The Effects of Paternal Absence on Male Children, Martha H. Rigby
The Effects of Pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia on Social Competence: An Investigation into the First Three Months of Treatment, Rachel L. Duchoslav
The Effects of Performance Feedback on Exercise, Physiological Reactivity, and Affective State among Hostile College Students, Crystal Chia-Sheng Lin
The Effects of Response Set on the Structured-Objective Rorschach Test, Richard Y. Moody
The Effects of Response Sets on the Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale, Brent L. Andersen
The Effects of Restraint on Hallucinatory Behavior Under Conditions of Perceptual Deprivation, David G. Gibson
The Effects of Self-Monitoring Checklists and Performance Feedback on Study Skills of College Students with Disabilities, Sherrie Mecham
The Effects of Serial Testing Upon the Results of the Standford-Binet Tests of Intelligence, Betsey Rogers McCullough
The Effects of Shock-Induced Attack on Bar Pressing for Liquid Food Reinforcement, Joseph G. Hayes
The Effects of the Physical Attractiveness Stereotype on Therapists' Perceptions of Clients, Todd S. Larsen
The Effects of Training Designed to Accelerate Piagetian Conservation in Children on WISC Subtest Scores, Leland J. Winger Jr.
The Emotional Effects of Injury on Female Collegiate Gymnasts, Nancy J. Albert
The Examination of Variables That Influence Response Rates to Mailed Questionnaires, Anuradha Parthasarathy
The Fixed-Interval Presentation of a Small Fixed Ratio, Larry Allen Alferink
The Impact of Academic and Teaching Self-Efficacy on Student Engagement and Academic Outcomes, Lesther A. Papa
The Impact of Extracurricular Activities on Children's School Performance and Mental Health, Amber L. Crews
The Impact of Religious Schema on Critical Thinking Skills, Matthew Kirby
The Impact of Study Skills Courses on Academic Self-Efficacy in College Students, Brenna M. Wernersbach
The Impact of the ACT Automated Admissions System as Perceived by the High School Counselors in Utah, James Rodney Clark
The Influence of Culture on Behavior-Based Tasks of Impulsivity, Byron H. Garcia
The Influence of Parental Attributions and Parenting Behaviors on the Attributions Utilized by Children With and Without Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Brent R. Collett
The Influence of Parental Mental Health and Family Psychosocial Functioning on Bystander Behavior of Elementary School Children, Joanna C. Jenkins
The Influence of Social Support on the Stress Level of Parents with Disabled Children, Shannon J. Pratt
The Intersection of Multiple Oppressed Identities: Implications For Identity Development, Angela Marie Enno
The Intersection of School Ethnic Composition and Structure: Predicting Social and Academic Outcomes Among Latino Students, Benjamin Pierce
The Iowa Tests of Educational Development as Predictors of Academic Success at Utah State University, James Vance Hendricks
The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 and Low Back Pain Surgery Outcome, David S. Shearer
The MMPI as a Predictor of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Among Vietnam Veterans, Susan Rogers
The Post-Reinforcement Pause and Terminal Rate In Fixed-Interval Schedules, Charles A. Lund
The Prediction of Sales Success Among B. F. Goodrich Territory Managers, Richard F. Fail
The Prediction of Tenure and Job Performance Based on the Job Activity Preference Questionnaire (JAPQ): A Concurrent Study, Nolan R. Roberts
The Predictive Validity of the Battelle Developmental Inventory as a Measure of Adaptive Behavior : A 2-3 Year, Longitudinal Comparison with the Scales of Independent Behavior, Clarice E. Jentzsh
The Predictive Validity of the Battelle Developmental Inventory as a Measure of Adaptive Behavior: A 2-3 Year, Longitudinal Comparison With the Scales of Independent Behavior, Clarice E. Jentzsch
The Prevalence of Dual Diagnosis of Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Alcoholism in the Literature: A Critical Meta-Analytic Review, Joseph B. Stone
The Production and Prevention of Stomach Ulcers in Rodents, Eric H. Rudrud
The Programmed Text as an Aid to Teaching Spelling in Junior High School, Gordon Howard Nicholls
The Relation Between Parenting Beliefs, Behaviors, and Acculturation on the Social Skills of Prekindergarten Hispanic Children, Peter C. Winstead
The Relation Between Racial Attitudes and Facets of Impulsivity, Diana M. Perez
The Relationship Between Activity Delay and Freshman Academic Achievement, Richard R. Carlson
The Relationship between a Measure of Dogmatism and Retention of Rogerian and Skinnerian Concepts, Richard A. Carpenter
The Relationship Between Ego Identity Status, Conformity Behavior, and Personality in College Students, John Harold Ryan
The Relationship Between Goal Attainment and Self Concept for Assertive Training Groups, Lori Peterson
The Relationship Between Grade Point Averages of the Henmon-Nelson Test of Mental Ability and the American College Test, Eda Alene Hansen
The Relationship Between Mindfulness, Academic Stress, and Attention, Tida Blackburn
The Relationship Between Perceived Parenting Styles and Adolescent Locus of Control and Self-Concept, Lisa Ann McClun
The Relationship Between Personality as Measured by the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory and Interest as Measured by the Kuder Preference Record, Robert Glen Knudsen
The Relationship Between Raw Scores on the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children and School Attendance for Sioux Children Ages 8-12, Mike Cummings
The Relationship Between Self Concept and Children's Figure Drawings, Marta Lynn Severson Campbell
The Relationship Between Students' Evaluation of Faculty and Students' Grades, Eun-hee Shin
The Relationship of Acculturation and Acculturative Stress in Latina/o Youths’ Psychosocial Functioning, Marsha Tafoya
The Relationship of Depression, Gender, and Sex Roles, Scott V. Cutler
The Relationship of Gender-Based Microaggressions and Internalized Sexism on Mental Health Outcomes: A Mother-Daughter Study, Nicole D. Feigt
The Relationship of Scoring Above or Below the 75th Percentile on the Kuder Preference Record to General Aptitude, Vocational Attitudes and Occupational Values, Terry Joseph Orme
The Relationship of the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI) to the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, Duane Reeder
The Relationship of Trait Mindfulness and Positive Mental and Physical Health Among College Students, Sarah A. Potts
The Relationship of Type A and Type B Coronary Behavior Patterns and Achievement Striving, Jolene Lowry Adams
The Relationships of Gender and Age with Peer Acceptance in Primary-Grade, Multiage Classrooms at Edith Bowen Laboratory School, Thomas Anthony Shuster
The Relative Effectiveness of Audio-Taped Relaxation and Live-Therapist Presented Relaxation in Terms of Physiological Parameters, Cris M. Quayle
The Reliability and Validity of an Instrument Designed to Measure Attitudes Toward the Elderly, Jane Schultz
The Reliability and Validity of the Boatwright-Bracken Child Attention Deficit Scales: Child and Parent Versions, Erica S. Thomas
The Religious Experience of Sexual Minority Youth: Identity, Integration and Minority Stress, Angie L. Dahl
The Role of Dysfunctional Beliefs and Attitudes about Sleep (DBAS), Rumination, Psychological Inflexibility, and Insomnia Among College Students, Guadalupe G. San Miguel
The Role of Gender Differences in the Relationship Between Guilt- and Shame-Proneness and Depressive Symptomatology, Julie Bingham Shiffler
The Role of Psychological Flexibility in Eating Disorders in a Residential Treatment Sample, Phillip Ryan Mitchell
The Role of Religious Affiliation and Attitudes in Marriage Maintenance Strategies, Chenika Fowler
The Self-Concept and Failure in the Junior High School, Milton C. Madsen
The Self-Recording of Weight and Bites in the Treatment of Obesity, Cris Quayle
The Sexual Objectification Experiences of Non-Binary People, Lee R. Pradell
The Teaching Machine as a Study Aid at the College Level, John R. Cragun
The Teaching of Concrete Thinking Strategies to Five-Year-Old Children and its Effect on Performance on the Bender-Gestalt Test, Ronald C. Bennett
The Temporal Distribution of Short-Duration Keypecks in Variable-Interval Schedules of Reinforcement, Joseph G. Williams
The Use of a Values Affirming Intervention: Does It Impact Math Scores and Semester Grade Point Averages in a Student Support Services Population, Amy L. DeBruler
The Use of Self-Control Procedures with Pre~Adolescents Classified as Educable Mentally Retarded, Lizabeth A. McGill
The Validity and Use of Wechsler Pre-School and Primary Scale of Intelligence in Predicting School Achievement, Sam Campanella
The Verbal-Quantitative Differential as an Indicator of Personality Maladjustment, Robert W. Spencer
Threat Perception as a Determinant of Pro-Environmental Behaviors: Public Involvement in Air Pollution Abatement in Cache Valley, Utah, Joshua D. Marquit
Towards a More Comprehensive View of the Use of Power Between Couple Members in Adolescent Romantic Relationships, Charles George Bentley
Transitivity in the Choice Behavior of Rats, Richard Duus
Treatment of Pediatric Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Utilizing Parent-Facilitated Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Jennifer Yardley
Trial Spacing and the Conditioned Motivational Effects of a Food-Predictive Cue, Gabrielle M. Sutton
Use of Brief Experimental Assessment for Selecting Interventions to Increase Positive Social Interaction, Michelle S. Cox
Use of the Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms Rating Scale with Preschool Children, Penny LaDee Phillips
Using Ecological Momentary Assessment to Clarify the Function of Hoarding, Jennifer Krafft
Using Music in Teaching Social Skills to Mentally Retarded Subjects, Tamara Barron-Johnson
Using Pavlovian Sign-Tracking to Increase Self-Control in Rats, Saba Mahmoudi
Utah School Counselors: Present Status, Linda J. Kuwana
Utility of an Error Analysis and Performance Deficit Assessment for Selecting Brief Interventions to Increase Math Fluency, Aaron John Denison
Utilization of Phoneme-Grapheme Relative Frequency Data as an Effective Method of Developing Reading Materials for Navajo Students, Wesley K. Roberts
Utilizing ACT Daily as a Self-Guided Mobile App Intervention for Depression and Anxiety in a College Counseling Center, Jack A. Haeger
Utilizing a School-Based Treatment to Address Socially Anxious Elementary School Students, McKell Nelson
Variables Effecting College Enrollment or Nonenrollment, Randy Jay Mendelson
Variation in the Order of Presentation of Cues as One Variable in Concept Organization, John E. Genasci
Verbal Interactions Among Elementary Students with the Jigsaw II Learning Method, Katherine Gilbert
Victimization During the Middle School Years: Exploring the Relationship Between Emotion Regulation and Emotional/Behavioral Outcomes, Jason E. Harlacher
Voces: Experiences of Undocumented Latines, José Manuel González Vera