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Major Factors or Inputs Affecting Profitability of Beef Cow Herds in the Western United States, J. Severe and D. R. ZoBell
Managing Your Septic System, USU Extension
Pear Sawfly, Vincent P. Jones and Ryan S. Davis
Preventing Poisoning of Pets When Using Slug and Snail Baits, Kerry A. Rood and Larry A. Sagers
Procedure and Checklist for Water Vaccination of Meat Turkey Flocks, David D. Frame
Propagating Bigtooth Maple, Melody Richards
Reproduction and Immune Impacts from Vitamin or Mineral Deficiencies: Determining if Your Herd Is Deficient, Kerry A. Rood
Rhubarb in the Garden, Taun Beddes
Russian Olive Control - Basal Bark Treatment, Dennis Worwood and Ronald Patterson
Russian Olive Control - Frill Cut Treatment, Ron Patterson
Sage-grouse Habitat in Utah. A Guide for Landowners and Managers, Todd A. Black
Sand Colic: Risk Factors, Detection, Treatment, and Prevention, Kerry A. Rood and Colette Tebeau
Selecting and Using Inorganic Fertilizers, Rich Koenig and Larry Rupp
Selecting and Using Organic Fertilizers, Mike Johnson and Rich Koenig
Spruce Health in Utah Landscapes, Ryan S. Davis, Michael R. Kuhns, and Claudia Nischwitz
Sunscald Injury or Southwest Winter Injury on Deciduous Trees, Katie Wagner and Michael R. Kuhns
Synchronizing Cattle Using Progesterone Infused Vaginal Inserts, Kerry A. Rood, Kevin Heaton, and Rusty Stott
Termitas Subterraneas, Erin Hodgson and Alan H. Roe
Terms and Tables for Water Measurement and Management, Kevin Heaton, Trent Wilde, Clark Israelsen, and Robert W. Hill
Testing Your Well Water, USU Extension
The Communicator, July 2011, Terry Messmer
The Communicator, October 2011, Terry Messmer
The Fundamentals of Nutrient Management, Rhonda Miller, Clark Israelsen, Jim Bowcutt, and Neils Hansen
Tips for Synchronizing Cattle Using Progesterone Infused Vaginal Inserts, Kerry A. Rood, Rusty Stott, and Kevin Heaton
Turfgrass Cultivation (Aerification), Kelly Kopp
Understanding High Altitude Cooking, Abbey Carlson and Karin Allen
Utilization of Heterosis in a Beef Cow Herd, D. R. ZoBell and J. Severe
Walnuts in the Home Orchard, Taun Beddes, Marion Murray, Michael R. Kuhns, and Jerry Goodspeed
Watershed Detectives, USU Extension
Water-wise Landscaping: Practical Turfgrass Areas, Kelly Kopp and Paul Johnson
Western Flower Thrips (Frankliniella Occidentalis), L. Irene Terry and Diane Alston
Winterizing Your Horse's Feet, Scott McKendrick, James Keyes, and Karmella Dolecheck
Africanized Honey Bee, Erin W. Hodgson, Cory A. Stanley, Alan H. Roe, and Danielle Downey
An Evaluation of the Risk and Return Associated with Four Cattle Feeding Alternatives in Utah, Dillon M. Feuz and Caleb Bott
An Introduction to Natural Fibers, USU Extension
Basics for Raising Backyard Chickens, David D. Frame
Biosecurity Principles: Protecting the Utah Turkey Industry, David Frame
Biosecurity Principles: Protecting Your Investment, David D. Frame
Body Condition Scoring: A Management Tool for Evaluating All Horses, Patricia Evans
Boxelder Bug, Erin W. Hodgson and Alan H. Roe
Bugs Don't Bug Me Coloring and Activity Book, USU Extension
Bugs Don't Bug Me Lesson Plan: Build-A-Bug, USU Extension
Bugs Don't Bug Me Lesson Plan: If Bugs Could Talk, USU Extension
Bugs Don't Bug Me Lesson Plan: Macroinvertebrate Graphing, USU Extension
Bugs Don't Bug Me Lesson Plan: Macroinvertebrate Investigation, USU Extension
Bugs Don't Bug Me Lesson Plan: Macroinvertebrate Mix and Match, USU Extension
Bugs Don't Bug Me Lesson Plan: Macroinvertebrate Simon Says, USU Extension
Bugs Don't Bug Me: Lesson Plans and Hands-on Activities About Aquatic Macroinvertebrates and Water Quality for K-6 Students, USU Extension
Bugs Don't Bug Me Lesson Plan: Water Pollution Graphing, USU Extension
Cat-facing Insects, Diane Alston, Michael Reding, and Marion Murray
Chinch Bugs, Kelly Kopp, Ryan S. Davis, and Ricardo A. Ramirez
Cockroaches, Ryan S. Davis
Codling Moth (Cydia pomonella) Sampling Form, USU Extension
Common Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies in Utah, Jeffery O. Hall and D. R. ZoBell
Control of Iron Chlorosis, Rich Koenig and Michael R. Kuhns
Cow-Calf Management Guide & Cattle Producter's Library Introduction, Linden Greenhalgh
Diagnostic Testing for Nitrogen Soil Fertility, D.W. James
Different Treatment Options for Russian Olive, Ron Patterson and Dennis Worwood
Do You Know Where Your Water has Been Lately? - Homeowner Survey, USU Extension
Economic Feasibility of Solar Photovoltaic Irrigation System Use in Great Basin Forage Production, Kynda R. Curtis
El manejo de la temperatura en los tuneles altos, Brent Black, Dan Drost, and Trevin Cardon
Equine Behavior: Prey vs. Predator, Horse vs. Human, Patricia Evans
Equine Nutrition: Forages, Patricia Evans and Scott McKendrick
Equine Vision and Its Effect on Behavior, Patricia Evans
Gardening 101 - Getting Started, Ron Patterson
Handling Baby Poultry, David D. Frame and Kerry A. Rood
High Tunnel Lettuce in Utah, Dan Drost, Brent Black, and Britney Hunter
High Tunnel Tomato Production, Dan Drost, Brent Black, and Britney Hunter
Japanese Beetle, Erin Hodgson, Diane Alston, and Cory A. Stanley
La Lechuga en los Túneles Altos de Utah, Britney Hunter, Dan Drost, and Brent Black
La produccion de las fresas en cepellon, Daniel Rowley
Lilac-Ash Borer, Ryan S. Davis, Taun Beddes, and Jay B. Karren
Managing Sodic Soils in Utah, D.W. James
Marketing and Feeding Cull Cows, Dillon M. Feuz
Nutrient Content of Utah Turkey Litter, David D. Frame and Gary L. Anderson
Peach Twig Borer (Anarsia Lineatella) Sampling Form, USU Extension
Pear Psylla (Cacopsylla Pyricola) Sampling Form, USU Extension
Phosphorous in Dairy Cattle Diets, Rhonda Miller, Allen Young, Jennifer Major, and Lydia Trinca
Phosphorous in Dairy Cattle Diets, Rhonda Miller, Allen Young, Jennifer Major, and Lydia Trinca
Planting Landscape Trees, Michael R. Kuhns and Margaret Shao
Poisonous Plants and Equine, Clell V. Bagley DVM, Scott McKendrick, and Clark Israelsen
Postmortem Examination of Game Birds, David D. Frame
Poultry and Game Bird Hatchery Sanitation and Biosecurity, David D. Frame
Proper Basic Hoof Care, Scott McKendrick, Patricia Evans, and Clell V. Bagley DVM
Resident Perceptions of Illegal Dumping on Public Lands, Kynda R. Curtis and Margaret Cowee
Resident Willingness to Pay for Expanded Cleanup and Enforcement of Illegal Dumping Laws, Kynda R. Curtis and Margaret Cowee
Residual Feed Intake as a Selection Tool, Jessica Crozier and D. R. ZoBell
Selecting and Preparing Broilers for Show, David D. Frame
Show Lamb Selection, Darrell Rothlisberger
Show Pig Selection, Darrell Rothlisberger
Shrub Selection for Utah Landscapes, Taun Beddes
Solutions to Soil Problems: I. High Salinity (Soluble Salts), Vernon Parent and Rich Koenig
Solutions to Soil Problems: II. High pH (Alkaline Soil), Loralie Cox and Rich Koenig
Solutions to Soil Problems: III. Drainage, Michael Johnson and Rich Koenig
Solutions to Soil Problems: IV. Soil Structure, Rich Koenig and Teresa Cerny
Solutions to Soil Problems: V. Low Organic Matter, Kevin Heaton and Rich Koenig
Spider and Predatory Mites Sampling Form, USU Extension
Strawberry Plug Plant Production, Dan Drost, Brent Black, and Daniel Rowley
Temperature Management in High Tunnels, Dan Drost and Brent Black
Top Ten Insect Pests of Woody Ornamentals, Jerry Goodspeed
Top Ten Pathogenic Diseases of Woody Ornamentals, JayDee Gunnell
Toxin-Nutrient Interactions Influence Diet Selection, USU Extension
Toxins Reduce Palatability, USU Extension
Training Livestock to Leave Streams and Use Uplands, USU Extension
Turfgrass Cultural Practices and Insect Pest Management, Diane Alston and Kelly Kopp
Understanding Your Watershed Fact Sheet: Dissolved Oxygen, Nancy Mesner and John Geiger
Understanding Your Watershed Fact Sheet: Nitrogen, Nancy Mesner and John Geiger
Understanding Your Watershed Fact Sheet: pH, Nancy Mesner and John Geiger
Urea: Low Cost Fertilizer, D.W. James
WATER: Storage and Emergency Use, Ronda Olsen
Western Tentiform Leafminer Sampling Form – Apple and Cherry, USU Extension
White Apple Leafhopper Sampling Form, USU Extension
Wildlife Damage Management Series - Voles, Ben C. West and Terry A. Messmer
Agrosecurity - Protecting America's Food Supply, An Introduction to Agrosecurity Challenges, C Kim Chapman and Kerry A. Rood
Assessing the Needs of Sage-Grouse Local Working Groups. Final Technical Report, Terry Messmer
Bed Bugs: For Homeowners, Ryan S. Davis, Erin W. Hodgson, Jay B. Karren, and Alan H. Roe
Bed Bugs: For Pest Control Operators, Ryan S. Davis
Chopping and Storing Quality Corn Silage, Clark Israelsen, James Barnhill, Linden Greenhalgh, Michael Pace, and Jody Gale
Considerations in Raising Small Backyard Flocks of Poultry in Population-dense Communities, David D. Frame
Daily Horse Observations for Horse Owners, Patricia Evans and Karen Waite
Dothistroma Needle Blight, Erin Frank and Kent Evans
Effects of Creep Supplementation While Grazing Improved Irrigated Pastures, A. F. Summers
Fall-bearing Raspberries in High Tunnels, Dan Drost, Brent Black, and Daniel Rowley
Fecal Egg Count Tests Improve Deworming Programs, Patricia Evans and Kerry A. Rood
Harvesting Corn Silage by Plant Moisture, James Barnhill, Linden Greenhalgh, Clark Israelsen, Michael Pace, and Jody Gale
Helmets, Heads, and Health for Horse Enthusiasts, Patricia Evans and Colette Floyd
Internal Parasites and Your Horse: A Cause for Concern, Patricia Evans and Jennifer Nadeau
Iris Yellow Spot Virus in Onions, Kent Evans and Erin Frank
Making and Keeping Your Cattle Herd Safe from Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD), Kerry A. Rood, C Kim Chapman, and Allen Young
Managing Your Horse on a Tight Budget, Patricia Evans
Minimizing Disease in Your Sheep Flock, A Guide to Preventive Flock Health, Kerry A. Rood and C Kim Chapman
Molting and Determining Production of Laying Hens, David D. Frame
Prevention of Hydatid Disease, Kerry A. Rood and Emma Jane Kelly
Seasonal Splendor (Planting for Color), Jaydee Gunnell
Small Acreage Irrigation System Selection, James V. Barnhill, Robert W. Hill, and Ronald Patterson
Small Trees for Planting Near Power Lines, Shawn Olsen
Take-all Patch in Turf, Erin Frank and Kent Evans
Utah Farmland Assessment Act, Kevin Heaton, Clark Israelsen, and Linden Greenhalgh
Vegetable Canning Methods in the Pressure Cooker, Kristine Saunders
Working with Sage-Grouse Local Working Groups. A Practical Guide for NRCS Staff., Lorien Belton, Douglas B. Jackson-Smith, and Terry Messmer
2007 SGRP Report, Terry Messmer
Alfalfa Stem Nematode, Kent Evans, Clark Israelsen, and Mike Pace
Beneficial Insects: Lacewings and Antilions, Erin W. Hodgson and Jessie Trina
Black Grass Bugs, Erin W. Hodgson
Carpenter Ants, Ryan S. Davis
Carpenter Bees, Erin W. Hodgson and Jessie Trina
Centipedes, Erin W. Hodgson, Paul Bingham, and Alan H. Roe
Clothes Moths, Erin W. Hodgson, Jessie L. Trina, and Alan H. Roe
Coryneum or Shothole Blight, Kent Evans, Erin Frank, JayDee Gunnell, Mike Pace, and Maggie Shao
Crickets, Erin W. Hodgson and Jessie Trina
Curly Top of Tomato, Rick Heflebower, Chad Reid, Erin Frank, and Kent Evans
Dermestid Beetles, Erin W. Hodgson, Katherine Coats, and Alan H. Roe
Embryology: Life in Twenty-one Days, John Wesley
Equine Immunity, Vaccination Guidelines, and Recommendations, Patricia Evans and Kerry A. Rood
Equine Immunity, Vaccination Guidelines, and Recommendations, Kerry Rood and Patricia Evans
Feeding Camelina Sativa and Enhancing Omega-3 Fatty Acid Levels in Market-age Turkey Hens, David Frame, Matt Palmer, Robert Ward, and Silvana Martini
Fire Blight, Kent Evans, Erin Frank, Taun Beddes, and Mike Pace
Fitting the Western or English Saddle to the Horse, Patricia Evans and Kerry A. Rood
Fleas, Erin W. Hodgson, Jay B. Karren, and Alan H. Roe
Foal Hoof Care Fact Sheet, Scott McKendrick, Kerry Rood, and Patricia Evans
Foal Hoof Care Fact Sheet, When and How Often to Trim?, Patricia Evans, Scott McKendrick, and Kerry A. Rood
Food Allergens, Brian Nummer
Fungus Gnats, Erin W. Hodgson and Brooke A. Lambert
Giving a 4-H Foods Demonstration, Donna Carter
Grasshoppers, Edward W. Evans and Erin Hodgson
Hazardous Food Preservation and Storage Advice, Brian Nummer
Housing Backyard Chickens, David D. Frame
Human Lice, Erin W. Hodgson
Human Parasites, Ryan S. Davis and Erin W. Hodgson
Inspecting and Buying a New or Used Saddle, Patricia A. Evans, Rusty Miller, and Rebecca Lewis
Meeting the Energy Needs of the Horse, Patricia Evans and Yvette Connely
Necrotic Ring Spot, Kent Evans, Jaydee Gunnell, and Erin Frank
Neurologic Equine Herpes Virus (EHV-1), L. Earl Rogers and Kerry A. Rood
Non-Irrigated Pasture Establishment and Maintenance, Howard Horton, Burke Davenport, and Linden Greenhalgh
Nutrient Content of Camelina Sativa and Feeding Trials in Turkeys, David Frame and Matt Palmer
Onion Powdery Mildew, Dan Drost, Kent Evans, and Erin Frank
Onion Thrips (Thrips tabaci), Dan Drost and Diane Alston
Principles of Feeding Small Flocks of Chickens at Home, David D. Frame
Pseudoscorpions, Erin W. Hodgson, Alan H. Roe, and Brooke Lambert
Raw Milk Safety Facts, Brian Nummer
Russian Wheat Aphid, Erin W. Hodgson and Jay B. Karren
Scorpions, Erin W. Hodgson and Alan H. Roe
Selecting a Saddle to Fit the Rider, Patricia Evans and Clinton Depew
Small Acreage Irrigation Management, Kevin M. Heaton
Small Acreage Irrigation System Operation and Maintenance, Robert W. Hill, Ronald Patterson, and James V. Barnhill
Small Acreage Low Flow (Micro or Drip) Irrigation System Design and Installation, Ronald Patterson
Small Grains, unknown unknown
Snow Mold on Small Grains, Erin Frank and Kent Evans
Snow Mold on Turfgrass, Kent Evans, Erin Frank, Taun Beddes, and Jaydee Gunnell
Soil Salinity and Ornamental Plant Selection, Heidi Kratsch
Some Items to Consider Before You Change the Calving Season of Your Beef Cow Herd, Randall D. Weidmeier, Adam Summers, D. R. ZoBell, and Dillon M. Feuz
Squash Bug, Diane Alston and James Barnhill
Subterranean Termites, Erin Hodgson and Alan H. Roe
Surface Water Model, USU Extension
Teaching Risk Management Principles to Livestock Producers Through Production-Oriented Workshops, C Kim Chapman
Vegetable Exhibits at Fairs and Shows, John Wesley and Maggie Wolf
Vesicular Stomatitis in Cattle, Ann Justice Allen and Kerry A. Rood
Water Rights in Utah, Chad R. Reid, Keith H. Christensen, and Robert W. Hill
Western Corn Rootworm, Erin Hodgson
Wheat Stripe Rust, Mike Pace, Clark Israelsen, Kent Evans, and James Barnhill
Yellow Sac Spiders, Ryan S. Davis
Aphids in Alfalfa, Erin W. Hodgson
Armyworm and Cutworms in Turf, Erin W. Hodgson
Asparagus Beetle and Spotted Asparagus Beetle, Erin W. Hodgson and Dan Drost
Beneficial Insects: Beetles, Erin W. Hodgson and Ron Patterson
Beneficial Insects: Mantids, Erin W. Hodgson and Ron Patterson
Beneficial Insects: True Bugs, Erin W. Hodgson and Ron Patterson
Biting the Horse: Snaffles, Patricia A. Evans and Dale Barnett
Bitting the Horse: Shank or Curb Bits, Patricia Evans and Dale Barnett
Bitting the Horse: Snaffles, Patricia Evans and Dale Barnett
BSE Information for Consumers, Clell Bagley
Buying Your First Horse, Patricia Evans and Jason Turner
Canning Bread or Cake is Unsafe!, Brian Nummer
Cereal Leaf Beetle, Erin W. Hodgson and Edward W. Evans
Control or Eradication of BVD from a Beef Herd, Clell V. Bagley DVM and Douglas S. Hammon
Corn, unknown unknown
Corn Silage Performance, 2006; Cache County, Utah, T. C. Griggs and C. E. Israelsen
Cranberry Girdler, Erin W. Hodgson and Alan H. Roe
Crop Revenue Coverage, unknown unknown
Dry Beans, unknown unknown
Gunnison Sage-grouse Winter and Summer Ecology in San Juan County, Utah, Sharon Ward
Hay Quality Sensory Evaluation Form - Cereal, T. C. Griggs, S. C. Franson, and M. G. Bohle
Hay Quality Sensory Evaluation Form - Grass, T. C. Griggs, S. C. Franson, and M. G. Bohle
Hay Quality Sensory Evaluation Form - Grass Seed/Straw, T. C. Griggs, S. C. Franson, and M. G. Bohle
Hay Quality Sensory Evaluation Form - Mixed Cereal/Pea or Vetch, T. C. Griggs, S. C. Franson, and M. G. Bohle
Hay Quality Sensory Evaluation Form - Mixed Grass/Alfalfa, T. C. Griggs, S. C. Franson, and M. G. Bohle
Hay Quality Sensory Evaluation Form - Timothy; Export & Horse, T. C. Griggs, S. C. Franson, and M. G. Bohle
Hay Quality Sensory Evaluation Guidelines, T. C. Griggs, S. C. Franson, and M. G. Bohle
Hobo or Not a Hobo-That is The Question: A Photographic Key to Discerning Hobo from Non-Hobo Spiders, Ryan Davis
Lygus Bug in Alfalfa Seed, Erin W. Hodgson and Mike Pace
Peaches, unknown unknown
Pear Psylla (Cacopsylla Pyricola), Diane Alston and Marion Murray
Sod Webworms, Erin W. Hodgson and Alan H. Roe
Swine Artificial Insemination for Beginners: Heat Detection, Dennis Worwod
Swine Artificial Insemination for Beginners: Ordering and Caring for Semen, Dennis Worwod
Swine Artificial Insemination for Beginners: Selecting the Right Boar, Dennis Worwod
Swine Artificial Insemination for Beginners: The Insemination Process, Dennis Worwod
Tips on Tomatoes, USU Extension
Utah Home Food Preservation Update, Brian Nummer
Washing Fruits and Vegetables, Barbara Rowe
Water-Wise Landscaping: Mulch, Heidi Kratsch
When Using Intensive Grazing Practices, Does It Matter How Often You Move Cattle to a New Paddock on Improved, Irrigated Pastures in Utah?, R. D. Weidmeier
White Grubs, Erin Hodgson
Winding Down for Winter, JayDee Gunnell
Yellowjackets, Hornets, and Paper Wasps, Erin Hodgson and Alan Roe
Adjusted Gross Revenue-Lite, United States Department of Agriculture
Avian Flu Concerns: Food Safety and Emergency Food Storage, Brian Nummer
Getting Crisp Home Pickled Vegetables, Brian Nummer
Growing Tree Fruit in the Uintah Basin, Boyd Kitchen
Livestock Grazing and the Utah Prairie Dog: Implications for Managing the AWAPA, Jack Berryman
Pantry Pests, Erin W. Hodgson and Alan H. Roe
Raising a Bucket Calf, Robert Pate
Reducing Pesticide Poisoning of Bees, Howard Dear and Richard Beard
Safe Eggnog requires pasteurized eggs, Brian Nummer
Supplementation of Energy and Protein for Beef Cattle, A Literature Review, D. ZoBell
Watch the Drinking Water Quality of Calves Reared in Individual Hutches, R. D. Wiedmeier
Wheat Middling Versus Alfalfa Hay Supplements for Lactating Beef Cows Wintered on Ammoniated Wheat Straw, R. D. Wiedmeier
A Model for Data Collection and Reporting for Cow/Calf and Feedlot Operations, Dale ZoBell, Michael Coe, and Brett Bowman
Basic Show Steer Feeding and Care, Darrell Rothlisberger
Breeding Soundness Evaluation of Bulls, Clell V. Bagley and C. Kim Chapman
Calibrating Your Orchard Sprayer - Spread Sheet, USU
Canning Failures, Brian Nummer
Canopy Cover, USU Extension
Common Food Substitutions & Equivalents, USU
Cooking with Fall Produce, Teresa Hunsaker
Dahlias, USU
Development of statewide 30 meter winter sage-grouse habitat models for Utah, Todd Black
Food Preparation Manual Beans, USU
Food Preparation Manual Cakes, Pies, & Cookies, USU
Food Preparation Manual Eating well made easy Introduction, USU
Food Preparation Manual Fruits, USU
Food Preparation Manual Kitchen Basics, USU
Food Preparation Manual Meats, USU
Food Preparation Manual Pasta, USU
Food Preparation Manual Rice, USU
Food Preparation Manual Skillet Meats, USU
Food Preparation Manual Stir Fry, USU
Food Preparation Manual Vegetables, USU
Food Preparation Manual Yeast Breads, USU
Grand County Agriculture Profile, Mike Johnson, E. Bruce Godfrey, Dale Baker, and Spencer Parkinson
Homemade Water Purifier, USU Extension
Key to Common Indoor Spiders Found in Utah, Alan H. Roe
Lilacs, USU
LRP Swine, unknown unknown
Pansies, USU
Salt Lake County Agriculture Profile, E. Bruce Godfrey, Earl Jackson, Spencer Parkinson, and Dale Baker
San Juan County Agriculture Profile, E. Bruce Godfrey, James Keyes, Dale Baker, and Spencer Parkinson
Sanpete County Agriculture Profile, E. Bruce Godfrey, Matt Palmer, Dale Baker, and Spencer Parkinson
Scoring Livestock Judging Classes, Lyle N. Holmgren
Sevier County Agriculture Profile, E. Bruce Godfrey, David Drake, Dale Baker, and Spencer Parkinson
Show Steer Selection, Darrell Rothlisberger
Using Your Beans, USU
U.S.U. Steam Canning - Position Statement, Brian Nummer
Utah Ready Quick Mix, Kristine Saunders
Yearly Forage Production of Irrigated Pastures Grazed by Cow-Calf Pairs as Affected by the Timing of Sprinkler Irrigation Application, R. D. Wiedmeier
Zucchini - The Chameleon of the Squash World, USU
Greater Sage-grouse Reproductive Ecology and Tebuthiuron manipulation of Dense Big Sagebrush on Parker Mountain, Terry Messmer
Herd Efficiency and Profitability, Jesse Russell and D. R. ZoBell
Management Intensive Grazing Systems and the Environment, Rhonda Miller, Jennifer W. MacAdam, and Rich Koenig
Management Intensive Grazing Systems and the Environment, Rhonda Miller, Jennifer W. MacAdam, and Rich Koenig
Managing Forests for Water Quality: Forest Roads, Barbara Daniels, Darren McAvoy, Michael R. Kuhns, and Ron Gropp
New European Wasp, Steven D. Cox
AggiEcology- USU Thinks Green, Utah State University
Annuals for Utah Gardens, Teresa Cerny
Fall Calving in the Intermountain West, Dale R. ZoBell, Craig Burrell, Darrell Rothlisberger, and Eleanor Jenson
Forage Kochia for Fall/Winter Grazing, D. R. ZoBell, B. L. Waldron, K. C. Olson, R. D. Harrison, and H. Jensen
Grasshoppers and Mormon Crickets: Fighting them for Nearly 100 Years, USU Extension
Home and Garden Guide to Mormon Crickets and Grasshoppers, Lyle Holmgren
Home Water Self-check: Do-It-Yourself Water Check for the Home Landscape, Todd A. McCammon
Linkages Between Agricultural and Conservation Policies, USU Extension
Using Plants to Attract Hummingbirds to Your Yard, S. Nicole Frey and Heather Heaton
Water Wise Plants for Utah Landscapes, Wade Bitner, Rick Heflebower, and Larry Sagers
Youth/Adult Partnerships: Tips for Success, Deb Jones
Growing Turf on Salt-affected Sites, Michael Pace and Paul Johnson
Land Use Problems and Conflicts in the U.S., USU Extension
Locust Borer, Jay B. Karren and Alan H. Roe
Turfgrass Water Use in Utah, Robert W. Hill and Kelly L. Kopp
Hay Quality Sensory Evaluation Form - Alfalfa, T. C. Griggs, S. C. Franson, and M. G. Bohle
Intermountain Planting Guide, Kevin Jensen, Howard Horton, Ron Reed, and Ralph Whitesides
Learning What to Eat and What to Avoid, USU Extension
Springtails, Jay B. Karren and Alan H. Roe
A Note About Market Lamb Docking, USU Extension
Carpenter Ants and Control in Homes, Jay B. Karren and Alan H. Roe
Clover Mites, Dr. Jay B. Karren and Alan H. Roe
Grass Pasture Response to Water and Nitrogen, Robert W. Hill, Robert Newhall, Scott Williams, and Brian Andrew
How Well Does Your Irrigation Canal Hold Water?, Robert Hill
Leafhoppers in the Home Garden, Jay B. Karren
Livestock as a Tool For Biodiversity in the Sagebrush Steppe, USU Extension
Meat and Dairy Goats in Cache County, USU Extension
Millipedes, Jay B. Karren and Alan H. Roe
Nutrients Influence Palatability, USU Extension
Preventing PRRS from Establishing in Utah Swine, Clell V. Bagley
Proper Use of Ammoniated Low-Quality Forages for the Wintering of Spring-Calving Beef Cow Herds in the Intermountain West, D. R. ZoBell
Reducing Losses Due to Tall Larkspur Poisoning, USU Extension
Reducing the Incidence of Dark Cutting Beef in Junior Livestock Shows, Lyle N. Holmgren and Dale R. ZoBell
Saltcedar, Tamarisk, Ruth Richards and Ralph Whitesides
Saving Utah's Landscape, Biocontrol of Tamarisk, USU Extension
Saving Utah's Landscape, Dinosaur National Monument, USU Extension
Saving Utah's Landscape, Early Detection & Rapid Response, USU Extension
Saving Utah's Landscape, Purge Your Spruge, USU Extension
Saving Utah's Landscape, Squarrose Knapweed, USU Extension
Selecting and Planting Landscape Trees, Michael R. Kuhns and Larry Rupp
Structure Determines Experience, Experience Determines Structure, USU Extension
Structure, Quality and Skills Interact to Influence Forage Intake, USU Extension
Sustainable Orchard Management System, Diane Alston
The role of composting and soil and manure testing in comprehensive nutrient management planning., Rich Koenig
Turfgrass Care – Northern Utah Cool Season Grasses, USU Extension
Turfgrass Weed Control, USU Extension
Using Low Moisture Blocks to Improve Livestock Distribution and Forage Utilization, USU Extension
Why Animals Die From Eating Poisonous Plants, USU Extension
Boom Sprayer Calibration for Pesticide Applications, Richard Beard and Howard M. Deer
Energy Conservation with Irrigation Water Management, Robert Hill
How Good Is Your Water Measurement?, Robert Hill
Interpreting Utah's Wetlands, Janet Anderson
Healthy Eating During Pregnancy, Heidi LeBlanc
Efficient Cooking for One, Charlotte Brennand
Noxious Weeds...A Biological Wildfire, Steven A. Dewey
Vertebrate Animal Pest Control, USU Extension
Water-wise Landscaping, Terry Keane
Mormon Crickets: A Brighter Side, Charles MacVean