Creative Projects
Skill Builder: Assistive Technology for Developing Skill and Habits, Aaron Kay
Achieving Responsible Anomaly Detection, Xiao Han
A Comprehensive and Interactive Visualization Tool to Support Equitable Adoption of Electrified Transportation, Aashay Maheshwarkar
A Computer-Aided Training (CAT) System for Short Track Speed Skating, Chenguang Liu
Acquisition, Processing, and Analysis of Video, Audio and Meteorological Data in Multi-Sensor Electronic Beehive Monitoring, Sarbajit Mukherjee
Advancement of Computing on Large Datasets via Parallel Computing and Cyberinfrastructure, Ahmet Artu Yildirim
A Dynamic State Metabolic Journey: From Mass Spectrometry to Network Analysis via Estimation of Kinetic Parameters, Arockia Ranjitha Dhanasekaran
A Fully Automatic Segmentation Method for Breast Ultrasound Images, Juan Shan
Algorithmic Information Theory Applications in Bright Field Microscopy and Epithelial Pattern Formation, Hamid Mohamadlou
Algorithms for Unit-Disk Graphs and Related Problems, Yiming Zhao
Analyzing Student Behaviors in CS1 Through Programming Process Data, Kaden F. Hart
A Novel and Effective Short Track Speed Skating Tracking System, Yuxuan Wang
A Pattern Language for Designing Application-Level Communication Protocols and the Improvement of Computer Science Education through Cloud Computing, Jorge Edison Lascano
Artificial Intelligence and Deep Reinforcement Learning Stock Market Predictions, Andrew W. Brim
Breast Ultrasound Image Segmentation Based on Uncertainty Reduction and Context Information, Kuan Huang
Computational Modeling to Study Disease Development: Applications to Breast Cancer and an in vitro Model of Macular Degeneration, Qanita Bani Baker
Computational Models of Intracellular and Intercellular Processes in Developmental Biology, Ahmadreza Ghaffarizadeh
Computer-Aided Detection of Breast Cancer Using Ultrasound Images, Yanhui Guo
Decentralized Unknown Building Exploration by Frontier Incentivization and Voronoi Segmentation in a Communication Restricted Domain, Huzeyfe M. Kocabas
Deep Learning and Optimization in Visual Target Tracking, Mohammadreza Javanmardi
Deep Learning Data and Indexes in a Database, Vishal Sharma
Deep Learning for Crack-Like Object Detection, Kaige Zhang
Deep Learning With Attention Mechanisms in Breast Ultrasound Image Segmentation and Classification, Meng Xu
Deep Learning With Effective Hierarchical Attention Mechanisms in Perception of Autonomous Vehicles, Qiuxiao Chen
Developing and Securing Software for Small Space Systems, Brandon L. Shirley
Estimating Accuracy of Personal Identifiable Information in Integrated Data Systems, Amani "Mohammad Jum'h" Amin Shatnawi
Experimental Analysis of the Effects of Manipulations in Weighted Voting Games, Ramoni Olaoluwa Lasisi
Eyes-Free Vision-Based Scanning of Aligned Barcodes and Information Extraction from Aligned Nutrition Tables, Aliasgar Kutiyanawala
Face Recognition Under Varying Illuminations, Mohammadreza Faraji
Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild Using Convolutional Neural Networks, Amir Hossein Farzaneh
Generation and Analysis of Verbal Route Directions for Blind Navigation, John Nicholson
Generative AI in Education From the Perspective of Students, Educators, and Administrators, Aashish Ghimire
Geometric Algorithms for Intervals and Related Problems, Shimin Li
Geometric Facility Location Problems on Uncertain Data, Jingru Zhang
Graph Kernels and Applications in Bioinformatics, Marco Alvarez Vega
Improving Reuse and Maintainability of Communication Software With Conversation-Aware Aspects, Ali Raza
Improving Reuse of Distributed Transaction Software with Transaction-Aware Aspects, Anas Ahmad AlSobeh
Intelligent Traffic Management: From Practical Stochastic Path Planning to Reinforcement Learning Based City-Wide Traffic Optimization, Kamilia Ahmadi
Interference Mitigation in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks with Advanced Physical-Layer Techniques, Yantian Hou
Interpretable and Robust Deep Anomaly Detection, He Cheng
Knowledge Extraction in Video Through the Interaction Analysis of Activities, Omar Ulises Florez
Machine Learning Enhanced Free-Space and Underwater OAM Optical Communications, Patrick L. Neary
Neutro-Connectedness Theory, Algorithms and Applications, Min Xian
Novel Approaches to Image Segmentation Based on Neutrosophic Logic, Ming Zhang
Object Recognition in Videos Utilizing Hierarchical and Temporal Objectness with Deep Neural Networks, Liang Peng
On the Complexity of Collecting Items With a Maximal Sliding Agent, Pedro J. Tejada
Peer-to-Peer Simulation of Massive Virtual Environments, James Dean Mathias
Prediction of Protein Function and Functional Sites From Protein Sequences, Jing Hu
Sheaf Theory as a Foundation for Heterogeneous Data Fusion, Seyed M-H Mansourbeigi
Social Media Use During Crisis Events: A Mixed-Method Analysis of Information Sources and Their Trustworthiness, Apoorva Chauhan
Space Plug-and-Play Architecture Networking: A Self-Configuring Heterogeneous Network Architecture, Jacob Holt Christensen
Statistical Techniques to Model and Optimize Performance of Scientific, Numerically Intensive Workloads, Steena Dominica Steven Monteiro
Toward a General Parametric Model for Assessing the Impact of Video Transcoding on Objective Video Quality, Nawaf Omar N. Alsrehin
Universal Mobile Service Execution Framework for Device-To-Device Collaborations, Minh Le
Vision Based Extraction of Nutrition Information from Skewed Nutrition Labels, Tanwir Zaman
Visual Saliency Estimation and Its Applications, Fei Xu
A Bayes Rule for the Symmetric Multiple Comparisons Problem, Aban Nawabi
A Customer Data Acquisition Application for Android, Richard William Preece
A Flexible Consent Management System for Master Person Indices, Aditya Pakalapati
A Medical Data Cleaner, Jahnavi Yetukuri
A Merging System for Integrated Person-Centric Information Systems, Swati Jain
An Assessment Tool to Analyze Code Written in App Inventor, Rohit Gopalan
An Extendable Software Architecture for Massively Parallel Biological Simulation, Karthik Iyer
A Prototype Automated Resolution Service For Public-Health Master Person Index, Sarvesh Jain
A Secure Communication System for Early Childhood Collaboration System, Hao Kang
A Standard Network Adapter for Spacecraft and Payloads, Colby Russell Salmon
Automated Check-In and Scheduling System for a Web-Based Testing Application, Ashwin V. Kumar
Automatic Ordering of Program Units for Execution, Ronald D. Williams
CHARM Components Monitoring System (CCMS), Cemal Aktas
CHARM Web-Interface, Nirmal G. Tiwari
Code Generation: An Introduction to Typed EBNF, Jason Gerald Young
Composite Feature-Based Face Detection Using Skin Color Modeling and SVM Classification, Swathi Rajashekar
Creating a Representation of Items and Version that Support Efficient Evaluation of the Transaction-Time Axis in XML-Based Databases, Kaylan Goutham Mekala
Creation and Evaluation of Interactive Learning Modules for Computer Science Education, Milan Neema
Crisis Social Media Trainer, Sravani Mamidi
CSILM: Interactive Learning Modules For Computer Science, Srinivasa Santosh Kumar Allu
Digital Labeling and Narrative Mapping in Mobile Remote Audio Signage: Verbalization of Routes and Generation of New Verbal Route Descriptions from Existing Route Sets, Tharun Tej Tammineni
Download Question and Section Results Output for INetTest System, Pradeep Jagannath Rohokale
Effective use of Interactive Learning Modules in Classroom Study for Computer Science Education, Goldee Jamwal
Effective Use of Interactive Learning Modules in Classroom Study in Computer Science, Goldee Jamwal
Efficient And Flexible Continuous Integration Infrastructure to Improve Software Development Process, Daehyeok Mun
Enhancing iNetTest by Improving the Programming Question and Group Grading, Sushil Dosi
Image Segmentation Using De-Textured Images, Yaswanth Kodavali
Information Flow in the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Cellular Automata, Akshay Thakre
Investigation of Alternatives for Migrating the One-Stop-Shop (OSS) Application to a Single, Web-Based Offering that is Conducive for both Desktop and Mobile Use., Sahiti Katragadda
Leveraging Generative AI For Sustainable Farm Management Techniques Correspond To Optimization and Agricultural Efficiency Prediction, Samira Samrose
Log-Data Visualization Tool for Analyzing and Improving Performance of Data De-Duplication Tool in Charm-II, Daniel Erickson
MAPIT - A Mapping Application for Freshwater Invertebrate Taxa, Sirisha Pratha
Metadata Management System for Healthcare Information Systems, Ketan Shripat Patil
NetTest: An Integrated Web-Based Test Tools, Tzy-Tao Yang
Plants Search Engine, Purnachandra Kanagala
Program Development for Computer Simulation and Analysis for Multiplex Chromatography, Barbara Pawliszyn
Recource Limited Testing Center Scheduling for a Web-Based Testing Application, Adam J. Graham
Report on Advances in the Field of Artificial Intelligence Attributed to CAPTCHA, Craig M. Schow
Skill Finder: Automated Job-Resume Matching System, Thimma Reddy Kalva
Skip Trie Matching for Real-Time OCR Output Error Corrrection on Smartphones, Aditya Vanka