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Analysis of experts' omissions during instruction: impacts on student learning and motivation, David F. Feldon and J. Chao; 15th bienniel EARLI conference for Research on Learning and Instruction

The effects of cognitive task analysis-basedinstruction on students’ motivation in an undergraduate biology course, David F. Feldon, J. Chao, and D. Muniraj; Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association

Innovation in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Disciplines: Implications for Educational Practices, David F. Feldon, M. Hurst, C. Rates, and J. Elliott; The International Handbook of Innovation Education

Cheating, Gaming, and Kids’ Online Communities., Deborah A. Fields; MOOC course on Coursera

Researching productive connective sites where interest, learning, and identity intersect, Deborah A. Fields; To see the world and a grain of sand: Learning across levels of space, time, and scale: CSCL 2013 Conference Proceedings


Picking up the mantle of “expert”: Assigned roles, assertion of identity, and peer recognition within a programming class, Deborah A. Fields and N. Enyedy; Mind, Culture, and Activity: An International Journal

Understanding collaborative practices in the Scratch online community: Patterns of participation among youth designers, Deborah A. Fields, M. Giang, and Y. B. Kafai; To see the world and a grain of sand: Learning across levels of space, time, and scale: CSCL 2013 Conference Proceedings

What’s next in studying online social networking? Future research directions for creative, DIY-based sites, Deborah A. Fields, S. M. Grimes, A. Magnifico, J. C. Lammers, K. Gomez, and J. S. Curwood; Proceedings of the Annual Conference 9.0 of Games+Learning+Society

Integrating arts and computation. Applying a studio arts model of learning to programming interactive stories in Scratch, Deborah A. Fields, Y. B. Kafai, A. Strommer, E. Wolf, and B. Seiner; Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association

Some Psychometric and Design Implications of Game Based Learning Analytics, D. Gibson and Jody Clarke-Midura; Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA) Conference


Exploration of Factors Related to the Development of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Graduate Teaching Assistants' Teaching Orientations, Joanna Gilmore, Michelle A. Maher, David F. Feldon, and Briana Timmerman; Studies in Higher Education

The Radix Endeavor: Where STEM standards meet MMOs, S. Gordon-Messer, Jody Clarke-Midura, and L. Rosenheck; Games and Learning Society Conference (GLS 9.0)

Broadening the Scope, Dispelling the Myths: Younger Children and Online Social Networking—Towards a More Inclusive Research Agenda, S. M. Grimes and Deborah A. Fields; Proceedings of the annual conference of the International Communication Association

The Maker Movement and Its Implications for Learning, Erica Rosenfeld Halverson, Breanne Krystine Litts, Trevor John Owens, Kimberly Sheridan, Deborah A. Fields, Kylie Peppler, R. Santo, Yasmin B. Kafai, Lisa Brahms, and M. Bequette; Games+Learning+Society Conference

The Maker Movement and Its Implications for the CSCL Community, Erica Rosenfeld Halverson, Breanne Krystine Litts, Trevor John Owens, Kimberly Sheridan, Deborah A. Fields, Kylie Peppler, R. Santo, Yasmin B. Kafai, Lisa Brahms, and M. Bequette; International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning

Learning from the Making in Makerspaces, Erica Rosenfeld Halverson, Kimberly Sheridan, Lisa Brahms, Breanne Krystine Litts, and Trevor John Owens; Games+Learning+Society Conference

An Introduction to the “Maker” Movement in the College Classroom, Erica Rosenfeld Halverson, Giri Venkataramanan, Chris Meyer, and Breanne Krystine Litts; Teaching and Learning Symposium

Engineering Mobile Locative Learning Experiences With ARIS, Chris Holden, Breanne Krystine Litts, and David J. Gagnon; EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative Annual Meeting


The Next Information Literacy Challenge: Partnering to Promote Deeper Engagement with Information and Better Writing, Wendy Holliday, Kacy Lundstrom, Anne R. Diekama, and Sheri Haderlie; Utah Library Association Spring 2013 Conference

Designing Learning Pathways for Maker Spaces: Principles and Practices, K. Jona, M. Berland, R. Stevens, and Breanne Krystine Litts; Make-to-Learn Symposium

Broadening participation in and perceptions of computing through cascading mentoring: Implementing a CS community service learning course, Y. B. Kafai, J. Griffin, W. B. Burke, M. Slattery, Deborah A. Fields, and R. Powell; Proceedings of the 44th SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science education

Cupcake cushions, Scooby Doo shirts, and soft boomboxes: E-textiles in high school to promote computational concepts, practices, and perceptions., Y. B. Kafai, K. A. Searle, E. Kaplan, Deborah A. Fields, E. Lee, and D. Lui; Proceedings of the 44th SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science education


Gendered socialization with an embodied agent: Creating a social and affable mathematics learning environment for middle-grade females, Yanghee Kim and J. Lim; Journal of Educational Psychology, Special Issue on Advanced Learning Technology


Digital Physical Activity Data Collection and Use by Endurance Runners and Distance Cyclists, Victor R. Lee; Technology, Knowledge and Learning


Knowing and Learning with Technology (and on Wheels!): An Introduction to the Special Issue, Victor R. Lee; Technology, Knowledge and Learning


The Quantified Self (QS) Movement and Some Emerging Opportunities for the Educational Technology Field, Victor R. Lee; Educational Technology


Quantified recess: Design of an activity for elementary students involving analyses of their own movement data, Victor R. Lee and Joel R. Drake; Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children


A Clinical Interview for Assessing Student Learning in a University-Level Craft Technology Course, Victor R. Lee and Deborah A. Fields


Variable Appropriation of an Online Resource Discovery and Sharing Tool, Victor R. Lee, Mimi Recker, and Tamara Sumner; Workshop on CSCW in Education

Leveraging Mobile Media to Transform Peace Education, Breanne Krystine Litts; American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting

Makerspaces: Learning Comparisons and Trends Across Contexts, Breanne Krystine Litts, J. Lacy, A. Lakind, and Erica Rosenfeld Halverson; Playful Learning Summit

Situated Learning and Mobile Technologies: Connecting Theory to Design, Breanne Krystine Litts, Garrett W. Smith, David J. Gagnon, John G. Martin, and James Mathews; Games+Learning+Society Conference

Learning to write forpublication: Exposing common challenges encountered by novice doctoral writers, M. A. Maher, David F. Feldon, B. C. Timmerman, and J. Chao; Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association


Faculty Perceptions of Common Challenges Encountered by Novice Doctoral Writers, Michelle A. Maher, David F. Feldon, Briana E. Timmerman, and Jie Chao; Higher Education Research & Development


Cognitive Apprenticeship and the Supervision of Science and Engineering Research Assistants, Michelle A. Maher, Joanna A. Gilmore, David F. Feldon, and Telesia E. Davis; Journal of Research Practice


Factorsaffecting the occurrence of faculty-doctoral student coauthorship, Michelle A. Maher, Briana Crotwell Timmerman, David F. Feldon, and Denise Strickland; Journal of Higher Education

Analysis of gaming for assessment, M. McCall and Jody Clarke-Midura; Association of Test Publishers Annual Meeting

Judging creativity in new digital art domains, K. A. Peppler, Deborah A. Fields, and K. A. Searle; Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association

Intermediate Constraint Tools for Formative Assessment: Assessing Students Understanding of Natural Selection, D. Pope, Jody Clarke-Midura, K. Kim, S. Maruca, and E. Meir; Annual meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research

Enhancing complex systemsthinking in high school environmental science: A study of a participatory simulation, C. Rates, B. Mulvey, E. Carson, and David F. Feldon; Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association


Teacher Design Using Online Learning Resources: A Comparative Case Study of Science and Mathematics Teachers, Mimi Recker; Education Research International

Building new clubhouses: Opening doors to computing for girls and boys with electronic textiles, K. A. Searle, Y. B. Kafai, and Deborah A. Fields; Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association

Faculty-studentcoauthorship as a means to enhance STEM graduate students’ research skills, K. Shukla, David F. Feldon, M. A. Maher, and B. C. Timmerman; Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association

Designing and Building Mobile, Locative Games with ARIS, Garrett W. Smith, John G. Martin, David J. Gagnon, Breanne Krystine Litts, and O. Gottlieb; Games+Learning+Society Conference

Cognitive task analysis-based training: A metaanalysisof studies, C. Tofel-Grehl and David F. Feldon; Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association


Cognitive task analysis-based training: A metaanalysisof studies, Colby Tofel-Grehl and David F. Feldon; Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making



In pursuit of consensus: Disagreement and legitimization during small group argumentation, Leema K. Berland and Victor R. Lee; International Journal of Science Education

Assessment 2.0: What we can learn from Virtual Performance Assessments., Jody Clarke-Midura; CAPSS: Role of Technology in Educational Transformation Conference

Future Trends in Testing, Jody Clarke-Midura; Florida Education Research Association Annual Meeting

Measuring Students' Ability to Reason from Evidence, Jody Clarke-Midura; EARLI SIG 20 Meeting

Virtual Performance Assessments, Jody Clarke-Midura; Future of NAEP Summit: State and District Perspective

Assessing science inquiry in the classroom: A case study of the virtual assessment project, Jody Clarke-Midura, J. Code, N. Zap, and C. Dede; Cases on Inquiry Through Instructional Technology in Math and Science: Systemic Approaches

Assessing Science Inquiry using Virtual Performance Assessments, Jody Clarke-Midura and C. Dede; Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS)

Formal Game-Based Assessments: The challenge and opportunity of building next generation assessments, Jody Clarke-Midura and J. Groff; Games and Learning Society Conference (GLS 8.0)

Thinking outside the bubble: Virtual Performance Assessments for Measuring Inquiry Learning, Jody Clarke-Midura, M. Mayrath, and C. Dede; Technology Based Assessment for 21st Century Skills: Theoretical and Practical Implications from Modern Research

Designing Virtual Performance Assessments, Jody Clarke-Midura, M. McCall, and C. Dede; AAAS Conference

Virtual performance assessment for serious games and virtual worlds, J. Code, Jody Clarke-Midura, N. Zap, and C. Dede; Interactivity in E-Learning: Cases and Frameworks


Seeking a Framework to Study and Understand Personal Information Management, Anne R. Diekama; Computer Supported Cooperative Work


The Holistic Cognitive Framework for Personal Information Management Research, Anne R. Diekama


Unifying PIM Research: Fostering a Connection Between Descriptive PIM Studies and Prescriptive Outcomes, Anne R. Diekama


Building a Culture of Inquiry: Avoiding Plagiarism through Teaching Synthesis, Anne R. Diekama and Sheri Haderlie; Utah Educational Library Association (UELMA

Mobile Learning Classroom Practices and Integration, Seann Dikkers, James Mathews, Breanne Krystine Litts, and Chris Holden; Meaningful Play

Assessing efficacy and outcomes of graduate education in the sciences, David F. Feldon; keynote address to the Johns Hopkins University Meeting of Graduate Directors

Empirical examinations of research skill development and their implications for graduate education, David F. Feldon; professional development workshop presented to the faculty of the Indiana University School of Medicine

Strategies for effective evaluation, David F. Feldon; National Science Foundation meeting for STEP Principal Investigators

Understanding research skill development in graduate students: Emerging patterns and influences, David F. Feldon; Johns Hopkins University Department of Cell Biology

Validity of learning, David F. Feldon; Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning

Making meaningful artifacts, Deborah A. Fields; Beyond Bits & Atoms Course

Understanding Collaborative Practices in the Scratch Online Community: Patterns of Participation among Youth Designers, Deborah A. Fields; Research Apprenticeship Course


Navigating Life as an Avatar: The Shifting Identities-in-Practice of a Girl Player in a Tween Virtual World, Deborah A. Fields and Yasmin B. Kafai; Constructing the Self in a Digital World

Functional Aesthetics for Learning: Creative Tensions in Youth E-Textiles Designs, Deborah A. Fields, Y. B. Kafai, and K. A. Searle; The Future of Learning: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2012), Volume 1, Full Papers

Debuggems to Assess Student Learning in E-Textiles, Deborah A. Fields, Y. B. Kafai, K. A. Searle, and Hannah S. Min; Debuggems to Assess Student Learning in E-Textiles

E-Textile Artifacts as Laminated of Personal, Peer, and Academic Values, Deborah A. Fields, K. A. Searle, and Y. B. Kafai; E-Textile Artifacts as Laminates of Personal, Peer, and Academic Values

Social Interactions in Virtual Worlds: Patterns and Participation of Tween Relationship Play, M. T. Giang, Y. B. Kafai, Deborah A. Fields, and K. A. Searle; Computer Games/Player/Game Cultures: A Handbook on the State and Perspectives of Digital Games Studies


Creative Play in Virtual Worlds: Avatar and Cheat Designs and Performances, S. Grimes and Deborah A. Fields; Emerging Technologies for the Classroom: A Learning Sciences Perspective

Kids and Social Networking: Opening up the Field of Play, S. Grimes and Deborah A. Fields; Kids and Social Networking: Opening Up the Field of Play

Building Locative Games With ARIS, Chris Holden, Breanne Krystine Litts, David J. Gagnon, Seann Dikkers, and James Mathews; Meaningful Play

Collaboration in Informal Learning Environments: Access and Participation in Youth Virtual Communities, Y. B. Kafai and Deborah A. Fields; International Handbook of Collaborative Learning

Connecting Play: Understanding Multimodal Participations in Virtual Worlds, Y. B. Kafai and Deborah A. Fields; Connecting Play: Understanding Multimodal Participation in Virtual Worlds

Understanding Player Participation and Practices in Virtual Worlds: A Proposal for Qualitative Analyses of Log File Data, Y. B. Kafai and Deborah A. Fields; Research Methods in Virtual Worlds


Collaborative Agency in Youth Online and Offline Creative Production in Scratch, Y. B. Kafai, Deborah A. Fields, R. Roque, W. Q. Burke, and A. Monroy-Hernandez; Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced

Making the Connections Visible: Crafting, Circuitry, and Coding in High School E-Textile, Y. B. Kafai, Deborah A. Fields, and K. Searle; Textile Messages: Dispatches from the World of E-Textiles and Education

Making Learning Visible: Connecting Crafts, Circuitry & Coding in E-Textile Designs, Y. B. Kafai, Deborah A. Fields, and K. A. Searle; The Future of Learning: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2012), Volume 1, Full Papers

Making the Connections: Crafting, Circuitry, and Coding in High School E-Textile Workshops, Y. B. Kafai, Deborah A. Fields, and K. A. Searle; Making the Connections: Crafting, Circuitry, and Coding in High School E-Textile Workshops


Gendered Socialization with an Embodied Agent: Creating a Social and Affable Mathematics Learning Environment for Middle-Grade Females, Yanghee Kim and Jae Hoon Lim


Physical Activity Data Use by Technoathletes: Examples of Collection, Inscription, and Identification, Victor R. Lee and Joel Drake; The Future of Learning: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2012)


What a Long Strange Trip It’s Been: A Comparison of Authors, Abstracts, and References in the 1991 and 2010 ICLS Proceedings, Victor R. Lee, Lei Ye, and Mimi Recker; The Future of Learning: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2012)

ReTweeting History: Exploring the intersection of microblogging and problem-based learning for historical reenactments, V. R. Lee, Brett E. Shelton, A. Walker, T. Caswell, and M. Jensen; Designing Problem-Driven Instruction Using Online Social Media

Exploring a Forgiving Identity: Affordances of a Family Forgiveness Education Programme, Breanne Krystine Litts; American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting

Game Design Challenge, Breanne Krystine Litts and John G. Martin; Games+Learning+Society Pre-service Teacher Game Jam

Game Design Challenge, John G. Martin and Breanne Krystine Litts; Games+Learning+Society Conference

Technology Based Assessment for 21st Century Skills: Theoretical and Practical Implications from Modern Research, M. Mayrath, Jody Clarke-Midura, and D. Robinson

Analysis of Data from a Game Based Assessment, M. McCall and Jody Clarke-Midura; NCME Conference

S’cape from formality: Embedded and automatic assessments within simulation games, J. Olsen and Brett E. Shelton; Proceedings of the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) 2012

Towards a Shared Grammar: Logging and Analyzing Interactions Across a Variety of Inquiry Environments, I. Roll and Jody Clarke-Midura; EARLI SIG20 Meeting

A Clubhouse of their Own: A Role-Playing Game Society in the Scratch Programming Community, R. Roque, Deborah A. Fields, J. L. Siegel, D. Low, and Y. B. Kafai; A Clubhouse of their Own: A Role-Playing Game Society in the Scratch Programming Community

From Tools to Communities: Designs to Support Online Creative Collaboration in Scratch, R. Roque, Y. B. Kafai, and Deborah A. Fields; Proceedings of IDC 2012,. Bremen, Germany


Framing in cognitive clinical interviews about intuitive science knowledge: Dynamic student understandings of the discourse interaction, Rosemary S. Russ, Victor R. Lee, and Bruce L. Sherin; Science Education

Considering Influences on Identity and Learning in Students' Electronic Design Processes, K. A. Searle, Deborah A. Fields, and Y. B. Kafai; Considering Influences on Identity and Learning in Students' Electronic Design Processes

Taking activity-goal alignment into open-ended environments: Assessment and automation, Brett E. Shelton and M. A. Parlin; Assessment in Game-based Learning: Foundations, Innovations, and Perspectives