Content Posted in 2009
Laboratory Prediction of Phosphorus Release From Deciduous Leaves to Urban Runoff, Heather Culbert and Robert France
Laboratory Testing of Precast Bridge Beck Panel Transverse Connections for Use in Accelerated Bridge Construction, Scott D. Porter
Labor productivity and costs of motor-manual release of spruce from hardwoods in Manitoba, J.P. Franceschi, F.W. Bell, and J.P. De Franceschi
Lack of edge effect in nesting success of breeding birds in managed forest landscapes, I.K. Hanski, T.J. Fenske, and G.J. Niemi
Lack of Temporal Density-Dependent Mortality During an Insect Outbreak, Michael Auerbach
Lake Bonneville History in Cutler Dam Quadrangle, Cache and Box Elder Counties, Utah, G. Glayde Maw
Land Health Assessment for the Colorado Canyons National Conservation Area, U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Grand Junction Field Office, Grand Junction, Colorado
Land in Fairyland: Edmund Spenser and Emerging Perceptions of Ecology and Gender in the Faerie Queen, Megan Angela Sieverts
Landis, a Spatially Explicit Forest Landscape Succession Model Incorporating Fire and Windthrow Disturbance, David J. Mladoff, George E. Host, and Thomas R. Crow
Landscape Analysis of Plant Diversity, Thomas J. Stohlgren, Michael B. Coughenour, Geneva W. Chong, Dan Binkley, Mohammed A. Kalkhan, Lisa D. Schell, David J. Buckley, and Joseph K. Berry
Landscape Assessment and Monitoring of Mountain Pine Beetle Mortality in Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem Whitebark Pine, W.Wallace Macfarlane, B. Gordon, Jesse A. Logan, and Louisa Willcox
Landscape Assessment for the Buckskin Mountain Area, Wildlife Habitat Improvement, Bureau of Land Management
Landscape Assessment of Browse and Fire Effects on Aspen Woodland Habitat in the Centennial Valley, Gye, Montana, N. Korb, B. D. Bauer, and R. B. Keigley
Landscape dynamics of aspen and conifer forests, D.L. Bartos
Landscape interactions among nitrogen mineralization, species composition, and long-term fire frequency, J.S. Clark
Landscape patterns as habitat predictors: building and testing models for cavity-nesting birds in the Uinta Mountains of Utah, USA, J.J. Lawler and T.C. Edwards, Jr.
Landscape-Scale Dynamics of Aspen in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, Margot W. Kaye, Kuni Suzuki, Dan Binkley, and Thomas J. Stohlgren
Landscape-scale forest structure in northern New York and potential successional impacts of the 1998 ice storm, B.D. Rubin and P.D. Manion
Landscape vegetation modelling with vital attributes and fuzzy systems theory, D.W. Roberts and Bai Lian Li
Landslide-driven distribution of aspen and steppe on Kathul Mountain, Alaska, Nathan K. Lewis
Land Use and Landscape Change in the Colorado Mountains Ii: a Case Study of the East River Valley, D.M. Theobald, L.H. Gosnel, and W.E. Riebsame
Langmuir Probe Measurements In The Ionosphere, Aroh Barjatya
Late Holocene vegetation and fire history at the southern boreal forest margin in Alberta, Canada, I.D. Campbell and C. Campbell
Late Quaternary Pollen Record From Cheyenne Bottoms, Kansas, Glen G. Fredlund
Latinos' Collectivism and Self-Disclosure in Intercultural and Intractultural Friendships and Acquaintanceships, Audrey Liz Schwartz
Latitudinal patterns in consumption of woody plants by snowshoe hares in the eastern United States, R.K. Swihart, J.P. Bryant, and L. Newton
LATN1010/1020 - Beginning Latin: Grammar, Fall 2007, Mark Damen
Leaching and Early Mass Loss of Boreal Leaves and Wood in Oligotrophic Water, Robert France, Heather Culbert, Christine Freeboreough, and Robert Peters
Leaf area dynamics of a boreal black spruce fire chronosequence, Lamberty B. Bond, C. Wang, S.T. Gower, and J. Norman
Leaf area index of boreal forests: theory, techniques, and measurements, J.M. Chen, P.M. Rich, S.T. Gower, J.M. Norman, and S. Plummer
Leaf area renewal, root retention and carbohydrate reserves in a clonal tree species following above-ground disturbance, S.M. Landhausser and V.J. Lieffers
Leaf Area-Sapwood Area Relations of Lodgepole Pine as Influenced by Stand Density and Site Index, James N. Long and Frederick W. Smith
Leaf, branch, stand and landscape scale measurements of volatile organic compound fluxes from U.S. woodlands, A. Guenther, J. Greenberg, P. Harley, D. Helmig, L. Klinger, L. Vierling, P. Zimmerman, and C. Geron
Leaf level response of planted eastern white pine (Pinus strobus L.) seven years after intensive silvicultural treatments./Downloaded from BIO_006/ Publication Type: Journal Article/Downloaded from: ECODISC1990 to Present, Jean Francois Boucher, Suzanne Wetzel, and Alison D. Munson
Leaf litter disappearance of hardwood species of southern Quebec: Interaction between litter quality and stand type, B. Cote and J.W. Fyles
Leaf phenolic inhibition of gypsy moth nuclear polyhedrosis virus. Role of polyhedral inclusion body aggregation, S.T. Keating, M.D. Hunter, and J.C. Schultz
Leafy blooms in aspen, G. Coupland, D. Weigel, O. Nilsson, M.A. Mandel, and M.F. Yanofsky
Learning strategies and transfer in the domain of programming, Peter Pirolli and Mimi Recker
Lecythophorin, a potent inhibitor of blue stain fungi, from the Hyphomycetous fungus Lecythophora hoffmannii, William A. Ayer and Nobuo Kawahara
Legacy of Insect Defoliators: Increased Wind-Related Mortality Two Decades After a Spruce Budworm Outbreak, S. L. Taylor and D. A. MacLean
Leveraging Institutional Repositories to Support Your Institution's Strategic Mission (July), Richard W. Clement
Leveraging Institutional Repositories to Support Your Institution's Strategic Mission (March), Richard W. Clement
Licensing and Operations of the Clive, Utah Low-level Continerized Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility - A Continuation of Excellence, M.R. Ledoux and M.S. Cade
Light dynamics and free-to-grow standards in aspen-dominated mixedwood forests, V.J. Lieffers, B.D. Pinno, and K.J. Stadt
Light occlusion at forest edges: an analysis of tree architectural characteristics, C. Mourelle, M. Kellman, and L. Kwon
Light passage through leaf litter: variation among northern hardwood trees, D.J. Schimpf and N.P. Danz
Light regulation of gibberellin biosynthesis and mode of action, Marinez Jose Luis Garcia and Joan Gil
Limiting factors might obscure population regulation of moose (Cervidae: Alces alces) in unproductive boreal forests, M. Crete and R. Courtois
Linear expansion and surface stability of particleboard, S. Hiziroglu, O. Suchsland, and S.S. Hiziroglu
Linkages Between Silviculture and Ecology: An Analysis of Density Management Diagrams, S B. Jack
Linkages between wolf presence and aspen recruitment in the Gallatin elk winter range of southwestern Montana, USA, Joshua Halofsky and William Ripple
Linking Fine Scale Fuel Heterogeneity with Fire Behavior in a Frequently Burned Pinus palustris Ecosystem, J. O'Brien, J. K. Hiers, R. J. Mitchell, J. M. Grego, and E. L. Loudermilk
Linking Space Use and Behavior in Clark's Nutcracker: An Explanation for Seasonal Variation in Space Use, Teresa J. Lorenz
Lipid Deposition and Use by Black-Tailed Prairie Dogs, Cynomys Ludovicianus, in the Natural Environment, Todd A. Thompson, MArk W. Agar, and Gary L. Bintz
Liquefaction of Biomass in the Presence of Phenol and H-2o Using Alkalies and Salts as the Catalyst, D. Maldas and N. Shiraishi
List of Oregon Scolytidae (Coleoptera) and notes on new records, M.M. Furniss, J.B. Johnson, R.L. Westcott, and T.R. Torgersen
Litter decomposition and nitrogen dynamics in aspen forest and mixed-grass prairie, M. Kochy and S.D. Wilson
Litter Quality in a North European Transect Versus Carbon Storage Potential, Bjoern Berg and Vernon Meentemeyer
Livestock Mortality at Beef Farms with Chronic Wolf (Canis lupus) Depredation in the Western Great Lakes Region (WGLR), Arion Vandergon
Local adaptation to regional climates in Papilio canadensis (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae), M.P. Ayers and J.M. Scriber
Localized acidification near sour gas processing plants: Are forest floor macro-invertebrates affected?, H.A. Carcamo and D. Parkinson
Localizing an Ophiostoma piceae proteinase in sapwood of four tree species using polyclonal antibodies, S. Gharibian, C. Hoffert, L.D. Abraham, and C. Breuil
Log Decomposition Dynamics in Interior Alaska, J. Yarie and T. Quintal
Logging options to minimize soil disturbance in the northern Lake States, Douglas M. Stone
Longitudinal and Reciprocal Effects of Ethnic Identitiy and Experiences of Discrimination on Psychosocial Adjustment of Navajo (Diné) Adolescents, Matthew D. Jones
Long-term and short-term induction in quaking aspen: related phenomena?, T.P. Clausen, P.B. Reichardt, J.P. Bryant, and R.A. Werner
Long-Term Aspen Exclosures in the Yellowstone Ecosystem, Charles E. Kay
Long-Term Broad-Scale Changes in Upland Oak Forests Throughout Oklahoma, USA, Ryan DeSantis and Steve W. Hallgren
Long-term control of aspen poplar and western snowberry with dicamba and 2,4-D, G.G. Bowes
Long-term dynamics of small-mammal populations in Ontario, J.M. Fryxell, J.B. Falls, E.A. Falls, and R.J. Brooks
Long-Term Effects of Alternative Group Selection Harvesting Designs on Stand Production, C. Halpin, C. G. Lorimer, J. J. Hanson, and B. Palik
Long-term effects of defoliation on quaking aspen in relation to genotypes and nutrient availability: plant growth, phytochemistry and insect performance, Tod L. Osier and Richard L. Lindroth
Long-term effects of fertilizer on yield and species composition of contrasting pasture swards in the Aspen Parkland of the Northern Great Plains, S. Bittman, D.H. McCartney, J. Waddington, P.R. Horton, and W.F. Nuttall
Long-term effects of insect herbivory and sand accretion on plant succession on sand dunes, Catherine E. Bach
Long-Term Effects of Land Application of Domestic Wastwater: Tooele, Utah, Slow-Rate Site, Volume 1: Field Investigation, James H. Reynolds, L. R. Anderson, R. W. Miller, W. F. Campbell, and M. O. Braun
Longterm Effects of Prescribed Fire on Woody Plant Communities in Red Pine Ecosystems, B. Palik and C. Kern
Long-term forest floor carbon dynamics after fire in upland boreal forests of Western Canada, I.A. Nalder and R.W. Wein
Long-term observation of the atmospheric exchange of CO2 with a temperate deciduous forest in southern Ontario, Canada, Xuhui Lee, J.D. Fuentes, R.M. Staebler, H.H. Neumann, and X.H. Lee
Long-term perspectives on lagged ecosystem responses to climate change: permafrost in boreal peatlands and the grassland/woodland boundary, P. Camill and J.S. Clark
Long-term species and structural changes after cleaning young even-aged northern hardwoods in New Hampshire, USA, W.B. Leak and M.L. Smith
Long-Term Surveillance Plan for the South Clive Disposal Site, Clive, Utah, Jacobs Engineering Group Inc.
Long-Term Vegetation Changes in Coweeta Basin, Southern Appalachian Mountains, a USDA Forest Service Experimental Forest, K. Elliott and W. T. Swank
Loss Translated: Saudade in the Poetry of Elizabeth Bishop, Corey D. Clawson
Low-Flow Test, San Juan River, Final Environmental Assessment, United States Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation
Low-frequency wind fluctuations within an irregular forest, D.G. Yerg
Lowland Boreal Forests Characterization in Algonquin Provincial Park Relative to Beaver (Castor Canadensis) Foraging and Edaphic Factors, Noble T. Donkor and John M. Fryxell
Machining and related mechanical properties of 15 B.C. wood species, D. Williams and R. Morris
Macrogeographic clines in fecundity, reproductive allocation, and offspring size of the forest tent caterpillar Malacosoma disstria, D. Parry, R.A. Goyer, and G.J. Lenhard
Macromorality and Mormons: A Psychometric Investigation and Qualitative Evaluation of the Defining Issues Test-2, Daniel R. Winder
Making Healthy Choices: Adolescent Preference Ratings, Nicholas Glover Baird
Maladaptive Schemas as a Predictor of Residential Treatment Outcomes in Females with Eating Disorders, Jodi Leigh Cullum
Managed Care, Medicaid & the Elderly, An Overview of Five State Case Studies, Robert L. Mollica; Trish Riley; and LTC Resource Center, University of Minnesota
Management and research on the American woodcock at the Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge, G.F. Sepik, B. Blumenstock, J.R. Longcore, and G.F. Sepik
Management of aspen for ruffed grouse and other wildlife - an update, Gordon W. Gullion and R.D. Adams
Management of aspen in the Central Rocky Mountains: an application of multiple use silviculture, Wayne D. Shepperd
Management of Lodgepole Pine Stand Density to Reduce Susceptibility to Mountain Pine Beetle Attack, J A. Anhold
Management of Whitebark Pine in the GYE, Liz Davy
Managing Coarse Woody Debris in Forests of the Rocky Mountains, U.S. Forest Service
Manipulations to Regenerate Aspen Ecosystems, Wayne D. Shepperd
Manipulative, multi-standard test of a white-tailed deer habitat suitability model, K.D. Rothley
Mapping and Monitoring Mountain Pine Beetle Outbreaks in Whitebark Pine Ecosystems with Satellite Imagery, J. Hicke, J. A. Logan, A. J.H. Meddens, and R. Sheridan
Mapping mine wastes and analyzing areas affected by selenium-rich water runoff in southeast Idaho using AVIRIS imagery and digital elevation data, J.C. Mars and J.K. Crowley
Mapping Minnesota's aspen stumpage prices, D.G. MacKay, M.E. McDill, and M.J. Baughman
Mapping Mountain Hemlock and Pinpointing Ponderosa Pine: Imputation Mapping Species Distributions in Western Oregon, E. Grossman, J. L. Ohmann, M. J. Gregory, and H. K. May
Mapping of boreal forest biomass from spaceborne synthetic aperture radar, K.J. Ransons, R.H. Lang, N.S. Chauhan, R.J. Cacciola, O. Kilic, and Sun Guoqing
Mapping successional boreal forests in interior central Alaska, S.L. Ustin and Q.F. Xiao
Marginalia no. 25, Merill-Cazier Library
Marginalia no. 26, Merill-Cazier Library
Marriage and Divorce in Islamic and Mormon Polygamy: A Legal Comparison, Nate Olsen
Mask, Interdisciplinary Media Research Consortium, Brett E. Shelton, and Jeff Maxfield
Mass loss measurements and statistical models to predict decomposition of leaf litter in a boreal aspen forest, J.J. Schoenau
Maternal Dietary Patterns and Risk of Isolated Cleft Birth Defects in Utah - A Case-Control Study, Tara Finnerty
Measurement and Modeling of Reduced-Gravity Fluid Distribution and Transport in Unsaturated Porous Plant-Growth Media, Robert Heinse
Measurement and modeling of spatially explicit variation in light transmission through interior cedar-hemlock forests of British Columbia, C.D. Canham, K.D. Coates, P. Bartemucci, and S. Quaglia
Measurement of Air Pollutant Emissions from a Confined Poultry Facility, Olumuyiwa Omotola Ogunlaja
Measurement of Sub-Ppbv Concentration of Aldehydes in a Forest Atmosphere Using a New Hplc Technique, L. Nondek, D.R. Rodier, and J.W. Birks
Measurements of Branch Area and Adjusting Leaf Area Index Indirect Measurements, Christopher J. Kucharik, Jon M. Norman, and Stith T. Gower
Measurements of Leaf Orientation, Light Distribution and Sunlit Leaf Area in a Boreal Aspen Forest, Christopher J. Kucharik, John M. Norman, and Stith T. Gower
Measuring and modelling the crown and light transmission characteristics of juvenile aspen, Bradley D. Pinno, Victor J. Lieffers, and Kenneth J. Stadt
Mechanical charaterization of juvinile European aspen (Populus tremula) and hybrid aspen (Populus tremula x Populus tremuloides) using full-field strain measurements, Ingela Bjurhager, Lars A. Berglund, Stig L. Bardage, and Bjorn Sundberg
Mechanical Mastication Showed Fewer Negative Above-and Belowground Impacts Than Slash Pile Burning, Suzanne Neal, Carolyn H. Sieg, Catherine A. Gehring, and Matthew A. Bowker
Mechanical site preparation impacts on soil properties and vegetation communities in the Northwest Territories, Michael D. Bock and Ken CJ Van Rees
Mechanisms of Induced Cell Death in Bluetongue Virus Challenged Human Cell Lines, Justin Darrel Hoopes
Mechanisms of Nutrition Bar Hardening: Effect of Hydrolyzed Whey Protein and Carbohydrate Source, Shaun P. Adams
Medieval and Renaissance book production, Richard W. Clement
Medium and Long Term Reuse of Trembling Aspen Cavities as Roosts by Big Brown Bats (Eptesicus Fuscus), Craig K.R. Willis, Kristen A. Kolar, Amanda L. Karst, Matina C. Kalcounis-Rueppell, and R. Mark Brigham
Memorandum to Chief Designing Engineer, Subject: Hydraulic Model Experimnets for the Design of the Hyrum Spillway, J. B. Drisko and W. M. Borland
Men Are From Earth, and So Are Women. It's Faulty Research That Sets Them Apart, Rosalind C. Barnett and Caryl Rivers
Mentoring in Marriage and Family Therapy Programs: Graduate's Perspectives, Allison Webber Hicken
Mercuric chloride effects on root water transport in aspen seedlings, Xian Chong Wan and Janusz J. Zwiazek
Meshed Patch Antennas Integrated on Solar Cell - A Feasibility Study and Optimization, Timothy W. Turpin
Metabolism of indole 3 acetic acid in plants with emphasis on non-decarboxylative catabolism, A. Ostin
Metal levels in body tissues, forage and fecal pellets of elk (Cervus elaphus) living near the ore smelters at Sudbury, Ontario, G.H. Parker and J. Hamr
Metering Secondary Water in Residential Irrigation Systems, Gregory L. Richards
Methanol emission from leaves. Enzymatic detection of gas-phase methanol and relation of methanol fluxes to stomatal conductance and leaf development, Marshall M. Nemecek, R.C. MacDonald, J.J. Franzen, C.L. Wojciechowski, and R. Fall
Methodology to Derive Resource Aware Context Adaptable Architectures for Field Programmable Gate Arrays, Harikrishna Samala
Methods for Live Trapping Beaver (Castor Spp.), F. Rosell and J.K. Kvinlaug
Mexican spotted owl habitat characteristics in southwestern Chihuahua, Mexico, Luis A. Tarango, Raul Valdez, J. Phillip Zwank, and Manuel Cardenas
Microbial activity of boreal forest soil in a cold climate, M.A. Kaehkoenen, C. Wittmann, J. Kurola, H. Ilvesniemi, and M.S. Salkinoja-Salonen
Microbial community composition and function beneath temperate trees exposed to elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide and ozone, Rebecca L. Phillips, Donald R. Zak, William E. Holmes, and David C. White
Microbial Growth Inhibition and Decomposition of Milk Mineral and Sodium Tripolyphosphate Added to Media or Fresh Ground Beef, Rossarin Tansawat
Microclimate monitoring in a study of NSR backlog rehabilitation in the boreal region of British Columbia, T. Letchford
Microclimate of Aspen Forests (Populus Tremuloides), David Allan Chesterman
Microclimate of Clear-Cut, Forest Interior, and Small Openings in Trembling Aspen Forest, Derek W. Carlson and Arthur Groot
Microclimate of tree cavity nests: is it important for reproductive success in Northern Flickers?, K.L. Wiebe
Microfungi Associated With the Wood-Boring Beetles Saperda Calcarata (Poplar Borer) and Cryptorhynchus Lapathi (Poplar and Willow Borer), Julia Kerrigan and Jack D. Rogers
Microfungus communities of white spruce and trembling aspen logs at different stages of decay in disturbed and undisturbed sites in the boreal mixedwood region of Alberta, Trevor C. Lumley, L. Dennis Gignac, and Randolph S. Currah
Micrometeorology, biophysical exchanges and NEE decomposition in a two-story boreal forest - development and test of an integrated model, Lian Hong Gu, H.H. Shugart, J.D. Fuentes, T.A. Black, and S.R. Shewchuk
Microplot sampling of fire behaviour on Populus tremuloides stands in north-central Colorado, Jane Kapler Smith, Richard D. Laven, and Philip N. Omi
Microsatellite analysis of genetic diversity in four populations of Populus tremuloides in Quebec, Janet Wyman, Anne Bruneau, and M. Francine Tremblay
Microsatellite Dna Fingerprinting, Differentiation, and Genetic Relationships of Clones, Cultivars, and Varieties of Six Poplar Species From Three Sections of the Genus Populus, Muhammad H. Rahman and Om P. Rajora
Microsatellite DNA markers in Populus tremuloides, M.H. Rahman, S. Dayanandan, and O.P. Rajora
Microsatellite DNA somaclonal variation in micropropagated trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides), M.H. Rahman and O.P. Rajora
Microsite effects on first-year establishment and overwinter survival of white spruce in aspen-dominated boreal mixedwoods, H.B. DeLong, V.J. Lieffers, and P.V. Blenis
Middle and high elevation coniferous forest communities of the North Rim region of Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, USA, M.A. White and J.L. Vankat
Migrational Movements of Blue Jays West of the 100th Meridian, Kimberly G. Smith
Migrations and management of the Jackson elk herd, B.L. Smith and R.L. Robbins
Mineral nutrition and fertilization of deciduous broadleaved tree species in British Columbia, K.R. Brown
Mineral Resources of the Marble Canyon Wilderness Study Area, White Pine County, Nevada, and Millard County, Utah, United States Geological Survey
Mineral Resources of the Mill Creek Canyon Wilderness Study Area, Grand County, Utah, United States Geological Survey
Minnesota forest resources in 2000, David E. Haugen and Manfred E. Mielke
Minnesota's private forest management program: an evaluation of aspen timber sale assistance, R.K. Henly, P.V. Ellefson, and M.J. Baughman
Mitochondrial DNA variation and genetic relationships of Populus species, J.W. Barrett, O.P. Rajora, F.C.H. Yeh, and B.P. Dancik
Mixed conifer and aspen regeneration in small clearcuts within a partially harvested Arizona mixed conifer forest, P.F. Ffolliott and G.J. Gottfried
Mixlight: a Flexible Light Transmission Model for Mixed-Species Forest Stands, Kenneth J. Stadt and Victor J. Lieffers
Mmodelinng complex ecological economic systems, R.L. Costanz, C. Wainger, and K. Maler
Model-based assessment of aspen responses to elk herbivory in Rocky Mountain National Park, USA, P J. Weisberg and M B. Coughenour
Modeling and comparing vertical density profiles, P.M. Winistorfer, T.M. Young, and E. Walker
Modeling annual mallard production in the prairie-parkland region, Mark W. Miller
Modeling aspen stand growth with a temporal Bayes network, T.C. Haas, M.T. Mowrer, and W.D. Shepperd
Modeling Diameter Growth in Local Populations: a Case Study Involving Four North American Deciduous Species, David D. Reed, Elizabeth A. Jones, Michael J. Holmes, and Leslie G. Fuller
Modeling evapotranspiration and surface energy budgets across a watershed, G.N. Flerchinger, C.L. Hanson, and J.R. Wight
Modeling mechanical properties of single-layer, aligned, mixed-hardwood strand panels, W.L. Hoover, M.O. Hunt, R.C. Lattanzi, J.H. Bateman, and J.A. Youngquist
Modeling potential climate change impacts on the trees of the northeastern United States, Louis Iverson, Anantha Prasad, and Stephen Matthews
Modeling the Evolution of Insect Phenology with Particular Reference to Mountain Pine Beetle, Brian P, Yurk
Modeling the Light Interception and Carbon Gain of Individual Fluttering Aspen (Populus Tremuloides Michx) Leaves, John S. Roden
Modelling carbon-coupled energy and water dynamics of a boreal aspen forest in a general circulation model land surface scheme, ShuShen Wang, R.F. Grant, D.L. Verseghy, T.A. Black, and S.S. Wang
Modelling carbon dynamics of boreal forest ecosystems using the Canadian Land Surface Scheme, ShuSen Wang, R.F. Grant, D.L. Verseghy, T.A. Black, and S.S. Wang
Modelling evapotranspiration at three boreal forest stands using the CLASS: tests of parameterizations for canopy conductance and soil evaporation, P.A. Bartlett, J.H. McCaughey, P.M. Lafleur, and D.L. Verseghy
Modelling forest dynamics with vital attributes and fuzzy systems theory, D.W. Roberts and Bai Lian Li
Modelling Individual Differences in Students' Learning Strategies, Mimi Recker and Peter Pirolli
Modelling landscape-level vegetation dynamics in the boreal forests of north-western Ontario, N.C. Kenkel, P.R. Watson, and P. Uhlig
Modelling Photosynthesis Under Different Soil Temperatures, Tiebo Cai and Qing Lai Dang
Modelling plant carbon and nitrogen dynamics of a boreal aspen forest in CLASS -- the Canadian Land Surface Scheme, S. Wang, R.F. Grant, D.L. Verseghy, and T.A. Black
Modelling recruitment of Populus tremuloides, Pinus banksiana, and Picea mariana following fire in the mixedwood boreal forest, D.F. Greene and E.A. Johnson
Modelling respiration of vegetation: evidence for a general temperature-dependent Q10, M.G. Tjoelker, J. Oleksyn, and P.B. Reich
Modelling silvicultural alternatives for conifer regeneration in boreal mixedwood stands (aspen/white spruce/balsam fir), D.F. Greene, D.D. Kneeshaw, C. Messier, V. Lieffers, D. Cormier, R. Doucet, K.D. Coates, A. Groot, G. Grover, and C. Calogeropoulos
Modelling Stomatal Conductance in a Northern Deciduous Forest, Chalk River, Ontario, J. Harry McCaughey and Antonio Iacobelli
Models of sapling mortality as a function of growth to characterize interspecific variation in shade tolerance of eight tree species of northwestern British Columbia, R.K. Kobe and K.D. Coates
Modern Cart-Based Classifiers: Higher Prediction Accuracy for Niche-Based Vegetation Mapping, Joseph O. Sexton and Adele Cutler
Modern pollen spectra and vegetation in the Wind River Range, Wyoming, U.S.A., Patricia L. Fall
Modification of Lignin Biosynthesis in Transgenic Nicotiana Through Expression of an Antisense O-Methyltransferase Gene From Populus, Upendra N. Dwivedi, Wilbur H. Campbell, Jun Yu, Ruju S.S. Datla, Robert C. Bogos, Vincent L. Chiang, and Gopi K. Podila
Moisture sorption and accelerated weathering of acetylated and methacrylated aspen, W.C. Feist, R.M. Rowell, and W.D. Ellis
Moisture sorption properties of composite boards from esterified aspen fiber, C. Clemons, R.A. Young, and R.M. Rowell
Molecular Analysis of Herbivore-Induced Condensed Tannin Synthesis: Cloning and Expression of Dihydroflavonol Reductase From Trembling Aspen (Populus Tremuloides), Darren J. Peters and C. Peter Constabel
Molecular Characterization and Functional Analysis of Mads-Box Family Genes From Dioecious Aspen, Banalata Sen
Molecular Characterization of a Cdna Encoding Caffeoyl-Coenzyme a 3-O-Methyltransferase of Stellaria Longipes, Xing Hai Zhang and C.C. Chinnappa
Molecular Cloning and Expression of a Novel Cytochrome P450 from Turkey Liver with Aflatoxin B1 Oxidizing Activity, Shirley S. S. M. Yip and Roger A. Coulombe Jr.
Molecular Cloning and the Nucleotide Sequences of Two Novel Cdnas That Encode Anionic Peroxidases of Populus Kitakamiensis, Keishi Osakabe, Hirokazu Koyama, Shinya Kawai, Yoshihiro Katayama, and Noriyuki Morohoshi
Molecular cloning and tissue-specific expression of two genes that encode caffeic acid O-methyltransferases from Populus kitakamiensis, T. Hayakawa, K. Nanto, S. Kawai, Y. Katayama, and N. Morohoshi
Molecular evolution of angiosperm mitochondrial introns and exons, J. Laroche, P. Li, L. Maggia, and J. Bousquet
Molecular Genetics of Growth and Development in Populus. Iii. A Genetic Linkage Map of a Hybrid Poplar Composed of Rflp, Sts, and Rapd Markers, H.D. Bradshaw, Jr.; M. Villar; B.D. Watson; K.G. Otto; S. Stewart; and R.F. Stettler
Molecular weight distribution of aspen lignins from conventional gel permeation chromatography, universal calibration and sedimentation equilibrium, M.E. Himmel, K. Tatsumoto, K. Grohmann, D.K. Johnson, and H.L. Chum
Monitoring for ecosystem integrity in Canadian national parks, S.J. Woodley and J. Theberge
Monitoring moisture storage in trees using time domain reflectometry, J. Constantz and F. Murphy
Monitoring of Indoor Relative Humidity Levels in Residential Dwellings: A Sensor Network Application, Lizabeth Lee
Monitoring of spring flower phenology in Nova Scotia: comparison over the last century, L. Vasseur, R.L. Guscott, and P.J. Mudie
Monitoring the moisture balance of a boreal aspen forest using a deep groundwater piezometer, A.G. Barr, G. Vander Kamp, R. Schmidt, and T.A. Black
Monroe, Utah,Hydrothermal System: Results from Drilling o f Test Wells MC 1 and MC 2, D. S. Chapman and Roger Harrison
Moose (Alces alces L.) browsing in young Scots pine stands in relation to the characteristics of their winter habitats, R. Heikkilae and S. Haerkoenen
Moose (Alces Alces L.) Browsing in Young Scots Pine Stands in Relation to the Characteristics of Their Winter Habitats, Risto Heikkila and Sauli Harkonen
Moose Browsing in Young Scots Pine Stands in Relation to Forest Management, Risto Heikkila and Sauli Harkonen
Moquah Barrens: Pine barrens restoration experiment initiated in Chequamegon National Forest, R.S. Vora
Morphological plasticity and regeneration strategies of velvet leaf blueberry (Vaccinium myrtiltoides Michx.) following canopy disturbance in boreal mixedwood forests, F.M. Moola and A.U. Mallik
Morphological structure of celluloses obtained from deciduous wood species (aspen and poplar), N.E. Kotelnikova and Y.F. Hou
Mortality of Hybrid Triploid Aspen in Wisconsin and Upper Michigan, S.A. Enebak, M.E. Ostry, G.W. Wyckoff, and B. Li
Mountain beaver habitat use and management implications in Yosemite National Park, Paul A. Todd
Mountain Pine Beetle Outbreak Dynamics in High Elevation Forests: Influence of Climate Change and Tree Chemistry, Barbara J. Bentz, Greta Schen-Lagenheim, Celia Boone, and Ken Raffa
Mountain Valley Planning Area, Rangeland Program Summary, United States Bureau of Land Management
Movement patterns of adult male Ovenbirds during the post-fledging period in fragmented and forested boreal landscapes, E.M. Bayne and K.A. Hobson
Multiple Factors Affect Aspen Regeneration on the Uncompahgre Plateau, West-Central Colorado, Barry C. Johnston
Multiple Scale Composition and Spatial Distribution Patterns of the North-Eastern Minnesota Presettlement Forest, Steven K. Friedman, Peter B. Reich, and Lee E. Frelich
Multi scale sampling of plant diversity: effects of minimum mapping unit size, T.J. Stohlgren, G.W. Chong, M.A. Kalkhan, and L.D. Schell
Music from the Dead: The Tune Making of John MacDougall, Robert Macdonald
Muskrat and Waterfowl Production and Harvest on Dingle Swamp, Bear Lake County, Idaho, Henry M. Reeves
Mycorrhizae In Sagebrush-Steppe Community Restoration: Mycorrhizal Dependency Of Invasive And Native Grasses With Intraspecific And Interspecific Competition, Dara S. Scherpenisse
Mycorrhiza formation and elevated CO2 both increase the capacity for sucrose synthesis in source leaves of spruce and aspen, A. Loewe, W. Einig, L. Shi, P. Dizengremel, and R. Hampp
Mycorrhizal fungi in Montana and Idaho aspen stands, C.L. Cripps
Mycorrhizal fungi of aspen forests: natural occurrence and potential applications, C.L. Cripps
Naive Prey versus Nonnative Predators: A Role for Behavior in Endangered Species Conservation, Stephanie A. Kraft
Naphthenic acids inhibit root water transport, gas exchange and leaf growth in aspen (Populus tremuloides) seedlings, M. Kamaluddin and J.J. Zwiazek
Narrative Language Intervention for English Language Learners, Tanja Ayn Jensen
NASIG Conference Report: Copyright Law—Fact or Fiction?, Jennifer Duncan
NASIG Conference Report: Electronic Resources Management and the MARC Record—The Road Less Traveled, Jennifer Duncan
National Environmental Compliance Handbook, United States Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources Conservation Service
Native American land-use practices and ecological impacts, M. Kat Anderson and Michael J. Moratto
Native Burning in Western North America: Implications for Hardwood Forest Management, Charles E. Kay
Natural clonal variation of wood extractives in Populus tremuloides, M.P. Fernandez, C. Breuil, and P.A. Watson
Natural dynamics based silviculutre for maintaining plant biodiversity in Populus tremuloides dominated boreal forests of eastern Canada, Sybille Haeussler, Yves Bergeron, Suzanne Brais, and Brian D. Harvey
Natural Fire Regime: a Guide for Sustainable Management of the Canadian Boreal Forest, Yves Bergeron, Alain Leduc, Brian D. Harvey, and Sylvie Gauthier
Natural Flow and Salt Computation Methods, Calendar Years 1971-1995, James Prairie and Russell Callejo
Natural poplar resources in China and their significance for breeding and afforestation, H. Weisgerber, D. Kownatzki, and M. Mussong
Natural regeneration of white spruce after partial cutting and strip scarification in mature mixed white spruce-aspen stands, Manitoba, W.J. Ball and N.R. Walker
Natural selection for ozone tolerance in Populus tremuloides: an evaluation of nationwide trends, P. Berrang, D.F. Karnosky, and J.P. Bennett
Natural Variability in Forests of the Grand Canyon, Usa, Peter Z. Fule, W. Wallace Covington, Margaret M. Moore, Thomas A. Heinlien, and Amy E.M. Waltz
Navigating the New Subtleties of Sex Discrimination Cases in Academe, Pamela Haag
Neighborhood Effects, Disturbance, and Succession in Forests of the Western Great Lakes Region, Lee E. Frelich and Peter B. Reich
Nesting material and number of females per cage: effects on mouse productivity in BALB/c, C57BL/6J, DBA/2 and NIH/S mice, S. Eskola and E. Kaliste Korhonen
Nest predation in and adjacent to cutblocks with variable tree retention, Rebecca Tittler and Susan J. Hannon
Nest Predation in Aspen Woodlots and Hedgerows in Alberta: Negative Edge Effects and Ecological Traps, Susan J. Hannon
Nest Predation in Aspen Woodlots in an Agricultural Area in Alberta: the Enemy From Within, Susan J. Hannon and Susan E. Cotterill
Nest predation rates in managed and reserved extensive northern hardwood forests, R.M. DeGraaf
Nest site relationships among cavity-nesting birds of riparian and snowpocket aspen woodlands in the northwestern Great Basin, David S. Dobkin, Adam C. Rich, Jennifer A. Pretare, and William H. Pyle
Nest-site selection and nesting success of cavity-nesting birds in high elevation forest drainages, Pingjun Li and T.E. Martin
Neutralization and Buffering Capacity of Leaves of Sugar Maple, Largetooth Aspen, Paper Birch and Balsam Fir, G.E. Liu and Benoit Cote
Nevada Bird Count: 2003 Status Report, Elisabeth Ammon
New features and development video - HEAT, Interdisciplinary Media Research Consortium, Brett E. Shelton, and Jeff Maxfield
New foodplant and oviposition records for the tiger swallowtail butterfly, Papilio glaucus canadensis in Alaska (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae), J.M. Scriber and M.P. Ayres
Newly Identified Intertonguing Between the Star Point Sandstone and the Blackhawk Formation and the Correlation of Coal Beds in the Northern Part of the Wasatch Plateau, United States Geological Survey
New species and records of saprophytic ascomycetes (Myxotrichaceae) from decaying logs in the boreal forest, L. Sigler, T.C. Lumley, and R.S. Currah
New stem taper functions for 12 Saskatchewan timber species, J. Gal and I.E. Bella
Night-Time Conductance in C3 and C4 Species: Do Plants Lose Water at Night?, K.A. Snyder, J.H. Richards, and L.A. Donovan
NIH Gives Less to Women, Study Finds, Jennifer Jacobson
Nitrification in Sludge-Amended Michigan Forest Soils, D.H. Urie, J.B. Hart, and A.J. Burton
Nitrification in sludge-amended Michigan forest soils, A.J. Burton, J.B. Hart, and D.H. Urie
Nitrogen Accretion in a Rocky Mountain Subalpine Succession, Kathleen E. Mead
Nitrogen accumulation by conifer seedlings and competitor species from 15nitrogen-labeled controlled-release fertilizer, R.D. Hangs, J.D. Knight, and K.C.J. Van Rees
Nitrogen and Phosphorus Dynamics as Applied to Water Quality Under Management Intensive Grazing, Vaughn J. Thacker
Nitrogen competition using 15N between early successional plants and planted white spruce seedlings, Thomas E. Staples, Ken C.J. Van Rees, and Chris Van Kessel
Nitrogen Deposition and Forest Expansion in the Northern Great Plains, Martin Kochy and Scott D. Wilson
Nitrogen fertilization of trembling aspen seedlings grown on soils of different pH, A. DesRochers, R. Van Den Driessche, and B.R. Thomas
Nitrogen Fixation and Allelopathy in Arid and Forest Soils in the Western United States, C C. Tann
Nitrogen mineralization and streamwater chemistry, Rock Creek watershed, Denali National Park, Alaska, U.S.A., Robert Stottlemyer
Nitrogen mineralization in aspen/conifer soils after a natural fire, M.C. Amacher, D.L. Bartos, T. Christopherson, A.D. Johnson, and D.E. Kutterer
Nitrogen productivity of Alaskan tree species at an individual tree and landscape level, John Yarie
Nitrogen storage and seasonal nitrogen cycling in Populus: bridging molecular physiology and ecophysiology, Janice E.K. Cooke and Martin Weih
Nitrogen supply as a limiting factor determining the sensitivity of Populus tremuloides Michx. to ozone stress, E.J. Pell, J.P. Sinn, and C.V. Johansen
Nitrogen Transport, Transformation and Cycling through a Mountain lake, Bull Trout Lake, Idaho, USA, Ryan Settle Lockwood
Nitrogen uptake characteristics for roots of conifer seedlings and common boreal forest competitor species, R.D. Hangs, J.D. Knight, and K.C.J. Van Rees
NMR and Monte Carlo simulation studies of water adsorption dynamics, S.K.K. Lam, H. Peemoeller, and Z.Y. Chen
Nocturnal mixing in a forest subcanopy, L. Mahrt, Xu Hui Lee, A. Black, H. Neumann, and R.M. Staebler
No evidence of short-term effects of clear-cutting on artificial nest predation in boreal mixedwood forests, Susan E. Cotterill and Susan J. Hannon
Nonequilibrium dynamics between catastrophic disturbances and old-growth forests in ponderosa pine landscapes of the Black Hills, D.J. Shinneman and W.L. Baker
Nongame Birds of the Rocky Mountain Spruce- Fir Forests and Their Management, Kimberly G. Smith
Nongame response to ruffed grouse habitat management in Pennsylvania, R.H. Yahner and R.D. Adams
Nonmethane hydrocarbon, monocarboxylic acid, and low molecular weight aldehyde and ketone emissions from vegetation in central New Mexico, Randal S. Martin, Ignacio Villanueva, Jingying Zhang, and Carl J. Popp
Nonpoint Source Pollution to Bear Lake, Utah-Idaho: Magnitude, Periodicity, and Watershed Management Alternatives, Victor J. Kollock
Non Target Lepidoptera Captured in Traps Baited With Spruce Budworm Pheromone in Ontario, C.J. Sanders
No Place to Call Home: Discarded Children in America, U.S. House Select Committee on Children, Youth, and Families
North American aspen: timber supply, utilization, and research, Dean W. Einspahr and G.W. Wyckoff
Northern Flying Squirrel, Year Round Habitat. Suitablility Index Model. Version 3, Lisa Takats, Beck Barbara, James Beck, Melissa Todd, and Richard Bonar
Northern forestry and carabids: The case for concern about old-growth species, John R. Spence, David W. Langor, Jari Niemela, Hector A. Carcamo, and Cameron R. Currie
Northern Goshawks Move Back South, C. Stuart Houston
Notes From the Hiring Season, Frank Midler
Notes on the biology and control of the poplar twiggall fly, Hexomyza schineri (Giraud) (Diptera: Agromyzidae), an emerging pest of aspen in Colorado, Thomas B. Eckberg and W.S. Cranshaw
Notes on the Nevada Buck Moth, Hemileuca Nevadensis (Saturniidae) in Southern Manitoba, D.C. Henne and J.K. Diehl
Novel Growth of IngaAs/GaAs Nanostructures by Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Dong Jun Kim
nternational board-foot volume tables for trees in the Susitna River Basin, Alaska, F.R. Larson
Nucleotide divergence between populations of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) estimated with RAPDs, Daniel K.X. Chong, Rong Cai Yang, and Francis C. Yeh
Nucleotide Sequence of an Additional Member Od Bispecific Caffeic Acid/5-Hydroxyferulic Acid O-Methyl-Transferase Gene Family in Populus Tremuloides (Accession No. U50522), Wen Jing Hu and Vincent L. Chiang
Nucleotide Sequence of a Populus Tremuloides Gene Encoding Bispecific Caffeic Acid/5-Hydroxyferulic Acid O-Methyltransferase, Chung Jui Tsai, Gopi K. Podila, and Vincent L. Chiang
Nutrient Changes in Soils of Successional Forests of Northern Lower Michigan USA, F.S. Gilliam and M.R. Roberts
Nutrient cycling in aspen ecosystems, John Pastor
Nutrient dynamics in decomposing leaf litter of four tree species on a sandy soil in northwestern Wisconsin, J.G. Bockheim, E.A. Jepsen, and D.M. Heisey
Nutrient management options for forests utilizing ecosystem storage - a case study, G.A. Ruark
Nutrient status of bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) following whole-tree harvesting in Upper Michigan, K.A. Lederle and G.D. Mroz
Nutritional Costs of a Plant Secondary Metabolite to an Avian Herbivore, Christopher G. Guglielmo, William H. Karasov, and Walter J. Jakubas
Nutritional indices in the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar (L.)) under field conditions and host switching situations, J.L. Stoyenoff, J.A. Witter, and M.E. Montgomery
Nutritional quality of leaf detritus altered by elevated atmospheric CO2: effects on development of mosquito larvae, N.C. Tuchman, K.A. Wahtera, R.G. Wetzel, N.M. Russo, G.M. Kilbane, L.M. Sasso, and J.A. Teeri
Nutritional quality of winter browse for ruffed grouse, C.G. Guglielmo and W.H. Karasov
Oak tannins reduce effectiveness of thuricide (Bacillus thuringiensis) in the gypsy moth (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae), H.M. Appel and J.C. Shultz
Object Trajectory Estimation Using Optical Flow, Shuo Liu
Observation of gravity waves in a boreal forest, X. Lee, H.H. Neumann, G. Den Hartog, J.D. Fuentes, T.A. Black, R.E. Mickle, P.C. Yang, and P.D. Blanken
Observations of thermokarst and its impact on boreal forests in Alaska, U.S.A., T.E. Osterkamp, L. Viereck, Y. Shur, M.T. Jorgenson, C. Racine, A. Doyle, and R. Boone
Observations on Reproduction, Growth, and Behavior of the Northern Pocket Gopher (Thomomys talpoides), D. C. Anderson
Occipital Bone Graft for Atlantoaxial Fusion, J.M. Sheehan and J.A. Jane
Occurrence and Distribution of Invertebrates in Lower Logan River, Nancy A. Erman
Occurrence and performance of a leaf-mining moth on alternative host trees, M. Auerbach and J. Alberts
Occurrence and performance of the aspen blotch miner, Phyllonorycter salicifoliella, on three host-tree species, M. Auerbach and J.D. Alberts
Occurrence of Edible Fungi and Other Macromycetes on Tree Stumps Over a Sixteen Year Period, Veikko Hintikka
Occurrence of edible fungi and other macromycetes on tree stumps over a sixteen-year period, V. Hintikka
OER CPOR - Connecting People with Online Resources, Spring 2007, Mimi Recker
OER IID - Intro to Instructional Design, Spring 2005, Joanne Bentley
OER PPP - Power of Positive Parenting, Fall 2006, Glenn I. Latham
OER WRD - Western Rural Development, Spring 2006, Western Rural Development Center
Old and potential old forest in the Lake States, USA, T.L. Schmidt, J.S. Spencer, and M.H. Hansen
One hundred years of recovery of a pine forest in Northern Wisconsin, Forest Stearns and Gene Likens
On the Applicability of Genetic Algorithms to Fast Solar Spectropolarimetric Inversions for Vector Magnetography, Brian J. Harker
On the cytochemistry of cell wall formation in poplar trees, C. Grunwald, K. Ruel, Y.S. Kim, and U. Schmitt
On the estimation of leaf size and crown geometry for tree canopies from hotspot observations, N.S. Goel, Quin Wenhan, and Wang Bingquan
Open Stream Collection and Diversion: An Added Dimension in Providing Water for Grazing Animals, United States Bureau of Land Management
Operation of Glen Canyon Dam, Draft Environmental Impact Statement, United States Department of the Interior
Opportunities for aspen and balsam poplar utilization in Alberta, B.W. Karaim, E.M. Wengert, T. Szabo, and R.D. Adams
Opportunities for aspen for furniture, H.W. Reynolds and P.K. Donahue
Opportunities for organosolv pulping of aspen, J.H. Lora
Optimal Candidate Generation in Spatial Co-Location Mining, Zhungshan Lin
Optimal Compost Rates for Organic Crop Production Based on a Decay Series, Jeffrey B. Endelman
Optimal Fractional Order Proportional And Integral Controller For Processes With Random Time Delays, Varsha Bhambhani
Optimal Irrigation Management for Sloping Blocked-End Borders, Jorge Jose Escurra
Optimizing adjuvant concentration for maximum translocation of glyphosate in trembling aspen, J.W. Leung, A. Sundaram, and G.R.B. Webster
Optimum beta -D-glucosidase supplementation of cellulase for efficient conversion of cellulose to glucose, B.C. Stockton, D.J. Mitchell, K. Grohmann, and M.E. Himmel
Organic matter dynamics in 5 subarctic streams, Quebec, Canada, R.J. Naiman and G.L. Link
Orienting lignocellulosic fibers and particles by means of a magnetic field, S. Zauscher and P.E. Humphrey
“Our Sweat, Our Struggle, Our Success”: The Women of the COMAMNUVI Cooperative, Tabitha Lazenby
Outdoor aging of wood-based panels and correlation with laboratory aging. 2, E.A. Okkonen and B.H. River
Overlaying soil and timber inventories to assess aspen productivity in Northern Minnesota, P.C. Bates, P.C. Robert, and C.R. Blinn
Overstory and Fuel Loading Changes Following Mechanical Mastication or Thinning of Southwestern Pinyon-Juniper Stands, G. Gottfried and S. Overby
Overstory and herbaceous layer of a riparian savanna in northwestern Pennsylvania, Charles E. Williams, William J. Moriarity, and Gary L. Walters
Overstory and Understory Vegetation Dynamics in Response to Thinning in Coniferous Stands in Western Oregon, Adrian Ares, Andrew R. Neill, and Klaus J. Puttmann
Overstory composition and stand structure influence herbaceous plant diversity in the mixed aspen forest of northern Minnesota, Alaina L. Berger and Klaus J. Puettmann
Overstory Dynamics in an Uncut Pine-Hardwood Stand: Lessons From Seventy Years of Passive Management, Don Bragg and Michael G. Shelton
Overview of the Proposed Critical Habitat for the Colorado River Endangered Fishes, United States Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service
Overview of the use of natural variability concepts in mangeing ecological systems, P.B. Landres, P. Morgan, and F.J. Swanson
Overwinter Mortality of Trout in Temple Fork of the Logan River, Daniel Richard Cerven
Overwinter storage of carbohydrate in aspen, Wayne D. Shepperd, Donald R. Reichert, and Stephen A. Mata
Oviposition by the forest tent caterpillar (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae) and acceptability of its eggs to Trichogramma minutum (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), S.M. Smith and K.B. Strom
Oviposition Trap to Sample Eggs of Operophtera Bruceata (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) and Other Wingless Geometrid Species, Christian Hebert and Luc St. Antoine
Ozone effects on reproductive processes in eastern Canadian trees, R.M. Cox and J.W. Malcolm
Ozone Effects Physiological Variables of Aspen Clones in Field Exposures, S.C. Yun and J.A. Laurence
Ozone-Induced Visible Injury and Growth Reduction in Tolerant and Sensitive Aspen Clones, S.C. Yun and J.A. Laurence
Paired-tower measurements of carbon and energy fluxes following disturbance in the boreal forest, B.D. Amiro
Paper birch as a core material for aspen oriented strandboard and waferboard, Y. Chen, B.A. Popowitz, R.O. Gertjejansen, and D.C. Ritter
Paper birch as a core material for aspen oriented strandboard and waferboard, R.O. Gertjejansen, D.C. Ritter, and B.A. Popowitz
Papermaking properties of aspen ultrahigh-yield mechanical pulps, J.N. McGrovern and T.H. Wegner
Paradox Area Characterization Summary and Location Recommendation Report, United States Department of Energy
Paradox Basin Site Characterization Report Preparation Papers Gibson Dome Location, United States Department of Energy
Parent stand age and harvesting treatment effects on juvenile aspen biomass productivity, H. Grewal
Parshall Flume Staff Gauge Location and Entrance Wingwall Discharge Calibration Corrections, Bryan J. Heiner
Partial cuts in a trembling aspen - conifer stand: effects on microenvironmental conditions and regeneration dynamics, Marcel Prevost and David Pothier
Partitioning of 14C-labeled photosynthate to allelochemicals and primary metabolites in source and sink leaves of aspen: evidence for secondary metabolite turnover, K.W. Kleiner, K.F. Raffa, and R.E. Dickson
Partitioning of population genetic variance under multiplicative-epistatic gene action, R.L. Wu
Past and current trends of change in a dune prairie,oak savanna reconstructed through a multiple scale history, Kenneth L. Cole and Robert S. Taylor
Patch-Scale Effects of an Invasive Ecosystem Engineer on the Structure and Function of a Eutrophic Stream, Samuel J. Hochhalter
Pathogenicity and Virulence of Armillaria Ostoyae on Eight Forest Tree Species, D.W. Omdal, C.G. Ii Shawi, W.R. Jacobi, and T.C. Wager
Patterns of Learning Object Reuse in the Connexions Repository, S. M. Duncan
Patterns of Soil Loss and Snowmelt from an Intermountain Rangeland Site, Steven A. Loomis
Patterns of Structural Response to Simulated Partial Harvesting of Boreal Mixedwood Stands, Mark Vanderwel, John P. Caspersen, and Jay R. Malcolm
Patterns of woody plant abundance, recruitment, mortality, and growth in a 65 year chronosequence of old-fields, D. Lawson, R.S. Inouye, Nancy Huntly, and W.P Carson
PCR-based genetic markers for detection and infection frequency analysis of the biocontrol fungus Chondrostereum purpureum on Sitka alder and Trembling aspen, E.M. Becker, L.A. Ball, and W.E. Hintz
Peatland Initiation During the Holocene in Continental Western Canada, L.A. Halsey, D.H. Vitt, and I.E. Bauer
Pedagogical Agents as Social Models to Influence Learner Attitudes, Yanghee Kim and A. Baylor
Perceived Effectiveness of Booster Sessions Following a Stepfamily Education Course, John Mitchell Vaterlaus
Percent decay estimation using decayed wood area at breast or stump height, Valerie M. Lemay
Perception of aspen and sun/shade sugar maple leaf soluble extracts by larvae of Malacosoma disstria, M. Panzuto, F. Lorenzitti, Y. Mauffette, and P.J. Albert
Perceptions of Agriculture Teachers Toward Including Students with Disabilities, Monica D. Giffing
Perceptual cues used by beavers foraging on woody plants, Christine M. Doucet, Russell A. Walton, and John M. Fryxell
Perennial stem galls of aspen caused by the poplar budgall mite, Aceria parapopuli (Acariformes:Eriophyidae), Patricia E. Crane and Y. Hiratsuka
Performance of liquid and granular hexazinone formulations on silty sand soils in northern Ontario. 1. Herbicide efficacy, P.E. Reynolds, D.G. Pitt, M.J. Roden, R.N. Wellman, J.E. Wood, and F.W. Althen
Performance of vented and nonvented cauls in press-drying, S.L. Quarles and L. Nagoda
Peroxidase Activity Response of Unwounded Aspen to Inoculation With Hypoxylon Mammatum Ascospores, Bruce A. Race and Paul D. Manion
Peroxide and sodium hydrosulfite bleaching of birch-hardwood and birch-softwood mixtures, C. Daneault, C. Leduc, and J.L. Valade
Peroxide bleaching of NSAQ aspen pulp without silicate, A. Wong and J. Tichy
Persistence of aspen regeneration near the National Elk Refuge and Gros Ventre Valley elk feedgrounds of Wyoming, D.T. Barnett and T.J. Stohlgren
Phenolic adhesive bonds to aspen veneers treated with amino-resin fire retardants, C.B. Vick
Phenolic and polyketide metabolites of the aspen blue stain fungus Ophiostoma crassivaginata, William A. Ayer and Latchezar S. Trifonov
Phenology Mediated Effects of Climatic Change on Some Simulated British Columbia Forests, Steven G. Cumming and Philip J. Burton
Phenotypic Plasticity and the Post-Modern Synthesis: Integrating Evo-Devo and Quantitative Genetics in Theoretical and Empirical Studies, Alison G. Scoville
Phoma etheridgei sp.nov. from black galls and cankers of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) and its potential role as a bioprotectant against the aspen decay pathogen Phellinus tremulae, L.J. Hutchison, P. Chakravarty, L.M. Kawchuk, and Y. Hiratsuka
Photosynthesis and carbon allocation of six boreal tree species grown in understory and open conditions, S.M. Landhaeusser and V.J. Lieffers
Photosynthesis and carbon isotope discrimination in boreal forest ecosystems: a comparison of functional characteristics in plants from three mature forest types, L.B. Flanagan, J.R. Brooks, and J.R. Ehleringer
Photosynthesis and Light-Use Efficiency by Plants in a Canadian Boreal Forest Ecosystem, David Whitehead and Stith T. Gower
Photosynthesis and respiration rates depend on leaf and root morphology and nitrogen concentration in nine boreal tree species differing in relative growth rate, P.B. Reich, M.B. Walters, M.G. Thoelker, D. Vanderklein, and C. Buschena
Photosynthesis, nitrogen-use efficiency, and water-use efficiency of jack pine seedlings in competition with four boreal forest plant species.Species, Darren E. Robinson, Robert G. Wagner, F. Wayne Bell, and Clarence J. Swanton
Photosynthesis of black spruce, jack pine, and trembling aspen after artificially induced frost during the growing season, M. Lamontagne, H. Margolis, and F. Bigras
Photosynthesis Profiles in Boreal Forest Canopies: Recycling of Soil Respired Co 2, J. Renee Brooks, Lawrence B. Flanagan, Gregory T. Varney, and James R. Ehleringer
Photosynthetic Acclimation of Overstory Populus Tremuloides and Understory Acer Saccharum to Elevated Atmospheric Co2 Concentration: Interactions With Shade and Soil Nitrogen, Mark E. Kubiske, Donald R. Zak, Kurt S. Pregitzer, and Yu Takeuchi
Photosynthetic Characteristics in Aspen Clones of Varying Ozone Sensitivities Response to Episodic Exposures, M.D. Coleman, R.E. Dickson, J.G. Isebrands, and D.F. Karnosky
Photosynthetic gas exchange response of poplars to steady state and dynamic light environments, John S. Roden and Robert W. Pearcy
Photosynthetic Light Response and Growth Analysis of Competitive Regeneration After Partial Cutting in a Boreal Mixed Stand, David Pothier and Marel Prevost
Photosynthetic Light Response Curves in Fertilized and Unfertilized Sapling White Spruce Following Overstorey Remova, Ken J. Greenway, S. Ellen MacDonald, and Victor J. Lieffers
Photosynthetic productivity of aspen clones varying in ozone sensitivity, M.D. Coleman, R.E. Dickson, J.G. Isbrands, and D.F. Karnoscky
Photosynthetic productivity of aspen clones varying in sensitivity to tropospheric ozone, M.D. Coleman, J.G. Isebrands, R.E. Dickson, and D.F. Karnosky
Photosynthetic responses of aspen clones to simultaneous exposures of ozone and CO2, O. Kull, A. Sober, M.D. Coleman, R.E. Dickson, J.G. Isebrands, Z. Gagnon, D.F. Karnosky, K.E. Percy, R.M. Cox, and K.F. Jensen
PHYS 6210 - Quantum Mechanics, Spring 2007, Charles G. Torre
Physical, Chemical, and Biological Data for Detailed Study of Irrigation Drainage in the San Juan Area, New Mexico, 1993-94, with Supplemental Data, 1991-95, United States Geological Survey
Physical properties of dead and downed round-wood fuels in the boreal forests of Alberta and Northwest Territories, I.A. Nalder, R.W. Wein, M.E. Alexander, and W.J. De Groot
Physics and performance video - HEAT, Interdisciplinary Media Research Consortium, Brett E. Shelton, and Jeff Maxfield
Physiological and Behavioral Effects of Coniferyl Benzoate on Avian Reproduction, Walter J. Jakubas, Bernard C. Wentworth, and William H. Karasov
Physiological and behavioral effects of coniferyl benzoate on avian reproduction, W.J. Jakubas, B.C. Wentworth, and W.H. Karasov
Physiological and Morphological Changes in Osmotically and Salt Stressed Poplar Shoots Grown in Vitro, I. Tsvetkov, D. Djilanov, D. Evers, and J.F. Hausman
Physiological Controls of the Carbon Balance of Boreal Forest Ecosystems, Gordon B. Bonan
Physiological ramifications of habitat selection in territorial male Ovenbirds: consequences of landscape fragmentation, D.F. Mazerolle and K.A. Hobson
Physiological Tradeoffs in the Parameterization of a Model of Canopy Transpiration, D.S. Mackay, D.E. Ahl, B.E. Ewers, S. Samanta, S.T. Gower, and S.N. Burrows
Physiological Understanding of Loblolly Pine Growth: Fertilization, Clonal and Interactive Responses, J. Seiler, M. Tyree, N. King, C. M. Gough, J. Stovall, and T. Fox
Phytochelatins are bioindicators of atmospheric metal exposure via direct foliar uptake in trees near Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, J.E. Gawel, C.G. Trick, and F.M.M. Morel
Phytochemical Variation in Quaking Aspen and Effects on Gypsy Moth Growth, Tod L. Osier, S.Y. Hwang, and R.L. Lindroth
Pigment and isozyme variation in aspen shoots regenerated from callus culture, E.W. Noh and S.C. Minocha
Pileated woodpecker nest and roost trees in Montana: links with old-growth and forest 'health', B.R. McClelland and P.T. McClelland
Pine hollow exclosures - a 19-year record of an aspen stand treated with 2,4-D, R.O. Harniss and D.L. Bartos
Pine Hollow exclosures: effect of browsing on an aspen community sprayed with 2,4-D, D.L. Bartos and R.O. Harniss
Pine Legacies in a Post-Settlement Aspen Landscape in Michigan, Brian J. Palik and Kurt S. Pregitzer
Pine needle rust effect on Pinus banksiana in response to interspecific plant competition and telial host density, J.D. Mihail, J.N. Bruhn, T.R. Meyer, and F.W. Bell
Pine Valley Ridge Source: A Superior Selected Germplsm of Black Sagebrush, U.S. Forest Service
Pipeline to Pathways: New Directions for Improving the Status of Women on Campus, Judith S. White
Pit membrane degradation and air-embolism formation in ageing xylem vessels of Populus tremuloides Michx, J.S. Sperry, A.H. Perry, and J.E.M. Sullivan
Plant Community Responses to Mechanical Site Preparation in Northern Interior British Columbia, Sybille Haeussler, Lorne Bedford, Jacob O. Boateng, Andy Mackinnon, D.G. Thompson, and R.G. Wagner
Plant Diseases & Chemicals, Sherm Thompson
Plant diversity and tree responses following contrasting disturbances in boreal forest, Duane A. Peltzer, Marcy L. Bast, Scott D. Wilson, and Ann K. Gerry
Plant Ecotones and Butterfly Hybrid Zones : Biological or Physical Causes, M. Scriber, R.C. Lederhouse, R.T. Hagen, J. Bossart, and M. Ayres
Planting aspen to rehabilitate riparian areas: a pilot study, Wayne D. Shepperd and Stephen A. Mata
Plant Materials for Wildlife, Donald Surrency, Charles M. Owsley, United States Department of Agriculture, and Natural Resources Conservation Service
Plant Regeneration and Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation of Two Elite Aspen Hybrid Clones From in Vitro Leaf Tissues, Wenhao Dai, Zong Ming Cheng, and Wayne Sargent
Plant Spacing: A Size Sensitive Model with Implications for Competition, Robert L. Bayn Jr.
Plonski's (metric) yield tables formulated, B. Payandeh
Podcasting Folklore, Randy Williams, Trevor Alvord, and Heather Leary
Polar Auxin Transport in Hybrid Aspen, J. Schrader, R.P. Bhalerao, S.T. May, K. Palme, M.J. Bennett, and G. Sandberg
Polar Mesospheric Clouds: A Satellite and Ground-Based Comparison, Jodie Barker-Tvedtnes
Pollen Deposition and Vegetation in the Southern Rocky Mountains and Southwest Plains USA, S.A. Hall
Pollen deposition in the boreal forest of west central Canada, E.J. Lee, N.C. Kenkel, and T. Booth
Pollination Dynamics in Two Subalpine Flower Meadows, Peter Andrew Beelow III
Polymorphic height and site index curves for the major tree species in Alberta, C.J. Cieszewski and I.E. Bella
Polyphenol Oxidase and Herbivore Defense in Trembling Aspen (Populus Tremuloides): Cdna Cloning, Expression, and Potential Substrates, Miyoshi Haruta, Jens A. Pedersen, and C. Peter Constabel
Polyurethane resins-treated wood pallets which are decontaminable of chemical warfare agents, D.D. Nicholas; M.G. Kim; C.U. Pittman, Jr.; T.P. Schultz; L.L. Ingram, Jr.; F.R.A. Kabir; L. Wasson; L. Wang; and M. Ivankoe
Poplar clones effect on development, mortality, and fecundity of Chrysomela (= Melasoma) populi L. and Chrysomela tremulae F. (Col., Chrysomelidae), S. Augustine, C. Courtin, and A. Delplanque
Poplar disease research: host resistance and pathogen variability, Michael E. Ostry and J. Dietrichson
Poplar utilization in Canada: past, present and future, P.M. Morley and J.J. Balatinecz
Population Dynamics and Bioenergetics of a Fossorial Herbivore, Thomomys talpoides (Rodentia: Geomyidae), in a Spruce-Fir Sere, D C. Andersen
Population Dynamics and Bioenergetics of a Fossorial Rodent, the Northern Pocket Gopher (Themomys talpoides), in a Spruce-Fir Ecosystem, Douglas C. Andersen
Population Dynamics of the Mexican Beech, an Endangered Tree Species, G. Angeles-Perez and O. Godinez-Ibarra
Population Ecology of Snowshoe Hares in the Central Rocky Mountains, R A. Dolbeer
Population Trends Among Forest Breeding Birds at Itasca State Park Minnesota USA, D.E. Blockstein, G.E. Canterbury, and J.C. Manolis
Populus forest characterization in Elk Island National Park relative to herbivory, prescribed fire, and topography, Edward W. Bork, Robert J. Hudson, and Arthur W. Bailey
Populus tremuloides Michx. quaking aspen, Donald A. Perala
Populus Tremuloides Photosynthesis and Crown Architecture in Response to Elevated Co-2 and Soil N Availability, Mark E. Kubiske, Kurt S. Pregitzer, Carl J. Mikan, Donald R. Zak, Jennifer L. Maziasz, and James A. Teeri
Populus tremuloides photosynthesis and crown architecture in response to elevated CO2 and soil N availability, M.E. Kubiske, K.S. Pregitzer, C.J. Mikan, D.R. Zak, J.L. Maziasz, and J.A. Teeri
Porcupine Mountain herbicide trial, G. Ardron, F.W. Bell, R.J. Day, and N. Beaudoin
Positive, Negative and Net Effects of Shrub-Tree Seedling Interactions in Red Pine Ecosystems, R. Montromery, P. B. Reich, S. B. Boyden, and B. J. Palik
Post-Fire Aspen Seedling Recruitment Across the Yellowstone (Usa) Landscape, Monica G. Turner, William H. Romme, Rebecca A. Reed, and Gerald A. Tuskan
Postfire colonization and survivorship of quaking aspen, Populus tremuloides, and lupine, Lupinus argenteus seedlings in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA, William W. Hargrove
Post-fire forest floor development along toposequences of white spruce - Trembling aspen mixedwood communities in west-central Alberta, T.I. Little, D.J. Pluth, I.G.W. Corns, and D.W. Gilmore
Post-Fire Microsites and Effects of Bryophytes on Germination and Establishment of Conifers and Early-Seral Species, L. Kayes, K. Puettmann, and P. Anderson
Postfire Stand Dynamics in a Southern Boreal Forest (Quebec): a Dendroecological Approach, Yves Bergeron and Danielle Charron
Post-Fire Succession and Disturbance Interactions on an Intermountain Subalpine Spruce-Fir Forest, Christopher A. Discus
Post-glacial vegetation migration in conterminous Montreal Lowlands, southern Quebec, S D. Muller and P J.H. Richard
Post-Ice Storm Tree Damage in Four Eastern Ontario Woodlots, Jennifer Kelly-Syrota
Postsettlement Changes in Limnic Sediments From Southern Alberta , Canada, W.L. Strong
Post-Stocking Dispersal Habitat Use, and Behavioral Acclimation of Juvenile Razorback Suckers (Xyrauchen Texanus) in Two Colorado River Reservoirs, United States Geological Survey
Postulated feedbacks of deciduous forest phenology on seasonal climate patterns in the Western Canadian interior, Edward H. Hogg, D.T. Price, and T.A. Black
Potential changes in tree species richness and forest community types following climate change, L.R. Iverson and A.M. Prasad
Potential Ecological Impacts of Snowpack Augmentation in the Uinta Mountains, Utah, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
Potential Effects of Climate Change on Mixed Severity Fire Regimes, Jessica Halofsky and Dave L. Peterson
Potential for biological protection against blue stain in Populus tremuloides with a hyphomycetous fungus, Stachybotrys cylindrospora, Y. Hiratsuka, P. Chakravarty, S. Miao, and W.A. Ayer
Potential Future Dead Wood Dynamics in a Multi-Ownership Physiographic Province, R. S.H. Kennedy, R. J. Pabst, K. A. Olsen, and T. A. Spies
Potential Geologic Hazards Near the Thistle Landslide, Utah County, Utah, United States Geological Survey
Potential Productivity of Aspen Cohorts Originating From Fire, Harvesting, and Tree-Fall Gaps on Two Deposit Types in Northwestern Quebec, David Pare, Yves Bergeron, and Marie Helene Longpre
Potential redistribution of tree species habitat under five climate change scenarios in the eastern US, Louis R. Iverson and Anantha M. Prasad
Potential Use of a White-Rot Fungus Antrodiella Sp. Rk1 for Biopulping, Rajesh N. Patel, Geeta D. Thakker, and Rao K. Koteswara
Precommercial thinning of trembling aspen in northern Ontario: Part 1 - Growth responses, J.A. Rice, G.B. MacDonald, and D.H. Weingartner
Precommercial thinning of trembling aspen in northern Ontario: Part 2 -- Interactions with Hypoxylon canker, D. Pitt, D. Weingartner, and S. Greifenhagen
Predation on Domestic Sheep on Summer Range Lands in Southwestern Utah, Brian C. Palmer
Predation Risk and the Functional Response of Elk-Aspen Herbivory, Clifford A. White, Michael C. Felle, and Suzanne Bayley
Predator-Prey Relationships in Natural Community Food Webs, Karl E. Havens
Predator size and distance to edge: Is bigger better?, S.H. Ferguson
Predicting Armillaria ostoyae infection levels in black spruce plantations as a function of environmental factors, A.M. Wienxczyk, M.T. Dumas, and R.N. Irwin
Predicting fermentability of wood hydrolyzates with responses from electronic noses, C.F. Mandenius, H. Liden, T. Eklov, M.J. Taherzadeh, and G. Liden
Predicting fire behavior in Canada's aspen forests, Martin E. Alexander and Murray E. Murray
Predicting landscape patterns of aspen dieback: mechanisms and knowledge gaps, Brent R. Frey, Victor J. Lieffers, E.H. Hogg, and Simon M. Landhäusser
Predicting plant species diversity in response to disturbance magnitude in grassland remnants of central Alberta, K. Vujnovic, R.W. Wein, and M.R.T. Dale
Predicting quaking aspen stand dynamics in Minnesota, R.A. Leary, G.J. Brand, and D.A. Perala
Predicting RNA Secondary Structures By Folding Simulation: Software and Experiments, Joel Omni Gillespie
Predicting the Growth Potential of a Shallow, Warm-Water Sport Fishery: A Spatially Explicit Bioenergetics Approach, Samuel Kirk Dahle
Predicting Timber Sale Costs from Sale Characteristics in the Intermountain West, U.S. Forest Service
Prediction of Protein Function and Functional Sites From Protein Sequences, Jing Hu
Preferences of Chrysomela Populi L. And Chrysomela Tremulae F. (Col., Chrysomelidae) for the Leuce Section Poplar Clones, S. Augustin, C. Courtin, and A. Delplanque
Preferences of Red-Backed Voles and Deer Mice for Differing Structural Habitats, Alice P. Wywialowski
Preliminary evaluation of parallel laminated veneer lumber made from preservative treated veneers, C. Edwardson and K. Roos
Preliminary Geologic Map of the Beaver Lake Mountains Quadrangle, Beaver and Millard Counties, Utah, United States Geological Survey
Preliminary Geologic Map of the Kanab 30 by 60 Minute Quadrangle, Utah-Arizona, United States Geological Survey
Preliminary Geologic Map of the Nephi 30' by 60' Quadrangle, Carbon, Emery, Juab, Sanpete, Utah, and Wasatch Counties, Utah, United States Geological Survey
Preliminary Surficial Geologic Map of the Fisher Valley-Professor Valley Area, Southeastern Utah, United States Geological Survey
Preparation of N-containing lignocarbohydrates, M.V. Efanov and A.G. Klepikov
Preparing the Landscape for Invasion: Accelerating the Evolution of Resistance, F. Freeman, A. W. Schoettle, R. A. Sniezko, F. Betlejewski, and K. S. Burns
Prescribed fire and cattle grazing on an elk winter range in Montana, Craig S. Jourdonnais and Donald J. Bedunah
Present trends and future prospects for poplar utilization in Alberta, W.J. Ondro
Preservation of Salicaceae leaves for phytochemical analyses: further assessment, Richard L. Lindroth and Patrick A. Koss
Prestressed Concrete Pipe Failure Jordan Aqueduct, Reach 3, United States Bureau of Reclamation
Pretreatment-Catalyst Effects and the Combined Severity Parameter, H.L. Chum, D.K. Johnson, S.K. Black, and R.P. Overend
Pretreatment of poplar by acid and alkali for enzymatic hydrolysis, G. Ucar
Pretty Tree Bench Vegetation Project, Draft Environmental Impact Statement, USDA Forest Service
Prevalence of Eyeworms (Nematoda: Thelazioidea) in Beef Cattle Grazing Different Range Pasture Zones in Alberta, Canada, Murray J. Kennedy
Preventing termite attack: environmentally friendly chemical combinations of cashew nut shell liquid, sulfited wattle tannin and copper(II) chloride, G.C.J. Mwalongo, L.L. Mkayula, B. Andoh, E.B. Mubofu, J. Shields, and B.A. Mwingira
Price - San Rafael Rivers Unit, Utah, Planning Report / Final Environmental Impact Statement, Colorado River Water Quality Improvement Program / Colorado River Salinity Control Program, United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation and United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service
Principles and practice of forestry and bioenergy in densely-populated regions: Proceedings of the IEA Bioenergy Task 31 workshop, Garderen, The Netherlands, 16-21 September 2000, J Richardson, T Smith, R Bjorheden, and A Lowe
Private Warfare: History of the Increasing Dependency on Private Military Corporations and Implications, Erika Morris
Probability of Fire-Stopping Precipitation Events, U.S. Forest Service
Probing the Mechanics of the Environmental Kuznets Curve Theory, Jeremy Lynn Kidd
Problem-Based Educational Games: Connections, Prescriptions, and Assessment, Andrew Walker and Brett E. Shelton
Proceedings of the second biennial conference on research in colorado plateau national parks, National Park Service
Proceedings: wildland shrub and arid land restoration symposium, S.D. Smith, K.J. Murray, F.H. Landau, and A.M. Sala
Processing of native and exotic leaf litter in two Idaho (U.S.A.) streams, Todd V. Royer, Michael T. Monaghan, and G. Wayne Minshall
Process selection for chemimechanical pulping of aspen, E.C. Xu and M.J. Sabourin
Producing pulp quality chips from burned aspen [Populus tremuloides], P. Dyson
Production and Characterization of Carboxylic Acids From Wood. Part Ii: High Molecular Weight Fatty and Resin Acids, Hooshang Pakdel, Hong Gen Zhang, and Christian Roy
Production and Waterfowl Utilization of Sago Pondweed (Potamogeton Pectinatus) on the Marshes of the Bear River in Northern Utah, Robert Leon Craner
Production Efficiency in Subalpine Conifers: The Influence of Crown Size and Canopy Structure, Scott D. Roberts
Production Efficiency of Abies lasiocarpa: Influence of Vertical Distribution of Leaf Area, Scott D. Roberts and James N. Long
Production of a Cloned Xylanase in Bacillus Cereus and Its Performance in Kraft Pulp Prebleaching, L. Tremblay and F. Archibald
Production of biomass for energy in post-mining landscapes and nutrient dynamics, R. Bungart and R.F. Huttl
Production of cellulose-containing intermediates from the wood of broad-leaved and coniferous species using its treatment under the conditions of explosive autohydrolysis, A.A. Efremov and I.V. Krotova
Production of Chemical Defenses in Relation to Plant Growth Rate, John M. Basey and Stephen H. Jenkins
Production of chemical defenses in relation to plant growth rate, J.M. Basey and S.H. Jenkins
Production Performance and Profiles of Milk Fatty Acids of Lactating Dairy Cows Fed Whole Safflower Seed Containing High Fat and Low Fiber, Christopher M. Dschaak
Production, Soil Disturbance, and Regeneration of Wide-Tire Skidder Harvests of Quaking Aspen Stands in East-Central Minnesota: Modelling Barred Owl Habitat in Northwestern Ontario (Strix Varia, Populus Tremuloides, Betula Papyrifera, Pinus Resinosa, Pinus Strobus), Mathew Frank Smidt and Susan Miranda Van Ael
Productivity and composition of bromegrass alfalfa mixtures for hay in the Aspen Parklands of western Canada, J.R. Pearen, V.S. Baron, and I.W. Cowan
Productivity and thinning effects in hybrid aspen (Populus tremula L. x P-tremuloides Michx.) stands in southern Sweden, L Rytter and L G. Stener
Productivity of aspen stands with and without a spruce understory in Alberta's boreal mixedwood forests, D.M. MacPherson, V.J. Lieffers, and P.V. Blenis
Productivity Relationships and Developmental Dynamics Over 26 Years Within Mixed Aspen-White Spruce Stands in Minnesota, A. W. D'Amato and M. R. Reinikainen
Program, ASPCLS--Aspen Classification System, Wayne D. Shepperd
Propagation of Native Plants for Restoration Projects in the Southwestern U.s. - Preliminary Investigations, David R. Dreesen and John T. Harrington
Properly functioning condition: rapid assessment process (including the properly functioning condition assessment of the Utah High Plateaus and Mountain Section), USDA Forest Service
Properties of CTMP from mixtures of aspen, birch and maple. Fibre rigidity and density help to characterize wood quality, K.N. Law, R. Lanouette, and J.L. Valade
Properties of hardboards made from acetylated aspen and southern pine, P. Chow, Zhao Bao, J.A. Youngquist, R.M. Rowell, J.H. Muehl, and A.M. Krzysik
Properties of polyisocyanate resin consolidated composites made from secondary fibers of corrugated containers, B.C.H. Sun and R.N. Hawke
Properties of styrene-maleic anhydride copolymers containing wood-based fillers, J. Simonsen, R. Jacobson, and R. Rowell
Proposed Site Indices for Engelmann Spruce on the College Forest of USU, Ernst Pflugbeil
Protecting understory white spruce when harvesting aspen, L.G. Brace
Proteinases as potential targets for new generation anti-sapstain chemicals, L. Abraham, C. Breuil, D.E. Bradshaw, P.I. Morris, and T. Byrne
Providing moisture and fungal protection to wood-based composites, J.K. Baileys, B.M. Marks, A.S. Ross, D.M. Crawford, A.M. Krzysik, J.H. Muehl, and J.A. Youngquist
Provisional Report: Radionuclides and PU Toxicity, University of Utah
Provisioning Time and Central-Place Foraging in Beavers, J.M. Fryxell and C.M. Doucet
PSY 7670 - Literature Reviews, Spring 2008, Karl White, M. Harrison Fitt, and Tom Caswell
Pulp and Paper From Certain Fast-Growing Plant Species, F. Ali, T.C. Sarma, and C.N. Saikia
Pulpwood production in the North-Central Region, 1995, R.J. Piva
Punta Toro Virus Infection in Mice: Strain Differences in Pathogenesis and Regulation of Interferon Response Pathways, Michelle Mendenhall
Purification and Characterization of Isoprene Synthase From Aspen Leaf Extracts, Gary M. Silver and Ray Fall
Purification and characterization of S-adenosyl-L-methionine: caffeic acid 3-O-methyltransferase from suspension cultures of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), R. Edwards and R.A. Dixon
Putrescine control of peroxidase activity in the inductive phase of rooting in poplar shoots in vitro, and the adversary effect of spermidine, J.F. Hausman, C. Kevers, and T. Gasper
Quaking Aspen and the Human Experience: Dimensions, Issues, and Challenges, Stephen F. McCool
Quaking Aspen Populus tremuloides, J. Lee
Quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) at treeline: a century of change in the San Juan Mountains, Colorado, USA, Grant P. Elliott and William L. Baker
Quaking aspen productivity recovers after repeated prescribed fire, Donald A. Perala
Quaking Aspen Reproduce From Seed After Wildfire in the Mountains of Southeastern Arizona, Ronald D. Quinn and Lin Wu
Quantification of Armillaria rhizomorphs in Wisconsin aspen sucker stands, G.R. Stanosz and R.F. Patton
Quantification of Armillaria Rhizomorphs in Wisconsin Usa Aspen Sucker Stands, G.R. Sanosz and R.F. Patton
Quantifying branch, crown and bole development in Populus tremuloides Michx. from northeastern British Columbia, George J. Harper
Quantifying Surface Water and Groundwater Interactions in a High-Gradient Mountain Stream for Solute Transport, Noah M. Schmadel
Quantifying the effects of temporal autocorrelation on climatological regression models using geostatistical techniques, I.B. Strachan and L.E. Harvey
Quantitative 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy of lignins from an aqueous ethanolic cook of aspen wood, A.V. Rokhin, L.V. Kanitskaya, A.N. Zakazov, A.F. Gogotov, D.F. Kushnarev, V.A. Babkin, and G.A. Kalabin
Quantitative genetic variation in morphological and physiological traits within a quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) population, Megan K. Kanaga, Ronald J. Ryel, Karen E. Mock, and Michael E. Pfrender
Quantitative phosphorus-31 NMR analysis of six soluble lignins, D.S. Argyropoulos
Quantity and Quality of Harvestable Biomass From Populus Short Rotation Coppice for Solid Fuel Use: a Review of the Physiological Basis and Management Influences, Dirk Kauter, Iris Lewandowski, and Wilhelm Claupein
Racial and Ethnic Comparison of Migration Selectivity: Primary and Repeat Migration, Sang Lim Lee
Radial distribution pattern of pectin methylesterases across the cambial region of hybrid aspen at activity and dormancy, Fabienne Micheli, Bjorn Sundberg, Renee Goldberg, and Luc Richards
Radial variation of wood density and fibre length in trembling aspen, A.D. Yanchuk and M.M. Micko
Radiation regime and canopy architecture in a boreal aspen forest, J.M. Chen, P.D. Blanken, T.A. Black, M. Guilbeault, and S. Chen
Radium-226 levels and concentration ratios between water, vegetation, and tissues of ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus ) from a watershed with uranium tailings near Elliot Lake, Canada, F.V. Clulow, T.P. Lim, N.K. Dave, and R. Avadhanula
Range Extension of the Blue Jay into Western North America, K G. Smith
Rangeland Inventory and Monitoring: Supplemental Studies., U.S. Bureau of Land Management
Rangeland Monitoring: Analysis, Interpretation, and Evaluation, United States Bureau of Land Management
Range use and movement rates of woodland caribou in Saskatchewan, W.J. Rettie and F. Messier
RAPD variation within and among natural populations of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) from Alberta, F.C. Yeh, D.K.X. Chong, and R.C. Yang
Rapid assessment of butterfly diversity: a method for landscape evaluation, S. Simonson
Rapid assessment of plant diversity patterns: a methodology for landscapes, T.J. Stohlgren, G.W. Chong, M.A. Kalkhan, and L.D. Schell
Rapid Breakdown of Allochthonous and Autochthonous Plant Material in a Eutrophic River, Todd V. Royer and G. Wayne Minshall
Rapid Changes of Sandy Soils Caused by Vegetation Changes, P. Nornberg, L. Sloth, and K.E. Nielsen
Rapid mortality of Populus tremuloides in southwestern Colorado, USA, James J. Worrall, Leanne Egeland, Thomas Eager, Roy A. Mask, Erik W. Johnson, Philip A. Kemp, and Wayne D. Shepperd
Rapid Prototyping in Design Education: A Comparative Study of Rapid Prototyping and Traditional Model Construction, Scott D. Greenhalgh
Rapid quantification of proanthocyanidins (condensed tannins) with a continuous flow analyzer, James K. Nitao, Bruce A. Birr, Muraleedharan G. Nair, Daniel A. Herms, and William J. Mattson
Rapid response of antioxidant enzymes to O3-induced oxidative stress in Populus tremuloides clones varying in O3 tolerance, A. Noormets, G.K. Podila, and D.F. Karnosky
Rate of swelling of vacuum-impregnated wood, P.A. Cooper
Rates of Litter Decomposition Over 6 Years in Canadian Forests: Influence of Litter Quality and Climate, J.A. Trofymow, T.R. Moore, B. Titus, C. Prescott, I. Morrison, M. Siltanen, S. Smith, J. Fyles, R. Wein, C. Camire, L. Duschene, L. Kozak, M. Kranabetter, and S. Visser
Rates of Spread of an Invading Species Mimosa Pigra in Northern Australia, W.M. Lonsdale
Rats' preferences for corn versus wood-based bedding and nesting materials, T. Rae, M. van de Ven, E.G. Patterson Kane, K. Nelson, M. van de Ven, and M. van de Ven
Rayleigh-Lidar Observations of Mesospheric Gravity Wave Activity above Logan, Utah, Durga N. Kafle
Reaction of the Hybrid of Asp Populus Tremula X Tremuloides and Hybrid of Willow Salix Viminalis of Jorr Kind for the Different Substratum Condition, E. Marska and J. Wrobel
"Real, Live Mormon Women": Understanding the Role of Early Twentieth-Century LDS Lady Missionaries, Kelly Lelegren
Real Men Don't Do Workshops, Paul M. Cohen
Recent Environmental Changes Inferred From the Sediments of Small Lakes in Yellowstone's Northern Range USA, D.R. Engstrom, C. Whitlock, S.C. Fritz, and H.E. Wright
Recent Forest Cover Type Transitions and Landscape Structural Changes in Northeast Minnesota, Peter T. Wolter and Mark A. White
Recent Growth Increases in Old-Growth Longleaf Pine, D.C. West, T.W. Doyle, M.L. Tharp, J.J. Beauchamp, W.J. Platt, and D.J. Downing
Recent occupation of the Alberta Aspen Parkland Ecoregion by moose, Ronald R. Bjorge
Reciprocal latitudinal clines in oviposition behavior of Papilio glaucus and P. canadensis across the Great Lakes hybrid zone: possible sex-linkage of oviposition preferences, J.M. Scriber, B.L. Giebink, and D. Snider
Reclamation, Managing Water in the West, Annual Report of Operations for Flaming Gorge Dam, Water Year 2007, U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation
Recolonization of burned aspen groves by land snails, D.E. Beetle
Reconciling Holocene Alluvial Records in Buckskin Wash, Southern Utah, Jonathan E. Harvey
Reconnaissance of the Quality of Surface Water in the San Rafael River Basin, Utah, United States Geological Survey
Reconstructing the landscape: an environmental history, 1820-1960, David Beesley
Record of Decision, Final San Juan River Regional Coal Environmental Impact Statement, United States Bureau of Land Management
Recoupling fire and aspen recruitment after wolf reintroduction in Yellowstone National Park, USA, Joshua S. Halofsky, William J. Ripple, and Robert L. Beschta
Recovering Riparian Plant Communities with Wolves in Northern Yellowstone, U.S.A., Robert L. Beschta and William J. Ripple
Recruitment and Early Growth of Eastern White Pine (Pinus Strobus) Regeneration After Partial Cutting and Site Preparation, Darwin Burgess and Suzanne Wetzel
Red Butte Canyon Research Natural Area: History, Flora, Geology, Climate, and Ecology, James R. Ehlerlinger, Lois A. Arnow, Ted Arnow, Irving B. Mcnulty, and Norman C. Negus
Redistribution of Extractable Nutrients Following Disc Trenching on Luvisols and Brunisols in Saskatchewan, R.G. Nesdoly and K.C.J. Van Rees
Red maple (Acer rubrum) inhibits feeding by beaver (Castor canadensis), D. Mueller-Schwarze, Bruce A. Schulte, Lixing Sun, Annette Mueller-Schwarze, and Christine Mueller-Scharze
Red-naped Sapsucker nest trees in Northern Rocky Mountain old-growth forest, Riely B. McClelland and Patricia T. McClelland
Red pine thinnings as a raw material for waferboard, M. Li, R.O. Gertjejansen, and D.C. Ritter
Red-Shouldered Hawk Nest Site Selection in North-Central Minnesota, Mary Anne McLeod, B. Ann Belleman, David E. Anderson, and Gary W. Oehlert
Red Squirrel Population Dynamics I. The Effect of Supplemental Food on Demography, W. Klenner and C.J. Krebs
Reduction in Photosynthetic Capacity and Carboxylation Efficiency of Tree Seedlings Exposed to Ozone, C. Scott Clark, J.A. Weber, and W.E. Hogsett
Reductions in gas exchange of Populus tremuloides caused by leaf aging and ozone exposure, C.S. Clark, J.A. Weber, E.H. Lee, and W.E. Hogsett
Re-Examining Fire Severity Relations in Pre-Management Era Dry Mixed Conifer Forests, P. Hessburg, R. B. Salter, and K. M. James
Reference conditions for giant sequoia forest restoration: structure, process, and precision, Nathan L. Stephenson
Refining tree recruitment models, C. Calogeropoulos, D.F. Greene, C. Messier, and S. Brais
Regeneration and germplasm preservation in aspen-Populus, M.R. Ahuja
Regeneration behavior of competing plants after clear cutting: implications for vegetation management, A.U. Mallik, F.W. Bell, and Y. Gong
Regeneration challenges, S. Navratil
Regeneration, development and density management in aspen stands, S. Navratil and I.E. Bella
Regeneration, growth and development of Picea glauca under Populus spp. canopy in the boreal white and black spruce zone, R. Kabzems and J.D. Lousier
Regeneration of aspen by suckering on burned sites in Western Wyoming, D.L. Bartos; W.F. Mueggler; and R.B. Campbell, Jr.
Regeneration of planted conifers across climatic moisture gradients on the Canadian prairies: implications for distribution and climate change, Edward H. Hogg and A.G. Schwarz
Regeneration of white spruce under aspen canopies: seeding, planting, and site preparation, James D. Stewart, Simon M. Landhausser, Kenneth J. Stadt, and Victor J. Lieffers
Regeneration of woody species following burning and grazing in Aspen Parkland, A.W. Bailey, B.D. Irving, and R.D. Fitzgerald
Regional Hydrology of the Green River-Moab Area, Northwestern Paradox Basin, Utah, United States Geological Survey
Regional Oak Decline Trends Under Periodic Droughts in the Ozark Highlands of Missouri and Arkansas, X. Fan, J. Z. Fan, H. He, M. A. Spetich, S. R. Shifley, and W. K. Moser
Regulation of branch-level gas exchange of boreal trees: roles of shoot water potential and vapor pressure difference, Qing Lai Dang, H.A. Margolis, M.R. Coyea, M. Sy, G.J. Collatz, Q.L. Dang, H.A. Margolis, and M.G. Ryan
Reinforcement and Enhancement of Aspen Strand Panels With Flax Straw, K.W. Domier, P.H. O'Neill, and L. Bach
Reinterpreting the Comedy of Errors: Exploring "Madness" and the Need to Belong, William K. Smith
Relation of plant species to substrate, landscape position, and aspect in north central Massachusetts, G.G. Whitney
Relationship Between in-Vitro Ascospore and Toxic Metabolite Bioassays of Populus-Tremuloides Tissue Culture Plantlets, B.M. Kruger and P.D. Manion
Relationship between tree age and sapwood/heartwood width in Populus tremuloides Michx, K.C. Yang and G. Hazenberg
Relationship Between Types of Prey Captured and Growth Form in Drosera in Southwestern Australia, N.A.M. Verbeek and R. Boasson
Relationship Between Understory in an Aspen-Hardwood Forest in Northern Lower Michigan USA, M.R. Roberts
Relationships among Birds, Willows, and Native Ungulates in and around Northern Yellowstone National Park, Sally Graves Jackson
Relationships Among Isoprene Emission Rate Photosynthesis and Isoprene Synthase Activity as Influenced by Temperature, R.K. Monson, C.H. Jaeger, W.W. Iii Adams, E.M. Driggers, G.M. Silver, and R. Fall
Relationships Between Litter Quality and Nitrogen Availability in Rocky Mountain Forests, Laura M. Stump and Dan Binkley
Relationships between plant phenology in continental western Canada and Pacific Ocean temperatures, E.G. Beaubien and H.J. Freeland
Relationships between roosting habitat of bats and decay of aspen in the sub-boreal forests of British Columbia, Sarah Parsons, Kathy J. Lewis, and Jennifer M. Psyllakis
Relationships Between Soil Chemical Properties and Carbon Mineralization in Three Forest Stands of the Southern Boreal Forest of Quebec, Leandre Cote and D. Pare Greg
Relationships Between Tree Slenderness Coefficients and Tree or Stand Characteristics for Major Species in Boreal Mixedwood Forests, Yue Wang, Stephen J. Titus, and Valeire M. Lemay
Relationships Between Vegetative Structure and Composition and Nest-Site Selection by House Wrens, T.Y. Williams
Relative competitiveness of nine early-successional boreal forest species associated with planted jack pine and black spruce seedlings, F. Wayne Bell, Michael T. Ter Mikaelian, and Robert G. Wagner
Relative impact of interactions within and between trophic levels during an insect outbreak, M. Auerbach
Relative Performance Comparison and Loss Estimation of Seismically Isolated and Fixed-based Buildings Using PBEE Approach, Prayag J. Sayani
Relative Performance of Malacosoma Disstria (Hbn.) On Its Preferred Host Populus Tremuloides Michx. And on a Secondary Host Acer Saccharum Marsh, Francois Lorenzetti, Yves Mauffette, and Eric Bauce
Relative Stocking Index: a Proposed Index of Site Quality, William E. Berguson, David F. Grigal, and Peter C. Bates
Relative Tolerance: A Test of Some Indirect Criteria, Joy N. Parker
Releasing white spruce from trembling aspena yield analysis, R.C. Yang and I.E. Bella
Remedial Action Plan for the Codisposal and Stabilization of the Monument Valley and Mexican Hat Uranium Mill Tailings at Mexican Hat, Utah, Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action Project Office, Albuquerque Operations Office, Department of Energy
Remnant forest stands at a prairie ecotone site: presettlement history and comparison with other maple-basswood stands, J.M. Dyer and P.R. Baird
Remote sensing and the measurement of geographical entities in a forested environment. 2. The optimal spatial resolution, Danielle J. Marceau, Denis J. Gratton, Richard A. Fournier, and Jean Pierre Fortin
Remote Sensing of Net Primary Production in Boreal Forest Stands, Scott J. Goetz and Stephen D. Prince
Remote sensing of photosynthetic-light-use efficiency of boreal forest, C.J. Nichol, K.F. Huemmrich, T.A. Black, P.G. Jarvis, C.L. Walthall, J. Grace, and F.G. Hall
Removal of encroaching conifers to regenerate degraded asepn stands in the Sierra Nevada, Bobette E. Jones, Tom H. Rickman, Alfred Vazquez, Yakako Sado, and Kenneth W. Tate
Renewing decadent aspen stands, Donald A. Perala
Reported Mental Health Issues and Marital Quality: A Statewide Survey, Joseph Ruben Smart
Reproduction and population structure in the European aspen, Tarja Latva-Karjanmaa
Reproduction, Survival and Density of Snowshoe Hares in Northeastern Utah, William R. Clark
Reproductive Attributes of Some Rocky Mountain Subalpine Herbs in Successional Context, David J. Schimpf and Robert L. Bayn Jr.
Research Observation: Chemical repellants to reduce grazing intensity on reclaimed sites, T.J. Osko, R.T. Hardin, and B.A. Young
Research on Aspen Ecology From a Canadian Perspective, S. Landhausser
Residual patches and their contribution to forest-bird diversity on northern Minnesota aspen clearcuts, Samuel B. Merrill, Francesca J. Cuthbert, and Gary Oehlert
Residual tree retention ameliorates short-term effects of clear-cutting on some boreal songbirds, Rebecca Tittler, Susan J. Hannon, and Michael R. Norton
Resistance of wood blocks treated with Lentrek insecticides to aboveground damage by the Formosan subterranean termite, P.E. Laks and J.E. King
Resource Management and Sustainable Use--Ecosystem Management (Coastal-Coral Reefs), B.E. Ornitz
Response of aspen root suckers to regeneration methods and post-harvest protection, Wayne D. Shepperd
Response of Boreal Forest Tree Canopy Cover to Chronic Gamma Irradiation, B.D. Amiro
Response of ecto- and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to clear-cutting and the application of chipped aspen wood in a mixedwood site in Alberta, Canada, S. Visser, D. Maynard, and R.M. Danielson
Response of flakeboard properties to changes in steam injection pressing environments, R.L. Geimer, S.E. Johnson, and F.A. Kamke
Response of immature aspen ecosystems to cutting and burning in relation to vernal leaf flush, M.G. Weber
Response of immature trembling aspen to season and height of cut, F.W. Bell, D.G. Pitt, A.E. Morneault, and S.M. Pickering
Response of Leaf Area Index to Density for Two Contrasting Tree Species, Steven B. Jack and James N. Long
Response of microbial processes and fungal community structure to vegetation management in mixedwood forest soils, A.P.C. Houston, S. Visser, and R.A. Lautenschlager
Response of Plants to Interacting Stresses (ROPIS): program rationale, design, and implications, R. Goldstein and S. Ferson
Response of Populus tremuloides, Populs balsamifera, Betula papyrifera and Picea glauca seedlings to low soil temperature and water logged soil conditions, Simon M. Landhausser, Uldis Silins, Victor J. Lieffers, and Wei Liu
Response of quaking aspen genotypes to enriched CO2: foliar chemistry and tussock moth performance, Richard L. Lindroth, Sarah A. Wood, and Brian J. Kopper
Response of shrub aspen to Yellowstone's 1988 wildfires: implications for 'natural regulation' management, Charles E. Kay, F.H. Wagner, and J.M. Greenlee
Response of soil CO2 and O2 concentrations to forest soil compaction at the Long-term Soil Productivity sites in central British Columbia, T.S.S. Conlin and R. Van Den Driessche
Response of subalpine conifers in the Sierr Nevada, California, U.S.A., to 20th-century warming and Decadal variability, Constance I. Millar, Robert D. Westfall, Diane L. Delany, John C. King, and Lisa L. Graumlich
Responses of boreal plants to high salinity oil sands tailings water, S. Renault, E. Paton, G. Nilsson, J.J. Zwiazek, and M.D. MacKinnon
Responses of deciduous broadleaf trees to defoliation in a CO2 enriched atmosphere, John C. Volin, Eric L. Kruger, and Richard L. Lindroth
Responses of Deciduous Trees to Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide: Productivity, Phytochemistry, and Insect Performance, Richard L. Lindroth, Karl K. Kinney, and Cynthia L. Platz
Responses of deciduous trees to elevated atmospheric CO2: productivity, phytochemistry, and insect performance, R.L. Lindroth, K.K. Kinney, and C.L. Platz
Responses of natural enemies to experimentally increased populations of the forest tent caterpillar, Malacosoma disstria, Dylan Parry, John R. Spence, and W. Jan A. Volney
Responses of Populus Tremuloides Seedlings to Solution Ph and Calcium, Erh Yang Lu and Edward I. Sucoff
Responses of quaking aspen (populus tremuloides) seedlings to solution calcium, Erh Yang Lu and Edward I. Sucoff
Responses of quaking aspen seedlings to solution calcium and aluminum, Erh Yang Lu and Edward I. Sucoff
Responses of the gypsy moth (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) to tremulacin, an aspen phenolic glycoside, R.L. Lindroth and J.D.C. Hemming
Responses of three deciduous tree species to atmospheric CO2 and soil NO3- availability, K.K. Kinney and R.L. Lindroth
Responses of trembling aspen and hazelnut to vapor pressure deficit in a boreal deciduous forest, Edward H. Hogg, B. Saugier, J.Y. Pontailler, T.A. Black, W. Chent, P.A. Hurdle, A. Wu, M.G. Ryan, and P.G. Jarvis
Responses of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) phytochemistry and aspen blotch leafminer (Phyllonorycter tremuloidiella) performance to elevated levels of atmospheric CO2 and O3, B.J. Kopper and R.L. Lindroth
Responses to ectomychrrhizal Populus tremuloides and Betula papyrifera seedlings to salinity, Huang Yi, Monica C. Polanco, Michael D. MacKinnon, and Janusz J. Zwiazek
Responses to green leaf volatiles in two biogeoclimatic zones by striped ambrosia beetle, Trypodendron lineatum, J.H. Borden, L.J. Chong, A. Savoie, and I.M. Wilson
Restoration and Expansion of Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, Brigham City, Utah, Environmental Assessment, Keith S. Hansen and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Refuges and Wildlife
Restoration of Aspen-Dominated Ecosystems in the Lake States, Douglas M. Stone, John D. Elioff, Donald V. Potter, Donald B. Peterson, and Robert Wagner
Restoring landscapes of fear with wolves in the Scottish Highlands, Adrian D. Manning, Iain J. Gordon, and William J. Ripple
Results from the First World-Wide Web Survey, James Pitkow and Mimi Recker
Results of Forest Insect and Disease Surveys in the Northeast Region of Ontario, 1992, W.A. Ingram, H. Brodersen, B.E. Smith, H.J. Evans, and A. Keizer
Results of Forest Insect and Disease Surveys in the Northwest Region of Ontario, 1994, D.C. Constable, W.D. Biggs, A.J. Keizer, and P.M. Bolan
Results of Test Drilling for Ground Water in the Southeastern Uinta Basin, Utah and Colorado, United States Geological Survey
Retention of trees at final harvest - evaluation of a conservation technique using epiphytic bryophyte and lichen transplants, P. Hazell and L. Gustafsson
Retention time and the functional response of beavers, J.M. Fryxell, S.M. Vamosi, R.A. Walton, and C.M. Doucet
Rhizosphere N2 Fixation in a Forest Ecosystem in situ Assays and Evaluation of the Acetylene Reduction Technique on the Utah State University Forest, Inger Borjesson
Riparian Area Management: A Guide to Managing, Restoring, and Conserving Springs in the Western United States, United States Bureau of Land Management
Riparian biological diversity in the Lake Tahoe basin. Final report for the California Tahoe Conservancy and the US Forest Service, P N. Manley and M D. Schlesinger
Riparian Songbird Monitoring in the Eastern Sierra Nevada: results of the 2003 field season and selected 1998 - 2003 summary results, Sacha K. Heath, Leah A. Culp, H.River Gates, Quresh S. Latif, and Christopher M. Tonra
Rise of the mesopredator, Laura R. Prugh, Chantal J. Stoner, Clinton W. Epps, William T. Bean, William J. Ripple, Andrea S. Laliberte, and Justin S. Brashares
Risk assessment in the face of a changing environment: gypsy moth and climate change in Utah, J. A. Logan; J. Régničre; D. R. Gray; and S. A, Munson
River Network Structure: A Template for Understanding Predator-Prey Dynamics and Potential Anthropogenic Impacts, Catherine L. Hein
Rockport Reservoir Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact PRO-06-004, Peter Crookston and U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation
Rocky times in Rocky Mountain National Park: an unnatural history, K. Hess, Jr.
Role of Armillaria calvescens and Glycobius speciosus in a sugar maple decline, E. Bauce and D.C. Allen
Role of Avian Trigeminal Sensory System in Detecting Coniferyl Benzoate a Plant Allelochemical, W.J. Jakubas and J.R. Mason
Role of drought stress in the development of summer patch in field-inoculated Kentucky bluegrass, K.E. Kackley, A.P. Grybauskas, P.H. Dernoeden, and R.L. Hill
Role of Phialemonium curvatum as a potential biological control agent against a blue stain fungus on aspen, Y. Hiratsuka and P. Chakravarty
Role of Sporormiella similis as a potential bioprotectant of Populus tremuloides wood against the blue-stain fungus Ophiostoma piliferum, P. Chakravarty, L. Trifonov, L.J. Hutchison, T. Hiratsuka, and W.A. Ayer
Role of vegetation and weather on fire behavior in the Canadian mixedwood boreal forest using two fire behavior prediction systems, C. Hely, M. Flannigan, Y. Bergeron, and D. McRae
Roost site selection and roosting ecology of forest dwelling bats in southern British Columbia, M.J. Vonhof and R.M.R. Barclay
Root ammonium transport efficiency as a determinant in forest colonization patterns: an hypothesis, H.J. Krozucker, M.Y. Siddiqi, A.M.D. Glass, and D.T. Britto
Root biomass of regenerating aspen (Populus tremuloides) stands of different densities in Alberta, Annie DesRochers and Victor J. Lieffers
Root dynamics and spatial pattern in prairie and forest, M. Paertel and S.D. Wilson
Root growth and physiology of potted and field-grown trembling aspen exposed to trophospheric ozone, M.D. Coleman, R.E. Dickson, J.G. Isebrands, and D.F. Karnosky
Root mass, net primary production and turnover in aspen, jack pine and black spruce forests in Saskatchewan and Manitoba, Canada, Sarah J. Steele, Stith T. Gower, Jason G. Vogel, and John M. Norman
Root water flow and growth of aspen (Populus tremuloides) at low root temperatures, X. Wan, S.M. Landhausser, J.J. Zwiazek, and V.J. Lieffers
Root water flow and leaf stomatal conductance in aspen (Populus tremuloides) seedlings treated with abscisic acid, Xian Chong Wan, J.J. Zwiazek, and X.C. Wan
Ruby Canyon/Black Ridge Guidebook for Natural Ignition Fire Planning and Implementation, United States Bureau of Land Management
Ruby Canyon/Black Ridge Integrated Resource Management Plan, United States Bureau of Land Management
Ruby Canyon/Black Ridge Integrated Resource Management Plan, Record of Decision and Finding of No Significant Impact, United States Bureau of Land Management
Ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus) drumming log and habitat use in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, Matt L. Buhler and Stanley H. Anderson
Ruffed Grouse Tolerance and Biotransformation of the Plant Secondary Metabolite Coniferyl Benzoate, Walter J. Jakubas, William H. Karasov, and Christopher G. Guglielmo
Ruffed Grouse Use of Conifer Plantations, Gordon W. Gullion
Rust and Beetle Interactions in Pinus albicaulis Ecosystems, Nancy Bockino and Daniel B. Tinker
Safety-Focused Altruism: Valuing the Lives of Others, Kevin Lee Brady
Safety testing of tebufenozide, a new molt-inducing insecticide, for effects on nontarget forest soil invertebrates, J.A. Addison
Salicaceae: willow family. 1. Populus, J.E. Eckenwalder
Sampling Frequencies Ratio Estimation and Symbol Timing Recovery for Baseband Binary Pulse Amplitude Modulation, Ana A. Paniagua Rodriguez
San Juan Resource Management Plan, Proposed Resource Management Plan, Final Environmental Impact Statement, Volume 1, United States Bureau of Land Management
San Juan Resource Management Plan, Proposed Resource Management Plan, Final Environmental Impact Statement, Volume 2, United States Bureau of Land Management
Sap flow in trembling aspen: implications for stomatal responses to vapor pressure deficit. Biosphere-atmosphere interactions in the boreal forest, Edward H. Hogg, P.A. Hurdle, H.A. Margolis, and M.G. Ryan
Sap flux of co-occurring species in a western subalpine forest during seasonal soil drought, D.E. Pataki, R. Oren, and W.K. Smith
Saproxylic beetles on aspen in commercial forests: a simulation approach to species richness, M. Kolstrom and J. Lumatjarvi
Sapwood Area of Pinus contorta Stands as a Function of Mean Size and Density, J N. Long
Scale-dependent habitat selection by American Redstarts in aspen-dominated forest fragments, Navjot S. Sodhi, Cynthia A. Paszkowski, and Shannon Keehn
Scale-dependent habitat selection by mountain caribou, Columbia Mountains, British Columbia, C.D. Apps, B.N. McLellan, T.A. Kinley, and J.P. Flaa
Scale perspectives on avian diversity in western riparian landscapes, F.L. Knopf and F.B. Samson
Scales of heterogeneity in prairie and forest, H.R. Kleb and S.D. Wilson
Scale Specific Management Legacies in Patterns of Spruce Budworm Host Species in the Border Lakes Region, P. James, B. R. Sturtevant, P. A. Townsend, and M-J. Fortin
Scaling isoprene fluxes from leaves to canopies: test cases over a boreal aspen and a mixed species temperate forest, D.D. Baldocchi, J.D. Fuentes, D.R. Bowling, A.A. Turnipseed, R.K. Monson, J.D. Fuentes, and B. Lamb
Scaling ozone responses of forest trees to the ecosystem level in a changing climate, D.F. Karnosky, K.S. Pregitzer, D.R. Zar, M.E. Kubiske, G.R. Hendrey, D. Weinstein, M. Nosal, and K.E. Percy
Scenario authoring and customization video - HEAT, Interdisciplinary Media Research Consortium, Brett E. Shelton, and Jeff Maxfield
Science Plan for Potential 2008 Experimental high Flow at Glen Canyon Dam, Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center
Scoping Comment Summary Report for the Vegetation Treatments Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement, United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management
Scoping Report for the Glen Canyon Dam Long-term Experimental Plan Environmental Impact Statement, U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation
Screening methods for poplar resistance to hypoxylon canke, Marie Josee Mottet
Seasonal and Diurnal Variability of Leaf Level Assimilation and Conductance in Populus Tremuloides in Central Saskatchewan, Brian D. Bovard, Joe H. Sullivan, Elizabeth M. Middleton, and Boyd R. Strain
Seasonal changes in carbohydrate storage and regrowth in rhizomes and stems of four boreal forest shrubs: applications in Picea glauca understorey regeneration, S.M. Landhausser and V.J. Lieffers
Seasonal changes in relative C-band backscatter of northern forest cover types, F.J. Ahern, D.J. Leckie, and J.A. Drieman
Seasonal distribution of Anthocoris spp. and Deraeocoris brevis (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae, Miridae) in orchard and non-orchard habitats of central Washington, D.R. Horton and T.M. Lewis
Seasonal dynamics of aspen stem radial increment, Yu. A. Tamm and Kh. Kh. Tullus
Seasonal Dynamics of the Bat Stomach Worm, Longibucca Lasiura (Nematoda: Rhabditoidea), in Alberta, Lena N. Measures
Seasonal Expression of a Lignin Specific O Methyltransferase Cloned From Aspen Developing Secondary Xylem, W.H. Campbell, R.C. Bugos, and V.L.C. Chiang
Seasonal Expression of a Lignin Specific O Methyltransferase Cloned From Aspen Developing Xylem, R.C. Bugos, V.L.C. Chiang, and W.H. Campbell
Seasonal Outlook: An Examination of How the Foundations of Attachment to Community Differ between Seasonal and Year-Round Residents in High Amenity Areas, Brain M. Jennings
Seasonal Patterns of Browsing by Moose Alces-Alces in Isle Royale National Park Michigan USA, R.A. Moen, J. Pastor, and Y. Cohen
Seasonal patterns of light transmission through boreal mixedwood canopies, A.J. Constabel and V.J. Lieffers
Seasonal photosynthetic responses to light and temperature in white spruce (Picea glauca) seedlings planted under an aspen (Populus tremuloides) canopy and in the open, Rongzhou Man and Victor J. Lieffers
Seasonal spatial variations in soil nitrogen and phosphorus supply rates in a boreal aspen forest, W.Z. Huang and J.J. Schoenau
Seasonal Utilization of Sago Pondweed by Waterfowl at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, Utah, Michael R. Sterling
Seasonal variability in foliar characteristics and physiology for boreal forest species at the five Saskatchewan tower sites during the 1994 Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study, E.M. Middleton, J.H. Sullivan, B.D. Bovard, A.J. Deluca, S.S. Chan, and T.A. Cannon
Seasonal Variation in Surface-Subsurface Water Exchange and Lateral Hyporheic Area of Two Stream-Aquifer Systems, G.J. Wroblicky, M.E. Campana, H.M. Valett, and C.N. Dahm
Seasonal variations in isoprene emissions from a boreal aspen forest, J.D. Fuentes, D. Wang, L. Gu, D.D. Baldocchi, and B. Lamb
Seasonal variations of photosynthetic capacities of white spruce (Picea glauca) and jack pine (Pinus banksiana) saplings, Rongahou Man and Victor J. Lieffers
Secondary Forest Succession in New Hampshire USA, W.B. Leak
Secondary metabolites of the aspen fungus Stachybotrys cylindrospora, W.A. Ayer and S. Miao
Secondary plant compounds in seedling and mature aspen (Populus tremuloides) in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, Eleanor A. Erwin, Monica G. Turner, Richard L. Lindroth, and William H. Romme
Secondary use of aspen cavities by tree-roosting big brown bats, M.C. Kalcounis and R.M. Brigham
Sediment Movement in Bear River, Utah, Calvin Geary Clyde
Sediment Transport Impacts Upon Culvert Hydraulics, Wade H. Goodridge
Seed Banks of Sagebrush Communities Seeded with Crested Wheatgrass, Kevin L. Gunnell
Seed dispersal of white spruce in mature aspen stands, J.D. Stewart, E.H. Hogg, P.A. Hurdle, K.J. Stadt, P. Tollestrup, and V.J. Lieffers
Seedling Regeneration Following Mountain Pine Beetle Infestation And Forest Harvesting, B. Collins, C. C. Rhoades, R. M. Hubbard, K. Elder, and J. L. Underhill
Seedling response of two trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) families to infection by Hypoxylon mammatum, S. Enebak, B. Li, and M.E. Ostry
Seedlings of five boreal tree species differ in acclimation of net photosynthesis to elevated CO2 and temperature, M.G. Tjoelker, J. Oleksyn, and P.B. Reich
Seed Release in Lodgepole Pine Forests After Mountain Pine Beetle Outbreak, Francios Teste, Vic J. Lieffers, and Simon M. Landhausser
Seedskadee Project: Remote sensing in non-site archeology., U.S. National Park Service
Seepage Evaluations in Cache Valley Irrigation Canals, Katerine N. Molina
Seepage Study of the Sevier River and the Central Utah, McIntyre, and Leamington Canals, Juab and Millard Counties, Utah, United States Geological Survey
Selected Biological Characteristics of Streams in the Southeastern Uinta Basin, Utah and Colorado, United States Geological Survey
Selected Hydrologic Data for Sand Cove Wash, Washington County, Utah, Aaron Norton and David D. Susong
Selected Hydrologic Data for the Central Virgin River Basin Area, Washington and Iron Counties, Utah 1915-97, United States Geological Survey
Selected properties of hybrid poplar clear wood and composite panels, J.J. Peters, D.A. Bender, M.P. Wolcott, and J.D. Johnson
Selection of Marker-Free Transgenic Plants Using the Isopentenyl Transferase Gene, Hiroyasu Ebinuma, Koichi Sugita, Etsuko Matsunaga, and Mikiko Yamakado
Selection of Microhabitat by the Red-Backed Vole, Clethrionomys gapperi, Alice P. Wywialowski and Graham W. Smith
Selection of Roosting and Foraging Habitat by Bats in Different-Aged Aspen Mixedwood Stands, Lisa H. Crampton and Robert Barclay
Selection of roosting and foraging habitat by bats in different-aged aspen mixedwood stands, L.H. Crampton and R.M.R. Barclay
Selective Extinction and Speciation: Their Influence on the Structure and Functioning of Communities and Ecosystems, C W. Fowler
Selectivity by moose vs the spatial distribution of aspen: a natural experiment, Lars Edenius, Göran Ericsson, and Peter Näslund
Selenium Poisoning of Wildlife and Western Agriculture: Cause and Effect, N. E. Korte
Semi-natural and intensive silvicultural systems for the boreal mixedwood forest, V.J. Lieffers, R.B. Macmillan, D. MacPherson, K. Branter, and J.D. Stewart
Sensitivity of Populus tremuloides to toxic metabolites of Hypoxylon mammatum and susceptibility to H. mammatum infection, B.M. Kruger and P.D. Manion
Separation and characterization of steroids in biomass vacuum pyrolysis oils, H. Pakdel and C. Roy
Separation of Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether-Ethanol by Combined Pervaporation and Distillation, G.S. Luo, M. Niang, and P. Schaetzel
Serials Standards: Envisioning a Solution to the Online Serials Management Mess, Jennifer Duncan
Seven-Year Results of Testing Paper Mill Residual Sludge as a Soil Ameliorant of Iron Mine Tailings, M. Bridgen
Shoot and root development and dry matter partitioning in Populus grandidentata, P. tremuloides, and P. X smithii, G.L. Reighard and J.W. Hanover
Short Rotation Plantations of Aspen and Balsam Poplar on Former Arable Land in Germany: Defoliating Insects and Leaf Constituents, A. Gruppe, M. Fusseder, and R. Schopf
Short-rotation plantations of balsam poplars, aspen and willows on former arable land in the Federal Republic of Germany. I. Site-growth relationships, C. Hofmann-Schielle, A. Jug, F. Makeschin, and K.E. Rehfuess
Short-term flooding effects on root suckering of quaking aspen, P.C. Bates, E. Sucoff, and C.R. Blinn
Short-term response of wildlife to clear-cutting in Quebec boreal forest: multiscale effects and management implications, F. Potvin, R. Courtois, and L. Belanger
Shrub age structure in northern Minnesota aspen stands, E. Kuuseoks, J. Dong, and D. Reed
Silvicultural and harvesting options to favor immature white spruce and aspen regeneration in boreal mixedwoods, S. Navratil, L.G. Brace, E.A. Sauder, and S. Lux
Silvicultural Systems for Biomass Production in Canada, Gordon F. Weetman
Silvicultural Systems for Maintenance of Structure in a Forest Landscape, J D. Shaw
Silviculture and management of aspen in Canada: the western Canada scene, S. Navratil, I.E. Bella, and E.B. Peterson
Silviculture in special places: proceedings of the 2003 National Silviculture Workshop, Wayne D. Shepperd and Lane G. Eskew
Similarities Between Sethian Baptism and the Bridal Chamber of Thomas Gnosticism and Valentinianism, Darren Iammarino
Simulated dry matter yields for aspen and spruce stands in the North American boreal forest, E.R. Hunt and S.W. Running
Simulated Effects of Wind and Harvesting on Detritus, Soil Organic Carbon, and Species Composition in Northern Wisconsin, R. Scheller, D. Hua, P. V. Bolstad, R. A. Birdsey, and D. J. Mladenoff
Simulating Forest Productivity and Surface-Atmosphere Carbon Exchange in the Boreas Study Region, J.S. Kimball, P.E. Thornton, M.A. White, and S.W. Running
Simulating the effects of climate change on the carbon balance of North American high-latitude forests, A.R. Keyser, J.S. Kimball, R.R. Nemani, and S.W. Running
Simulating the growth response of aspen to elevated ozone: A mechanistic approach to scaling a leaf-level model of ozone effects on photosynthesis to a complex canopy architecture, M.J. Martin, G.E. Host, K.E. Lenz, and J.G. Isebrands
Simulation environment video - HEAT, Interdisciplinary Media Research Consortium, Brett E. Shelton, and Jeff Maxfield
Simulation, Kringing, and Visualization of Circular-Spatial Data, William James Morphet
Simulation of 1-Year-Old Populus Tremuloides Response to Ozone Stress at Ithaca, Usa, and Suwon, Republic of Korea, Sung Chul Yun, E.W. Park, and J.A. Laurence
Simulation of ethanol production processes based on enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic materials using ASPEN PLUS, M. Galbe and G. Zacchi
Simulation of interannual responses of trembling aspen stands to climatic variation and insect defoliation in western Canada, Edward H. Hogg
Simulation of Stream Groundwater Exchange and Near Stream Flow Paths of Two First Order Mountain Streams Using Modflow, G.J. Wroblicky, M.E. Campana, C.N. Dahm, H.M. Valett, J.A. Morrice, K.S. Henry, and M.A. Baker
Simultaneous saccharification and extractive fermentation for acetone/butanol production from pretreated hardwood, M.M. Shah and Y.Y. Lee
Site index adjustments for old-growth stands based on veteran trees, G.D. Nigh
Site index conversion equations for mixed trembling aspen and white spruce stands in northern British Columbia, Gordon Nigh
Site index, site quality, and foliar nutrients of trembling aspen: Relationships and predictions, H.Y.H. Chen
Site preparation, fertilization, and 10-year yields of hybrid poplar on a clearcut forest site in eastern Maine, USA, M.M. Czapowskyj and L.O. Safford
Sixty years of change in tree numbers and basal area in Central Utah aspen stands, Walter F. Mueggler
Sixty Years of Change in Tree Numbers and Basal Area in Central Utah Aspen Stands, U. S. Forest Service
Sixty years of management and natural disturbance in a New England forested landscape, W.B. Leak and M.L. Smith
Small isolated aspen stands enrich bird communities in southwestern ponderosa pine forests, Kerry L. Giffis-Kyle and Paul Beler
Snag Structure and Composition in Managed and Unmanaged Hardwood Forests, Frederik Doyon, Josee Deslandes, Jean Francois Giroux, Daniel Gagnon, and Jean Pierre Savard
Snow ablation modelling in a mature aspen stand of the boreal forest, J.P. Hardy, R.E. Davis, R. Jordan, W. Ni, C.E. Woodcock, M.R. Albert, T.D. Prowse, and S. Taylor
Snow damage in young Aspen, D.M. Stone
Snow distribution and heat flow in the taiga, M. Sturm
Snowmelt Hydrology of Two Subarctic Slopes, Southern Yukon, Canada, S.K. Carey and Ming-ko Woo
Snowshoe Hare Cover Relationships in Northern Utah, M L. Wolfe
Social Acceptability of Conifer Control and Sagebrush Restoration in the Northern Rocky Mountain Region, Cameron G. Nay
Social Cognitive Predictors of College Students' Fruit and Vegetable Intake, Denice C. Ahlstrom
Sodium Balance in Ruffed Grouse as Influenced by Sodium Levels and Plant Secondary Metabolites in Quaking Aspen, Walter J. Jakubas, Christopher G. Guglielmo, Conrad Vispo, and William H. Karasov
Soil and vegetation response to soil compaction and forest floor removal after aspen harvesting, David H. Alban, G.E. Host, J.D. Elioff, and D. Shadis
Soil Biological Activity in Recent Clearcuts in West-Central Alberta, N.A. Starsev, D.H. McNabb, and A.D. Startsev
Soil Biological Properties of a Montane Forest Sere: Corroboration of Odum's Postulates, J Skujins and B Klubek
Soil Burrowing and Mixing by a Crayfish, E.L. Stone
Soil carbon and nitrogen in a pine-oak sand plain in central Massachusetts: Role of vegetation and land-use history, Jana E. Campton, Richard D. Boone, Glenn Motzkin, and David R. Foster
Soil characteristics and plant exotic species invasions in the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Utah, USA, M. Bashkin, T.J. Stohlgren, Y. Otsuki, M. Lee, P. Evangelista, and J. Belnap
Soil depth distribution of ecto- and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with Populus tremuloides within a 3-year-old boreal forest clear-cut, J. Neville, J.L. Tessier, I. Morrison, J. Scarratt, B. Canning, and J.N. Klironomos
Soil Exploitation Strategies of Fine Roots in Different Tree Species of the Southern Boreal Forest of Eastern Canada, Jurgen Bauhus and Christian Messier
Soil exploitation strategies of fine roots in different tree species of the southern boreal forest of eastern Canada, J. Bauhus and C. Messier
Soil fungal-arthropod responses to Populus tremuloides grown under enriched atmospheric CO2 under field conditions, J.N. Klironomos, M.C. Rillig, M.F. Allen, D.R. Zak, M. Kubiske, and K.S. Pregitzer
Soil, groundwater, and plant resources in sludge-treated bigtooth aspen sapling ecosystems, James B. Hart and Phu V. Nguyen
Soil Microbial Community Response to Silvicultural Intervention in Coniferous Plantation Ecosystems, Rauni Ohtonen, Alison Munson, and David Brand
Soil Microclimate and Chemistry of Spruce–Fir Tree Islands in Northern Utah, Helga Van Miegroet, Molly T. Hysell, and Amber Denton Johnson
Soil Moisture Depletion, Actual and Potential Evapotransipration in an Engelmann Spruce-Subalpine Fir Forest, Frank D. Eaton
Soil moisture storage in mature and replanted sub-humid boreal forest stands, J.A. Elliott, B.M. Toth, R.J. Granger, and J.W. Pomeroy
Soil nematodes indicate food web responses to elevated atmospheric CO
Soil nitrogen cycling under elevated CO2: a synthesis of forest face experiments, Donald R. Zak, William E. Holmes, Adrien C. Finzi, Richard J. Norby, and William H. Schlesinger
Soil nutrient and vegetation response to patch clear-cutting of an aspen forest near Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan, D.G. Maynard and D.A. MacIsaac
Soil nutrient availability and relationships with aboveground biomass production on postharvested upland white spruce sites in interior Alaska, David Pare and Keith Van Cleve
Soil Nutrition and Temperature as Drivers of Root Suckering in Trembling Aspen, Erin C. Fraser, Victor J. Lieffers, Simon M. Landhausser, and Brent R. Frey
Soil, pH and N availability effects on net nitrification in the forest floors of a range of boreal forest stands, Marie Catherine Ste and David Pare
Soil properties and aspen development five years after compaction and forest floor removal, D.M. Stone and J.D. Elioff
Soil properties associated with aspen to conifer succession, D.L. Bartos and M.C. Amacher
Soil Respiration Following Site Preparation Treatments in Boreal Mixedwood Forest, D. Hu and A.U. Mallik
Soil respiration of five aspen stands in northern lower Michigan, T.W. Jurik, G.M. Briggs, and D.M. Gates
Soil site relations for trembling aspen in Northwest Ontario, Willard H. Carmean and Janjun Li
Soil Temperatures During Fires in Florida Sand Pine Scrub, M. Carrington
Soil Water Depletion Following Clearcutting Small Plots in a Spruce-Fir Forest in Northern Utah, David A. Lomas
Solar Radiation Under Thinned and Unthinned Lodgepole Pine Stands on the Utah State University School Forest, Belden B. Durtschi
Somaclonal Variation in Plants Regenerated From Callus Culture of Hybrid Aspen (Populus Alba L. X Populus Grandidentata Michx.), Sung Ho Son, Heung Kyu Moon, and Richard B. Hall
So Many Committees, So Little Time, Piper Fogg
Somatic mobility of the maize element Ac and its utility for gene tagging in aspen, Kumar Sandeep, M. Fladung, and S. Kumar
Some Aspects of Succession in the Spruce-Fir Forest Zone of Northern Utah, David J. Schimpf, Jan A. Henderson, and James A. MacMahon
Some Economic Impacts of the 1988 Fires in the Yellowstone Area, U.S. Forest Service
Some effects of the chemical and physical characteristics of powdered phenol-formaldehyde resins on their adhesive performance, S. Ellis and P. Steiner
Some Implications of Changing Natural Resource Use on Leadership Structure and as a Source of Conflict in the Bear Lake Area of Utah and Idaho, William C. Dunaway
Some Wood-Inhabiting Yeasts of Trembling Aspen and Their Interactions With Wood-Decaying Members of the Basidiomycota, L.J. Hutchison and G.L. Barron
Some wood inhabiting yeasts of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) from Alberta and northeastern British Columbia, L.J. Hutchison and Y. Hiratska
Songbird Communities in a Pyrogenic Habitat Mosaic, Smith Kari Stuart, Ian T. Adams, and Karl W. Larsen
Songbird Response to Partial Cut Logging in the Boreal Mixed Wood Forest, Michael R. Norton and Susan J. Hannon
Sonication Assisted Synthesis of Oligomannosides, Christabel Tomla Tanifum
Sorting aspen chips with a Simco/Ramic chip sorter, D. Araki
Source footprint considerations in the determination of volatile organic compound fluxes from forest canopies, S.K. Kaharabata, P.H. Schuepp, J.D. Fuentes, D.D. Baldocchi, and B. Lamb
Source Reduction From Chemical Plants Using on Line Optimization, Zejun Zhang, Ralf W. Pike, and Thomas A. Hertwig
Source Rocks and Sediments in Drainage Area of North Eden Creek, Bear Lake Plateau, Utah-Idaho, Larry W. McClurg
Sources and Source Processes of Organic Nitrogen Aerosols in the Atmosphere, Mark E. Erupe
Sour felling in Alberta: longer-term study, P.D. Forrester
Southeastern Utah Nuclear Waste Transportation Study, Bechtel Group Inc.
Space use by beavers in relation to resource abundance, J.M. Fryxell
Spacing and thinning in aspen and mixedwood: some thoughts, theories and observations, D.H. Weingarner
Spatial and temporal patterns of seedling and sapling recruitment within canopy gaps caused by spruce budworm, D.D. Kneeshaw and Y. Bergeron
Spatial and temporal patterns of sulfur and nitrogen in wood of trees across the north central United States, L.F. Ohmann and D.F. Grigal
Spatial and temporal variability of CO2 concentration and flux in a boreal aspen forest, P.C. Yang, T.A. Black, H.H. Neumann, M.D. Novak, and P.D. Blanken
Spatial and Temporal Variation in Methane Distribution at the Ground Water/Surface Water Interface in Headwater Catchments, M.A. Baker, C.N. Dahm, H.M. Valett, J.A. Morrice, K.S. Henry, M.E. Campana, and G.J. Wroblicky
Spatial and temporal variation of fire regimes in a mixed conifer forest landscape, Southern Cascades, California, USA, Matthew R. Beaty and Alan H. Taylor
Spatial and temporal variations in boreal forest fire frequency in northern Alberta, C.P.S. Larsen
Spatial distribution of late-successional coniferous species regeneration following disturbance in southwestern Quebec boreal forest, H. Asselin, M.J. Fortin, and Y. Bergerson
Spatial heterogeneity of albedo over a snow-covered agricultural landscape, K.E. Kunkel, S.A. Isard, S.E. Hollinger, B. Gleason, and M. Belding
Spatial pattern of cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter-luciferase expression in transgenic hybrid aspen trees monitored by enzymatic assay and non-destructive imaging, O. Nilsson, T. Alden, F. Sitbon, C.H.A. Little, V. Chalupa, G. Sandberg, and O. Olsson
Spatial Patterns in Forest Understories: Relationships to Overstory Thinning Intensity and Understory Plant Diversity, Paul Satterthwaite, Lisa M. Ganio, and Klaus J. Puettmann
Spatial patterns of atmospheric pollen dispersal in the Colorado Rocky Mountains, USA, P.L. Fall
Spatial Patterns of Canopy Mortality in Riparian Areas and Uplands Following a Large Wildfire in Oregon, T. Spies, J. T. Thompson, K. A. Olsen, G. R. Reeves, and K. Christiansen
Spatial Patterns of Primary Productivity in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, A.J. Hansen, J.J. Rotella, M.P.V. Kraska, and D. Brown
Spatial variability in the nutrient composition of Populus tremuloides: clone-to-clone differences and implications for cervids, D.E. Jelinski and L.J. Fisher
Spatial variation in chemical properties of forest floor and surface mineral soil in the North Central United States, D.F. Grigal, R.E. McRoberts, and L.F. Ohmann
Spatial Variation in Forest Age Structure and its Association with Topography in the Central Western Cascades Of Oregon, A. Tepley, F. J. Swanson, and T. A. Spies
Speciation, Species Concepts, and Biogeography Illustrated by a Buckwheat Complex (Eriogonum corymbosum), Mark W. Ellis
Species and Stand Dynamics in the Mixed Woods of Quebec's Southern Boreal Forest, Yves Bergeron
Species, diversity, and density affect tree seedling mortality from Armillaria root rot, J.P. Gerlach, P.B. Reich, K. Puettman, and T. Baker
Species-environment relationships and vegetation patterns: effects of spatial scale and tree life-stage, T.J. Stohlgren, R.R. Bachand, Y. Onami, and D. Binkley
Species responses of carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) during post-fire regeneration of boreal forest, N.J. Holliday
Species Variability in Growth Response to Light Across Climatic Regions in Northwestern British Columbia, Elaine F. Wright, K. Dave Coates, Charles D. Canham, and Paula Bertemucci
Specificity of Tannin Binding Salivary Proteins Relative to Diet Selection by Mammals, Anne E. Herman and Charles T. Robbins
Spodosol development as affected by geomorphic aspect, Baraga County, Michigan, R.V. Hunckler and R.J. Schaetzl
Spotgun-applied hexazinone: release of red pine (Pinus resinosa) from quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) competition and residue persistence in soil, R. Prasad and J.C. Feng
Spring fires in a semimature trembling aspen stand in central Alberta, D. Quintilo, M.E. Alexander, and R.L. Ponto
Spring phenology trends in Alberta, Canada: Links to ocean temperature, E.G. Beaubien and H.J. Freeland
Spruce beetles and fires in the nineteenth-century subalpine forests of western Colorado, USA, W.L. Baker and T.T. Veblen
Stability-Energy Relationships and Their Application to Aggregation Studies, L.G. Fuller and Tee Boon Goh
Stability of acetylated wood to environmental changes, R.M. Rowell, R.S. Lichtenberg, and P. Larsson
Stability of acetyl groups in acetylated wood to changes in pH, temperature, and moisture, R.M. Rowell, R.S. Lichtenberg, and P. Larsson
Stability of Basin-Scale Internal Waves Within the South Arm of the Great Salt Lake, Joshua David Soelberg
Stand Density in South Florida Tropical Forests: Implications for the Function and Management of Everglades Tree Islands, M. Ross, P. L. Ruiz, J. P. Sah, L. Lopez, and N. Colbert
Stand Development and Overstory-Understory Interactions in an Aspen-Northern Hardwoods Stand, Mark R. Roberts
Stand Development in Aspen Clones, Marianne E. Krasny and Elizabeth A. Johnson
Stand development in aspen clones, M.E. Krasny and E.A. Johnson
Stand dynamics of the spruce-fir forest in east-central Arizona., P. Moran Palma and J.P. McTague
Standing-Dead Tree Component of the Boreal Forest in Central Saskatchewan, G.E. Grief and O.W. Archibold
Stand, Species, and Tree Dynamics of an Uneven Aged, Mixed Conifer Forest Type, John P. Mctague and William F. Stansfield
Stand Structure in Evenaged Northern Hardwoods: Development and Silvicultural Implications, William B. Leak
Starvation resistance of gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar (L.) (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae): Tradeoffs among growth, body size, and survival, B.A. Stockhoff
Statistical and spatial properties of forest clutter measured with polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (SAR), D.R. Sheen and L.P. Johnston
Statistical Considerations in Rangeland Monitoring, United States Bureau of Land Management
Statistical error analysis for biomass density and leaf area index estimation, K.D. Wood, A.H. Feiveson, and D.B. Botkin
Status and Slaughter: The Psyco-social Factors that Influence Public Mass Murder, Stephen G. Van Geem
Status, Biology, and Management of Ferruginous Hawks: A Review, United States Bureau of Land Management
Status of White-Tailed and Gunison's Prairie Dogs, Craig Knowles
Steady-State Nutrition of Soil Grown Trembling Aspen Clones and the Potential for Gaseous Pollutant Experiments, Mark D. Colman, Richard E. Dickson, and Jud G. Isebrands
Steam explosion pulping of aspen, B.V. Kokta
Steam explosion pulping of kenaf: a preliminary study on pulp characteristics and a comparison with simulated CMP and CTMP of kenaf, B.V. Kokta, A. Ahmed, and B. Esdale
Steam Pretreatment and Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Several Wood Species, L. Ramos and J.N. Saddler
Steens Mountain Aspen Assessment and Monitoring Final Report: submitted to Bureau of Land Management, Burns District Office and Steens-Alvord Coalition, Nick Otting and Danna Lytjen
Stem Mechanics as a Theoretical Basis for the Self-Thinning Rule, Thomas J. Dean
stimating Populus-Tremuloides Root Biomass Using Planar Intercept, D.G. Despain and R.A. Renkin
Stimulation of aspen establishment on unreclaimed coal spoils in Pennsylvania, R.S. Hedin, E.R. Hedin, and D.H. Graves
Stimulation of aspen establishment on unreclaimed mine spoils, R.S. Hedin, E.R. Hedin, J. Skousen, J. Sencindiver, and D. Samuel
STIM user's manual (for trembling aspen) version 3.0, R.J. De Jong, A.A. Zumrawi, P. Boudewyn, and J.W. Flewelling
Stockability, growth, and yield of the circumboreal aspens (Populus tremuloides Michx., P. tremula L.), Donald A. Perala, R.A. Leary, and C.J. Cieszewski
Stomatal and Non-Stomatal Limitation to Photosynthesis in Two Trembling Aspen (Populus Tremuloides Michx.) Clones Exposed to Elevated Co2 and/or O3, A. Noormets, A. Sober, E.J. Pell, R.E. Dickson, G.K. Podila, J. Sober, J.G. Isebrands, and D.F. Karnosky
Stomatal conductance in a northern temperate deciduous forest: temporal and spatial patterns, A. Iacobelli and J.H. McCaughey
Stomatal response to certain environmental factors: a comparison of models for subalpine trees in the Rocky Mountains, W.J. Massman and M.R. Kaufmann
Stomatal Versus Mesophyll Control of Instantaneous Photosynthesis in Trembling Aspen Exposed to Elevated Co2 and/or O3, Asko Noormets, David F. Karnosky, Jud G. Isebrands, and Gopi K. Podila
Storytelling Through Brushstrokes: Minerva Teichert's Visualization of the Mormon Pioneer Experience and Messages to Her Audience, Amy L. Williamson
Strategic Management Plan for Columbian Sharp-Tailed Grouse 2002, State of Utah, Department of Natural Resoures, Division of Wildlife Resources
Stratification, Germination and Early Development of Engelmann Spruce on Various Substrates, Garhard Glatzel
Stratification of Habitats for Identifying Habitat Selection by Merriam's Turkeys, Mark A. Rumble and Stanley H. Anderson
Strawberry Valley Assessment, A Cooperative Project Between the Mitigation Commission & the U.S. Forest Service, Mitigation Commission and U.S. Forest Service
Streamflow Forecasting for the Logan and Blacksmith Fork Rivers in Northern Utah, Kenneth A. Mangelson
Streamflow Forecast of Bear River at Harer, Idaho, J. M. Crook
Stream Nutrient Responses to Forest Harvest and Disturbance: Lessons From Long-Term Research at USFS Experimental Forests, S. L. Johnson, M. B. Adams, D. M. Amatya, S. W. Bailey, C. C. Rhoades, J. B. Jones, J. D. Knoepp, W. McCaughey, W. H. McDowell, K. J. McGuire, S. D. Sebestyen, and P. M. Wohlgemuth
Streamwater Nitrogen Dynamics During a Bark Beetle Infestation of Subalpine Watersheds, Fraser Experimental Forest, CO, C. C. Rhoades, M. Dixon, K. Elder, and R. M. Hubbard
Stress Levels and Sources of Occupational Stress Among Psi Ch Faculty Advisors, Tristan Q. Nelson
Stress responses in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). X. Molecular cloning and expression of S-adenosyl-L-methionine:caffeic acid 3-O-methyltransferase, a key enzyme of lignin biosynthesis, G. Gowri, R.C. Bugos, W.H. Campbell, C.A. Maxwell, and R.A. Dixon
Strides Towards Better Application Security, Sathyaraj Balasubramanian
Structural analysis of acid-catalyzed organosolv lignins by a combination of nucleus exchange reaction and nitrobenzene oxidation, M. Funaoka, V.L. Chang, and H.L. Chum
Structural and Compositional Resilience in Second-Growth Relative to Primary Northern Hardwood Stands, E. Zenner, J. I. Burton, and L. E. Frelich
Structural and kinetic basis for substrate selectivity in Populus tremuloides sinapyl alcohol dehydrogenase, E K. Bomati and J P. Noel
Structural changes of hardwood lignin polysaccharide complex upon steaming, A. Ebringerova, B. Kosikova, and M. Kacurakova
Structural flakeboards from aspen-red maple mixtures, S.E. Girschner and D.D. Stokke
Structural lumber from aspen: using the saw-dry-rip (SDR) process, Robert R. Maeglin
Structural lumber properties of hybrid poplar, D.E. Kretschmann, J.G. Isebrands, G. Stanosz, J.R. Dramm, A. Olstad, D. Cole, and J. Samsel0
Structural Shifts in Agricultural Markets Caused by Government Mandates: Ethanol and the Renewable Fuels Standard, John C. Olson
Structure activity relationships of some congeners of 4 phenyl 3 butenoic acid against aspen decay and stain fungi, L.S. Trifonov W.A., W.A. Ayer, P. Chakravarty, and Y. Hiratsuka
Structure analysis and classification of boreal forests using airborne hyperspectral BRDF data from ASAS, S. Sandmeier and D.W. Deering
Structure and Composition of Edges Next to Regenerating Clear-Cuts in Mixed-Wood Boreal Forest, Karen A. Harper and S. Ellen MacDonald
Structure and Composition of Post-Fire Regeneration on Upland Sites in Alberta, S. Gartner, M. Bokalo, K. Stadt, E. Macdonald, and P. Comeau
Structure and Expression of the Lignin O-Methyltransferase Gene From Zea Mays L., Pablo Collazo, Lluis Montoliu, Pere Puigdomenech, and Joan Rigau
Structure, disturbance, and change in the bristlecone pine forests of Colorado, U.S.A., W.L. Baker
Structure, Production and Leaf Area Dynamics: A Comparison of Lodgepole Pine and Sunflower, Steven B. Jack and James N. Long
Student Achievement and Affective Traits in Electrical Engineering Laboratories Using Traditional and Computer-Based Instrumentation, Matthew Lammi
Studies of lignin degradation in mound material of the termite Nasutitermes exitiosus, L.J. Cookson
Studies of the relationship between isoprene emission rate and CO2 or photon-flux density using a real-time isoprene analyser, R.K. Monson, A.J. Hills, P.R. Zimmerman, and R.R. Fall
Studies on the Relationship of the Redside Shiner (Richardsonius balteatus) and the Longnose Sucker (Catostomus catostomus) to the Cutthroat Trout (Salmo clarki) Popluation in Yellowstone Lake, Kenneth E. Biesinger
Study of landscape change under forest harvesting and climate warming-induced fire disturbance, H.S. He, D.J. Mladenoff, E.J. Gustafson, and A.C. Dibble
Study on Air Pollution in Beijing's Major Industrial Areas Using Multielements in Biomonitors and Naa Techniques, Ni Bangfa, Tian Weizhi, Nie Huining, Wang Pinsheng, and He Gaokui
Stumpage rates for a sawmill in interior British Columbia: predicted vs. actual, A.F. Howard
Stump colonization by Armillaria in Wisconsin aspen stands following clearcutting, G.R. Stanosz and R.F. Patton
Subalpine Forest Damage From a Severe Windstorm in Northern Colorado, Thomas T. Veblen, Dominik Kulakowski, Karen S. Eisenhart, and William L. Baker
Sublethal effects of fenitrothion on forest passerines, R.L. Millikan and J.N.M. Smith
Subnivean arthropod fauna of southeastern Wyoming: habitat and seasonal effects on population density, P. Schmidt and J.A. Lockwood
Substituting root numbers for length: improving the use of minirhizotrons to study fine root dynamics, T.L. Crocker, R.L. Hendrick, R.W. Ruess, K.S. Pregitzer, A.J. Burton, M.F. Allen, J.P. Shan, and L.A. Morris
Substrate and Litterfall Effects on Conifer Seedling Survivorship in Southern Boreal Stands of Canada, Marie Josee Simard, Yves Bergeron, and Luc Sirois
Substrate hydrolysis by combinations of Trichoderma xylanases, K.K.Y. Wong and U. Maringer
Substrate limitations to microbial activity in taiga forest floors, E D. Vance and F S. Chapin
Substrate profiles and expression of caffeoyl coenzyme A and caffeic acid O-methyltransferases in secondary xylem of aspen during seasonal development, Hua Bin Meng and W.H. Campbell
Successional changes in microbial biomass, respiration and nutrient status during litter decomposition in an aspen and pine forest, S. Scheu and D. Parkinson
Successional development of silviculturally treated and untreated high-latitute Populus tremuloides clearcuts in northern Alberta, Canada, M.Jacqueline Redburn and Wayne L. Strong
Suckering in burned aspen as related to above ground and below ground biomass, Roy Renkin and Don Despain
Suckering Potential of Declining Aspen and Mixedwood Stands in West-Central Saskatchewan (Populus Tremuloides), Pola Theresa Genoway
Suckering Success of Quaking Aspen (Populus Tremuloides Michx.) Along a Successional Gradient, Denis Lavertu, Yves Mauffette, and Yves Bergeron
Suitability and use of poplars as bioindicators, H.J. Ballach
Summary: Aspen Decline in the West?, Dennis H. Knight
Summary of mortality statistics and forest health monitoring results for the northeastern United States, W.H. McWilliams, S.L. Arner, and C.J. Barnett
Summary Utah/Western Colo, 1992 System Study, United States Department of Energy Western Area Power Administration
Summative analysis of nine common North American woods, W.E. Kaar and D.L. Brink
Summer and fall use of logging residue piles by female short-tailed weasels, Kimberly A. Lisgo, Fred L. Bunnell, and Alton S. Harestad
Summer and winter bird populations associated with five age-classes of aspen forest in Alberta, D.A. Westworth and E.S. Telfer
Summer Habitat Use by Ruffed Grouse With Broods in Central Pennsylvania, John G. Scott, Matthew J. Lovallo, Gerald L. Storm, and Walter M. Tzikowski
Supercritical CO2 pretreatment of lignocellulose enhances enzymatic cellulose hydrolysis, Kyoung Heon Kim, Juan Hong, K.H. Kim, and J. Hong
Supporting ‘Word-of-Mouth’ Social Networks through Collaborative Information Filtering, Mimi Recker and Andrew Walker
Suppression of O-Methyltransferase Gene by Homologous Sense Transgene in Quaking Aspen Causes Red-Brown Wood Phenotypes, C. Tsai, J.L. Popko, M.R. Mielke, W. Hu, G.K. Podila, and V.L. Chiang
Surface Fuel Loadings in Mulching Treatments in Colorado Coniferous Forests, Mike Battaglia, Chuck Rhoades, Monique E. Rocca, and Michael G. Ryan
Surface Wave Propagation in a Dielectric Waveguide Loaded with an Anisotropic, Conductive, and Spatially Dispersive Substrate, Tushar Andriyas
Surficial Geologic Map of the Oak City Area, Millard County, Utah, United States Geological Survey
Surficial Geology of Bear Lake Valley, Utah, Allan D. Willard
Surgical Sterilization of Coyotes to Reduce Predation on Pronghorn Fawns, Renee Seidler
Surprises and lessons from the 1988 Yellowstone fires, Monica G. Turner, William H. Romme, and Daniel B. Tinker
Survey of Management Practices Affecting the Occurrence of Wild Oat (Avena Fatua) Resistance to Acetyl-Coa Carboxylase Inhibitors, Anne Legere, Hugh J. Beckie, F. Craig Stevensonm, and A. Gordon Thomas
Survey of past, current and future Swedish forest tree breeding
Survival and growth of bigtooth aspen on acidic surface-mine soils as influenced by Pisolithus tinctorius and nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization, G. DeMuro, E.M. Jencks, D.F. Hindal, J. Skousen, J. Sencindiver, and D. Samuel
Survival, development time, and pupal weights of larvae of gypsy moth reared on foliage of common trees of the upper great lakes region, D.B. Roden and G.A. Surgeoner
Survival rate and nuclear irregularity index of sapwood ray parenchyma cells in four tree species, K.C. Yang
Susceptibility of northern British Columbia forests to spruce budworm defoliation, Rene I. Alfaro, S. Taylor, R.G. Brown, and J.S. Clowater
Sustainability of the western Canadian boreal forest under changing hydrological conditions. II. Summer energy and water use, R.J. Granger and J.W. Pomeroy
Sustained aspen productivity on hardwood and mixedwood sites, S. Navratil
Sustaining aspen in western landscapes: symposium proceedings; 13-15 June 2000; Grand Junction, CO, Wayne D. Shepperd, Dan Binkley, Dale L. Bartos, Thomas J. Stohlgren, and Lane G. Eskew
Sustaining our aspen heritage into the twenty-first century, Charles W. Cartwright and Denver P. Burns
Sustaining the Allideghi Grassland of Ethiopia: Influence of Pastoralism and Vegetation Change, Almaz Tadesse Kebede
Swelling of wood. Part 1. Swelling in water, G.I. Mantanis, R.A. Young, and R.M. Rowell
Swelling of wood. Part II. Swelling in organic liquids, G.I. Mantanis, R.A. Young, and R.M. Rowell
Symmetry Analysis of General Rank-3 Pfaffian Systems in Five Variables, Francesco Strazzullo
Synthesis and Characterization of Lactose-Amines with Respect to Oil-in-Water Emulsion Stability, Nidhi Garg
Synthetic Complexes of Relevance to Ni(II)-Containing Enzymes, Katarzyna Rudzka
Synthetic Studies of Laulimalide Analogues, Ian Addison McAlexander
Taking the sting out of tax season: A reference department/school of accountancy collaboration, Britt A. Fagerheim
Taper-volume equations for major tree species of the Yukon Territory, G.M. Bonnor and P. Boudewyn
Targeting Fat-Sensitive Pathways In Enteroendocrine Cells Using Nanoparticle-Mediated Drug Delivery, Bhavik P. Shah
Teacher Educators' Computer Technology Integration At Utah State University, Jiayi Wan
Teachers' Perceptions of the Effects of the AIMS Test on Arizona High School Math and English Curriculum and Instruction, Joseph Leland Heywood
Teaching Information Literacy with Authentic Problems: Creating and Using an Online Module, Heather Leary, Wendy Holliday, and Anne R. Diekema
Technical and economic analysis of lignin conversion to methyl aryl ethers. Eleventh Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, P.W. Bergeron, N.D. Hinman, E. Greenbaum, and C.E. Wyman
Techniques to restore aspen forests in the western U.S., Wayne D. Shepperd
Teliospore Upper Wall Thickness as a Character for Distinguishing Melampsora Species on Populus, P.A. Mason and R.W. Stack
Temperature and ontogeny mediate growth response to elevated CO2 in seedlings of five boreal tree species, M.G. Tjoelker, J. Oleksyn, and P.B. Reich
Temperature of upland and peatland soils in a north central Minnesota forest, D.S. Nichols
Temperature-Related Shifts in Soluble Carbohydrate Content During Dormancy and Cold Acclimation in Populus Tremuloides, Samuel E. Cox and Cecil Stushnoff
Temporal and genotypic variation of wound-induced gene expression in bark of Populus tremuloides and P. grandidentata, Daren A. Thamarus and Glenn R. Furnier
Temporal aspects of ecosystem biodiversity: a case study of the aspen types in Michigan, C. Liggett and L.A. Leefers
Temporal heterogeneity of soil moisture in grassland and forest, S.E. James, M. Paertel, S.D. Wilson, and D.A. Peltzer
Temporal patterns of predation on artificial nests in the southern boreal forest, E.M. Bayne and K.A. Hobson
Temporal scaling of moisture and the forest-grassland boundary in western Canada, Edward H. Hogg
Temporal variation in quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) genetic and clonal structures in the mixedwood boreal forest of eastern Canada, M C. Namroud, F Tremblay, and Y Bergeron
Ten Years of Change in an Aggrading Aspen-White Pine Forest Ecosystem, E.R. Squiers and C.J. Peterson
Terrain-Relative and Beacon-Relative Navigation for Lunar Powered Descent and Landing, Daniel Porter Christensen
Terrestrial Small Mammals from the Gamba Complex in Gabon: Distribution Patterns and Landscape Influences, Carrie J. O'Brien
Testing and Estimation for Functional Data with Applications to Magnetometer Records, Inga Maslova
Testing of the effect of some external defects on tree stability by a mechanical simulation of wind action, G. Silva, J.C. Ruel, M. Samson, and S. Pin
Test of a Model to Assess the Condition of Lodgepole Pine Stands, J.E. Lundquist and L. Linder
Test of RPA Production Coefficients and Local Assumptions for the Pinyon-Juniper Ecosystem in Central Utah, U.S. Forest Service
Thaw: A Memoir, Diane Bush
The 3/4 power law in forest management: how to grow dead trees, S.H. Ferguson and D.J. Archibald
The 5 Virtues of Successful Graduate Students, Thomas H. Benton
THEA1010 - Understanding Theatre, Fall 2005, David Sidwell
THEA5290 - Classical Drama and Theatre, Fall 2007, Mark Damen
The Adequacy of the Rich County 701 Plan in Controlling the Pattern and Intensity of Land Use Around Bear Lake, Utah, William N. Wood
The Analysis of an Integrated Model of Therapy Using Structural and Gottman Method Approaches: A Case Study, Taylor Cameron Herrin
The application of discrete choice models to wildlife resource selection studies, A.B. Cooper and J.J. Millspaugh
The aspen parkland in western Canada: a dry climate analogue for the future boreal forest?, Edward H. Hogg, P.A. Hurdle, M.J. Apps, D.T. Price, and J. Wisniewski
The aspen-ruffed grouse connection, K.R. McCaffery, J.E. Ashbrenner, W.A. Creed, and B.E. Kohn
The Association of Seed and Cone Predator Populations and Cone Crop Production in Engelmann Spruce, Dawn E. Cameron
The autecology of major tree species in the North Central region of Ontario, R.A. Sims, H.M. Kershaw, and G.M. Wickware
The Bear Facts: Implications of Whitebark Pine Loss for Yellowstone Grizzlies, Louisa Willcox
The Beat Poetry and Little Magazine Collections Merrill-Cazier Library, Utah State University, Denis Brunke and Bradford R. Cole
The big trees of Michigan. 2. Populus tremuloides Michaux, E.B. Ehrle and P.W. Thompson
The Bioactive Properties of Syringomycin E-Rhamnolipid Mixtures and Syringopeptins, Mekki F. Bensaci
The carabid fauna (Coleoptera: Carabidae) during postfire regeneration of boreal forest: properties and dynamics of species assemblages, N.J. Holliday
The case of the harmony basin grazing allotment, Barry R. Munsell, Larry W. Van Tassell, and Michael A. Smith
The Challenge of Producing Native Plants for the Intermountain Area, U.S. Forest Service
The chemical aspects of acidic delignification processes. 1. Role of aryl-ether hydrolysis in aspen, Y.Z. Lai and S.P. Mun
The chemistry of decayed aspen wood and perspectives on its utilization, C.S. Knoll, B.M. Wong, and C.S. Knoll
The coarse-root system of mature Populus tremuloides in declining stands in Alberta, Canada, Annie DesRochers and Victor J. Lieffers
The Competencies and Characteristics Required of an Effective Project Manager: A Web-Based Delphi Study, Jennifer M. Brill, M. J. Bishop, and Andrew Walker
The complete analysis of wood polysaccharides using HPLC, W.E. Kaar, L.G. Cool, M.M. Merriman, and D.L. Brink
The condition and trend of aspen, Populus tremuloides, in Kootenay and Yoho National Parks: implications for ecological integrity, Charles E. Kay
The Correlation Between a Pre-Engineering Student's Spatial Ability and Achievement in an Elecetronics Fundamentals Course, Mark E. Smith
The Cult of True Motherhood: A Narrative, Jacoba Lynne Mendelkow
The Cytoskeleton Facilitates a Three-Dimensional Symplasmic Continuum in the Long-Lived Ray and Axial Parenchyma Cells of Angiosperm Trees, Nigel Chaffey and Peter Barlow
The Daytime Wind in Valleys Adjacent to the Great Salt Lake, G. L. Stone and D. Hoard
The Development of Context-specific Operant Sensitization to d-Amphetamine, Wesley Paul Thomas
The Dffect of Lipids on Recognition Thresholds and Intensity Ratings of the Five Basic Tastes, Jennifer Ellen Thurgood
The Differential Physiological Responses of 2 Year Old Regenerating Pinus Banksiana Seedlings and Populus Tremuloides Root Suckers to Imposed Drought, Brian D. Bovard, Joe H. Sullivan, and Boyd R. Strain
The Differential Responses of Pinus Banksiana and Populus Tremuloides to Reduced Soil Moisture, Brian D. Bovard and Boyd R. Strain
The differential sensitivity of red pine and quaking aspen to competition, Klaus J. Puettmann and Peter B. Reich
The distribution of phenolic hydroxyl groups in hardwood lignins, Y.Z. Lai and M. Funaoka
The durability of phenolic bonded particleboards made of decay resistant black locust and nondurable aspen, D.P. Kamdem and S.T. Sean
The early fossil history of the Salicaceae, M.E. Collinson
The early performance of deciduous trees grown in acidic minespoil ameliorated with pulverized fuel ash, P.V. Perkins and A.R. Vann
The ecological implications of fire in Greater Yellowstone. Proceedings of the Second Biennial Conference on the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, R. Renkin, D. Despain, and J.M. Greenlee
The ecology and management of aspen, H.M. Rauscher, D.A. Perala, and C.V. Worth
The Effectiveness of the Teens Reaching Youth 4-H Model in a Childhood Nutirition and Physical Activity Education Program, Kristen Rae Stokes Strong
The effect of aging conditions on the mechanical properties of wood fiber-polystyrene composites: II. Sawdust as a reinforcing filler, D. Maldas and B.V. Kokta
The Effect of an Ambient Olfactory Intervention on Time-on-Task and Performance During Participant Interaction with an Electronic Flashcard System, Aaron J. Loewer
The Effect of a Narrative Intervention on Preschoolers' Story Retelling and Personal Experience Story Generation Skills, Trina D. Spencer
The Effect of Commercial Harvest Activities on Root Compaction and Suckering of Aspen, Wayne D. Shepperd
The effect of cutting and burning on browse production in eastern Canadian aspen forests, M.G. Weber
The effect of diet on gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) larval midgut pH, and its relationship with larval susceptibility to a baculovirus, S.T. Keating, J.C. Schultz, and W.G. Yendol
The effect of ectomycorrhizae on water relations in aspen (Populus tremuloides) and white spruce (Picea glauca) at low soil temperatures, S.M. Landhausser, T.M. Muhsin, and J.J. Zwiazek
The Effect of Elevated Carbon Dioxide and Ozone on Leaf- and Branch-Level Photosynthesis and Potential Plant-Level Carbon Gain in Aspen, Asko Noormets, Evan P. McDonald, Richard E. Dickson, Eric L. Kruger, Anu Sober, J.G. Isebrands, and David F. Karnosky
The effect of fire severity on ash, and plant and soil nutrient levels following experimental burning in a boreal mixedwood stand, M. Johnston, J. Elliott, and H. Krause
The effect of flutter on the temperature of poplar leaves and its implications for carbon gain, J.S. Roden and R.W. Pearcy
The effect of harvesting activities on soil compaction, root damage, and suckering in Colorado aspen, Wayne D. Shepperd
The effect of hot and humid environmental conditions on the creep behavior of commercial structural oriented strandboards, J.H. Pu, R.C. Tang, and E.W. Price
The effect of juvenile wood on the properties of aspen flakeboard, Kenneth D. Roos, Robert K. Shepard, and James E. Shottafer
The effect of lab-made flakes on physical and mechanical property variability of laboratory flakeboard, C.J. Moriarty
The Effect of Leaf Flutter on the Carbon Economy of Poplars, J.S. Roden and R.W. Pearcy
The effect of leaf flutter on the flux of CO2 in poplar leaves, J.S. Roden and R.W. Pearcy
The Effect of Light Availability and Basal Area on Cone Production in Abies Balsamea and Picea Glauca, David F. Greene, Christian Messier, Hugo Asselin, and Marie Josee Fortin
The Effect of Nutritional Quality on Forage Preference by Beavers, Christine M. Doucet and John M. Fryxell
The Effect of Pedogenetic Processes on the Distribution of Phosphorus Calcium and Magnesium in Gray Luvisols, X.J. Xiao, D.W. Anderson, and J.R. Bettany
The Effect of Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density on Development of Frost Hardiness in Top and Roots of Larix Leptolepis Seedlings, Jesper Hansen and Erik Nymann Eriksen
The effect of rejuvenation of Aspen Parkland ecoregion grass-legume pastures on botanical composition, H.A. Lardner, S.B.M. Wright, R.D.H. Cohen, P. Curry, and L. MacFarlane
The Effect of Site-Preparation Wounds on Aspen Quality, J.M. Pankuch, P.V. Blenis, V.J. Lieffers, and K.I. Mallett
The effect of soil water on aspen litter moisture content, R.L. Rothwell, P.M. Woodard, and S. Samran
The Effect of Temperature on the Root Growth of Coniferous Seedlings, Thomas J. Owen
The effect of winter temperature on forest tent caterpillar (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae) egg survival and population dynamics in northern climates, Barry J. Cooke and Jens Roland
The effect of wood species composition on the toxicity of simulated mechanical pulping effluents, B.I. O'Connor, T.G. Kovacs, and R.H. Voss
The effect of wood species in sulfonation, Y.Z. Lai and X.P. Guo
The Effects of a Four Week Single-leg Balance Training Program on Balance Error Scoring System Scores of the Trained and Untrained Leg, Roger J. Davies
The Effects of Burning on Festuca Hallii in the Parklands of Central Alberta, Heather Sinton Gerling, Arthur W. Bailey, and Walter D. Willms
The Effects of Clearcutting and Wildfire on Grasshoppers and Crickets (Orthoptera) in an Intermountain Forest Ecosystem, J C. Clayton
The effects of climate change on landscape diversity: an example in Ontario forests, Ian D. Thompson, Michael D. Flannigan, B. Michael Wotton, and Roger Suffling
The effects of electron beam pretreatment of wood chips on energy consumption in high-yield pulping, T. Granfeldt, M. Jackson, S.L. Iverson, C.A. Chuaqui, and D. Free
The Effects of Fire on a Remnant Sand Prairie, P.K. Benjamin and K.L. Cole
The effects of fire on nitrogen cycling processes within Bandelier National Monument, NM, C.S. White
The Effects of Fluency Training on Implementation Fidelity of a Reading Intervention Conducted by Paraprofessionals, Breda Victoria O'Keeffe
The effects of habitat patch size on avian communities in aspen parklands, Brian W. Johns
The Effects of Initial Size on Subsequent Performance in Container Grown Engelmann Spruce Seedlings, Franklin D. Hines
The Effects of Leaf Flutter on the Light and Temperature Environment of Poplar Leaves and Its Implications for Carbon Gain, J.S. Roden and R.W. Pearcy
The effects of logs, stumps, and root throws on understory communities within 28-year-old aspen-dominated boreal forests, P. Lee and K. Sturgess
The Effects of Mechanical Site Preparation and Subsequent Wildfire on Trembling Aspen (Populus Tremuloides Michx.) Regeneration in Central Alberta, Canada, Erin C. Fraser, Simon M. Landhausser, and Vicotr J. Lieffers
The Effects of Mulching Treatments on The Forest Herbaceous Layer of Colorado Coniferous Forests, M. Rocca, M. Battaglia, C. C. Rhoades, and M. A. Ryan
The Effects of Online Homework on Achievement and Self-efficacy of College Algebra Students, David Shane Brewer
The Effects of Quality and Magnitude of Reinforcement on Choice Responding, Jessica Erin Frieder
The Effects of Script-Fading Procedures and Extinction Procedures on the Variability of Mand Frames Used by Young Children with Autism, Alison M. Betz
The effects of silvicultural disturbances on the diversity of seed-producing plants in the boreal mixedwood forest, F. Wayne Bell and Steven G. Newmaster
The Effects of Silvicultural Treatments on Occurrence of Mycorrhizal Sporocarps in a Pinus contorta Forest: A Preliminary Study, Bradley R. Kropp and Steve Albee
The effects of stand age on avian communities in aspen-dominated forests of central Saskatchewan, Canada, K.A. Hobson and E. Bayne
The elastic moduli and mechanics of Populus tremuloides (Salicaceae) petioles in bending and torsion, K.J. Niklas
The Environmental and Developmental Controls Over Isoprene Emissions From Aspen Trees, M.E. Litvak, P.C. Harley, M. Wildermuth, and R.K. Monson
The etiology of hypoxylon canker of aspen, Michael Edward Ostrey
The Evaluation of Synchronous Online Tutoring for Students At-Risk of Reading Failure, Eleazar Vasquez III
The Feeding Value of Certain Duck Food Plants of the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge As Determined By Chemical Analysis, Dale Clair Christensen
The fungus Chondrostereum purpureum as a silvicide to control stump sprouting in hardwoods, R.E. Wall
The Genus Inocybe in Montana Aspen Stands, Cathy L. Cripps
The GeoSail model: a simple addition to the SAIL model to describe discontinuous canopy reflectance, K.F. Huemmrich
The Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment: Overview And Early Results, M. R. Saunders
The Ideal Mormon Woman: An Analysis of Ensign Articles and Comparison to LDS Women's Perceptions of Gender Role Expectations, Julie Hollist
The impact of aspen harvesting on site productivity, David H. Alban
The Impact of Cattle Grazing on Aspen Regeneration on Crown Lands in Western Manitoba, J. Renton, A. Park, and R. Westwood
The Impact of Fire and Clear Cut Logging on the Vegetation Dynamics of Black Spruce Peatlands in the Manitoba Model Forest (Picea Mariana, Pinus Banksiana, Populus Tremuloides), Carolynn Ann Harrison
The Impact of Insect and Disease Damage and Harvest Method on Stand Stocking and Growth of Juvenile Aspen, Michael E. Ostry and K.T. Ward
The Impact of Knowledge, Attitude, and Peer Influence on Adolescent Energy Drink Consumption, Alyson C. Ward
The impact of native ungulates and beaver on riparian communities in the intermountain west, Charles E. Kay
The Impact of Two Harvesting Systems on Residual Stems in a Partially Cut Stand of Northern Hardwoods, M.T. Nichols; R.C. Lemin, Jr.; and W.D. Ostrofsky
The Importance of Bark Products in the Aboriginal Economies of Northwestern British Columbia Canada, L.J.M. Gottesfeld
The importance of seasoning and barking in the kraft pulping of aspen, L.H. Allen, B.B. Sithole, J.M. MacLeod, C.L. Lapointe, and F.J. McPhee
The Influence of Atmospheric Dust and Foliar Leachates on the Chemical Quality of Throughfall in Northern Utah, Dennis R. Parent
The influence of clear-cut logging and residual leave material on small mammal populations in aspen-dominated boreal mixedwoods, Richard A. Moses and Stan Boutin
The Influence of Cutting Cycle and Stocking Level on the Structure and Quality of Managed Old-Growth Northern Hardwoods, C. Gronewold, A. W. D'Amato, and B. Palik
The Influence of Family Structures and the Role of Siblings on Early Language Development of Latino Preschool Children, Eduardo Aguiles Ortiz
The influence of grove size on bird species richness in aspen parklands, B.W. Johns
The influence of harvest management and fertilizers on herbage yields of cool-season grasses grown in the Aspen Parkland of northeastern Saskatchewan, S. Bittman, D.H. McCartney, P.R. Horton, M. Hiltz, and W.F. Nuttal
The influence of hexazinone on carbon dioxide evolution and mineralization of nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur in a forest soil, D.G. Maynard
The influence of host plant on gut conditions of gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) caterpillars, H.M. Appel and L.W. Maines
The influence of mammalian browsing on tree growth and mortality in the Pigeon River State Forest, Michigan, J.T. Heinen and T.L. Sharik
The Influence of Mastication on Soils and Fuels in Moist and Dry Forests of the Northern Rocky Mountains, Theresa Jain and Russel T. Graham
The influence of prairie and forest vegetation on soil moisture and available nitrogen, Scott D. Wilson and Heather R. Kleb
The inorganic chemistry of the combustion of aspen wood with added sulfur, Milton Blander
The Inorganic Chemistry of Wood Combustion for Power Production, Milton Blander, Kenneth W. Ragland, Robert L. Cole, Joseph A. Libera, and Arthur Pelton
The Institutional Repository as a Publishing Platform, Richard W. Clement, Jean-Gabriel Bankier, Jeffrey Belliston, Marilyn Billings, and Jay Burton
The Interactive Effects of Co 2 and Drought on Physiological Responses of Quaking Aspen Seedlings, Evan P. McDonald and Richard L. Lindroth
The Interpersonal Lives of Young Adult Women: A Study of Passionate Friendship, Jenna Ann Glover
The iron and manganese status of seven upper montane tree species in Colorado, USA, following long-term waterlogging, Kenneth A. Barrick and Mark G. Noble
The Lake States' aspen resource revisited: mid-1960s-1987, J.S. Spencer, Jr.; E.C. Leatherberry; and N.P. Kingsley
The Landscape Ecology of Large Disturbances in the Design and Management of Nature Reserves, W.L. Baker
The Last Honest Man, Daniel Arpad Nyikos
The Last Step of Syringyl Monolignol Biosynthesis in Angiosperms Is Regulated by a Novel Gene Encoding Sinapyl Alcohol Dehydrogenase, Laigeng Li, Xiao Fei Cheng, Jaqueline Leshkevich, Toshiaki Umezawa, Scott A. Harding, and Vincent L. Chiang
The late Holocene history of prairie, brush-prairie, and jack pine (Pinus banksiana) forest on outwash plains, north-central Minnesota, USA, J.C. Almendinger
The late holocene paleohydrology of Pine Lake, Alberta: a multiproxy investigation, I.D. Campbell, W.M. Last, C. Campbell, S. Clare, and J.H. McAndrews
The mating system of Phellinus tremulae, K.I. Mallett and C.L. Myrholm
The Microbial Interactions and Ecology of Fungi Isolated From Decayed, Stained, and Healthy Aspen Poplar Found in Alberta Northern British Columbia, L.J. Hutchison, P. Chakravarty, and Y. Hiratsuka
The myth of the humanized landscape: an example from Yosemite National Park, T.R. Vale
The Occurrence of Non-Ring Producing Branches in Abies lasiocarpa, Scott D. Roberts
The optical properties of eight eastern Canadian wood species. Part 2: effect of mechanical pulping on optical properties, J. Lee, J.J. Balatinecz, S.E. Imada, and P. Whiting
The ostracode record from Harris Lake, southwestern Saskatchewan: 9200 years of local environmental change, S.C. Poeter, D.J. Sauchyn, and L.D. Delorme
The oviposition trap: a new technique for sampling eggs of the Bruce spanworm and similar species, C. Herbert and L. St. Antoine
The Perceptions of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Full-Time Seminary Teachers Regarding the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities, Reginald S. Slocombe
The persistence of quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) in the Grand Mesa area, Colorado, Dominik Kulakowski, Thomas T. Veblen, and Sarah Drinkwater
The Phantom Forest: Research on Gene-Altered Trees Leaps Ahead, Into a Regulatory Limbo, Steve Nash
The Phosphorus Budget of the Upper Little Bear River-Hyrum Reservoir Watershed, William A. Luce
The poplar root transcriptome: analysis of 7000 expressed sequence tags, A. Kohler, C. Delaruella, D. Martin, N. Encelot, and F. Martin
The power function as a simple stem profile examination tool, R.R. Forslund
The Price of Indifference, Henry Raymond
The Pristine Myth: The Landscape of the Americas in 1492, W.M. Denevan
The Probability of Moose Damage at the Stand Level in Southern Finland, Anneli Jalkanen
The Prophet-Editor: Joseph Smith’s Revisions to Two Revelations, Joshua Wheatley
The quest for aspen management in eastern Canada, D.H. Weingartner and R. Doucet
The Question Concerning the Cooptation of the Sundance Film Festival: An Analysis of the Commodification of Independent Cinema, Matt Dee Cottrell
The rangelands of Colorado, J.E. Mitchell
The Range Limit of Boreal Tree Species in Quebec Labrador: an Ecological and Palaeoecological Interpretation, Serge Payette
The refining characteristics of chemimechanical pulps, K.B. Miles and A. Karnis
The Regulation of Epithelial Sodium Channels in Mammalian Taste Receptor Cells, Arian F. Baquero Gonzalez
The Relation Between Geomorphology and Forest Community Types of the Haut Saint Laurent, Quebec, Alain Meilleur, Andre Bouchard, and Yves Bergeron
The Relationship Between Education About Dress Practices and Change in Perception of Self-Concept Related to Dress, Jennifer L. Nielson
The relationship between ice thickness and northern hardwood tree damage during ice storms, O.J. Proulx and D.F. Greene
The Relationship between Religiosity and Educational Pursuit and Perception, Randy A. LaRose
The relationship between rooting of poplar shoots and ATPase activity of their crude microsomal vesicles, J. Bellamine and T. Gasper
The relationship between selected mechanical properties and age in quaking aspen, K.D. Roos, J.E. Shottafer, and R.K. Shepard
The relationship between trembling aspen phenology and larval development of the large aspen tortrix, D. Parry, W.J.A. Volney, and C.R. Currie
The relative importance of fuels and weather on fire behavior in subalpine forests, W.C. Bessie and E.A. Johnson
The relative influence of establishment time and height-growth rates on species vertical stratification during secondary forest succession, B.J. Palik and K.S. Pregitzer
The Religious Experience of Sexual Minority Youth: Identity, Integration and Minority Stress, Angie L. Dahl
The Repeatability of Stem Exclusion During Even-Aged Development of Bigtooth Aspen Dominated Forests, Brian J. Palik and Kurt S. Pregitzer
The repeatability of stem exclusion during even-aged development of bigtooth aspen dominated forests, B.J. Palik and K.S. Pregitzer
The response of boreal forest songbird communities to fire and post-fire harvesting, J.L. Morissette, T.P. Cobb, R.M. Brigham, and P.C. James
The response of clones of Populus tremuloides differing in sensitivity to ozone in the field, Sung Chul Yun and J.A. Laurence
The response of good and poor aspen clones to thinning, M. Penner, C. Robinson, and M. Woods
The response of isoprene emission rate and photosynthetic rate to photon flux and nitrogen supply in aspen and white oak trees, M.E. Litvak, F. Loreto, P.C. Harley, T.D. Sharkey, and R.K. Monson
The Responses of Pinus Banksiana and Populus Tremuloides to Drought and Elevated Co(2) (Carbon Dioxide), Brian David Bovard
Thermally conductive carbon filler in wood-based composites, L.M. Matuana
Thermal-Transfer Printing: A Better Way to Print Library Labels, Cheryl D. Walters
Thermal Waters of Utah, Topical Report, Harry D. Goode
Thermocatalytic transformations of wood and cellulose in the presence of HCl, HBr, and H2SO4, A.A. Efremov, G.G. Pervyshina, and B.N. Kuznetsov
Thermo-directional movement of wood and wood composites, S. Chow
Thermomechanical properties of polyethylene-wood fiber composites, R.G. Raj and B.V. Kokta
Thermotolerance of leaf discs from four isoprene-emitting species is not enhanced by exposure to exogenous isoprene, Barry A. Logan and Russell K. Monson
The role of ascospores and conidia as propagules in the disease cycle of Hypoxylon mammatum, D.H. Griffin, K.E. Quinn, G.S. Gilbert, C.J.K. Wang, and S. Rosemarin
The Role of Auxin in Xylogenesis of Angiosperm Species - Old Concepts Needs to Be Re-Evaluated, J. Hellgren, I. Uddestrand, C. Uggla, and B. Sundberg
The role of climate change in interpreting historical variability, Constance I. Miller and Wallace B. Woolfenden
The Role of Flavor-Flavor Conditioning and Sensory-Based, Vegetable-Themed Education In Increasing Vegetable Consumption in Elementary School-Aged Children, Meagan Roxanne Latimer
The Role of Information Architecture in Designing a Third-Generation Library Website, Jennifer Duncan and Wendy Holliday
The role of near-surface lateral roots in the life cycle of aspen in the central Rocky Mountains, Wayne D. Shepperd and F.W. Smith
The role of postfire coarse woody debris in aspen regeneration, William J. Ripple and Eric J. Larsen
The Roswell and Carlsbad Bureau of Land Management Field Offices and Lincoln National Forest Endangered, Threatened and Sensitive Plant Field Guide, United States Bureau of Land Management
The seasonal water and energy exchange above and within a boreal aspen forest, P.D. Blanken, T.A. Black, H.H. Neumann, G. DenHartog, P.C. Yang, Z. Nesic, and X. Lee
The Sensitivity of Some High-Latitude Boreal Forests to Climatic Parameters, G.B. Bonan, H.H. Shugart, and D.L. Urban
The short term impact of cutting with ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus) regeneration protection in the boreal forest, C. Dussault, R. Courtois, and J. Ferron
The silviculture conference, D. Wright; L.G. Rugo; H. Benskin; L. Bedford; V.J. Lieffers; J.A. Beck, Jr.; V. Brunette; J.C. Lees; L.C. Irland; D.I. Maass; and O. Sziklai
The simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of pretreated woody crops to ethanol, D.D. Spindler, C.E. Wymann, and K. Grohmann
The Suitability of Newton Reservoir to be Either a Coldwater or a Warmwater Fishery, Jeffrey H. Johnson
The tetrapod "DNA fingerprinting" M13 repeat probe reveals genetic diversity and clonal growth in quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides, Salicaceae), S.H. Rogstad, H. Nybom, and B.A. Schaal
The tremble tree, E. Engle
The trembling giant, Michael C. Grant
The Tremulanes, a New Group of Sesquiterpenes From the Aspen Rotting Fungus Phellinus Tremulae, William A. Ayer and Elizabete R. Cruz
The trigger-factor approach to the initiation of natural regeneration of plant communities on industrially-damaged lands at Sudbury, Ontario, Keith Winterhalder
The Underutilization of Internet and Communication Technology-assisted Collaborative Project-Based Learning Among International Educators: A Delphi Study, Barry S. Kramer, Andrew Walker, and Jennifer M. Brill
The Use of Reineke's Stand-Density Index for Uneven-Aged Timber Management, Douglas H. Page
The Use of Reverse Genetics to Clone and Rescue Infectious, Recombinant Human Parainfluenza Type 3 Viruses, Jason Peter Roth
The utility of digital Thematic Mapper data for natural resources classification, M.A. Karteris and T. Astaras
The Utility of Mathematics Curriculum-Based Measurement to Predict Student Risk Status on Standardized Academic Achievement Measures, Kyle Max Hancock
The utility of the two-pass harvesting system: an analysis using the ecosystem simulation model FORECAST, Clive Welham, Brd Seely, and Hamish Kimmins
The vegetation of the transition zones between forest islands and cultivated fields, Z. Wojcik and A. Wasilowska
The Western Aspen Alliance: Promoting Sustainable Aspen Ecosystems in Western North America, P. C. Rogers, R. J. Ryel, and D. L. Bartos
The Wood and Bark Biomass and Production of Populus tremuloides, Abies lasiocarpa and Picea engelmannii in Northern Utah, George Zimmermann
The X-Gals Alliance, Lucille Louis
Thickness swelling and density variation in aspen flakeboards, J.Y. Liu and J.D. McNatt
Thinning northern hardwoods with chain saws and forwarders, M.A. Thompson
Threatened Dry Grasslands in the Continental Boreal Forests of Wood Buffalo National Park, A.G. Schwarz and Ross W. Wein
Threat Perception as a Determinant of Pro-Environmental Behaviors: Public Involvement in Air Pollution Abatement in Cache Valley, Utah, Joshua D. Marquit
Three Essays on Stock Market Volatility, Qianru Li
Thunder on the Yellowstone revisited: An assessment of management of native ungulates by natural regulation, 1968-1993, Francis J. Singer, David M. Swift, Michael B. Coughenour, and John D. Varley
Tiger Team Assessment of the Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming, United States Department of Energy
Tillage of compacted haul roads and landings in the boreal forests of Alberta, Canada, D.H. McNabb and J. Bengtsson
Timberjack FMG 933C Clambunk: observations, D.W. Moshenko
Timber value growth rates in Maine, D.A. Gansner, S.L. Arner, and S.J. Zarnoch
Timing of Wound Induced Gene Expression in Aspen (Populus Tremuloides) Bark, K.A. Thamarus
Timpanogos Cave National Monument Environmental Impact Statement, General Management Plan, Development Concept Plan, United States Department of the Interior National Park Service
Tissue and cell specific expression of a cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase promoter in transgenic poplar plants, C. Feuillet, V. Lauvergeat, C. Deswarte, G. Pilate, A. Baudet, and J. Grime Pettenati
To pay or not to pay?: Legal and ethical issues in international students’ participation in research, Ana A. L. Baumann and Melanie M. Domenech Rodriguez
Topographic variation in soil water and nitrogen for two forested landforms in Minnesota, USA, A.B. Hairston and D.F. Grigal
To Thin or Not to Thin: Using the Forest Vegetation Simulator to Evaluate Thinning of Aspen, Daniel w. Gilmore
Toxic alkaloid concentration in tall larkspur species in the western U.S., M.H. Ralphs, G.D. Manners, J.A. Pfister, D.R. Gardner, and L.F. James
Toxicity of aspen wood leachate to aquatic life: laboratory studies, Barry R. Taylor, J. Stephen Goudey, and N. Bruce Carmichael
Toxicity of Leachate From Aspen Wood, J.S. Goudey, B.R. Taylor, and B. Carmichael
Toxic phenolic glycosides from Populus: physiological adaptations of the western North American tiger swallowtail butterfly, Papilio rutulus (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae), J.M. Scriber, R.L. Lindroth, and J.K. Nitao
Trade-offs in low-light CO2 exchange: a component of variation in shade tolerance among cold temperate tree seedlings, M.B. Walters and P.B. Reich
Trade-offs in responses to host plants within a population of a generalist herbivore, Choristoneura rosaceana, Y. Carriere and B.D. Roitberg
Trade-offs in seedling survival, growth, and physiology among hardwood species of contrasting successional status along a light-availability gradient, C.M. Kaelke, E.L. Kruger, and P.B. Reich
Transcontinental Crashes of Insect Populations?, B.A. Hawkins and M. Holyoak
Transformation of hybrid aspen for resistance to crown gall disease, H. Ebinuma, E. Matsunaga, K. Yamada, and M. Yamakado
Transformation of tobacco and aspen plants with the ita locus of an IncQ plasmid confers resistance to Agrobacterium tumefaciens infection, M. Ovadis, L. Chernin, T. Tzfira, V. Canaan, A. Aharoni, D. Sakar, A. Altman, and A. Vainstein
Transformations of aspen wood and its principal components by O-acylation, M.V. Efanov
Transpiration of a boreal pine forest measured by branch bag, sap flow and micrometeorological methods, B. Saugier, A. Granier, J.Y. Pontailler, E. Dufrene, D.D. Baldocchi, H.A. Margolis, and M.G. Ryan
Treaties, Spirituality, and Ecosystems, American Indian Interests in the Northern Intermontane Region of Western North America, United States Bureau of Land Management
Tree Fall Gap Characteristics within an Appalachian Hardwood Forest in West Virginia, Jamie M. Himes, Eric Heitzman, and James S. Rentch
Tree Leaf Biomass, and Rates of Litterfall, Decomposition and Litter Accumulation through Three Stages of a Successional Sere in Northern Utah, Steven E. Williams
Tree-ring analysis of declining aspen stands in west-central Saskatchewan, Edward H. Hogg and A.G. Shwarz
Tree-Ring Growth in a Chronically Gamma-Irradiated Forest, B.D. Amiro and M. Laverock
Tree Size and Species Influence Snag Retention Rates Following Severe Wildfires in Dry Coniferous Forests, D. Peterson and E. K. Dodson
Trees of the Great Basin : a Natural History, Ronald M. Lanner
Tree Species and Soil Textural Controls on Carbon and Nitrogen Mineralization Rates, Christian P. Giardina, Michael G. Ryan, Robert M. Hubbard, and Dan Binkley
Tree species effects on stand transpiration in northern Wisconsin, B.E. Ewers, D.S. Mackay, S.T. Gower, D.E. Ahl, S.N. Burrows, and S.S. Samanta
Trehalose esters from the aspen fungus Hyphozyma lignicola, William A. Ayer and Shichang Miao
Trembling Aspen Height-Age Models for British Columbia, Gordon G. Nigh, Pavel V. Krestov, and Karel Klinka
Trembling aspen site index in relation to environmental measures of site quality at two spatial scales, H.Y.H. Chen, P.V. Krestov, and K. Klinka
Trends in Duck Breeding Populations, 1955-2006, Preliminary Report, Khristi A. Wilkins and Mark C. Otto
Tricholoma Scalpturatum (Fr.) Quel. + Populus Tremuloides Michx, Cathy L. Cripps
Trinucleotide repeat microsatellite markers for black poplar (Populus nigra L.), M.J.M. Smulders, J. Van Der Schoot, P. Arens, and B. Vosman
Trophic cascades among wolves, elk and aspen on Yellowstone National Park's northern range, William J. Ripple, Eric J. Larsen, Roy A. Renkin, and Douglas W. Smith
Tropic and East Fork Irrigation Company, Tropic Ditch Replacement Project, Environmental Assessment, Bureau of Reclamation, Provo Area Office
Tropospheric O3 compromises net primary production in young stnds of trembling apen, paper birch and sugar maple in response to elevated atmospheric CO2, John S. King, Mark E. Kubiske, Kurt S. Pregitzer, George R. Hendrey, Evan P. McDonald, Christian P. Biardina, Vanessa S. Quinn, and David F. Karnosky
Tropospheric O3 moderates responses of temperate hardwood forests to elevated CO2: a synthesis of molecular to ecosystem results from the Aspen FACE project, D.F. Karnosky, D.R. Zak, K.S. Pregitzer, C.S. Awmack, J.G. Bockheim, R.E. Dickson, G.R. Hendrey, G.E. Host, J.S. King, B.J. Kopper, E.L. Kruger, M.E. Kubiske, R.L. Lindroth, W.J. Mattson, E.P. McDonald, A. Noormets, E. Oksansen, W.F.J. Parsons, K.E. Percy, G.K. Podila, D.E. Riemenschneider, P. Sharma, R. Thakur, A. Sober, J. Sober, and W.S. Jones
Tropospheric Spectrum Estimations Comparing Maximum Likelihood with Expectation Maximization Solutions and Fast Fourier Transforms, Stanley James Wellard
True detective, G. Wegner
Turbulent flux measurements above and below the overstory of a boreal aspen forest, P.D. Blanken, T.A. Black, H.H. Neumann, P.C. Yang, Z. Nesic, R. Staebler, W. Chen, M.D. Novak, and G. den Hortog
Twelve years biomass response in aspen communities following fire, Dale L. Bartos, James K. Brown, and Gordon D. Booth
Twenty-year change in aspen dominance in pure aspen amd mixed aspen/conifer stands on the Uncompahgre Plateau, Colorado, USA, Amy E. Smith and Frederick W. Smith
Twig Growth and Abscission in Populus Tremuloides: Responses to Different Shading Treatments, John M. Kasmer
Two pheromones of coniferophagous bark beetles found in the bark of nonhost angiosperms, D.P.W. Huber, R. Gries, J.H. Borden, and H.D. Pierce
Type Locality for the Great Blue Limestone in the Bingham Nappe, Oquirrh Mountains, Utah, United States Geological Survey
Uinta National Forest Rangeland Ecosystem Forest Plan Amendment: Final Environmental Impact Statement, U.S. Forest Service
Ultra high yield pulping of aspen: method for evaluating paper properties, F. Carrasco
Uncertainty Analysis for Land Surface Model Predictions: Application to the Simple Biosphere 3 and Noah Models at Tropical and Semiarid Locations, Joshua K. Roundy
Understanding-humic-substances.-Advanced-methods,-properties-and-applications, R.L. Wershaw, A. Leenher, K.R. Kennedy, E.A. Ghabbour, and G. Davies
Understanding the Role of the Cytoskeleton in Wood Formation in Angiosperm Trees: Hybrid Aspen (Populus Tremulaxp. Tremuloides) as the Model Species, Nigel Chaffey, Peter Barlow, and Bjorn Sundberg
Understorey vegetation in boreal Picea mariana and Populus tremuloides stands in British Columbia, Qian Hong, Karel Klinka, Rune H. Rkland, Pavel Krestov, and Gordon J. Kayahara
Ungulate effects on the functional species composition of plant communities; herbivore selectivity and plant tolerance, David Augustine and Samuel J. McNaughton
Ungulate herbivory on Utah aspen: assessment of long-term exclosures, Charles E. Kay and Dale L. Bartos
Ungulates as drivers of tee population dynamics at module and genet levels, Kjell Danell, Roger Bergström, Lars Edenius, and Göran Ericsson
Uniform shelterwood cutting and scarifying in white spruce-trembling aspen stands to induce natural white spruce regeneration, Manitoba and Saskatchewan, R.M. Waldron and V.S. Kolbinski
Uniqueness of Soil Food Webs Across a Mountain Meadow-Aspen-Pine Ecotone Fox Park Wyoming, J. Moore, R. Reinsvold, M. Heimbrook, and Carre C. Jacobs
United States Department of the Interior Geological Survey, Utah, Basic Data for Thermal Springs and Wells as Recorded in Geotherm, James D. Bliss
Unleashing the Usefulness of Educational Resources through Mining of Educational Metadata, Anne R. Diekema, Jennifer A. Bailey, Blythe A. Bennett, and Holly Devaul
Unravelling Cell Wall Formation in the Woody Dicot Stem, Ewa J. Mellerowicz, Marie Baucher, Bjorn Sundberg, and Wout Boerjan
Update on the use of borates as preservatives for wood composites, P.E. Laks, M.J. Manning, and T. Amburgey
Upgrading of Wood-Derived Bio-Oil Over Hzsm-5, R.K. Sharma and N.N. Bakhshi
Upland Plant Community Classification in Elk Island National Park, Alberta, Canada, Using Disturbance History and Physical Site Factors, Edward W. Bork, Robert J. Hudson, and Arthur W. Bailey
Use and Selection of Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Cavities by Southern Flying Squirrels, Susan C. Loeb
Use and selection of sap trees by yellow-bellied sapsuckers, Laurie S. Eberhardt
Use by bats of patches of residual trees in logged areas of the boreal forest, L.K. Hogberg, K.J. Patriquin, and R.M.R. Barclay
Use of Brief Experimental Assessment for Selecting Interventions to Increase Positive Social Interaction, Michelle S. Cox
Use of disodium octaborate tetrahydrate to protect aspen waferboard from termites, T.G. Myles
Use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Nondestructive Assessment of Knots and Rots in Wood, J.M. Halloin, J.H. Hart, T.G. Cooper, and E.J. Potchen
Use of Multispectral Scanner Images for Assessment of Hydrothermal Alteration in the Marysvale, Utah, Mining Area, United States Geological Survey
Use of quaking aspen flower buds by ruffed grouse: Its relationship to grouse densities and bud chemical composition, W.J. Jakubas and G.W. Gullion
Use of response surface methodology to maximize paper birch utilization in a three-layer, two-species oriented strandboard, K.C. Au, R.O. Gertjejansen, and K. Larntz
U.S. Grazing Lands: 1950-8, Arthur B. Daugherty and United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service
U.S. Immigration Policy and the National Interest, U.S. House Commttee on the Judiciary
Using a Cordless Drill to Extract Increment Cores, F A. Baker
Using Dendrochronology to Reconstruct Disturbance and Forest Dynamics Around Lake Duparquet, Northwestern Quebec, Yves Bergeron, Bernhard Denneler, Danielle Charron, and Martin Philippe Giradin
Using dynamic programming and overlapping subproblems to address adjacency in large harvest scheduling problems, H.M. Hoganson and J.G. Borges
Using Fire to Rehabilitate Oak Stands Degraded by Red Oak Borer: Initial Results, H. Liechtyl, K. R. Booker, and J. L. Schuler
Using Forest Health Monitoring to assess aspen forest cover change in the southern Rockies ecoregion, Paul Rogers
Using GIS to model tree population parameters in the Rocky Mountain National Park forest-tundra ecotone, W.L. Baker and P.J. Weisberg
Using landscape metrics to measure suitability of a forested watershed: a case study for old growth, J.E. Lundquist, L.R. Lindner, and J. Popp
Using limited dependent variable estimators for estimating percent decay, V.M. LeMay, A. Kozak, and P.L. Marshall
Using Long-Term Regeneration Data From Multiple Studies to Model Regeneration Outcomes in Southern Appalachian Hardwoods, D. Loftis and T. L. Keyser
Using multi-scale sampling and spatial cross-correlation to investigate patterns of plant species richness, M.A. Kalkhan and T.J. Stohlgren
Using New Video Mapping Technology in Landscape Ecology, Thomas J. Stohlgren, Margot W. Kaye, A. Dennis McCrumb, Yuka Otsuki, Betsy Pfister, and Cynthia A. Villa
Using Repeat Landscape Photography to Assess Vegetation Changes in Rural Communities of the Appalachian Mountains, L. Hendrick and C. A. Copenheaver
Using Root Carbohydrates Reserves as an Indicator of Vulnerability to Defoliation in Trembling Aspen, S. Landhausser and V. J. Lieffers
Using Simons stain to evaluate fiber characteristics of biomechanical pulps, R.A. Blanchette, M. Akhtar, and M.C. Attridge
Using Simons stain to predict energy savings during biomechanical pulping, M. Akhtar, R.A. Blanchette, and T.A. Burnes
Using solid-phase extraction to assess why aspen causes more pitch problems than softwoods in kraft pulping, T. Chene, Z. Wang, Y. Zhou, C. Breuil, O.K. Aschim, E. Yee, and L. Nadeau
Using the Web as a survey tool: Results from the second WWW user survey, James Pitkow and Mimi Recker
Using the Wrnshyd procedure to estimate long-term cumulative effects of aspen clearcutting on water yield in Alberta, R.H. Swanson
USU1300 - U.S. Institutions, Fall 2007, Craig Petersen
USU1320 - History and Civilization, Fall, 2007, Mark Damen
Utah Farm & Home Science Vol. 23 No. 1, March 1962
Utah Farm & Home Science Vol. 23 No. 2, June 1962
Utah Farm & Home Science Vol. 23 No. 3, September 1962
Utah Farm & Home Science Vol. 23 No. 4, December 1962
Utah Farm & Home Science Vol. 24 No. 1, March 1963
Utah Farm & Home Science Vol. 24 No. 2, June 1963
Utah Farm & Home Science Vol. 24 No. 3, September 1963
Utah Farm & Home Science Vol. 24 No. 4, December 1963
Utah Farm & Home Science Vol. 25 No. 1, March 1964
Utah Farm & Home Science Vol. 25 No. 2, June 1964
Utah Farm & Home Science Vol. 25 No. 3, September 1964
Utah Farm & Home Science Vol. 25 No. 4, December 1964
Utah Farm & Home Science Vol. 26 No. 1, March 1965
Utah Farm & Home Science Vol. 26 No. 2, June 1965
Utah Farm & Home Science Vol. 26 No. 3, September 1965
Utah Geothermal Institutional Handbook, A User's Guide of Agencies, Regulations, Permits and Aids for Geothermal Development, L. Ward Wagstaff and Stanley Green
Utah Middle-Level School Community Councils: An Evaluation of Compliance, Processes, and Perceived Impact, Richard Jackson Nygaard
Utah Multihazards Planning Demonstration Project - A Case Study Report, United States Federal Emergency Management Agency
Utah Northern Goshawk Project: Environmental Assessment, United States Forest Service
Utah Science vol. 26 no. 4, December 1965
Utah Science Vol. 27 No. 1, March 1966
Utah Science Vol. 27 No. 2, June 1966
Utah Science Vol. 27 No. 3, September 1966
Utah Science Vol. 27 No. 4, December 1966
Utah Science Vol. 28 No. 1, March 1967
Utah Science Vol. 28 No. 2, June 1967
Utah Science Vol. 28 No. 3, September 1967
Utah Science Vol. 28 No. 4, December 1967
Utah Science Vol. 29 No. 1, March 1968
Utah Science Vol. 29 No. 2, June 1968
Utah Science Vol. 29 No. 3, September 1968
Utah Science Vol. 29 No. 4, December 1968
Utah Science Vol. 30 No. 1, March 1969
Utah Science Vol. 30 No. 2, June 1969
Utah Science Vol. 30 No. 3, September 1969
Utah Science Vol. 30 No. 4, December 1969
Utah Science Vol. 31 No. 1, March 1970
Utah Science Vol. 31 No. 2, June 1970
Utah Science Vol. 31 No. 3, September 1970
Utah Science Vol. 31 No. 4, December 1970
Utah Science Vol. 32 No. 1, March 1971
Utah Science Vol. 32 No. 2, June 1971
Utah Science Vol. 32 No. 3, September 1971
Utah Science Vol. 32 No. 4, December 1971
Utah Science Vol. 33 No. 1, March 1972
Utah Science Vol. 33 No. 2, June 1972
Utah Science Vol. 33 No. 3, September 1972
Utah Science Vol. 33 No. 4, December 1972
Utah Science Vol. 34 No. 1, March 1973
Utah Science Vol. 34 No. 3, September 1973
Utah Science Vol. 34 No. 4, December 1973
Utah Science Vol. 35 No. 1, March 1974
Utah Science Vol. 35 No. 2, June 1974
Utah Science Vol. 35 No. 3, September 1974
Utah Science Vol. 35 No. 4, December 1974
Utah Science Vol. 36 No. 1, March 1975
Utah Science Vol. 36 No. 2, June 1975
Utah Science Vol. 36 No. 3, September 1975
Utah Science Vol. 36 No. 4, December 1975
Utah Science Vol. 37 No. 1, March 1976
Utah Science Vol. 37 No. 2, June 1976
Utah Science Vol. 37 No. 3, September 1976
Utah Science Vol. 37 No. 4, Decemer 1976
Utah Science Vol. 38 No. 1, March 1977
Utah Science Vol. 38 No. 2, June 1977
Utah Science Vol. 38 No. 3, September 1977
Utah Science Vol. 38 No. 4, December 1977
Utah Science Vol. 39 No. 1, March 1978
Utah Science Vol. 39 No. 2, June 1978
Utah Science Vol. 39 No. 3, September 1978
Utah Science Vol. 39 No. 4, December 1978
Utah Science Vol. 40 No. 1, March 1979
Utah Science Vol. 40 No. 2, June 1979
Utah Science Vol. 40 No. 3, September 1979
Utah Science Vol. 40 No. 4, December 1979
Utah Science Vol. 41 No. 1, Spring 1980
Utah Science Vol. 41 No. 2, Summer 1980
Utah Science Vol. 41 No. 3, Fall 1980
Utah Science Vol. 41 No. 4, Winter 1980
Utah Science Vol. 42 No. 1, Spring 1981
Utah Science Vol. 42 No. 2, Summer 1981
Utah Science Vol. 42 No. 3, Fall 1981
Utah Science Vol. 42 No. 4, Winter 1981
Utah Science Vol. 43 No. 1, Spring 1982
Utah Science Vol. 43 No. 2, Summer 1982
Utah Science Vol. 43 No. 3, Fall 1982
Utah Science Vol. 43 No. 4, Winter 1982
Utah Science Vol. 44 No. 1, Spring 1983
Utah Science Vol. 44 No. 2, Summer 1983
Utah Science Vol. 44 No. 3, Fall 1983
Utah Science Vol. 44 No. 4, Winter 1983
Utah Science Vol. 45 No. 1, Spring 1984
Utah Science Vol. 45 No. 2, Summer 1984
Utah Science Vol. 45 No. 3, Fall 1984
Utah Science Vol. 45 No. 4, Winter 1984
Utah Science Vol. 46 No. 1, Spring 1985
Utah Science Vol. 46 No. 2, Summer 1985
Utah Science Vol. 46 No. 3, Fall 1985
Utah Science Vol. 46 No. 4, Winter 1985
Utah Science Vol. 47 No. 1, Spring 1986
Utah Science Vol. 47 No. 2, Summer 1986
Utah Science Vol. 47 No. 3, Fall 1986
Utah Science Vol. 47 No. 4, Winter 1986
Utah Science Vol. 48 No. 1, Spring 1987
Utah Science Vol. 48 No. 2, Summer 1987
Utah Science Vol. 48 No. 3, Fall 1987
Utah Science Vol. 48 No. 4, Winter 1987
Utah Science Vol. 49 No. 1, Spring 1988
Utah Science Vol. 49 No. 2, Summer 1988
Utah Science Vol. 49 No. 3, Fall 1988
Utah Science Vol. 49 No. 4, Winter 1988
Utah Science Vol. 50 No. 1, Spring 1989
Utah Science Vol. 50 No. 2, Summer 1989
Utah Science Vol. 50 No. 3, Fall 1989
Utah Science Vol. 50 No. 4, Winter 1989
Utah Science Vol. 51 No. 1, Spring 1990
Utah Science Vol. 51 No. 2, Summer 1990
Utah Science Vol. 51 No. 3, Fall 1990
Utah Science Vol. 51 No. 4, Winter 1990
Utah Science Vol. 52 No. 1, Spring 1991
Utah Science Vol. 52 No. 2, Summer 1991
Utah Science Vol. 52 No. 3, Fall 1991
Utah Science Vol. 52 No. 4, Winter 1991
Utah Science Vol. 53 No. 1, Spring 1992
Utah Science Vol. 53 No. 2, Summer 1992
Utah Science Vol. 53 No. 3, Fall 1992
Utah Science Vol. 53 No. 4, Winter 1992
Utah Science Vol. 54 No. 1, Spring 1993
Utah Science Vol. 54 No. 2, Summer 1993
Utah Science Vol. 54 No. 3, Fall 1993
Utah Science Vol. 54 No. 4, Winter 1993
Utah Science Vol. 55 No. 1, Spring 1994
Utah Science Vol. 55 No. 2, Summer 1994
Utah Science Vol. 55 No. 3 & 4, Fall 1994
Utah Science Vol. 56 No. 1, Spring 1995
Utah Science Vol. 56 No. 2, Summer 1995
Utah Science Vol. 56 No. 3, Fall 1995
Utah Science Vol. 56 No. 4, Winter 1995
Utah Science Vol. 57 No. 2, Summer 1996
Utah Science Vol. 57 No. 3 & 4, Fall/Winter 1996
Utah Science Vol. 58 No. 1, Spring 1997
Utah Science Vol. 58 No. 2, 1997
Utah Science Vol. 58 No. 3, 1997
Utah Science Vol. 58 No. 4, Summer 1998
Utah Science Vol. 59 No. 1, Fall 1998
Utah Science Vol. 59 No. 2, Winter/Spring 1999
Utah Science Vol. 59 No. 3, Summer 1999
Utah Science Vol. 59 No. 4, Fall 1999
Utah Science Vol. 60 No. 1, Winter/Spring 2000
Utah Science Vol. 60 No. 2, Spring/Fall 2000
Utah Science Vol. 61 No. 1, 2001
Utah Science Vol. 61 No. 2, Winter 2002
Utah Science Vol. 61 No. 3, Summer 2002
Utah Science Vol. 62 No. 1, 2003
Utah Science Vol. 63 No. 1, 2006
Utah Science Vol. 64 No. 1, Spring/Summer 2008
Utah Wolf Management Plan, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources Publication #: 05-17, The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources and The Utah Wolf Working Group
Utilization of byproducts from the tequila industry: part 1: agave bagasse as a raw material for animal feeding and fiberboard production, Covarrubias G. Iniguez, S.E. Lange, and R.M. Rowell
Utilization of the eastern hardwood resource by the hardwood sawmilling industry, W. Luppold, J. Baumgras, and G. Barrett
Utilizing Quantile Regression to Develop a Stand Density Index for Mixed Species Stands From FIA Data, R. Knapp and M. J. Ducey
Vacuum pyrolysis of lignin derived from steam-exploded wood, H. Pakdel, B. De Caumia, and C. Roy
Validation of kernel-driven semiempirical models for the surface bidirectional reflectance distribution function of land surfaces, Bao Xin Hu, W. Lucht, Xia Wen Li, A.H. Strahler, B.X. Hu, and X.W. Li
Validation of Peer-Teaching-Peer Paraprofessional Model in Teen Parenting Nutrition Education, Sylvia D. Keller
Vapor-phase chemimechanical pulping of aspen--explosion vs. no explosion, K.N. Law, W.X. Zhou, and J.L. Valade
Vapor phase CMP of Aspen--explosion vs. no explosion, K.N. Law, W.X. Zhou, and J.L. Valade
Variability in Carbon Exchange and Light Utilization Among Boreal Forest Stands: Implications for Remote Sensing of Net Primary Production, Scott J. Goetz and Stephen D. Prince
Variability in early height growth rate of forest trees: implications for retrospective studies of stand dynamics, B.J. Palik and K.S. Pregitzer
Variability in Forest Structure and Composition Along Edge-to-Interior Gradients From Lakeshore and Clearcut Edges and in Riparian Buffers in the Aspen-Dominated Mixedwood Boreal Forest, Karen Amanda Harper
Variability in Litter Quality and Its Relationship to Litter Decay in Canadian Forests, Caroline M. Preston and J.A. Trofymow
Variability in Regional Scale Estimates of Carbon Stocks in Boreal Forest Ecosystems: Results From West-Central Alberta, G.E. Banfield, J.S. Bhatti, H. Jiang, and M.J. Apps
Variability of Soil Moisture Near Flux Towers in the Boreas Southern Study Area, E.L. Peck, T.R. Carroll, R. Maxson, B. Goodison, and J. Metcalfe
Variable Fire Severity Over Multiple Decades of Naturally Occurring Fire in a Sierra Nevada Mixed Conifer Forest, B. Collins and S. L. Stephens
Variable-form taper functions for four Alberta tree species, R.M. Newnham
Variable response of butterflies and vegetation to elk herbivory: an exclosure experiment in ponderosa pine and aspen-mixed conifer forests, Paula K. Kleintjes Neff, Stephen M. Fittig, and Dustin R. VanOverbeke
Variable Retention Harvesting in Great Lakes Red Pine Forests: Responses to Spatial Pattern of Retention, B. Palik, R. Montgomery, P. Reich, S. Boyden, L. Schulte Moore, R. Atwell, K. Lang, D. Kastendick, and M. Powers
Variable stocking version of Plonski's yield tables formulated, B. Payandeh, Yong He Wang, and Y.H. Wang
Variance components, heritabilities and gain estimates for growth chamber and field performance of Populus tremuloides: growth parameters, B.R. Thomas, S.E. MacDonald, and B.P. Dancik
Variation in and natural selection for air pollution tolerances in trees, D F. Karnosky, P C. Berrang, F Scholz, and J P. Bennett
Variation in epiphytic lichen and bryophyte composition and diversity along a gradient of productivity in Populus tremuloides stands of northeastern British Columbia, Canada, Catherine Boudreault, Darwyn S. Coxson, Elise Vincent, Yves Bergeron, and Janet Marsh
Variation in Forest Structure and Composition Along a Lakeshore Edge-to-Interior Gradient in the Aspen-Dominated Mixedwood Boreal Forest, Karen A. Harper and S. Ellen MacDonald
Variation in forest structure and composition along edge-to-interior gradients in aspen forests, K. Harper
Variation in forest structure composition along gradients in the aspen-dominated mixed wood forest, K.A. Harper and S.E. MacDonalds
Variation in Growth Rate of Quercus Rubra and Two of Its Competitors Across Varying Light Regimes in Two Southern Wisconsin Mesic Forests, Christopher M. Kaelke and Erick L. Kruger
Variation in mating competence and random amplified polymorphic DNA in Laccaria bicolor (Agaricales) associated with three tree host species, V.L. Raffle, N.A. Anderson, G.R. Furnier, and R.L. Doudrick
Variation in Occurrence of Basidiomes of Wood-Decomposing Hymenomycetes Is Associated With Different Forest Habitat Types, D. Lindner, G. Stanosz, J. Kotar, D. Rizzo, and H. Burdsall
Variation in plant responses to neighbors at local and regional scales, D.A. Peltzer and S.D. Wilson
Variation in Sapwood Area-Leaf Area Relations Within Two Stands of Lodgepole Pine, T J. Dean
Variation in the susceptibility of the forest tent caterpillar (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae) to Bacillus thuringiensis variety kurstaki HD-1: effect of the host plant, K.C. Kouassi, F. Lorenzetti, C. Guertin, J. Cabana, and Y. Mauffette
Variation of the phenolic hydroxyl group content in wood lignins, Y.Z. Lai and X.P. Guo
Variations in Methane and Nitrous Oxide Mixing Ratios at the Southern Boundary of a Canadian Boreal Forest, I.J. Simpson, G.C. Edwards, and G.W. Thurtell
Vascular Floras of and Barrens in the Middle Ottawa Valley, Susan E. Carbyn and Paul M. Catling
Vascular plant and epiphytic lichen communities in Canadian aspen parkland: determinants of small-scale species richness, H.L. Buckley
Vegetable Gardening and Lawn Care, Jerry Goodspeed, Larry Rupp, and Larry Sagers
Vegetation and Soil Fertility Changes With Forest Succession in Northern Lower Michigan, Mark R. Roberts and Frank S. Gilliam
Vegetation canopy PAR absorptance and NDVI: an assessment for ten tree species with the SAIL model, K.F. Huemmrich and S.N. Goward
Vegetation Characteristics of Wyoming Big Sagebrush Communities Historically Seeded with Crested Wheatgrass in Northeastern Great Basin, USA, Justin Rodney Williams
Vegetation development of boreal riparian plant communities after flooding, fire, and logging, Peace River, Canada, K.P. Timoney, G. Peterson, and R. Wein
Vegetation Development of Boreal Riparian Plant Communities After Flooding, Fire, and Logging, Peace River, Canada, Kevin P. Timoney, George Peterson, and Ross Wein
Vegetation dynamics under fire exclusion and logging in a Rocky Mountain watershed, 1856-1996, A.L. Gallant, A.J. Hansen, J.S. Councilman, D.K. Monte, and D.W. Betz
Vegetation effects on soil resource heterogeneity in prairie and forest, H.R. Kleb and S.D. Wilson
Vegetation Treatments on Bureau of Land Management Lands in 17 Western States, Bureau of Land Management
Vegetative reproduction and early clonal growth of aspen, Wayne D. Shepperd
Vertical Gradients in Photosynthetic Gas Exchange Characteristics and Refixation of Respired Co-2 Within Boreal Forest Canopies, J. Renee Brooks, Lawrence B. Flanagan, Gregory T. Varney, and James R. Ehleringer
Vision for the Future, G. Sayeed Choudhury, Jean-Gabriel Bankier, Kenning Arlitsch, Jessica Branco Colati, Sue Kunda, and Marilyn Billings
Visitation of high mountain bogs by golden eagles in the northern Great Basin, D.A. Charlet and R.W. Rust
Visual Analysis Special Report Technical Appendix, Operation of Flaming Gorge Dam Final Environmental Impact Statement, Brent Hanchett
Visual stimuli influencing orientation by larval gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar (L.), D.B. Roden, J.R. Miller, and G.A. Simmons
Volatile metabolites of Serpula lacrymans, Coniophora puteana, Poria placenta, Stachybotrys chartarum and Chaetomium globosum, Anne Korpi, Anna-Liisa Pasanen, and Hannu Viitanen
Volatile organic compound emission rates from mixed deciduous and coniferous forests in Northern Wisconsin, USA, J.G. Isebrands, A.B. Guenther, P. Harley, D. Helmig, L. Klinger, L. Vierling, P. Zimmerman, and C. Geron
Volatiles from the bark of trembling aspen, Populus tremuloides Michx. (Salicaceae) disrupt secondary attraction by the mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), John H. Borden; Ian M. Wilson; Regine Gries; Leslie J. Chong; Harold D. Pierce, Jr.; and Gerhard Gries
Volume and value growth of hardwood trees in Wisconsin, J. Buongiorno and J.S. Hseu
Vulcan's footprint on the forest: the mining in industry and California's National Forests, 1850-1950, Kevin Palmer
Vulnerabilities of Gambel's Oak Quercus-Gambelii Sub-Alpine Fir Abies-Lasiocarpa and Aspen Populus-Tremuloides to Freezing-Induced Xylem Embolism, J.S. Sperry and J. Sullivan
Was Aldo Leopold right about the Kaibab deer herd?, Dan Binkley, Margaret M. Moore, William H. Romme, and Peter M. Brown
Water Allocation for Agricultural Use Considering Treated Wastewater, Public Health Risk, and Economic Issues, Ahmed E. Al-Juaidi
Water Budget of Bear River Delta, Chia Chu Hsieh
Water Conservation Through Irrigation Technology, Donald H. Negri; John J. Hanchar; and United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service
Water, fire, smoke, and hose tests video - HEAT, Interdisciplinary Media Research Consortium, Brett E. Shelton, and Jeff Maxfield
Water Quality, Leona K. Hawks, Terry A. Tindall, Howard M. Deer, Bob Lowe, Kevin C. Kesler, Mardell Parrish, Charles Jeffs, and Kitt Farrell
Water Quality as a Land Use Determinant for the Bear Lake Valley, Utah-Idaho, Hayden L. Street
Water quality restoration plan: Upper Klamath Basin, Michael L. McNamara
Water Resources Handbook for Economics, United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service
Water Resources Management Plan Arches National Park and Canyonlands National Park, United States Department of the Interior National Park Service
Water-Resources Studies in Utah July 1, 1980 to June 30, 1981, United States Geological Survey
Watershed-Scale Analysis of Riparian Buffer Function, Molly Van Appledorn
Weakened Biotic-Environmental Relationships in the Herb Layer After a Hundred Years of Recovery From Logging Disturbance, J. Wyatt and M. R. Silman
Weathering and finish performance of acetylated aspen fiberboard
Weathering performance of finished aspen siding, W.C. Feist
Weight and Body Composition Change During the First Year of College: A Study of Traditional Residence Hall Freshmen, Stephanie V. Christensen
Welcome and Introduction, Richard W. Clement and Raymond T. Coward
Western tent caterpillar in aspen. Rev. Sept. 1991, Department of Agriculture
Wetting of wood, G.I. Mantanis and R.A. Young
What causes willow die-off?, R. Limb, C.B. Marlow, and B. Jacobson
What Drives Decomposition Rates of Coarse Woody Debris (CWD)?, Steffen Herrmann and Jurgen Bauhus
What is Working Today: Success stories in marketing, rights management, and more, Heather Leary, Allyson Mower, and Michelle Armstrong
What molecules can tell us about populations: choosing and using a molecular marker, Patricia G. Parker, Allison A. Snow, Malcolm D. Schug, Gregory C. Booton, and Paul A. Fuerst
What We Waste When Faculty Hiring Goes Wrong, Kevin J. H. Dettmar
Where the Buffalo Roamed: or Did They?, Richard H. Hart
Whitebark Pine as a Foundation and Keystone Species: Functional Roles and Community Interactions, Diana Tomback
Whitebark Pine Assessment and Restoration in Central Rockies National Parks, Kelly McCloskey and Nancy Bockino
Whitebark Pine Ecosystem Collapse in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem: Fiction Or Fact?, J. Logan, W. W. Macfarlane, and L. Willcox
White pine seed-tree legacies in an aspen landscape: Influences on post-disturbance white pine population structure, Brian J. Palik and Kurt S. Pregitzer
White pine weevil response to oak overstory girdling - results from a 16-year-old study, S.A. Katovich and F.S. Morse
White River Record of Decision and Approved Resource Management Plan, United States Bureau of Land Management
White spruce and balsam fir colonization of a site in the southeastern boreal forest as observed 68 years after fire, C. Galipeau, D. Dneeshaw, and Y. Bergeron
White spruce regeneration on a blade-scarified Alaskan loess soi, E.C. Packee
White-tailed deer habitats in the central Black Hills, C.S. Deperno, J.A. Jenks, S.L. Griffin, L.A. Rice, and K.F. Higgins
White tree rings formed in trembling aspen saplings following experimental defoliation, Edward H. Hogg, M. Hart, and V.J. Lieffers
White-Winged Crossbills Breed in Northern Utah, Kimberly G. Smith
Who Knew? An Autoethnography of a First-Year Assistant Principal, Gerald R. Jackman
Why Does Chewing Gum Stick to Hair and What Does This Have to Do With Lignocellulosic Structural Composite Adhesion?, Joseph Marcinko
Why fungal growth is less effective in aspen heartwood than in aspen sapwood, Wang Zhao, R. Leone, and C. Breuil
Why Fungal Growth Is Less Effective in Aspen Heartwood Than in Aspen Sapwood, Zhao Wang, Robert Leone, and Colette Breuil
WILD4520 - Wildland Fire Management and Planning, Spring 2004, Michael Jenkins
WILD 5460 - Avalanche and Snow Dynamics, Spring 2007, Mike Jenkins
Wildlife habitats and biological diversity in the Rocky Mountains and northern Great Plains, D.M. Finch and L.F. Ruggiero
Wild Ungulate Forage Requirements -- A Review, United States Bureau of Land Management
Wind disturbance in remnant forest stands along the prairie-forest ecotone, Minnesota, USA, J.M. Dyer and P.R. Baird
Windthrow Along Electrical Distribution Lines in a Rural Setting, Jean Claude Ruel and Daniel Pin
Winter habitat and nest trees used by northern flying squirrels in subboreal forests, C.L. Cotton and K.L. Parker
Winter use of Douglas-fir forests by blue grouse in Colorado, B.S. Cade and R.W. Hoffman
Within- and between-year variation in early season phytochemistry of quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) clones, T.L. Osier, Shaw Yhi, and R.L. Lindroth
Wolves influence elk movements: behavior shapes a trophic cacade in Yellowstone National Park, Daniel Fortin, Hawthorne L. Beyer, Mark S. Boyce, Douglas W. Smith, Thierry Duchesne, and Julie S. Mao
Wolves, trophic cascades, and rivers in the Olympic National Park, USA, Robert L. Beschta and William J. Ripple
Wood Anatomy of Arbutus unedo Reflects Site-Specific Responses to Increased Drought Frequency, C. Copenheaver, H. Gaertner, P. Cherubini, I. Schaefer, and F. Vaccari
Wood-degrading capabilities of microfungi isolated from Populus tremuloides, P.E. Crane, P. Chakravarty, L.J. Hutchison, and Y. Hiratsuka
Wood drying modelling based on the water potential concept: hysteresis effects, A. Cloutier and Y. Fortin
Wood extractives as carbon sources for staining fungi in the sapwood of lodgepole pine and trembling aspen, Y. Gao and C. Breuil
Wood Formation in Hybrid Aspen Grown Under Different Nitrogen Regimes, L. Puech, S. Tuerk, J. Hodson, and S. Fink
Wood formation in rolC transgenic aspen trees, C. Grunwald, F. Deutsch, D. Eckstein, and M. Fladung
Wood-inhabiting microfungi isolated from Populus tremuloides from Alberta and northeastern British Columbia, Leonard J. Hutchison
Woodpecker habitat use in the forests of southeast Wyoming, S.S. Loose and S.H. Anderson
wood-preservatives, zinc-, borates-, composite-boards, flakeboards-, control-, Timo Kurkela
Wood quality differences between aspen and balsam poplar. Balsam poplar as potential raw material for waferboard and oriented strandboard production, M. Antal and M.M. Micko
Woody Clumps and Clumpwoods, C.J. Lacey and R.D. Johnston
Woody debris, forest-stream succession, and catchment geomorphology, E.H. Trotter
Woody Detritus as a Control of Forest Carbon Budgets, M. E. Harmon
Woody Mulch Effects on Soil Nitrogen Availability in Mechanical Fuel Reduction Treatments, C. Rhoades, M. Battaglia, M. G. Ryan, and M. E. Rocca
Woody plant grazing systems: North American outbreak folivores and their host plants, W.J. Mattson, D.A. Herms, J.A. Witter, and D.C. Allen
Woody tissue analysis using an element ratio technique (DRIS), K.H. Riitters, L.F. Ohmann, and D.F. Grigal
Woody vegetation response to fire versus clear-cutting logging: a comparative survey in the central Canadian boreal forest, T.J. Carleton and P. MacLellan
Working from Afar: A New Trend for Librarianship, Jennifer Duncan
Working on 3D environment, Interdisciplinary Media Research Consortium, Brett E. Shelton, and Jeff Maxfield
Wound Induced Gene Expression in Aspen Populus Tremuloides Bark, Karen A. Thamarus
Wound response characteristics as related to phenylpropanoid enzyme activity and lignin deposition in resistant and susceptible Populus tremuloides inoculated with Entoleuca mammata (Hypoxylon mammatum), B. Bucciarelli, H.G. Jung, M.E. Ostry, N.A. Anderson, and C.P. Vance
Wyoming Forest Health Report 1995-1998 - A Baseline Assessment, Les Koch, Paul Rogers, Michelle Frank, Dave Atkins, and Lia Spiegel
Wyoming Statewide Wilderness Study Report Wilderness Study Area Specific Recommendations, United States Bureau of Land Management
Wyoming Wilderness Study Report Statewide Overview, United States Bureau of Land Management
Xanthogenation of lignocarbohydrates by carbon disulfide, M.V. Efanov and L.A. Pershina
Xylem embolism in response to freeze-thaw cycles and water stress in ring-porous, diffuse-porous, and conifer species, John S. Sperry and June E.M. Sullivan
Xylem Embolism in Ring Porous, Diffuse Porous, and Coniferous Trees of Northern Utah and Interior Alaska, John S. Sperry, Kirk L. Nichols, June E.M. Sullivan, and Sonda E. Eastlack
Xylem-Specific and Tension Stress-Responsive Expression of Cellulose Synthase Genes From Aspen Trees, Chandrashekhar P. Joshi
Xyloglucan endotransglycosylases have a function during the formation of secondary cell walls of vascular tissues, V. Bourquin, N. Nishikubo, H. Abe, H. Brumer, S. Denman, M. Eklund, M. Christiernin, T.T. Teeri, B. Sundberg, and E.J. Mellerowicz
Yellow pine chipmonks cannot climb quaking aspens: implications for avian nest site selection, T. Will Richardson and Stephen B. Vander Wall
Yellowstone’s northern elk herd: a critical evaluation of the “natural regulation paradigm", Charles E. Kay
Yellowstone vegetation: Consequences of environment and history in a natural setting, D.G. Despain
Young spruce-fir forests released by herbicides. I. Response of hardwoods and shrubs, M. Newton; E.C. Cole; D.E. White; and M.L. McCormack, Jr.
Zamyatin's We: Persuading the Individual to Sacrifice Self, Jeffrey Steven Carr
Zfwd: a Novel Subfamily of Plant Proteins Containing a C3h Zinc Finger and Seven Wd40 Repeats, J. Terol, M. Bargues, and M. Perez Alonso
Zion Canyon Headquarters, Zion National Park, Utah, Draft Development Concept Plan, Environmental Assessment, United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Zythiostromic acids, diterpenoids from an antifungal Zythiostroma species associated wtih aspen, W.A. Ayer and A.Q. Khan