (Role of Universities in the Future Information Society)
A Website does not a community make, Mimi Recker and K. Lawless; Proceedings of the World Conference on the Web and Internet
CINDOR Conceptual Interlingua Document Retrieval: TREC-8 Evaluation, M. Ruiz, Anne R. Diekama, and P. Sheridan; Text Retrieval Conference
TREC-7 Evaluation of Conceptual Interlingua Document Retrieval (CINDOR) in English and French, Anne R. Diekama, F. Oroumchian, P. Sheridan, and E. D. Liddy; Text Retrieval Conference
Cross-Language Information Retrieval, Douglas W. Oard and Anne R. Diekama; Annual Review of Information Science
The Virtual University: A Smartcard Approach to Education?, Mimi Recker; Educational Technology Review
Student Diagnostic Strategies in a Dynamic Simulation Environment, Mimi Recker, T. Govindaraj, and Vijay Vasandani; Journal of Interactive Learning Research
Cognitive Media and Hypermedia Learning Environment Design: A GOMS Model Analysis, Terry Shikano, Mimi Recker, and Ashwin Ram; International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Education
Harnessing user communities for website location and evaluation, Tim Beal and Mimi Recker
HTML 3.2 CD With Javascript for Windows 95, V. Neou and Mimi Recker; HTML 3.2 CD With Javascript for Windows 95
Appropriate Use of Educational Technologies: A Layered Approach, Mimi Recker; Educational Technology Review
An Interactive, Networked, Asynchronous, Student Evaluation System: Architecture and Field Studies, Mimi Recker and John Greenwood; International Journal of Educational Telecommunications
Training for Diagnostic Problem Solving in Complex Engineered Systems: Modeling, Simulation, Intelligent Tutors, and Interactive Interfaces, T. Govindaraj, Y-L. Su, V. Vasandani, and Mimi Recker; Human/Technology Interaction in Complex Systems
HTML 3.0 CD with JavaScript for the Mac and Power Mac, V. Neou and Mimi Recker; HTML 3.0 CD with JavaScript for the Mac and Power Mac
Predicting Document Access in Large Multimedia Repositories, Mimi Recker and James E. Pitkow; ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction
HTML CD: An Internet Publishing Toolkit: For Windows, V. Neou and Mimi Recker; HTML CD: An Internet Publishing Toolkit: For Windows
Using the Web as a survey tool: Results from the second WWW user survey, James Pitkow and Mimi Recker; Journal of Computer Networks and ISDN Systems
Modelling Individual Differences in Students' Learning Strategies, Margaret M. Recker and Peter Pirolli; Journal of the Learning Sciences
Cognitive Media Types for Multimedia Information Access, Mimi Recker, Ashwin Ram, George Li, Terry Shikano, and John Stasko; Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia
Learning Strategies and Transfer in the Domain of Programming, Peter Pirolli and Mimi Recker; Cognition and Instruction
Results from the First World-Wide Web Survey, James Pitkow and Mimi Recker; Journal of Computer Networks and ISDN Systems
How do Lisp Programmers Draw on Previous Experience to Solve Novel Problems?, M. C. Linn, M. J. Clancy, M. Katz, and Mimi Recker; Computer-Based Learning Environments and Problem Solving